Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 06, 1910, Image 2

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By P. J. O'Gara, Scientific Assistant, Fruit-Disease Investlnatlons,
Bureau of Plant Industry.
Qttntitlty of Mntcrlnl to bo Used For
Knelt Fire.
Kxperlenco linn shown that the
fires should not bo lnrno, slnco largo
fires tend to produce convoctlvo cur
rents that Are nnt to bring In cold
air; hence, the quantity for each heap
seed not bo vory lnrgo. Largo flros
also might scorch tho bloosom.
From four to flvo pieces of cord
wood, or Its equivalent In any kind
of wood or old rails, nro sufficient
for a single fire; vory often when tho
low tcmplturo is of chort duration
nil of this material will not bo con
sumed In a slnglo flrelng. Flguro 9
Bhows tho pllcsd of glr cordwoo
with dry primings used in firing an
orchard of Mr. V. II. Brown. In
case stablo manure or rubbish was
used a larger numebr of heaps wero
placed, and tho quantity of material
to each heap avoraged about a bushel
or a bushel and a half.
The cost of material for firing var
ied greatly, depending on how it was
obtained. In somo cases where good twenty-four
averago would bo about $1 ,Of course
this Item of oxpenso varied with tho
typo of material used m voll as with
tho distance It had to bo hauled.
Necessity of Understanding Weather
Iloforo efficient work can bo dono
In frost prevention a thorough un
derstanding of local weathor condl
tlonso must bo had. In other words
tho grower should know whou to
smudge or flro In tho archards. Nn
less ho knows beforehand that freez
ing temporaturo may bo expected, tho
opportunity for firing at tho right
tlmo may bo lost. Again unless ho
Is reasonably certaiu low tempora
turo will occui during tho night, ho
may wasto a considerable amount of
costly material when thcro aro uo
uso for It.
In order to tarry on tho work of
frost prevention succes 'fully, dally
weathor report;, or the weather map
should be available. In many locali
ties the weather map would bo out of
tho question, since It may bo at least
hours old, rr.d of vory
cordwcod was used, tho cert of firing
yrna given at S2 per acre.
Mr. W. H. Brown who used good
fir cordwooJ, ctatcs that when using
from five to seven sticks in a pllo
every second row one way or every
fourth row the other tho cost per
acre for three hours' firing approxi
mated 60 cents. However, it may bo
tatcd that the cost per aero for one
sight was between S2 and $2.50. In
some case3 tho cost was estimated as
high as $4, but It is quite possible
thaat more cu.terial was used than
accessary, and that a higher price
than usual was paid for It. When
etable manure or" rubbish alono was
Bsod tho cost of flrlns per aero was
from 4 to 10 cents. This was be
cause the material was on hand and
tho only element of expense was for
distributing It.
The cost of labor for ftirlng an
acre also varied, but a good general
little value vhen tt is recolvod.
Especially on the Pacific coast thcro
Is very little calned by using tho map
that is so old. In caso tho map can
not bo used, tolegnphlc reports
should be received every ny. During
the time tho writer was at work on
frost prevention in tho Roguo Kiver
valley, weather maps wero received
from the "Weather Bureau!on at
Sacramento, Cal., through tho kind
ness of Mr. N". R. Taylor, observer.
Mr. Taylor alsc gave valuablo advice
in regard to conditions on tho Pacific
coast, especially in tho small inclosed
valloys that are surrounded by high
mountains. Tho Weather Bureau off
ice at Portland, Oregon, kindly fur
nished telegraphic reports to the Med
ford Commercial club nnj weather
signals were hoisted. Tho assistance
from both thu Weathor offices was
of the greatest Importance In carry
ing out the work successfully.
MELUOUliN'K, Australia, July 0.
Although tho result of tho Jot'frios
Johnson fight was regretted, it was
expected liot-o. Hums is condemned
for over lowering thu white stand
ard by accepting Johnson's olml
leugo for more gain, thus enabling
the negro to win tho title. llopo is
expressed that tho fight will loud
to sopamtu white and blnclc cham
pionships being established.
Tho United Press flash of the re
sult cabled from Vancouver was half
an hour nhond of any othor intima
tion that Johnson hud won.
Hotel Arrivals.
Tho Nash C. J. Thomdiko, C. A.
Thorndike, Seattlo; J. Noff, II. T.
Gaines, San Francisco; V, Vest,
Medferd: li. V. Shaw, Stockton; M.
E. Root, Medford; P. L. Walters,
Seattle; E. It. Brophy and wife, Ash
land; J. Earl and wife, Gold Rav;
E. W. Smith, P. P. Johnson, Port
land; J. R. Harvey, Galice; P. W.
Estin, San Francisco; C. V. Boro-k
man, Portland; Mrs. G. II. Durham,
Grants Pass; C. II. Kirk, Weed; E.
R. Lest, Cottonwood, Cal.
Tho Moore A. P. Meredith, San
Diego; G. McLaiu and family, Spo-
knno; Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Mills,
Klamath Falls; E. Shanoek, Weed;
Julia Crowley, Boston ; Hollio Rich
ardson, San Francisco; G. East, D.
Mason, Ashlnud; W. A. Lamping,
Los Angeles; F. Oross, Dunsmuir; J.
Sutherland, L. So well, Redding; G.
W. Marshall, Tacoma; F. A. Jerry
and wife, Snu Francisco; L. Craw
ford, Scott River; C. W. Kcpplor and
wife, Elgeria, 0.
"Put money in thy purso" hy roll
ingthrough h "for aiilo" ml- some
of tho too-many things you own.
All persons knowing them
selves to ho indobtod to VAN
DYKE'S will please call nnd
settle, as hooks must ho bal
anced at once on account of
store having boon sold to P.
W. Gray.
Rock Sprlnns Coal.
Two hundred tons of Rook Springs
coal has boon alrendy ordered hy
Medford people those people wore
wise; they will have warm homos this
winter. There is still timo to orilor
the coal nt tho present prico. Soe
. j. iiuroruige. mo uravman. or
1 horoby glvo notice that I with
draw from tho market my 10 acres
known as tho nouth half of tho hoiiUi
half of tho northeast quarter of hoo
tlon 112, township !l( south, limine 1
veat, WUhunotto mtnidlan. Youth
truly, U. S, MIlKKt.Y.,
OG It. P. D. No.l.
ITnHkhiR for Honlth.
Send a
that will moot with tho ap
proval oC tho recipient of
your message Any old kind
of a messenger won't anawor.
Tho best should always be
phono him you will want some of SOllt ,lifM you Wish tllO T0
this conl and to get it you must or-1 oinieilt to DI1SS ft fftVOmble
dor now. Thcro is no hotter coal j verdict.
in tho west. Get busy, prico will wt 1 .i i t .. i t
advaneo soon. os What you think about bus!-
ness stationery isn t quite so
important as what your corre
spondent thinks.
Don't buy
Mrs. Mellr.da McDonald, wife of I. daughters, Mrs. Owen, Mlssc-i Bessie
B. MacDonrl'' of Table Rock, died land Maudo Lee of this town and Mrs.
at the family iiomo last Sunday eve-jNettlo Chapeian of Ashland.
sing, aged 25 years. Sho had been
a sufferer from rheumatism and a
complication of ailments oinco the
flrso of the year. She was tho
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Vincent,
pioneer rcsldonts of tho Table Rock
aolghborhood. A husband and one
child two yens old aro left to mourn
her death. Tho funeral was held
from tho family resldcnc Tuesday
afternoon. Interment took place in
Antloch coinotery.
William W. Scott and Mr.. Maude
Baker, two popular Central Point
people, were united In marriage last
Sunday monilng In Medford, Rev.
Boxio of tho Methodist Episcopal
church of'iciHttog. They will make
their homo In Central Point, whero
they have hundrods of friend?.
Mrs. H. C. Cook of Cottige Grove
to spending the week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. O. B. Nash.
Tho funorcl services of tho lato
Booth Lee took place from tho family
residence- rt 10 a. m. todav and was
largely attended by admiring friends,
who bad long known and respected
Mr. and Mrs. A. Caley of Yoncalla
aro visiting In Central Point.
One Cental Point preacher who
jaa been hoping and praying tint
Johnson would everlasting wallop Jef
fries Is now m enthusiast on the effi
ciency of prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk, who
won the handsoir.o $100 In gold prize
for the best 'ecorated automobile on
July fourth, aro still reeebmg con
gratulations frcm their Central Point
friends. ,
Professor Ritner of tho Ashland
Commercial ollego was transacting
business in Central Point rocortly. Ho
thinks Ashlaad Is going to be resus
citated from its Rip Van Winklo slum
Wallace Klnj. of .Klamath Falls was
a central point visitor tnis morning.
He Is travclh. in the Interest of a
wool and hi le company of San Fran
cisco. small boy, vrhoso namo your cor
respondent co' Id cot obtain, was
drowned near Woodvlllo o.i the eve
ning of July 4.
Dan C. Moorey, recently of Carson
LONDON", July 0. Prince Antoiu
Rndziwill and Dorothy Deacon wero
married today in St. Mary's church,
tho ceremony being private. Immense
crowds thronged tho doors and it
was necessary for police guards to
hold them in check.
Tho wedding was recently post
poned ns a result, it is popularly be
lieved, of a demand by the prince's
family for a more liberal dowry. The
financial arrangements of the wed
ding wero not made public.
O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy.
1010 Chalmers Dotroita.
Phono 18G1, Vnlloy Auto Company,
Medford, Or.
Quick Sorvico. Easy Riding.
Prices Right.
Agency for the Parry Care. Rogue
River Auto Co., Frank II. null, Prop.,
Medford. Or.
him. Mr. Lee was a native of Ten-1 City, Nov., arrived in town tnis morn-
acseee, having been born In Kash-jlng and will seek a lccailcn In the
Tillo In 1846, and was at death 63 Rogue Rive- valley for a home. He
years, 7 months and 18 dr.ya old. In- Is extremely well pleased with all
terment took In Conlral Point parts of tho valley he haB visited
cemetery. Ho is survives by four land says wo are far ahead of Nevada
Model A67
is a new one.
Robert F Maguire
Late special agent XL S.
General Land Office,
announces that he has
opened law offices in
the Medford National
Bank Building, for gen
eral practice before
state and federal courts
and the Department of
the Interior.
"L-vitr tkt nultr-mari"
because it pleases you, but
because it influences the man
you write in your favor.
Om Kahmiiihk tloNti li a clean, crlip
fxprr, inula lot 110.111. cn.p luntnoi
olln. It li sold on the aitumption that
there' economy in quality A haniWome
pedmen buck uivrn upon rrQunt, how.
lo letterhead ami other butlneit (onto,
pnntnl, llthrernphetl anil engraved on
the white and loutteeM colore
MeJeliy 1Uimhi
PArR GlMrANV, tlm
Xily paper mubert in
he world nuWng bond
paper eicluiively
I wish to announco that I have purchased tho
Union liverv Stables
and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Uornou
boarded by th'o day, woek or month. I guarantee a square deal
to all.
""'''f-f-f-f-f-f -r
Repreboutativo Poindoxter, after a
jxrolongud conference with Ex
Presidont Roosevelt, declared Roose
velt to bo with tho insurgent move
ment "in heart nnd action."
Discussing Ms talk with Roose
velt "with a representative of the
United Press, Poindoxter said:
"Roosovolt and I have always
tood together. lie is still with me
and ho assured mo todav that ho
will continue Jo bo with mo. We dis
cussed politics in all its phasqs aud
I am heartily pleased with (lie colo
nel's views. Tho outcome of our
conference is gratifying."
Astronomer Is Dead.
MILAN, July 0. Professor Sehi
aparelli, 75, Italian astronomor, died
here today. Ho was thp originator
of the theory of artificial acnals on
For somo rtason or another, tho
thing Bought may bo cheaper at ono
tore than at anothor than at any
thor. Ad-readora buy "In tho' light."
WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 0.
i Feeling between tho whites nnd
negroes here is exceedingly hitler to
day on account of tho outcome of
the Reno fight, nud extra precau
tions have been taken by the police
to prevent trouble.
A largo colony of :iegroc& resides
Ono negro was badly beaten up by
a crowd of whites lust nitrht in tho
street. The negro hud won on John
son and was enthusinstictilly an
nouncing the fact.
Most of tho negroes left the
streets immediately after Johnson's
victory was mnde public. This pre
vented much trouble,
New Cases Filed.
Jessie G. Robertson vs. Thomns B
Robertson, divorce; Withington &
Kelly for plaintiff.
Gold Ray Realty Co. vs. M. P. Ja
qoby, injunction; A. E, Roamos for
Elaskias for Health.
To registor with tho association
for this season's pack. Packing
schools for pears and apples in Au
gust and September. Pack changed
on apples. Everybody muet learn it.
Modern 7-room Home. Woll built
and nrrunged. On paved streotin
highest part of city. 3,800. Terms.
Modern 5-room bungalow homo,
now and in the right place, Close
in. $3,250. Terras.
New 5-room bungalow homo; close
to Onkdnle. Can finish to suit your
taste. Only $2,300.
Wo have a laigo list of CHOICE
HOMES, and tho prices nro right.
t I
f N
f I
rgl , 1
i yJmi mi
eHf ' I 1
m 1 t j 1
K'il 7,'i
J Bruce Wright & Co.
132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2001.
The Dinner Hour
In Hot Weather is More
When You Have a
General Electric Fan
In Your Dining Room
SK TT IS adjustable for gentle air
W " nrciilfltion nr n ctmnn nmnin
It is portable and may be utilized
in any room where there is an electric fixture simply insert
the plug and turn the switch. The expense is small.
May we send a G.E. Fan to your home to-day ?
For Lace Curtains
We Have tKc
Best oi EveryLhing
Furniture. House Furnishings, Stoves,
Ranges, Etc.
It will pay you to hco iin before you buy.
"Outnldo tho
flro limit, but
I iin I do on priced"
IVleidiono Went Main St.
."Main 1 Iftl Cor. 'of Lnurel
Next to WnnliliiRton Hcliool
Office: 20!),WoBt Main St., Mutllurd, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon
$12,500 Thirty-two norcH, two inlloH from Tnluttt. Ainlor
son orook bottom land; fivo-room box Iioiiho, pxxl hnrn
nnd othor outbnildinpi; tlioro nro on th'iH pluco VI norett
in Nowtown nnd SpitKonbcrg npploH, (J and 7 yonra old,
which hnvo a fnir orop this your; botwoon thu nppluH nro
pench fillers, which aru heavily loaded. In addition tlioro
aro throo noroB of poarx 2 yenra old nnd three auron
planted to ponru Inat wintor; nlso four acres of alfalfa
nnd about fivo acres of fine timber; tlioro nro two koo1
wells nnd n complete pumping plant for irrigation; .fdfiUO
will linndlo thin place nnd tho bulnnco cati bo paid at thu
rato of $1000 a year.
$15,000 Sovonty-fivo norow, Hitmo neighborhood; ood now
fivo-room honno, laro harn nnd othor otithiilttliiijH;
spring wator piped to tho building. Tlioro aro on thin
plnoo 11 aoroH of 3-yonr-old NowtownH nnd SpitzonborH
with poach fillora, about an aoro of boaritiK family orch
ard, 10 aorcH of alfalfa, about an noro of bearing grapua
about -IT) noroa all told undor cultivation, balanou in
timber which could ho ohoaply cleared. At $200 an acre
thin placo iu a Hiiup. It would tnko half cahh to bundle,
bnlnnco onay.
$300 nu ncro Finos fruit nnd gnrdon land in tho vnlloy,
half way holwoun IMioonix nnd Talent; lovol, blaok froo
noil; dividod into 10-noro tractn; ouo-foiirth oiinIi, balaiiuo
in four niinunl pnymontH with 0 por cont intorout.
$12,000 Sixtcon and a hnlf noroa, midway hotweon Jnok
ponvillo nnd Coutral Point, facing tl6 hill roud; finoat
biiildinfi; nito in tho vnlloy. Thoro nro olght noroa of poara
in honring, trooa from G to 8 yonrB old, nnd about an
aero and a hnlf of grnpoa in boM-ing, halanco in timhor,
which ia all good fruit laud. Half oaah will handle.
$20,000 Lohh than $425 nn noro for 47V& noroa, ono.milo
from Coutral Point, nil good laud, good buildinga, about
40 aerofl plnntod to ntnudard vnriotioa of npplea nud
penrfl from 1 to 4 yonra of ago, halanco in alfalfa. Thia
placo will aubdivido nicoly. It ia oaally worth $100 nn
acre moro than ia naked.
W. T. YORK & CO.
If you aro intoroatod in Medford proporty, tnlk with our
city man, Mr W, V. Mooro.
tiSSi A I i -