AfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORB, QlOON, THURSDAY, JULY H 1910. 6 EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A- C. By spocinl request I lake pleasure: n nnnounciiiK tho niitrrine;c of Co jlius iMoomnw mid Miss Nellie Dut :on by Row Johnson in Jacksonville luly i), at tho residence of Jason Inrtniun. After tho words were said hat joined tho happy couplo for life Mrs. llurtrann served supper. Lou smith, who acted as host man, says hat tliis was tho first couple ho over law married, and that ho thinks it wis fiuo. Ho don't know but ho will ;rp to experience the sensation him self beforo lone. Last Saturday Mrs. Starkey and lor Bistor-in-law, Mrs. P. G. Good vin, enmo out from Mcdford to see Tohn Goodwin, and after supper fohn went to Medford with them, fohn is encased hnnlinp; the pipe for ho Medford waterworks. Ho and r. Martin have been enRaged at hat work for somo time, and last fondny Dolph Kent joined them with mother four-horse tean and two rajrons and they are now rushinc; he work. Ed Walker and two of his friends, fessrs. G. W. Collens and Perry hnich, timber men, called for dinner ere Sunday on their way to the owa camp. - Ora Dceter, n son of our towns inn, the transfer man, arrived for a isit with his father Sunday evening. I understand that David Cincnde, no ofour substantial farmers, had is liorso fall with him a day or two Co and hurt him quite badly. He as ridinc after cattle near the Soda prints, on Little Butte, when the ceident occurred. J. G. Mudloy, deputy fruit inspec r, stayed here last Monday night. jo is examining the fruit trees in this ictiou. There was a young man by the amc of William Lcbb hired a horse go into the hills above Derby a sw days ago, and when be returned "onday ho had n rattler's rattle jout two inches long to show what j had been doing in the way of kill g snakes. A short time ago I had occasion to cntion something about there being i many nutos around here, and some ! the owners or their friends are iving tho time of their lives with cm. A. J. Daley bought one a tort timo ago and his grandson took argc of it as chauffeur, and soon t so Hint he thought that he had a nopoly on all the knowledge in at line. Ho started for Butte Falls d went all right, but on his return ran so fast that he lost one of wheels, and there he was out near rby, ten or twelve miles from mo and thirty from his base of pplies, but ho left his machine and irtcd for Eagle Point, hired Wil- m Von der Hellen's machine, went Ashland, procured a new wheel in tho course of time brought machine in all 0. K. But you w that troubles never como single, but a short timo after he started a ride with some of his friends lo to Butto Falls and back, and nethinc went wrontr and ho did not W IS FOUND WHO WILL BACK LANGF0RD WEW YORK, July 1-1. If Joe odman, manager for Sam Lang- d, tho Boston Bonecrushor, wants ,' help in raising tho $20,000 de- ded for a fight with Jack John William Gibson of the Fair int Attuctio ciub will come oss. ibson is anxious to see Lang- 1 and Johnson mix it, but he nd- ; that his hopo of ever witness such a battle is not very robust. I don't think you could pay John- enough to fight Lnngford," bnid on, "A year ago when John- wus broke I offored him $5000 a six-round go with Langford. rofused tho offer. Later Lang- 1 mot Johnson in a cafe and isoii fled. f Woodman needs funds to get mutch I am willing to make up 000 to bnck Lnngford." CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 355. a ordinance providing for tho con ation of a 6-lnch lateral sower g Dakota avonuo from Peach t to Newtown street, and for tho isment ot tho cost thereof on tho orty directly benefited thereby adjacent thereto, and providing jotlng of tjio council to consider jsts against said construction and .anient aud tho sorvlng of tho Bis of such property with notice of, o city of Medford doth ordain as nvs: ctlon 1. It lo the Intention of 'ouncll ,to causo a lateral sower constructed along Dakota avo from Poach streot to Nowtown t, and to assess tho cost there on tho property directly benoflt oroby and ndjacont thereto. :tlon 2. Tho council will hear consider any protests ngalnst oustructlon and tho asso-wlng or iroporty for tho cost thereof, nt 9thi of tho council to bo hold io 22d day of July, 1910, at o'clock p. in., in tho council ars in said city, and nil prop iwnera of .nronertv adjacent to I of Kwer and benefited thereby nral" Howlctt reach Butto Fnlls until night, and ho had no light, so had to stay over night, greatly to tho anuoynnco of somo of his friends, but ho camo tho next morning all 0. K. Tho next unpleasant occurrence was when he took somo of his friends out for a ride, nnd when ho was about four miles from homo and supplies discov ered that ho was out of gnsolino and tho auto refused to budge, and what was poor Henry to do, four miles frnm linmo nnd n COmunilV of friends on his hands? But it is an ,11 windsh!p composod ot j, P. urbason, C. l.rJ.urs nn imnil. Hil nlmncpd to. ,,- ,....- !. - -" . " . 7 , . meei a man wun u ng uuu u-si,. nnd so Henry secured lus services, and by that means procured a sup- ply of gasoline, nnd they nil reached their homos sometimo that night. But Henry is not tho only one who has trouble with tho- "pesky things." William Von der Hellcn started last Saturday for Crater Lake with n company of friends nnd made tho trip all O. K. until ho got part way downtho Pumice grade. Then when he was about a quarter of a mile from the river, way up on tho side of the grade, his auto took fire and he and his friends hnd to wear out their coats whipping the fire out. I did not .learn the extent of the dam age done tho machine, but it shows the effect of the fire. I would mention that that company who took dinner here from Wennt chee, Wash., Corvallis, etc., had n little breakdown about a mile this side of the free ferry and did not get to Crater Lake until some timo the next week, but don't like to speak discouragingly of such things for fear some people may think thnt I am an old hayseed. George Clark, E. A. Ashman and J. G. Tracy, all of the engineering corps, or one of them, of the P. & E., called for dinner Monday, and Mr. Traces procured a horse and left immediately. The othertwo remain-' ed until the evening tram nrnyed. Benton Bowers, C. H. Gurrin, C. H. Parvin and W. S. Chatlin came out from Ashland Tuesday and stopped for dinner, then went to view the Tronson & Guthrie orchard and to look over some of the lnnd that Mr. Bowers bought from C. C. Beekman. Tho word has just reached hers that the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Nbgood, who came from Los Angeles recently, died Tuesdaj morning. It was about 20 months old and had never had good health. Mrs. Howlctt has the carpenters at work enlarging her kitchen, as she finds it too small for her business. One of our neighbors, Timmie Duggan, while pulling on tho brake on a load of hay had tho misfortune to have tho pulley give way nnd he fell off tho hny, dislocating one wriat nnd cracking a bone in his arm. Dr. nolt was called and reduced the fracture. Mrs. Hildreth camo in on the Butte Falls and Englo Point stage Tuesday evening on her way to Ash land. hereby called upon to appear before said council at said timo and placo, and show caueo, If any they have, why said construction should not bo made and tho cost thereof so assess ed. Section 3. Tho city recorder Is heroby directed to serve notice there of upon tho property ownors afore- said, by causing threo copies of this dlnanco to bo published in lie places in eald city, and said or- J- "0UtJ?r. b ?"'. to wiuiain ui dlnance to bo published thrco times in ir'l,' Z,68 ttn, T' ' a dally newspaper published and oflKonney, an Insolvent dobter: general circulation ln tho city, at. least ten days beforo tho dato of said meeting. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of July, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch absent, Morrlck ayo, Emer lck aye, Wortman nyo, Elfort ayo and Dommer ayo. Approved July 9th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: Tliat It Is tho Intention of tho council to causo North Itlversldo ave nuo from East Main to Jackson Btreots, ln said city, to bo Improved uy placing on notn sides of said street a concroto curb and gutter and uy paving tho same for a width of 40 feet with asnhalt navemont. con sisting of a C-lnch concroto base, a 1-Inch asphaltlc binder and a 2-Inch wearing surface, all in accordance with tho general specifications pre pared by tho city onglneer of Bald city, with addltloni.1 specifications submitted by tho Clark & Honory Construction company, both of which general and additional specifications aro on fllo ln tho offlco of tho city rocordor of said city, and assess tho cost thoroof on tho proporty adjacent to said improvement. Tho council will meet at tho coun cil chamber ln tho city hall In said city on tho 22d day of July, 1910, at 7:30 p. m., at which time all pro tests agalnBt tho making of said Im provements and tho assessing tho cost thoreof ns aforesaid, will bo heard. Tho city recorder Is hereby ordor ed to publish this resolution onco in tho Dally Mall Trlbuno. a newspaper goneral circulation In said city, and "nat " " rnnulmd-hx-Uia. charter at least ton days botoro tho dato ot said mooting. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of jMedfonl, Oroson, on tho Sth day of July, 11U0, by tho roilowlns vete: Yvelcn nbcont, Merrick ayo, Emor- lck nyo, Wortman ayo, Elfert ayo and Dommer nyo. Approved July 9th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE. In tho district court ot tho United States tor tho District ot Oregon. In tho matter nf nnknr-TTtitphnann nomnnn 0rpon rnrnnr..,nn nni1 11, H....1.. .. n l ! orn ana ivugior, onnKrupis. Tho undorsIgned truatoo of tho aD0V0 ontlUod ostato ln bankruptcy wI recolvo scalod blds nt hta ottlc0i No. 7 Flr8t 8treoti r0om 8. Portland, Qroon. n tn 12 n.plnpk ,.nnn nf Hnt. urday, July 23d. 1910, for tho fol- lowing described property belonging to said estate, namely: A stock of merchandise, consisting principally ot Indies' furnishing goods and shoes of tho Inventory valuo of $23,838.25, to gether with a lot of store fittings and fixtures of tho inventory valuo ot $2031.75, nil located in storo build ing at Nos. 14-1S North Contral avo nuo In Medford, Oregon. Cash or a certified check for ton por cent of tho amount offored must accompany each bid and tho salo is mado subject o confirmation by tho court, tho right bolng reserved to reject any and all bids. An Inventory is on fllo at tho otftco ot tho undersigned and tho property may bo inspected upon ap plication ut the storo ln Medford. Dated at Portland, Oregon, July 7th, 1910. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. To tho creditors of tho above-named bankrupts: Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of tho creditors of said bankrupts will be held ln tho office of tho un dersigned Medford, Jack county( Oregon, on tho 20th day of julj 1910 nt 2 0.dock ,n tho at. ornoon to consider tho salo ot the personal property mentioned In the foregoing notice and to transact such other business as may properly como beforo said meeting. Dated July 7th, 1910. HOLBROOK WITHINGTON, Referee In Bankruptcy. $30,000.00 GENERAL FUND BONDS OF THE CITY OF MEDFORD, OREGON The City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, will rccclvo sealed proposals for $30,000.00 5 per cent twenty-year General Fund Bonds of tho said city; bids to bo filed with tho City Recorder of tho City of Medford, Oregon, not later than 4:30 o'clock p. m., July 29th, 1910. Bids to bo accompanied by a cer tified check on somo National or State Bank within tho Stato of Ore-! gon equal to flvo per cent of the amount bid fer: check to bo mado payable to tho City Treasurer. The Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 11th day of July, 1910. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TnE UNITED 8TATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In tho matter of tho Estate of George E. Nouber, a Bankrupt. In bankruptcy. NOTICE To tho creditors of tho abovo namod bankrupt; to George E. Neubor, the abovo named bankrupt, and to Hattlo We Have For 73 acres, with good buildings, about four miles from Medford, There are on the placo 8 acres in Bartlctt pears, 9 years Qld, with a good crop in sight, and Vo acres of Anjou pears in their second ycai There aro also 22 acres in alfalfa. If taken soon, the pear crop and the hay go with the placo. Price $14,000; $6000 cash, balance on or lief ore five years, with interest at 6 per cent. 32 acres, across the road from above place. Three-room house and small barn. On this place there are ten acres of 8-yeav-old Newtowns and four acres in 1 and 2-year-old peaches. Price $7500; $3000 cash, balance on or before five years, with interest at 6 per cent. These places are worth tho price asked and' tho terms make thorn especially desirable. W. T. YORK . CO. Notlco la hereby given that on tho 2 4 th day of Juno. 1910, tho above named bankrupt filed In thJ abovo entitled court ami rnmso his duly vorlfled petition for dlschnrgo from bankruptcy i-ntl that on the samo day tho trustee In bankruptcy f led In I said court and causo his duly vorl- . fled petition f tho salo of tho fol- lowing descrlbod realty of tho bank' rupt, to-wlt: Commeuclug at tho southeast cor ner of block numbered thlrty-olght as laid down on tho official plat of tho town of JackBonvlllo. Jackson county, Oregon, and rminluz theuco wostorly alone tho southern boun dary of said block 38 forty (40) foot; thotico nortliorly and imrallol with tho eastorn boundary of said block 38 two hundred (200) feet; tVonco east erly along tho northern boundary ot is nthnrlv anil nlnnf- tlm onsturn lionn JJublJo f- 3 S fortr ( 40) feet "tSS ,8.n'd blOCk 38 forty (40) fOOt, tllOUCO , (200) foot to the point of boglnnlni aiso iuih ana i), mo vi. iuiw (3), four (4), flvo (5), six (6), hot on (?) and olcht (8). in tho block numbored thlrty-nlno (39), situated on the western sldo ot FICtls. stret between P and E streets In the nal town of Jacksonville. Otegon. thi tho sild property nbovo described I what is commonly known and call the Jacksonville basobad grounds, ! Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ort gon; nnd one-half of all of said prop orty Is ow icd by tho cstato of Goorg E, Neubor, a baukrupt, an I tho otker one-halt thereof la owned by ono M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, oach of cnld parties owning an undivided one-halt Inter est thorein and thoro to. Also tho cast one-half of lot num bered thrco (3 j In block numbered two (2) fronting twenty-flvo (25) feet on California street, and run ning back the samo width ono hun dred (100) fee nnd embracing all tho ground botweon the lot formerly owned by L. S. Thompson and th lot formerly ovrned by Lovj and Bll ger: also uino (9) feet of tho north end of lot four (4) lu sal', block two, fronting nlno (9) feet on Third street and running back tho same width fifty (oO) foot. That n meetlcg of all ot tho cred itors ot snld bankrupt Is horeby call ed for Thursday, tho 15th day of July, 1910, at tho hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, said meeting to bo held at tho offlco ot tho reform ln Medford, Orogon; at said timo and placo said petitions will como on to bo heard, tho dower Interest of the said Hattlo M. Noubor will bo fixed and ascertained, and tho rights of William Ulrlch, assignee, as the own er and holder o! tho mortgago upon tho realty of tho said bankrupt will bo determined. And such other business will he transacted ns may proporly bo trans acted beforo such meeting. Dated this tho 30th day ot Juni 1910. HOLBROOK WITHINGTON. Reforee ln Bankruptc) SCHOOL DISTRICT- BOND ELEC TION NOTICE.- Notico Is horeby glvon that a school mooting of School District No. 49 of Jackson County, Oregon, to bo hold at tho hlli tchool building, In said district, on the 15th day of July, A. D. 1910, thoro will bo submitted to tho legl voters of said district tho question of contracting a bondod dobt ot fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars, thirty thoi sand ($30,000.00) dollars thereof to ro used for tho purpose of erecting and equipping an east sldo school building, nnd twonty thousand ($20,000,000) dollars thereof for tho purposo of repairing and constructing nn annex to tho Washington school and Installing a now heating plant thorein, tho vo'o to bo by ballot, upon whlrh shall bo the words, "Bonds Yes," nnd tho words, "Bend- No." Polls to bo open at 1 o'clock p. m. nnd remain open until 4 o'clock p. ni. By order ot tho Board of Directors of School District No. 49 ot Jackson County, Oregon. Dated tM3 25th day of Juno, A. D. 1910. ORIS CRAWFORD, Cleric. For n clt;' of domorallEod ntroots, Medford, torn up for paving, heads ho list. ' AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. MURPHY BK0S. 0. M. Murphy. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chalmers Dotroits. Phono 18(11, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3M1. Agonoy for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop,, Medford. Or. Crrt-' YOUR SIGHT is your most precious posses sion. .Detective sicrnt can easily be cured b3r consulting Dr. Rickert OVER KENTNER'S. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and 'ordor n case sent to tho house. Tho purost, most hoalthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL W ATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Sale tlliP tryjtL Jr v ii r m i t -geWM " ---- ----- - l O. HANSEN Wo niako any kind Wo carry Glass MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Orogon. i ;---"--- If n 7S naxA lrJ xZiw v PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING v All Work Gunrnntood 1'ricos Roii80iinblo COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St..Medford,Oro. - - For Sale - - 428 AORES Rogue River bottom land, suitablo for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES -Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpotual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. - - Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST L J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. The Medford Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY R0XES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Medford Iron Works E. Q. Trowbridgdc, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PureWhiteFlour We aro proud of tho fact that our sales on "Pure White" Flour aro increasing steadily. Ask tho womon who use this famous brand of flour and they will tell you that it is SURE that thoro are no failures that it is tho samo ovory timo and always satisfactory. Allen & COR, MAIN AND -- - - -- TOM M OK FAT and stylo of Windows. of any sizo on hand. -- --- ---"- -- RESOLVED Tho host resolution for yon to niako is to aomo to u (or your next suit, if you wnt Bomothliig out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho host work nnd chargr Hie lowout priocB. W. W. EIFERT toy rxoaE&ssiva tadloi Phone 308 - - - -- - MAIN ST. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosident. W. I). JACKSON, AsB't Cnsliior. National Bank Reagan CENTRAL AVE. J I