A v . -.. k . T r i V X SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J.oum l miy Kl Havo, 11') Mr, mill MiH. .1. It. Hldillti uiwl tluiiulilor, Mih. I). W. C'roHby, iiml llutlr utiiiiiIhiim, llnrolil Itiilillo, itru lii'io on 11 vIhII to inliillvoH unit i'riuiiilM, on tlioir way to (Valor lnl ntiil otlinr Hiii'iiin pointH. Mr. IlliM'u conducted tlin liiMt liotnl in MdiII'oiiI wlltlll tllll I'llillOllll WIIM I'il'Hl built tliiiiuuli tlm vnlloy. "it didn't look an It' a town llltii tliin would kiow lioro in thorn) davit," Ihi Hlllll. Mih. H. It. Tiiylor of .ImoIhoiiIII.i wuh in .Mudl'ord on it ImimIiiohh visit TuiiHiliiy. J can put you wIho o tlio Ih-hI ronl uHtaln invuHtinont on tlm count, bettor mm. It'll find yon n lodger. AildniHH "Adviwir," Hox MO, Mul- fonl, Or. it A. l- Htonnclt, lately foreman of (lit) Mnil-Tribuiio, who in in an Iioh- lillal at AhIiIihhI, Ik rooovuriiiK rap idly anil will hooii 1m about nyiiii. Mr. Htounott'H iniiiiv friend will bit clad to loiirn tliiH. Jolin II. Carltin, attornov-at-law, ovor JackHon County! Manic. I). M. I'onco of Kile Crook wbh In Medford Tuesday lookiiiK for car iioutuni to coiiHtniDt tin now dwelling liu i buililiut: on hit farm. V. It. ltodonbon;cr will deliver all' Icindrt of borriuH. Phono Funnuro 7101. AddroHH l'lioonix. 10.r C. If. I'orrino of Chicago arrived in Medford Tuemluv to look after bin land IntoroBtH in Ibo vnlloy. Oponiiik' of tins Now Louvro Satur day, July J (I. Oil Ava Holt, tlio 11 -year-old Krnnd noii of Mr. mid Mr. W. Vouoli of thin ity, took tlio WoilnoHilay morning train for Albany to Hpcml vacation with relative at that placo. Moot mo at tlio Louvre. Saturday niKlit. MhhIo by Huolripj'H orohoH tra. 00 T. K. I'ottoiiKor, who is cainping with bin family at fnlcHliu, wan in Medford W'ednemlny aftor aupplioh i'or tlio camp. Moot mo at tlio Loiivru Saturday Jiiuht. Munio by llaolritrnV orolieM tra. ill) M'ihh .lulia Fioldur mado AhIiIiiiiiI a Ml Wcdiiondny. Tablo d'hote dinner will bo nerved from fi :.'() to H at tlio Louvre. 00 Mimic by llnxHriKK'n full oroliontra nt tbo buivro Saturday, duly 1(1. Mako your roHorvutions early. DC Mr. W. A. Aitkon and children arc visitini rclativi'H mid friend at AHhlatid. H. J. Knitter of tlio Vnlloy Itocord wan in Medford TnoHilay niirht, re turning WoilnoHilay niornimr. If yon ro looking for a lint! -class 3'i Shutter wagon with wood nick call at Woods Lumber Co. tl Tlio ltnguo Jtivor Valley Railway company ban contracted with the Clark-Henery coinpany to furnish them with mind for their cement work and eouimoneeil hauling Tues day. Tlm Hand comes from tbo dump at tbo cyauidii plant of the Opp mine at Jacksonville and is perfectly clean, making it ideal material for content work. Just call al the Morrivold Shop, 1!M West Main Htrool, for office sup. plica or Whitman's, OK All Indies of the Christian church are roimostcd to bo present tomorrow night (Thursday) at a box sapper and bring their husbands. Just call at the Morrivold Shop, I'M West Main street, for office sup. plies or Whitmnn's. - 08 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Harnuiu left Wednesday morning for Colestin to spend a few weeks during the boated term. floorgo M. Honleanx loft Tuesday evening for the norih. Mr. and Mrs. John I). 01 well have returned from San Francisco. J. Nuiiiui of Jacksonville was a Medford visitor Wednosday. . W. 0. I.oovor of Central Point was in Med ford Wednesday to receive n now While auto, wlijeb he has been nxpoojing to receive for Home time. There "auto" have been tools in the oar, but there wasn't; neither were there any tools in the other two au tomobiles in the oar, one consigned Nto Dr. I'hipps mid the other to Mar,t Welch of Central Point. The ear had been occupied by tourists in transit, who Iiml niaile Pullman berths of the cushions mid had care fully abstracted all tools before leav iug. Mr, mid Mrs. I.elmid Shannon mid family of Fresno, Cal., aro in Mod ford on a visit to J. W. Jacobs mill family, Mr. Shannon, who owns one of the big vineyards near Fresno, -vory much impressed with llngi Hiver valley. Mrs. J. Ntiuun of Jacksonville hfl Wednesday I'or Colestin to join her daughters, Mrs. Josephine Unwell and, Miss Faiiuio Nuiiiui, who are now al that resorl. Mrs, Harry I.uy and hor mother, Mrs. Cook, visited friends at Ashland Wednesday, Pen J. Sheldon returned TuokiIiiy from a business trip to California points. Ho will leave shortly for Minneapolis, Minn. I)r, Ij. KiichgoHsnor, who hint been spending a few weeks al his ranch on the upper Itogue, was in Med ford Wednesday. Dr. KirohgosHiior is the medical director of the Ilygia com pany of Han Francisco, with offices in Los Angeles mid other California cities, and will leave in a few days for Portland to cHtuhlish a branch office of the company there, Sam lleriiug, manager of the Ko fi igerator car lines in Oiegou, is in Medfoid making arrangements to supply cars for pear shipments. Mr. Herring has announced his candidacy for railioml commissioner, to succeed Oswald West. AWAIT STATEMENT OF TEDDY ON NEW YORK OYSTKK HAY, y, jv kj.. Theodoio Roosevelt today will boar the arguments ()f (Itu New Yoik He puhlici) machine leaden agnii.st the legislative and political plan of Gov ernor Hughes. Hughes left today fir Washington, and Kcpul.iirau Stat-.' Chairman Timothy Woodruff arrived at Sagamoie Hill ami will ho a luncheon guest. It is expected that Hoosevolt will soon make his attitude in Now York affairs known. Today he said that ho would see the newspaper men to night nfter Woodruff leaves, mid it is probable that he will make a defi nite statement regarding the Now York skuntion. Governor Hughes, who went to Sagamore Hill yesterday ami re mained (hero until today, bad a long conference with Hoosevolt. The colonel and the governor sat on tbo veranda for liourH last night engaged in earnest conversation. It is bo lioved that the whole political pro gram was canvassed. As tbo governor departed today bo was met by a host of newspaper men. "I had a most pleasant visit with Mr. Hoosovclt," bo said, ''but fur ther than that I have nothing to say." It is understood that Hughes urged the necessity of incorporating a plank for direct primaries in the New Yoik state platform. Most of the machine leaders oppose such mi idea and it is probable that on this point a bitter fight will be waged. BREAKS HIS BACK IN BATTLE OVER SANDWICH I.OS ANOKI.F.S, Cab, July IH. Kalph Phillips, foimorly a .postal employe, lies today in tlio Sisters of Mercy hospital with a broken back, and Jesso Navarre is in jail, the re sult of a battle over a sandwich in u cuihstoiie lunch wagon. Phillips entered the wagon mid seiod a "hot-dog" sandwich which Navarro had ordered, according to Navarre's story to the police. During the scuffle that ensued Phillips fell ncross a cuihstoiie. His spino was biokcn and he sustained severe bruises about bis bend. It is doubt ful if be will recover. "AND BEHIND A DARK CLOUD WHERE NO ONE'S ALLOWED" NF.W YOHIv, July 33. Tlio "Stealing" honeymoon will bo tbo latosl in Now York, if tbo plans of Frederick Philip Schneider and Miss Fva Matilda l.cn.ihmisor, who are to bn married July 20, nro carried out. Schneider, who is an aviation en thusiast, has built an aeroplane in which ho proposes to tako his bride aloft. Most of the honeymoon, ho says. will be spout behind tlio iieroen of friendly clouds. HOCK HIMUXGB COAL. Tlio first ear sold lllco hot cakos and right from tho rnr. and by so buying the purchasers cave nionoy. Tho second car nrrlvoil this morning and unloading eommonroa tomorrow. Peoplo aro huyliiK Ico now Instead of coal, but roiuombor wyou wilt wnnt soiuo of this coal this winter, nail now 1h the tlmo to got It. It will bo higher la price mid hnidor to got aoxt month. Soo Ilurbrlilgo, tho drayman, now, and place your ordor, 103 - --t-r--r -- tttttt 4 DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4 4 4 -f . 4-4--t- In a Day or Two We'll Spring It. MBPJT011D MAIL TRIBUNE, MlSDffORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. .JULY 13, 1910. 4-f4-4- f 4 THAT CUT-DOWN ORCHARD To tlio JMIIer: Kvory real otitalo man la AhIiIiiiiiI, and I think moHt people all over the vnlloy would lllco to iieo that cut- f f 4 4 down orchard cleaned up, I have t'llkod to several now moil wi.o worn horo to pur uhaiio orchard property, and mint of thorn havo nuked mo to explain tint orchard, and why It waa cut down, and If It wan cut down on account of blight, otc. I think that or chard has hurt the entire vnl loy. Now you live bunch might domoiiHtrnto to Ashland moRHbnckH how that kind of a pout can bo (pilcltly clean ed up. Yours truly, J. A. LHNNKY. 4 f 4 EARTHQUAKES HURRYING ' , GLACIERS IN ALASKA JHNFAU. Alaska, July 13. The unusually rapid motion ol various Alaskan glaciers this season is duo, it is believed, to cnrthunkeH. A number of well-known scientists, now visiting in tbo territory, havo given this as their opinion. The glacier al Hniny Hollow, a short distance from Haines, is mov ing at tbo prodigious rata of 14 foot daily. The thunder of tbo huge ico massos falling ovor the brink of the precipice into which the glacier discharges can bo hoard for miles. The movement is the most rapid that has over como to tbo attention of scientists. An expedition under tbo nuspiccs of tbo National Geographical society is in Alaska studying the unusual phenomena. f DROP IN AT THE SIGN OF PEERLESS BREAD FOR ALL THE LATEST MIXED DRINKS, ICE CREAM AND 4 ICES. 4 44 4444 4444444444 Wanted 10 girls, general housework. I cook, $00. 1 waiter. "f cordwood men, $1.75 cord. Hotiso, not ovor $1700, well situ ated.. Modern houso, closo in, from $2500 to $3000. Log drivers, $3.50 day. C enrpentoro, $3. GO eight hours. 2 tlorwood mon, $1.00 tlor. FOR SALE. 10 acres and improvements, fine fruit land, $700. 2 lots, closo West Main, $550 each. 300 acres, Eagle Point, subdivide finely, $125 per aero. Close-in fruit land, under ditch, $200 tier ncre. 17 Acres, l-l acres heavy bearing, 21-2 miles out. Snap at $7,000. 80 Aercs, 12 acres fruit, teams and farming tools, $0,500. 1(10 Acres, west of town, GO ncros good fruit land, $200. 3(1 Acres, red foothill fruit land, $300 14 Acres, crook bottom, 12 ncrcs clearod; 4-room houso, $800. 40 Acres fine red foothill soil, $350. 1 Aero near South Oakdale on now stroot, $2,000. Homesteads woll situated. 4-Hoom houso, closo in, modern, $1,775. 12-Koom houso, big lot, $3,500. 2-Room houso, Inrgo lot, gardou, $050. 7-Room bungalow, lot 130x130, $2,500. For Trade. 12 Horses for city proporty; balance cash. 20 Acros, 12 in fruit, closo in, for city lots. 1(50 noros with bearing urcbnrd, $3000. FOR RENT. 4-room bouse, modorn, $20. E. F. A. BITTNER Modfonl Employment Bureau. RiiRinoBH ohancos, ronl estate, al) kinds of holp furnished. Room 207 Taylor & Phlpps Bld Phone 4141 Minn FEILED TREES IHTHUEir Story Spread Throuflhout California and Northwestern Fruit Districts --Cut Down Orchard Is Injuring Southern Oreuon. "Over a dozon people in Sacramen to valley towns asked mo whether It was truo or not that orchards wcro being cut down In the Koguo Hirer valley on account of blight, and told mo tbat train paBBOngoni bad report ed fleeing an orchard adjoining Mod ford cut down. Tho story is all along the lino, and thin foiled orchard in doing untold damage to tho country," state A. 13. Powell of Medford, who has Just returned from a week In Callfornln. William Iludgo ycatcrdny took through tho valley on a tour of In spection flomo eastern acquaintances who wero going to patsa Medford up, having boon shown tho cut-down or chard as proof of tho fact that or chards bad to bo cut down hero on account of blight. They wcro not convinced until a trip tlrough tho orchards waa made. Thoy reported that the story was In general circu lation In all orchard districts In tho uorthwcBt and that train passengers spread It and confirmed It. Many peoplo called at tho Mall Tribune offlco this morning, com mending tho paper for calling atten tion to tho orchard and suggesting that tho county court bo petitioned to act, If tho owners refused. FOR SALE One of the best locations in Medford for Family Hotel OR Apartment House 250 by-100 feet, east front. Comprising five lots or original townsite. It will take $2,000 cash to handle this property. Easy terms on balance. Write or inquire at 240 South Grape Street or Phone No. 4172. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and JYidays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. R. M. CITHBERT MANAGER Isis Theatre T2 rl d ms o Vaudeville TONIGHT Montgomery , Loyd Singing and Dialogue 3 REELS 3 aiTCLi CONSCRIPT ' "RA1 1 AYAY CONSTR UCTION SHRIN1SU PILGRIMAGE SIS T E R S Bong -"Some Day When Dreams Come True." NOTICH. Plans and cpecllfcatlons aro now on fllo nt tho rnnyor's offlco for tho orcctlt n of a bandstand In th'o city park. Scaled bids to bo received oa or boforo July 20th, 1910. MKS. W. II. CANON, MHB. a. h. KKNT, Handstand Commlttco for Greater Medford Club. tf If it's "for sale," want advertise HI HIONATaS of distkkss. Medford J'coplo Bhouhl Know How to J toad and Ifced Them, Sick kidneys glvo many signals of distress. Tho secrorlons aro dark, contain a sediment. Passage aro frequcat, scanty, pain ful. Hacknclio Is constant day and night. Headaches and dizzy spells nro frc- quont. Tho weakened kidneys need quick help. Don't delnyl Use a special kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills euro sick kid neys, backache, and urinary disor ders. Medford evidence proves this state- meat. C. W. Darnard, 424 S. W. Hamilton street, Medford, Or., Srys: "I al-i ways uso Doan's Kidney Pills when I suffering from a cold In my kidneys or when I havo any symptoms of; rheumatism, and I never fail to get relief. I gladly recommend this ex cellont remedy." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cenlB. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N Y.. solo agents for tho United i States. Remember the name Doan's and tnko no other. 1910 Water Jugs Full half gallon capacity, pure crystal glass, low round moulded water Jugs, a good clear, heavy glass 3"g Tomorrow 50c Each 50 dozen best quality lead blown bell top Tablo Turn Wei's; special tomorrow, per set of six, 40 cents per set Laces We have about 1000 yards of Val. Laces and Inser tions (mostly insertions) regular 5c, 10c and 12c values, that we will close out tomorrow at, your choice, 5c per yard 10c each 25 dozen ladies' fine Jersey ribbed pure white, taped neck and sleeve, Summer Vests, in sizes 4, 5 and 6; to morrow, 10c each. 200 boxes of fancy Writing Paper, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 quality; this is a snap; sale price, 25 and 50c box HUSSEY'S The finest Sample Rooms m the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Big machinery is now excavating the ground, northwest corner Main and Ivy streets, for the new HOTEL MEDFORD Watch the dirt fh' and hurrah for Medford. 3 Days of Fun at the New NATATORIUM PARK Medford, Ore., July 14, 15, 16 Attractions furnished by THE FRANK MILLER AMUSEMENT CO.!; OF PORTLAND. FOUR BIG FREE ACTS. Balloon Ascension ani" Parashute Leap at 10:30 a. m. daily. Slide for Life at 2:30 p. m. ' Maximo, the Wonderful Educated Canine, divos from a ladder 70 ', ! foot high ovory afternoon and cvonim. The Peerless Lashell, in ' ' norial and ncrobatio feats in mid-air mnjr. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. MINT1 II I mii tr Offioe: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND ORUfSHED GRANITE Ribbons 300 pieces of fancy weave Corset Cover Rib bons, colors pink, blue and white; put up 5 yards to the piece; in widths No. lt No. l1, No. 2; special for tomorrow, per piece of 5 yards, Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath twice daily, afternoon and ove- ' ' Gold Ray, Oregon