Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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ordinance xo. si.
An ordlnnnco declaring tlio cost of
the Improvement of West Tenth street
from Oakdale aVcnuo to Hamilton
street and accessing tho property bon
eflted thoroby and declaring such ns
eBsmont and directing tho entry
thereof In tho docket of city liens.
Tho city of Medtord doth ordain as
Section 1. That no protests bav
ins beon filed against tho Improve
ment of West '.Tenth street, duo no
tlco of tho intention of tho council to
causo said improvement to be mado
having been glvon, and said Improve
ment having been ordered made, tho
council has considered tho matter
and herowlth ascertains tho probablo
-cost of making such improvement to
bo tho sum of $21,216.42.
And said council further finds that
tho special and peculiar bonoflt ac-
-crulng upon each lot or part thereof
tion to tho city of Modfotd, Oregon;
frontngo 103.5 feet on tho north side
of West Tenth street, and doscrlbed
In Vol. 52, pago 232, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon; 103.5 feet; rato por foot $4.50;
amount $465. 7o.
Assessment No. 12 Frnnklln 13.
Martin. Tho east hnlf of lot 0. block
7, Park addition to tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon; frontage 51.75 foot on
tho north sldo of West Touth street,
and described In Vol. 55, pago 5S,
county recorder'n records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 51.75 feet; rato por
foot $4.50; amount $232. SS.
Assessment Xo. 13 Bon Collins.
Tho west half of lot 9, block 7, Park
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 51.75 feet on tho north
side of West Tenth street, and des
cribed In Vol. 73, pago G29, county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 51.75 foot; rato per foot
adjacent to said Improvement and in $4.50: amount $232. SS.
Just proportion to benefits, to bo tho Assessment Xo. 14 H. A. Preden-
burg. East halt lot S, block 6, Park
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore-
rcsncctlvo amounts hereinafter set
opposite tho number or description
of each lot or part thereof, and such
amounts respectively aro hereby de
clared to bo tho proportionate share
of each lot or part thereof, of tho
cost of such improvement, and is
hereby declared to bo assessed
against said lot or parcels respective
ly, tho namo appearing abovo each
description being tho name of the
owner of such lot or parcel.
cen: frontage 51.75 feet on tho north
side of West Tenth street, and des
cribed n Vol. 71, pages 140 and 141,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 51.75 feet; rato por
foot $4.50; amount $232. SS.
Assessment Xo. 15 F. M. White.
West half of lot S, block f. Park ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 51.75 feet on tho north sldo
nf West Tenth street, and desciibcd
TEXTH STREET FROM OAK- hn vol. 73, pago 166, county record-
per toot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment Xo. 32 A. L. Cuslck.
Lot 14, block 5, Ross addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50
feet on tho north sldo of West Tenth
street, and described In Vol. 67, pago
6, county recorder's rocorda of Jack
son county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato per
foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment Xo. 33 Mrs. J. It. Tlco
Lot 13, block 5, Ross nddition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
feet on tho aorth sldo of West Tenth
street, and doscrlbed In Vol. 76, pago
569, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rate
per foot $4.5o; amount $325.
Assessment Xo. 34 U. S. Collins.
Lot 12, block 5, Ross addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 54
feet on tho north sldo of West Tonth
stroet, and described in Vol. 74, pago
164, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 35 W. J. Swon-
nlng. Lot 11, block 5, Ross addition
block 0. Park addition lo the citv of
Medford. Or.: frontnge. 50 feot on
tlio south sido of West Tenth struct,
niul described in Vol. 72. unco 220.
oountv recorder's records of Jack
son count v. Oregon; 50 feet: rato
nor foot. $4.50: amount. $i!l!5.
Assessment Xo. 51 C. I. Hutchi
son. Tho oust 50 feot of tho north
half of lot a. block 0. Pnrk nddition
to tlio citv of Medford. Or.; frontngo,
50 foot on tho south sido of West
Tenth street, mid desuribod in Vol.
18. nngo 117. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregon; 50
feet: rnto nor foot. $4.50: amount,
Assessment No. 52 Qua Stiuson.
West 50 feet of tlio north hnlf of lot
2. block 0. Park addition to tho citv
of Medford. Or.: frontngo. CO foot
on tho south sido of West Tenth
street, mid described in Vol. 71. unco
007. countv recorder's records of
tothoclty of Medford.'orogon; front-' Jnckson countv. Oregon; 50 foet:
Assessment No. 1 V. E. Beno. Lot
4, Davis subdivision of the city of
Medford, Oregon; frontngo 1S6 feet
on tho north side of West Tenth
street, described in Vol. 67, pago
463, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 1S6 feot;
rato per foot $4.50; amount $S37.00.
Assessment No. 2 S. F. Pentz.
Iot 5, Davis subdivision of the city
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet
on tho north side of West Tenth 1
street, and described in Vol. 60, pago
639, county recorders records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 3 E. G. Ireland.
Xot 6, Davis subdivision to the city
.of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet
n tho north side of West Tenth
etrcet, and described in Vol. 74, page
"346, county recorder's Tecords of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet;
Tate per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 4 E. G. Ireland.
Lot 7, Davis subdivision to tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on
the north side of West Tenth street,
nfl described In Vol. 74, page 346,
county recorder's records of Jackson
ooanty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
94.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 5 F. W. Walte.
Xot S, Davis subdivision to the city of
Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on
the north side of West Tenth street,
caad described in Vol. 75, pago 355.
county recorder's records of Jackson
eouaty, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot
14.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 6 F. IV. Walte.
Lot 9, Davis subdivision of tho city of
-Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on
the north .side of West Tenth street,
and described In Vol. 75, page 355,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot
-.5o; amount $225.
Assessment No. 7 H. M. Coss. A
parcel of land commencing at the
southeast corner of the block num
bered four In Galloway's addition to
tho city of Medford, and running
thence north on the east lino of said
Wock 181 feet; thence weit 113 5-8
feet; thence south 181 feet to tho
-outh lino of said block 4; thence east
er's records of Jackson county, Oro-
ago 50 feet on tho north sldo of West
Tenth stroet, and described in Vol.
66, pago 601, county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
feet: rato por foot $4.50; amount
Assessment Xo. 36 W. O. Davi
son. Lot 4, block 7, Ross addition
to tha city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho south sldo of West
Tenth street, and described In Vol. 75,
page 529, county recorder s records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
gon; 51.75 feef rato por foot $4.50; per foot $4.50; amount $225
amount $232. SS.
Assessment Xo. 16 Rondtlla Good-
ale. Lot 9, block 6, Park addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front-
Asscssmont Xo. 37 II. Lcndors.
Lot 3, block 7, Ross addition to tho
city of Medtord, Oregon; frontngo 50
feet on tho south sldo of West Tenth
ago 103.5 feet on tho north sldo of. street, nnd described in Vol. 61, pago
West Tenth street, and described In 468. county recorder's records of
Vol. 71, pago 343, county recorder's, Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
records or Jackson county, Oregon; . por foot $4.5u; amount $225.
103.o feet; rato per toot 54. &u; j Assessment Xo. 3S Bornico Cam-
amount $465.75
Assessment No. 17 W. J. Beacom.
Lot IS, block 6, Ross addition to the
eron. Lot 2, block 7, Koss addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on the south sldo of West
city of Medford, Oregon; fronfego 50 JTonth street, nnd described In Vol. 7S.
feet on tho north sldo of West Tenth ipngo 506, county recordor's records of
street, and described In Vol. 70, pngo I Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rnto
529, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment Xo. IS W. J. Beacom.
Lot 17, block 6, Ross addition to the
rato Dor foot. $4.50: nmount. $225
Assessment No. 53 J. W Wnko
fioltl. East 50 feot of tlio north half
of lot 2. block 0. Park nddition to
tho citv of Medford. Or.: frontnuo.
50 feot on tho south sido of West
Tenth street, nnd described in Vol.
70. nngo 275, countv recordor's roo
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregen: 50
feet: rnto uer foot. $4.50: nmount.
Assessment No. 54 J. W. Wake
field. West 50 feet of tho north half
of lot 1. block 9. Pnrk nddition to
tho citv of Medford. Or.: frontline.
50 feot on the south sido of West
Tonth strcot. nnd described in Vol.
70. nngo 275. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregon; nri
vnto drive construction. $48.42: 50
feet: rnto nor foot. $4.50: amount.
$225: totnl nmount. $273.42.
Assessment No. 55-rJ. W. Wnko-
field. Enst 50 feet of tho north hnlf
of lot 1. block 9. Park nddition to the
citv of Medford. Or.: frontmro. 50
feot on the south sido of West Tenth
street, nud described in Vol. 70. nngo
275. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv. Oregen: 50 foet:
per foot $4.50; amount $225
Assessment Xo. 39 Bornico Cam
eron. Lot 1, block 7, Ross addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front-
mro RO foot nn tho smith nliln nf WmI. . -. -irn . .
- v . ... jh rtm iiiin irw i 1 n itiiitt k u: ja 1.
city of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 50 Tenth street, and described in Vol. 78. : T '.; V ' ; U. V"":
feeton the north side of West Tenth Ipngo 506, county recorder's records of. Q "B!"-'""" ou mcnnrci
street, and described in Vol. 70, page Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato V,tlu, o L,ot 1"v.n,1( oa," .f 14:
529, county recorders records or per foot $4.50: amount $225. i"'u - s mmmon 10 1110 cuv oi
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate . Assessment No. 40 Helen E. Sned-' Medtord. Or.: frontnge. 103.5 feet on
per foot $4.50; amount $225. icor. The west 50 feot of tho north the south side of West Tenth street
Assessment Xo. 19 H. E. Gudhus. half of lot 8. block 9. Park addition; nnd described in Vol. 07. mi .un.
Lot 16, block 6. Rous addition to the .to the city of Medford, Oregon; front- countv recorder's reenrdq nf .Tnoksnn
ngo ou ieei on mo bouui siuo 01 west
Tenth street, nnd described In Vol. 66,
page 306, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 41 C. I. Hutchi
son. Tho east 50 feot of tho north
half of lot 8, block 9, Park addition
Assessment No. (II Siirnh Moro.
Tho north .104 foot of lot 5. block 8.
Park addition to the citv of Med
tord. Or.: frontage. 50 foot 011 the
south sido of West Tenth street, and
described in Vol, 78. countv record
er's records of Jackson countv, Or Or
eeon: 50 foet: rato nor foot. $4.50:
nmount. $225.
Assessment No. 05 George i. Da
vis. North 104 feot of lot 4. block 8.
Pnrk addition to tlio citv of Mod
lord. Or.; frontngo. 50 feet on tho
bouth sido of West Tenth streot, and
described in Vol. 59. nngo 385. coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregen: 60 feot; rnto nor
foot. $4.50: nmount, $225.
Assessment No. till Uoorgo L. Da
vis. North 104 foot of lot 3. block
8. Pnrk nddition to tho citv of Mod
ford. Or.: frontngo. 50 foot on tho
south sido of West Tonth stroet. nnd
described in Vol. 50. nngo 385. coun
tv recorders records nf Jnnk-mm
countv. Oregen: 50 foet: rato nor
loot. $j.oo : amount. $225.
Assessment No. 07 T. n. Ellison.
North 04 feet of lot 2. hlnnk- H. PnrL-
nddition to the citv of Medford. Or.;
iiuiiuiL-u. ou icoi on tlio south sido
of West Tenth street, nnd described
in Vol. 50. nngo 327. countv record
er's records of Jnckson countv. Or Or
eeon: 50 feet: rato nor foot. $4.50:
nmount. $225.
Assessment No. 08 T. 1). Ellison.
North 04 feet of lot 1. block H. Pm-k
nddition to tho citv of Medford. Or.:
mintage, ou teet on the south sido of
West Tenth street, nnd described in
ol. 50. nngo 327. countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oregon;
50 feet: rnto nor foot. $4.50: nmount.
Assessinont No. 09 William L,
ens. West 100 foot of the nurcol of
inna mnrked O on tho mm of the
citv of Medford. Or.: frontage. 100
feet on tho south sido of West Tenth
street, nnd described in Vol. 75. nngo
405. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregen: 100 foet:
rnto nor foot. $4.50: amount, s.inn
As3ossmont No. 70 II. C. Kcntnor,
Tho east 85.5 feot of the narcel ol
of Medford. Or.: frontngo. 102.5 foul
on tho south sido of West Tonth
street, mill described in Vol. 51. pnge
323. oountv recorder's iccoi1h of
Jackson countv. Oregen: 102.5 foet:
rnto nor foot. $4.60; uiiioimt. $40L25.
f Hcolinn 2. Tim rccordor of the
cilv of .Medford is herebv directed lo
cuter 11 stiilonioul of I ho assessments
herebv nindo in tho docket nf citv
lions, nnd to givo notice bv nubllon
tion us roouirod bv thu ohurlor nnd
ordinniioo No. 250 of said citv. in the
Dailv Mail Tribune, a nowsnunor pub
lished nnd of general circulation in
snid cilv.
Tho foregoing ordinance wits miss
ed bv tho citv council of tho citv of
Medford. Or., on the 8th duv of Julv,
1010. bv tho following vetn:
Welch ubsont. Merrick avo. Kiuor-
10K uvc. wormian uvo. Eiiort live mid
Deiumor uvo.
Annroved Julv 0. 10 10.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
Citv Uccorder.
To tho owner, or reniitcd owner, of
ench nurcol of nronertv described in
tho foregoing ordinance, us iinmcd
therein, nnd in tho lion declared bv
snid ordinance us recorded in the
docket of citv liens:
ou tiro horebv notified that tli.i
nssossnint declared bv the foregoing
ordinuiicu has hecn inudc and thu lion
thorofor entered in tho citv lien
docket, mid that the snuio u due. itml
vou nro herebv reouired to nav tho
sumo to tho citv recorder within ten
dnvs from tho service of this notice,
which service is mado bv niiblicntion
of tho foregoing ordinance, mid this
notico three times in the Medford
Mail Tribune, niirsiinnt to nu ordi.r
of tho citv council of snid citv.
Citv Kucordor.
city of Medford, Oregen: frontage 50
feet on tho north side of West Tenth
street, and described In Vol. 69, page
88, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot $4.50: amount $225.
Assessment No. 20 H. E. Gudhus.
Lot 15, block 6, Ross addition to tho
city of Medford", Oregon; frontage 50
feet on the north side of West Tenth
street, and described In Vol. 69, page
88, county recorders records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per
foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment Xo. 21 Ellsworth
countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rnto nor
loot. $4.50: amount. $225.
Assessment No. 57 Ben J. Trow
bridge. A Dnrcel of land beginning
nt the northeast corner of lot 13.
running thence east 30 feet: thonco
south 194 feet: thenco west 100 feet:
...... vi luk u, v, iaia uuuiuuu jouuiu .vi nul, lUVIIUU Ul
to tno city or .Mcdrord. Oregon; iront- thenco north 194 feet: theuco east 70
ago ou teet on ine souin sme or west fCct to tho olnco of beginning, it be-
T5fnl?i? Af ttv 1 A 1rtt ti Dnoa
addltlon'to the city of 'Medford, Ore-json- The wost 50 feet of thp ,Iortn
gen: frontage 50 feet on the north balf of lot 7. block 9, Park nddition
side of West Tenth street, and des- to the citv of Medferd: frontage 50
criDea in voi. 00, page ou, county feet on the south sido of West Tenth
Tenth street, and described in Vol. 18.
page 117, county recorder s records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
HV. .,. T-,., .,u.uuuv T"-". . -M It.- .1 . , . . ,.
(. v o r t it..ii.: !' a "J" uoriiicasi siue 01 lot 14.
assessment No. 4J C I. Hutchi i,; mninj . i .1 1 . e
, ti. t r,n w f n ..being 100x194 feet: also tho right of
ine 194 feet off of tho north end of
lot 13 and 30jl94 feet off of tho
northwest sido of lot 12. nnd 20x104
recorder's rccordo of Jackson county, ( street ftnd ilescribed in Vol. 18. nngo
"V ,r" iaw IJCI I001 'OVi 117. countv recorder's records of
Assessment Xo. 22 Ellsworth , Jnckso countv. Oregon : 50 foot, rnto
Packard, et ux. Lot 13. block 6. Ros3 ,Der foot' $4'50: amount. 225.
addition to tho city of Medford. Ore- Assessment No. 43 E. W. Wnke-
gon; frontage 50 feet on the north 1 field. East 50 feet of the north half
side of West Tenth street, and des
crlbed in Vol. 65, page 533, county
oa the said south lino 113 5-8 feet to ' recorder's records of Jackcon county.
xao place of beginning; frontage 113.6
feet on the north sldo of West Tenth
of lot 7. block 01. Pnrk addition to
the citv of Medford. Or.: frontngo.
50 feet on the south side of West
r - M. a i a A i -" a.-' vij uiu .luuiu mi
amount 25 ,Tcnth streot nnd Ascribe! Vol. 73.
Assessment Xo. 23 H. D. Schuler. "n(re 4' C0HIV recorder's records of
Lot 12, block 6, Ross addition to tho Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet:
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 rato ner foot. $4.50: nmount. $225.
feet on tho north side of West Tenth ! Assessment No. 44 E. W. Wnkc
street, and described in Vol. 71, pago field. The west 50 feet of the north
405, county recorder's records of hnlf of lot fi. lilmk ft. 1'mlr nddiMmi
Jackson county Oregon; 50 feet; rate to lhe citv of Medford. Or.: frontngo.
per foot $4.50; amount $225. ro feet on .1. uth sil f ,v ,
Assessment No. 24 Richard Schu-(m"Jui .. 1 , , r,
lor 11 hlnV ft Dnoc o ,Htl I A t'lllll biretH. IIIIU llUHUriUUU III VOL
w . .mwv . WiWVH V. SW0 UUUIkllU IU
the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
50 feet on tho north sido of West
Tenth street, and described in Vol. 71,
page 4U&, county recorder s records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 25 Richard Schu
ler. Lot 10, block 6, Ross addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
50 feet on the north sido of West
Tenth street, und described In Vol. 71,
73. nnge 94. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregen: 50
feet: rate ner feet. $4.50: nmount
Assessment No. 45 1 M. Amv.
Tho east 50 feet of tho north hnlf 1
of lot G. block 9. Park addition to
the citv of Medford. Or., frontngo.
50 feet on tho south sido of West
Tenth street, nnd described in Vol.
page 405, county recorder's records of 70. nage 495. countv recorder's rec
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; ratoords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50
per foot $4.50: amount $225.
Assessment No. 26 George Loomis.
Lot 20, block 5, Ross addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
feet on tho north side of West Tenth
street, and described In Vol. 68, pago
586, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate
per foot $4.50; amount $225,
Assessment No. 27 Anna Lane
feet: rato per foot. $4.50: nmount,
Assessment No. 40 Marv E. Sur
ran. The west 50 feet of the north
hulf of lot 5. block 9. Park addition
to tho citv of Medford. Or : frontngo,
50 feet on tho south sido of West $4.50; nmount. $225
Tenth street, nnd described in Vol,
00. nage 72. countv recorder's rec-
street, described In Vol. 67. Dace 197.
-county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 113.6 feet; rate per
loot $4.60; amount $511.20.
Assessment No. 8 W. T, York. A
parcel of land commencing at i point
la section 25, township 37 south,
range 2 west of tho Willamette mer
idian, from which tho northwest cor
ner of the scboolhouse lot boars north
826 feet, said point being tho south
west corner of block Xo. 4 of Gallo
way's addition to tho city of Medford,
and from said point running thence
aorth on the west lino of said block
181 feet; thenco east 113 7-8 feet;
thenco south 181 feet to tho south
lino of said block; thenco west
113 7-8 feet to the place of com
mencing; frontage 113.9 feet ol tho
north side of West Tenth street. art.
crlbed in VoL 65, page 70, county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; private drive construction
G.20; 113.9 foot; rate per foot
?4.50; amount $518.75.
Assessment No. 9 J. H. Daley. A
parcel of land beginning at tho south
east corner of lot 3, Galloway's addi
tion to the city of Medford; running
thence north 1C8 feet; ttenco west
.200 feot; thenco south 66 feet: then
oast 134 feot; thonco south 102 feot; 1
luunuu east ou root to the place of
beginning; frontago CO feet on tho
north sldo of West Tenth street, and
described in Vol. 58, pago 349, coun
ty recordor's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 66 feot; rato per foot
14.50; amount $297.00.
Assessment No. 10 Frankling E.
Martin. A rarcel of land commencing
at tho northwest corner of lot 2, in
blobk 3, and running thonco north
along M street 18 feot; thence east
200 feet; thenco south 18 feet to tho
northeast comer c lot 1; thence west
to tho place of beginning, all In tho
Galloway addition; also lots x and 2,
In block 3, of cald Galloway addition,
and beginning 18 feet north of tho
northwest corner of lot 2. hlnpir a. in
tho Galloway addition to tho city of
Medford, nnd running thonco north
long M street 100 feet; thenco east
200 foot; across said block; thenco
south along L stroet 100 feot to 18
feot north of tho northeast corner of
Jot 1, block 3; thonco along tho lino
18 feot north or tho north lino of lots
1 and 2 to tho nlaco Of bo'lnnlnrr
(pait of tho abovo now mnrked O on
the map) nnd marked D ou tho map
of tho city of Medford; frontngo 134
feet on tbo north sldo of West Tonth
stroot, descrJbod In Vol. 50, pago 590,
county rocordo 's records of Jackson
county. Oregon; 134 foet: rato nor
foot $4.50; amount $C03. (Tonth stroot, and doscrlbed In Vol. 01, 1 $225. , recorder' vie rd of Jack on conn.
Assessment No. 11 Franklin E, pago 389, county recordor's records of Acsmcit Xo. 10 'urrv W 'v. Oroj "1 foet: 1.1U ner foot,
Martin. Lot 8, block 7, Park addi-j Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato'uO feet of the north half ul lot 3, -' 1 50 i nmuuu $225.
wnv deeded T. P. Gooch and wife.
W. II. Hnmlin. beginning nt the
southwest corner of lot 10. running
thenco north 104 feet, thenco west
87 feet, thence south 10 feet, thenco
enst 79 feet, thonco south 148 feet,
thenco east 8 feet to tho nlnco of bo
I'innine. nnd marked AO ou tho man
of tho citv of Medford. Or.: frontngo.
100 leet on tho south sido of West
Tenth street, nnd described in Vol.
42. Dnee 001. countv recordor's rec
ords of Jnckson countv. Oregen: 100
feet: rato nor foot. $4.50: nmount.
$450: nrivnte drive construction.
$13.57: total. $403.57.
Assessment No. 58 M. H. Fisher.
A narcel of land beginning at tho
northwest corner of lot 10. block 8.
nf the Pnrk mlilifwin In llm nilxr nf
. - ......... u ...w .j.., v..
Medlonl. accordme to tho official
nlnt thereof, now ot recerd: running
thenco west 70 feet, thence south 104
feet, thence 70 feet to tho west line
of said lot 10. thenco north 194 foot
to tho nluco of beginning und marked
A, P. on the man f tho citv of Mod
ford: frontage. 70 feet on the south
side of West Tenth street, und de
scribed in Vol. 00. nneo 145. countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregen: 70 feet: rnto ner foot.
$1.50: nmount. $315.
Assessment No. 59 Mrs. I'. R
Woodford. Tho north 194 feet of Jot
10. block 8. Park nddition to tho cilv
a..- 1 - '
of .Medterd: frontnge. 50 feet on tho
south side of West Tenth stroot. nnd
described in Vol. 05, nugo 442, countv
recorder's records of Jnckson coun
tv. Oregen: 50 feet: rato nor foot.
land marked O on tho man of ho ;u-
oi Medford. Or.: frontngo. 85.5 foot
on tho south sido of West Tenth
street, und described in Vol. 58. nago
570. countv recorder's rocords of
Jnckson countv. Oregen: 85.5 feet:
rnto uer foot. $4.50: amount. $384.75.
Assessment No. 71 John tinm.,.
burg. A narcel of luml commencing
-lou.o icet oust ot tho northwest cor
ner of block No. 0 of Onllownv's ad
dition to tho citv of Medford. Or :
running thenco south 170 feet, thenco
enst 00 feot. thenco north 170 foot,
thonco west 00 feet to tho nlnco of
beginning: frontngo. 00 feet on the
south hide of WHt Tenth streot. nnd
described in Vol. 05. oago 48. coun
tv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 00 foet: rato nor
1001. nmount. $270.
Assessment No. 72 M. Hellingor.
A imrcol of Innd beginning nt tho
northwest corner of block 0 in Gal
loways nddition to tho citv of Mod
ford: running thonco enst on the
north line of said block 490.09 feet,
thenco south 170 foot, thonco wost
490.90 feot to tho west lino of snid
block 0. thence north ou the said wost 1
11110 nu leet to tho nlnco of begin
ning: frontage. 122.75 feet mi Hi.,
south sido of West Tenth -street, mid
described in Vol. 75. nngo 480.
countv recordor's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 122.75 feet: rnto
uer foot. $4.50: nmount. $552.38.
Assessment No. 73 S. J. Erdmaii
euim.vanci: no. :wu.
AX ORDIXAXCK iloclnrlng tho nn
sessmiint ou tho property benefited
for the cost of Invlnir n
wntor main on Dakota Avonuo and been sold thorefrom:
AHHCftiiinoiit Xo. I - M, W. and II.
II. Tuttlo -Lot .'I, block 1, Tiittlu'u
Klnil Division of tho City of Mod
ford, Oregon, frontago ol) foot on
tho south sldo of Dakota Ave, nud
described In Vol --, Pngo ..Coun
ty Recorder's records nf .liiclcnon
County Recorder's records of Jack
County, Oregon, 51) foot, into
por root $1.01, amount $iu.:itl,
AHHCHSiuont No 5 M, W, and II.
W. Tuttlo. Lot 13, block 1, Tultlo'B
First Division of tlio City or Med
ford, Oregon, Frontago 173 feet on
tho south Hldo or Dakota Ave, niul
described In Vol. --, I'ago , Coun
ty Recorder's records of Jnckson
County, Oregon. ,173 foot, into por
foot, $1.04, amount $1711.02.
AiiHcmiinoiit Xo. 0--.M. W. and II.
II. Tiiltlo. A parcel or laud tout
ing (160 reel on the south sldo of
Dakota Avonuo, lying lictwoon King
nnd N'owtown Htrools. described In
Vol. , I'ago--, County Rocordor'n
rocordH of JackHou County, Oregon,
all of hiiiiio being within corporate
boundaries of tho City of Medford,
Oregon. 660 feet, rato per root, $104,
amount $086.40.
AMHOtiHinont No. 7- -Mrs. M. D.
Hturghi. A imrcol of laud com induc
ing at n point 30 feot south or tho
southeast corner or lot 4, block 3,
llurr'H Addition to tho City or Mcd
rord, Oregon; running thoiiro south
IU.5 root; thenco west parallel with
tho sou Hi lino ol said lot I, block
3, llurr's Addition, 340 root; thonco
north 1M.5 root; theuco oast along tho
south lino or Dakota Avo. 310 rent
to tho plnco ot beginning. Frontngo
310 toot ou tho south sldo or Dakota
Avo. mid described In Vol. 73, Pngo
594, County Recorder's rocordH of
JuckHon County. Oregon. 3 10 font.
rate por root $1.01, amount $363.60.
AsHOHiimont Xo. 8 C. II. II. Par
ker. A parcel or land commencing
at tho NorthciiHt corner ot a tract
or laud deeded 1). U, Kuriics to Kfflo
Martin, and recorded in Vol. 53 at
page 216 of the Deed Rocords of
Jnckson County, Oregon; running
thenco south 121.5 feel; thenco west
10.89 chains; theuco 121,5 foot;
theuco etiHt 10.89 chains to tho place
of beginning, excepting and reHerv
Ing" therefrom 30 rent along tho oust
lino for street or road niiriioHou. und
excepting and reserving therefrom
nlso thu following tract, which has
parcel of
directing tho Recorder to outer al1"1"1 commencing 30 feel south from
statement thereof In the Wntor "'o southeast corner lot 4, block 3,
Main Lion Docket.
Tho City of Medford doth or.l.iln
ns follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho Citv
Council did heretofore, bv reHnlntton
declnro Its Intention to lay a six-Inch
innln on Dakota Avo and to iistiess
tho roHt thoreor on tho property
miming on said portion or said
strcot In proportion to tho troiitngo
or said property, mid fix a time and
plnco for hearing protests against tho
laying or said wntor inn I n on said
part or said streot nud tho assess
ments or tho cost thoreor ns afore-snid.
And Whereas, said resolution was
duly published nnd poatod ns re
ouired by Section 116 of the rlmrN.r
or said city:
And. Wherons, a meeting of tho
Council was held at tho time nud
plnco fixed in tho said resolution, for
tho purpose of considering any Hiich
protests hut no protests woro nt said
tlmo or at any other tlmo made to
or recolved by tho Council to tho said
Inylng of said Vator mnln or tho hh-
sessnient of tho coat as aforesaid, and
said Council having considered tho
mnttcr. and deeming that snid wn
tor main was nnd Is of material bun.
oflt to said city, and Hint nil proper
ty to bo nssosHod thororor would bo
benefited thereby to tho oxtont of
tho probable amount of tho rospoct
Ivo assessments to be levlod agaliiHt
Hniu properly did order said main
And Whereas, the cost of tho snid
A narcel of lnnd commencing nt a" wator mnln has been nnd heroby Is
LOt ID, blOCk 5. ROSS addition to tho nnk nf .Innlrcnn Mimlu rrntr,n' -r.fl
?ifM,?ffIi!.',0r.0,80n;. tr,on!f-ot: rato ner foot. $4.50; mnount.
"i mu jium bjuu ui WU1H 1 until coo
.t.iul nn.l .!. II. .i l ir-1 mr I 'T-
'", unu ucnuiuui in vui. IU, page
560, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 28 J. E. Randies,
Lot 18, block 5, Ross addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50
foot on the north sido of West Tonth
street, and described in Vol. 73, pago
335, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feot; rato
per foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 29 J. E. Collins.
Lot 17, block 5, Ross addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50
feot on tho north sldo of West Tenth
street, and described In Vol. 73, pago
Assessment No. 47 Dr. Thnvor.
East 50 feot of tho north half of lot
5. block 9. Pnrk nddition to tho citv
of Medford. Or. : frontnge. 50 feet on
tho south sido of West Tenth streot.
and described in Vol. . pago .
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rato
ner foot. $4.50: amount. $225.
Assessment No. 4& C. I. Hutchir
son. The west 50 feet of the north
hnlf of lot 4. block 9 Park addition
to the citv of Medford. Or.; front
nge. 50 feet on tho south sido of
West Tenth street, und described in
335. county recorder's records ofnr..i to 117 i..
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rate " , T? , " tu lvguw a
per foot $4.50; amount $225. ' Td,s of, Jnck8on (co"nr' rC:0n
Assessment No. 30 James p. rQfeet: rnto ner fool. $4.50: nmount.
Royd. Lot 16. block 5. Ross addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregen: front-
ago 50 feet on tho north sldo of West
Tenth streot, and described In Vol, 01,
pago 389, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot;
rato por foot $4.50; amount $225.
Assessment No. 31 James F.
Assessment No. 49 Mrs. L. W.
Puncher. Tho cast 50 feet of tlio
north half of lot 4. block 0. Park nd
dition to tho citv of Medtord. Or.:
frontngo. 50 foot on tho south sido of
Assessment No. 00 Mrs. I It.
Woodford. Tho north 104 foot of lot
9. block 8. Park nddition to tli citv
of Medford. Or.: frontnge. 50 feot on
tho south sido of West Tenth street,
mid described in Vol. 05. imgo 442.
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rate ner
loot. JM.fiU; amount. $225.
Assessment No, 01 II. N. Lof
Innd. Tho north 194 feet of lot 8.
block 8. Park nddition to tho cilv of
Medford. Or.; frontngo. 50 feet on
tho south sido of West Tenth strcot,
and described in Vol. 77. nngo 123.
countv recorder's records of .Ino.U.
son countv. Oregon; 50 foet: rnlo
ner foot. $4.50: nmount. $225.
Assessment No. 0211. N. Lof-
Jnnd. The north 104 feot of lot 7.
block 8. Park nddition to tho citv of
Medford. Or.; froptngo. 50 feot on
tho Hfuth sido of West Tenth' streot.
nnd described in Vol. 77, nago 123.
countv recorder's rocords of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 50 foet: rnto nor
1001. t,Hu; nmount. tfSiio.
Assessment No. 03 Surah Moro,
rim north 101 feet of lot 0. block 8,
noint on tho north line nf lilm.L t ,.r
1 . . ... - -- """ v in.
uaiiowuvs addition to tho citv of
Medford. Or., situated 123.70 feet
west of tho northeast comer there
of, nnd running thenco south 170
feet, thonco west 122.74 feot. thenco
north 170 feet to tho north lino of
snid block, thence enst on tho snid
north lino 122.74 feet to the nlnco of
beginning: frontage. 122.76 foot on
the south sido of West Tonth strcot.
nnd described in Vol. 00. tmirn WI2.
couiiiv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregen: 122.75 feet: nor
loot. $4.50: nmount. $552.38: nri
vuto drive construction, $20.02: to.
till. $572.40.
Assessment No. 7.1 A A n,.,.ii
A unreel of lnnd commencing at u
noint on tho south lino of tho north
west miartor of tho southonst oiinrter
ot section 25. in township 37 south,
range 2 wost. of thu Willnmotto 1110
ridinii. situated 105 feet west of tho
southonst corner of tho said nortji-
eiiMi uiiurtor 01 tno southeast (iimr
ter of said section, ruiiniiu: thence
west on tho snid south lino 123.70
feet: thonco north 352 feet, llioncu
cast 123.70 feot. thence soli 352
ioetto tho nlaco of commencing, con
taining ono ncro. moro or lews; fmm.
? J'' fet on tho south sido of
1 l entli strcot. nud described in
l. 48. rmge 023. countv rccordor'i.
records of Jackson countv. Oregen:
14.1. 0 roet: rnto ner foot. $4.00:
amount. $550,92: nrivnto drivo con
slruclion. $19.82; totnl. $070.74.
Assessment No. 75 I. w. c,,
Tho wost 10 foot of Jot 12. WV-nmi
addition to tho citv of Af.ulf.i-J n.. .
fnintngo, 10 foot on tho Bouth side
,;VrHLJlt'ntI' slrt!0t' "'! losoribo(l
111 voi, . uuifo '10. countv recorder'!
dotormlnod to ho tho sum of 13259.28
Now, Thorofore, It Is horoby ftir
thor dotormlnod Hint the proportion
ate share or tho cost of laying snid
wator mnln of ench imrrol of nron-
orty fronting on said portion of said
street Is tho amount set on-
poslto tho description of each
pnrcol of land below, and that each
pleco or pnrco! of laud benefited by
tho Inylng or the snid main to tho
full oxtont of thu amount so sot op
posite the description or tho sumo.
nnd that tho respective amounts rep-
rosont tho proportional bonoflts or
snid wator mala to said respective
parcels of land, nnd nlso tho pro
portional frontngo thereof on said
stroot, und tho council doos horoby
dnclaro ench of tho parcels of prop
erty described below to bo assossod
and each ot tho samo Is horoby ns-
sossod to tho amount sot opposite onch
description 10 r tno cost of laying said
water mnln.
NUMIJBIt 269.)
Assessment No. 1 Flavla Ilnrkor.
A parcel or land beginning at a point
25 teet south and 240.24 root oast of
tlio northeast corner of Section 31,
Township 37, South of Range 1
West of tho Willnmotto Morldlnn;
running thonco South on tho wost
lino or Donation Land Claim No. 44,
178 root; thenco west 310.44 foet:
tlionco north 187 feot; thonco oast
310.24 foot to tho plnco or boglnnliig.
Frontngo 310,24 loot on thu south
sldo or Dakota Avo. and described In
Vol. ill, Page 123, County Recorder's
records of Juckson County, Orogon.
110.24 foot, into per root, $1.04,
nmount $114,65.
Assessment No. 2 M. AV, nnd II.
Hnrr'H Addition to the City ot Med
ford, Oregon, running tlionco south
91,5 feet; thenco went 011 a lino par
allel with tho south lino of snid lot
4, block 3, Unrr'H Addition, 340 feot;
thenco north 91,5 feet; thenco enst
ou thu south Hue or Dakota Avo. 340
root to tho plnco or beginning. Front
age 320 reel 011 tho south side of Da
kota Ave,, und described In Vol. ,
Pngo , County Recorder's records
of Jackson County, Oregon. 320 foot,
rnto por root $1.01. amount $332.80.
Hoction . Anil It Is horoby or
dered nnd ordained that tho several
aimessuieiitH mid lions thoreor bo en
tered In tho Wator Mnln Lion Docket
or tho said City, and that thereupon
notlvo bo glvon to tho owners or
reputed owners of said property, nnd
nun tlio hiiiiio lie enforced mid col
lected In tho manner provided by tho
Charter of tho said city for tho
collection or assignments for the Im
provement ot tho streets therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered
that tho notice abovo provided for bo
published three times In tho Dally
Mall Tribune, u newspaper published
mid of general circulation In salt!
city, In tho manner provided by Or
dinance No, 250 ot said city.
Tho foregoing Ordlnnnco was
passed by tho City Council of tho
City of Medford, .Oregon, on tho 8th
day of July, 1910, by tho following
Merrick, nyo; Welch, absent: El-
fort, aye; Demiuor, nyo; Emorlck.
aye; Wortmau, aye.
Approved July 9, 1910.
W. II, CANON, Mayor.
Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER,
City Rocordor.
To tho owner, or reputed ownor.
of each parcel of property doscrlbed
In thu foregoing ordlnnnco, ns named
therein, mid In the lieu doclarod by
said ordlnnnco ns recorded In tho
docket of city Ileus:
You nro hereby notified that tho
usROBStiioiit deelnred by tho foregoing
ordinance has boon made and the lien
thorofor outored In tho city Hen
docket, and thai the smuo Is duo, and
you aro hereby required to pay tho
samo to tho city recorder within ton
days from thu service of this notice,
which orv!ro Is mado by publication
of tho foregoing ordinance, and this
uoiico inreo tunes in tho .Medford
Mnll Trobuno, pursuant to mi order
ot tho city council or said city .
City Rocordor,
a 11 rn..,i,. r ... i l.tnAl 1 rii...i,,t,.
lOCOrilS Ol .Inm?unn nimili. A.... " ' iihiwi 1. ilk 1, iiiwuii 1, iiiiuuii
10 fool- nifi , ,,r fnoJ & 0rmm,i Plrst Division of tlio City or ModMrd,
7o. I'!.1? rJIfl?t''.0; nmount, Oregon. Frontago 50 root on tlio
JiBi. J . 1 ntili'0 onH"olm. Houth aide ot Dakota Avo., nud lo-
.MIJ.JW, total, $91.84. iiepilinil In Vnl . . niiL'n f!niintv
West Tenth streot. Und described in Park addition to Iho citv of Medford.
noyd Lot 15, block 5, Ross i.ddltloni Vo1, - mvo 291, ti0""lv recorder's Or.: Irontaee, 50 foot on tho south
to th6 city of Medtord, Orogon; f ront-1 records of Juckhon coui,tv. Oregon; mdo of West Tenth stroot. und, do
ago 50 feot on tho north side of West I GO ee-i. rule w-r foot, $1.10: mnount. 'bribed in Vr, 78, nngo 557, ooiiiuv
Assessment Nn. 71 V 'i f,.n
East 34 feot of lot 32. W.n-'hn.m ,.,1'
dition (o tho citv of Medford. Or.;
fioiilngo. 34 foot on (ho south sido
ol West Tonth stroot. nnd described
in Vol. 51. pago 323. countv record
ers records of Juckson countv, Or
egon; 34 foot; rato ner foot. $1.50:
nmount, $153.
Assessment No. 77- V. T. AfePinn
Lot 1, Worlmaii addition to tho citv $1 4 amount $01,30.
scribed In Vol - , jingo , County
Recorder's rocordo of Jnckson Coun
ty, Oregon. 59 foot, rato por foot,
$1,04, mnount $01.36,
Assessinont No. 3 M. W, and II.
II, Tuttlo. Lot 2, block 1, Tuttlo'n
First Division of tho City of Mod
ford, Orogon. Frontngo 5fl foot ou
tho south side of Dakota Ave,, mid
described in Vol, , Pngo , County
Recorder's rocords of Jackson Coun
ty, Oregon. 59 foot, rato por foot
Notico Is lioroTiy "glvon that a
school mooting of School Dlntrlct No.
49 of Jnckson County, Oregon, to bo
hold at tho hkfh ichool building, In
snid district, 011 tho 15th day of July
A. D. 1910, thoro will bo submitted
to tho logil vo'ors of Bald district;
tho question of contracting u bonded
debt of firty thousand ($50,000,00)
dollars, thirty thoi nand ($30,000,00
dollars thereof to ro usod for the
purposo of erecting mid equipping an
emit sldo school building, ind twenty
thousand ($20,000,000) dollars
thereof for tho purposo of repairing
and constructing nn annox to tho
Washington uehool und Installing a
now boating p.'mit. therein, the vv'o
to ho by ballot, upon which shall bo
tho words, "Donds Yob," und tho
words, "Ilonrts No." PoIIb to bo
opon at 1 o'clock p. in. nnd romaln
open until 4 o'clock p. ni,
Dy order of tho Board ot Directors
of School Dlst.'lct No, 40 of Jackson
County, Oregon,
Dated thli 25th day of Juno, A.
D. 1910,