Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 03, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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Full LcMcd Wire Ilcport.
' '
Tho only paper In tho world
published In a city tho ilia of
Medford having u loaned wire,
No. 89.
t ,
' t
Mrs. I). E, Ooi'u entertained iiiohI
delightfully Friday nftornnon in
honor of her HiHtur, Mim: Warner,
who Iiiih jiiHt rotnniod i'roin u year
spent in Spokane. Tho Iiihiho wiih
prettily ducorntcd in roses ami swoot
jioao. Tho greater part of tho aft
ernoon wiih npunl in guessing
(outH, aftur which Mrs. Stcwnrt and
MIuh draco Drown favorod tho
guoiitii with vary protty vocal soloe
tioiiH, MiHH Flo Gray accompanying.
Mrs. Houcoo JoIiiihoii gavo a very
amusing ruoitation, Mrs. J. (I. (loro
assisted Mrs, E. E. (loro i:i receiving.
Dainty rofrouhinuntH woio served,
Mrx. .1. F. IlntvhnHon serving, and
Mrs. Claronco Mookor pouring ton.
Tho Misses Mary and Kdnn Gore and
Oonoviovo Wortmuii iiHHistcd. Tho
gnosta wore: Mosdniiios Host-no
Johnson. Mahlo Stownrt, Artio Itapo,
W. 11. WluitHcll. J. F. HittohnHon, II.
F. Piatt, Harry Howard, C. E. Clad
din, Clarcnco Mookor, J. 0. (lore, E,
N. Wnnio. Frod Colvig, Holt, Rob
ert McGuiro; Misses Grace Drown,
Opnl Oatmnn, Kadio Van Dyke, Util
ity Jamicy, Kdith Cranfil, Lottu
Luke, Merrill, DrodHVold.
M!hh lont! Flynn and Mimi l-orniuo
Dliton gnvo a handkerchief Hhowcr
Wednesday evening for Mian Nellie
DrcKHlor, whoso engagement wiih an
nounced tiie first part of tho eve
ning. The plan of aiiiiounccincnt
waH very unique little FranccH
I'orry, daintily attired in white, car
ried a little bnskot. decorated in
white rihhoii, in which were curds
announcing the engagement 'f M'HH
Nellie DreiiHlor to Lieutenant Theo
dore Wiltion of Fort Leavenworth,
Kan. Tho wedding Eh to take place
the middle of July and MInh DrcHtdor
leavcH for Fort Leavenworth, July
f. Following tho auiiotineoinent wan
tho haiidkorchiof shower, after which
dainty refreshments wore Norvod.
MiHH Dressier pobhcshoh a very
charming personality and will he
greatly -iniKBcd in Medford's uocial
The guests wore: Misses Mayinc
Swan. Dertha Brandenburg, Opal
Daley, Isolo Ewbnnk, Zela White, Ivy
Doeek, Minnie JaekNou, Nellie
Judge and Mrs. W. C. Hale of
Grants Puss have announced the en
gngoiuont of their 'daughter, Miss-
Jessie, to tho Rev. Fred C. Dartlolt,
paHtor of St. Luke's Episcopal
church of that city. Doth parties
are well known in Med ford and their
many friends will he pleased to learn
of their engagement. MioH Halo is
a cousin of Mrs. Harry Foster of
thin city, and has visited horo a gront
deal. Mr. Dnrtlelt is very niuoh
thought of in his ohureh in Grants
Pass, and Iiiih many admirerK here
who have hoard him preach at St.
Roosevelt Punctures Boom to Make
Him Governor of New York In Let
ter to Oneida County Republican
Cluli to Stop Anltatlon.
UTIOA, N. Y July i!.Tlioou"oro
rtooRovolt will not to governor of Now
York, Ho punctured tho boom thnt
wiih Htartod for him for nhle: oxocu
tlvo of tho Btnto by tho Onolda County
Itopubllcnn club. Iu a nolo to Secre
tary Adnma of tho olnb HoobovoU de
clared thnt ho could not accept tho
"May I thank tho club for IIh mos
biuso?" tho colonel writes. "Hh good
will Ih npp.oclfitod, but I intuit nsk
tho club linmodlatoly to stop tho agi
tation to havo mo nominated for tho
KovornorHlilp bocniiBo It la an nlmoluto
ImpoBfllblllty to nccopt."
You linvon't road nil of today's
nown thnt'B Importlmnt to you until
you'vo rond tho nds, ,
Mark'H church. Tho wedding will
take place in tho near future.
M!kh Edna Merrill wiih IiohIchs at
a dinner Tuesday ovoniug, when her
engagement was announced to Mr.
(1. E. Pierce of .Medford. Tho color
Hchcmo wiih red, white and hluo, and
tho favora were carnalionH, on tho
end of which woro tied red hearts,
which announced the engagement.
CovorH woro laid lor twelve. Tho
guests were: Misses lone Flynn,
Stella Hollulcr. Esther Cady, Gert
rude Fierce, Aim. Deu Garuett, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Clark; Messrs.
Harry Hoswoll, Leonard itohiiiKon,
Norman Merrill, Clyde Iongman of
Iowa and Clarence Fierce.
Mihh Mildred Oerig entertained for
the D. G. cluh in tho form of a hos
iery Hhowcr for MiHH Nell DreHHler,
the hride-oleet. The first part of
tho afternoon was spent in a general
good time. Tho guests then adjourn
ed to the dining room, where a dainty
luncheon wiih sorved. Tho table wiih
decorated in ptirplo, with a minia
ture well in tho center, with ribbon
extending to MiHH Drcsslor's place,
while on the other end woro the nu
merotiH gifts of the young ladies. Tho
afternoon wiih a very enjoyable one.
Mr. Frank Oerig is spending tho
summer with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs William Oerig. Mr. Oerig at-
teudH tho UniverHity of ArknnsnH
and will return there iu tlu fall.
Mrs. J. D. Olwcll was quite seri
ously hurt Monday last, when she
ran a nail iu her foot. Tho foot in
much better and unless complica
tions ariso slio will bo nblo to bo
around soon. Mr. and Mrs. Olwoll
contemplated a trip to San Fran
cisco, starting ItiHt Wednesday, but
on account of the accident it was
MIhh Alice Streets entertained at
five hundred Thursdav afternoon.
The honor guest waH Miss Dore
Dagley of Ashland. The house wns
beautifully decorated with roses and
sweet peas, and dainty refreshments
wero sorved. The guests were:
Misses Helen Watt, Fiineher, Hur.el
Dnvis, Alotha Emoriek, Fern Hutch
ison, Ida Leo ICentnor, Dors Kent
nor, Luciln Mnndiall, Mamie Deuol,f
Joauotto Osgood, Slur Mnrshall, Flo
Gray, Dolen Worroll, Elizabeth Fol
ger, Lnttn Luke, Ruth Merrick,
Doris Dagley.
A delightful outing was had by
tho younger set, Thursday last, when
a party motored to Ashland. Lunch
eon was eaten undor the trees at the
Heliuaii baths, and all the young
people went iu swimming. Those
present were: Misses Josephine
Hoot, Caroline Audrows, Eugenm
rownseud. Vera Ohnslend. Marie I
CARTHAGE, Mo., July 2. Tho
JoffrloR-JolniRon fight has found a
champion la Hov. 11. 13. Trnllo, pnBtor
of tho First IlnptlHt church horo.
"I-Jvory man with rod blood In his
volns should boo Joffrlos regain
championship," Bald Dr. Trnllo.
hollovo Hint Joffrlon will rognlu tho
cliamploiiHhlp, ' anld Dr. Trnllo. "I
hollovo that JoffrloB will win boforo
tho tenth round."
"I do not bco tho harm In being In
terested In tho fight. I would bo
Kind to boo It It I had tho tlmo and
money. Ah a minister nnd n mnn I
havo a right to bo Interested.
"TIiIb wllyl bo tho Inst big fight.
Prize fighting Is going out of bual
ncHfl, It la fallon Into bnd hauda and
Its doom la sealed. It la not as bru
tal na footbnll, but footbnll Is In
good hnnda."
OANTA BARBARA, Cnl July 2. -Mr,
and Mrs. Theodore Rooaovelt, Jr.,
will spend tho Fourth of July na tho
guotitH of Mr. and MrB, Stownrt Ed
ward Wlilto at tho Whlto Bummer cot-
tngo on tho loach nonr Cnrplntorla,
It appears that ICnhaunuul dropped
Into tho atoro to purchaso an undor
shfrt. Ho wna going to n danco that
ovonlng nnd wnutod to look hltf boat,
ji 1
The HtrectH of Jacksonville are
beginning to assume tho appear.
anee of a typical Fourth of July
celebration. Saturday bannerH of
led, white and hluo wero being
strung, flagH wero being placed in
decorative designs and tho ever
green firH, which aro a distinctive
feature of all celebrations in
Jacksonville, wero being placed in
jHisition alojig tho main (street. In
all of tho cclebrntionH in the pio-
I ncer town tho main street Iiiih
J seemed to tho tyro an a road be
tween pine trees, which not only
add to tho decorative scheme, hut
4 afford shado for tho throngs
along the street.
This year tho committee pur
ines to have something now in
tho lino of parade. Instcnd of
tho Htorcotyped wagons, drawn by
more or less tirod or frightened
fa nn horses, the Standard Oil
company will furnish tho motive
power, nnd tho goddesses, states'
and other conventional figures
Kifert, Jean Anderson; Messrs. Oer
rio Garrett, Hobort Kindcrsito, How
ard Shearer, Halph Pierce and Lc
land Ewbank. Miss Edna Eifert
chaperoned the party.
Tho regular meeting of tho Grentcr
Afcdford club was held last Monday
afternoon, when tho nununl election
of officers took place. Mrs. J. F.
Heddy wns ro-clcotcd president. Mrs.
II. C. Kcntncr rns elected first vice
president; Mrs. E. D. Pickel, second
vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Reagan,
recording cccrotnry; Mrs. A. H. Mil
ler, corrcs)onding secretary; Mrs.
F. W. Hollis was continued in office
ns treasurer.
Mrs. E. D. Picket entertained some
of tho visiting doctors at luncheon
Tuesday. Covers were laid for eight
ad a most delicious luncheon wns
served. A hugo cut-glass bowl of
Caroline Testouts decorated tho ta-
hie. Tho doctors present were: Drs
Andrew C. Smith, White, Pierce nnd
Williamson of Portland; C. J. Smith
of Pendleton. Morris of Salenit
Striker of Grants Pnss nnd E. D.
Mrs. Charles M. Delia entertained
ut cards Friday afternoon iu honor
of Mrs. J. Sullivan of Coeur d'Aleuc,
Idaho. Tho invited guests were:
Mcsdnuics J. Sullivan, Alex. Duff,
Glen Fahrick, Debley, Frank Glid-
dcnOcorgo Pjicknrd. George i
United States District Attorney
Linflcnfetter of Idaho Loses Po
sition on Chnrncs of Incompetency
nnd Injudicious Conduct.
BOISE, Idaho, July 2. The un
iiouneeiuont from tho department of
justice nt Washington that United
States District Attorney C. II. Lin
I'onfoltor hud boon removed from
office has caused n sensation in no-
litienl eirelos of Boiso and at Lew
istou, Lingenfoltor's home.
According to official information
Ltngenfolter wnR removed following
charges of injudicious conduct, in
competency and other charges which
tho depniiment hns not made public.
Assistant United States District
Attorney S. L. Tiplon will suocoed
Lingonfoltcr. Lingenfeltor is .it
present in Washington, whore ho wns
called a weok ngo. Tt is understood
that ho wns givon a chnnoo to do-
Orator of tho Day.
O'Drien, Walter McCallum, Garrett,
C. D. I,ovejoy, T. E. Deaulieu, W. G.
Davidson, Mnssam; Misses Brond,
Florence Heddy and Byrne.
A jolly party motored over to
Kingsbury Springs Tuesday after
noon, and after having supper there
motored to Ashlnnd and had a swim
nt tho Natatorium. The party in
cluded Mrs. J. D. Heard, Mr. and
Mrs. Touilcn, Misses GIndys Heard,
Foster, Grace Brown, Jeuncss But
ler; Messrs. Sheldon, Toil Voile,
Huntley nnd Ebcl.
Colonel Frank Ton Velio wns host
Thursday evening at the Nash grill,
when he cntcrtnincd with n most
elaborate dinner. After dinner tho
party spent the evening riding
around tho vnllcy. Tho guccts were:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Foster, Mrs. J.
D. Heard, Miss Gladys Heard and
Miss Foster.
Tho young Indies of the St. Agnes
Guild entertained very pleasantly at
Angle hall Wednesday night. A
enfeteria supper was given from 0
to 8 o'clock, which was followed by
a dance. Tho young ladies did very
well financially, as a good ninny
peoplo attended both the sup)cr nnd
tho danco.
The Ladies' Aid of tho Christian
church was delightfully entertained
at tho homo of Mi's. Delhi Jones
Wednesday afternoon. The host-
fend himself before tho department
before ho was ousted.
Previous to tho department's ac
tion Lingonfelter luul been disquali
fied to prosecute the northern timber
fraud eases, tho Barber Lumber
company cases, two bank ombezzlo
nient cases and sovoral othar impor
tant legal matters which camo under
his jurisdiction.
Lingonfelter wns appointed to tho
office of district attorney following
the stirring scenes iu federal circles
here iu July, 11108, when N, M. .Ruck,
who held thnt office and brought the
indictments of conspiracy against
Senntor W. E. Borah and Huel
Hounds, United States marshal, was
Senator Borah succeeded in se
curing tho removals and was instru
mental iu the appointment of Mi.
Lingonfelter, then n prominent at
torney of Lowistou nnd Northern
Tho United States government is
preparing to kill 8000 male seals on
tho Pribyloff Islands. Commissioner
of Fisheries fleorgo M. Bowers will
direct tho work and the furs will bo
sold by the department of commorco
and labor. Only 1000 bull souls will
bo left iu the herds.
By an act of congress last April
tho slaying of tho soals by privnto
contract was stopped.
will rido in automobiles instead of
jolting along on a litfnbcr wngon. I
perched high in the nir, with pre
carious footing at that.
In the morning, beside the usual
exercises tho oration, the read
ing of the Declaration, etc. the
Medford and Grants Pass ball
teams will play. It is cstiranted
that tho crowd will bo of such a
size and cosmopolitanism that t
there -will be plenty of people at
each place.
In tho afternoon the big gnmo I
of the season in ba.scball lines
comes off. The contest between
Jacksonville and Medford.
In the evening there will be T
fireworks, a grand ball nnd nil the
other things thnt go with a cele
bration of the day.
The orator of the daj-, Hon. C.
N. McArthur, of Portlnnd, spenk
cr of the last legislature, is one
of the rising young men of Ore
gon nnd nn orator of note.
esses were, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. H. L.
Robinson, Mrs. Hull nnd Mrs. Mat
lock. The ladies arc planning to
hold a box social on the lawn of
the church July 14.
Mrs. J. F. Reddy nnd family left
Friday for Ashlund,-whcrc they will
spend the next two months nt the
Hclman baths. Mrs. James Smyth
nnd children of Spokane, sister of
Mrs. Roddy, will join her there in a
short time.
The Southern Oregon Medical as
sociation gave a banquet Tuesday
night at the Nash grill. Covers were
laid for twenty-eight. Dr. .Pickel
presided ns tonstmuster and no one
escaped having n joke or gibe of
some kind thrust upon them.
Mrs. Josephine Russell and son,
and her sister, Miss Fannie Nuuan
of Jacksonville, left Snturday morn
ing for Colestin, where they will ba
for the next several weeks.
Mrs. II. B. Nye of Gold Hill was n
Medford visitor Saturday.
Tho Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church will meet in the church par
lors Tuesday afternoon nt 2:30
o'clock. All tho members are re
quested to bo present. Visitors are
cordially invited.
Tho latest thing on is a "surprise"
breokfnst, and Thursday morning
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Andrews were
given one bv Mr nnd Mr.'I?oot and
Apprehension Throughout South
Over Result of Reno Firjht Ne
groes Think Affair Will Determine
Social Position of Race.
WASHINGTON, D. C. July 2. -Thoro
Is apprehension throughout tho
south over tho possible outcomo of
tho Joffrtes-JohnGcn fight, Tho ne
groes of tho south aro taking an In
tonso Interest In tho affair, bollovlng
that tho result will dotermlno tho
social position of tho blacks. Should
Johnson win It is fenred that tho ex
ultation of tho blacks may tnko a
form that will mnko tho smouldering
rnco problom a gravo Issue.
It la fenrod tt.t tho heads of tho
southorn negroes would bo tumod iu
enso Jeffries Is defeated. It Is almost
eortnln, mny southerners predict,
thnt In that ovont tho negroes vould
assumo nn orronnt nttltudo and as
usual la such cases in tho southorn
cities, would ondeavor to show their
superiority over tho whites by crowd
Mr. Biddlo, which wns followed by n
motor ride.
Professor and Mrs,, C-'Gnrn left
for tho east Thursday for a visit of
several weeks. Mrs. O'Oara will
visit relatives in North Dakota and
the professor will go to Wnshiagton,
D. C.
The Junior Bible society of the
Presbyterian church had a most en
joyable picnic nt Ashland Wednes
day. Mrs. W. P. Shields nnd Mrs.
W. II. Mnultby chaperoned the young
Mrs. S. T. Cox and daughters
will leave in the near future for
Alameda, Cal., where they will make
their home. Mr. Cox will spend his
time between Alameda and Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster, Mrs.
J. D. Heard, Miss Heard and Miss
Foster will spend the week-end in
Grants Pnss, the guests of Judge
and Mrs. Hale.
Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur of
Baker county, who have been the
guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. II.
Ballinger, left Wednesday last for
their home.
Mrs. J. F. Roddy returned last
week from a visit in California,
where she went to bring home her
little daughter, who has been at
tending school there
Dr. S. M. White and Mr. Kirk
Whito of Klamath Falls were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Piatt Wed
nesday. Mrs. A. L. Stewart, nee Mable
Jones, formerly of Medford, but now
a resident of Oakland, is the guet
of Mrs. Gaddis.
.Mr. and Mrs. William Isaac.-, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reames left
Saturday for the Enynrt oluce.
where they will spend several days.
Mrs. Alis Krause returned last
week from Los Angeles, Cal., where
she has spent the winter studying
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Gerig are
entertaining Mr. Gerig's sister, Mrs.
W. T. Parker, her son, of Snnta
Rosa, Col.
Mr. Don Colvig and Mr. Vance
Colvig returned from Portland on
Thursdny for a short visit in Med
ford. Mrs. F. W. Hollis has ns her sum
mer guests her mother, Mrs. E. C.
Winches, nnd her niece, Miss Mildred
Miss Rose Hoekenyos entertained
Friday with a charming luncheon, j
ing women off tho sidewalks. Should
this occur, they declare, rioting would
bo almost sure to follow, and the
clashes between the two races would
be almost Inevitable.
Negro government clerks here nro
nervouB and excited over the fight
and aro paying more attontlon to It
than any ovont In years In which tho
two races havo figured bo prominent
ly. Many consressmen from tho south
ern states, asked thoir opinion of tho
matter, declare that they do not be
llovo tho negroes will bo stirred by
Johnson's victory.
ANACONDA, Mont., July 2. D. T.
Mason, supervisor for tho Deor Lodgo
national forest sorvlco, who hns Just
returnod nftor a weok of hard flro
fighting, snld today that every for
est blazo In hlo torrltory bnd boon ex
tinguished. Damage, ho said, wna
The flro at Woodvlllo burnod an
aren of 150 acres.. At Wolch's Spur
GOO acres woro destroyed, and tho
Uouldor Mountain flro burnod over a
tract of 200 acres.
Fires woro startod by sparks from
locomotlvos. Mason has put rangors
on tho different railroads to patrol
tho lines night and day to provont a
repetition of the fires.
Hnskius for HoftHb.
tho honor guests hoing tho Mistfcs
May nnd Juno Enrlmrt.
Dr. John Streets, who has boon
tho guest of his brothor, Mr. F. W.
Streets, returned to his homo in
Ventura, Cal., Inst week.
Mrs. Wilmcroth is visiting friends
in Highland Park. III., nnr? aa
Marion Wilmcroth is tho guest of
incnus in at. i'oul, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Piatt nnd Mr. and
Mrs. II. N. Starr of Grants Pnss left
Saturday to spend tho Fourth at tho
Enynrt plncc.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Noff nn,t ann
John, are spending tho wook-ond at
uojestin springs.
Colonel Mundv and fnmilv hn
rented the Colby bungalow, on Or
ange street, lor the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wnknmnn lP
Inst week for San Francisco and
win return the first of tho week.
The Misses Merrill nnd thoir guest.
Miss Brcdsvold, will spend the
Fourth nt Colcstin.
'Mrs. White and Miss Zola left
Inst week for Colestin, where they
will spend tho summer.
Mrs. Robert McGuiro was host
ess at a very pretty dinnor Friday
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Meeker
left Saturday for Colestin, whoro
they will spend several days.
Mrs. Sam Richardson chaperoned
a party of young peoplo to the
DoueL ranch, Del Rio, Inst week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Folger, tho Misses
Folger left Saturday for the En
ynrt placo to spend the Fourth.
Mrs. I. fj. Hamilton rofnrnnl rn
day from an extended visit in Port
lnnd. a
Mr. T. E. Daniels will leavo Tues
day for Detroit, where he will attend
the Elks convention.
Miss Irmn Wiirlfl. fiinnnrlv r.P
Medford, is tho guest of Mrs. I. L.
Mrs. Fabric entertained a few
friends very informally Tuesday aft
Mr. and Mrs. Rengnn returned last
week from Portlnnd nnd vicinity.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark aro Knonilin
tlie fourth nt tho Enynrt place.
.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Findlev will
pond the week-end at Colestin
Liquor Dealers Agree Upon New
Scale of PricesAll Saloons
Charge Uniform Rate Effect of
High Licence Apprant
No more 5 cont boor for Medford.
An agreement has boon reachod
among tho Itqi or dealers of tho city
and a now scale of prices unanimous
ly adopted. Tho jirlco of draft beor,
bar whisky, etc., will bo 10 cents a
glass, whllo mixed drinks and bottle
goods will bo 12 1-2 cents.
Liquor dealers claim that thoy aro
forcod to ralso tho prlco of boor oh
account of tho $1000 license Imposed
by tho city council. In this regard
high llconso is having Its usual effect
In raising tho standard of saloons.
While as much liquor will probably
not bo sold as under tho old reglmo.l
thoio will bo more profit In what U
sold, and customers will probably do-l
mnnd n better grado of boverage-ft.
- JT"- I) i