MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910. A 1 l fc wr if '? SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Loam t( Hiiy HI Hiivo. HO Kvoryliody lit lnil()il lo ullouil n Hiiiipor n'tvuii mirier llio niiHplcoH of din V. I H. 0. K. at llio PioHbyiuf iun church, Butimlny ovoninp; from (I lo H o'clock. I can put you wIho to tho IichI ronl uHtato liivoHtmoiit on (ho count. AddroHH "AdvlHor," Hox -UHl, Alort fojil, Or. tr Kvor.ylioily Ih invited io atloiid a Hiipiicr jjlvun iiudor (ho aiiHpiccH of (ho Y. I'. H. C. K. t thu I'riwliytor. ian church, Kadirday ovoninu; from (I (o H o'clock. John II. (Jnrlrin, iittornoy-at-lnw, ovor JackHon Countyl Hank. Kvcryhody in imitod to ntlonil n Hiippor kivou under tho aiiHpicuH of (ho Y. 1 H. C. K. nt tho 1'icHhytor lau church, Hadirday evening from 0 to H o'clock. YV. h. llodonhoiKor will dolivor all kindx of liorrloH. Phono Kn micro 71(11. AddroHH I'lioonlx. 105 ,Ioh. Kelly wiih in Mudfoid from Inn (iriffin creek ranch Werinomlnv, If you ro looking for a Urnl-oInHM 3'i Shutter wiikoii with wood lack tmll at Wood Lumber Co. tf CharloB Hurkholtor, I.okiiii WillilH und It. A. Godfrey of MisHouri Flat, hi tho ApplPK'ito Heution, were In Meilford WcdncHday looking after tho matter of nouurine; (he water riiditH lo Sliiulu creek, u trihutary of tho ApplcRiito. Nntntoiiiim, dauciu and hwIm- minar tatiiulil. 0 John Itohl of ApplcKuto wiih a Mod ford lflitor on Woclriomlny. Nntatorium, dauuiuu' and Hwiin niinir touiuht. UH The Hiir I'iiich Luuilior company iiiHtnlliiiK a Iriplo drum Handing ma chine, tho only Hiuulini; uiachino over in Southoni OrcKon. This uiachino will ho lined on ilooro and all finlHh lumlior and niarka auothor Htop for ward in tho ahilitv of thin company to furniidi tho kind of lumlior now lielntr demanded on account of the huttor olnm of huildinu' now heinjr done in Medford. Nntatorium, danciut; and Kwini mini; touiuht. 1,!' Mr. and Mrn. V, M. Wait woro in "Medford from Tolo Thursday. II. .1. I'elton of Sain'n Valley wns in Medford Thursday looking after InminoHH matterH. Nntntnriiiin, danciiic and Kwiui rninir tonight. Oil Mr. and Mrn. It. 0. lliown of Hnglo Point ruturiteil fliurmluy from a trip to San KrnuoiHco ami other California points. Will Hell hunch 20 IoIh. clone in, nonr paviuir, at bargain. I). V. Ilen Hoii, Mooro Hotel. 100 William Itogero of Marshall, Minn., in in Medford looking for u location, lie o.xpeetH to lie joined hy hin fam ily nhortly. linrolrigg'H orchoBtra at tho Louvre Cafo Saturdav night. Talilo d'hote dinner from 5:30 to 8. 00 William Kyan interviewed tho po Hieo jtulgo thin morning. William oif)y had $1, whilo his fino wiih $.r. HIonvnB allowed (o go on promise to igo'to work, oaru tho extra dollar and conic hack with it. IIInxelrigg'H orohontra nt the Tjouvro Cnfo Saturday night. Tahlo l'hoto diuuor from CttfO to 8. 00 .Mm. V. II. Mirror of Ooldllav A 4 v - ( wiih a Medford viHllor Thurnday. Opening of the Now Lonvio Salur iluy, July JO. A talilo d'hote dinner will ho Nerved fioiu 5 :!I() lo 8. Mtihie hy Ilns'eliigg'H full orehoHlia. Make your roHorvntioiiH eatly. (I!) All men and women, old ami young, hIioiiIiI read and iieiiuainl IIioiiihcIvoh with the rhuiigo tho So cialintH arc giving in Milwaukee, Opening of tho New Louvre HnU urday, July 1(1. A talilo d'hote din' nor will ho Horved from firUOMo 8. MiihIo hy Ilnolrigg'H full orchonlra. Make your reitorvationH curly. (Ill There will ho a Sociallnt local or ganized noxt Sunday, July 17, at JO a. m. in tho largo Agate Hchool Iioiiho in Mound precinct. 1), II. Kciimo goon ub couuly organizer. William Palmtaag of Ilollintor, f'al.. J. II. PelBer of Ban Fraiieineo and C. I). Vincent of Horkelny arc hero on Iiiihiiiorh connected with the final ( runnier of the Fish Lake com pany lioldiugB to the Kogtie Hiver Valley ('anal company. Frnk Wood of Shasta. SpringH, Ik here looking after humncHB inn tier. W, J. CnrruthorH of San Joko, Cal., is in Medford on Imihmichm. It. V. Holder, Porlland icproHcn Inlivo of tho Chicago & Northwont ern railway, whb in Medford TIiiiih day on official hiiHiucHH. K. J. Downey of Tucnon, Ariz., is hero looking over the country with n view to inventing. Mr. and MrB. W. P. I Inchon of Itulto FiiIIh are in Medford on a whopping (our. I). I). Forco of Jncknonviljn wiib in Medford Thuroday on a hiiHincKB trip. I). H. Parker of Yrokn, Cal., wiih a Medford visitor WednoHday. T. C. Norrirt of Cold Hill wiib in Medford nu lniHincnn Tliurnday. S. H. Hosier of Ktna, Cal., waB a Medford vinitor WedneHilny,, looking after hunincfin mattem. Vu J. KratiB of Corvallifl in spend ing a few days in this city. W. T. York nnd family aro spend ing tho Bummer at Newport, whore quite a colony of Medford people aro enjoying tho cool ocean lirocreB. T. Sehcnker, the Thumpsoii creek rnneher, fipont Thursday on husincbS in Medford. 10. H. Wntonnan left Wednesday evening for Portland to resume tho work of soliciting fuiulo for tho Crn ter Lake hiuhway. Norman Merrill, who wn a stu dent in the high school Inst torm, is rpiito ill from (iiiiusy at tho home of his parents. The woodwork for (ho modern front to lio placed in tho Modfoid Hardware sloro was destroyed by (he fire (hat liurncd the Phoenix mill Wednesday, thus delaying tho com pletion and necessitating a continu ance of tho "open front." Tomorrow is the Day Notice This Space Tomorrow Nicely WIS rLAVlQ TJLI3 ONLY MODERN SANDING MACHINE LT SOUTHERN OREGON. WE ARE JUST INSTALLING THIS MACHINE YOU DO NOT PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR FINISH WANT HIGH CLASS STOCK AND AT A GREAT SAVING. M SMI DELIGHTS LARGE LOCAL AUDIENCE "Antl-Matrlmony" Pronounced One Best Show Seen Here, Rivalinii "Tho Lion and the Mouse" In Pop ularityIs Delinlitful Satire. Henrietta Ciosinaii was greeted last night hy a huge audipuce, in Hpito of tho hot weather. "Anti Matrimony," wiih the piny and (ho applause and good humor of the crowd showed that (ho comedy was well received. Tho company waB a good one, from Miss CroHinan down to Kliaheth Baker, who played a typical old lady of tho Puritan typo in the most aitislic manner. Porcy Mackoyc, the author, has undertaken to write a satirical com edy of (ho higher order. "Anti-Matrimony" in n sweeping Biitire on Jh hcn, Hernard Shaw, Sudemnnn, Mae terlinck, ami the piny is a little dense In those who are not familiar with the works of theso authors. A Med ford audience, however, is, wo think, ubovo tho average. They alwnys tako their classic dose nnd smnck their lips for more. Clover satire Ib a delightful stylo of comedy, hut those who havo wriltcn successful plays along (his lino arc very few. Mr. Gilbert, who wrolo satirical comedies and collaborated with Mr. Sullivan in comic opera, set a mark ho high that writers like Percy Mackoyc aro but fcoblo imitators. Tho lino between fnrco comedy and satire is a very fino one, and broth er Mnckoyo keeps wobbling over Ibis Hue. Then again, if wo aro pormiltcd to criticise, tho author conceived his plot and wns so absorbed by the main motive Hint he forgot to color it wiih a counter-plot. lie is like a musician who writes only in one kev nnd ono tempo. Hut Miss Crosmnn nnd her com pany are such clever actors that thoy would bo capital entertainers in a play of oven less merit than "Anli-Mnlrimony." Miss Crosmau is easily first among American act resses. As a comedienne, she is thoroughly JcgitimiUo, novor border ing on tho burlesque She first cap tured New York as Mistress Nell in "Noll Gwynn," nnd hor success hns been continuous, though it is no eas inattor to procuro plays to suit the delicate shadincr for which Miss , .?a Crosmnn n fninom. Henri Oiiiihoii of our (own was at one I lino a member of her cast dur ing her New York run and dining n isit with her yesterday (old hor of. tho bcnuticH of the Koguo Itiver vol-1 ley with a much enthusiasm as ho has prniBcd tho ability of Miss Cros initu beforo her arrival. Wn cmntilimcnt Miss Crosrnan on hiirrounding herself with a cast so i capable. Herbert K. Fortier, Gordon JoliuHlon, Kliznbolh IJakor and Grace , Carlisle uro all unusually good and. played with a harmony tliat made llio play a hucccsb ab a whole, never marring tho porfonnnnco with an effort at individual prominence K. M. A. HAVE ONLY PRAISE E0R CRATER LAKE AUTO LINE Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Heard and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hoot and Miss Jo sephine Hoot havo returned from a trip (o Crator Lake. They report a most onJoyi.blo trip and aro espec ially cnlhuslaHtle ovor (ho nccommo dallonB offered by (ho Cralcr Lake Antomobllo stago lino. Doth Mr. Henrd and Mr. Hoot stato (hat tho care aro vory comfortable and power ful. Tho drivers arc careful and In stead of being a tedious trip It 1b cn Joyablo In ovory respect. Accommo dations at tho lako aro exceptionally comfortable Books Did you over stop to think jf how much you nro missing nhen you fail (o become nc piaintcd with the grcnt auth ors? Books ore man's best friends. Wo help you chooso (he best by keeping tho Intest nnd most popular fiction. The Merrivold Shop 134 West Main Street. Granite City Hospital Most modcrnly equipped hospi tal between Portland nnd Snc ramento. Shows each doctor .ho samo courtesy and gives nil patients tho same care. In charjro of Ostrom & Nelson, grndunto nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Oregon. is not possible unless you use LUMBER OR MILL WORK UNTIL YOU IIAVE SEEN THIS MACHINE IN Meeker's Specials For Two Days Only FRIDAY & SATURDAY Below we explain about a few of the many good things offered in this store for Friday and Satur day's selling. Come with the crowd. You'll be wait ed on promptly for we have added extra help. You won't regret a visit these two days. SUIT CASES For that Summer Vacation Trip Now is the time and this is the place to save on a Suit Case. $5.00 values $3.50 $6-50 values $5.00 Petticoats JT f( $8.50Val. iJpOAU The best opportunity you will ever have to get a fine silk Petticoat at such a saving. Regular $8.50 values now going at $5,00 SPECIALS "We have a number' of extra good specials to show you in MEN'S SHIRTS HOSIERY CORSETS UNDERWEAR, ETC., ETC. W. H MEEKER tife CO. 28cr A.L. VROMAN PLUMBI&G & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Kiln Dried Sand ) $7.50 values $6.50 $15.00 values $10.00 SUMMER KTJMONAS. In Two Days' Sale. Long summer Kimonas, regular $1.75 sellers, now to go JI 'S C for. $ JL.OD Short summer Kimonas, regular $1.00 values, to close out "7 r If you want a nice "Waist we"will be pleased to have you examine our showings. Big Towel Values . Regular $2.00 dozen values to go tf 1 CA during this sale at, dozen lJu Regular $1.75 dozen values to go C 1 OC during this sale Child's Muslin Gowns Regular 85c muslin Qowns for chil dren, now to go at Children's inushii Gowns, regular 65c quality, to go for. ....... , ! "H. B. Patterson, the Qua- " ker Nursery man, has moved "" his office to 116 East Main " street. . - t DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. A McCjII Pattern No. 3393 DAINTY SUMMER GOWN at, dozen. 4J X M J 50c 35c Uaskins for Health. Men Wanted 100 men to cut wood; want ed at once; good wages; new camp. Apply Edgar Hafer, Medford, Or. o Finish AND SUGGEST THAT OPERATION, "IE" YOU