MTOFOKP MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TJ I (JRSDAY, JULY 34, 10J0. WBPBI3WW ,-JJpw J y rt i THE PASSING OF THE PELICAN Win. H. Flnloy In Collier's Weekly, RAILROAD CHIEFS NOW Aliovu mi on ovory nlilo lit iilrotchoil n mm of tuluii, Kor four wookn wo liml boon exploring a nitiall portion of tlio ICIaiiiiitli country (lint I Ion In Houtliuru Oici'.on itml Northern Cali fornia. Kor diiyii wo liml followed tlio wlilnnliu: channels tliut flow bo Iwoou tlioiiNiimlH of tulo Inlamla, find ut liiHt wo worn ciiiiiioi on tlio oo"ko of tlio iiroat Vonlco of bird liilandii. Tlio next about noon I wan lylni; In ciiuip watcliliu; a pair of nvocotn Unit woro wadlni; alone iiwIiik their loiiK IiIIIh from nldo to nldo In tlio mud mi n reaper iiwIiikh IiIh scytho. Huddouly I board n distant ronr t nit Hound tliut wnii comliiK iiouror, lllco tlio approach of a thuiitlurntortu. I Jumped up oxpurtlnc to soo a blade cloud nrlnlui; from tlio noutli. An other peal of tliuudor followed rapid ly, and anotbur. And, iih I looked, I Haw a IiIk wblto pnllcan toboKnnliiK out of tlio heavons lllco a motor. l'iivliiK a tall of tliuudor nt Hh tall. 'Tlio Colony ti Wonderful Hl(lit In tlio dnyn tbnt followed I often watched tlio proinonndo of tlio wblto pelicans, After tlio nlulit shift ro turned from tlio feeding i: round, and tlio young blrdH hud liroalifnnt, tliolr parontn Hat around for two or troo bourn hiiiiiiIiik tlitmiHolvoH. 'lion tboy lu'cnn ralttlni; from tlio colony, swinging nrniind In bli; cir cles, lilKbor nnd higher until In halt an hour tlio wbolo baud looked llko n flurry of nnowflakoti In tlio clear bluo nky. Tlio 0)0 noon lont night of tlio blrdH oiillroly, oxcopt an tlio nun wan reflected In faint flashes from tlio nuowy breasts. After two or tlirco hoiirH tlio prouiunndo wiih ond od by tlio blrdH desponding with rl Kid bnlf-cloued wings, Tlio tiitimli with nil the mynterlon linn no other night to compnro with tlio white pelican. It In alinoiit twice nH lnri;o as the brown pelican. With Itji eight or nine foot of wings nud n wolght of 15 to 20 poundH, It rlmn with difficulty from tlio mirfnco of tlio water, Kicking with Hh foot to got a Htart and leaving n tall of llttlo nplnHluii In tlio wake. When once aloft, It floatu with Utile effort. The experience of the pant docudo rIiowh tbnt the white pelican la doomed to go nH tlio buffalo hnH gono and mi the nntelopo Ib going, JSvon If It In protected, tlio reclaiming of Home of our lakes, hiicIi iih Mnlliour lake In Southern Oregon, tlio Lower Klnmath, lylni; on the border botweon Oregon nud Collfornln, and Pyramid Inko J n Nevada, may In tlmo destroy nonio of tlio Inrgost colonloH that ox lut. The pelican ban a largo nklnny bag that b rings from the lowor part of bin bill. TIiIh when distended, holdH several (liinrtii of water. When not In iiho tli Its Hack Id contracted ho It occupies very llttlo npneo. Tlio white pelican uses HiIh oh n dip net swim mltiK along and Hcooplm; up tlio young fry, It wan formerly thought that tli In pouch nerved to convoy llvo fish swimming In water to tlio llttlo pelicans nt homo, but, na Audubon romnrkod long ago, It Ih doubtful whether the pelican could fly nt all with bin bunion no out of trim. Ono might think that tlio pollcan wnH too heavy and cluiiiHy to inalco n good flHlier, but the brown pelican la iih expert an the klnixflnhor at divine. A. Kroin a height of .10 to 40 foot, ho mtiin iiiiu ii nciiuui ui yiiiui); iihii uiki rlhw to the uurfaco with his pouch filled, with flflh and water. Ah tlio diver HtrotchoH hlu uoclc and drnwH bill straight up, tlio wator ruiiH out and tlio whole catch Ih uwallowod at with ono gulp. ThroiiKh tlio woatorn pnrt of tlio United Btnteu tlio pollcan hoiidoii be glna In April nttor tlio enow and lco liavo moltod, and laata until August or Soptombor, when tho young nro old enough to enro for thoniBoIvoH, SomotlmcH one will find ogga Just hatching from May up till July, The pollcan gonornlly lay two or throo oggfl, and Incubato about four wooka boforo hatching. Not lliiiulsoino. The flrut time I over Haw u motoly crowd of half grown pollcanti, I thought iiiituro bad Hiirly done her boot to make ooinothlng ugly and rl iIIoiiIoiir, It wan a warm day and tlio blrdH ntood around with tliolr moutlia open, panting like a lot of dogs after a chaso, tliolr 'pauolioa ithaklng nt ov ory breath. When I wont nonr tho youngsters wont tottering off on tliolr big wobbcil feet with wlngit dragging on tli Ih Hide and that, iih If they woro poorly hamjlud crutchoH. Tho young stora huddled together lu Hinall place, TIioho on tho outHlilo cltmbod nud pimliod to cut to the contor till It lookod woruo that any football scrlm- iuaf(o I ovor saw, In thin wldo uroa of low Islands and wator It wno nocosHury, slnco wo wantod to Btudy tho pollcan at closo ran go to adopt Home mothod of hid ing. Wo took a largo wagon um brella covorod with a pioco of greon canvoa that hung down around tho and covered the top with weedu and reedii, Tho whole thing hooii panned an part of""tho onvlornment, whllo from tho lunldo tho camera man could point hlu camera out through a Hilt In tho cauviiH, take pictured and mnko obHorvatlomi at will. Olio might wonder how hiicIi a huge billed bird an a pollcan could food a helpleriii chick Just out of tlio egg. Tho old blrdrogurgltntod n flnhy ho up Into the forth end of Hit pouch, and tho baby pelican pitched right In rind helped himself out of tho family iIIhIi, Ah tho young blrda grow older nnd larger, at each meal ho kept reaching further Into the pouch, until finally when ho wan half-grown It wna a moHt remarkable night. Tho mother opened her mouth, nnd tho whole head nud neck of the ncHtllug din appenred down her capacloun maw whllo ho hunted for hlu diner In tho Internal reglonn. Gradually DlNiipiKvirlng. The American white pollcan was formerly found In tho east an well ar tho went, but tho ran go of tho bird linn contracted until It in raroly neon on tho Atlantic count. Tho bird formerly nested In Mlnnenotn, but the mont ennteru noHtlng Blto today within tho United HtntoH la In the Yellowntono Park. A bird ao con nplciioua In nlzo nnd color and ono that nontn on the ground, can nover rear Its young froo from tho dln lurbanceii of prcdacootiB nnlmaln and men unlcan It can find a rotnoto In land, where a largo number of them can nest together. An those plncca bo- como fewer nnd fewer, tho wblto pol lcan will be forced nearer and nearor tho point of disappearance BOY JEKYLL-HYDE NEAR DEATH IN HOSPITAL ItlCIIMONI). July 1-1. Lyiiic at tho point of donth in St. Luke's hos pital lioro, Kly ltunyon, 11) yenrs old, hoii of .Mrs. Dr. Kmily K. C. ltunyon, a prominent physician, furnishes a puzzle to psychologists and physi cians. The "Moy Kafflos," as ho is known to tho police, received a blow on the head when ho dived into a hIiuIIow ihioI on tho Fourth of July ut the Young Kopublic, wlioro ho wiih sont nfler ho luul robbed the homo of K. A. Mosloy. Tho youth wns thought by oxporlH lo liuvo u dual personality mid to commit liurglnry wliilo under the spell of nn obsession. Wlien h emorged from tliom ho always ex proHHod bin (lisgiiHt nt tlio orimcH he luul committed. ltunyon hns figured in biirglnrioH in Snvnnnnli, Qa., ltieh iiiond and other cities. It !h tho hopo of physicinns tliut tho blow received will counteract the NtrmiKO criminul oliHCHniou. Lot a want ml do a wnnt ad's pint in every taHk or oucHt you nndor inke, nnd you'll got into (ho hnliit of Hiieconsl NKW YOHIC, July 3 1. -Jdiilrond presidents are begiiiuiiig to take it more cheerful view of tlio crop situ ation. This change comcu by a Htraugo coincidence nt u time when Wall Hi reel hears that the "big inter ests" have been buying HtockH. For two months the financiers who con trol the great railroad systems of the country have been bearish on the stock market. All tho crop news has been extremely discouraging during this period. The railroads of the west are tho biggest collectors of crop news in tho country. Every railroad has a crop bureau. It was impossible to get any hopeful news out of thono crop exports up to thrco or four days ngo. Now thoy are all beginning to hco the bright side of things. President W. C. Drown enmo buck to town on Wednesday. He found conditions along tlio Dig Four to bo particularly roseate. Mr. Drown was ono of the gloomiest of the gloomy railroad officials' two weeks ago. The Chicago, Milwnukco & St. Paul crop collecting bureau has liaen very downcast over the outlook for the crops throughout tho northwest. After tho directors of tho Chicngo, Milwnukco & St. Paul declared tho regiilur dividend on tho stock yester day the nows ticker sent out tho fol fel fol eowing: "An official of the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul declared that he considered tho crop outlook in the northwest somewhat brighter than during tho Inst week or ten days." D. L. Winchell, president of tho St. Ivouis & San Francisco Railroad companvt who loft for tho southwest, said beforo his departure: "I mn very well satisfied with crop conditions in tho southwest." "BACK TO THE FARM" BEG0MIN6 A REALITY WASHINGTON, I). C. July 11. Terence V. Powderly, chief of tho division of information of tho de partment of, commcrco and labor, says: "Thoro is now a let-up in tho demand for men for work on tho rnilronds, on construction nnd tho liko, hut tho demand for fnnn labor is on the increase "When wo began this bureau two and ono-hnlf years ijgo," snid Mr Powdorly, "wo hoard a great deal of tho cry, 'Dack to tho fnnn!' Hut most of tho men who wcro talking nbout going buck to tho fnnn did not go. They hnd novor been on tho farm, in the first plnco. "Today a chutigo has taken place. I returned last night from Now York. Mr. Green, who is in clinrgo of the station there, says tho interest of nlienw nnd of immigrniiN nlrendv in' this country in fnnn work is increnM ing. Men on construction work and otiier woik in tho city nro rcgiMoiing j . i i it in tun nope ot neiug sciu to un fa mis. "Immigration is brought about largely by the fact that people here write homo to their friends and ad vise them to come. In tho past leltcr sont to Kuropo hnvo been from won working in tho mines or from men in tho cities. Hut the division of infor mation has been sending nlictis to the farms in largo numbers in tho Inst two yonrs and a half. Not less than 8000 porfions have been sent lo permanent positiosn on farms. Of thnsn onlv 20 bavo fiiilnd to Btay. Those who have gone to the 1 1 fnnns have been writing to their i friends abroad or lo Ihcir friends employed in tho cities, and the result is a gradually growing tendency to go to tho lnnd. Tho demand for farm work comes from nil ovor the country. DOCK COAL. Tho flrnt rar Hold llko hot cakca nnd right from tho car, and by ao buying tho purnliunorfl nave monoy. Tho second car arrived this morning nnd unloading cornmencoa tomorrow. People arc buying lco now Inatcad of coal, but remember wyoti will wnnt Home of this coal this winter, and now Ih tho tlmo to got It. It will bo higher In prlco and harder to got next month. See Hiirbrldgo, tho drayman, now, and placo your order. 103 STOLE $3.40 AND NOW RETURNS $300 IN ITS PLACE CINCINNATI. O., July 34. Miss Ircno Tcdcschc. sister of Mrs. F. II. Philips, today has a loiter whose writer sho would liko to know. Tho communication enmo from Louisville and was written by a girl who snid sho was Miss Tedcschc'n classmate two years ago at the University of Chicago. Sho said sho had taken .$3.40 from Miss Tcd escho's pockctbook during her uni versity enreer. So much hns her conscience troubled her Binco thnt sho inclosed .$300 to make restitution. If it's a job for a want nd don't lcavo it to n placard 1 FOOD FERMENTING CAUSES INDIGESTION Robert F Maguire Late special agent TJ. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National t Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. 3 Days of Fun at the'New NATATORIUM PARK Medford, Ore., July 14, 15, 16 I Attractions furnished by THE FRANK MILLER AMUSEMENT CO. OF PORTLAND. FOUR BIG FREE ACTS. Balloon Ascension and Parashuto Leap at 10:30 a. m. dally. Slide for Life at 2:30 p. m. Maximo, the Wonderful Educated Canine, dives from a laddor 70 feet high every afternoon and evening. The Peerless Lashell, in aerial and acrobatic feats in mid-air twico daily, aftcmoon and ovo-ning. -t- -t- -f-f---f-t-t--t-f----f Notice. All persons knowing them selves to bo indebted to VAN DYKE'S will plcnsc call and settle, as books must be bal anced at onco on account of store having been sold to F. W. Gray. 4 "I got a box of Mi-o-na tablets for a distress In my stomach, and tho first doso rolloved mo, nnd nftcr I took tho fourth I havo not felt any moro of It. I think It Is a -wonderful modlclno." Hiram Shultz, Watseka, 111., July 27, '09. If your stomach Is out of ordor or distressed, no matter from what causo, Ml-o-na stomach tablets will glvo Instant relief, and if Liken regu larly, will euro Indigestion, acuto or chronic, or monoy back. Evory sufferer from stomach trou ble gas, belchlrg, sour stomach, ner vousness, dlrzlncss and biliousness, should get a fifty cent box of MI-o-na stomach tablets today and start a trcatmont. In thrco days' tlmo tho stomach and bowols wli bo thoroughly purl fled, cleaned and renovated, tho sour ness will go, and pure, sweot breath will tako tho placo of foul breath. Contlnuo tho treatment for two weeks and tho stomach will becomo ' so strong that It will bo ablo to dlgoat ' tho heartiest meal without distress. I A fow Ml-o-aa tablets will do this, j Sold by druggists evorywlioro and by i Chos. Strang. ! Booth's Pills best for constipation, 2Gc. BUICK Model No. 19 XIX fi The latest size of Buick and the most popular car in the world, now on hand. It has been impossible heretofore to secure these cars on the Pacific Coast, owing to great demand east. The largest automobile factories in the world have been unable to fill the orders for them. tvt 19i I? beween the White Streak (No. 10) and Nos. 16 and 17. It is the car designed for family use, Buicks are all satisfactory cars, but No. 19 has proven the most satisfactory of all. See them. Medford Buick Co. TOU VELLE, Manager. Garage, - - Riverside, near Main. cr- A SNAP FOR SALE Til' OWNER. 80 acres Improved land; gov eral good springs; 1 ouso, barn, etc.; C acres In bearing fruit; 5 acres good corn; C tons hay; If sold at onco, 310 PER ACRE TAKES IT. Good Terms Inquire 720 West 12th. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold RayOregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND IRUJSHED GRANITE Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Big machinery is now excavating the ground, northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new HOTEL MEDFORD "Watch the dirt fly and hurrah for Medford. m, J A COOL CUSTOMER will buy more goods than a warm one will in hot weather. A cool customer will buy with less palaver. He or she will be better natured, less cranky and easier to sell to; and you know it. Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler room in its stiflingness. The Electric Fan is a blessing and a cheer which jrou can ill afford to ignore. Life in the dog days is a question of degrees. Make your place of business habitable and inviting to the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction. It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent. Why not invest a little money in trade-winning cool ness? Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful breeze, and in every breeze there'll be dollars for you. May our representative call aud take it up with you? Don't wait until it's 90 in tho shade. Phone us today. V i M LIiAil 1L P. S. How about that Electric Sign you've been think ing about? . . XjtJk&moL&rt ,