Mlib, ohm 6 MlSUtfOKD MAIL TUM i let CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. tlinn Bald proportloncl amount, but no other parcel shall on account of any such reduction bo assessed any greater amount than ita proportion of such cost based on Its frontage, and no assessment shall exceed In amount per front foot tho amount designated In said notice. Said assessment snail bo declared ORDINANCE NO. 35. An ordlnanco providing for tho con struction of a 0-Inch lateral sowor along Dakota nvonuo from Peach Btrcet to Newtown street, and for tho assessment of tho cost thereof on tho property directly benefited thereby and ndjacent thereto, and providing ...nntin nf fi.rt .mitirll tn onnalilnr protests against said construction and l by ordlnanco and entered In the dock assessmont nLd tho serving of tho jet of city Hens and collected In tho owners of such property with uotlco manner provided by this chartor In thereof tho cause of assessment for streot Im- Tho city of Mcdford doth ordain as , provements. follows ' Thereafter tho owners of all prop- Section 1. It Is tho Intention of'orty adjacent to tho streot wherein tho council to causa a lateral sewer ' said trunk water nmln or trunk sowor to bo constructed along Dakota nvc-jhas been laid shall have-tho right to nuo from Poach streot to Newtown I so tho samo ns a lateral water main street, and to assess tho cost there-, or sewer, ns the case may bo. In tho of upon tho property directly benefit- samo manner and subject to tho same ed theroby and ndjacent theroto. regulations ns aro provided for tho I non nt nthor Intmnl wntor mains or Section 2. tjio council win near.sowcra ln salll clty. and constdor any protests ngulnst ! Ti,0 ftvct tnnt prior t0 (ho instltu snld construction and tho assessing of itlon of proceedings for tho making said property for tho cost thereof, at 0fnnJ- nssessmont in accordance horo a meeting of tho council to bo held 'WRh, tbo owner of or occupant of any on tho 22d day of July. 1910, ntproperty assessablo heroundor shall 7:30 o'clock p. m., In tho council nnvo ueon ctvcn pormlsston to uso chambers In said city, and all prop-lu trunk water main or trunk sow erty owners of property adjacent to or na a lateral shall not bo hold or said sewer and benefited thereby aro , taken to prohibit tho levying of an hereby called upon to appear before ass03smcnt against said parcel of said council at said time and place, property, but ovory such permit and show cause, it any they have, U.hether horetoforo or horeaftor given, why said construction should not bois,nn ,ehl ami taken to bo a tem- mado and tho cost thereof so assess- porary amj r0vokablo permit and il ea, i cense only, until tno assessment Section 3. Tho city recorder Is above provided for shall havo been hereby directed to servo notice there-jiovjed against such parcel of prop- OI upon lUO properly uvruura uiutu-Crtya said, by causing threo copies of this Tne following Is tho form In which dlnanco to bo published In tho foregoing measuro will appear lie places In cald city, and said or- upon tho ballot dlnance to be published threo times ln Submitted by the Council. a dally newspaper puDiisaec, ana oi , CHARTER AMENDMENT. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. tho bonoflts received, or tho frontngo j tho im(o - ., mm,,(lu. or uto property on snm lmprovumuiti, . ,1,1 ,1w,iL. iM nuiinnil uli.ill as tho caso may bo, assessing no Jnr-1 .:. ,,0,M,,,ir.,,no C0U,1U,, "y1 n,lm1,M,l,,;nl,,tlhni,llmnNlMII'W UUl OOllHldor Stlld fOllOl'lM tual bonoflt received by It from said Impiovomcnt, but tho council shnll enter no assessment ngntnst any pnr col of property which has been pre viously assessed and 'which assess ment has been paid, or application to pay which In Installments has been made by tho owner thereof and bonds Issued on account of tho samo, pur suant to tho charter of said city or tho general lawB of tho state, ln all existing assessments ngatnst each parcel so assessed shnll be marked "cancelled by rc-assessmont" on tho docket of city Hon. Said ro-nssossment shall bo declar ed by ordlnanco and ontored ln tho city Hen docket and collected ln tho general circulation In tho city, at least ten days beforo the date of said meeting. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed bv tho city council of tho city of Medford. Oregon, on tho stn day or July, 1910, by tho following vete: Welch absent, Merrick aye, Emer ick aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and Demmor aye. Approved July 9th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. CHARTER AMENDMENTS. Notice is hereby given thai the fol lowing is a true and correct copy of the titles and texts of those certain amendment tc tho charter cf tho city of MoJfoid cnbinltted to tho peo-i plo of said clt?- for their aorrovai or rejection by resolution of the city council of cMJ city, at a vpeclal elec tion to bo hold on August 2d, 1910, together with the numbers and forms In which -o ballot title thereof will be printed vion the offlcIM ballot. ROBT. W. TELFER, Recorder cf tho City of Medford. An amendment to tho chnrter of tho city of Medford providing for the assessment of property abutting on trunk water mains and trunk sowers heretofore or hereafter constructed by said city for a portion of the cost thereof, not exceeding tho cost of a suitable lateral wator main or sower for said property, and authorizing the use of said trunk water mains and trunk sewers by tho owners of said abutting property for lateral pur poses. Vote yes or no. 403 '404 YES NO I An amendment to the charter of the city of Medford authorizing tho re-assessment of property specially benefited by street Improvements, sewers or water mains, for the cost thereof in cases where the original assessments levied for the cost there of aro for any reason void or defective. Tho people of tho city of Medford do ordain as follews: That the charter of the city of Med ford be amended by adding thereto the follewing: whenever heretofore -or hereafter samo manner ns the original assess- monts. The following is tho form in which tho foregoing measuro will appear upon tho ballet: Submitted by tho Council. CHARTER AMENDMENT. An amendment to tho chartor of tho city of Medford authorizing tho re assessment of proporty especially ben efited by stroot improvements, sow ers or wntor mains, for tho cost thoro of, In cases where tho original as sessments levied for the cost thereof aro for any reason void or defective. Voto yes or no. "ios" "yes "406 "no" An amendment tj the ctartor of the city cf Medford providing for( hf of nronertv abutting' on trunk water mr.Ins and trunk sow-1 the council has caused, or may cause, rs heretof 0:0 or hereafter construct-1 any street or alloy to bo Improved, ed by said cltr for a portion of tno tor nas causea any sewer or waier cost thereof, rot exceeding the cost! main to bo laid and has, or may here- auer nssess or attempt 10 assess upon tho property adjacent thereto or ben- ot a suitable lateral water naln or sewer for said property, and author izing the une of said tiunk water mains and trunk sewers by tho own ers of said r butting property for lat eral purposes. The people cf tho city of Medford do ordain as follews: That tho charter of tho city of Medford be amended by adding there to the follewing: "Whenever heretofore or hereafter tho council has or may cause any trunk sewer or water main to be laid along any street of said city for the benefit of said city, or any portion thereof, if after tho laying of said trunk water main or trunk sewer the council Bhall be of tho op.nlon that tho same may bo used by tho property , efited thereby the cost of such im provement, and said assessment by reason of any failure to give any requisite notice or by reason of any other defect In the proceedings lead ing up to the making of such im provement or tho levying of ouch as sessment shall be declared to be void by any court, or if the council shall be of the opinion that said assessment L is illegal or oouutiui uy rvasun 01 any such omission or defect, said council may cause tho cost of said J Improvement to bo re-assessed against tho property adjacent to said Im provement or benefited thereby, ln tho following manner: Tho council shall declaro by reso- frontlnc on tho streot wherein saldHutlon Its Intention to mako such re- trunK water mam or trunK sewer nSju.uii,u.l ,""v" -"" been laid, no a lateral water main or briefly describe tho Improvement, and sewer without materially interfering 'shall declaro the Intention of tho with the uso thereof for tho purpose council to assess the cost thereof lor which it was originally laid, said upon tho property adjacent to said council may at any timo before said improvement, or benefited thereby, trunk sower or trunk water mala has describing In said resolution each par cel 01 properly wnicn 11 intends bo to been paid for, assess against tho prop erty fronting on the portion or saiu street wherein said trunk water main re-assess and the amount it proposes to nssess against each such parcel. r trunk Rnwor in inid so much of iSald resolution shall fix tho timo and tho cost thereof as equals the speclr.l place for holding a meeting of tho benefit which will result to said prop- council, at which all protests against orty from tho use of said trunk wa-'re-assesslng tho costs of said Improve ter main or trunk sower a3 a lateral, ment against adjacent property, or water main or sewer of such size as property Denoiuea tnerooy, snnu do would bo required to supply .tho prop erty fronting on snld street or por tion thereof, In case sum truni; wa tor main or sewer were not so used, ln tho following manner: Tho coun cil shall declare by resolution its In tention to lovy such assessment, which resolution shall dcslgnato tho Btreet, or portion thereof, along which said trunk water inrin or trunk sew er has been laid, and which it pro poses to permit tho owners of adja cent property to uso for lateral pur poses, as afo:esald, and shall desig nate tho amount per front foot which It proposes to rsscss against said ad jacent property on nccount thereof. Said resolution shall fix tho timo and placo at which tho council will hold a meeting to hear any protests .gainst such assessment. Said resolution shall bo served by publishing tho samo threo times in a newspnpor pub lished and of general circulation ln said city, and by posting tho samo in flvo public places ln said city, at least ten days beforo the dato of said meeting. At said meeting tho council Bhall hear and consider all protosts against such assessment, and may either at such meeting or at any subsequent mooting, assess said proporty for sucli portion of tho cost of said trunk wa tor main or trunk sower as they shall dotormlno tho adjacent property is beonflted by having tho right to uso tho same as a lateral sowor or wator main, not oxceedlng tho cost of a sultablo lateral water main or sower, as aforesaid, and not exceeding tho amount designated ln said notice. Said nssessmont shall bo made ln pro portion to tho frontago of each parcel of property, provided, however, that tho council may assess any parcel n less nmount tLnn ita proportion of tho cost of a sultablo lateral based on Its frontago, Jf It finds that tho heard. Said resolution shall bo pub Ished three times In a newspaper pub lished and of general circulation ln said city and shall bo posted In five public places In cam city, at least ten days beforo the dato of said meeting. At said meeting tho council shall consider all protests against tbo levy ing of such assessment, and If after considering the matter the council shnll detormlno that tho proporty ad jacent to said Improvement, or any other property, has been specially benefited thereby, it may causo tho cost of said Improvement to bo as sessed against said adjacent property, or other property especially benefited by said Improvement, to tho oxtont of tho special benefit so received by said property therefrom; provided, however, that no parcel of proporty shall bo so assessed unless tho same has been described In the" notlco of intention to mako such re-assessment I above provided for, and no pared of proporty shall bo assessed for a great er amount than tho amount designat ed therefor in said notlco. In deter mining tho property to bo assessed and tho amount to bo assessed against each parcol of proporty, tho provi sions of tho chartor for making an original assessment shall bo followed by tho council ln making such reas sessment. Tho council shall havo tho right to assess any parcol of proporty for said Improvement notwithstanding tho same may not havo been assessed in tho original assessment preceding, ln case tho council finds said proporty specially benefited by said Improve ment and tho provisions of tho char ter relating theroto otherwise gives tho council power to so assoss said proporty. In making said ro-assess- mont tho council Bhall distribute tho cost of said improvemont betweon tho various parcols adjacent thereto or special benefit to such parcol is less bonoflted thereby in proportion to An amendment to tho charter of the citv of Medford urovidimr for tho assessment on DroDcrtv speci ally benofited of the coot of nooninc or widenine streets in tho citv of Medford. nnd providine tho mnnnor of oDcnimr or widening streets and tho levying of such assessments. Tho doopIo of the citv of Medford do ordain ns follews: That tho charter of tho citv of Medford bo amended bv adding thereto tho follewing: Whenever tho citv council shull desire to open or widen nnv streot or nllov within the citv it shnll first ncnuiro. bv uurchnso or condemna tion, tho nccessan land for snid mirpose. Anv oropertv-ownor mnv voluntarily executo a deed to the rcitv for anv portion of his property rcnuired for said uuruose. nnd such convevaneo shall be taken into con sideration in assessing the cost of opening or widening said street or nllev. ns hereinafter provided. The citv council shall thereupon declare said street or ollov to be oDened or widened, describing tho street so ononcd or widened, nnd thereafter it would bo one of the streets of snid citv. Thereafter tho council mnv ap point three viewers, one of whom shnll be designated ns chairman. Each of said viewers shall be a resi dent nnd freeholder of snid citv. nnd no person owning nnv interest in nnv property especially benefited bv tho opening or widening of snid street or alloy, shall be eligible to serve as a viewer. Each of the per sons so appointed shall within five days after his appointment file in tho offico of tho recorder a written acceptance and nn oath to the ef fect that ho will fairlv nnd impar tially discharge his duties ns such viewer to the best of his ability. Should anv person so appointed fail to aualifv within snid timo or fnil to perform his duties as such viewer. tho council mnv appoint another to net in ms sicau. ' Tho viewers shnll moot nt a timo and placo within snid citv to be des ignated bv the chairman, of which three days' notice shnll bo given bv. or under tho direction of. the chair man, but tho appearance of nnv viowcr at said meeting shall render notice unnecessary. Said viewers shall proceed to in spect said street or nllov nnd nlmll 'determine what property is speci ally benefited bv tho opening or wid ening thereof nnd the amount of tho special benefit to each parcel of property thereof, not exceeding its proportion of tho cost thereof. In caso any portion of nnv such parcel shall havo been voluntarily convoyed to tho citv bv tho owner thereof for snid purpose, the viewers shall, in fixing the benefit to said parcel, de termine the difference between tho value of said parcel, including said part so conveved. and tho samo ns so reduced, but as benefited bv snid street or nllev or tho widening thereof. Within thirty days after their ap pointment, or such further timo ns tho council mnv allow, the viewers shall file a report in tho offico of tho recordor. giving a description of each piece or parcel of lnnd which thev shall find to bo specially bene fited by tho opening or widening of nnv such streot or alloy, with the name of tho owner, or reputed own er, thereof, together with the amount of tho specinl benefit so received bv each parcel thorofrom. Said amounts shull not exceed tho pro portional bonofit of said respective parcels, and the aggregate thereof shnll not exceed tho cost of acquir ing tho necessary land for said pur poses. Thereafter tho council may. bv resolution, announce that suid re port lias bcou filed, naming the said viowcrs and fixing a timo and placo at which thev will meet to consider tho samo and any protosts thereto, nnd to nssess tho property bene fited bv tho opening or widening of anv such streot. Snid resolution shall bo published threo times in a newspnpor publish ed and of general circulation in said citv. and threo copies thereof shall bo posted in threo public places in suid citv, at least ton davs before and nnv protests thcrelo. If it shnll bo miulo lo upponr to tho council bv nnv unit est miulo nt suoh mooting that nnv of tho said viowcrs Inoka tho oui'lifieatious nbovo spe cified, or that nifv of thorn huvo failed to file tho proscribed ncoopt nnco or oath, said report shall ho re tooted nnd now viewers nppoiulvd, If no protests are received to nnv such matters, all of tho same shall bo hold to bo forever waived. After considering suid report and nnv protests thereto, tho council mnv procood to nssess ugninst each parcel of land specially benefited bv tho opening or widening of said stroot or nllov. its proportion of tho cost thoreof. not exceeding in nnv caso the' actual benefit received thereby. The council shall not as sess anv parcel of land not describ ed in tho report of tho viowcrs. nor shall it assess anv such parcel a greater amount than that fixed in said report therefor, but tho council shall not otherwise bo bound bv snid report. In case the snid viewers fail to report within tho timo above limited, or in caso tho council deems tho re port unfair or incomplete, it mnv re ioot tho Biune. if mndo. nnd appoint othor viowors. and in such caso tho samo proceedings shall bo hud as nbovo sot forth. No mistake or failure to designate tho owner of anv pared of land bv tho viowcrs in their ronort. or the council in declaring tho nssessmont. shall offoot tho validity of tho as sessment. Snid nssossments when mndo shnll be declared bv ordinunco nnd enter ed in tho citv lien docket nnd col lected in tho snmo manner ns as sessments for streot improvements, except thnt no such assessment shnll bo in installments. Tho citv council mnv in its discre tion Dormit nnv interested proporty owner to ndvanco tho cost of open ini" or widening nnv street or allow and nftcr tho samo has been otMMicd or widened, as above- provided, mnv proceed to nssess tho cost thoreof on tho property thereby boncfited in the same mnnnor herein provided, nnd ns such assessments arc collected mnv construction of such n building in CITY NOTICES. An nmondinent lo lliu ohurtor of tho city of Medford providing for 1111 uniiuttl ln low for tho mniulo iiiuioo of a froo public library in tho citv of Medford. Tito poopIo of tho citv of Mod ford do ordain ns follews: That section tlfi of Olmntur VI I of tho ohnrtor of tho citv of Medford bo, nnd tho umo horobv is, ninomlod sf. its to road us follews: Section (15. Uv ordinance" of tho council there shull bo uiinuiillv lev ied on nil tho property in tho city tnxnble for county nnd Htato pur poses a citv tax. not to exceed ton mills on lh dollar, for oitv pur poses; nnd also such further amount ns the council mnv deem necessary for tho payment of interest nnd principal of nnv debt now or lioro uftor existing against tho oitv. and which debt fund shall not be di verted or expanded for nnv other purpose: nnd also such further amount its mnv lie itecossarv to ttnv uuv iudgmout existing against tho citv: hut nnv license oxactcd and collected bv tho citv upon nnv place. person, pursuit, occupation or call ing nnd tho property conuuclod with the plaoo. poivoit, pursuit, occupa tion or calling so licensed shnll not bo considered contrary to or in con flict with tho provisions of (his sec sec teon: and in addition to tho taxes and levies in this section uiitliorir.ud tho citv council shnll, in the ovont thnt 11 free public library building bo constructed in said citv bv pri vate donation or otherwise, aununl lv lew on nil tho tttxnlilo property in said oitv liable for citv and county as will realize n sum equal to ten ns will rcnlizo u su mominl to ton per cent of the cost of said build ing, which shnll bo expended in the mnintonnnco of such freo publia li brary, subicct to tho regulations pro vided bv tho library commission of tho stnto of Oregon. Tho following is tho form in which tho foregoing measure will nppcnr upon the ballet: Siibmitttod bv tho Council. CIIAltTKIt AMENDMENT. An amendment to the chnrter of tho citv of Medford. providing fur tho lovviiu' of n tax nnnunlh for tho mnintonnnco of u freo uubliu li brary building in tho ovont of tho ------ --- -- -- -- ----- V. O. IIANH1CN TOM MOIWAT I Wo nmlco any kind unci stylo of Windows. f Wn fjirrv HIiium nf nnv nv.i nn lintwt. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR 00,, Medford, Orogon. ----- ----- --- ----- -- - ----- II "V RESOLVED Tho best roHoliitiou for von t to mako iit to oomo to us for f your next milt, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo do the bost work nnd ohargr tho lovront prioofi. W. W. EIPBET riot FKoaKhtsaivB taxlom IM PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guurnntood Prices RoiiHomiblo COFFEEN (SL PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Oro. Pho ii f308 rennv tho amounts so ndvnnccd to tho persons so advancing tho same. but in such caso no greater nmount shall be assessed ngainst tho prop erty benefited thereby, then the ren sonnblo value of tho nronertv nc nuircd for said purpose, irrespective of tho amounts actually paid there for bv the nronertv owners so nd vnncing such cost, nnd said citv shall in euch caso bo liable to the owners for such nmounts onlv ns mav bo collected on such assess ments nnd such liability shall be considered ns no pnrt of tho liabil ity of tho indebtedness of tho citv as limited bv tho charter. All tho ioregomg provisions ns to nssess ments shnll apply to nnv street de clared opened or widened within six months previous to the adoption hereof, and tho proportv thereby benefited mnv in nnv such case bo assessed for tho cost of such open ing or widening, ns above provided. Tho following is tho form in which tho foreeoing measure will nnncnr upon tho ballet: Submitted bv tho Council. CHARTER AMENDMENT. An amendment to tho chnrter of tho citv of Medford providing for tho nssessmont on property especi ally benefited, of tho cost of open ing or widening streets in the citv of Medford. nnd providing tho man ner of opening or widening streets nnd tho levving of such assessments. Votes, ves or no. 107 VES. said citv bv othorwiso. Voto ves or no 101 YES. 'no.'" private donation : 102 408 NO. An amendment to tho charter of tho citv of Medford. amonding section 100 thereof, providing for tho issuance of bonds otherwise nu- thorized by tho charter of said citv tor a period not exceeding thirty vcars. Tho pcodIo of tho citv of Medford do ordain ns follews: That section 100 of tho chnrtor of tho citv of Medford be and the same hereby is amended so ns to read as follews: Section 100. No contract shall bo entered into bv Iho citv or nnv franchise granted bv it for a longer period than ton venrs. except fran chises for streot railwavs and for tho purpose of supplying gns to tho citv or its inhabitants, which mnv bo granted for such poriods ns tho council or legal voters mav see fit. No frannhiso shnll grant any exclu sive rieht or rights, provided that this section shall not be construed to prevent tho issuance of tho bonds of tho citv, olsbwJioro in this chnr ter authorized for a longer period than ton years, if in tho opinion of tho council such longer torm will bo for tho host interests of tho citv. but no bonds of the oitv shnll bo issued torn loniror poriod than thirty vcars. The following is tho form in which tho foreeoing measuro will appear upon the ballet: Submitted bv tho Council, CHARTER AMENDMENT. An amendment to tho charter of tho citv of Medford amending sec tion 100 horeof. providing far tho 8suarico of bonds othorwiso author ized by Urn charter of said citv for a period not exceeding thirty vcars. voto yes or no. 40U NOTICE. In tho district court of tho United States for tho District of Oregon. In tho mntter of Dakor-IIutchason ' Company, an Orogon corporation, and tho HutchnBon Company, a partner ship composod of J. P. Hutchnson, C. W. Zorn and Kunlor. bankrupts. Tho undorslgnod trustoo of tho abovo ontltlod ostato In bankruptcy will rccelro scalod bids nt his offico, No. 7 First Btreet, room 8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat urday, July 23d. 1Q10, for tho fol lowing described proporty bolonglng to snld cstato, nnmely: A stock of morchnndlBO, consisting principally of Indies' furnlBhlng goods and shoes of tho Inventory valuo of 123,838.20, to gotbor with a lot of storo fittings nnd fixtures of tho Inventory valuo of I2031.7C, all located In storo build ing at Nob. 14-18 North Central avo- nuo In Medford, Oregon. Cash or a i cortlflod chock for ten per cont of tho nmount otfored must accompany each bid and tho sale Is mado subjoct o confirmation by tho court, tho right being reserved to roject any nnd all bids. An Inventory Is on fllo at tho offico of tho undorslgnod nnd tho property may bo inspoctod upon ap plication ut tho storo ln Medford. Dated at Portland, Oregon, July 7th, 1910. It. L. SAD1N, Trustoo. - - For Sale - - 428 AORES -Rogue River bottom laud, Buitnblo for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa laud, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right, lias coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. 1 i . - J. B. ENYAItT, Presidont J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosident. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. V. II. JACKSON, Ass't Cushion The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. , : : To tho creditors of tho abovo-namod bankrupts: Notlco Is horoby given tbut n moot ing of tho creditors of said bankrupts will bo hold In tho offico of tho un dorslgnod roforoo at Medford, Jack son county, Orogon, on tho 20th day of July, 1910, at 2 o'clock in tho aft ornoon to consldor tho salo of the personal proporty mentioned In the foregoing notlco and to transact such othor business ob may properly come boforo said mooting. Dated July 7th, 1010. IIOLDROOK WITIIINOTON, Reforoo In Bankruptcy, $80,000.00 GENERAL FUND IIONDS OF THE CITY OP MEDFORD, OREGON Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridgdc, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 410 YES. ( t NO, Tho City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, will rocelvo sealed proposals for $30,000.00 5 per cont twonty-yoar Qonoral Fund nonds of tho said city; bids to bo filed with tho City Recordor of tho City of Medford, Orogon, not lutor than 4:30 o'clock p. m., July 29th, 1910, Bids to bo accompanied by a cor tlflod chock on somo National or Htato Dunk within tho Stato of Oro gon oqual to ftvo por cont of tho amount bid for; chock to bo mado payablo to tho City Treasurer. Tho Council resorvcH tho right to rojoct any and all bids, ROBT. W, TELFER, City Rocordor. Dated at Medford, Orogon, this 11th day of July, 1910. PureWhiteFlour Wo are proud of tho fact that our sales on "Pure White" Plour aro increasing steadily. Ask tho women who uso this famous brand of flour and they will tell you that it is SURE that thoro aro no fuilures that it is tho same every timo and always satisfactory. OaskuiB l'or Health. Allen & Reagan COR. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. A M i . )Wi Ai tUdrfXjil r,idf-V aL fai&AjiAji!Ua& ukW' rmm