W" f MEDFOttD !MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOTN), OREGON. SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1910. . 14 ONLY ONE GAME TO BE PLAYED Lineup of Both Teams Strong Mcdford Will Have to Play Ball to Win Will Be Great Game. Instcnd of r, doublc-lieador Sun day between Medford and Eugene, only ono gamo will bo played owinc to tho lnnblllty of the Eugene man agement to get their extra players In time to reach here for tho morning gnmc. The lineup will bo tho strongest Mcdford has yet had, with "Curley" Wilson of Jacksonville, admittedly tho best receiver In the league, be hind the bat and Coleman or Bur gess on tho mound. Tho Infield will bo tho samo as Inst Sunday, except that HcnBelmnn takes his old place at third and Hopkins goes to tho out Xlold. Tho outflold will be John Wil kinson left, Isaacs center, Hopkins right. Tho Mcdford band will furnish mu sic at tho ball gamo Sunday. There Is where tho crowd, will be. Come out and see the southern Oregon champions put It over tho Willamette organization or otherwise. It will ho n gamo worth seeing whichever way It goes. Lulu Wotxcl, J. Wcnns, Mrs. 6. A. Willson. l'nrtios onllinc for the nliovo let ters will yilenso say "Advertised." A elinrsu of ono cent will lie mndo upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD. Postmaster. DISCIPLES OF NEW FAITH ARRIVE IN MEDFORD There arrived in this city today two men who call themselves simply Thornns nnd Henry- They are mid-dle-njred men and are quietly dress ed, quiet in manner and 03 no means could they bo classed other than they arc. These are two men of many others who nre running over overs' pnrt of the known world. They have n message. They are preach ing the advent of a new and nll-pre-vniling dispensation. They nro not orators nor do their words indicate that they have received a very or nate education, but they give their message in a pleasing manner. These men are members of a con jugation in Benton Harbor, Mich., -which believe in tho divinity of la bor, and to manifest it they have built their own homes and places of worship. They do no harm. They honor their own bodies. They do not believe in death. Black is the em blem of death, hence their newspa pers nnd all their publications nre printed in blue on white paper. It is something impressive to think og this little congregation sending missionaries all over the earth. They go without money in their purses; they do not beg indeed, they are not eager to accept anything. They xide from place to place on their bi cycles, holding services on the streets, conform to tho laws, do no evil nnd think no evil. You will see them on tho streets this evening. Listen to them n mo ment. They are not barnstormers. Congressman Dead. JOHNSON CITY, Tcnn., July 9. Arrnnccmcnts nro being made today for the funeral of Congressman Wal ter Preston Brownlow, who died at his home here from Bright's disease. Tho dead man was one of the few Republicans in congress from the southern states. He was first elect ed to tho house in 1890 and wns re elected each time with nn incrensed nmjority. If tho right tenant is not inclined to seek your property, make your property seek tho tenant through n campaign of classified advertising .. Advertised Letter List. The following list of letters re mnin uncalled for nt the post-office nt Mcdford, Ore., Wednesday, July 0. 1910: ,Jnck Anterson, J. M. Benson, C. M. Bobley, C. P. Burroughs, Dr. F. J. Burr (2), Paul Bucholz, Elder F. S. Bunch, Edmcdia Carr, C. Crroll, Mrs. Alico Cooper, Glenn Criteser, Mario Danby, Mrs. J. P. Daniels, Carl Dodto (2), Paul Duncan, Q. B. Ecoleston, Yff Earl, Prank Emerick, Herbert Elcirk, Frank L. Finch, Bet tie J. Forbes, J. J. Freeman, Joe Fra y.ior, Mrs. Joo Gardner, Mrs. Gene vieve Goodman,, Mrs. A. R. Grant, W. E. Griffin, Alfred Grey, C D. Grant, Mrs. Earl Green, Erma Ilnm ilton, Ceola Haskins, Mina J. Hall, "Ed. S. Horman, Robort Henry IIop .kins, William Jolc, Pearl Knufmnu, Konndy, T. J. Ilenry Kelly, Mr. nnd "Mrs. Willinm R. King, J. King, Mr. nnd Mrs. Royal Lnckoy, M. Lo Roy, Mrs, Alex McConnoehie, J. II. Mitch ell, Jim Mooro, W, R. McLeod, Tnunis Pappus, Joo Pfishcr, M, I Powell, I. B. Rnnts, Jnok Rcnnndkol, Mns tor Paul Roberts, J. II. Robinson, E. II. Russol (3) C. II. Shivoly, Torn Shaw, Henry C. Smitli, Mrs, Egbert A. Smith (2), J. E. Steele, Levi StriuiM & Co,, S, E. Stone, Ole Tlmr son, Stent Tliordnrsou, J. E. Town Bend, Mrs. Mary Truboy, Hercules Vrolos, Alico Watts, Mntt Webber, IN' TIIK CIUCU1T COUNT OV THE STATE OV OKKGOX IN AND FOU JACKSON' COXjaTV. In tho matter of tho application of S. A. Nye to rcgiator tltlo to tho following described real proporty sit uated In Jackson county, Oregon, to wit: All of lots numbered 7 nnd 10 of tho Oak Grove tract In township 3S south of rnngo 1 west of tho Willam ette meridian, as shown by the offi cial plat thereof now of record; All of lot number 9 of said tract, except tho following described portion thereef: Commencing nt tho north west corner of lot number S of tho said tract and running thonco west erly along the lino of tho road 361.6 foot; thonco southerly nt right angles 4S2 feet; thonco easterly 361.5 foot to the southwest corner of said lot S; thence northerly 4S2 feet to tho placo of beginning, containing 4 acres moro or less of said lot 9; All of lot number 11 of said tract, except tho following described portion thereef: Commencing at a point on tho section lino between section 9 and 16 on tho east lino of tho south west quarter of tho southwest quarter of section 9 in township 3S south of range 1 west, being in tho center of 'the county road and 1324 feet from tho corner of sections S, 9, 16 nnd It, and being tho southeast corner of the T. E. Fish property; thonco west 434.SS feet; thence north 1202 feet; thence east 434. SS feet; tlnnce south 1202 feet to tho placo of beginning, containing 12 acres, moro or less; also, excepting that portion of said lot 11 described as follews: Beginning at tho northwest cornor of tho tract of land last abovo described, and running thenco west on the northerly lino of said lot 11, 434. SS feot; thonco south 1202 feet: thence oast 434.88 feot; thence north 1202 feet to tho placo of beginning, containing 12 acres, more or less; also, excepting tho following described tract: Com mencing at the southwest corner of tho tract of land last abovo describ ed on thl3 page and running thence north 40 rods; thenco west 8 rods;; thence south to tho northerly line of the county road; thenco easterly along said line of tho county road to tho westerly lino of tho tract of land last referred to, containing 2 acres, more or less. vs. John A. Anderson, Jane Arundell, Patrick Donegan, P. J. Ryan, Patslo P. Herrln, Patslo S. Lisman. Mary A. Lard, Wm. T. Herrln, John S. Herrln, and all whom It may concern, de fendants. To John A. Anderson, Jane Arun dell, Patrick Donegan, P. J. Ryan, Patslo P. Herrln, Patslo S. Lisman, Mary A. Lard, Wm. T. Herrln, and all whom It may concern, defendants: In the name of the stato of Oregen: You, and each of you, are hereby -required to appear and answer the ap plication filed against you In the above entitled cause, which Is a cause brought for tho purpose of register ing title to the above described prem ises, and you aro so required to ap pear and answer on or betoro the 1st day of August, A. D. 1910, and If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof tho applicant herein will ap ply to tho court for the relief in said application and herein demanded, which is an application to register title to tho above described premises, said application being now on file In the office of the clerk of said ccrt in Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gon. The date of the order for pub lication of this summons is tho 13th day of Juno, 1910, and It Is published by order of tho Honorable P. M. Cal kins, judge of the 1st Judicial District of Oregon. Date of first publication Is June 19th, 1910. and of last publication Is July 23, 1910. W. R. COLEMAN, County Clerk of Jackson County, Ore gon, and ex-Officlo Clerk of CIr suit Court. JOHN H CARKIN, ATTORNEY for Plaintiffs anil Applicants herein, residing a Medford, Oregon. ADVERTISEMENT FOR FEDERAL HUILDING SITES. Treasury Department, Offico of tho Secretary, Washington, D. C, June 29, 1910. Proposals aro hereby solicited to bo opened In tho offico of tho super vising architect, treasury department, Washington, D. C, at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 2, 1910. for tho sale or donation to the United States of a corner lot, approximately 140x140 feot, centrally and convenlontly locat ed and suitable for a federal building slto at Medford, Oregon. Upon application to tho postmaster, will supply prospectlro bidders with a circular giving particulars as to requirements and instructions for preparation of bids and data to mo company samo. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH, Sec. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TnE UNITED STATES FOR TITE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of tho Estato of George E, Nouber, a Bankrupt. In bankruptcy. NOTICE. To tho creditors of tho above named bankrupt; to George E. Nouber, tho abovo named bankrupt, nnd to Hnttlo M. Nouber, his wife; to William Ul- rlch, assignee of tho estato of T. J. Kenney, an Insolvent dub ter: Notice Is horoby given that on tho 24th day of Juno, 1910, the above named bankrupt filed In tha above entitled court and cause his duly verified petition for dlschargo from bankruptcy and that on tho samo day tho trusteo In bankruptcy f.'od In said court and cause his duly veri fied petition f tho salo of tho fol lowing described realty of tho bank rupt, to-wlt: Commencing nt tho southeast cor nor of block numbered thirty-eight na laid down on tho official plat of tho town of Jacksonville, Jackson county. Oregon, and run&lns thenco westerly along tho southern boun dary of said block 3S forty (40) foot; thenco northerly nnd pnrallol with the eastern boundary of said block 3S two hundred (200) feot; tVouco east erly nlong tho northern boundary of said block 3S forty (40) toot; thonco s uthorly and along tho eastern boun dary of said block 38 two hundred (200) feet to tho point of beginning. Also lots ono (1), two (2), thrco (3). four (4), five (5), six (6). sov en (7) nnd eight (S), In tho block numbered thlrty-nlno (39), situated on tho wostorj side of Fifth street between F and E streets In tho said town of Jacksonville, Otogon, that tho said proporty abovo doscrlbod Is what Is commonly known and called tho Jacksonville basobail grounds, In Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gon; nnd one-half of nil of said prop orty Is ow ted by tho estato of George E. Nouber, a bankrupt, an I tho othor one-half thereof Is owned by ono M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, or.ch of cald parties owning nn undivided one-halt Intor est thoroln and thoro to. Also tho east ono-hnlf of lot num bered three (3) In block numbered two (2) fronting twenty-fivo (25) feet on California street, and run nlng bnck the samo width ono hun dred (100) foo nnd ombrvrlng all tho ground between tho lot formerly owned by L. S. Thompson and th lot formerly ovnod by Lovj nnd BIN gor; also utno (9) feot of tho north end of lot four (4) In sal', block two, fronting nlno (9) feet on Third street and running back tho samo width fifty (oO) feot. That a raeotlcK of all of tho cred itors of said bankrupt Is hereby call ed for Thursday, tho 15th day of July, 1910. at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Bald meeting to bo held at tho offico of tho referee in Medford, Oregon; at said tlrao and placo said petitions will come on to bo heard, tho dower Interest of the said Hattlo M. Nouber will bo fixed and ascertained, and tho rlchts of William Ulrloh, assignee sb tho own er and holder e: the mortgago upon tho realty of tho said bankrupt will bo determined. And such other business will bo transacted as may properly bo trans acted beforo such mooting. Dated this tho 30th day of June, 1910. HOLBROOK WITHINGTON. Referee In Bankruptcy. to confirmation by tho court, tho right being reserved to roject nny and nil bids. An inventory Is on file nt tliu offico of tho undersigned and tho property may bo inspected upon ap plication at tho storo In Medford. Dated nt Portland, Oregon, July 7th, 1910. R. L. SAB1N, Trustee To tho creditors of tho nbovo-nnmod bankrupts: Notice Is horoby given that a moot ing of tho creditors of s.ild bnnkruptn will bo hold In the offico of tho un dersigned reforoo nt Medford, Jnck non county, Oregon, on tho 20th day of July, 1910, at 2 o'clock In tho nft ernoon to consider tho snlo of tho personal proporty mentioned In tho forogolng notice and to transact Btich othor business nB mny properly como beforo said mooting. Dated July 7th, 1910. HOLBROOK WITHINGTON, Rofereo In Bankruptcy. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELEC- j TION NOTICE. Notice Is horoby glvon that a) school meeting of School District No. i 49 of Jackson County, Oregon, to bo, held at tho hljh school building, In, said district, on tho 15th day of July, . A. D. 1910, thoro will bo submitted' to tho lesl voters of said district' tho question of contracting & bonded ' debt of titty thousand (150,000.00) dollnra, thirty thoi sand ($30,000.00) i dollars thereof to ro used for thol purposo of erecting and equipping an ' east Bide school building, ind twontyl thousand ($20,000,000) dollars thereof for tho purposo of repairing and constructing nn annex to the Washington school and installing a no?: heating p!nt therein, tho vr.'e to be by ballot, upon which shall bo tho words, "Bonds Yes," and tho words, "Bonds No." Polls to bo open at 1 o'clock p. m. .ind romaln open until 4 o'clock p. ni. By order of tho Board of Directors of School DUt.-Ict No. 49 of Jackson County, Orogon. Dated this 25th day of Juno, A. D. 1910. ORIS CRAWFORD, Clerk. NOTICE. In the district court of tho United States for tho District of Oregon. In tho matter of Baker-Hutchason Company, an Oregon corporation, and tho Hutchason Company, a partner ship composed of J. F. Hutchason, C. W. Zorn and Kuglor, bankrupts. Tho undersigned trusteo of tho abovo entitled estato In bankruptcy will receive sealed bids at his offico, No. 7 First street, room 8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat urday, July 23d, 1910, for tho fol lowing described property belonging to said estate, namely: A Btock of, mnrrhnnrilflft rnnntRtlnc nrlndnallv Of , . . -. ( ladies' furnishing goods and shoes of tho inventory valuo of $23,838.25, to gether with a lot of store fittings and fixtures of tho Inventory valuo of $2031.75, all located In storo build ing at Nos. 14-18 North Central nvo nuo In Medford, Orogon. Cash or a cortlfled check for ton por cent of tho amount offered must accompany each bid and tho salo Is mado subject AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1910 Chalmors Dctroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford. Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PnONE MAIN 3141. Aironov for tho Parry Curs. Roguo River Auto Co., Prank II. Hull, Prop., 1 NOTICE! From July first tho Roguo Rlvor FlaK Co. will bo on n cntdi buHts, All our goodH uro pcrlrthablo nnd wo must pay cash as they nrrlvo to ub, there fore wo nni ut "mivo cash to got thorn. Thla applies to nil, Wo regret to bo obliged to adopt this system, but be ing abort of cat Ital wo nro compelled to do so. Hoping our cutttomorB will nt 111 continue with ub, wo romaln, na over, ROGUE RIVER FISH CO. Msaler & Konworthy. Let a want nd do a want nd'n pint in every task or quest you nndor tnko, and you'll got ilito tliu habit of succors I A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is noxt to Godliness."' Mr. Allen's Portable Bath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in ono simple, inoxponsivo appa ratus nil tho advantages known to modern bathing. Hents sufficient water within six minutes nt the cost of only 1 cont. A bnth enn be taken in nny room without tho possibility of soiling cnrpotB or rugs. Only ono can understand tho rcnl merits of this bnthiug nppnrntus by having it demonstrntod to you. Mr. II. Pox, who bus tho exclusive igency for Jncksou county, will visit the homos of Mcdford and vi cinity nnd demonstrate it. When ho eomos to your home, invito him in, nnd ho will show you the merits of this 20th century invention. It is on oxhlbltlon at Strang's drug storo. GO AND SEE IT. .SPEND THE SUMMER AT- Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whoro the protty Water Agates, Moss Agates, MoonBtonoa Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors tSport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , dlsglng Rock Oysters, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Cnnoolns and Dancing. Puro mountain wntor and the best of food at low pricos. Frosh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vogotnbles of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nomlaal cost ' m&gmiS&$m Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Orogon, Washington and Idaho on salo dally. Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Port.und to Cottago Grove lncluslro. Includ ing branch lines; also from all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ .50 from AlbaLy, Corvallla and Philomath, with corresponding low rntos from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. Agont for full particulars as to ratcB, train schedulos, ate; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklot, "Outings In Orogon," or write .0 WM. McMURRAY, General Pithieiigor Agent, Portland, Oregon. Exceptionally Good OXFORDS $2.50 "We believe Hint wo luivo tho best values in Ox fords at $2.i50 that were over shown in this vicinity. Call and examine our lino. If you like our showing (and you will "if" you look) you will (hank us for inviting you to look hero. $meace4 0jrM TOM MOFFAT - -- J I O. HANSEN t I Wo mnko any kind and stylo of Windows. J Wo carry Glass of any oizo on' hand. i MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. CHAFING DISHES potiKimuxui With un ALCOHOL Lamp Willi ELECTRICITY you must fill the lump, adjust tliu you Insert tho plug ami turn the wick, 'strike n nmtcli, nnd bo very switch. careful not to spill ulcnliol on the When thli i done you can ilrvotc ' tabic top. nil your attention to the recipe. Wc have the FJJXTHIC Klntl, tnnric by the General Electric Co. AhU un about them today ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY J A si rJ RESOLVED Tho bout resolution for yon to mnko 1h to como to nn for your next Hult, If you want HomothiiiK out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho bout work and chargr the lowewt prices. W. W. EIFERT tot psoaxftguva xaxloi 4- - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general fanning purposes. 300 ACRES -Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments, Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. L Single roomB or en suite also rooms with hath The finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau'Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Wo will serve Christmas Dinner at "The Hotel Mcdford," to bo constructed at once at the north west corner of Main and Ivy streets. J. E. KNVART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOIIN S. 6RTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ana't Ciwliior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY RQXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Medford, Or. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable 'H CJOl KILJN C&l PK.1CJK 11 North D St.. Medford Ore. Phone 303 vmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmwamMmmmmtmmeMw I V v