ALEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORFXION, SUNDAY, JULY 3, 19,10. 4 Medford Mail Tribune Contplcto Serious Thirty-ninth Year: Daily, Jilfth Yenr. TO PROTECT ROGUE RIVER FISH. VnUBXEO DAILT EXCEPT SATUR DAY BT THE MESrORD rRIWTIKQ CO. A consolldntton of tho Medford Mall, rtalillahrrt 1889; tho Southern Oro coiuan, oatnhlliihpd 190J; tho Domocratlo Tlrnm, established 1872! the Anhlnnd TrHronia. established 1896, and tho Mod Cord Tribune established 190S. BOnOB PUTNAM, Editor and Mnnairer Kntorcd aa second-class matter No Knber 1, 1909, at the postotflco at .Mf07A. Oregon, under the act of .'arch I. 1879. rfflcUl Taper of tho City of Medford ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Oa year by mall 15.00 Dee month by mall ; ,60 Tttr month, delivered by carrier. In Medford, Ashland, JacksonvMle, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, Gold Hill and "Woodvlllo .50 Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 WwOily, per year l.0 VM1 3oaied Wire United Pra DU patches. The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Or. ,W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokano News Stand. Spokane. 1 NEGROES Poitaffo Bate. to lt-paco paper........ tt to 24-pano paper 14 to SS-pope paper........ C 30 BWOBH OXBOUXATXOS. Average Dally for Nereraber, 1908 Deeesiber, 1909 Jasoary, 1910 February, 1910 Karen, 1910 Arfl. 1910 MAT GXBCTr&AXXOX. 1 200 , 17 1 5350 t ...... .....5350 S2 S 3400 2400 I 2400 2400 It .......... .2425 11 2425 11 2500 U 2550 It 2300 1 2650 1.700 1.842 1.925 3.122 2.203 2,301 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 28 27 29 30 31 ' .3550 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2560 .2500 .2500 .2600 .2500 .2550 .2600 .2500 Total 65,100 deduction ana special euuion i,uu 63.700 Average net dally, 2450. TATE OF OREGON, County of Jack- on. &st On tills 1st day of May, 1910, per- eaally appeared before me. G. Put- bhb, manager of tho Medford Mall Trl fcsae, who, upon oath, acknowledged that ta above figures are true and correct. (Seal) IL N. YOCKEY. Notary Public for Oregon. KILLED IN RACE RIOT Mob of Whites Attack Colored Set tlement nml Rlilillo Blacks With Bullets Two Whites Shot From Ambush Whilo Crossing Swamp Search for Ncnrocs Continues. XEDTOBD, OBEOOV. Metropolis of Southern Oregan and estbern California and fastcst-grow- iK city in Oregon. Population. 1910. 9,000. Bank deposits, $2,760,000. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue Biver apples won sweepstakes prize and UUe of "Apple Xlnga of the World" at National pple Show. Spokane, 1909. Bearue .River pears brought highest decs in all markets of the world dur fa the past flvo years. IFrlto Commercial Club, enclosing 6 easts, for postage on finest community HiDhlet ever written. WANTED TO KNOW. Please tell me,' Mr. Editor, Is Jeffries in Reed trim, I' -want to- know at once, for pop Expects to bet on him. The papers say Jim hops and skips As nimble as a cat. Bat grand-pop thinks he's drinked so' much His liver's turned to fat. Pop says Jack Johnson's pone tho pace, Sors he's no Reed at all, But grand-pop thinks it's hard to hurt A coon with such a pall. Six rounds, pop bet&, while Uncle Ned Says seven will make Jack sick; Bat prand-pop swears Jefi. couldn't kill That nipper with a stick. For Tear pop bets, mom scolds all day; And niphts she lies awake; She thinks, like Governor Gillette, Prizo-fiphtin' is a fake. I" pness that Hosevelt could pick Tho winner in this fight ; For prand-pop says he knows it all, And always has boon right. And prnnd-pop thinks that Rosevelt Is preater'n any king He killed six native Africans. With two stones and a sling. Pop thinks that Jeff's a better man Than Teddy nt his best, And if Jeff wins at Reno, then, He says they'll make tho tost. But ''I ine, Mr. Editor, I., ?ries in pood trim? I want to know nt onco, for pop Expects to bet on him. Fibbo. NOTHING tells more clearly the tale of the extermina tion of fish of all kinds in the Roinie river than the records of the government fish hatchery at Elk creek. Last ' year the take ot chmook eggs at the natencry dropped to 600,000 eggs, while the stcclhcad (rainbow) trout eggs dropped to 28,800. This year the spring take will be lav j below. ' i To rn'ovent the utter extermination of Rogue river fish in T?rmm 1?iini liSoli "Pivkf mil lViV nccniiin Hmi Mil illMWllll'n- ' l"Vi j.vfhv. Auiu iiaii .L i v,,vv in v-nuuuvoiwv.i) ... v.a.. tiou of business men and citizens of southern Oregon, have circulated and filed with the secretary ot state an initia tive bill, appealing to the people of Oregon at the next general election to close the stream to seiners and uetters. For years past salmon fishing has been carried on with nets and seines. In recent years trout also have been seined. Runs are yearly diminishing, the hatchery has been unable to take sufficient eggs to replenish the supply and a continuation of present conditions threatens eom jriete extermination. Seiners and uetters so thoroughly drag the stream that few fish reach spawning ground. Fishermen enjoy the longest open season of any stream on the coast, and have successfully thwarted efforts of the master fish warden to prevent extermination by shortening the season. They have ruthlessly and flagrantly violated state laws, fishing during the closed season under the toes of dams, and giv ing officers much trouble. They have used nets as small as one inch mesh for the purpose of gathering trout with salmon. Many of these fishermen are non-residents, whoj Luth'or Buck come annually to prey upon the tisn. One of the runs of fish that come into the Rogue is the stnnllipnri f rainbow") trout. Until recent veais it was not! owed him oniTinJ fnn Vmf d urn tin- flin vmcf fmv vnm-c' line ho mi f nfenu . reled JUld n fight ensiled, -, , . ' , , , t t j. I l i i l I Buckley was killed ed for this purpose. This trout takes a fly, and is the gam est of fish. Formerly the Rogue was known as the best fishing stream in the northwest. Farmers had no difficulty in taking a winter's supply for home use. They cannot do so now, as they are all seined and shipped by commercial fishermen, who have multiplied in recent years. The Rogue is a small and unnavigable stream, unfit for commercial fishing. One of the chief attractions of the Rogue river country, which is attracting thousands of tourists, will be fishing with hook and line, if it can be re stored to its former plentitude. Unless seining and netting is stopped and natural conditions restored, there will soon be no fishing of any kind in Rogue river. Everyone in Ore gon should vote for this measure. o 'J MENDKNHALL, Miss., July Having killed six negroes in a race riot which begun last evening, a mob resumed its attack on the ne groes settlement hero today. A negro named Skiffcr wns riddled with bullets and slain. Tho no groes living hero havo fled and the mob is hunting thorn. Tho trouble started Sunday when ey, a whito man, wont to the cabin of n negro named Brady to collect $2 which ho said tho negro Brady and Buckley qunr- in which Tho Nest Egg. Four-year-old Margory, sent out to look for eggs, found only a china nest egg and came back empty-handed. "There wbb Just the pattern loft, mamma," slio explained. If Medford expects to pet any con siderable amount from Portland for be Cretor Lake highway, ovoryono must pet in and do his sharo. The work cannot bo loft to u few with tho expectation that they can do it all. Thoro is too much of a ten dency to leavo it to tho fow in Mod ford. Evorv one should put his shoulder to tho wheel und boost. BALLINGER TO LEAVE OFFICE Reported That Roosevelt Refuses to Sanction Taft Administration Un less Secretary Leaves, Which He Probably Will, to Keep Peace. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 8. Rumors that Secretary of. the Inte rior R. A. Ballinpcr will retire and roturn to his law practice were re vived here today. It was report ed that Theodore Roosevelt informed President Taft that ho would not support the present administration with Bellinger in the cabinet and that as a result Ballinpcr will prob able resign after tho Ballingcr-Pin-chot investipatinp committco reports in September. Tho expectation that Roosevelt will support G if ford Pinchot as chief forester has aroused considerabl in terest in Washinpton. BASEBALL SCORES. ROGUE RIVER PETITION FILED Approximately Eleven Thousand Sig natures Secured in Brief Campaign Sentiment Everywhere Found Favorable to Closing the Stream. Brady and other negroes fled, pur sued by a mob of white men. The negroes were found in Skiffer's cabin near Harrisvillc. They wore huddled together in fear. AH wore dragged from tho cabin by tho in furiated mob. Tho whito men alleged that Skif fcr had given the fugitives shelter and the mob shot Skiff or to death. The other negroes were severely beaten and tho others were released. While pursuing the negroes through n swamp yesterday two white men in the posse wore shut and killed from ntnbush. Tho authorities today hope to con trol tho situation without tho aid of troops. Tho whito men nro still searching for other negroes. National. At Now York Tho scere: R. H. E. Brooklyn 9 9 1 Now York .3 10 2 Batteries Bell and Bergen; Ames, Mnrouardt, Dickson and Meyers; Scleiin. At Boston The scere: R. H. E. Philadelphia 0 2 "1 Boston ; f 8 1 Batteries Stack and Morau; Brown and Graham. American. At Chicago The scere: R. "II. K. St. Louis 2 0 4 Chicago .'1 9 1 Batteries Lake and Stephens; Whito and Payne. At Philadelphia Tho scere: R. II. E. (First Gamo.) New York 3 (J 4 Philadelphia 8 7 II Batteries Quinn, Hughes, Fisher and Swoor.oy; Morgan and Thomas. Pacific Coast League. Portland, 8; Vernon, 2. San Francisco, 4; Oakland, 0. Los Anpoles-Saciamento gamo not reported. R. C. Astbury of Gold Hill, was in Medford on a short business trip Saturday. ' L. D. Crawford of Seott River, CuL is in Medford on a business trip. The Ropue River Fish Protection Association Saturday expressed :o the secretary of state the petitions to close the Ropue River to nettors und seiners. Approximately 11,000 signatures were secured, 2000 more than the law demands. Practically all the signatures were were secured during the mist three weeks. Ashland contributed 400, Medford 1000, Central Point, Gold Hill, Woodvillo and Talent each had over a hundred, Jacksonville a good showing, ac well ns Prospect, Eagle Point and other sections. Grants Pass contributed a good mnny, as did Roscburg. Eugene had COft; Snlem, 400; Albany, Corvallis and other valley towns signed freely, ortlnnd contributed half the num ber of signatures. Everywhere the! sentiment was found favorable to the bill. Had there remained sufficient time, many times tho number of signa- tares could have been secured. Enst- VOTE TO GO IN ASSEMBLY Jackson County Republican Central Committee Decided to Send Dele gates to State Assembly But Leaves Gathering Undecided. ern Oregon was not visited on ac count of Inck of time. Jackson County will be represent ed in the Republican state assembly called to meet in Portland July 21, according to the decision of tho county central committee made at its meeting Saturday. Who the del egates will bo will bo decided at the next meeting Saturday, July I). There was a good attendance when Chairman Nnrragau called the committee to order. The subject of the assembly was fully discussed, und while it was decided to send .i delegation to tho stnto asEembly, the matter of holding a county assembly was left unccdided and will bo de termined at a lator mooting. JOHNSON LIKES ARENA AT RENO TOURISTS EN ROUTE TO CRATER LAKE PARK The following tourist passed through Medford this week en route to Crater Luke and .stopped at tho Valley Auto Company's garage: M. F. Fenton and wife of Port land and Mrs. II. M. Jonc.y, San Francisco. Robert Brooko and wife of Port laud; Kenneth Brooke and Frank St. Ores. Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, Geo, Davis, Geo. Janes of Tacoma, 'Wash., in a Chalmors Thirty. lCcialPrlnanlor ,P Los Angoles, bound for Soattle: J. G. Smith and family. Dr. Whito and John Roberts, from Portland to Klamath Falls, George Knight Clark, wife and child, from oPrtland to Crater Lake. CALUMET, Mich., July 2. Hun dreds of aoros of timbor havo been destroyed by fire in the Koweenah poiniBulu und tho fires nro still rag ing. It is reported that tho depot at Elm Rivqr was burned. HK.N'O, Nov., July 2. Jack John son cunio Into town today and vIhU ed tho arena, Inspecting It thorough ly. After about ten minutes ot ex amination and trial of tho floor John son pronounced tho ring tho best ho over saw. Tho only faul. ho found wns with tho ropes, which ho said woro too near tho edgo of tho plat form. Ho suggested nailing a thrco-' Inch strip of lumber ou tho odgo to prevent either fighter from slipping out of tho ring, Johnson la still obstinate about tossing n coin for cornors. Ho In sists that tho tossing tako placo nftor ho and JeffIns ontor tho ring and not before. Dorgor Is still hopeful of getting tho contestants to toss for cornors Sunday. Tho first big tralnload of fight fans arrived from San Francisco today. Trains from tho east aro lato today and a Jam Is oxpoctod Sunday. flaskins for Health. Samuel L. Honry, of Applcgate, was a Medford visitor Saturday. -- f-f-f-f nn nnm F'R rtPTiPAi PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER " STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f f-ff tttttt-f. There Is Only One 1st REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank at Medford, in the Stato of Oregon, at tho cloao of business Juno 30, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 39.1 ,'M 9.85 Ovordrafis, seruml and unsomirod 2,122.52 V. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 1,000.00 Premiums on IT. S. Bonds 7,937.50 Bonds, Securities, etc 105,890.17 Banking House, Vurnituro and Fixtures 19,955.39 Due from National Banks (not rcservo agents) 2,059.3d Duo from State and Private Bnnkors, Trust Companies and Savings Banks 5,908.10 Due from Approved K'eservo Agents 25.l,G37.'19 Checks and other Cash Items 10,180.73 Exchanges for Clearing House 3'1.G0 Notes of other National Banks 2,-135.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickols aiid Cents . 107.00 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 58,-183.05 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 5,000.00 Total $.1 ,030,267.34 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 100,000.00 Surplus fund 27,500.00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 9,509.49 National Bank Notes outstanding 100,000.00 Due to other National Banks 75 1.50 Due to State and Private Banks and Hankers 5,829.49 Individual Deposits subject to check 054,812.04 Demand Certificate of Deposit 40,224.74 Time Certificates of Deposit 84,029.58 Certified Checks 7.50 Unitedd States Deposits 1,000.00 Total $1,030,207.34 State of Oregon, Countr of Jackson, ss: I, M. L. Alford, cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. M. L. ALFORD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2d day of July, 1910. J. W. BERRIAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: v WM. S. CROWELL, F. K. DEUEL, CHAS. STRANG, Directors. i U'1 ALWAYS RELIABLE I SEE AND (EYE SEA) are not a bit alike. You may "kuo," but not havo perfect vision. Isn't It your dutv to try to bo helped? Wo think it is, FOR BAD EYES CONSULT DR. RICKART Over Kentner's TIioio'h a "sou" of eyes wherever you go that havo defects. My op tical methods helps e fleet poruia iiout cures, MY SPECIALLY FITTED GLASSES STRENGTHEN WEAK EYES, Asbestos Sad Irons SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Why not procure the best when you purchase irons'? Asbestos arc the best for many reasons. They boat quickly and retain the heat for a longer period. Tho heat is kept where it should bo (on tho bottom of tho iron. Thoy press perfectly without burning tho arti cle being pressed, Your hand is in no danger of burn ing on account of tho asbestos protection which keeps the heat where it should bo kept. Como in regular sets; also sloovo irons, flounce and tourist irons. We will be pleased to show you, and oxplain tho merits of asbestos sad irons. Nicholson Hardware Co. EAST MAIN AND NORTH BARTLETT STS, i , lit. ii . , J . t.