- - When You Have a Place For an Efficent Worker Say so In a Want-Ad ---- V m PRECOOLINGFRUIT BOX APPLE MARKET GAEAT SUCCESS (Continued from Wednesday.) Tlio now combined leu making and pro-cooling plont of thu Hiuilu Fo at Ban Bernardino, lintlt under tho di rect personal supervision of Mr. Clny, Ih If ro-luforcod concrete and some thing ovor u quiiilcr of a mllo In loriKtli.' Tho Ico making capacity of thin company In 250 tons pur day. with n combined ntonu;o capacity of 30,000 toiiH. Tlio powor plnnt Is equip ped with thrt'o !I20 homo powir Stir ling boilers and two crotm compound duplex Vlltor rofrlgorutlng machines, oaclt of 300 loan capacity. Thn am monia condensing system Ih with a doulilo plpo typo ovor a concrete res ovolr 80 foot nquaro and 10 foot doop. A wator Hiipply of about fi00 gollonn por niluulo la furnlHltod from arte Hlnn wells wIioh flow Ih accolonitod by air lift to tlio required amount. A largo dry storage 120 foot by li'i foot gives a capacity of. 1)00 tons of Ico when covered with ono tlor of 300- pound liloclcn on end. Tlio wlntor Ico storage Ih divided liito four roomn of nomolhlng ovor 7000 tons Htorago npaclty for each room. The pro-cooling equipment oxtondB from tho'ond of tlio winter storngo and Ih equipped for handling 32 re frigerating cam nt a netting. Tlio main air dtictn of tlio pro-cooling are of concrete and form tlio nupport of tlio car Icing platform. Tlio nlr In cooled by galvanized brine pipes located at a coll chamber at the end of tlio wlntor atorago, Tlio brine UHod Ih taken from the Ico tanks by electrically driven pumps, flout through ltti refrigerating circuit n ml returned through n 200 ton douli lo plpo brine cooler which togothor -with tlio circulating pumpn, In located beneath tlio dry ntorago. A douhlo dock tunnol of passageway of ro-in-forcod concroto extendi) through tlio winter atorago from tlio pro-cooling to tlio dry ntorago, whoro the tunnol continued nu u Hlnglo tunnel beneath tlio day atorago to tlio douhlo plpo cooling room. All tlio Ico In handolod by n direct conveyor panning from tlio day ator ago and through tho upper Hoctlon or tlio tunnol through tho winter ntorago whoro It may bo diverted to to tho atorago rooma or carrloj on to tho car Icing dockH ns required. Tho Iowor compnrtmont of tho tunnol Is iiflod for tho brlno mains running to tho wlntor otorngo and to tho pro- coolor coll chnmbor. Tho dovlco for tlio cooling of tho air Ih the moHt interesting In tho mammoth plant. Tho colla nro oqual to 175,000 llnoal foet or moro than enough to run from San Uornadluo , to Loh Angoloa and back. Ovor thoso tho nlr Is driven and cooled. Of tho two largo tunnolH ono Ih tappod by a plpo, which convoys tho coolod nlr at tho rato of 17.00 cubic Inchos por mlnuto Into tho com. Tho othor tun nol convoya tho nu- from tho cam back to tho coIIh, Eight fans al tnoat eight fcot In dlamotor aro used to forco tho nlr, ono aot driving It In to tlio outgoing duct and tho othor aot drawing It from tho cam. By moans of flexible coupling!) tho twonty-lnch mains nro connoctod nt both onds ot the enrs. Tho amount of nlr which can bo circulated through tho cars Ih about 8000 cubic foot por mlnuto, running nt full capacity with 32 cam connoctod nt onco, After tho flrat connection Is mndo nnd tho warm air or gnu which may bo u tho car la re moved by allowing ono end of tho car to romnlu open for a fow min utes, for tho flrat hour tho air la driven In nt ono end of tlio car nnd taken out at thu othor, then tho ou trun r.o nnd ovlt of tho nlr la rovorsod to Hint whou tho procoaa la flnlflltd oacli box ot ornngoa and onoh orange In tho box haa hud an equal tempera ture. Tho maximum tlmo for cooling tho cam Is four hours. (To ho contlnuod.) SLOW IN NEW YORK (Special Correspondence.) NKW YORK, July !. The fon luro of tlio npplo market IIiIh week was tlio alow demand for western box fruit, nnd tlio low level of pricuH at which nil offerings- wore Hold. Holders who oxpooted a rise in val ues were much disappointed at llio low turn tlio market took, and it was gonornlly conceded Hint their pre dictions of higher prices will not ho realized Ibis season. Colorado WiuoHiips did not show quality enough to bring ovor $2 per box, and most of the sales worn made on a basis of $1.50 to $1.75. Colorado (hums moved slowly at prices rang ing from $1 to $1.25 por box. Trade was very slow, and (ho quality of tho offoritigs only fnir. Old apples aro practically off the market. It is said thai tlioro is u car or moro still hold in expectation of higher prices, but receivers aro a unit in stating (hat tho doal has al most passed into history. Now apples wore in liboral supply, hut tho great bulk of tho stock was undersized and of poor color and quality. Most of tho nrrivnls re sembled windfalls and receivors wondered why shippers sent them to market. Tho demand for good ap ples was active enough, but liltlo or none could bo found. Tho best lots sold (it $1.25 to $1.00 por basket. Soma extra fanoy lots brought u premium. Whilo trniiBpnrents wore in heav ier supply, nnd when of fnir color nnd quality commanded $1 por bas ket. Most of tho stock, howovor, sold nH low us CO cents, or consider ably moro than tho bulk of tho of ferings were worth. .- -- Find Your Buyer He Reads The Ads! Roll thnt property for iti roal valuo by finding tho buyor who NEEDS it. Tho man who buys nlways for speculation thinks always of taking, advantago of ")ur anxiety to soil bu' tho man w-o NEEDS YOUR PROPERTY will pay u fair prico, and HE GLAD TO DO SO. Ho'c to bo found. He rends ado. Ho misses some of thorn, too. Hit ho reads again, tho next . and tho noxt. Ho will find YOUR AD IP IT IS "THERE" WHEN HE LOOKS FOR IT. Want Ads One Cent a Word HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Man to work In orchara at onco. Phono Farmers 711C. 90 - SON, AFTER 20 YEARS, HAS FATHER'S DEBTS PAID Niannra Pear Crop Unlit. LOCKI'ORT, N. Y., July 14. A number of fruit buyers enmo hero this wcok mid after a trip through the fruit districts, reported that con ditions woro far moro satisfactory. Reports on tho outlook vary. All agree that tho pear crop will bo light. Niagara furnishes ono-fifth of tho pears in tho entire state, but this year Niagara's quota will bo cut down to one-fifth tho normal size. Some orchards woro wiped out en tirely ns to this year's product. Somo orchards hnvo u fair showing, and it is said tho quality ought to be high, tho fruit turgor than usual. Niagara raises one-third of tho plum crop of tho stnto. Plums suffered about ns badly as pears. Tho crop is hardly worth mentioning this year. Peaches, quinces nnd apples fared some bettor. Somo pencil orchards will boar banner crops, nnd others will produce fnir crops, whilo nearly all trees will make somo showing. Apples nro scnttcring and tho crop will bo fnr under noruinl. Tho qual ity appears to bo excellent, and fine npplos nro promised in Niagara county. From past sad oxporioncos the buyers nro lourning to bo wnrj Two yonrs ngo they got n lioavy blow be cause of pnying high prices nnd tho markets subsequently going to piocos nt tho critical moment. NKW YORK, July 14. Handi capped for moro than 20 years with a burden o'f debts loft by his father, Fred Trench, of tho contracting firm of Torry & Trench, today received cancellation from creditors of the Inst penny duo thorn. After paying nearly $100,000, with intorcst, to clear his father's nnmo, Trench's only comment is: "I sincerely trust thnt an honest desire to pay a man's debts is not so uncommon nn occurrence us to be worthy of n nowspapor story." Tho finn of Trench & Son fninlcd in 1888. Trench's father utlcmptcd to rehabilitate his fortunes, but his health broko down nod he died deep ly in debt. Young Trench, just out of college, did not shirk his duty. For 20 yonrs ho worked linrd nnd spont nothing. Ho baenmo junior partner in tho firm of Terry & Trench, now ono of tho lending iron contracting finns of America. Tho finn has to its credit such feats as tho construction of Man hattan bridgo nnd tho building of tho Pennsylvania terminnls in Now York,, costing $101,000,000. Tho Inst account to bo wiped from tho books of tho older firm was $145.40, duo Captain William Ross of Port Robinson, Ontario. Captain Hoss has forwnrded his receipt for $208.38, which shows settlement in full of his claim, with interest. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ItliAlJ ESTATE. Mlsciillnnrous. FOIt SALE First-class mare, will FOK SALE Now la your time to buy , work any where, eight yearn old, a flno homo nnd flno orchard near t weight about 1250, good puller, col- Tnlont; half mllo from poatofflec, ! or black. Enos Conger, Central two acres, CO bearing Irult trees, ' Point, Or. 104 t r,-ln1.v.. X i n.it 1 ui'jiiuu, ojm.ii;.i uui fi, ixjwtuwiJ, uuil ?rwi flffi vnnatrtln Trin.. Tin. rn ' I.U..U., vj... . w...-..., .ut uvu uu- vls, DIack Arkansas, Whlto Pear ! FOR SALE Ono first-class 3 1-4 Shuttler "rragon, with wood rack. Woods Lumber Co. tf main, Maiden Blush, Fall Pippin and Wlnsnp; nlso 100 small pear trees FOR SALE Good milk cow for sale, sot out this spring; a flno well; tho I reasorablo. Inquire 707 W. Clark houso has uovon rooms and a family street. 100 lives In It now; it Is an old houso, FCTl SALE LoBai blanks of all but you can llvo In It until you can I kinds trespass and other notices. build a now ono; county roads on at MaU Tribune office. two aides; only ($3000) threo thou-i .,. - . . . . . . .. .., , .. FOR SALE A nearly now 3-lnch sand dollars, one-half down, tho ro-! . 103 . i o 4 o . t r wagon, complete, or gear only, malndor on tlmo at 8 per cent. Jump 1,1 . ,1 . n ,i. .. ,i -r, a drcBS Box 724 Mcdford, Or. WU itlU W it W'WU W AaiWUb UU, ' lot mo show you tho placo. L. N. FOR SALE XJovlng picture machine Judd, Roberts building, near depot, and complete' outfit. Will sell Do quick about It. idfo Houses. FOR SALE 7-room house, with 2 lots, barn, etc., 3 1-2 blocks from now depot; $2400. Addross owner, P. O. Box No. &.. cheap, or trado for gasoline en gine and tank. See W. E. White side, Central Point, Ore. 105 1 FOKH3ALE - ' Half price, pumping piani, conaisung oi pump nouse, av feet high, 3000 gallon tank, pump and pipe connections completo with 1 one-horse pewer motor and trans- three blocks from Main street and; former. N. L. Townscnd, 721 Ben closo to business Da, of tewn: h&a neU avenue. tf ' . WANTED Capable, responsible man accustomed to having chargo of of fice and men, experienced bookoop er, advertising man and Bales man ager desires position In Mcdford; no objection to outsldo employment; reforences. Address D, caro Mcd ford Mall Tribune. 101 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tin Shops. WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make ovor ?1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top pen lsh, Wash. WANTED Four young men to rent n Inrge, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Cnll 001 W. 10th St. tf Help Wanted Feinnlc. WANTED Waiter and waitress. Roy al Cafe. 99 WANTED Middle-aged lady for gen cral housework and cooking. Ad dress P. O. Box 18, Phoenix, Or. 100 WANTED Woman or girl for light housework on ranch. Phono Farm ers 7116. 99 FOUND. FOUND Purso, containing somo sil ver. Call at C. J. Semon, with Med foid Cement & Paving company, tf LOST. LOST Or strayed from the Gore pas ture, near Mcdford, one maro, gray, 8 years old, no brand, gentle, walks crooked on bind feet. Finder notl fy Wm. Jones, Beagle, Or. 102 J. A. SMITH Tin Bhop. Tin ai sheet iron wnro on hand nnd mn to order. 128 North O St. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Ore. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hoplt P. & E. K. E. Real Estate. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard traot city property. List your holding with me. Only dosirablo properi handled. Room 202, Fruitgrower Bank bldg. SEE WM. E. STAGEY & CO. f some of tho choicest bargains real estate in this valley. Alt British Columbia and Alborta, '. C, and othor parts. Call on him i Bittner's office Phipps building, nt tho Medford Auto company garago, where wo atnrt out oi agents for tho Aladden Mant Lamp and hidden window scree We will treat you right. Con and seo. Bill Fosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ai Distributor. All orders prompt filled. Room 29, Jackson Coon Bank building. Medford, Oro. Cigars and Tobacco. FOR SALE Now rodern bungalo. NOTICE. Plans and spocllfcatlons aro now on fllo nt tho mayor's offlco for tho orcctlcn of a bandstand In tho city park. Scalod bids to bo vocoivod on or boforo July 20th, 1910. MRS. W. H. CANON, MRS. S. B. KENT, Bandatnnd Coramlttoo for Groator Medford Club. tf ETB Medford, Oregen: This certifies thnt wo hnvo sold Hull's Toxas Won der for tho ouro of all kidnoy, blad der nnd rhoumntio troubles for ten yonrs, nnd hnvo novor bad n com plaint. It gives quick nnd permanent reliof. Sixty days' treatment in each bottlo. M.dford Pharmacy. tf MEDFORD MARKETS. modern plumbing, 1'lsaion electrl-. FOR SALE A lull line of Old Hamp- cal fixtures, built-in refrigerator, , shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth buffet and chiffoniers lawn, cement i finish; letter beads and envelopes, walks and park strip s; stroot will Mall Tribune office. bo paved; will be b Id for actual FOil saLB Chandler & Price Gor- cost to buhd. Grape street InquI e at 240 Bo. I 99 don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mail Tribune office. Business Property. FOR SALB Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR REST. Furnished Rooms. Lots. FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a small, safo Investment seo tho city lota I offer at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment; balance $10 por month; no interest. H. C. Maltby, No. 7 Poetofflco Bldg. FOR RENT Modern South Laurel ctreet. FOR" rooms. i: 103 RENT Furnw'he-t modern rooms, gentlemen preforred; 1 1-2 blocks from postoffice, 208 North Central Ave. tf LOST Or strayed, from McAndrews pasture, riding pony, light sorrel, white star on forehead, slightly stiff at knees. Reward paid. Hotel Nash. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Public Auditor. E. R. WHEELER, Public Account ant and Auditor. Books opened for corporations, firms end indi viduals. Auditing, investigating and Systematizing. Address 707 Oakdalc Avo. S. Phone Main 242. Mcdford. Ore, Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post-office. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms nt 04 West 10th or 124 King street. WATER USERS VALUABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR RADIUM IS FOUND PABAOHNA, Oil., July II. -Grout intercut wuh nmuU'uslod nt tho Hosninii of tho National Association of Homeopaths yesterday nt the un pouumtmoiit Hindu by Dr. H. Stillmaii Bailov that u Hiibulituto for radium hud boon discovered, It is u com bination of thorjum, and what is practically uranium, a product of pitch blonde, 11 linn been named thorad.v. Dr. Hniloy, fonnorly dean of tho llnliiiomaiui Modioli college of Chicago, has boon working for two yours with Dr, Frank II. Blackinar, also of Chicago. Tho claim for thorad.v is Hint it multiplies tlio uses to whioh radium may bo put and ulimiiintoH itn dangers, Ono of its most important proportloa is thnt of nlloviiillng pnin, IIKItKAWKIl ALL T1IK THAT PORTION OF THE CITV LY1NH WF.ST OF HEAR CltKKIC AM) SOUTH OF .MAIN STKKKT8 WILL IKHIOATE LAWNS AND (JAHDEXS BETWEEN n A. M. AND 7 A. M. AM) BETWEEN 7:0 P. M. AND :: P. M AND AT NO OTHER II.ME. ALL THAT PORTION OF THE OITV LYINO EAST OF HEAR rilEEK AND NORTH, OF MAIN STREET WILL IRRKJATE LAWNS AND GARDENS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 A. M. AND I) A. M. AND BETWEEN :!l() P. M. AND 7iiK P. M AND AT NO OTHER TIME. ALL WATER USERS ARE KAHN EKTLV HKQU1CSTED TO CO-OPE-RATE WITH THE CITV AUTHORI TIES IN MEETINfl THE PRESENT SITUATION TO THE END THAT ALL MAY SECURE THE WATER THEY NEED. BY ORDERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. W. II. CANON Mayor, Rend tlio furnished room ads in tho pnpor today and thon write-' n bettor ono. It'll find you n lodgor. (Pricos paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes, now, $1.40 per owt.; cabbage, 2(J$2Vc. Blackborrios, $l(i)1.25. Loganborries, $11.25 orato. Chorrios, 08o lb. Greoti onions, 40a dozon bunches-; radishes, 40o dozen bunches; rhubarb 4 to Co lb.; lottuco, 40a dozon; pons, 4o lb.; turnips, ltyo lb.; beetB, -Wo dozen bunches; carrots, 40o dozon bunches. Ponchos, 50 to 75o box. Apricots, fio lb. Cuoumbors, 15 to 20o loz. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Pricos pnid by Medford morchnnts.) Rnnoh buttor, 25272o; fnnoy orenmory, 30o. Frosh ranch eggs, flOo. Alixod poultry, lUftyl-lo; spring chickens, 1820o; turkeys, 17o. (Prioos paid producors.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15; grnsH, $14; grniu liny, $10. Orain Whont, $1.15 bushol; onts, f32 ton; bnrloy, $Q ton. Beef Cows, 44Vi o; stoors, 5(n? "iVlie: pork, Oo; mutton, 55Vl!o; lambs, 5o; veal, dressed, 8o. (Selling pricos.) FOR SALE Snap if taken at once, 2 lota 50x133, Ros3 court 119 So. Ivy strcot. 99 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers' and Frult- prnwprn hnnb FOR SALE Choice eaat front lots, ) ono block from Oakdhlo avenue, Miscellaneous, threo blocks from city park. These WANTED Laundry work to do. Ad closo in lots will be sold at a bar- dress B. H Box 252, city. 99 gain. Write or Inquire at 240 South . fWrENT F21) acres of first-class-Grape street. 99 , o ,., ,,. n W. Isaacs. tf PORTER J. NEFP. WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehonse Dealers in tobacco, cigars at smokers' supplies. Exclusive agen of Lewis Single Binder, El Merii and EI Palencia. 212 West Ma street. Painters aad Paperbaagvn. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLElf Phono 3732. Dean & McMnlle contracting painters, painting, pi per hanging and tinting. Estimate on all kinds of painting worl Medford, Or. GERWOLP & WABD, contraotk painters, paper bangers and aeec rators; signs. Estimates gives o all kinds of day azl job wor Park View Hotel. Phone Mai 1801. Faraltare- COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col is, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. Acreage. FOR SALE 33G-acro ranch, good FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold rivor bottou land, seven miles from Eugene, threo miles from S. P. sta-' tion, on R. F. D. routo, nonr school! nnd churc"'. Good buildings, fences nnd wntor. Horses and implements' and 20 bond of flno Guornsoy Btock' go with tho placo. Ono hundred ' pounds of ou'tor por wcok goos to' mlno; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all orerated by electric pow oi. Ownor will furnish free elec- trlo power for share in proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. r JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Mnin 3471. Residence puone 2471. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers i new and second-hand fnrnituj and hardware. Agents for Moub City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th B MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made t order. Cabinet work of all Kadi A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stove and ranges. New and second-han furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F st. South. Phone 01, Medford Ore. Nurseries. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charges by tho dny or contract. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main st.. Mcdford. Or. Undertakers. WANTED. Houses. market from tho placo. Splendid fruit land. Will soil part nt $G5 orWAN1D To ront, 4 or 5-room wholo at $00 per aero with torms on houso, modorn. Address P. II. H., ono-half. Inquire of Rhoads & this offlco. 99 Sutton, Spr.nt.fIold, Or. IU Ranches. Rollod bnrloy, $1.00 ow(., $32 ton; bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(5)1.00 ; shorts, $1.801.85. Lncnl poaches. $1. FOR SALE GO acres, finest build- Ing Blto in tho valloy, ln:ludlng 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and) tonus right. H. C. Maltby, No. 7, , WANTED Postofflco Bldg. , ,FOR RENT Modorn 7-room furnish ed houoo. Addross II. F, Whotstono, Central Point, R. F. D. No. 2. 104 Miscellaneous. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso Rlnrtl.nit nn.1 .I.a rilt 1r.TT " . UUJ MUU UD ,,U JJ- with Over Allen & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. QUAKER NURSERUJIS Onr tree are budded, not grafted. Our stool is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in thi trust. H. B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 21 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Oppositt Jackson County bank. Night caEi promptly answered. Office ani residonco phono Main 3432. Stenographers. Joisoy cow, fresh, tour gallons por day. J. M. Schmidt, ono mllo wost of Medford, Jacksonville roid. tf FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncro trnots just within ami adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 nnnu.nl pay- WANTED Stock to pasture alfalfa, monts. Address Condor Wntor1 nt tho Uegnr ranch, 3 1-2 miles wost Power Co. ' of Medford. 101 ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quickly nnd well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, IS N. Front St. Phono 231. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Office phono 501, residence phont 012. Office hours 9 n. m. to 8 v. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW i Osteopathic Physicinns. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. Life Scientist. Printers and Publishers. Business Opportunities. FOR .with lenso for houso nnd lot. .WANTED Stock to pasture good EXCHANGE Good business , pasture, running wator. $2 nor hoad Ad-! dross Exchango, Mall offlco. 99 por month. Point road., C. H, Brown, Eaglo 99 FOR SALE FOR SALE 18 acros foothill land ono mllo from Eaglo Point; prlco $750. Terms, (250 ensh, long tlmo on bnlnnco, Addross II, C. Stoddard, Medford, Or. 102 FOR SATTeTwo liomoatoad rolln qulslunonts, ono Is 9 1-2 mllos from Molford, tho othor Is 14 mllos out; 80 noros of timber land; will locnto; will cut 050,000 foot. Addross to P, O. 213, 103 FOR SALE Old established busl- Positions. noss in tho farmers' fruit bolt ot tho;WANTHD An A1 bookkeeper; Roguo River valloy, at Phoenix., wouW ,0 posltlon. fmo ponraan Ore., jn S. P. K. R. Stock at pres- Go0(l roforoncoa, Address A. B., out $10,000; all clean, well select- cnro of Ml,B off,COf m od and froo from oncumbrancos. , . nvv inD ofnro. i,ii.ii.. wifi. n IU,P W anted Male. . ,. .w.w, .w... ..........t) ,,,V1. .... modorn convonloncos, warehouses, WANTED Experienced stone cutter postofflco In store, and ovorythlngj and quarry man, Call at Condor nocossary for conducting tho busl-t Wator and Powor Co's. off Ico, Last years salos $39,000. i WANTED Stonouranher for a fow weoks' work. Apply R. II, Han&uor, room 16, Postofflco bldg. 99 noss. Inquire of Hearn, FIshor & Co., Phoonlx, Oro., for torms. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Young single horso, buggy and linrnoss; will soil rea sonable Apply to W, E. Whlto sldo, Contral Point, Oro. 105 WANTED Thoroughly rollahlo wom an for gouoral housework on ranch noar Eaglo Point; good wagos. Ad dress Frederick Polouzo, Eaglo Point Or. . 103 MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the host equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central nvonuo. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS V. DEANE Offico in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad ministered for extraction of tooth. Telephone Main 343. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, wost of the trnoks. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Meson- gora furnished at nil hours of day and till 9 p. m. to any part of city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 1812. fflfTfiirdPnrlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hnll building, A nioe. cool plnco to spend tho hot afternoons. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Lift Sciontint Private instruction in "Now Psychology" nnd "New Thought" principles. Callers re ceived Wednesdays, 127 South Grnpo streot. Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, parulysis, sores and pri vnto disenscs. Those remedies mny bo procured nt tho Siug Lee laundry, 123 S. Riverside uvenu, Medford, Oro., where thov will b sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treat4 sovornl sovoro ensos with his rem edies since coming to Medford ana has for roforenco somo of tho beat known nnd most intelligent citizen in Soutborn Oregon, Call on him. Brick Cotnpuiiles. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Nngle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers hi pressed brick nnd lime. Office ! Postofflco block, room 5, PkoM No. 3181. '" i T j i -l ".. 14 . v ,1 ' Hlv.v -iilBi .. ' 'i .""V J