13 This department Is a ronulnr wock ly feature, iloallnii with all phasos of llio fruit and produce world. IN THE FRUIT GROWING WORLD Conducted by Charles W. Wilme roth, manaqcr of the Ronue River Fruit & Produce Association. JVOSDffORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 3, 3910. I i- y J it V CIIICAOO, .limn a I. It tultort wide stretch of Imagination In form an itiuuiruto conniption of (lit) miiiiii llty of poiiolum maturing thin woiihoii. Thorn tiro a world ol' them ami tlmy aru iiiomliiuiil in iiiallty. Frankly, it would Hui'ia thorn am inoru llian will lin hauled. ElborliiH aro oxpuot )d to give a bouiilonim oiop by July fi, mid ourly Htook Is moving now. ItiimorH havo it that there Iiiih boon lotH of nloolc contracted for At 7f oontft per bushel, and it is not too sanguine a prediction to Hay that hoiiio will ho cheaper. Tlio can i huh havu contracted for a groat many ponchos, ho that thuru will not ho iih many Hhippud iih had boon at firHt nntioipulud. Tho roiiHon that oiinnurH aro get ting ho many of tho puaolnm Ih iic ooiiiiIimI for ly tho fact that there in a shortage of hiiHhol bunkoU. Wo liiivn tho flint oar of Yellow rolling from JaokNonvillo, and wo iindor stand thoy aro liiHciotw and well-matured. Vnt Virginia Apple. ClIAIMiKSTCW, Vn., Juno 1!'.!. Tho largest mooting of tho Joffor hoii County Fruitgrower' umhooiii tlnu wiih hold on Saturday. Ity roHolutloii unanimously adopted tho recently nrgnnixBil Virginia Fruit Exchange wan indorsed, and a largo iiumhor of fruitgrowerx, represent ing at loiiHt 7f per cent of (ho applo crop of tho county, joined tho ex change. Fruit oxiMirtM from Now York, Chicago, Pittsburg and olHowluro addrehHi-d tho meeting. Tho coming fruit crop in this Hootiou promises to ho of exceptionally good quality. ESPE PAYS SI 8.000 FINE FDR REBATING Company Considers Itself Lucky In Escaplnn So Unhtly When Thcro Were Over a Hundred Counts Analnst It for Japanese Trade. SAN FRANCISCO. Cul., July 2. -Representatives or tho Southern Pa cific admit today that tho company coiiHidors itself lucky in oscaping with a fino of $18,000 for robating, as thcro wero 122 counts agaiiiHt tho company, and tho govornment was prepared to prohccuto tho cases to a finish. A compromise was reach ed when the company consented to liloml guilty to 18 of tho charges. United StatoH District Judge Van Meet tbon imposed tho minimum fino of $18,000. Tho charges to which tho company pleaded guilty included nine counts for rebates on HhipmentH of freight from Kobo, Japan. Tho maximum IKninlty for robating is $20,000 on ouch count, and had tho company been convicted on each of tho 122 oountH it would havo faced a maxi mum fino of $2,800,000 and a mini mum fino of $110,000. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash A. E. Liddoll, San IVanoiuco; A. W. Durkee, St. Johns, Mich.; G. II. Drown, Jacksonville; W. E. Olivvior, Kiuihuh City; II. N. Starr, Portland; J. II. Solium, Won atchco; T. II. Sherwood, Sam Cohon, J W. Chamborlain, Portland; W. A. Schwarx, Englo Point. Tho Monro F. S. Johnston, W. II. .TamioHou, W. J. Grundig, Portland; I). W. HoioHtou, San Francisco; 0. C. Scoymuith, R. J. Draud, oily; it. S. PohI, Shedd; Mr. and Mrs. R. Driieniug, Chicago; F. Howard, Sao rainonto; M. F. Gauiguo, San Fran cisco; II. 1). Wagnoii, Portland; J. C. Donovan, Albany; J. E. Ann Htrong, Portland; J. S. Lormoy, San Francisco; R. M. Kiolhuid, Seattle. - BASEBALL NOTES. This afternoon tho Medford team and Ropor'H rejuvenated hunch from GrautH Pass will moot for tho last game of the scheduled hoiisou un less the uuigiiutoH conclude to make up another schedule. In tho lino-tip for Medford this afternoon will ho Eddio Wilkinson, Htar hitler and in fielder for St. Mary's college. Eddio is a Juoksou county lad and learned tho rudi moutH of baseball on tho Medford streets. Tho Medford lino-tip for Sunday 'I'lio counties of Jefferson. Horkolov. i('larlv and Erodoriok will produce approximately '100,000 barrels of apples, oiiiial to 12000 cui loads, and tho oiiftlorn piuihaiidlo of WohI Vir ginia neatly IfiOO curlondH of poncho, nnmoly, from IlainpMhiro, Morgan and Miuural oouulioH. Tho now exchange will arrange for a moro ByHti'inatio iliHtrihulioii of tho fruit of tho lowyr Kliouaiidoali valley and oalorn pauhandlo, and for tho ptirohuKo of cooperage, Hprayiug tnatorial and othor HiipplieH for itH momhorri in largo ipiantitiot at wholesale ratoH. Want Now Applo Utile. Grower, HhipporH and dealer, growers' iiHHociatioiiH, tho National l.ouguo of CommiHHiou MorchitntH, tho lutornational Apple-Shipper' iiHhooiatioii and tho WcHloru Fruit Jobbers' tiNHociatiou aro bunding lo gother in a movement to necitnt tho adoption by tho railroad trniiHportu tiou linos in contra! and t runic line torritorit'H of Htorugo in triumit rtilon in car-lot Hhiptnoutu oast of Chi cago and St. LoiiIh, Thoio privilege obtain at preHent on moHt of tho western Huoh on Mliipments from all wcHtorn upple prodttoiug Heotioim, and afford ud vautngoH very cHHonlinl in tho diHtri billion and marketing of that fruit. Shipper mid doalora aro dccluriiii' that traffio in apples in both eastern and woHtoru HcctioiiH can bo moro economically and moro oxtoiiHivcly engaged in whon through tho CHtaba lihmont of the privilogon donirod, tho oxtrcmo high cost of Htorago at x)lntH of couHtimption can bo avoid ed. Tho applo iutorontR want to ho SHERMAN Whon you think of the highest art in pianos the name STEINWAY IS LIKE MAGIC TO ALL IF BETTER TMANOS WERE ItfADE, you would find them at the house of SHERMANvGLAY & CO. 134 WEST MAIN STREET NEW PIANOS FOR. RENT F.1N1Q TUNING AND REPAIRING will bo; llonsohnan, third base; Strain, Bccond huso; Miles, short stop; Isaacs, coutor fiold; E. Wil kinson, first base; J. Wilkinson, loft field: Dlnokington, right field; Hill, catcher; Dttrgoss, pitcher. llurgoris will start tho gaino today and Coloninn will likely finish it. Moiulay morning; Hurgoss will pilch against Grunts Pass and Colo mttu will tnko tho mound in tho aft ernoon, Tho fans will bo nssurcd of three gantoH in tho two days thnt will bo woVth tho time and money. ablo to lake advantago of intermedi ate, Hinall and Ichh oxpoimivo Htoriug I'acililicH without tho nccoHiiity of luoiirriiig, an at proHont, prohibitivo freight ciimI, Ihrough tho iiko of local ralcM to and from thoHu xtorac poiulH, Thuy want iiiHtoad through raloH from originating poiutH to final dcHtiuation with tho Htop-ovor privi lege. Tho National Iciiguu ban boon act ively engaged in lliin campaign for hoiiio time, and through itH branched in tho vnrioiiH markotH in pointing out to tho traffio ropnmcntativcB of tho carriers tho need of thcHo privi legi'H for greater operatioiiH in tho applo lino and to overcome tho prcH ent diHorimiiiatiou oxiflting in thin rexpect between tho cant and the wont. A careful oHtimnto of tho output of tho NowIoiih in tho western box applo diHtriot fori 1010 in as fol io wu: CarloadH. f'alifornia 1000 Southern Oregon .'100 Mood Itiver ; 200 WaHhington Io0 Total 1700 I.owi'Nt Iowa Fruit Itccortl. Frer Norton of Jfurray and Washington streets returned front Marlboro, N. Y on Jronday, and re portH that tho hail storm of Satur day last damaged 50 per cent of all fruits in that Miction. Ninety per oent of tho Htraw berries, ho said, were ruined, whilo peaches, grapes and other fruits suffered serious in jurVj "The hnilBtoncs worn as CLAY CO. FOREST FIRES DESTROY MIZPAH, MINNESOTA INTWUNATIONAL KALLS, Mian., July 2. Tho town of Mlzpali, to miles south of boro, Is in ruins today as n result of forost ftrea which aro HweopltiK that portion of tho stato. Tho postofflco building was blown up In an effort to chock tho advanco of the fire, but a high wind carrlod tho fliuuou through tho town and forcod tho Inhabitants to floo, Ilankins for Iloalth.' largo as pigeon eggs," remarked Mr. Norton, and it took u warm sun nearly two hours to efface traces of tho storm; rjKAND JUNCTION. Colo., June 27. Tho latest estimates for the Vailroads indicate that the Grand Valley will ship noarly .'J000 cars of fruit this season, instead of a little over. 2000, as was at first fenred af ter tho first frosts, although some sections were hit by the frost. It is believed now that last year's crop of 2000 cars will be duplicated again this year. Hull Dcntroj-H Fruit. DBS MOINES, la., June 30. Secretary Orccno of the State Hor ticultural society has compiled .the report for tho first of May on con dition of Iowa fruit. "It shows a smaller percentage for this time of tho year than over before in the history of tho society," ho says. Percentages: Strawberries, 38; grapes, 20; black raspberries, 12; reil raspborrios, 10; cherries, 0; cur rants, f; npplcs, 8; blackberries, 21; gooseberries, 4; American plums, 1; pears, domestic plums, Japanese plums and peaches, all Icph than 1 per cent. Applo Industry Subject New Drnnui. A play that is attracting quite a bit of attention among Chicago ap ple dealers is "Go West, Young Woman," which is presented at the Chicago Grand Opera house. The piece Ls iwrmeutcd with tho smell of fruits, and from seeing the perform ance as prosentod in Chicago, due can quickly understand how easy it is to grow a big apple that is. tho Exceptional Buys Best Prices and Terms A Home i Fine Building Site i Antelope Creek Ranch way thoy do it in the Pacific north west. A finer example of stage Hccnory is not often run across than tho one depicting the vnlley where Thomas Latimer, Jr., has a ten-acre ranch given her to attract her to go west. (Thomas was a woman, just tho same, named for her father.) Tho keen rivalry existing between Hood Itiver, Wonatchce and other sections is obvious in the treatment of the plot, and thore are some broad hints of the extremes rcorted to in order to "draw Tirst prize at the apple show." Tacking School. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, Or., Juno 28. We shnll bo very glad to conduct a packing school at Bedford the com ing fall. You probably remember tho conditions under which the school was conducted last fall, namely, that we will furnish the skilled heln that is necessary, the local people furnishing the building, fruit, and necessary lumber for equipment. 1 will arrange to send Professor Colo again, probably also Frank Brown, the most skillful ap plo packer that this institution ever turned out. I could probably ar range to attend the packing school mvself for a number of the exer cises. I should like to hear from you concerning the date, length of time, etc., for the packing school. I will state thnt I now expect to bo in Medford somewhere about the middle of July and can arrange to seo you nt that time to form more definite arrangements. Thanking you for 3'our interest in this mnttcr and your kind invitation 'to visit vour association wben in In Nicely Located Real Estate 19 Acres adjoining Burrell Orchard on the south. 5 Acres bearing poaches. 1 1-2 Acres bejiring pears. 1 Acre bearing Spits. 9 1-2 Acres 1-year-old Bartletta. 2 Acres bearing Ben Davis. 9 1-2 Acres peach fillers. House 6 rooms; barn, good condition, one span fine mares, wagon, hack and buggy; all implements, including spraying machine. This is the best buy en the market barring none. If interested, call for price and terms, which cannot be beat. Proposition 19 Acres, 1 1-4 mile from Phoenix depot; soil slightly gravel; 6-year-old apples and peaches; 2 houses, one built of concreto; good barn, some alfalfa. Price, $4500; $2000 cash, balance good terms. 50 Acres of the finest hillside land in the valley, one mile from Jackson ville on main road and every inch can be utilized. Sightly building spot. Price $225. Good terms. 1160 Acres on the Antelope creok, in one body. This is a great the price asked. You'll have to hurry to get this at $35 per acre. Medford, I am, yours sincerely, C. I. LEWIS. LIVERPOOL, Eng., Juno 17. C. W. Wilmeroth, Medford, Or. Dear Sir: Mr. S. sailed for Now York on tho Carmania on the 14th, and in his absence your letter of tho 3d, addressed to him, has bscn opened and noted. It will bo for warded to him by this mail. In the meantimo wo will give you all the information wo can, sending copy of the prcsont to Mr. S., so that if we overlook anything ho can supplement it. All that stands between your ns Kociatiou and "first-class company" is that its pack has not earned a reputation for being even and reli able. Sometimes tho apples turn out very well, as well graded and almost as good in quality as anything that comes here. Last season, for ex ample, dealers who bought your fruit spoke well of it on tho whole, and placed it second only to Hood River's fancy pack. But it has not always been so, and there has often been much moro difference between tho pack put up by the different growers than there ought to be. The remedy, of course, is clear, but whether it will be possible for j'ou to apply it or not, we do not know. The standards of grading ought to be raised if posib!c, and certainly steps should be taken to seo that every shipper who uses your brand packs strictly in accordance with the standards set down by your associ ation. It is not customary to ship New tons under ice across, the ocean. Sometimes very Into in the season that might be done, but as a rule it is not necessary. Walter L. McC&Jlum HOTEL NASH Wo imagine that your Nowtowns havo always bcou shippod to Now York and held in cold storage thcro, being nftorward roshippod aa our markets required thorn. At all events that is what ought to bo done, and although a refrigerator car will as a rulo protect apples (if tho vents aro attonded to) from any ordinary frost in transit, wo think that fruit should bo dispatched bo foro thero is any danger of very sc vero weather being encountered. Wo know that somo Pippinn from your vnlloy wore injured by frost in transit last winter. Tho sizes thnt sell best in this mnrkot arc from 108s up to 144s. Of courso wo can tnko tho smaller sizes, too, but ns n rulo it sells to better advantago in London. Undor Normal conditions, it is not advisable to ship your low-grado Nowtowns to our markots. Thirt country is chock full of California Nowtowns right through tho Benson, and your low-grado fruit has to bo sold at low prices to compete with these. Wo think you can find a better market nearer homo. We should never ndviso you to refuse a reasonable offer f. o. b. cars for your apples, because wo havo not heard of any one who has made money on them for the last five or six vears; but if you como to market your apples yourself, re member that, with our houso in Now York, and our commanding position in London, Glasgow, Liverpool and Hamburg, we stand supremo in facil ities for distributing your fruit. Be sides, wo all know- you, or know of you, through Mr. S., and all onr firms would tako a personal inter est in trying to make this, your firat year with tho association, as suc cessful as possible. bargain for LOBBY