MEDFOttD -MAIL TRIBUTE, M13D.FORD, OiriCaONlWRSlUY, JULY H, 1010. 8 - -- - - - i --.--- - --- - -- Midsummer Make-Way Sale ft) m i J a l vSpecial Lots aL Special Prices Which You Cannot Well Afford to Miss Specials A glance over this list will cause you to resolve to visit this store verj soon, for these specials will not remain long at the prices quoted. All dark and light Calicoes; regular 7c quality, C yA special J Ju Apron Gingham; these are more on the style dress ging ham; regular Cf yA S l-3c; special vJl J U Dress Lawn, light color; regu- ilJ l-2c yd All light colois Percale, 36 in. wide; regular 15c ft yA quality; special 'v J" All our light colors figured Ba tiste, 15c, 18c and ft yA 20c regular; special... '" J Linenette in check and plain; also fancies; regular 18c and 20c quality; ft VA special st ju "White Lawn in plaid, check and stripe; regular ft ?h 15c quality; special v j" STRAIGHT PANTS. Buy the boy a suit now. You will pay regular prices for no better values when school opens. BOYS' WOOL SUITS $6.00 to $7.50 for $3.00 $4.00 to $6.00 for $2.00 $1.50 to $4.00 for $1.00 Here is welcome news for every HOUSEKEEPER in Medford and vicinity. The SPEC FAT S mentioned below are now on SALE in the store and every clerk knows all about them. You will find everything oxactiy as repre sented in this advertisement. Every regular customer knows that when we advertise special lots that a big saving will be the reward for a trip to thisstore. You are invited to call and examine the special lots, and whother you buv or just look, wo will be glad you came. REASONS, WHY YOU SHOULD SHOP MORNINGS AND BEFORE 9 P. M. SATURDAYS. All over the land people are coming to realize that shopping done early in the morning is most satisfactory. Hert ford is noted as the "Booster City" of the United States surely you will not lag in this early shopping move ment for the heated term. If vou shop earlv in the day you will find less rush and the clerks fresh and moro careful of vour wants. THEN, IP YOU S1IOP SATURDAY NrOHTS BEFORE, n P. H., YOU ALLOW , TTRED CLERKS A CHANCE TO GET EXBLE EARLY, and thus gain their appreciation during the hot weather. CLEAN-UP IN READY-TO-WEAR SECTION The largest assortments in ready-to-wear garments for women and misses to be found in Oregon south of Port land. Below we mention a few of the splendid bargain cleanups now being offered at very powerful savings: Ladies' poplin Wash Suits; $8.00 sellers; to clean up (M QO Ladies' and misses 'light weight Wool Suits; $18.50 values 19 HI Jor, choice.., 0W.JU Summer Silk Dresses; regular $17.50 It1!!!!!?!0.':!! $10.00 White "Wnsh Dresses; $27.00 values; ,o.s!..::.t $18.00 $18.00 and $15.00 White Dresses, to go at this cleanup $ 1 9 ftfl Reg. $2.56" WTite'LJiwn'sWrts $1.75 Children's Wash Dresses, all sizes, at 75c and $1.00 ! 60c STOCKS, 29c. 1 lot Ladies' Tailored Stocks, reg ular GOc. at 29c 1 lot Ladies' Faucy Stocks, regu - lar 15c, to go aft 9c 50c HOSIERY, 35c. 1 lot Ladies. Fancy Colored Hose, regular price 50c, at 35c 75c BELTS, 39c. 1 assorted lot Ladies' Whito Wash Belts, regular 50c and 75c grades, to go at 39c ODD CORSETS, 50c, 1 lot Ladies' Corsets, odd sizes, to closo out at . . u 50c 50c HOSE SUPP'T'S, 10c 1 odd lot of different styles La dies' Hose Supporters, regular 25c and 50o sellers, to go at, each 10c 75c SHIRTS, 50c. Men's COc and 75c Soft Shirts now go for only 50c 10c HOSIERY, 7c. 1 lot Children's Tan Hose, regular price 10c, nil you want at, pr..7c $3.00 BAGS AT 98c. 1 odd lot Ladies' Purses and Hags, regular $2 and $3 values, to ho t'loscd'out at 98c CHILDREN'S HATS, 25c Children's Hats in tho regular 35c values for only 25c COc values now for 49c 15c HOSIERY, 9c. 1 lot Miss-os' and Children's Black ltihhcd Hose, regular prieo 15c, at Oc 35c COLLARS, 15c. 1 assortment of Ladies' Linen Collars, regular i2.o and 35a val ues, to go at I5c CORSET WAISTS, 25c. 1 odd lot Misses' Corset Waists to ho closed out at 25c H. C. KENTNER CO. Specials Here aro a lot of specials that every housewife will be anx ious to examine. The actual savings aro worth coming long distances i'or and yon will find the goods as advertised. Whito Swiss, suitable for waists; rognlar J15c, 50c, (0o, and 75c; special Q yA Fancy Mulls and Tissues; reg ular H0e and (iOc 1Qr yA quality, special at..., sv j U Sheets; size 72 by 90; regular special at ML GuCfl Sheets; size 8.1 by 90; regular spoc?l!.i.,.!:.....'..69c each 1 luck Towels; regular 10c qual ity; special O noh or 85c per dozen. 01 Udl11 Tluck Towels; regular 12yc special.' I OC CflCIl Unbleached .Bath Towels; reg ular 17c qiuil- 0 ir ity; special . I""L BOYS' WASH SUITS. 50 Wash Suits, 75c val GOc 100 Wash Suits, $.1.25 val. 89c 75 Wash Suits, $2 and $2.50 values $1.69 25 Wash Suits, $.'1.00 val. $2.19 OXFORDS. 100 pr. ladies Canvass Ox. $1.19 75 pp. misses' Canvass Ox. 90c 50 pp. child's Canvass Ox. "79c fc Too Late to Classify hi ifFOIt SALE Young horse, 900 lbs.; n ride or drive. Apply 1010 W. Fourth i street. 101 I FOit KENT Suite or four modern housekeeping rooms for rent August 5. 222 South Holly street. (WILL fruit ranch for Port land or Medford property. B. F. Benson, Mooro Hotel. 100 !FOIt KENT Nowly furnished front Rl room, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen, close in. 405 South Oakdale avenue. 92 M Id DEMONIACAL CRIME. (Continued from Page .1.) oi II thrown completely off tho scent and departed satisfied. Then Crippen disappeared. At the 'satno timo the second Mrs. Crippen lalso vanished. Tho house remained vacnnt for several weeks and noigh- "jorjioou coujecturo again uecamo rtife. Appeal to l'ollce. ( Friends of Mrs. Crippen finally Appealed to the police for aid in i'inding heir. Tho circumstances led 'llio detectives to the deserted house. The old structure was ransacked '?rom ton to bottom. Urn rintnrttiwR Virtually tearing tho building to "jieccs. Tho garden was dug up and IPjio walls sounded. Finally in the jellar, after porsovoring search nnd Inrd work, the body was recovered. r- Today tho police and tho coroner ;ook two coffins to tho house, A benvy guurd was thrown about tho 'SiiiMitlr fnllrvunnn lin -fi'mllnrt nP 4I, 'I-,, l.l,r Tl, .1,.!C.. ...... 1.1 ....I (uui uuuji j.uv uuiuuiitu.i nuuiu iiui sicny that a second body had been found. Husband Charged. ,a Tho polico charge that Crippen silow his wife, told his neighbors that 'Ibo had gone abroad, forged a lot- er from hor to a friend and ndvor- iscd her death. Tho notico to for eign polico authorities reads: o "Arrest Ilawloy Harney Crippen, , ..,.? vtvi wa.i'v,!, Mima .UWIVUI Jrippcu, accompaniod by a woman trailing liorcolf Mrs. Crippen. Crip o'cn is good looking and of pleasant tppcaranco; ago 50 years; profes sion, druggist: nativity, American; 9cfed as London agent for Dr. Mini on, the Dean Drug company nnd jpr. ICut institute, n Paris medical Ifoflcem. "Alto arrest Ethel CInra Knova, ostensible wif 27 years of age, verv beautiful; occupation, stenographer. She absconded July 0 nnd probably will try to leave England disgui.sed ns a boy." Accessory Possible. Tho polico bcliovo that tho young woman was an accessory to the murder. Mrs. Crippen was Bella Moore, daughter of a Polish family of no bility,, that fled from Poland to avoid persecution. She was born in Philadelphia and educated in the United States nnd Europe. She be came famous as a singer owing to the rcmnrkablo range of her voice. Her first appearance was in London, whore she achieved instant popularity. Later tho girl returned to Phila delphia, where she was married to Crippen. Then sho discovered that sho was heiress to a baronial estate in Poland and to tho title of baron ess. Sho nnd Crippen sailed for Europe with tho intention of claim ing the estate. Tho couple did not roturn to Amorica, but set up an ex pensive establishment in London. Thej apparently were very wealthy. Mrs. Crippen was 34 years of age. Advertises Her Death. Aftor tho disappearance of Mr. Crippen her husband declared that sho had gone to America on a the atrical tour. Tho police later discovered that he also advertised hor death in a the atrical paper. Tho notico said Mrs. Crippen had died in California. The polico learned today thut no such death occurred at tho place adver tised. Tho forged lotter referred to by tho polico was one purporting to have been sent by Mrs. Crippen to tho Music Hall Ladies' Guild, of which Mrs. Crippen was secretary. It was dated in February and tho writer announced that Hho was go ing to Amorica. POLITICAL MAP CHANGED. (Continued from Page 1.) upon tho agreement as a slap at tho plan of Socrotary of State Knox for internationalizing Manhcurian trade. England othorwiso favors tho trea ty because Itussin, her ally tbroush tho Anglo-Japanese, against Germany and Austria, Germany, in splto of denial, is be lieved to bo seeking to break tho An- glo-Japaneso agreement to roplaco Jt with a Gorman-Japaneso alliance. HMer object in this would bo to aid Japan in the prophesied struggle with tho United States so that Germany could intorfero commercially and po litically in South America whlio the United States was busy with Japan. Japan, In addition to the alleged German alliance, Is seeking cxcluslvo trade in the far east, and regards tho United States as an Intruder, partic ularly In the Philippines. Tho mika do is also said to bo seeking an alli ance with Turkey. It is said this is at tho instigation of Russia which would use Turkey to guard tho Dardanelles from tho fleet of any European power seeking to attack southern Russia. China's attitudo is openly subser vient, but secretly aggrieved. Tho Chinese realize that Manchuria will bo lost to them unless all foreigners bo driven out. At present China is supine under Japaneso influence. Tho courco of tho United States in this maze of diplomacy Is a difficult ono, and every European nnd Asiatic capital is watching tho moves of tho American stato department. It Is concoded horo that Japan's next niovo will bo tho comploto occu pation of Korea and Ito annexation as a dependency of tho mikado. It may requiro a short "cam paign" of wnnt advertising to find the kind of work you're looking for. But it would requiro n long cam paign of any other sort of "look NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo recolved by Chaa. D. Lyon, at Medford, Oregon, until July 22, 1910, for tho erection of a framo public school building, according to plans and specifications proparcd by Chas. D. Lyon, Architect, Medford, Ore. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check payable to "School District No. 14, Jackson Co., Willow Springs, Ore, for tho sum of $75.00 nn a guarantoo that tho contractor will furnish an npproved bond equal to 3G por cent of tho contract within ton days after tho awarding of tho contract. J All bids must bo in ado out on , black proposals for tho samo. Blanks j will bo furnished upon application J by tho Clork or Archltoct. Plans 'and specifications may bo had at tho Architects. Tho board reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. Dy order of tho School Board No. 14. J. F. DAVIS, Chairman. T. C LAW, Clork. ' Burnett's Extracts We have just held the must successful demonstra tion ever held in this locality. The sale of Burnett's Extracts have been enormous. If you were here you learned the reason why this brand is such a uni versal favorite. Everything that goes to make up these goods are perfect. If you want perfect goods, buy Burnett's. Warner, Wortinan g Gore (Incorporated) GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In tho District Court of the Unit ed States, for tho District of Ore gon. In bankruptcy. In tho matter of Ooorgo A. Butt, bankrupt. V S w Stationery Make your stationery distinctive by selecting and using ono of tho new colors. Wo will show tho now Nintago, Dove Gray, Hul tiquo Blue, Nap, Huff, Orchid, cto. Call and talk it over. Medford Book Store Chickens WantedTo buy, lull blooded White Leghorn I and Barred Ttock laving liens, 10 to 12 months I old, in small or large lot I R. G. Wilson CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. wiiio vy. w. umiu, f , To the creditors of Ocorgo A Butt of Medford, in tho county of Jackson and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notico is hereby given that on the 7th day of July, 1010, tho snid Ooorgo A. Butt was duly ndjudicatud bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of bin creditors will bo hold at the office of tho roforco in Medford, Or., on the 21nt duv of July. 1010. at :i 'clock in tho afternoon, at which ituo the said creditors may attend, provo their claims, appoint a trus tee, oxaniiuo tho bankrupt, consider and order tho milo of tho property of the bankrupt, and transact such other husincHM as mny properly comu beforo said mooting. July , 1010. MOMIKOOK WITI1INGTON, Itoforoo in Bankrupts. Is is Theatre The Home oVaudeville ""tonight " Montgomery (Si Loyd Singing and Dialogue 3 REELS 3 GIRL CONSCRIPT RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION S1IRTNJSR PJ LO MMAGE SIS T E R S Bong "Some Day When Dreams Come True." Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under .12 years, half faro. Secure your tickets at tho hotel. R. M CLTHBERT MANAGER