The Miller Amusement Co. at the Natatorium Park ggEE3SHE2a ...7.-1 - . . If i iaiiai jjiiMtf vj4nl gr isBTryT " ljlIZSBBBBB " i iiaiijiiiiiYnuiii limn miittaMWw ai "FLYING DUTCHMAN" AGAIN IN THE TOILS "Tho flying Dutchman" is the sohrinuot by which ho ia known lo tho )h)lioo, and ho bus boon up mo often and relenod on promise to leave town that thu jmlo hud hint tho record of hiu niiinu. 'I'liin Unto, howovor, ho ia noounod oL' Imvim,' imrloinod n suit oi' olollius, nnd wluui ciuiturod was woarinj; a pair of tiousorfl which woro identified hy his aooitHor. Wlion (iiamtionod in jail this lnotnint as to wlioro ho had hid dun tho olothos lto vuuifoiitUHly de nied having Htolon anytliiiiK. "If yoi (ink I Ktolo dom pants, 1 will jjlf don to yon,'' ho slionted, and proceeded to suit tho action to the word by taking off tho avaionts and shovinu them throimh tho bars. Last Notice to Water Consumers. Wntor wnts for tho months of June, July and August must bo paid on or boforo July lfi, 11)10. People holding oortifieatcs for wntor must bring same to tho rooordor's office and have samo credited, otherwise (hey will go deliiKiuont. KOMT. W. TEFiFKH. 100 WATTEHSON MAY STAY IN JAIL ALL SUMMED KINGSTON, N, V July 1-1. low ing Walloraon, boh of Colonel lluniy Watteraon of Louisville, Ky., walud OMiiuiuatlou when his ease for shunting Aliehael J. Ilaitiu, tho Ban gerties salooiikueper, was culled hu foro l'olicu Justiue Kowo at that place, lie was committed to jail to await tho notion of the grand jury. No application for hail will ho made, but there will be an applica tion for the appointment of a com mission to determine his sanity, It is customary to make such applica tion after indictment. Tho grand jury will not convene until Septem ber, and if the usual course is fol lowed Wattcrsou will remain in jail throughout the summer, Packers Wanted! To register with tho association for this season's pack. Packing, nuhoolH for pears and apples In An' gust and Hoplomhor. I'ack changed on apples. Everybody muni learn It. U. It. KJIIJIT & I'HODUCK ASS'N. 'IW.llllLIHll. HI111I,""-.H li. '! -'-. .1 Iff f LONG AFTER YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE PRICE OF RARDON'S ICE CREAM YOU WILL REMEMDER THE QUALITY. f f 4- f-f-f-t- -- - -- - --- -- - TEN LYNCHERS AWAIT TRIAL Citizens Accused of Murdering Detec tive Who Killed Blind-Pig Keeper Face Grand Jury Probe Monday Next. NEWARK, O., July 14. Ten citi zens, charged with participating In tho lynching of Detective Corl Ether fcigton &ro In jail today and have been refused ball. They faco a grand Jury probe Monday for the death of Stherlngton and it Is expected that Indictments for first degree murder will be demanded by Attorney General Desman, who will have personal charge of the Investigation. The situation has caused anxiety here, and Newark realizes that tho Uto authorities are in earnest In their efforts to make the little cltyl pay dearly for last week's lioting. More arrests are expected during the day. The state authorities have Investigated the affair, It is declared, and have tho names of the leaders of the mob. Affidavits charging Mayor Ather ton with neglect of duty and official misconduct are ready In Cleveland. Atherton's friends have urged him to resign, but ho has so far refused to follow this advice, and a move on the part of the state to declare his office Tacant Is expected. Denman says that he Intends to carry out the Instructions ot Govern or Harmon to see that every member of the mob goes to the penitentiary or is electrocuted. JAPANESE SEALING SHIP SEIZED BY UNITED STATES VICTORIA, B. C, July 14. The Japanese sealing schooner Tokio Maru has been seized in Behring sea by the United States steamer Ta homa for poaching at tho Pribylolf islands, uccording to information Toaching hero today. The Tokio Maru, one of tho big fleet of vessels from Nippon, sent across the Pacific this season hunted off California and British Colnmbia earlier in the season. Tho vessel was found in sido tho tlirco-milo limit with some of tho boats engaged in n raid on the rookeries on Juno 23 by tho Tnhoma and was seized. KING OF BURGLARS CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE WEST SWANZEY, N. H July 14. Happy that ho had abandoned his "profession" many years ago and had since lived an upright life, Charley Adams, known as tho king of bur glars, but whoso real name was Lang- don W. Moore, died here today. Though at one time Adams was tho most notorious creek in tho country, for 14 years ho lived honestly. With his last breath he referred to this fact almost joyously. "I made tho right kind of a finish," ho said. "I was able to die among my friends." Adams' biggest haul was made in connection with the robbery of tho Concord National bank in 1865, when he made away with $306,000. In 1870 ho robbed a bank in Rockland, Me., of 1200,000, but was captured. In 1880 he was convicted and sen tenced to 15 years In prison. Adam9 estimated that he paid out fully $1,000,000 during hi? career fori" police protection. BALLINGER HOME FOR THE SUMMER SEATTLE, Wash., July 14. Sec retary Bnllingcr of the interior de partment came home Seattle Inst night from Washington and will spend the summer on the coast. Ho was met at the station by his family only. Bnllingcr did not enre to talk pol itics today. He did declare, however, that he would take no active part in the Washington state cnmpnigu now on. He reitoratcd his statements that he had no intention of resigning. "I am not made of resigning mate rial," ho declared, "and do not care to gratify those persons who would like to see me quit. That is not my object in being in office. "I expect to administer the inter ior department in a legal manner nnd in a way which. I believe, will ulti-i THINK TAFT WILL LEAD NEW YORK POLITICS BEVERLY, Mass., July 14. That President Tatt will nsanmo tho posi tion as leader of tho republican par ty in tho Now York campnlGn follow ing his return from a wook'a crulao along the coast, is tho prediction horo today. Taft is bollovod to bo growing im patient because ot tho muddled stato of affairs la Now York republican ranks, and It is bollovod thnt tio will not continue waiting for tho endorse ment of others boforo taking a hand In tho gubernatorial and congression al fight. Tho situation olsowhero, notably in North Dakota and Ohio, also Is said to bo causing tho president to con templnto taking an activo part In tho gamo in thoco states. Senator Crane of Massachusetts mately receive the approbation of 'and Attorney Gonoral Wlckorsham ovcry ono except the fanatics, whose havo departed after a conforonco with opinions I do not give a continental Taft last night. Tho president had FOREST FIRE RAGING IN CLATSOP TIMBER ASTORIA, Or., July 14. A forest firo which started in the clearing at tho Hammond Lumber company's logging camp, near Oak Point, Sun day, has already caused damage esti mated at $20,000 and is still burn ing. No green timber has yet been burned. A large force of men is fighting! the flames. Practically all of the company's camp has been destroyed, including the cookhouse, tho two bunkhouses, blacksmith shop and two residences. for." Referring to Congressman Poin- dextcr, tho secretary said he had nothing to add to tho statement he made recently in Washington that Poindoxter was neither n Democrat nor n Republican, and if that he kept on he would soon be n Socialist. STATE DIVORCE BUREAU ADVOCATED BY JUDGE TEDDY, JUNIOR, TO HUNT IN CALIFORNIA HILLS SANTA BARBARA, Cal., July 14. Theodora Roosevelt, Jr., today is emulating his hunter father. With Mrs. Roosevelt. Stewart Edward White and Mrs. White ho is trekking into the Santa Yucz mountains, where ho will establish headquarters for .1 three weeks' hunt. The party traveled in an automo bile to tho foothills, where they se cured pack animals and commenced tho n&ccnt into the wilds. They will invndo tho country of tho mountnin The Japanese has a lion nnd will prepare their own meals crew of 38 hunters. They were tuk en nshoro and imprisoned in Una-laska. over a enmpfire. OPTIMIST JIM SAYS EVERYTHING'S ALL RIGHT PURE DRUG LAW IS PROPOSED FOR OREGON NEW YORK, July 14. "If thoy PORTLAND, Or., July 14. Ef- lot us alone I predict that everything forts for a pure drug law for Orogonlwlll be all right," said James J. Hill will bo mado at tho coming annual today, dlscuvslng the general busl convontlon of tho Orogon Stato Drug-'ncss situation. glstc' association, which will bo hold "Some honest and intelligent bust at Gearlinrt Park July 12-15. This ness men want to do business right, matter has been generally discussed lint they cannot whllo politics ham and a final report will bo mado to per their affairs, tho convention by tho committee np-j "There hay been a lot of money dl polnted a year ago to preparo ouch a verted by collection of corporation bill for presentation to tho leglsla-'and other taxes. When it cotg back turo. into circulation things will look a lot The bill will bo patterned after tho bettor." Unltod Stute3 puro drug law. Under KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 14. Declaring that the divorco courts aro tho sceno of more perjury than all other courts combined, Judge Thom as J. Seehorn of the circuit court ad vocates a divorce bureau. "Such a bureau," said Seehorn, "should have supervision ovor every divorco case in tho state. A vast ma jority of cases go by default. Men or women wanting divorcca can now bring three character witnesses into court, regardless of how dtsroputablo they are, and secure their decrees." DALZEL GAINS THREE IN RECOUNT OF VOTES PITTSBURG. Pa., July 14. John Dalzel was nominated for congress on tho Republican ticket over Dr. Black by a plurality of 207, accord ing to the figures given out today after the recount of the ballots end ed. This gives him a gain of threo over tho original vote announced nf ter the primary. Tho votes were re counted after Dr. Black had charged fraud. FRANK GOTCH'S PLANS ARE STILL INDEFINITE HUMBOLDT, la., July 14. Frank Gotcli. cbamrtlon wrestler, today said 'lila nlnnn fnr fliliHnr .Tnflr .Tnhnnnn aro Indefinite. Ho added that prob ably ho would leave this ovening for Chicago to seo II. II. Frazco, who has been In communication with him, and that later ho would make a state ment to tho press. tho present odo a druggist may man ufacture end sell within a stato, drugs that do not come up to a suf ficiently high Etandard te allow of shipment from ono state to another. Tho effect of tho proposod law, It Is said, will bo to bring all drugs handled iu this stato to a hlghor srado. HaDkins for Health. AUGUSTUS HARTJE GIVEN v DIVORCE FROM SPOUSE luncheon with Captain Logan aboard tho yacht Mayflower today and golf ed with Captain Butt in tho afternoon. Turfman's Fntc in Balance. CHICAGO, III., July 14. There is much speculation today among nio- mg men' ns to the disposition the Kentucky racing commission will make in the oiiho of II. G. Heduell, well-known turfman, who was ruled off the Latonin course (several days ago for alleged "doping of u horse." Itodwell will nppenr for a hearing boforo tho commission Saturday. It is reported that tho commission may lift tho ban from Bedwcll bv allowing him to transfer his hornes to other hands. UNITED KINGDOM SAVES $54,000,000 ON DRINK WASHINGTON. July 14. Tho United Kingdom sobered up $51, 000,000 worth in tho year 1009, no cording to figures furnished this government bv Consul-Gcnornl John L. Griffiths of London, who report ed a marked falling off in the eon sumption of intoxicants in the Brit ish realm in 1009. That year tho amount expended for liquors was $730,000,000, n decrease of $51,000, 000 from 1908. SAYS DIVORCE IS DESTROYING HOME NEW TREATY MAY BE BLIND FOR SEIZURE WASHINGTON, D. C, July 14. Whether tho new Russo-Jnpanooe trenty, with its tinkling phrases rel ative to a preservation of tho status ouo in Mnnuchuria, is a blind for real underground scheme by tho two nations to seize China's richest prov ince, probably cannot be ascertained nt tho present time. RAILROADS EXPECT BIG INFLUX OF SETTLERS PORTLAND, Or., July 14. Tho railroads aro planning for tho biggest rush of settlors over known Into tho Pacific northwest during tho coming fall. Within tho noxt few weeks a meeting ot tho Transcontinental Pas senger association will bo hold In Chicago and arrangomonts mado for ttio fall colonist ratos. The opening of central Orogon and other largo soctioni! of tho north west, hitherto undeveloped, will at tract a great many colonists. Tho rnllroada liavo done oxtonclvo adver tising of theso now openings for homo ccokors and It Is now thought that last year'.i heavy movomo"t of new comers will bo moro than doubled. Commercial clubs of Portland nnd othor politi In tho stnto ns woll ns tho whole northwost aro adding a great deal to tho Interest felt lit this section of tho country by persistent advertising. FAIR MARGARET PREPARES TO GO BACK ON STAGE PITTSBURQ, Pa., July 14. Au gustus Hartjo, multl-mlllionalro, this afternoon was grantod an absoluto divorco from his wife. Tho decree I wns ,nntj0 ftt0 yesterday after gives mm custody of their son, Scott Hartjo, 14, and tho capitalist's moth-jd from Bittorfield and did a lot of Prince U) In Balloon. DRESDEN, July 14. Prince John Oeorgo of Saxony, brother of King Frederick August, is enthusiastic to day over his first balloon trip, mado in the big dirigible Parsival IV bo foro 10,000 chcoriug subjects. The wife of tho prince and tno two prin cesses of Ciiseria were in the basket with Prince eorgo. Tho ascension tho dirigible, with six passengers, urriv- or Is given temporary custody of tlio I xnnnoifvurini; boforo daughter, Mary, 10. j spectators. tli3 crowd of CHICAGO, III., July ll.Mnrgiirct Illington, who retired from tho stage, secured a divorce from Daniel Froh rnan and married Edwnrd J. Bowos, is today o'i her way to her Taeoinn ATLANTA, Gn., July 14. Greatly perturbed over tho rcmnrkablo in crease in tho number of uudofcuded divorce cases brought boforo him, Judge W. D. Ellis hns announced that ho would go boforo tho judiciary committee of tho legislature and mnko personal appeal for u dnistii law which will check tho divorco ten doncy. Spcnking in his court, ho said of divorce: "It is destroying tho homo, nnd when you dostroy tho home you de stroy tho city, tho county, tho state and tho nntiou. Something should bu dono about it. No divorco should be granted on tho uncorroborated state ment of ono party. It has got so now a little nuurrel botwecn husbnud nnd wifo results in a row, tho row in a divorco and tho divorco roHiilts iu ono or tho other party marrying again and getting a new victim. "Tho ovil is growing. Evory year sees it increase. Wo talk about sup pression of vico in tho slums. I can't imngino nnything worso thnn tho di vorce ovil. Wo expect vico in the slums, but whon virtuous young peo ple marry wo exoct thorn to make homes and raiso children." Double Your Business Le! In The Sunlight Suppose you know a man who kept his hudcs drawn tight nil day nnd burned kerosene iiiHtnd of letting In the sunlight. SuppoHo you know a man toiling along a dusty road who would not uooopt a lift whon them wau plenty of room in tho wagon ; Suppose you know a miller with his mill built beside a Hwil't running stroma who inmHtod on turning tho innchinery by bund. All foolish, you snyt And yet look around you how few re Inilera take advantage of the gront advertising campaigns run by food, textile, cloth and every other manufacturing Hue that you can name. Think a moment 1 What was tho laot mlvnrtihomont you rend and wondered just which store in town would bo progressive enough to havo tho goods in stock so you could see them -mid pur ihniT More goods tiro sold under tho ovening lump at homo than you dream of. Practically every livo retailor advertises in his local paper. But how. Put up your lightning-rod I Lot your ciiHtomnrs know that you can deliver to them tho goodB which groat advertising, paid for by manufiicturcrH, hns intorontod them iu. They will get tho habitand you will got tho buninoHH. Practically evory manufacturer Btandn ready to help you help yourself. Ask them for electrotypes suitabla to run in your own advertising. Hook their trade mark to your storo. Connumor demand for ndvortiscd goods is now divided broad cast among all tho stores in town. Uso your advertising iu locnl paiMirs to fociiB HiIb demand upon your store And don't forget to bond for those helpful electro types. Rend this again, for it moans money to you. CONTItACTOUS. Am roady to contract Immediately for building a packing houso. Phono A. C. Allon, 7001 Farmors. STOMACHS REPAIRED. Relieves Distress in Five Minutes Guaranteed to Cure Intlinestlon or Money Back. Lot Mrs. Griffith toll you about MI- o-nn, tho groatost prescription for stomach troubles ovor wrltten: For yoars I havo doctored for acuto gnstrltls, but only received slight bonoflt, nnd had to bo careful what 'ate. But, thanks to Ml-o-na stomnch tablets, I can now ont anything. Last Christmas, aftor partaking of a honrty turkoy dinner, I was solzod with an attack of acuto Indigestion, nnd tho doctor worked ovor mo for hours boforo I got roller. Ho paid mo eight visits boforo I could say I was woll enough to sit up. But fllnco lirmm (n liNinnrn fnr n vntiirn in iln footlights. A now play iu which sh..'tll0 - liavo taIcon Ml-o-na tablets, and will tin,. ;., i i. ra..n,i dm.... I ' "nvo not boon troubled slnco. no- Augiibt 20. A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is noxt to Godliness." Mr. Allen's Portable Iluth Ap paratus is a mnrvol. It combines in ouo simple, inexpensive appa ratus all tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient water within six minutes nt tho cost of only 1 cent. A bath can be taken in any room without tho possibility of soiling carpets or rugs. Only ouo can understand tho real morits of this bathing apparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II. Fox, who hns' tho exclusive igoncy for Jackson county, will visit tho homos of Medford nnd vi cinity and demonstrate it. Whon ho comes to your homo, invito him in, and ho will show you tho morits of this 20th century invention. It Is on exhibition at Strang's drug storo. QO AND 81312 IT. Tho former star admits that "the lure of the footlights" was too great to ro&iM, hut says Unit she would never go hnclc lo the stngo if her hus band could not be with her during her toui'b on tho road. Hy a "want nd" campaign" is meant persistency in repeating your ad until you havo gotlon your re sults! That doesn't always mean many iiifcorlioiis or much delay, foro using Mli-o-na I had attacks about about ovory month." Mrs. Ida Griffith, 1213 G St., Washington, D. C., July C, 1D09. Mll-o-nn stomach tablots aro Bold by druggists ovorywhoro and at Ohas. Strang's for 50 coats a largo box. Thoy aro guarantood to euro Indigos tlon, sour stomach, bolchlng gas, diz ziness, blllounnoHs, hoavlnoss, or any stomach ailment. Try Ilooth'u Pills for constipation Joyful surprlso 25c. SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whuro tho protty Wator Agates, Mobs Agates, Moonutonea Cornoltans and Itock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors Sport of all Rinds Including Hunting, FUhln , digging Hock Oysters, Hooting, Surf Duthlng, Hiding, Autolng, Canoolng nnd Dancing, Puro mountain wator nnC tho best of food at low prlcoB. Krouh Crabs, Clams, Oystors, Pish and Vogotnblos of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINO GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. . . . T7 Low Round-Trip Season I Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sulo dally. Three DaySaturday to Monday Rate from 8. P. points, Port.and to Cottage (Irovo tncluslvo, Includ ing branch lines; nlso from all O. & E, stations Albany nnd west. Oood going on Saturday or Sundny, and for roturn Sun day or Monday, A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 5Q from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rntoH from points west, In offect all summer. Cull on any S. P. or O. & K. Agent for full pnrtloulnrs as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our bountiful Illustrated hooklot, "Outings In Oregon," or wr't0 W AVM. MrMUltltAY, Cleueral Passoiigor Agent, Portland, Oregon. K J