M1SP1T0RP MAIL TRIBUNE. IMIDFOKD, OREGON, SUNDAY, J PLY 3, 1910. 11 k Hi As ' "I M THIS SERMON IS ? - 'ooo PEOPLE'S Scrrnon by CHAKLES T. RUSSELL Piutor Brooklyn , Tabernacle. Cy- I ... l.l .!-. Ooo I.oiiInvIIIo, Kj, Juno lO.-I'nntor ItUfwoll of (liu llrooklyn Tnl)criiuclu, Now York, lodny wlilrwM'ri tlio Inter, nntlonul Ilthlu HtmlcntM' Aiuinclntlon dure, hhIiik tlio nbovo toxt Un nltio Kitvu n iiuhllo mtilrvHN under tlio nun nleen of tlio iwnoclutlon. Ilu hnil crowd rd liotimm mid iurnent nltuiitlmi. On tliu nbovo ntxt hi? mild In inrt: I iiildri'KN you, denr frlondn. n Chrln tlniiN, HtiidcniM of God'a Word, anil not .in noctnrlnim, AUIioukIi tliu world In full of dmiomlnntloiiH, i-tioii cJiilmlnic to bo tliu Cliurch of Clirlrtt, wit nil mlinlt ttnit I Intro In but the one "Church of tlio flrMttiorini wIiono mimca nro writ tun In ht'tivi'ii" (llidirown ill, 2.11. TIiIh conviction In IicIiik borno In upon iih inorii nnd inorit iih tlio dnjm no by, mid nil tlio vyrN of our uudcrHtninllni; open liioro wldnly to tin tcnchliiKn of (Jod'n Wnfri. Wu rynllxu IncrcimluKly Hint our dlvlnlon men iih our nhnmo In tlio oyoit or tliu world, mid that our Crecdul contrndlctloiiH Imply (hut ru nro not nil led In nil thliiKN by tlio Holy Hplrlt. tlio teiichliiKs of which cnuiiot Ikj Vcn nnd Niiy iiM)u tlio Hnino miujcct. It la thin sentiment which In inking hold of tlio inlnlxtry of nil (lenoiiiliintloii nnd innk Iiik them nuxloua for on outwnrtl hIiow of Unity In Church Kcdcrntlou, which will ahortly bu effected. Tlio CtirlUnn public, however, nnd wncclnlly Hlblo atudcutJi. nro nut deeply aytupntliutlc with tliu I'cdcrntlon Idea. They real Uo that at moNt It would lx a glowi of deception no fnr iu doctrinal oiii'Iichn la cencerned: and that oiIhtwIho It la but a butlni'NH or worldly combination Hlblo Hitidcnta nro more nnd rnoro coming to 1 1 re for tlio Ixml'n way tin Scriptural way. Thoy aro coming to renllxo that what God's pcoplv need la not more o run til ration but lewi organi zation, not more explicit crcodt but tin ono Ntniidard of foltowahlp which the Hlblo hoU up. Thoy nro learning that thin alinplu erred la: a turning from alii and ncccptnnco of tho I.ord Jchus na tlio Itcdoomcr from alu and death nnd the full coiiHccmilou of tho believer, mind nud body, to know and to do the Ird'n will to tho bcat'of Ilia ability, under the Ixird'a I'rorldontlal guidance. U'o nil moo that thla altnplo bond of fellowship Is the only one laid down In (iod'a Word, and that whatao ercr la more than this la Injurious bondaco to men and to aynteins. Wo all boo that "tho Church of the Living God wIiono tin men nro writteu iu tiouv- . en" la coinpoxcd exclusively of audi aa conform to the terma of thla aliuple creed that tlicm alone will constitute "the Itody of Christ which In the Church" "tlio Hrlde. tho Uiiiiu'n wife." whom he will nccept and unite to hltn elf In the end of thla nge. Wo all hoo that thla china iiIoiio la referred to In the Scrlpturo na "the elect." who nro to bo immK'Inted with the Savior In hi glorious Spiritual Kingdom, which. In visible to iiieu, la ahortly to be uMnfo Untied Iu power nnd grent glory for the blessing of uiiiurnl larael nnd throuKh her for the blessing of nil the futilities of tho fiirtli Mpini; ami dtaA. "Workmen Not Aihamod." Lot iih consider the hitler purt of our text llrHt: Tho AimHtlo'a iiuggcittlon la that Timothy and nil the minister) of tho Gospel of Chrlat nro profeaaeilly workmen, laboring under the guidance of God'H Word. Iu the larger sense every Chrlstlnn la it minister of the Gospel, or, iih 8U I'oter declurea of nil tho consecrated. "Yo nro n Itoynl I'rleHtliood. n Holy People, n loculliir Trenaure." In the end of the iie will coino u reckouliiK time, n uIiowIiik of reaulta, "Uvury tunu'a work that he hnth wrotiKht ahnll bo miulo innnlfeat" (1 Corluthlitua III, Kll. Our text urge (tint Tliuuthy. nud every faithful aervnut of God hIiouM bo ao loyal to God nnd lilt ineHHitRo that In the irrent tluiu of examination In the end of thla iiko preparatory to the Introduction of the Kingdom the kIiowIiik ahull be one of which wo need not be UHliamed. Let iih, then, na Chris tian Hlblo Studenta of nil deuotulua tloua Kit the red here today, nak our Holve.M respeeiliiK our own work Iu the world, nud how It mum appear to God, to ouraelvea, mid to our fellowmen yea, how It inuat ahortly be made munlfoHt to nil! Let ua call the roll. Haptlat broth ren, Wlmt have you to ahow iih work men who need not to be ashamed, rlKhtly dlvldlw: the Word of Truth? Methodist brethren, what mty you 7 PreabyierluiiH, next. CoiiKrcKiitloniil lata, Ltithernua, CatliollcH-all! The unawer of one la practically the answer of nil: "We Imve ho iniiny bun Ured Churches, They coat ho ninny mllllona of dollara. Their Hteeplea are, bo IiIkIi, Their eiwt of mnlntcnnnce la ho much. Tho number or uilnlHtera Ih-bo many. The Church collect lona amount to ho much The uinouut col lected for forolKti mlsHloua Ih-ho much The ntniiunt expended on fine choirs nud elepint orKium Ih ho much The nKKrottitted debts of all our churches la ho much The unpaid Interest on many or these debta la ao intieli. The time nnd energy expended In falra, buzaaib. etc., to help pay tho expend! turoH la-uo much, The numbor of Cliurch meiubcrahlp la so many. Tho numbor In timidity Schools la bo many." A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE ooC PULP nr o o o Workmen Needing Not to He Ashamed. "Study to Show Thyielf Approved Unlo God, n Workman Ilial Need flh Not to Be Ailiamcd, Rin!it!y Divid ing llie Word ol Truth" (II Timothy u, 15). Many of our dear ChrUtlnu friend any, What lack wo yet? Ilavo we not really attained the Koal or our Church nuibltloit? Should we build liner cdl flcca or pay lanter walarlcaY Aro we nut Htraliilut; ouraelvea with collectloiiH I at every turn? What more could God aak of UN? "Wo are rich and IncrciiHcd In Kood and have need of iioiIiIiik" 1 (Iterelatlon III, HMO) I In reply we may auppono tho Iord to luk, Where did I Klve you Inatructlou ( reapeclliiK thexo tliluca? Where In my 1 Word did you llud the aUKKeatlun that what 1 dealred you to do In the world ' waa to erect great church cdlllco. plica of atone and Iron and mortar. )IUhcd wooda and atalned t,'lattn7 You nro not rightly readlnt; my Word llowover kchm! In Intention, you have falksl to "riuhllu divide the Word 0 TrulhT The Templo reapectlni. which I Karo Inatructlon la tho aplrltual one. the 7'emje of the holy tfolrir-thc Ihaly of Chrlat which la tho Church. I fenr that you liaro forgotten the true temple of God wlrilo rcnrlim ao many temple of earthly m.i terlala. Concernlui; tho true Temple I luatructed you that "the temple of God la holy, which temple yo are" "living atouea" being h Imped and pel lahed "for the tmbltntlon of GihI through the Spirit." Show me what you have accomplished In this way Show mo to whnt extent you have rightly divided my Word, nnd prop erly InNtruclcd mankind respecting my glorious character and my great 01 vino Plan of tho Agca! Show me frultngu of the glorious message! How many In all the mllllona that you report are "New Creature In Christ Jesus," who "wnlk not nfter the flesh, but nfter the Spirit?" Ict me hear tho ineaangu of my lovo and grnco In Chrlat na you nro proclaiming III Whnt mean theao sectarian di visions amongst you? Why nre there ao mntiy Church edifices and so few anlutly worshipers? Who authorized you to put these crcednl fences be tween my people to divide the (lock? Know yo not that I said, there Is one (lock nud one Shepherd? Why have you ao neglected the spiritual Intercuts of my flock nud their Instruction in righteousness? Why are you so unable to rightly divide my Word? Instead of coming together na one Church of the Living (Sod whoso tinmen nre written Iu heaven you have divided Into hundreds of accta nnd parties! In stead of taking my Word na it whole nud rightly dividing It teachings na between the different ages and dispen sations of my work, you hnvo divided my Word Iu n hectnrlnn manner. One sect hits innile one selection from my Word nnd another sect has mnde an other selection Thus ye nrrny one part of my Word against another part or It, nnd hence get Into confusion nnd conlllct Whnt hnvo you to unawer for these things? With almine of fnco wo must nil ac knowledge that "Wo hnvo done those things which wo ought not to hnvo done nnd hnvo left undone those thing" which we ought to have done, and thero la no help In um." The proper thing for us to do, dear Christian friends, Is to get down upon our knees before the Lord nud Iu contrition of heart to acknowledge Hint we have wrought no deliverance In the enrth (Isnlnh xxvl. ISi: that our aectarlan differences nre our aha me: thnt the lg unruuee that we huve nil been In re specting the Won! of God Is htimll luting, Now that our eyes are open so that wo eau comprehend na never before the harmony of God's message from Genesis to devolution, It means n rich feast nnd blessing to our souls The Word of God becomes more pre clous to uh dally as we become able to comprehend It. Our duty Is to lly to tho nHslstnnce of our denr brethren mid aluters In Christ, of nil denomina tions, nud to call upon them to Join with us In u determined stand for righteousness, for Truth, for God nnd for his Word. Wo must hIiow them that Iguornntly we nnd they have dishonored our God by misrepresentation of his character nnd misrepresentations or the rent teachings f the Hlblo. We must point them to the fact that the Hlblo dees not tench Hint till mankind except the "ICIcct" salntH will bo consigned to an eternity of torture at the hands of lire proof demons We must show them (lint the election of the Church during this uge n saintly little Dock does not menu Injury to tho non-elect. That, on the contrary, It Is the Divine pur pose that the elect saints with their treat itedccmer In glory shall consti tute God'n Kingdom. That his King dom when established will bind Satan, put down sin, bullish Ignorance, error nnd superstition nud uplift mankind by "restitution," by resurrection processes, up. up, up, to nil that was lost In ICtlun by disobedience nnd to nil se cured for Ailum and his nice through the great transaction nt Calvnry (Acts III, UKM) "Rightly Dlvldlno tho Word of Truth." Alna, how many Intelligent people have turned aside from following Christ" nud from hearing the voice of God through tho Hlblo! Alas, how many nro looking to 'ineosophy, to Spiritism, to Christian Science, to Higher Criticism, to I'jtiiliitltiii-waii-tiering further mill tnrihei dally from (ho "faith once delivered to the saints" (Judo III), We limit them uo more lliuti wo f n nil ourselves, As it whole wu have been workmen rhn nral to bo uilimncit. We have dishonored God through lulsiiuderaiaudliig nud mlsiep. resenting Ids Word nud Ida Character Wo hnvo driven away from God and the Hlblo some of the most Intelligent of our follows, by reason of the con tradictory nousenso of our creeds. The Apostle urges, "Study to ahow thyself approved unto God." Wo nro not (o suppose, therefore1, thai Hie highest of nil science, that which per tain to the Dlvlno purKse nud the Ulvlno plnn, can bo acquired without itudy. Wo aro not In thla claiming that study nlouo would bring the de sired reaulta of proper knowledge, Wo heartily agree In the Scriptural prop osition thnt "tho world by wisdom knows not God." Wo nre not there fore to study nlong tho line of world ly wisdom, but along the lines of "that wisdom that cometb from above" nlong Hid Hues of tho Inspired Scrip tures. Wo must atudyl Whoever will not study will not know. "The secret or tho Lord la with them that rever ence Him." And rovorcnclng hltn means the giving of our best thoughts nnd tnleuui to tho study of his Word, that wo may "know tho things freely given to us of God" (I Corinthians 11, 12). Wo should note further na Hlblo stu dents that wo must not atudy to bo a im proved of men, but to hove tho Divine npprovnl. This will bring to us. na It did to tho Master nnd his apostles, the disapprobation of tho worldly-wlso and uomlnnlly religious. It was tho Chief Priests nnd Scribes nnd Pharisees, nnd not the common people of the Jewn, nor tho Itomnn soldiers, who were guilty of the crucifixion of our Lord. And wo must expect similar conditions, be cnise, na the Apostle says, "As ho waa ao are wo Iu thla world." The class who called the Master Heclzchub la the sniuo clnaa which will oppose his foot step followers. God pennltn nil this with wlso and loving forelntentlon. Nothing connect ed with tho opposing forces Is In any sense of the word Interfering with his great Program. Ho set apart with Dl vlno wisdom thla Gospel Ago of nearly nineteen centuries for tho sole purpose of selecting from tho world "the Church of tho firstborns" the nntityp Icnl Prlesta nud Levltea. The restric tion or his message, the darkening of counsel, tho clashing of creeds, the ojh posltlon of tho world, tho flesh nnd tho Devil, nro nil wisely permitted with tho forelntentlon on God's part that thus all through the Age the wny of tho cross In the footsteps or Jesus should bo n "nnrrow wny," so thnt comparatively row finding" It would care to wnlk In It. It la those few. that "llttlo Dock" realoua ror God. ror his Word, for righteousness. Hint he Is now marking out na the prospective jolnt-hclra with Jesus In his glorious Kingdom, which Is K- bless the world with full opportu nities for earthly salvation restitu tion." The trials of the faith, the pa tience, the love, the devotion or this "little flock" nre nil designed nud not accidental. Satin and his hosts may think to thwart the Divine Plan and may mislead nnd use humnnlty us their tools, but It shall yet be seen that nil or the Divine purposes shall be ac complished. The Word that has gone forth out of Jehovah's mouth shall prosper In the thing whereto he sent It. St. Paul declnrod of enrthly Israel, that they enjoyed "much advantage every way, becuuso to them were com mitted the oracles of God." So now. dear friends. It seems to me that you and I and all sincere Christians the world around enjoy much advantage every way. Looking to the past we find grent excuse for our dear forefa thers who, with sincerity of heart, ho misunderstood tho Dlvlno Word nnd so misinterpreted the spirit or the Muster thnt they burned one another nt the stake. We should uot think so harshly or them ror this as though they lived today under the greater nd vantages which wo possess. We should sympathize with them. We should consider them ns blinded by the grent Adversary ns wits Saul of Tnrsus, when he. na n member of tho Snnlicdrlii, authorized the stoning of St. Stephen. Wo should think or them sympathetically na St. Peter spoke of the Jews who crucified the I.ord. lie said, "I wot, brethren, that In Igno rance yo did It. na did nlso your ml era." So nlso we should kindly, lov ingly enst n tunntle or benevolence over similar conduct on the part or John Ciilrln and others or our rorefn thera. Hut ns we would not go to the Jewish rulers, unr to Saul of Tarsim for rtUolou Instruction, neither should we go to Brother Calvin or others of our forefnthers who were blinded, ns he was, respecting tho true chnrnctor of God nud tho true Spirit of tils Word. Only within the past century have tho masses of God'a people been nble even to rend the Hlblo. ir they had pes, fessod It. And only within tho aitme time have they had tho Illble to read Our great hindrance has been thnt with Hlblcs In our hands nnd with ability to use them, wo looked ror In struction to our woll-meunlng fathers Instead of going to God'a Word Itself Now by God's grace the eyes of out understanding nre opened. The won ilorful Hlbles or our dny- with their marginal references, their concord anens, etc., nnd other assistances tu Hlblo study nro bringing us Iu touch with the whole messugo or God's Word. Now one passage or Scripture throws light upon another mid thus with Increiislug brightness the Word of tho Lord na n lamp gives light upon the pathway of bis Church, MILLER BUYS FROM CENTRAL Interests of Heirs of Charles Lux Purchased hy Head of the Firm Tlirouuli Bend Issue Floated hy Bank. SAN FHANCISCO, Cnl., July 2. Announcement waB rnndo horo today thnt Iho Hnuk of California Ihihi finnncod in Now York n $5,000,000 bond iaatio lo ennblo Henry Miller, majority owner in Iho cornpnny of .Miller & Lux, lo piirclmse nil inlcr chIh iu tliu company, which nro held hy 27 heirs of Churlua Lux, hin partner, who died in 1887. The liondH nro C per cent nud nro to run for 25 yonrs. All tho hairs hnvo agreed to sell their intcrcsti) in tho grent land nnd cnttlo cornpnny to Miller. This will end n long poriod of litigation. Tho company owns 000,000 acres of Inntl in Cniifomin, 200,000 ncrca iu Novndn nnd 200,000 ncrcH in Or egon, It linn 1000 miles of canals and ditches for irrigation purposes. Thero nro 250,000 Jicnd of cnttle nnd 250,000 sheep on tho land. Advertised Letter List. The following loiters remain un citlled for at the poslofficc at Mctl ford, Juno 20: Mrs. Victoria Bncr, Mr. Hcmnd, Dr. F, J. Burr, A. A. Burns, A. J. Colvin, Mrs. C. J. Davis, Arthur Dilks, Mrs. Edna Evnnson, Erne El icit, Oscnr Fletcher, Torn Fox, Frank Fross, Mrs. W. K. Gassette, Marin Giuseppe, Binsi Gularion, Cora Gib sou, Miss O. A. Hall, Errna Hamil ton, E. II. Hcnrsford, J. P. Imingo, Mrs. K. S. Koyor, Mrs. Wm. Knigh ton, A. J. Lane, W. L. Lowe, Wilko Luomn, V. W. Lucas, Forest Mas field, Charlio Mnginnis, Jesse Mid kirk (2), Frank McDnnicl. C. N. Nygnrd, Ashley Nelson, Oscnr Nel lie, Oregon EJcclrie Co., O. Orp wood, G. F. D'Bricn, J. D, Parker, Albert Pankey, Joe Pierce, E. L. Pink, Mrs. L. L. Rcnmes, Mrs. A. L. Heed, Win. Rhodes, Lueilu nnd Hnzol Rodcs, Mrs. Kittio Smith, Miss Anna Smith, Jnmcs Stevens, Dcln Wnslcy, William Wcilhamor, Wcbstonc Ranch, Trexcl Williams, Geo. M. Whitney, Mrs. Jnmcs Willison, S. F. Woodbury. Parties calling for the above let ters will please say "advertised." A chnrgo of 1 cent will he mnde upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. ENTIRE RAILROAD IS PUT OUT OF BUSINESS SALEM. Or., July 1. Tho Oregon Mute ruilrond commission put a wholo rnilrond out of business by an official order issued today. Until tho officials of tho railroad comply with tho requirements of tho commission no further service can ho given, no trains run, nothing done. Tho railroad fallinc under ttuo ban is tho Corvallis & Alscn River rail road, running; between Corvallis and Monroe, Benton county. It has been in. operation about thrco years, huul iiifT logs, froight nnd passengers. The action of tho commission caino as a result of tho complaint of A. Wil helm & Son of Monroe; who charged iundequncy of sorvico. Tho investigation resulting from this complaint lod to the discovery of poor trnek conditions, which tho commission docided mnde travel over the rond unsafe. Consequently llie order closing tho rond to further use ponding its repair was issued by the commission. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELEC TION NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby glvon that a school mooting of School District No. 19 of Jackson County, Oregon, to bo hold nt tho hla'i rchool building, in said district, qn tho 15th day of July, A. D. 1910, thoro will bo submitted to tho losl voters of said district tho question of contracting n bonded dobt of fifty thousand (S50.000.00) dollars, thirty thai sand (?30,000.00) dollara thoroof to lo usoj for tho purpose of oroctlug and equipping an oast sldo school building, .ind twonty thousand (S20, 000.000) dollars thoreot for tho purposo of ropalrlng nnd constructing an nnnox to tho Washington arhool and Installing n no'., heating p?eut thoroln, tho vr.'o to bo by ballot, upon which shall bo tho words, "Bonds Yos," and tho words, "nonds No." Polls to bo opon at 1 o'clock p. m. and romnln open until 4 o'clock p. m, By ordor of tho Board of Directors of School DUU'lct No. 49 of Jackson County, Orogon. Dntod this 2Gth day of Juno, A. D. 1910, ORIS CRAWFORD, Clerk. Water is King, Alfalfa is Queen The Fruits of This Royal Union are Riches and Independence A B C's of Irrigation QUESTION "What is irrigation? v , "V" ANSWER Irrigation is the practice of wetting the soil by means of pump ing water or by gravity flow from mountain streams by means of a dam and ditches. question Is irrigation better than rainfall, and why?. ANSWER Yes. It beats rainfall because the farmer can apply the water just as he needs it. He knows exactly what he can do. The ele ment of chance is eliminated. Crop failure is reduced to a min imum. QUESTION What is the best system of irrigation? ANSWER "T Gravity flow, because when once installed, it is there for all time and tho maintenance expense is reduced to a minimum. QUESTION Why is a farmer on irrigated lands, the most independent man on earth? ANSWER- Because he does not have to lay awake night asking these ques tionsWill it rain? Will it rain enough or too much. Will it rain at the right time. He gets moisture when and where he wants it. His strawberries and alfalfa may want water, but the orchard might be injured by rain just at that time. He is mas ter. He does not have to PRAY FOR RAIN. Can you beat it? QUESTION Why do we make the statement that "the lands of Los Mo linos Land Company are the RICHEST in the great Sacramento Valley of California?" ANSWER Because it is a fact. The soils are 15 feet to 30 feet in depth, are of a dark sedimentary loam nature, studded all over with gigan tic oaks, park life in effect, and drained by several rapid streams that flow into the Sacramento river, with an abundance of water for irrigation. question Is there any danger of a lack of water for irrigation? ANSWER b No. The water supply is from Los Molinos river, which rises at Mt. Lassen, 10,400 feet high, perpetually covered with snow, 30 miles east of Los Molinos. This river carries more water during the summer months when the snow is melting "by degrees" and at the time when the most water is needed for irrigation. QUESTION How can I obtain more information about these lands and what are the prices? ANSWER Call on our Agent, Mr. Frank G. Andrews, NF0ir6sS.h Office between the "Bunch of Grapes" and the "Jug and Bot tle," and he will give you our literature. THESE LANDS SELL AT $150.00 PER ACRE $30.00 DOWN, BALANCE IN FOUR. ANNUAL PAYatENTS INTEREST 6 PER CENT WATER DEEDED WITH THE LAND. CHARLTON MAY GO SCOT FREE If Alienists Pronounce Him Insane, Wife Slayer Goes to Asylum If Sane. He Will Be Turned Loose in Community. XKW YORK, July 2. According to R. Floyd Chirk, chief counsel for Potior Chnrlton, confessed wifc nuirderor. Chnrlton probably will bo .sent to nn insane asylum if the alienists employed in tho ease report that ho is mentally unsound. The report of tho experts is expected on July 8. Italian authorities hnvo not yet asked for Charlton's extradition nnd it is customary for foreign countries tu ask this within two weeks after a fuiritivo is captured. It is believed no attempt will bo nindo to return Charlton to Italy. If tho alienists deoido that ho is sano he probably i will bo reloasod. LOVE AND MARRIAGE, "Love," said the maiden, "is a roo That in life's garden sweetly grows." "Marriauo," tho horrid man did scoff, "Is tho wind thnt blows tho petals off." - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom laud, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. J. E. ENYART, President JOIIN S. ORTII, Cashier. The Medford Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. W. B. JACKSON. Ass't Cnshior. National Bank