MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE,' MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1M0. A i 'V b?5? SOCIAL AHD PERSONAL Mr. anil Mrn. .1. T. IIchh of Hun 1'ViiiuiIhiio a ro vetting Air. and AIih. V. l Itati of UiIh cily, Air. IIuhm being Mih. IIiiu'm uncle Air. IIuhh Ih 4)110 of lllll oriiciltlH lit lilt) SlMllllCI'll Piuiilii' In Sun FruneiHco ami in well known in ruilroiid uintluH. Learn 1( Hay Kl llayo. 110 (Itii), l' King ami family ol' I'oil- lanil. ami l'ii Hut ton, lirotlmr ol' Altri. King, arc in Alt'ilfnnl on u hIkmi VIHlt. Now. modern, I'ool Mhiuping mount. AiltlniHH P. II.. IhiH office. tf Kohh Suiitlilinu ol' t lio Applognlo HUtlUllll, WUH ill All-llt'olll (III hllHiUOHM WimIiiukiIii.v. I can put yon" wine lo the best nial imtatn investment on tint roiiHt, JVdilriiHH "AilvlHiir," llox .'IUH, Alu.l ford, Or. if J. A. WillianiH, of Cm-tin. Orison, lit in AloiU'oiil,' looking ovor tho nit natlon. H. V (li'llntly. of Philomath, Ore gnn, ami a party of nix, nulomobiling through Oregon, wore in Modfoid WViIiiiihiImv night. It iH a family piuty, all but two being (Mllatly b tiaini), anil they o.pei't lo tako in iviirylliinur worth muting ulong their linn of travul. Their objective point from hero will hi) Crater Lake ami thonoo Honth. Air. anil "Aim. W. II. PoigiiJton ol' fluid Kay wore in Aloilford WVduo lay. Air. and AIih. K. V. Carter, Air. ami AIth. Konnoy of AhIiIiiiii, and J. V. Koyi'H of this ctity liuv returned from a lOO-iiiilo trip noitli liy auto mobile Air. Carter's now Chalmers Dctroit "110" watt iiHod. A Nplundid timo iri reported, tlio car Htnudiug thu trip well. Col. and Mrs. r'rnuk Hay of Now York arrived Wednesday evening to Hpcml a fow weeks at Gold Itay. Al. K. Worrell Hpont Wednesday in AhIiIiuiiI on humuoHH. W. II. Mcding of Kuglo Point, wiih ji Medford visitor TlmrHiIay . AlrH. Cliarli'H Hines of AIoAlinn villn, and Hon, who havo been veil ing Mrs. Ilimw' parontH, Air. und Aire. John Dovlin, of Ap plogutn aro now hojnurning at Colo ' tiu. Thoy aro accompanied by Mrs. Mien Contrail, sinter of Alrh. IUiiuh. AIhh Stollu Loy, of Jacksonville, m'iih in Aluilfonl Thursday morning. Miss Kiania Armstrong of Jnokson villo spent a fow hours in Alodford ThnrHdny. .1. K. Hodge of Klamath Falls, for uiorly of thoHo parts, Iiiih been in tho viilloy for Hovoral days looking aftor ltiiHint'MH mutters. "Yon follows who havo htjen liu io all tho timo can't realize tho changes that come ovory fow moatliH," ho Haiti. "I can noo (lioin mid plonty of thorn." Air. ami Mrs, StoniwollH. lately of Chicago, lint now residents of Kla math Kail's, ami Air. Alt arrived liuro Thursday morning. Krotn this point thoy will niako trips of inves tigation to difforont points in tho val ley and will rot n in to Klamath Falls, via Crater Lake. I. H. Wallauo, of IloHolniri". w a Alodford visitor on business Thurs day. Air. and .Mrs. Kdgur 1 Infer re turned homo Wednesday evening. Air. 1 la for has boon in Chicago on hnsi iiohh. Airs, llafor met him in San I'Ymioiseo. Aliss A. MoDouough is suffer ing from a spraiuod ankle unused by HlippiiiK on the pavement while crossing the street. Airs. Af. K. ltiddla rot urn ml on "Wednesday whom sho had boon spending tho Fourth with her son, Harold. Airs, Kiddle has taken the position of fitter in tho Emporium, n position for whioh she is omi- nonllv (nullified. With n muull "discount" for tho honoflt onthunlpum of ntntomont hoiiio t Ilium Inevitable In writing an onr noHt nuvortlcor out, you enn dopond nliHolutoly vpoit tho enndor and lion oBty of udvortlRura In thlu nowapn- nor. WE DON'T HAVE EARS. Tho Lntflut Iden In rnablontlom la to Conceal tho Anrloulnr Urluoo. ArtlHtrt lot h nnrlciil mill i.ieilcm Imve always eoiiMlilereil the ears an UUNlKlitly members of the liiimnu anat omy, And now eoiues Hie veiillcl from I'arlslnn hairdressers (but they alno liuve the same artistic objection to ears, 'I'homi authorities are nrrniiKliiK tlio eolirures of their clients In the no ear style. Mop, Hans (lone, llrlttany, mnyeii iikc mid tnrbiin aro hoiiio of the appellations kIvcii the now hair fir raiiKomeiit, It matters little, thutiKli, what It Is called tho requisite UiIiik E.s w CABINET OFFICEnS AnE TO INSPECT ALASKA WAHIIINOTON, ). (!., .Inly 7. Attorney (Jnueral Wlclterslmiii and Hocrotary of Coiamorco and Labor No Kcl will start July 1C on a lour of Inspection In Alaska, according lo an miuotincomout hero today. Thoy will bo koiio six weeks. Wlckonibam will Investigate comlltloiiH In conornl and Hocrotary Naisel will conflno his at tention to tho seal Induutry. Under tlio supervision of tho f;ovornmont many thoiiHannu of seals aro bolnc HlmiKliturod In northern waters. UnconaclouB Self Critlclom. .Mr, X.. the subeditor, was asked to write mi article on superstition mid Imbecility. When the article was printed the opening sentence was found to lie nn follews: "That Imbecility Is not on the wane perusal of the following lines will amply demonstrate." Paris Kb Knro, Pert 8uggttion. Mr. Hoastem I often regret that I did not attend some college and ac quire a little more polish. Miss Cut ting Hints-. Why don't you biro some brass finisher to rub you up n trifle? Now Orleans Picayune. CURTISS TO TRY AND MAKE 50-MILE FLIGHT ON BEACH ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 7. After several tost fights In tho Inst fow days, Olenn II. Curtlss today said i that ho expected to attempt a COiiHo' flight along thu beach thla afternoon. A largo purHO has been offered by banded hotel men for a CO-mllo flight ovr tho sea In sight of person -. on tho board walk. Curtlss said that ho would alo nt- totupt speed, flights around designat ed stnlto boats In an" ondeavor to es-; tnhllHh a record. It Ih believed that Charles Hamil ton, who recently made a. sensational flight from New York to Philadelphia and return, will alHo attempt tho flight. Daek to Work. Ella That clumsy fellow has been a conductor. Stella-How do you know7 Kiln-When I said something about his being on my train be said, "Tickets, please." New York Press. -- - 4- -f .Y0U WILL REMEMBER THE QUALITY OF RARDON'S LO- GANBERRY SHERBET LONG AFTER YOU HAVE FORGOT- TEN THE PRICE. 4- - Wanted G machine men, ?,, 50 day. 3 muckers, $2. CO day. C carpenters, $3.50 eight hours. 1 blacksmith, $3.50 day. 25 cordwood men, $1.50 cord. 2 tlerwood men, $1.00 tier. General housework girl, $20.00. E. F. A. BITTNER MedTord Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of help furnished. Room 207 Taylor & Phipps Bldy. Phone 4141 Main. - DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. -ff---t----H--t-4--t- -t- t--t"t- 4- RARDON'S TWENTY FEET OF CAKES, TWENTY DIF- FERENT KINDS WILL MAKE "" YOUR MOUTH WATER. Burrounhs Calls on T. R. OYSTKK HAY. N. Y July 7. , John Ilurroughs and former civil Ser vice Commissioner Foulko wero call ers nt Bagatnoro Hill today. Senator Iloverldgo Is expected later today for, a conferenco with Colonel RoobovcU. KAltH AH TIIK rilKKUmVOUAM W1UIIS TIIKH. N to fix the luilr so that It Is flat In front mid draped over tho ours In a be coming fashion. Tho real turban stylo of linlnlresslng no three artists do alike. Tim hair may bo loosely braided and wound around tho bend, or It mny ts twisted Into a nipo and placed from nape of neck to forehead In as near a circle as the head will penult. At other times It Is arranged In a long cap pun In tho middle of the bond, and luxurious ropes or braids of hair are wound around this. In any of these styles no hair pins must show except tho four huge shell ones that an to hold tho colls In place. There Is no perceptible Kmui dour, but the hnlr Is disposed about the face In a manner most fluttering to tho face. RULES FOR THE GUESTS. GILLETTE COMPLIMENTS M'CARTHY FOR STAND SAOHAMKNTO. Cnl., July 7. -Diielaring thai ho is confident tho local nulhorilios in cities through out California will follow Mayor AlcCurlhy's example and rol'uso lo allow the exhibition of the JolYrios Johnson fight pictures, Governor Gillott today haid that ho would lake no official notion. "Aluynr AleCarthy's notion in stopping (ho pictures in Snu Krau oifieo put (lint oily in a very fa vorable light mid T congratulate the mayor," miid Governor Gillott. "All oitios in tlio MuhI iiiiihI follow San 1'rmioiRcn'H load or stop knocking San Francisco nn a big oily wiokod, tho I'aris of Amoriou, etc. "Tho interest in tho fight wan ex aggerated into hysteria. Now oninos tho unlioniil roaetion, follow ing tho collapse of Unit hysteria." The governor intimated thai the prejudice ngaiimt the pictures might The girl who goes to other people's houses as a guest either for a fort night or a week end should bo careful uhout remembering certain things. Sho does not waut her hostess to hope at her departure that she will never coma again. If j on are a guest observe tlieso niles; lto punctual nt meals. Don't make engagements until you consult your hostess. Don't write to friends and nsk them to call until you aro sure that such visitors will lu welcomed by your hostess. Don't have your breakfast taken to your room unless the hostess urges It. Don't fall to provide your own writ tag paper, stamps and pen. Carry your own soap and washcloth. Don't follow your hostess In all her tasks. Let her havo some (line to hep self. Don't stny beyond the day set for yofir departure unless something un usual happens or your hostess urges It. Take a half hour every morning for putting away your clothes and straightening your nom. Don't leuvo everything to the housemaid. Attend to your own laundry and bo prompt about paying for It. Thlnoi Worth Knowlno. Now bread may bo cut ipilto evenly If tho knife Is very slightly heated. Never put salt Into soup when cook ing until It Is skimmed, as salt pre vents tho scum from rising. When baking cake or bread If tho oven gets too hot tho temperature may be reduced by placing a pan of cold water In tho oven. In preparing bread for toast and for Hnndwk'hos,a whero tho crust Is to be removed, try using a pair of sharp scissors to trim tho edges, It takes much less time and makes a neater Job, Keep a pair of scissors In your kitchen especially for this purpose. lteforo cooking canned goods place lu a colander and drain off all juice and rinse with cold water. Tho sea soning must bo supplied with good fresh butter, milk, unit and pepper, i.eavo no canned goods In a can that has boon opened. Itomovo at once. This may rob tho vegetables of hoiiio food value, but It Is safest and best to do so. Norwegian Rice. Vov a Norwegian way of serving rlco cook It till tender In boiling witter, then drain otV any supertluous lliuild around It mid add enough chicken stock to moisten It a little. Cook It again until thick ami dish It, SprlukK) with chopped chicken livers, scram bled eggs ami grated cheeso. Tho dish should bo hlirlilv seasoned with im .per, salt and any desirable suusonlugs, JACK TO GO INTO THE I AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS HOOKK, In.. July 7. Champion Jack Johnson intends to enter the nutomohile busmen in Chicago and is not going to fight for nt least j year, according to a statement made hv him here today. Quako in Iceland. CLKVKIiANI). Ohio, July 7. Ice land was the nocno of a great earth Ouake recorded on the seismograph hero and at Washington, according to Father Odenhach. obi-ervcr nt St. Ignatius Collego today. The records of the temblor early today and thoe of u vear ago are similar, he says. Winnipeo Wins. l.ONDOX, July 7. The Winnipeg Rowing Club today defeated tho Mnyenco erew of Gennany in the finals for tho Stownrd Plato nt the Henley regnttn. The Winnipeg crew liuishcd two lengths ahead of the Mnyenco. Timo 7 minutes o'l sec-juds. SPALDING WILL NOT RUN FOR U. S. SENATOR SAN DIKGO, Cnl., July 7. Thoro was a stunned and soro bunch of business men In San Diego today as the result of tho absolute refusal of A. 0. Spauldlng, known ovor tho world as a former baseball pitcher and as n cporttng goods mccnata, to innko tho race for tho United Stntes sonnte. WATER IS KING ALFALFA IS QUEEN THE FRUITS OF THIS ROYAL UNION ARE RICHES AND INDE- PENDENCE. And where is tho kingdom pray? In "Sunny Califor nia, Tehama county, at the upper end ol' the great Sac ramonto valley, there is a tract of the finest laud in the world, all of which can be irrigated and carries with it title to a porpotual water right. Six cuttings a year of alfalfa, a production of ten to twolvo tons por acre, and an avorage price of nine dollars per ion in tho stack. Sounds good, but is it true? Let us prove it to vou. This land can bo bought for $150.00 por aero, ono-fifth cash, balance m lour oqual annual pay ments. Tho income from tho land will more than keep up the paymonts. It you aro looking tor a home, indopoildonce and success, wo havo it. FRANK G. ANDREWS, G South Fir Stroot. LOS MOLINOS LAND CO THE BIGGEST RETAIL BUSINESS IN THIS CITY COULD BE CREATED BY ADVERTISING EXCLU SIVELY IN THE MAIL TRIBUNE. in OF Xo business of anv moment could be built up this city WLTIOUT .TILE PATRONAGE ( rprnP TOTO ATvniTa vm mmm -rATT rnrT-n-rrvro a. 1 1 1 1 j-vvxyxivo ui' 11 1 ri an niu jlj.vlouxn.ui. ANY BUSINESS which persistently seeks and secures the patronage of THE READERS OF THE LML TRIBUNE can be made BIG ENOUGn TO SATISFY ANY BUSINESS AM BITION any mercantile aspiration. If there is any wisdom in CONCENTRATION, then there is wisdom in a one-newspaper campaign of publicitv. Such a campaign is AHLED AT SOMETHING DEFINITE it has direction, ob jective. There are no wasted expenditures no ex periments, no advertising to prove your "friendli ness' to some cause, or faction, or interest. The patronage of the Mail Tribune readers can "make" anv store anv enterprise-in this city. THE LACK OF IT1 CAN QUICKLY UNMAKE ANY STORE OR ENTERPRISE LN THIS CITY. And, more and more, the Mail Tribune's readers are coming into the self-interest habit and practice of buying things that are advertised in the Mail Tribune. For they are realizing more of them every day that the firms that advertise in their newspaper are rendering them a REAL SERVICE. And they APPRECIATE it. BIJOU THEATRE TONIGHT Philip Keene Co. Presenting When a Woman Rules OR THE YEAR OF 201O OSWALID, THE WELL KNOWN VENTRILO- QUIST OF THE NORTHWEST, WITH HIS DUMMIES 2 - - REELS - - 2 Unexcelled Motion Pictures Special Prices 10 and 20 cents II. B. Patterson, tho Qua- "" ker Nursery man, has moved "" his office to 116 Eaot Main "" street - --- DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. FICTION Just something de lightfully entertaining we have the late fiction in stock. "BIBLES A complete line of the most convenient sizes. WHITMAN'S That most delicious of all confections almost as good as one's best girl and good for her. The Merrivold Shop 134 West Main Street. Mcdford, OreRen: This certifies that wo have sold Hall's Texas Won der for thu cure of all kidnoy, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It cives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Mcdford Pharmacy. tf - f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. T.R By McCutcheon. A book of this famous cartoonist's draw ings, depicting tho public ca reer of Ex-President Roose velt. Just off the press. Medford Book Store iri Double Your Business Let In The Sunlight Suppo-e you know n man who kept his shades drawn tiuht nil day and burned koroscno iiwtend of lotting in tho sunlight. Suppose you knew a man toiling along a dusty road who would not nccopt a lift when there was plonty of room in tho wagon; Suppose you know a miller with his mill built besido a swift running stream who insisted on turning tho mnchincry by hand. All foolish, you say? And yet look around you how few re tailors take advantage of the groat advertising campaigns run by food, textile, cloth and ovorv other manufacturing lino that you can name. Think a moment ! What was tho last ndvortisemont you read ml wo. deroil just which storo in town would bo progressive enough to havo tho goods in stoek so you could seo them and pur- :.' h? More goods are sold under the evening lamp at homo than you dream of. Practienlly every live retailor advertises in his local papers. Mut how. Put up your lightning-rod! Let your eustomors know that you can deliver to them the goods which great advertising, paid for bv nuinufiH'turors, has interested them in. They will get tho habit and you will got tho business. Praetieally ovory manufacturer stands roady to help you help Yourself. AbU them for electrotypes suitablo to run in your own advertising. Hook llieir trade mark to your storo. Consumer doninnd for advertised goods is now dividod broad cast among all the stores in town, Use your advertising in local papors to foous this domaud upon vour store And don't forgot to bond for thoso holpful olootro typos, Head this again, for it moans monoy to you. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfice: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. ;" Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon "DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE 1 ilSi??JQ) V "s. "iM We Fix It "Our machine responsibility doos not oud with tho machine's sale. Anything wrong wo fix it. If anything breaks wo fix it. Anything wears out wo fix it, If it's your fault wo fix iti If it's tho machine's fault wo fix it. If it's our fault--wo fix it. No matter what's tho matter wo fix it. Call Mnln 1711. C. S. LUPTON, Mar. Lawton Building. Medford, Or. not havo been so general nml ho pro