MUSDFOKP MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1010. i A SOCiflL AND PERSONAL Mr. uiiil Mrs, V. T (Irluvon mill family ttiiiitt imt't of tlio Kourth at Ashland, whom Will liml noun) ImihI WISH, Airs, Grieves itlno thought tliu "kiddles" would In) na for away from Did iuiImii uiiil turmoil of a big coin liratlon, Learn to nay V. Itnyo, 110 Mrs. .1. 13. Nuyitrt wiih at Wood- vlllo for tlio Kourlli with a party of frluudii, Tlio addition of tiulity and lioiuu comforts will ho Quoon Anno water, tiowiir anil paved HtruutH building ro ooiiHtruittionH. Boo McCiilluin, Hotel NiimIi. it Mr. and Mih, Arthur Ilrown spout tlm Kourlli In tlio quiet and peaceful town of (IrantH Puns, Nuwly fiiruiHliod sleeping room, cool, iiiiit (iimy walking distance. i!0!l OIhoii street, corner West Ham illon ,jiiHt two blocks from North Oukilulo paving. J'hnno Main J -1 Tl . tt' Mr. and Mrn. Yfm Day, Mr. and Jtrs, Matlock, Mr, and Mm. MlHlilnr. Mr. and Mrn. .Mcltoyuolds, Mm. W. H, Jones and dniightor, Maud, and Mrn, Hull, formed a ilcnlii party which Hpunt tlio Kourth In tlio shades of AHliland Canyon. Whoro in Medford enn you got bol tur values than in Qtiuou Anno addi tion T Did you notion tlio cut of tlio now public hcIiooI to ho erected in Queen AnnoT Oct IniBy. Tlio pres ent prico won't IuhI lonu. tt' William Hanson Iiiih been spending 4i moHt onjnynbln vacation nt SliitRta Hotroal, Cal. lie says tlio springs thoro aro vury riue. A plungo tunic In oiio of tlio main attractions. Dr. Maun, chiropodist and foot npooiiiliht, who in in town for u few weeks, in prepared to roinovo corns, biiuioiiH, perspiring anil odorotiH foot. Tlio doctor Iiiih a stock of testimon ials on hand testifying to his ability mid rocouitnondatioiiH from those whom ho Iiiih treated. Ho will ho at room 1-1, i'alaco hotol, ami if your foot lined repairing it would ho well for you to coiihuU him. Kroo con sultation. MiHH Myrtld l'oyton, daughter of Mr. mid .Mr. It. K. I'oytou, wiih tak u seriously ill lout Sunday, Juno 20, at hor homo at Peyton. Dr. Clancy was called and is in attendance. Hor many friends nro wishing for her a speedy recovery. Now, moilerii, eool sleeping roouiH. .Address I. I!., thin office. tr Did you hoc "Damon and Pythian" at tlio Dijon Inst night, or wore you turned uwuy on account of the -crowd, tiuahlu to got in? Don't fail to come tonight to hco thin wonder fully inspiring mid uplifting play. Ilo memhor the place tlio Dijon. DO I can put you wine to tlio IiuhI real OKtato investment on tlio coast. Address "Advisor," Mux 11)11, Me.l ford. Or. tf C. C. MeCleudon of (Jold Hill was in Medford on tlio Ith. The old pio neer is Htill halo and hearty ami 'till of tlio rcminiHcouccH of olden timoH. Jiimnio Hyrno of Foots drook, who 1ins lieeu iiiiiiimr in that nt ream h'uico it wiih firht iliHcovered, was in Med ford Monday. "I want to go to the fight," Haiti Jiimuic, "hut was out in the hillH ami missed tlio train. Now I'm ulail I didn't go, after rending tlio ruHiilt." M. Ij. Pollott returned from Cali fornia a few days sinnco to look af ter Home of the interests ho Htill re tains in thin valley. Mr. uiiil Mrn Kd, Karrn, of Cen tral making :. tome of Oilcan count poiutH. Tl.iy expect to ho nbsont for eovoral iiioiiIIih. J. Y. H'ipkiiH, of Contrail Point wnH ono of tlio 33 degrco faiiH a: tlio Medford-Oruuts Piihh game Sun lny. Siinpn Shaw, ono of tlio votoran minors of tlm Pacific coaHt, is in .Medford for tlio Kourth. Tom Ituddy had his right hand liadlv injured Saturdav night hy a prcmnturo explosion of a giant cracker. The hand was Hovcrely liurned, hut will ho nil rigtt in a few lays. 0. flrinicH wiih in Medford Mon day from Ashland where he Iiiih hcen for tlio piiHt Hovoral moutliH. .loh Pankey of Central Point wiih among thoho who celehrated the Ith. at Jacksonville. 1'. J. Kaiser, of tlio Valloy Record, was ninong iIidho who took in the celehration at .lackHouvillo. K. V). Klwonil mid Oral Uiiruntt re turned Siiiuhu night from u t"ip to the Km,"-- As IroohicH o( Their trip they brought hack with ( hunt two he.u cubs. Tlio old hear Ihoy killed ami captured the you it: i i,uH iil'Uu a t i ui oiih fiiriit, .n which the lillh iieas'.H i n'd (colli i 'id oluw lo good effect, llurnott says tlio uoxt timo anyone iiHks him to catcH a hear with liiH IiiiiiiIh ho is Koititf to "Lot (leoi'Ko tl" it". Tlio cuhs were mid the other hrown, as frciiieully nnd the oilier black, as frequently oeciiis with this Kpocio of tlio hear family. Glass Ih'os. of Antioch wore I rail ing in the, oily last Raturiliiy. They report the whont nnd fruit crop ex ceptionally pioil in tlio iiorllierii part of the county. MEDFORD WINS AT BASE BALL Local Players Easily Take Doth Games at Jacksonville ami Prove Beyond Doubt They Arc Cham pions of Southern Orcnon. Medford oiihII.V look both kuiiioh played at .lackMouvillo ycHterday mid proved huyoml u doubt that no team in Southern Oreuou litis a chnuco to heat tboin, although JuckHouvillo and Orauts Pass traded players in order to try and stop tlio Medford hunch. 1 1 was to no in nil, mid only went lo prove that tlio Medford bunch could win from an all Southern Oregon team. KormiBon wiih on the mound for OniutH I'iihh in (he inorniiiL' kiiiiio, and Medford Hcnrcd one run each ill the t'irt, fourth ami sixth iuniiiH. 'Then the fireworks lieuim. Music Hlruck out, MhickiiiKlon laced out it hincle, Muru'CHH followed with a two bacKcr, Miles with out, short to 1'irnt; Strain Hiimlcd; IsaaeH leaned Ii'ih old trithty up nuniiiHt a threo-haor, seudiui; in three runs; Kdtlio Wilkin koii siuuled and thou .Johnny Wilkin son biffed ono ovor tlio corner of ci'iilcr field fenco the loimcst-hit hall ever mado in ,Iaoksou county. Iloiiholmnu was hit by pitcher mid Music struck out nuaiii. The piny was Homethiut; unusual, Music hoini; htrtiek out twice in ono inning, ami Medford seorini; six runs. Kcrpison was relieved hy Osborn in the oinhlh and Medford uathercd in three more runs. Omuls Pass scored their only run in tlio fourth, as HurKOSs was in vincible, allowing Orauts Pass hut four hits. H. Medford TJ Orauts Pus- -I Hatteries llurKOHS mn II. K. 10 2 1 3 Music; Kermison, Ohboruo and Maker, Hits Off Ferguson, 7; off Os boriiJ. 3. In the uftoruoon Medford showed up flesh imoiii mid showed Juckso i villi how to play the paid old K"'"(-t and battiiiL' Mclulyi'u out of the box in the fifth innitiK, Miles cettin u homo run, Isaacs a thrco-hatior, Kddiit WilkiiiMin and Maker hiitKles, scoriiu; three runs. Willinms of Ornnts Pass went in the box for .Jacksonville and held the Medford lemn down to one Tim thereafter. It. Medford 7 .Jacksonville 1 II. B. 13 1 8 3 There was a laryo crowd in ut tcudance at both tratues. Many Med ford people went to Jacksonville solely on account of tlio ball gauies. Thoro is no doubt hut the names cnimcd more than unusual excitement yesterday. Kvon tlio Jeffries-Johnson fijjht was forgotten for the timo hoinc, Counidorablo money was wag ered, all norts of freak bets being mnilo. Motting wns '2 to I in favor of Medford in ench game, or oven inoncv that M"odford would win both games. Thoinns Perry, a prominent pio neer farmer of Chaparral district, came ovor Saturday with a mixed load of produce. Ho was much sur prised to soo the extensive changes and improvements in Medford during his absence of three mouths, William Ovvings and family of Woodvillo camo up Sunday to spond a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kuril Do Kobonni. K. D. Wilhite, tlio prosperous fruit grower of Moaglo, was in Medford Tuesday with a load of choice early fruit. Hov. D. Sehrohut, the director of Mount Angel college, has been visit ing Harry mid Hudriy Scholtz of North V street. Harry Scholtz starts this morn ing for California to he there about threo mouths. His father will follow in n fow dnys. Charles Smith of Kugene is spend ing a few days in Medford visiting relntives nnd frionds. S. W. MoClonrion of Gold Hill spoilt the Kourth in Medford. Mrs. V. A. Karrar of Gold Hay was a Medford visitor Tuesday. II. C. Maury of Jacksonville was in Medford Tuesday on business, T. K. Daniels will leave for De troit, Mich., (his evening, where he will represent the Medford Klks at the grand lodge. After the conven tion Mr. Daniels will go to New York, whom ho will spend n week or mom in tlio men's clothing and furnishings market, returning by way of Los Angeles, whore ho will be joined by Mrs. Daniels. Will Muller has accepted a posi tion ut Daniels' store during Mr, Daniels' ahseneo in the east. Mr. mid Mrs. Kuril It Mrophy of Ashland wore in Medford Monday, Mr. and Mrs, Juntos Karl of flold liny were Medford visitors Tuesday on their way homo from cehjbratiug Mm Kourth. RENO LIKE CITY OF DEAD AFTER FIGHT When Lfttlu Arthur Droiifiht Home the Dacon, Mournlnu Falls Upon Battle City and Everybody Hast ens to Get Away. HY MAX HAITJIASAlt. KENO, Nov., July 4. Sunday night Meno was the wildest and liv eliest in America. Last night it wus almost like n city of the dead; barn, gambling bouses, hotel lobbies were practically deserted. Tlio heart throb that had held tlio city at high tension was gone deadened by th'i punches of big block Jack. Had Jef fries won, the city would have wit nessed a wilder orgy than ever the oldest iiihabitmit had seen. Kvorytliltig Ones wr. In fact, the "gang" luwl set itsel' for a busy evening, but when little Arthur brought homo the bacon ev erything went awry. Special trains that were to be held in order that their occupants might fittingly celebrato tlio white man's victory silently crept out of town as (prickly us tlio truin dispatcher could let them go. Ah a consequence, when the usually busy hours of the night rolled around the streets looked mom like a lane in a cemetery than tlio "hub-of tlio universe." Automobiles which throughout the day (lashed dp and down the streets with n screechv honk-honk, vanished like tlio mist. Newsboys whoso cries kept the evening air alive above the hum of tlio fight buzz on the side walks, were noticeable by their ab sence Tlio lobbies were deserted, suvo for the presence of h few sad faced admirers of Jeffries, who be moaned less tlio loss of their money than tin; heating Jeffries received. SKrlals HnstiMi Awny. Last iiiuht as soon as the special trains could be iiinde up they wero hauled out of town, taking away many parties that had figured on milking Meno a live place for at least one more night. Hut the pall that Jeffries' defeat seemed to have thrown over the entire city hnd its effect mid the exodus was like one from a city afflicted. Snvo for the desultory explosion of fireworks by small boys, tho streets in the heart of tho city wero as perfectly proper as a New hnglmiri villnge. Meno him Been her best day for a timo at least, in the nnic line, but she has hopes that another big fight can bo pulled off hero in September. In the meantime, the fight bug, en trained or waiting to get out, is hav ing a fine time keeping his skull and temper within reasonable confines. J. It. Ilurvey of Qnlico was in Medford Tuesdiiy looking after bus iness interests. L. D. Crawford of Scott Itivor, Cal.. was in Medford Monday look ing over tho country. Among the Medford people enjoy ing an outing at Colostiu Sunday mid Mondny wore Mrs. C. E. Collins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claronco Mcekeis Miss Alico Tiokell, Miss Lucy Kent, Miss Painter. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rurhirigo and family nro camped at Colcstin and tiro having the time of their lives. Mrs. K. K. Ooro spent tho Kourth at Colostiu. Mrs. W. H. Stokes was in Medford from tho Stokos farm Monday Kor over 11 years Dr. Itickort has boon successfully fitting and selling glnssos. IIo will treat you right ho knows tho optical business nnd every ono visiting his optical par lors nro sure of sntisfactiou. Over Kent tier's. 1)1 JEFFRIES' ACTIONS. fContinuod from Page 1.) doing. Ho acted llko n child, thoy sny. Ho hud to bo led down tho nlslo to tlio ring as though ho worb a bnby. Twlco ho wandorod off tlio n'nlo and nearly bumpod Into tlio seats. Corbett Is tho moat utttorly disap pointed man In tlio camp. Today ho snld that ho bollovcd that whllo Jot fries' physlcnl condition wn8 porfoct, his norvous system had boon wrockod. His old snap was gono bocaiiBo his norves woro gono, Corbett said, and this ucqountod for his dopy appear auco. Joffiios' prlvato coach will bo at tached to a train leaving Meno nt 7:01 p. m. JEFF WENT TO PIECES. (Continued from Pngo 1.1 tlio loft oyo wiAj us usoloss ns Mb mate, fiiiw Two JohiiBoiis, "I can uoo two .TohnooiiB," said Jeffries to Hotfor Cornoll, to whom had boon oatrustod tho tna'.: of talcing AS0 J0IIN AIlTHUR d&gfflB CHAMPION P caro of tho cuts anad bruises, when tho big follow took his chair at tho end of tho second round. "I hit at one nnd miss, and then tho other man hits mo." From that round on, it Is claimed, Jeffries wns practically blind and when ho landed and when he lashed out It was merely by Instinct. Ho could not sec, but knew that tho ne gro was boforo and not behind him. Blinded or n too long out of tho ring to come back, a victim of nervos or what not, Jeffries was whipped, nnd fairly, nnd a moro magnanimous enemy, despite color or any other pre judice that may exist against the champion, ho never mot. That Jeffries had nothing what ever Is quite commonly agreed. What ho did hnve, and ho showed plonty In training, ho must havo left In camp, for tho speed, endurance, strength nnd everything else that seemed to bo necessary to a suc:essful battle wero his whllo recovering both at Rownrdennan and Moann Springs. Jeff Loses Everything. In tho very first round ho showed ovidonco of having lost everything snvo confidence and courago. Ho was slow of foot, hand and eye, wns block d with ease, could not land a solid punch when ho had tho opportunity and in the clinches ho seemed as weak as a child. Somo of his efforts In the early stages woro pitiful. As early as tho third round In half cllnchc his attempts to prod Johnson In tho stomach had ovory earmark of tho fighter gono for tho good, whip ped but not knowing, hoping against hopo nnd bollovlng thnt It he could land enough body blows ho was es saying to send In, ho would work out tho chance to put over tho finishing punch. But It was not to be. Jef fries was a gonor aftor tho second round. Whether It wns duo to tho los3 of his "goat," tho punch on tho oyo or Just natural (superiority on Johnson's part will bo questions to be nrguod out for montho to conio. Tho punch may havo dono It. Joffrles may havo lost overythlug tho momont ho stop pod Into tho ring, but tho fact stands out that Johnson won, decisively and with onso. Johnson's Defense. Tho one thing that stood out most prominently In Johnson's fight was his failure, as in all of his battles, and for which ho has boon consistent ly crltlclsod, to carry tho fight to his opponent. Conceded tho greatest dofonslvo fighter tlio rlac over knew ho con fined his host efforts to tho clinches, whipping up nasty tipporcuts, with tho right or crossing snappy half hooks with tho loft. With thoso blows he did great execution and, try as ho would, Joffrles could not avoid them. In othor battles, nota bly his last with Corbett, ho showod that ho could lny his against Oon tloman's boat punclios, In or out of a clinch, and glvo bettor than Cor eott sont. With Johnson, who Is undonlalily clovor, but not tho cqunl of Corbctt, Joffrloa showod tho speed and Judgmont of a truck horso. Ills blocks woro badly tlmod, ho could not got awny from a slow hook nnd tho upporrut gonorally found its mark. Finish Quito Dramatic. Only twlco In tho courso of tho bnttlo did Joffrles slunv any sign of JOHNSON. NEW UGILIST OF THE WORLD. being dangerous, and that was when! The plot centers arou-d r. oung ho sent two successive smashes to 'school teacher, Doris Vane (Miss the stomach. Both hurt, bringing! Gray), who Is being hounded out of grunts from tho negro, but tho black 'man's head vas clear and whatever damage the punches may havo In- dieted was quickly shaken off. Tho finish of the fight was ono of the most dramatic as well as pitiful ever seen in a ring. At tho end of tho 14th round tho crowd murmured "Jeffries is gono." Johnson had bat tered him unmercifully. The big fel low apparently could not see. Every lead tho black man mnde found Its billot. The one-time grizzly found. ho married to ifco man of her choice, his chair with difficulty and when he i when Stephen Brand (Mr. Heyes) , came out for tho 15th it was apparent i her former husband, who has escap that ho could not travel much farther, ed from prison, puts In his appear IIo groped about, only to fall afoul anco. However, Brian O'Nell, of tho flailing fists of tho negro. has been the doctor of tho nights and lefts from every angle prison whore Brand was a prisoner, found n lodging plnce, and the giant i confronts tho man and bids him go, toppled to tho floor. Only Instinct j which he does. Tho young couple brought him to hls feet nfter the timekeeper had shrieked off "eight.") Bight into the teeth of the storm he waded, only to be buffeted with a be wildering mass of punches until he rocked llko a ship In a tempest. A lMtiful Picture. Then, utterly helpless, thero crash ed against his Jaws a straight left and a right apporcut, and Jim once more toppled to tho floor, this time half way outside tho ropes. His bat torod mouth 3purted little streams of blood, from his nose emerged a thick crimson streak, his right eyej was closed, his loft partially so, his left cheok bono laid open and thero was a gash la his forehead. He was a pitiful sight, but with tho little strength left In him ho held himself together and refused to bo counted out on his back. His Indomitable courago held him up, but ho could not rogaln hl3 feet. Tho mob shrieked "get up, Jim," his Eeconds from whom ho was re moved only a fow feet rushod toward him and tried to assist him to his feet. The tlmckeopor wns tolling off tho soconds. How far ho had gono Is a question. That Joffrles wns out and could never havo regained his feet savo for the assistance of his Beconds cannot bo denied. At any rate, Joffrles aid regain his feet and staggored toward Johnson, who, ap parently bollovlng that tho battle wns ovor, was heading for his cornor. His seconds sounded a warning when Jet - fries approached tholr chargo, and Johnson roturned to tho fray, but aftor lightly cuffing tho white man a fow times, shoved him to tho floor. ( It wns at this point thnt Itlckard shoved Johnson to his cornor nnd Instructed Joffrles' seconds, who had , jumped Into the ring, to carry htm, away. j Dispute Over Count. A fow Becouds aftor tho battle , Hlckanl doclnrod that Jeffries was, out when ho wns knockod down tho , second timo and that ho had glvon Johnson tho declslou on a fair knockout. Lntor In tho ovonlng ho stated ho had awarded tho battle to Johnson because Joffrlos' seconds had attompted to nsslst him to nrlso whllo tho battlo was In progross, Somo thoro nro who claim Tlmokeopor Hart Ing actually counted "ton" aftor tho second knockdown, but Hurting main tains ho did not. That, howovor, Is neither horo nor there. Joffrlos was whlppod and Johnson gots tho credit. LYRIC THEATRE AFTER ATHON Portland Playhouse Sends Flattering Offer to Stock Company How ever, It Will Not Be Accepted tf There Is Good Local Patronage. A telegram wag rccolved yesterday by Mr. Athon from Managers Keat ing and Flood or tho Lyric theater, Portland, Or., asking him to reopen "Tho Athoa Co." In abovo named the ater four wcoka from date. It Is tho Intention of Manager Zlm mer to retain tho company In tho city and this will be done provided tho business la sufficient to warrant his doing bo. However, It will bo Im possible unless thcro Is a decided In crease In tho box office receipts,. Tho expense of this company lo very largo and wo must have your liberal pat ronage If Medford Is to have a first- class stock company. In shct, "It's iup to you." Wo regret that It Ik necessary to remind you la this way, and trust! I that It will not bo necessary to do so j again. At all events the Athon' Stock company will remain three weeks Monncr and as aforesaid will remain with you throughout tho entire sum mer If the box office receipts swell sufficiently anJ we trust thev will. On Tuesday and Saturday nights of this wcok "Doris" will be tho offering, tho pl?y which made Effle Ellsner famous. "Dorl3" Is from the pen of the same author who gavo us that grand old play "Hazel Klrko," and has been pronounced by somo of our most eminent critics t& being the stronger play of the two. I tho village by busybodles. It is then that the young country squlro (Mr. Howard) come3 to her rescue and protects her against her slanderers, much to the dltgust of the town gos sips. Bryan O'Nell (Mr. Athon), a truo son of Old Errln, pays a visit to the village and finds in the school teacher a sweetleart of former days. Ho again offers her his love, but she informs him tbat her heart belongs to another and that she is about to are married .-.nd leading a happy life in the quiet little village rhen one day Doris reads of the death of Ste- phen Brand. However, tho report was untrue and the man rgaln seeks her out. He has learned of her mar riage nnd owcars to kill her husband and is about to carry out his awful threat when Doris succeeds in forcing him to go. Tho squire learns of tho existence of Brand and In a fit of jealous an ger accuses her of deceiving him, and thoy part. Finally tho convict Brand dies and with his last breath tells that Doris is Innocent of any wrong. The young couple are re united and all ond3 happily. Thero Is a strong vein of comedy which runs throughout tho play and altogether tho play Is a particularly strong ono. Next-weok "Whoso Bnby Are You?" a sparkling farce comedy, following I havo "Hollo BUI," "Nuf Ced," and week aftor that "In tho Carriage." The cast for "Doris" follews: Doris Vano Olga Groy Alico Merrljjocd Dorothy Davis Martha Crawley. . .Vlrglnli Ellwood Miss Mary Bustbee. .Effle Jobnson Kocroth Ashlolgh. .Wm. D. Howard Brian O'Xeil Bobt. Athon Stophon Braui? Bert Hoyes Simon Crawley James Conwny Mr. Merrlgooc Arthur Neale Mr. Beetle . .F. V. Zlmmor Win, H. Barnes Jackson . 1 BIBLES Family Bibles, Students' and teachers ' Bibles with or without helps a very choice collection in most all sizes and tho most desirable bindings. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT The Merrivold Shop 134 West Main Street. CELEBRATION AT W00DVILLE SUCCESS Visitors from till pnrta of ili Moguo Ilivor vnlloy woro nt Wood villo Monday to attend tho oolehrn tion of tho Fourth of July. Tho day was obsorvod in tho old fashioned way. Even boforo daw tlio rumblo of tho farm wagon mi and pa on tho spring Boat, with th youngest olive branch in mn's arm perhaps, and tho rest of tho broo distributed promiscuously in the bo of tho wagon could bo hoard. Fircorackors popped, girls squeal cd nnd their brothors laughed Headed by the Central Point bnnii tho parade started on timo for th ucniuuui grouniiH along tno rivet Thero were nil tho panoply of th dld-tuno colouration and not onl tho people who enmo in wagons, hi thoso who drovo to tho scono in au tos, enjoyed tho progrnm, nnd th sight of so many others cnjqyin themselves. J. L. Ilnmmorsly of Gold Hill d iivcred a mnstorly oration nnd wn applauded until tho surrounding hill reverberated with tho echoes of tl cheers. At tho Waldorf-Astorin fmk chicken, green pens, mashed pot toes, brown gravy, potato salad a other vegetables wore served for cents. Whoro the hotel man got 'a with the hungry crowd is still problem. Raskins for Health. tttti-tttt ttttfn H. B. Patterson, the Qua ker Nursery man, has moved his office to 116 East Main street. 1 ''" DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f - tf i MHMIIIM "Wo feature the world's best timepiece. THE ( I lOAJjjTlHi OP AMERICA. i.ANCAaT,rA. J. W. DIAMOND 115 E. Main St. i WATER IS KING ALFALFA IS QUEEN THE FRUITS OF THI ROYAL UNION ARE RICHES AND INDE PENDENCE. And where is the kingc prayt In "Bunny Cal nia, Tehama county, at upper end of the great a ramonto vallev, there is tract of the finest land in world, all of which can irrigated and carries wit title to a perpetual w; , right, bix cuttings a yea i alralra, a production or te j twelve tons per acre, aiu average price of nine dol per ton m the stack. Soi l good, but is it truo? Lo prove it to you. This 1 I can be bought for $150.0C acre, one-fifth cash, bah I in four equal annual I ments. ! The income from the will moro than keep upl payments, Tf you aro looking fol home, independence success, wo havo it. FRANK G. ANDREW 6 South Fir StreotJ LOS MOLINOS LAND Los Molinos, Cal. WLl