I MMDrOBD MAH. TRIBUNE, KEPgQBP, OmSOOW. SUNJ3AY, JULY 3, 1010. f r f V vs V " V. y MISS GROSSMAN TO PLAY HERE Colctirntoil Actress Booked for Mctl fonl on Nlulit of July 13 for Otio Pcrforinaiico In Play Called "Antl-Malrmony." KITCHEN UTENSILS. Whnt DlHcrlmliiutliig tliuiilorKooiii who liolh enjoy mill uppiudiilo light com edy acting of ti high order will hooii 1m vn mi ont'ortunlty lo ludulgo tliolr tanti'H In Ihln direction, for llio inont widely illHCUHdod comedy of novnrnl yourH Ih to liu mien In Hi In oily with no other than thu charming Henri etta Criiiiinaii p.ii thu Mar, Tho piny Ih culled "Aiitl-Miitrlino- ny" ami Ih from thu pun of 1'orcy MnrlCuyo, nvIiomo playa heretofore liavo attracted hiiIorioh from tho crltlCH for tlmlr hrllllnnco an well hh thulr ho- rlnur.ucmi. In thin cane, however, tho ilraiaatlHt Iiiin domunHtrntod hln vor- nutlllty by turning Into fun many of hlii rnvorltn hits of plillonophy. Tho result h n comedy full of wIioIonoiiio riml fun, tho wholo Idea In a nutHholl being tho ilomollntlon of an erratic doctrine liy means of that inoitt pow erful weapon, ridicule. MIhh Cromiiaii linn not followed hor sinters In nrt by looking ncroHH tho Atlantic for hor matnrlal. Unilor tho able guldnnco of hor manager, Mau rice Campbell, nho hnn selected n piny dealing with nn Amorlcnu Htihjpct anil written by nn Ainorlrnn nu(lior. A clorKymnn'n brother goon to Kuropo nuil brings back ninny ntrntiKo Ideas with regard to marriage, lie wlnhoa to nbollHh It nuil beraton tho nuptial knot as tho Gordlan knot. Minn Croi mnn nn tho rlorgymnn'H wlfo Inyn a Urlde Will Nooii In Her Nv. Home, I''iirnlMliliir a kitchen m a uiMtly mill illllleiilt IiihI,- to ihe iieul.v umiTlcd woman who iiiiimi piiitiuihi' .ery Hpiiuii, pan, IiiiihIi. hi.. roe umm l(.r now liuine, That linking pans, those for iiiiiIIIiih, calm IIiih, Id'tllcM for boiling nuil dUli en for linking iiiiiMt bo provided mIih kuowH nuil iioteN tliitm down cheer fully, and broom, dustpan, pall mid mop nIio will iiIho think of, but hIic Ih not likely to provide u Hliurt brush for tho Htalrn nor a mccoikI diiNipau, the hitter to ho held In reserve" In the ' klli'hcn, for tho one Unit Ih lined on a greasy floor iiiuhI not bo put on car plttM. Honp dishes over the Hlnk mid a Nirnp ' cane to hold thu hiiiiiII pic-en mum be on tho lint. At leiiut one dlNhpmi ami ' a drainer aro iioecKHiiry, while a dixit cloth mid certainly hIx towels are In dispensable, A colander, 11 hiiimII ami medltiiii slml strainer, a double boiler, a try lug pun mid oiio deep kettle for fat, a broiler for iIhIi and an other for Meal: aro among tho necessities, nishes for putting away food In thu refrigerator will ho needed, iih will a rolling plu ! mid board, ami If desserts nru to be Hindu hiiiiiII iiioIiIh uiiiHt be bought. A mat to put on the tloor In front of n Hlnk Ih a iieceMHlty, not a luxury, , for thin Ih a place that Ih often wet, mid thu lloor cannot bo kept clean If thu wood Ih Hoaked all tho time. A wood en roller mid towel for It muni bo part of the equipment. A poker, coul hod two of tho latter, one used for ashes, tho other for coal will bu need il, mid possibly a shovel for coal will Imj necessary; iiIho two or three chairs, a table ami a cover for It mid a lamp If electricity In thu lighting agent, for economy mum bu practiced In the lighting of a hotiHo. Wooden spoons mid tin ouen, largo mid hiiiiiII knives, forks, etc., may bu bought In largo numbers. Mutter pad dleH for bnllH aro wanted to inn Ice that table commodity look attractive. An Ice pick, one garbage can or perhapn two mid it briiHh mid shovel for tho sink are iiIno necessary. liven the tiniest laundry brings the I JUST RECEIVED, THE NEW Gilt Hair Pins You should have a package of dill Hairpins, the newest and lat est lad very pretty for any color hair. SEE OUR NEW GRAY HAIR NETS. Wilson Hooks and Eyes The hest hooks and eyes ever in vented. Call and examine our GUARANTEED HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY. The Spirela Parlors 132 H AST MAIN STREET plaiiH to apparently fall In with IiIh Idea mid Ihun by finally getting him to. uued for clothespins, lino and banket. tho point of confidence rldlculcn him an well iih wnslilioiircl ami boiler, nl nnd makes hltr. iicknowlcdKO that tho! UioiikIi In apnrtiiientH where thu wn 3 Days of Fun ait the New NATATORIUM PARK Medford, Ore., July 14, 15, 16 Attractions furi.iHl.e.l by THE FRANK MILLER AMUSEMENT CO. OF PORTLAND. FOUR BIG FREE ACTS. Balloon Ascension and Parashute Lean at 10:30 a. m. dally. Slide for Life at 2:30 p. m. Maximo, the Wonderful Educated Canine, iHvck from n ladder 70 I feet Inch every afternoon ami oveiiintr. The Peerless Lashcll, in neriat nuil acrobat 10 feats in inid-uir twice daily, afternoon and eve-iiiiii;. wholo thine will, him Ih nlmply a poho nnd that at heart ho doonn't belle vo a word of It. Nevor In hor wholb enroor linn MIhh CroHinnn hnd n piny llko tho nnn In which hIio Ih nt prunont ntarrliiK. All tho Kraceii nnd charm thnt havo tnndo hor tho forouiont American coined! onnn aro called Into play In "Antt Mntrlmotiy," tho funiilent comedy thnt hnH boon written In yearn. MIhh CroHinnn coition to tho Mod ford theater for ono performance Wednesday, July 13. ter Ih very hot tho tin cooker Ih not alway.H required. i A youiiK hoiiHekeeper whoso new cook mnkcH coiiHtaui deuimulH ukii her for uteiiHllH will llnd after careful ' luipilry an to the reanon for tbexe re ' ipieNtN thnt the woman Ih not nuking ' for fancy articles, and ho hIio nhould I do her bent to nupply all paiiN, etc.. I lint are ueisled every lay. Tin Fatclnatlon of Skotlng. Ill Norway NkeeliiK Ih a menu of Kettlui; about iih well iih a Hue nport diirlnu a jjreat part of thu yenr And ' In our own country whero the weather ondltloiiM are propltloim Hinart niHlety I fStlmi UNCLE SAM HAS MONEY in banks nil ovor tho country. He doesn't allow his servants to keep monoy in safes, or cash boxes. You can depend on his knowing his bus iness. Suppose you tuko the hint ami deposit your monoy in the Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Bank. Open nn nccount now so your money will bo snfo from Fourth of July fire possibilities. FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. W. C. I. U. LADIES Hill II LAWN SOCIAL Tho liulloH of tho V. C, T. V mivo n lawn miclnl Thurmlay afternoon at tho roHldonco of MIbh W. R, Joiioh. Tho nffralr wnc n Kront huccohh, ovor CO of tho V. O. T. V. Indb'H woro In attendance. MrH, WobHtor dellchtod tho IndlcH with a rondlni:, dollvorod In xplondld style, and MrH. A. II. T. Church of Orantfl I'uhh rhvo an nil ilri'HH. MrH, Chuich wnH Htato ovnn Kolhit of Illlnolfl boforo comlni; to Oro tton, Hhu spoko with m tch foolliiR mid powor. Sho roforrod to Francis K. Wtllnrd nnd nald alio wn reachliiK moro people now throuitli tho torn pormico work tlinn nho ovor did whon alio wan horo In tho flouh. Sho Raid It mcniiH rnmothliiR to llvo today, ho our worktt will bo koIiik on and on nftor life Iiiih koiio out, and yield ono'n solf to tho iiKiHtor ho ho can work hla will throiiKh im. It menus Homethlnr; to Htad out for tho right. Sho told how Jonnlo CaHBiuly Htartod tho flow er mlKiilou by wnutlni; to do nomothliiK for othorfl, nnd alio wan an Invalid and could not movo, only hor limuls, How tho thoutfht camo to hor to mako bouquotH mid wrlto Hcrlpturo toxts and tlo to It by a bow of white rib bon and Hond to other Hhut-liiH and tho prlHononi how It would touch hearts that could not bo ronehod any other way. Hor llfo hi ntill koIiir on and on around tho world, and ronch Inic out for iioiihi that nro In dnrk noHti, Wear tho whlto ribbon nlways, Hho Bitld, It tons tho Htory, it preach oh a tomporanco Horiiion lo all who mm It. Wear It for ChrlHt and bo faithful ami loyal. Novor wiih thoro Hiieh u year an thlH, Havo Rieat lovo for othorH that wo will tuko hold of ovory opportunity and vilrk for a clean Htato, I.IkIiL rofroBlimonts woro sorvod on tho lawn, i - WILL SAIL TO NORTH POLE IN AIRSHIP KIICU (lonnany, July 2.- -An nt tompt will be iiiado to roach the north polo In an alrflhlp, If tho plana of Prlnco Honry of 1'riiHHlu and Count Zoppollu aro carrlod out. Thoy will Bo to SpltzoithorKon today to nrraiiKO to t;ot an alrHhlp for suuh a flight. Th toy plan to mako tho attompt noxt woolc, WHI'.N HIIU (lOUS HKKIUNO, women are R"IK In for the fun of lo comotion on these funny looklnc Nor wegian Hkates. Tho coatuuio Illustrat ed Ih one to be worn by u (.'III '" Can ada thin winter, whero nlie oxpectH to ho ono of a Iiii'ko Hkeelut; party, t To Avoid Wrinklet. When carrying Hovural IiIoiimoh In n HiiltciiHu place them all on a padded coat haiiKcr ho that tho width of tho blouses will run aloiiK thu length of tho HiiltciiHC. In this way thu crease from foldln;r will conio at thu waist fine and will not bo huoii when tho bloiiHo Is worn. Tho hniiKor will bo found UHuiul at tho Jouruoy'H end, hIiicc the bloiiHcs will bu Iiuiik on It iluiiiiK the visit, To keep a plaited sUIrt fresh looking biiHto all thu plaits In place before packing. This will obviate tho ueces slty for proHHlui; It at the end or tho Journey, Throughout I lie trunk or miltciiKc lay a roll of crushed Hhhuo paper within tho fold of ovory Karinent to keep tho Hharp ereiiHo from forming mid buvo your paper for the homo Journey If you aru a provident hotuir, IlnskiuB for Uoaltk. IO I 1 V - NX 1 ; m i The Dinner Hour In Hot Weather is More Enjoyable When You Have a General Electric Fan In Your Dining Room T IS adjustable for gentle air circulation or a strong breeze. It is portable and may be utilized in any room where there is an electric fixture simply insert the plug and turn the switch. The expense is small. May we sentl a G.E. Fan to your home to-day ? ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 1" ROGUE RIVER VALIEY CANAL COMPANY FRED N. CUMMINGS, Mgr Every day last week visitors saw the peaches at the Fisli Lake ranch, raised by irrigation in the very heart of the so-called desert; berry bushes fairly breaking with their burden of fruit, and vegetables as big and healthy looking as any .market gardener could wish to raise. Those who knew the great possibilities of irrigation, and in the past year have boosted for irrigation in the valley congratulated us uron the splendid showing, and those who had doubted were convinced. The Rogue River Valley has everything a little more favorable for the raising of fruit than any district in the country, but the rainfall is not sufficient for the best re sults. A litle more water when it is needed is the certain assurance for bountiful crops and irrigation furnishes this assurance. The Rogue River Valley Canal Company's system is the largest system of irrigation in the Rogue River Valley and when completed will irrigate 55,000 acres of orchards and undeveloped orchard lands through 389 miles of main canals and laterals. The water storage of the system is located at the foot of Mt. McLaughlin where the waters of Ksh Lake and Four Mile Lake are impounded by huge dams that will conserve the pure mountain water from the melting snows, and deliver it through the system of canals to serve the or chardists, and raise the bumper crops that will make the Rogue River Valley the best and most famous fruit dis trict in the world. ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED offers for sale Irrigated Orchard Tracts 6500 acres of orchard land, seven miles north of Medford, every acre carries with it a perpetual water right from the Rogue River Valley Canal Company Orchard tracts are sold in 5, 10, 20 or 40 acres, plowed, leveled, planted to trees and fenced. Undeveloped tracts for sale with irrigation. Orchards planted and cared for by Orchard Experts for a period of five years on Orchard Development Contracts. ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, MANAGER. Medford National Bank Building, MEDFORD, OREGON car WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Modern 7-room Home. Well built and arnuiRcd. On paved streotiu holiest part ot city. $3,800. Terms. Modoni 5-rooni bungalow home, now and in tho rij;ht place. Closo in. $3,250. Terms. New 5-rooni limij;alow home; elno (o Oakdnle. Can finish to suit your taste. Only $2,300. Wo havo n larKe list of CHOICE i HOMES, and the price aro right NEGROES AND WHITES MUST KEEP SEPARATE 1IIUM INGHAM, Ala., July 2. No Kiooa and whltoa will not ho allowed to eoiiKremato boforo tho mmo unllt tln lionrda to watch roturnn of tho .loffrli'H-JoluiBon flj?ht Monday. Mayor O'lliion today Issued an or der InutruetliiK tho polleo to hoop tho whltoB nnd muiroos Hoimrntod, Ho declared that ho Intended to talto no eliauco or a riot In Ulrmlncham as a result of tho Nevada oucountor. I MONTANA BANK CLOSED . BY COMPTROLLER'S ORDER VASHINGTOnTd7 C, July 2. Tho Kli-Ht National hank at IIIUIukb, Mont., was ordered elosod by tho comptroller of tho currency today. j It. Qoodhart was appointed re ceiver. At the closo of business March 29 tho bank's rosourcoa woro ?2,8GG,-000. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 1.12 WERT MAIN. TOONE 2001. You'll novor need to buy anything thnt cannot bo bought to best ad vnntag In n Btcro that ad.ortlso3. lliukinB for Ilonlth. Storo nows Is your .news! tii.hUuti lor Health. IN T1IH 1HSTIUOT COUltT OF THU I'NITNI) STATUS TOU THU DIS TKICT OP OHKGON. In tho matter of tho Estnto of George K, Noubor, a DaiUrupt. In bankruptcy. NOTICE. To tho creditors of tho nbovo nnmed bankrupt; to Gcorgo E. Noxiber, flio above named bankrupt, and to Hnttlo SI. Nouber, His wlfo; to William Ul rlch, nsslgneo of the estate of T. J. Kenney, nn Insolvent dobter: Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 24th day of Juno. 1910. tho above nnmed bankrupt filed In tho above entitled court nnd causo his duly vorlfled pqtltlon for dlschargo from bankruptcy and that on tho snmo day tho trusteo In bankruptcy f.led In said court and causo his duly vorl flod petition f r tho salo of tho fol lowing doscrlbod realty of tuo bank rupt, to-wlt: Commencing nt tho southeast cor ner of block numbered thirty-eight as laid down on tho official plat of tho town of Jacksonvlllo, Jackson county, Oregon, nnd runnlns thonco westony along tbo southorn boun dary of said block 38 forty (40) feet; thenco northerly nnd pnrallol with the eastern boundary of said block 3S two hundred (200) foot; tlouco east erly along the northora boundary of said block 38 fprty (40) foot; thonco s uthorly and along the oastorn boun dary of said block 3S two hundred (200) foot to tho point ot beginning. Also lots ono (1), two (2), throo (3), four (4), flvo (5), six (G), sov on (7) and olght (8), In tho block numbored thlrty-nlno (39), situated on tho westorj sldo of Fifth atreot botweon F and E streets In tho said town of Jacksonvlllo, Oregon, thnt tho said proporty abovo doscrlbod Is what Is commonly known and callod the Jacksonvlllo basobatl grounds, In Jacksonvlllo. Jackson county, Ore gon; and one-half of all of sa'd prop orty Is ov icd by tho estate of George B. Noubor,. a bankrupt, an ; tho other one-half thereof Is owned by ono M M. Taylor of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, ench of cald parties owning an undivided ono-half Inter est therein and there to. Also the east one-half of lot num bered throo (3j hi block numbored two (2) fronting twenty-five (25) feet on California street, and tun ning back tho samo width ono hun dred (100) feel and ombrurlng all tho ground between tho lot formorly owned by L. S. Thompson and the lot formorly ovned by Lovj nnd Ull gor; also nlno (9) foot of tho north ond of lot four (4) In sal' block two fronting nine (9) foot on Third Htreet and running back tho sfmo width fifty (oO) feet. That a mooting of nil ot tho cred Itois of said bankrupt Is horeby call ed for Thursday, tho 15th day ot July, 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock p, m. of said day, said mooting to be held at tho ottlco of tbo roforec In Medford, Oregon; nt said time and plnce said petitions will como on to bo heard, tho dowor Interest of th said Hattlo M. Noubor will bo flxoi and ascortnlneil, and tho lights of William Ulrli'h, aBSlsnoo, rn tho own er and holdor o; tho mortgago upon tho realty of tho said bankrupt will bo dotermluoJ, And such other business v 111 bo transacted as uay proporly bo trans acted boforo such meeting. Hated thin tho 30th day of Uuno, 1910. HOLnUOOK WITHINQTON, Itofereo In i;nkruptcy i I. I rit jj I, Li '