MEDJfOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, JlEnKORD. ORHUON. iMOKDAV, .UThY II, 19.10. ii Medford Mail Tribune CemiStt Series: Thirty-ninth Year; Dnlly, Fifth Year, JlB JKDEFBHDENT NEWSPAPER nBUSHCD DAIZ.T EXCEPT SATUR- SAT BY THE MEDrORD FKXKTinO OO. A eiollOntlon of the Mctlfortl Mull, wtefettahttt 1880; the Southern Oro rmKix atabllnheu 1902: tho Democratic 7tm stnbllBhoil 1872: tlio Ashland TrWew. eetabllshcu 1S96, nnd tho Mod XerA tJrlbuno, established 1906. SROfKm PUTNAM, Editor and Manure )fe1ru nn second-class matter No vanVu 3, 1809, at tho pout-office at Sfottrrd. Oregon, under tho act at SCut 3. 1879. QfXtttel Fapcr of tho City of Medford STTBSCRXPTIOK KATES. Oa TtT by mall 15.00 Ob month by mall ... ,50 Per Month, delivered by carrier. In TaJent, Phoenix, Central Point, Ot1 Hill and Woodvlllo .SO gsttfey nly. my mall, per year. . . . 2.00 WetMy, per year y 1.50 5rmH x&ctd Wlr UnlLd patches. Pmbi Dli- TJe Mall Trlbuno Is on solo at the Terry Kews Stand. San Francisco. Perused Hotel News Stand, Portland. Stnra&a News Co., Portland, Ore TC. X Whitney. Seattle. Wash. Hetel Spokane News Stand, Spokane. THE REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY. TUER13 is considerable buncombe printed about Dem ocrats objecting to the proposed Republican As sembly. This is absurd. There is no reason why Repub licans and all other parties should not hold assemblies, if held within the Drovisions entailed by the law. In fact, as follews: "Section 2791 Any political party, and any assembly of electors as hereinafter defined, and also individual electors to the number hereinafter specified, by causing a certificate of nomination to be duly prepared and filed in the manner hereinafter provided, may nom inate one candidate for each publie office to be filled at the election, whose name shall bo placed upon the ballots to be furnished as hereinafter provided. A political party, within the meaning of this act, is an affiliation of electors representing a political party which, at the gen- Posta'are Bates. I to ll-papo paper. .lc II to 34-page paper -c 31 to Jt-pago paper 3c SWOBS' CIRCULATION. Dally for Ne-Trmbtr, 1909 Dccanbcr, 1909 ................ Jurary, 1910 yrtu itury. 1910 3S&T4i2 jSIU ................... JSHil. 3910 .................... June, 1910 Tunx cxBcrmATzoir. 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,550 2.500 2,500 2,625 2,525 2.525 13 2,575 U 2.525 24 2,525 It. 2,525 Total for month 65,700 Xem deductions 650 1 1. 16... 17... 19... 20... 21... 22 23.". 24... 26... 27. 28 29 30... 1,700 1.S42 1.925 2 122 2.205 2,301 3,450 2.525 2,525 2.575 3.525 2,525 2,525 2.525 2,525 2,575 2,525 2.525 2,52a 2,525 65,050 Average net dolly, 2,502. STATE OF OREGON, County of Jack Ma. ss: Ob this 1st day of July, 1910, per aee&Kr appeared before me, O. Put- aaanager or the Medford Mall Trl- . Trco. uDon oath, acxnowledred that above ftcures are true and correct. tSMlJ H. N. TOCKET. Notary Public for Oregon. MEDPOBD, OBSOOir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Jtertlitrci California and fastest-grow-tex csty in Oregon. PcpalaMon, 1910. 9.000. Bask deposits. $2,750,000. Burner fruit city of Oregon Rogue Jttver apples won sweepstakes prize and tHle t,f "Apple Blngs of the World" at national Apple Show, Spokane, 1909. Bsgns lUver pears brought highest Mteea In all markets of the world dur hf tke past five years. Wrile Commercial Club, enclosing 6 lor postage on finest community met ever written. SaTkey said ho could do better tiroa Jeffries. So could Ed Root. lis the- gay old summer time but ike san has been too pay the pust Mtrce days. To enjoin pavinj? is not tho way to wifiuve a city. Smacks too much of swssiackism. onniXASCK no. arm. AN OUDINANIM'J nuthorlitliiK tho Ibsuuiico of Thirty Tliou&iiiul (30,000) lUillnrtt of tlio (lonmul Fmul lloiuls of Iho City of Mctl ford, OroRou, Tlio City of Moilford doth onlnlii ttH follewH: Whereas, there woro duly IhhiuhI by tho City of Medford on tho tth diiy of AuKUBt. moo. Thirty TIiouhuiiiI provision is made in the law itself for asseniblies'S,'0";,"',,,1 "XT.! which Morula will bo duo and imyublo on tho 1st da of AukuhI, 11U0, uiul which Honda boar Interest at tho rato of flvo nor cent nor annum. Whereas, It Is necessary Hint said City Issue nu equal amount of Ha Oonoral Kund Hands Tor tho purposo of rofundliiK tlio principal of uald Honda upon their inutiiritiK, and, Whereas, the Council dooms It for the best Interest of said city to refund said outstanding Indebtedness at tlio snmo rate of Interest as tho same now bonr. Section 1. Now. Therefore tho City of Medford doth ordain us afore said, that there Is horeby authorized to bo Issued by tho City of Medford Its Genornl Fund Honds in tho eral election next preceding, polled at least five por cent , Soo ) iSonurs. ' U8niHl m'' of the entire vote east in the state, county, precinct, or'Son war other electoral district for which, the nomination is made I aumun, ami simii maturo twenty , ,. . s t i ii i (years after tholr date, and shall bo for representation m Congress, or which shall present a I issued in denominations of five lum petition with the signatures of at least five per cent of .ftH iluAIS-Xrnv T"ey the electors of that district, stating their intention to form j wo y q p m bnumiiku - a new poliical partv, giving the designation thereof. An I state of Oregon. ,, i , ..i .i e i.i l i KNOW ALL .MEN BY THKSH assembly of electors, withm the meaning of this act, is an I huesknts. That the city of Med- organized body of not less than one which the nomination! Sate S oV" Ko"nfor vai!.no 'SS ' nereiiy agrees ami promises to pay ' tho bearer the sum of Five Hundred ($300) Dollars In Gold Coin of tho United States of Amorlcn, on tho pre sentation and surrendor of this ob ligation on the 1st day of August In the Yenr of Our Lord Ono Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty, without ( grace, with Interest thoroon from tho date hereof until redeemed at tho rate of flvo per cent, por annum, payablo semi-annually, In like coin, on tho first day of Fobrunry nnd tho first day of August In each year on tho presentation and surrender of tho proper coupons hereto nntfoxod, prin cipal and Interest payablo at tho of fice of the Treasurer of tho City Hlds to bo accompanied by a cer tified chock on soiuo National or State Hank within tho State of Ore gon equal to flvo por cent of tho amount bid fori check to bo made payablo to the City Tivnmircr. Tho Council reserves tho right to reject any nnd all bids. UOHT. W. TELFEU, City Recorder. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this llth duy of July, UU0. KKHOIjIITION. Ho It recolvod, by tho city coun cil of Medferd: That nil wr.tor usora e: tho city of Medford nro hereby prohlbltod from usliut nny water for Irrigation purposes, Including tho Irrigation otj lawns, except between tho hours of. t a. in. and 8 a. m. and G p. in. and! 0 p. m. until further order of thoi council. Tho superintendent of tho water, works system Is hereby directed toi turn off tho nter supply from nnyj water user who shnll vlolato this res olution. Tho foregoing resolution wan pnsa od by the city council of tho city of Medford on tho 8th day of July, 1010, by tho following voto; Merrick nyo, Enierlck nyo, Dommor aye, Elfort nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Welch absont. Approved July 9. 1910. W. 11. CANON, Mcyor. Attest: UOHT. W. TELFEIt, 97 City Itecorder. - - f-f is made." Objections to the proposed Republican assembh' comes" principally from patriotic Republicans, who fear that the proposed assembly is only a veiled attack upon the direct primary law and a move to re-establish a politi cal machine. This fear is well grounded. The Portland Oregoniau, principal spokesman for the assembly, is certainly at tacking the primary law as well as the initiative and refer endum. It openly seeks to reestablish the political ma- plnnn in Ornn-nn. Tr. wnnlrl donv tho. rioonlfi the vifrllt of 'of Medford X i O I Thftf Pflnil la mm tt n gnrlna ni. selecting United States senators. It goes so far as to gregnting Thirty Thousand ($30,000) uuiiiirs, nuinorizeu uy aeciion oi the Charter of tho City of Medford, nud Is an obligation of the City of Medford aforesaid, and it is further certified that a.i the requirements of law havo been fully compiled with by tho proper officers In tho Issuance of this Hond, and that tho total amount of this Issue does not exceed the limit prescribed by the Charter of said City. For tho fulfillment of tho condi tions of this obligation tho faith nnd credit of tho City of 'Medford are hereby pledged. IN WITNESS WHEUEOF this Bend has ben slgnod by tho Mayor and attested)) tho Recorder of the City of Medford nnd the corporate seal of the City of Medford hereto affixed this 1st day of August, 1910. f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f BIJOU THEATRE TONIGHT ALBERTA HADLEY Most boautiful woman in vnudovillo, in hor big foaturos of CHARACTER CHANGES, gorgoous costumes and olaborato oloctric of foots. "DON'T MISS IT." 2 - - REEL5 - - 2 Unexcelled Motion Pictures worth more to you -Tho cause- of all tho HA KM) CASH" This is than inv life. "TILR NEW iMLNISTBR"-trouble. Special Prices 10 and 20 cents Hedfordrs prosperous churches re flect the progress of the city new b are planned for five denomina iions and this in wet, wicked Mcd-fori A man has cued the railroad com axiy for $100,000 damage for tho tew ef eleven hogs No wonder pork ka sono up .hen they are worth this Southern Oregon people are too iasy to pay much attention to pol itics. This explains the dearth of aBiduI&tes, and hard work to as semble an assembly. Perffand police must wear sense less Kussian military caps that af ferii not protection against sun, rain er Wows. But they look "smart." Wet we shall have military garb for eppcrs in the march toward empire. Srjan refrains from running for yrerient tho fourth time in order to participate la the prohibition cam && In Nebraska. It must be as tauth of a strain for Bryan to rofraln irwB running bb It is to the ordinary wea to refrain from boozo. declare editerially: "Republicans of Oregon intend to repudiate statement one. They intend to suggest in assembly or convention candidates for the primary and will put the knife into each and all "who declare for statement one." This indicates very clearly the aim and object of the movement. The Oregonian would restore those days of deadlock legislation and $25,000 "jackpots" in Oregon, which the direct primary, through Statement One, has abolished. With the prospect of such a factional war in the Re publican party and the plunging of the knife by assembly forces, Democrats and other hopelessly minority parties, should do all possible to encourage the assembly. Aside from the motive back of the politicians promot ing the assembly, the only objection lies in the method of selecting delegates. Many of the counties will send delegations not at all representative of the party dele gations in which the rank and file have had no voice in selecting and some of the delegations will be named and pledged beforehand, as in the palmy days of the conven tion system. Assembly endorsement should not necessarily defeat anyone any more than it should elect one. The person ality of the candidates named will settle the endorsement by the people. But if the state assembly takes action, as indicated by the Oregonian, attacking the direct pri mary law, its nominees, standing upon such a platform, will not command public confidence and will have a hard sailing to secure the party nomination at the state pri maries. Assembly Republicans place assembly success para mount to Republican success, as the Oregonian does, Dem ocrats may have some chance of electing one or two candi dates by the aid of assembly Republicans not otherwise. Attest: Mayor. Recorder of tho City of Medford. Section 3. Each of said Honds shall havo attached thereto forty coupons, each of which shall be In tho following ferm: CITY OP MEDFORD. Stato of Oregon. Will pay to tho bearor Twelve and 50-100 ($12.50) Dollars In Gold Coin of tho United States of America, at the office of tho Treasurer of said City on tho 1st day of , being six months' intorcst on General Fund Hond Number of said City, bearing tho dnte of August 1, 1910. . Attest: Mayor. -According to exports, Johnson struck Jeffries 77 times, ns against 24 feeble blows returned. Yet Jeff pr&Hiiseil the "fight of his life." Jk little rain would help the coun try onfc Hero in n chnnco for Colo eJ lfofcr to make a few votes. Hiram Maxim says that n million huUcLs could strike n thousand aero planes and bring down only ns mnny as havo pilot or motor disabled, and llmt a thousand ballots could pass ttiroach nn noroplano's wings witli- ewt injuring it. Thon whnt'e tlio use ef building Drcndnnughts? Charles D. Moores revamps In tho Oregonian some legislative scandals. He tolls of Bourne's "haven" and oth er sosslp, but forgets to meutlon that $5,000 jackpot paid Bourne to wlth- Jhxw zh senatorial candldato In tho 'Interest of tho Oregonian editor. Why et toll It all It all happened In days 'before Statement Ono was heard of, Smfwe tho direct primary put a stop fer all tlmo to such legislative cor-ruction? GOVERNOR MAY SUSPEND MAYOR Harmon Investigating Lynching of Young Man by Ohio Mob Says He Does Not Believe That Mayor and Sheriff Did Their Duty. COLUMBUS, 0., July 11. The suspension of Mayor Atherton by Governor Harmon for failure to pro tect Detective Ethorington from tho lviu.lmi-11 ,.t Vniunvl- a linlini'ml K Ik, POSO 01 1110 .' ,. , ,. . J eluded in tho but a question of hours. It was '""'Htnteinent timated today that tho governor is! convinced thut there would have been no lynching if the mayor and tho sheriff at Nowark had done their duty. During Governor Harmon's visit to Nowark, Mayor Atherton told that ho did not realize the grav ity of tho situation until tho mob be iug to Atherton, it was too late to ask for troops. Friends of tho governor believe that ho does not credit the htate meuts of tlio mayor and hhcrif'f that they did not know any member of tho mob. The rioters that dragged Ethorington to his death were not masked, nnd thoy are said to have included many of tho prominent men of Nowark. Governor Harmon announced that he will soon give out an . official statement regarding tlio lynching. lie hpont yestordny nt Nowark investi gating tho circumstance- ntteiuUug tho riot, visited the battered jail and heard the details of tho attack from witnesses. Then lie held a secret in terview with Mayor Atherton and tlio sheriff. It is probable that tho pnr- of tho coulorcuco will bo in- governor's official Recorder of tho City of Medford. Said coupons shall be numbered from ono to forty respectively. Section 4. Tho Mayor and Ro corder of said City uro horoby au thorized to execute said Bonds on behalf of said City and to nttach thereto tho corporate seal of said city. Section 5. Tho recorder Is here by directed to publish uotico In tho Medford Mall Tribune of tho City of Medford In each Issue thereof from July 10th to July 20th, Inclu slvo, that tho Council will rccolvo unnlml iirminmitfl for HlO lllimlinHU f)f nM UnmU nt not lesH than oar and accrued Intorcst, at a meeting of the Council to bo held on tho 29th day of July, 1910, at 7:30 p. m In the Council Chamber In said City, Said notlco shall requlro each prop osition for tho purebnso of said Honds, or any portion thereof, to bo accompanied by a certified check of hoiuo National Bank or state bank within tho Stato of Oregon, of flvo per cont of tho nmount bid for said Bonds, or portion theroor, and shall announce that tho Coun cil of said City reserves tho right to reject any and all bids and prop ositions submitted for said Bonds or any portion thereof. Tho foregoing Ordinance was passed by tho City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, by tho fol lowing voto, on tho 8th day of July, 1910: Wolch, absont; Morrlck, ayo; Bin orlck, aye; Wortmnn, ayo; Klfort, ayo, and Demmer, ayo, Approved July 9, 1910. W, II. CANON, Mayor Attest: IIOBT. W. TRIiFKR, City Recorder. APRICOTS. Apricots aro rlponlng fast. Ordor early. 96 ADAMS BROS., 700x2. If tho right tenant is not inclined to seek your property, tnako your nronertv seek the tenant thrniitrh n .Mniifr,t nMimn. not Inter than can storming tho jail; then, accord- campaign of classified advertising. 1 4:30 o'clock i. wi.i Julv 2Jt' 1910. ;o,oo.) OKSKHAh iai BONDS OF TIIK CI'I'V OV MKDFOIUI, OltKCJOX Tho City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, will rocoivo senlod proposals for $30,000.Q0 5 por cont twenty-year General Fund Bonds of tho said city; bids to bo filed with tho city Recorder oi mo uiiy oi BUICK Model No. 19 The latest size of Bui'ck and the most popular car in the world, now on hand. It has been impossible heretofore to secure these cars on the Pacific Coast, owing to great demand east. The largest automobile factories in the world have been unable to fill .the orders for them. No. 19 is between the White Streak (No. 10) and Nos. 16 and 17. It is the car designed for family use. Buicks are all satisfactory cars, but No. 19 has proven the most satisfactory of all. See them. Medford Buick Co. TOU VELLE, Manager. Garage, - - Riverside, near Main. We Have For Sale 7312 acres, with good buildings, about four miles from Med ford. There are on the place 8V! acres in Bartlett pears, 9 years old, with a good crop in sight, alid Vj acres of Anjou pears in their second year. There are also 22 acres in alfalfa. If taken soon, tho pear crop and the hay go with tho place. Price $14,000; $0000 cash, balance on or before five years, with intorcst at 6 per cent. 32 acres, across the road from above place. Three-room house and small barn. On this place there are ton acres of 8-year-old Nowtowns and four acres in 1 and 2-year-old peaches. Price $7500; $3000 cash, balanco on or before fivo yoars, with interest at 6 per cont. These places are worth the price asked and tho terms make them especially desirable. W. T. YORK & CO. A I in rv