MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, aCEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY a, 1910. A EASY VICTORY FOR JEFF. ( Continued From Page Five.) want to stipulate nn extra number of rounds, should tlioy bo necessary, wo will bo ready to go abend to the oxtremo limit, by which T mean that Johnson will fight until cither ho or Jeffries is knocked out." The Jeffries cnni treats with scorn the- suggestion that Johnson will last -15 rounds. The most pessi mistic man at Mbnnn cannot con cede that tho necro Mill bo on his feet more than 30 rounds, and the possibility of a draw has never en tered their minds. Sam Merger's Opinion. Ilergor, when told of Flanagan's stand, said: "What is tho iibe of eroding a bridge beforo reaching it ? The fight isn't going 45 rounds, and Johnson need not figure that it will bo ne ccssnry for Jeffries to go into extra rounds to reach a decision. Would Jeffries go beyond the 45 rounds it both men were on their feet at the end and Rickard was unable to reach a decision? Now you're trying to cross tho bridge before coming to it" Whatever Berger's interest may be in the matter. Farmer Burus, who has greatest confidence- in Jeffries' ability than in anybody iu camp, would bo willing to lot Jim go 100 rounds if that number bo necessary in order k to arrive at a decision, but it will not bo up to Former Bums tj decide that question should it arise. Army of Doctors. That tho small army of physicians to be in the receiving hospital to erect within tho arena expect to bo iopt busy is shown by the prepara tions they are making. Injury to the fighters is not bothering them as thoy know that tho physical con dition into which Jeffries and John son have worked themselves is such as to make it practically impossible .for tho contestants to inflict.- in--auries usually suffered by well trained fighters; barring, of course, such accidents as sent Tommy Mc Carthy to his grnvo following tho battlo with Owen Moran in San Francisco. It is to the spectators that thoy look for patients and the larger number of cases that they ex pect to treat are heat prostration and victims of heart troublo super induced by tho eveitoment of the contest and the altitude. Henry Royce left today to look after his hay and stock interests in Klamath Countv. Enjoy the Glorious Fourth, but Afterwards Remember the PHONE MAIN 2411 OUU WAGON IS AT YOUK SERVICE 5 FIR ST. SOUTH Closed All Day the Fourth OUR STORE "WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 4. . See Our Window Displays 28 South Central Ave IffiassS Report of the Condition of The Farmers 6 Fruitgrowers Bank at Medford, in tho Stato of Orogon, at tho closo of buainoaa Juno 30, 1010. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1GG,JKM.5)7 Honds, securities, etc "I ,!107.09 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 8,2l!J.8U Duo from banks (not reserve banks) ( !l,80).rl Due from approved resorvo banks 35,17(.(K) Gold dust J -18.05 Cheeks and other cash itoms .'. 21,12;U2 Cash on hand 17,007.08 Capital sot asido for Jacksonville office .10,000.00 Expenses -. 5,W9.20 Total $258,950.-15 s LIABILITIES. Capital slock paid in . $ 50,000.00 Undivided profits 2,22.I0 Due to banks and bankers 15,75'l.'12 Individual deposits subject to check 177,09(5.52 Demand certificates of doposit j. JJ,155.(55 Time certificates of doposit 9,785.00 Certified checks 25.00 Suspense 7.51 Total $258,950.-15 State of Oregon, County of .Jackson, ss: 1, L. L. .Jacobs, asst. cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is truo to tho best of my knowledge and belief. L. L. JACOBS, Asst. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 2d day of July, 1910. P. W. CLEARS. Notary Public. Correct Attest: GEO. L.DAVIS, JAMES CAMPBELL, W. II. STEWART, Directors. Mllo Ward's Daughter Weds. . I'ortor Taylor Friroll. Hoth bride I nnil groom wero graduates of tho will iimko thoir homo in old Mexi co, where tho gioom linn intoroHt. At tho home of tho brido's par- cIukh of 100(1 of Stanford turner-1 Tho brido'ti father, .Milo I. Wiml, cuts in Portland last week occurred sity, mid their roinniice dates hack .wont from Gold Hill to attend the tlic wcililnnr hi .Atiloln .in v Want and to "tlio nwir nui coiicitp iinv imn iiamtv oveni ..'r,fcC NOW LOCATED AT CORNER OP OAKDALE AVE. AND TENTH STREET VISIT OUR WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE AND SALESROOM 15 PIANO SOLD IN LAST .SIX DAYS This proves that the people of this vicinity appreciate the values that are being offered at this house. People from all over the valley are coming to Haiti's to look at pianos, and thoso who are ready to purchase are taking advantage of this greatest of all opportunities i to save on a piano. , . Do you know of any other Piano BWFt TO GO AT " W""' " " ""?? "' " V ' Ridiculously Low Sale Prices We only have a few of the sale pianos left and suggest that you come in early if you wish to get one of the best piano bargains ever offered in this vicinity and at a very low price. Those who have visited our warehouse have gono away well pleased, knowing full well that they are getting values that no other Piano house can possibly givo. We rent pianos and pay the drayage both ways and all for $5 per ;nonth. FACTORY TO HOME DISTRIBUTORS .; - WE CAN SAVE YOU $100 ON ANY PIANO YOU WISH TO BUY. REMEMBER we are the only Factory to home distributors for the old reliable Chickering Bros., Ivors and Pond, A. M. McPhail, Sterling, Lafergie, Huntington, Mendelssohn and others; also the world's greatest player pianos, the Apollo, Sterling and Laff argue. A critical examination will prove to you that our statements are true. , As we are under no expense for rent and do not have to pay out money for salaries (by doing our own selling) wo actually save you $100.00 or over on any piano that you may wish to purchase. Pick out the piano that you wish to buy, and if wo do not happen to have tins particular piano and you do not like anything that we do carry, we will agree to duplicate the piano for at least $100.00 less than tho price asked by our competitors. If you are interested in purchasing a piano we invite you to call at our wholesale piano house and allow us the privilege of explaining our easo selling plan of Wo have in connection with our institution a finU-clims piano-tuner who bearn tho vory IiohI toHtiinouiahi and ban tun ed in Huh vicinity for tvronty yearn. Wo will do yon a hot tor job of tuning fr 1"HN money than anybody in tho field mid guarantee everything to yonr HatiHfactiou or money hnok. DU Down and $6.oo a Month r.T rrrrcia.uuMnmw. &Y4'Mfrl3rz5Sg53nr Don't be backward, join the list of over 2000 satisfied customers. More are joining every day. I T I . Hi cr J (lotd Hill Noun 4.