Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 12, 1910, Image 3

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    jTISir; -
I .
l .......... .,4.4.A. . -.,.
A Chance
lAulhor of "Tho HlrollorH." "IJn-
udor t' n Romi." "Tho Lndv of
tho Mount." Kto.
Cnuvnu-lil. 11H1I. Iiv (ho IIooIih
Mnrrill Coninun'.
--.- -----
"WIioh tho mini woko," Im had snld,
'ho corned tho hcii Tor Iii-IiikIiik hliu, n
ho thought, nothing. Uno doHlro top
mooted him it became Intolerable.
Diiy after day ho wont down to tho
ocean, hut tho Hiirf only tonpi'd In do
rlHlon, For tho thotiHiiiidth tlmo ho
curnod It, tho brio to which ho wuh
hound. WookM pitARod, until, nlmont
mud through tho monotoiiy of the long
hours, one dny ho Inadvertently pick
ed up n hook. Tho hruto convict could
Jutit rend, Whore, how ho over Itnrn
ed. I forgot Ho begun to pick out tho
wohIm. After that"
Through the long iiioiithn, tho lout;
yearn, tho mini hud fought for knowl
edge iih ho hud iilwnyM fought for tiny.
thlug-wlth all IiIh Htrongth, pnitHlon,
"Incredible! My Jovel" Bho hoard
Hlr Churh-H' voice, awed and admiring.
"I am Khid to havo hud your court
douce niidmid-toll me. how did you
hap)cu to light on tho law for special
Mtudy mid preparation?"
"You forKet that about hnlf your nn
perh llhrury wiim law iHwkn, Sir
Charh'M. A most comprehotiHivo col
lection I"
"The law -the rntnlflcntlonn If cre
ate for the many, tho attendant ro
ntmlntft for the Individual- I coufoxs
IntorcMtod me. You can Imagine a per
nonul reaxon or no ahmract one.
From tho louuly peritpectlvo of n tluv
coral tide, n system or dystonia codes
of conduct or morals built up for tho
Hwarmlng million, no to xpealc could
not hut khiin fancluatlou for one to ,
f.'hom tlioxo mlllloiiH hud become only
um tho faraway mIiiuIowm of n dream."
"Am a boy!" John Steele repeated the
worclH almoNt mechanically. "My par.
untn died when I wan n child They
emtio of good Mock Now England."
TIo littered the hint part of tho lieu
tetico Involuntarily-mopped. "1 wnn
bound out, wait beaten. 1 fought, ran
nwny. In lumber rumpi, the drunken
riffraff cursed the now Berub boy, on
tho MlwdHxIppI tho anHom mid stove
doreM kicked lilm becauxe the iiuitv
klekel tlioui. Everywhere It wan tho
num. The boy learnel only one thing
-to fight. Fight or bo beaten I
"In a wordly mciiho I prospered
fftor I wan roMCiied In New Zealand,
In TaHiuanta. Fate, iih If to atone for
having delayed her favor, now Invl.sli
ed them freely. Work beciuno cany.
A mine or two that I wiim lucky
enough to locate yielded and contlnuott
to yield unexpected rotunw."
"And then, having fairly, through
your own effort, won n placo In tho
world, having conquered fortune, why
did you return to England knowing
tho rink that Home one of these fel
Iowh like (illicit, tho police agent,
"Why," Hald John Steele. "because
I wished to Hlft. to get to the very
bottom of, thin rrlnio for which I wan
convicted. For nil real wrongdoing
resisting olIlcerH of tho law, offenses
ogaliiNt olllclaldom, 1 had paid the
penalty In full, I believe, Hut thin
other matter-that wan different. It
weighed on mo through Uiohc yenrs
on tho Inland and afterward. A Jury
hnd convicted mo wrongfully. Hut
I hnd to prove It, to satisfy myself, to
find out boyond any shadow of a
doubt, and"
"Ho did." For tho first tlmo Cnptnln
ForHythe spoke. "Stcolo him In IiIh
poHseNslon full proofs of IiIh Innocence,
mid I havo noou thorn. They go to
iihow that ho milTcrcd through the cow
nrdlco of n miserable cad, a titled
Rcoundrel who struck Ids hand from
tho gunwale of tho boat when tho
Lord NcIhoii went down. Yen, yon
told that atory In your fovcrcd rum
blings. Steele."
"Forsytho" the other's volco rang
out wanilngly "didn't I toll you tho
pnrt ho played wuh to bo forgotten uti-Iosb"-
"AII right; havo your way," grudg.
"A titled scoundrel! Thero wuh ouly
ono person of rank on tho Lord Kelson
besides myself, and Foraytlio" the
old noblomnn'H volco cnlled out sharp'
y "you havo aald too much or too lit
. John Bteelo made n gcflhiro. "I hnve
given my word not to"
"Hut I Imvon't!" said Cnptnln For
Bytho. "Tho confession I procured
nud whnt I HiiliHciiunntly leurnrd led
nio directly to Hero Is the tnlo) b'lr
It was over nt last. They were gone.
Hlr GharlcB and Captain Forsythe.
Their hand claspa still lingered In his
For n few momenta now John Steele
remained molloJilo&s. ll.itenlug to their
depnrttug footsteps, then turned und
gazed nrouud hlui.
Novor hud Ida rooms appeured moro
cheerless, moro barren, more empty,
No; not empty. Thoy wore filled with
memories, Tho man squared his shoul
derH mid looked out again from tho
window toward that small hit of tho
river ho could Just discern. Ouce he
had gazed at It when Ha song scorned
to bo of tho green hanks and flowers
It had pnssod by, but (hut had been on
n fairer occaslou-at tho closo of a Joy
ous spring day. How It caino back to
him, tho solemn court of Justice, the
beautiful face, an open doorway, with
the, sunshine golden without nud a
Ik-tiro flint i.n. iuimmIih' infn K i. .,, ' provomotitii and the anseimlng of tho lick riyo, Wortman nyo, Elfert iyo nnd
,, ,,i i'(.,i, i J , ii .. .... " Uioreor, iih aforponld, will bo Domiiior nyo.
tuned to look buck! I h-ih Imm tm Approved July 9th, 1010.
. o leap I" Him liiPlnw llnlil. Hi.. ii ii- l,0 ,ni,,Hlf llllH r0Hntoll ,; m the Attest:
in? it earn of her o.veH thai Inn lln i ..... ...n .n .. - .. ItOHT, W. TKLFKti.
That he mow now, or wuh i ii dionni''
At the thri'ilirilil ueai ny moiiio one
looked out- ''onio nno us fulr-falivr
If that could be whoio ch;ekM won1
the tint of the wild rone.
"I'aidou mo. I caino up to xee If
my uncle"-
lle Hlnroil at her.
"Yes." She rulfcd a mniill. glovn
hand mid Huept back a dlxnrdoifit
"Your your uncle mis im gone
lie said
"I know"
"You do'"
"I was In the library when ther
woiii nut I had lotiil' up to nee- I
was wlih my undo In tin rati urn:
wondered whyi he"-
She slopped. He tool; a iillr; Nii.
toward her "You were In theie Hmi
room, wheii"-
"YeM," she said and threw baek tier
head an If to couiraillet a sudden tulstl
noun that seemed stupidly sweeping
over her gaze "Why did you not tell
tne-you did not that you were hum
"You were In there'" Ho did nm
Hi'iiin to eaieli tier words "Heard
heard" -
A moment they stood looking ar each
other. Suddenly she renched out Her
hands to hlui. With a quick exclnma
Hon ho caught nud held them
Hut In a moment ho let them fall.
What hud he been about to say. to
do, with the fair face, tho golden licud,
so near? He stepped back quickly
"You nre going nwny?" Sho wn tho
first to speak Her volco was in the
least uncertain.
"Tomorrow" without lookluc at her
"to America."
"It Is very large." Irrelevantly. "I
remember of course, you are an
American. 1 I hnve hnrdly real trod
It We wo Australians nro not so un
like you. Hut your friends hero'"
Her lips half veiled a trumuloui little
"My" Something dnshed In
Ida voice went, leaving him very quiet.
"I am afraid 1 havo uot made ninny
while In London." Her eyes lifted
slightly, fell. "Call It tho homing In
stinct!" ho went on with n Inugli. I
"Tho dcHlro onco more to becomo pnrt
and parcel of ono' nutlro land, to he- i
coino a factor, however stnnll. In Its
activities." I
City Hecordor.
mlly Mull Trliiuno. u nowsnatior
gonornl elreulivtlon In stihl city, nnd
In nosL tho sumo mi leiiulrod Iiv tho
flinrlor, nt loiuil. Ion days hoforo tho ItKHOLUTION,
dalo of said mooting. h0 R rowolved by tho City Counlcl of
snld City, bonrlng tho dnto of AuRuat
1, 1910.
Tho forogolui; resolution was pnss
od by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of
July, 11)10, by tho following vote:
Woloh absent, Morrlck nyo, Kmor
lolc nyo, Wortman ayo, Hlfort ayo and
Donimor nyo.
Approved July ttlh, 1010,
W, II. CANON, Mayor.
City Hecordor.
tho City of Modferd:
Tlnit It in tho Intention of tho
Council to catitio South Central ave
nue from Hlghth stroot to Booth city
I fm f t In suld city to ho Imurovod by
placing on both sides of wild ntrcot a
concrete euro ntiu gutter and by pnv
lui: tho Hiniift for u width of iO feet
from KnHt Blghth street to Ninth i
street, 30 feet from Ninth
street to south city limits
Hecordor of tho City of Medford.
Suld coupons shall ho numbered
from ono to forty rcBpectlvoly.
Section 4. Tho Mayor and Re
corder of Raid City nro hcroby au
thorized to execute said Honda on
behnlf of snld City and to nttnch
thereto the cornornto seal of said
Soctlon C. Tho recorder is here
by directed to publish notice In tho
Medford Mnll Trlbuno of tho City
of Medford In each Issue thereof
from July 10th to July 20th, Inclu
sive, thnt tho Council will receive
placing on both sides of onld street
n concrcto curb nnd gutter nnd by
pnvlng tbo satno for a width of 40
feet from East Main stroot
to Ninth Btrcct, 3C feet
from Ninth Btrcot to Twolfth stroot
with nsphnlo pnvoment, consist
ing of n G-lnch concreto bnso, n 1
lnch nsphaltlc binder, nnd n 2-lnch
wearing surfneo, nil In accordnnco
with tho General Specifications Drc-'whnt Is commonly known smi
pared by tho City Knglnccr of said tho Jncksonvlllo basobnd gramJ
City, nnd with additional spcclflca- Jncksonvlllo, Jackson county 4
tlons submitted by tho Clnrk & Een: and ono-hlf nf nil of hi!,t, J
iHoncry Construction Company, both lorty la ow tod by tho ontnto of U
oi wnicii, uenerni nno Aumtionni b. wouijor, a bankrupt, an; thwi
Specifications, nro on fllo In tho ono-hnlf thereof la nwnml hv nm
office of tho City Recorder of snld M. Tnylor of JackBonvIUo, JcI
dnry of Bald blook 08 two- l
(200) feot to tho point of bfijdi
aiso jots ono (l), two (a),
(3). four (4). flvo (R). nix (K
on (7) and night (!)), Ik tu M
numnoroa ttiirty-nlno (33), nttn
on tho wo8tori nldo of Klftli
Doiwcon i'- nna is streets in i!t t
town of Jncksonvlllo, Oiogom
tho snld proporty nhovo dcscrlb1
iiiuikn . . -
with nsplmlt p,vomer.t, consist-1 "-"en proposals ror tno purcnaso of
Ing of u 0-lnch concrete base, a 1- ",1 "d"' , ntl nl CBa tha,n pa!:
Inch aKphnltlc binder, and a 2-lnch "' ? rc "tc,rB n mci,n ,,
i.,,. "IIIIVH V, IIU JIVIU 1,11 LIIU 611.11
t... i. t I... it... s.1... n ,. .. (I'Mfirlmr Ultrinr1,.. rill tr, r. ii,nnlnnpn
iiu iu romnvuu uy nil) vliy iiilllicil Ol , "" "" -" "" '." "v."""""'""-1 ilnv nf tiitv 1110 nt 7'TO n m In
tho City of Medferd: w th tho General Specifications pro- " n,r,J"ly.' J,10',nt 7;J0 p,'tmA,14,n
hmi un in .Muuiurii. i.v tbo cttv .'ntfineer ,if u-iiil tn0 Council Chamber In said C ty,
That It Is tho Intention of the ft11 ' 'yd " ,,,'S0 "'. Snld notice shall require each prop-
Omncll to cause West Second street j11 aJb ,,'T "" '"' niark & OT,l,on for tho P"haso of said
fnnn Holly street to west city limits " "ciBt or any portion thereof, to
In said city to be Improved by placing "fonJ?llM? X "r.S"-. i accompanied by a certified check
.... I,, .11. Itl.ll.d rt n.,1,1 .,. ..,,.. a A.... .., .. ' ...., V"' ". .. ........
.ii hihi ni.lun vi niiiii nuwk ii u.iiii;! uiw ,. ..... . .... .. . .. , i.
hi eciiicuiKiiiH, uru on ii u in mo
lill n ll j;
30 feet
office of tho City Hecordor of said
City, and nssess tho cost thereof on
curb and gutter and by
the sumo for a width of
with asphalt pavement,
liiir of a o-lnch
Inch nsphaltlc bl
wiMirlnif Hiirfneii nil In nrrnrilnnnn ,
with tho General Specifications pro-Jell Chamber In the City Hall In said
iidnr, and a 2-lncli ' provomont.
nil In accordnnco , The Council will meet at tho Coun
Ktineirirnilnns nr- ell Chamber In the City Hall In said
pared by the City Engineer of saldClty on the 2Jnd day of July, 1910, cr nny p0rtIon thereof,
city, and with nddltlonnl Hpeclflcn-at 7:30 p. m.,nt which tlmo all pro- . forconfr 0ri
tloiiB submitted by the Clark & tests ngnlnst the making of said lm- 1"': i.y tho ritv r
of somo National Bank or state
bank within tbo Stato of Oregon,
of flvo por cent of tho amount bid
for said Honds, or portion thereof,
nnd shall announce that tho Coun
cil of said City resorves tho right
to reject any and all bids' and prop
ositions submitted for said Bonds
Ordinance was
lUnilih Ul DUIU ,,- , ... . . ... y . .. . i.
llenory Construction Company, both iprovements and thoa8HesslnC of .tbol- f ".ZnLU ,?" ,',!
of which General nnd Additional ct thorcor. as aforesaid, win "o ,ow,ng vole on 'the 8th W of July,
?fli;illi;iltlujjn, lliu uii tnu ill uiu "
ifflco of the City Hecordor of said Tho city iccorder Is hereby ordered
City, and assess the cost thereof on to publish this resolution onco In tho
tho property adjacent to suld 1m- Dally Mall Tribune, a nevnpnpor of
provement. general circulation In said city, and
Tho Council will meet at tho Coun-!t ltt tho same as required by tho
ell Chntnher In tho City Hall In Bald .charter, nt least ton days before tho
City on the 22nd dny of July, 1910, date of said meeting,
nt 7:30 p. m., at which time all pro- Tho foregoing resolution was pass
tests ngnlnst tho malting of said Im- ed by tho city council of tho city of
provemontH and tho ansesslng of tho Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of
coMt thoreof, as aforesaid, will bo July, 1910, by tho following vete:
henrd. Welch absent, Merrick ayo, Emer-
Tho city recorder Is hereby ordered Ick aye, wortmrn aye, Elfert ayo and
to publish this resolution In the
Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper of
general circulation In said city, and
to post tho t'amo as required by the
charter, at least ten days before the
ditto of said meeting.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of
July, 1910, by tho following vote:
Wolch absent, Morrlck aye, Emer-
Ick ayo, Wortman aye, Elfert ayo and
Dommer aye.
Approved July 9tb, 1910
V. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
lit ..... At. I I. ..-.. H.I1I t. .Mll I
"1 ; .-... vv-u ... ,t rcso,VC(, by th0 Clty council of
fnctor," snld tho girl In a low tone. t,l() C)ly of Medferd:
Sho atolo n glance nt IiIh face Ho wan Tnnt ,t Ih tno ntCntlon of tho
looking down. The silence lengthened. Council to cause Ivy street from West
lie wnlted. Sho seemed to Und noth- Main street to West Sixth street In
Ing else to any. He, too, did not speak.
Sho found herself walking toward the
(To Bo Continued.)
Ho It Resolved by tho City Council
of the City of Medferd:
Thm It Is tho Intontlon of tho
Council to ciiuho South Grape street
from Eighth street to south city Ilia-
ItH In Bald cltysto bo Improved by
said city to bo Improved by placing on
both sides of snld street a concrete
curb nnd gutter and by paving
tho same fpr a width of 10 feot
with asphalt pavement, consist
ing of a 5-Inch concroto bnBO, a 1
Inch uaphnltlc binder, nnd a 2-lnch
wenrlng surfneo, nil In accordnnco
with tho General Specifications pre
pared by tho City Engineer of snld
city, nud with nddltlonnl specifica
tions submitted by tno Clark &
Henory Construction Company, both
... ,j ... ... . . a ,,..
..i,.i i.n,i, i., r un utrnn, i or wmcii. uoncrni nno Auuiuonai
a concreto curb and gutter nnd by I Specifications, aro on fllo In tho
paving tho same for a width of 40 """ " c,ly. Recorder of said
feet from Eighth street to Ity. and iibsobs tho cost thoreof on
N'lnth strooL ami 30 footltho proporty adjacent to snld Im-
Diinmer aye.
Approved July 9th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Welch, absent; Merrick, aye; Em
erlck, aye; Wortman, ayo; Elfert,
ay and Demmer, nye.
Approved July 9, 1910.
City Recorder.
930,000.00 GENERAL FUND
Tho City Council of tho City of
Medford, Oregon, will receive sealed
proposals for 130,000.00 5 per cent
twenty-year General Fund BondB of
the said city; bids to bo filed with
tho City Recorder of tho City of
Medford, Oregon, not later than
4:30 o'clock p. m July 29th, 1910
Bids to bo accompanied by a cer-
AN ORDINANCE authorizing tho
lssunnco of Thirty Thousand
i80,?0n0B UoX &?f, MGo Hor? tlfled cheek on sonTe"' National or
Fund Bonds of the City of Medford, stat0 Bank wUh,n th(J sute Qf 0re
STdiir of Medford doth ordain I "S"- T
ToilrSr SSrSrSSt to
by tho City of Medford on the 4th day -,.. nnv .., nll hl,lq
City, nnd assess tho cost thoreof on
the proporty adjacent to said Im
provement. Tho Council will meet at tho Coun
cil Chamber In tho City Hall In said
City on the 22nd day of July, 1910,
at 7:30 p. m., at which tlmo all pro
tests against tho making of snld Im
provements and the assessing of tho
cost thereof, as aforesaid, will bo
county, Oregon, of cnld n&rl
I . -'- . . . ' .
owning nn undivided ono-hatC Imm
ost tncrcln and thero to.
Also tho oast ono-hnlf nf Tot
bored thrco (3j fn block ntira
two (2) fronting twonty-flvo (;
icoi on unnroinia stroot, ana r
nlng back the Bamo width ono- IV
dred (100) feet and ombneliir
tho ground botwoen tho lot form
owned by L. S. Thompson an
Tho cltv roconlor Ir hon'hv nrtlored i'ot formorly ovned by Lovi Bit m
to publish this resolution onco In the 8r; aiao .uno ta; icoi or tno l
Daily Mall Tribune, a newnnnnor nf end of lot four (4) In sat', block
general clrculatlor n saK city, and fronting nino (9) feet on- TM
to post tho sarno as required by tho st,r?cLt nna running back tho
charter, at least ton days before tho w,uin y tnu' wot.
date of said meeting,
The foregoing resolution was pans
ed by tho city council of the city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of
July, 1910, by tho following vote:
Welch iHjsent, Merrick aye, Emor
lck nye, Wortman aye, Elfert ayo and
Demmer aye.
Approved July 9th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this
Hth day of July, 1910.
of August, 1900, Thirty Thousand
(130,000) Dollars of tho General
Fund Bonds of tbo City of Medford,
which Bonds will bo due and payable
on the 1st day of August, 1910, and
tit, Inli Tlnmla linnr Intnrnat nt thn rnln
.. t,,,. w-wm. a.......,., u. . nrv,A,nmTAaf
nf tlvn nnr rnnt nor nnnmn ' UtilUlitllUn.
wa. ...v, ,.. .-. ,.-. ............ . 1J V. -la- -.I.. . tl
Whereas, It is necessary that said tho cu f jfedferd:
City Issue an equal amount of Its Thnt ,t ,8 th lntentlon of tho
u;"v"" ,r 7 i i "V , "Tii uouncu to uausosoum itiversido ave
In the matter of the Estate of
George E. Neuter, a Bankrupt.
In bankruptcy.
To the creditors of the above Darned
bankrupt; to George E. Nenber, tho
above named bankrupt, and to Hattie
M. Neuber, his wife; to William Ul-
rlcb, assignee of tho estate of T. J.
Kenney, an Insolvent dobter:
Notice Is hereby given that on tho
24th day of June, 1910, the above
named bankrupt filed In tha above
entitled court and cause his duly
verified petition for dlschargo from
bankruptcy :.nd that on the same day
tho trustee In bankruptcy f.led In
said court and cause his duly veri
fied petition f the sale of the fol
lowing described realty of the bank
rupt, to-wlt:
Commencing at tho southeast cor
ner of block numbered thirty-eight
as laid down on tho official plat of
tho town of Jacksonville, Jackson
county, Oregon, and running thence
westerly along tho southorn boun
dary of said block 38 forty (40) feet;
thence northerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary of said block 38
two hundred (200) feet; tVenco east
erly along the northern boundary of
That a mootiCE of all of tho
Itors of snld bankrupt la hereby l
ed for Thursday, tho 15th Suy
July, 1910, at tho hour of 2 o-'e
p. m. of said day. said meethHcl
bo hold at tho offlco of the reM
In Medford, Oregon; at said time :
placo said petitions will come cm
bo heard, tho dower Interest of
said Hattie M. Noubor will bo- H
and ascertained, and tho rlrjhts
William Ulrloh, assi3neo, an the
er and holder ol tho mortgage i
the realty of tho said bankrupt
bo determined.
And Buch other business will
transacted as may properly ba-traJ
acted beforo snch mooting.
Dated this the 30th day of Ji
Referee In Bankrupt!
of refunding the principal of said ITnV, T,TcrMnT":UVT" ' ' f, "" .r,"V' V""uL"i ,.,,r,n IlinU inn ilrlrx- nnH I " "-.'. " .. .'" " "i,vV " "-'" u.wvn. o u lui a.., -ljj "". ""uw
""""" "'"" , .".o, -, street in said city to no improved by s utherly and along the eastern boun-
wnercnH, mo uouncii uecms ii ior .
Be It resolved, by tho city
ell of Medferd:
That all wr.ter users o! the
of Medford are hereby prohlViJj
from using any water for lrrlgata
purposes, Including tho Irrigation
lawns, except between the hours
5 a. m. and 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. al
9 p. m. until further order off
The superintendent of the wm
works system Is hereby dlrectce
turn off tho t ater supply irons
water user who shall violate this :
The foregoing resolution was
ed by the city council of the city
Medford on the 8th day of July, 19a
by the following vete:
Merrick ayo, Emorlck nye, Demwl
aye, Elfert ayo, Wortman ayo, WeM
Approved July 9, 1910.
W. H. CANON, MnyoiU
97 City Recordor-
fnim Ninth street to city limits
with asphalt pavement, consisting
Tho Council will meet nt tno uoun-
of a y-lnch concroto base, a 1-lnchiS.1.1 Clininber In tho City Hall in said
nsphaltlc binder, nnd a 2-lnch wear- "' " --" ""? ' .- " .""
. . in t 'in vi 111 nr ii' Minn iimiii tiii iiriin
Ing surfneo, nll in accordnnco witn '" " ' '"1"v " ",, '; "','. ',',
tho General Specif Icntlona prepared "Kilnst tho making of said lm
by tho City Englnoor of aald City, provonients and tho nssesslng of tho
rnm Illttrt'lII. I1N 1L1UI ITBI'.ILI. Will uu
Tl Til I V'1I II Illllllllfllllll Mlllirilll'Jll 1IIIIH
submitted by tho Clark & Henory , "cJJ,rd
Construction Company, both of
which, General-nnd Additional Spec
ifications, aro on fllo In tho offlco of
tho City Hecordor of said City, und
ushoss tho cost thoreof on tno prop
Tho cltv liiorder Is hereby ordered
to publish th'B resolution oeo p tho
Dally .Mall Tribune, a newspaper of
general clrculr.tlon In snld cit.v, nnd
to post the same na required by tho
orty adjacent to Bald Improvement, dinner, at east, ion uaya ocioro uto
tlki. U nial.t lliquilllb,
Tho Council will meet nt tho Coun
cil Chainbor In tho City Hall In Bald
City on tho 22nd day of July, 1910,
nt 7:30 p. in., nt which tlmo till pro
tests against tho making of Bald Im
provements nud thu asHCSuIng of tho
cost thereof, as aforesaid, will bo
Tho city recorder Is horoby ordered
to publish this resolution onco In tho
Dully Mall Trlbuno, a nowspapor of
general circulation In snld city, nnd
to post tho same ns required by tho
charter, nt least ten days before tho
ditto or Knld meeting.
Tho foregoing resolutloi. was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Orogon, on tho Sth dny of
July. 1910, by tho following vote:
Wolch absent, Morrlck nyo, Emor
lck aye, Wortman ayo, Elfort ayo and
Donnnor aye.
Approved July 9th, 1910.
W. 11. CANON, Mt'.yor,
City Recorder.
Tho foregoing resolution' was pnsa-
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho Sth dny of
July, 1910, by tho following vote:
Wolch absent, Morrlck nye, Emor
lck aye, Wortman nyo, Elfert ayo nnd
Dommor nyo.
Approved July 9th, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor..
City Recorder.
Ho It resolved by tho City Council of
tho City of Medferd:
That It Is tho intontlon of tho
Council to ciiuho North Onkdnlo nve
iiuo from West Fourth Htreot to I'nlin
stroot In mild city to bo Improved by
placing on both sides of suld street
u concrete curb and gutter and by
paving tho sumo for n width of 40 foot
foot with usphalt pavement, consist
ing of a 5-lnch concroto bnso, a 1
luch usphaltlo bludor, nud a 2-lnch
wearing surface, all In accordnnco
with tho Gonoral Specifications pro
pared by tho City Englnoor of snld
city, and with additional spoclflca
tloiia submitted by tho Clnrk &
llenory Construction Company, both
of which, Gonoral and Additional
Specifications, are on fllo In tho
offlco of tho City Hecordor of snld
City, and iihhchh tho cost thorortf on
tho proporty adjacent t said Im
provement. Tho Council will moot nt tho Coun
cil Chamber in tho City Hull In Bald
City on tho 22nd day of July, 1910,
nt 7:30 p. in,, at which tlmo all pro
toata aguliiHt tho making of said liu-
Ho It Resolved by tho City Council
of tho City of Medferd:
That It Is tho Intontlon of tho
Council to cniiRO West Eighth Btroot
from Fir to Onkdnlo avonuo In said
city to bo Improved by placing on
both Bides of said stroot a concroto
curb and guttor and by paving
tho sumo for a width of 40 foot
with asphalt pavemont, conslst
Inir of a d-lnch concroto bnso, a 1-
luch nsphaltlc binder, and a 2-lnch
wearing surface, nll In nccordanco
with tho Gonoral Specifications pro
parod by tho City Englnoor of said
city, and with nddltlonnl specifica
tions submitted by the Clark &
Honory Construction Compnny, both
of which, Gonoral and Additional
Specifications, aro on fllo In tho
offlco of tho City Rocordor of snld
City, and nssoBB tho cost thoreof on
tho proporty adjacent to said tm
provomont. Tho Council will moot nt tho Coun
cil Chnmhor In tho City Hall In Bald
City on tho 22nd dny of July, 1910,
nt 7:30 p. m at which tlmo nll pro
tests ngnlnst tho malting of said Im
provements and tho assessing of tho
coat thereof, iib aforesaid, will bo
Tho city recorder 'a h riby ordered
to publish thlB resolution onco In tho
Dally Mall Trlbuno, a novspapor of
gonoral circulation In said city, and
to post tho snmo aa required by tho
chartor, at least ton dnys boforo tho
date of suld mooting.
Tho foregoing resolution was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Orogon, on tho Sth day of
July. 1010, by tho following vote:
Wolch absent, Morrlck nyo, Emor-
the beat In to rout of said city to refund '
snld outstanding Indebtedness at the
same rate of Interest as tho same
now bear.
Section 1. Now, Therefore the I
City of Medford doth ordnln ns afore
said, that thero Is hereby authorized ,
to be issued by tho City of Medford
Its Gonoral Fund Honda In the
amount of Thirty Thousand (J30,
000) Dollars.
Section 2, Snld 'Bonds shall bear
Interest nt the rato of five per cent
por annum, nnd shall mature twenty
years after their dato, and shall bo ,
Issued In denominations of flvo hun-i
dred (?500) dollars each. They f
shall bo In the following ferm:
$500.00 NUMBER 1
Stato of Oregon.
PRESENTS, That tho City of Med-i
ford, In the County of Jackson and '
Stato of Oregon, for vnluo received,
hereby agrees and promises to pay
tho bearor the sum of Flvo Hundred.
($500) Dollars In Gold Coin of tho
United States of America, on tho pro
sontntlon nm! surrendor of this ob
ligation ou tho 1st dny of August in
tho Year of Our Lord Ono Thousand
Nino Hundred and Thirty, without
grnco. with luterest thoroon from tho
dnto hereof until redeemed nt tho '
rato of flvo per cent, per annum,
pnyablo Boml-nnnually, In llko coin,
on tho first day of February and tho
first day of August In each yonr on
tho presentation nnd surrender of tho
propor coupons hereto annexed, prin
cipal nnd Interest pnyablo at tho of-p
lico oi iiiu i ror oi iitu isiiy
ot Medford.
This Bend Is ono o" n sorles ag
gregating Thirty Thousand ($30,000)
Dollars, authorized bv Section 73 of
the Chartor of tho City of Medford, I
and Is nn obligation of tho City or ;
Medford aforesaid, and It Is further
certified thnt na tho requirements of j
law havo been tuny complied witn oy
tho propor officers In tho lssunnco of
this Bend, and thnt tho total amount
of this Issue does not exceed tho
limit prescribed by tho Chartor of
snld City.
For the fulfillment of tho condi
tions of this obligation tho faith and
credit of tho City of Medford aro
horoby pledged.
llniwl lmu lii't.n sdirnrwl hv M.n Mnvnr '
nnd attested by tho Rocordor of tho
City of Medford nnd tho corporato
seal of tho City of Medford hereto
affixed this 1st day of August, 1910.
Recorder of tho City of Medford. j
Section 3. Knch of snld Bonus
shall havo attuchod thoroto forty
coupons, each of which shall bo In
tho following ferm:
State of Oregon.
Will pay to tho boaror Twolvo nnd
fiO-100 ($l2.r.O) Dollars In Gold
Coin of tho Unltod Statos of Amorlca.
nt tho offlco of tho Treasurer of said I
City on tho 1st day of ,
bolng six months' lnjtorost on Gonoral
Fund Bend iNumuor oi
will buy more goods than a warm one will in hot weather.
A cool customer will buy with less palaver.
He or she will be better natured, less cranky and
easier to sell to; and you know it.
Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be
in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant
than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler
room in its stiflingness.
Tho Electric Pan is a blessing and a cheer which you
can ill afford to ignore.
Life in the dog days is a question of degrees.
Make your place of business habitable and inviting to
the people, and the trend of trade w-ill bo in your direction.
It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent.
Why not invest a little money in trade-winning cool
ness? i i
Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful
breeze, and in every breeze there'll be dollars for you.
May our representative call and take it up with you?
Don't wait until it's 90 in tho shade. Phone us today.
Rogue River
Electric Comp'y
P. S. How about thnt Electric Sign you've been think-
incr about?