MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, MONDAY, JULY 11, 3930. K v, 5 . f U t a .- ...4- A----- ft-..-..-. Half A Chance BY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. Author of "Tlio HtrolloiH." "Un- udor l' o Home." "Tho Liulv ol thu Mount." Kin. CoiiTriirht. 1 (((. Iv tlio HooltH- Merrill Coiiumir. Tlilov, In iliu rnli, Jociilyn wnl(ffl Ilur imlc fiico cxjiniMNfil ri'itlirNMiienit, Hhu hulil In her titinil n lilt of crtiinpli'tl pllpLT. It wim John Htmilu'H nolo to Kir Cluirlrit imldiu: tilut to cull, Hint Iiik iiothliiK beyond it inero perfunc tory roipiutit to Hint I'lid, Klvlnu' no rciiNim for IiIh wInIi to (too IiIiii. "Out you drop In nt my cluiinlioni for n tow inliiutim?" .loliu HU'tilo hntl written. "A fow ililmiti'N." Tlio bltio pyc mIioijo with luipntli-iico, Mo won Icm-lug I,oih1oii, Cnptnlii Koroytho litul Informed her, runt, hIio concluded, ho wmiicd to aeo hor undo liuforo liu left. mm for' rofdhfiiK TfuTdodF cTohciI Co hind licr, mill hIio lonlii'il nroiinil. Hho Htooil In n llhniry nlonii, llcymiil, In imolliiir I'linuilMir, hIiu lionril volet hur uiicIo'm, John HIcoIo'h. T CIlAI'TCIl XVII. I'AHT ANII I'lll.MCNr. IIUSi: llO.U'N COIItllllll'll IiooIcn youm, Hlr CIiiuIch," wore tlio Hint wonlH tlio Klrl ciiti(,'ht. ".Mliuil HIchh my ooull" her uiioIo'h NinprlHud voice lirolio In. "You don't iiiiuii to lull mo Hint nil thoHo voluini'M hud lioxod for Auh trnllii Mini which I thoiii'lit lont on thu Iird NdImoii ciiiiki imlioro on your lit Ho corn I IhIo?" Cniiiu iiHlioro on IiIh corn I lulol Tho Klrl citiiKht nt tho wonlN. Of courHu ho hntl licon wived ho who lutd unveil her from the wild mn. Hhu hnd rcnl feed that nftor tholr Inm rnectlnu nt Htrnthorn Hoiiho. Hut how? SAYS PRIZEFIGHTING IS 0. K.. BUT OTHER EVILS BAD liAWHBWB, Kan., July 11. Dl voice prizofiuliliii),' I'roni itH train of nlleiiilitiit oxIIh mill you lutvo n cleim, inniily, Hi itfiiilfif intr Hport. Tlinl, in Hiilii.lnncc, in tlio opinion of I'rofoHHor Mnurico 1'armloo, of tlio ilopui'Imont if noi'iolMiry of tlio Uni VI'I'HilV of ICihihuh. "It in n urail iniHtiilfc," nuiI 1'nr iiiolct.', "to juilsro irir.aflil(tiiiK hy the ovin iiHHocinloiI with it. Whonovor tho chiimpioiiK of tho Hiik meet, tint (iri'spnco of moneyed men nt. tho ruicdilv Ihiiikh out tho ImrpioM of Hociolv. who eagerly iiBBtuno tlio lmiIhc of 'HportH in order to prey upon IhoM! uttondiiiK thu fight. (liunhlorH. evil women, piukpockotK "Kxnctlyl" iiolcl John BteelollUcclDc,,1,, ih"K "re nll"n?"t "', n" '" ly do encounters, find if thoy Khoiild no "ItlOMH my homII" Sir Cluirleti' n mazed ciimiiuiivo wic wori wouiti e -volco could only repent. "I remember doomed and placed upon a piano with nt' lift it want ad do a want iuI'h pn iiiovorv tank or oucMt you nndor lake, and you'll ot into tho hnhit of i hiicccsb! mora or mono nooitit wen n uniTo ar my poetH, iihllonopharn, lawmnkcrnl Then Hint nccountn for your It In llko n fnlry tnlo." "A fnlry tnlo!" Jocolyn Wrny Kazctl around licr nt IkjoUn. booku on iivwy Bide. Klio ri'Knrditl tho d(Kr lending out. va half mindful to o, Jmt other clean c.xhihitioiiH. I'3very hour of every day the want iuIb are "Hottliiij,'" tiiiiiKK, accotn plhint; tliiucH in this city. They find huyorH, Kollorfl, trndern, workers lliey introduce people who have hiiHiucHH to do with each other. jJ"8PBiiiHp,'fW'!:$ . mSpB ttfBMBB&a MSJSt m .K AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chnlmcrs Dctroits. I'hono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Mcdford, Or. Quick Service. Ensy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cnre. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. The Onlr Woman's Cullrgt on thf I'aclflc Cout KxtlailT! , rorioBtit nororn nuJM LtKalrJ among lli Wul!ful liilli nrar OtllanJ, California, clow lo San FranciKo anj thf (teat Univcttitic of tLt Writ. Full collrfiat courx ltaJiof I lo irm. Entrance anil (rajuation rcquirrmcnta tau!valnt to ihotc ol StinlorJ and Uoivr.ity ! of California. Training t atuJcnta (or ttacLing rrular linra o( acaJrmie worV, and ofTcra xcial , ajvanlagra (or muiic, art, library study anj I noma economic. Wtll tquipprJ laboratorira for i acirnc. Special atttnlion to nralth of tludtnta. MoJrrn gymnatium thorougnly rquippJ. Out I door lift and amimmrnta in the ideal California cli- Date. Alumna in every city on thf PadheCoaat. 'on Cataloouk ADoaias r PnrsiocNT Luclla Clay Caboom. Ll D. I MILLS COLLEOK P. O.. CALirORNI I.V THU MBTJtlOT C'tMlUT OK TIIK UMTKI) HTATKH I'OIt THU DIH- Tititrr or ohkco.v. In tho matter of the Entato of Ucurcu K. Noubor, a. Unnkri-pt. In bankruptcy. i NOTICfi. To tho credltorff of tho above nnrncd hnnkrupt; to OcorRO E. N'oi'bor, tlio 1 above named bankrupt, nnd to Hattlo M. Ndiilinr. tiln wifri! In Wllllntn TTI. ' rich, nnHlgnoo of tho entnto of T. J. I Konney, an lnnolvent dobter: . Notice Ih horoby given that on tho 24th day of Juno, 1010, tho abovo nnrncd bankrupt filed In thj abovo entitled court nnd cnuo his duly verified petition for dlBchargo from bankruptcy uid that on tho samo day tno truntco in unnKruptcy f led In mild court and cauito IiIh duly veri fied petition f tho nalo of tho fol lowing dcBcrlbcd realty of tho bank-, rupt, to-wlt: Commencing nt the oouthcast cor-, ner of block numbered thlrty-olghti nu laid down on tho official pint ofi tho town of Jncknonvlllo, Jackson county, Oregon, nnd runnlnj thence wcHterly along tho southern boun- dary of Bald block 38 forty (40) feet; thonco northerly nnd pnrallol with the" eastern boundary of said block 38 two hundred (200) feet; ttonco east- crly along tho northern boundary of Hold block 38 forty (40) feet; thenco h utherly and along the eastoru boun-1 dary of nald block 38 two hundred (200) foot to tho point of beginning.' Also lots ono (1), two (2), thrcoi (3), four (4), five (5), six (C), sev en (7) nnd eight (8), In tho block numbered thirty-nine (39), situated on the western side of Fiftl etrcct between F and E streots In tho said town of Jacksonville, Oregon, that the said property abovo described Is what is commonly known and called tho Jncknonvlllo basobn.l grounds, in Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gen: and one-half of nil of sa'd prop- orty is or tod by tho cstato of George E. Noubcr, a bankrupt, an . the other ono-linlf thereof is owned by ono M. , M. Taylor of Jacksonville, Jackson ' county. Oregon, of said parties owning an undivided one-bait inter est therein nnd thore to. Also tho cast ono-half ol lot num. bored thrco (3; In block numbered two (2) fronting twenty-five (26) feet on California strcot, and run ning back the same width ono hun dred (100) fee nnd embracing all tho ground between tho lot formorly owned by L. S. Thompson nnd thi lot formorly o7ned by Lovj and BU gor; nlso nlno (9) feet of tho north i end of lot four (4) in sal-, block two, i fronting nine (9) feet on Third; strcot and running back thu same width fifty (oO) feet. That a meeting -of all of tho cred itors of Bald bankrupt Is horoby call ed for Thursday, tho 15th day of July, 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, said meeting to bo hold at tho offico of the referee In Mcdford, Oregon; at Bald time and place enld petitions will come on to bo heard, tho dower Interest of tho said Hattlo M. Ncubor whl bo fixed and ascertained, nnd tho rights of William Ulrloh, assignee, as the own er nnd holder ol tho mortgage upon tho ronlty of tho said bankrupt will A GOOD CUSTOMER will buy more goods than a warm one will in hot weather. A cool customer will buy with less palaver. He or she will be better natured, less cranky and easier to sell to; and you know it. Moreover, you yourself, and your employes, will be in a better selling mood if your store is cool and pleasant than if it is sticky and suffocating and savors of a boiler room in its stiflingness. The Electric Fan is a blessing and a cheer which you can ill afford to ignore. Life in the dog days is a question of degrees. Make your place of business habitable and inviting to the people, and the trend of trade will be in your direction. It stands to reason it's logical it's apparent. Why not invest a little money in trade-winning cool ness? Electric Fans will create a tempting and delightful breeze, and in every breeze there'll be dollars for you. May our representative call and take it up with you? Don't wait until it's 90 in the shade. Phone us today. Rogue River Electric Comp'y P. S. How about that Electric Sign you've been think ing about? WltAY, WHOSE CHEEKS WOltE THE TINT OK Til W1MJ IIOHE. Hut not her; no. She hnd driven there, however, with Kir Charles on some light pretext for want of Home. thing boiler to do-to be out In the nlr "I'll wait hero In the cnti," idio hnd aid to her uncle when he hnd left It before John Steele'- dwelling. "At lotiHt," meeting the puzzled guzu Hint had rented on her more than ouco lately. "I mny or may not wait. If I thu iiiiiiisurvniit In the "hall and llu gored "Nothing ho pleasant, I usKiire you.'' John Steele answered Sir Charles Nhurtly. Then, with a few word, lie puliited a picture uncompromisingly The girl shrunk Imel:. I'crlmpi she winded hIio had not come. Thin, truly, wan no fairy tale, but a wild, savage drama, primeval, tho plcturo of a soul battling with Itself on tho little, lonely O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT bo determlnod. And such other business will be transacted as may proporly be trans acted before such meeting. , Dated this the 30th day of June, 11910. HOLEROOK WITHINQTON'. ' Referee In Bankruptcy. We make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. get tired, If when you como back you ( lule. Shu could seo tho hot, angry buu, reel Its scorching rays, hear the hiss ing of tho waves. All the man's strength for good, for 111, went into the Htory. The Isle beenmo ns tho pit of Aelieron. (To Do Continuod.l don't nnd me, hint conclude." cnprl clotiHly, "I have gone on some llttlo errand of my own shopping, perhaps," Hhu recalled these words now, found it Intolerable to sit still. Abruptly she rcisu and Htepped from tho cab. She half started to movo away, looked toward thf house. HrasH plates variously disposed around thu en ' trance nnd appearing nearly all alike ns to form and size stared at her. Olio metal sign a shock bended lad was removing "John Steele." She read the plain, modest letters, tho In scription "IlarrlMter" beneath. Shu caught her breath slightly. "Unele Is certainly very long," she repeated mechanically, "Why don't you go In and boo wot's detaining of him'" vouchsafed the cubby lu amlcablo fashion as ho re garded tho hesitating, slender figure. "Third lloor to thu right. iiiIsm." snld tho boy, occupied In removing tho sign nnd stepping aside ns ho spoko to al low her to pass, "If It's Mr, Steelo'H like you're looking for. You'll see Mlarrlster' In brass letters, as 1 said to the old gontleman. 1 haven't got at them yet to take tlimu down. I mean." "Thank you." she said Irresolutely nnd without Intending to enter found herself within the hall. There a ur row stairway lay boforu her, IIo pointed to It, with nil excess of Ju vunllo solicitude and politeness, boy hood's involuntary tribute to youth and beauty In need of assistance. He told her to go on "straight mi." And she did tiurcusoiilugly, mcchun lcallyono lllght, two nights! Near his door; About to turn, to, re trace her steps, an Illogical huijucjico to tho lllojrlcnl action Hint had preced ed It, she was held to the spot by tlw door suddouly opening. A maii-a servant, broom In hand-who had evi dently been engaged lu cleaning ono of the chambora within waa stepping out, "You wished to noo Mr. Steele?" Tho proud head nodded utllruiatlvo ,ly to tho Inquiry, "Well, you ca,n bo stepping Into thu library, nilss," snld the mini "Mr. tftoulu is engaged Just uov." Jocelyn on tho Inaiant found no ren- MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. --- Robert F Maguire Lato special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that ho has oiiencd law offices in tho Mcdford National Bank .Building, for gen eral practice- before state and federal courts and tho Department of tho Tntorior. A 11 CF RESOLVED Tho best resolution for jon to mako is to come to ns tor your next suit, if you w&ut Homothiug out of the ordinary. Wo do tho boat work nnd chargr the lowost prices. W. W. EIFEB.T TUB FKOOKIS8BXVZ TAILOI NOTICE. In tho district court of the United Stntes for tho District of Oregon. In the matter of Baker-Hutchason Company, an Oregon corporation, and tho Hutchnson Company,' a partner ship composed of J. F. Hutchnson, C. W. Zorn and Kuglor, bankrupts. Tho undersigned trustee of tho above entitled estate in bankruptcy will recolvo sealed bids at his office, No. 7 First street, room 8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat- plication at the store In MedfortL urday, July 23d. 1910, for tho fol- Dated at Portland, Oregon,. Jtitr lowing described property belonging 7th, 1910. to said estate, namely: A stock of J R. L. SABIN, Trustee. merchandise, consisting principally of , To the creditors of the abovcnam& ladles' furnishing goods and shoes of bankrupts: tho inventory value of $23,838.25, to-( Notice Is hereby given thai a mei- gether with a lot of store fittings and J ing of the creditors of said bankrupt fixtures of tho inventory value of .will bo held in tho office of the- $2031.75, all located In store build- derslgned reforee at Medford, Jack ing at Nos. 14-18 North Central ave- son county, Oregon, on tho 20th day nue In Medford, Oregon. Cash or a of July, 1910, at 2 o'clock In the atl certifted check for ten per cent of ' ernoon to consider the sale of tha the amount offered must accompany personal property mentioned in tfee each bid nnd the salo Is made subject foregoing notlco and to transact saA to confirmation by the court, the right other business as may properly coe oeing reserved to reject any ana an . ooiore saia meeting. bids. An Inventory Is on file at the Dated July 7th, 1910. offico of tho undersigned and tho HOLBROOK WITHINQTON. property may bo inspected upon ap- Referee in Bankruptcy: JAS?AJJV- fBRUAjj f0mi rajt MAY 4 S! A SNAP FOH H.VIjK HY OWNER. 80 ncroa Improvod land: eov oral good springs; 1 ouso, barn, otc.i 5 acres In bearing fruit; r ncroa good corn; (1 tons hay; ir Hold at onto, JjMO 1EH ACHE TAKES IT. Good Terms Inquire 720 West 12th. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Che finest Sample Kooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Wo will servo Christinas Dinner at "The Hotel Medford," to bo constructed at once at the north west corner of Main and Ivy streets. In Just Five MobQis mm h ill th ntf ' mrHni ffr f i r iH JFTafTWlM Grew a Full Growth ol HaSi1 on a 38ald Head Here's the Proof ---- Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, IBoilors and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Vo,- two or thrco years my hntr hal l""n fa. line out aiM KOUmn quite tlun, unti. t.o IOi of my lioail was culiroly bmj. About four month ncu I co mucin cl u lie JURa unj Bulphur. ?iid flri battle cremcit to do koiiio pooJ anj I kept It regularly, until now 1 hie u.cil fjur bou tics. Tho whol top of my Is now fairly covered with hair nnJ It Keep com Ini; In thlcSor, I ihall Keep oi utlns It a while lonRcr, aa I notlco a constant tin ''mCmCOt' OTBPKCN BACON. nocfcfcsur, K. T. 8t.vth or New Tem: I ., County of Monroe J " Stapheit isaeon, bi'lnjr ilu'y worn, My tli.U ho Iiub I Mil the tuttiment n-mn un noxej ami that tho contents of said statu, ment arc true, BTKl'HKN 1IACO.S'. gtrora ts leten co tbU 31t .lay of July. 100:.. -JE.NJIY W. JlAJ.L. Notary rubllo. Tho birthright ol every man, woman and child a full, healthy head ot hair. If your ha'r is falling, if It is full of dandrulf, or If it is faded or turning gruy. It Is diseased and should be Jooltcd niter without delay WYETH'S S-VGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY, n true Hair Tonic nnd Restorer, removes dandrull in a low days, stops hair falling in one week, and starto a new growth In a month, Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur does not soil tho skin nor injure the hair; but it is an !eal hsir dressing that will re store laded and grny hair to natural color and keep the hair solt nnd glossy. 50c. and $1.00 a Bottle At al! Druggists Or Sent Dlroct, Kxprens Prepaid, Upon Receipt of Price Street N.Yf Wyeth Chemical Company, N Sffl?&? For Sale by LEON B. HASKINS, Medford, Oregon.