WWl mlHfaXM - MB.DJFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, AEEDTTORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, frPNE.31, 1910. t1 3 1' i i 5, ,'' ; i i j ? s a I O ) . R1 W o a a: .? I .7. ' 11 1 teroat, CENTRAL POINT NEWSLETTER The city couj-rll nt a special meet ing last Tucilny night Infilled three building permit, all for business houses on Pine tsroot. The salary of our pollco Judgo and recorder wnB Increased frti- $10 to $25 per mont'i and his working hours will probably bo reduced to 1C hours per day during ILo hot wonthor. William A. Cowley has a number of men busy ongaged In preparing tho ground preparatory to commenc ing the foundation work for 1 Is threo etory concrete business bl'ictc on tho corner of Secoud and Pine strcctH, Tho building will bo 82 1-2 by 8D, thr'.'o Btorlcs high and fireproof, tho material to bo concroto, comon blocks and brick. One of tho buslnoss rooms on tho ground floor will bo occupied by ;ho Itoguo River Plumbing com pany. Tho Contrnl PcJInt basoball team has thrown up tho spongo and will do nothing moro during tho romalndor of the season nsldo from fill In games nt homo. The Central Point flro department has boon organized with Roderick Ensley, tho illrgo blacksmith, as Its chlor. Tho department begins llfo with & good momborsLip of young mon and will doubtless tton attain offlcloncy. Mis. W. P. Hoaglnnd liaa gono to Montroso, Col., whero she will visit for sovoral wcoUs. A. J. Dunlap hns gono oaRt on n business miction. He will bo absont Iron, tho valloy for sovoral vooltB. j Tho nowly organized Y. M. C. A. la In n flourlsLIng conditio i with n promlso of many now nnd llvo work ing members. W. 10. Jones Is orcctl.ni; a modern comont block .-ottngo In Oak Park addition. This la tho flrat building to bo orectod In this nowly acquired nortlon of t!o town. J. II. McPnll has disposed of hla property In tVo nort bond of town to T. (1. Itnlnoy, tho cens'dcr: Mon bo-J lag $1200. Mr. McPnll loft Thursday afternoon In comp.ny with W. II.' Iloagland for Fort Klamath, Klamath ' Falls nnd other points In eouthwest ern Oregon. ( When tho now wntor system Is fl- nnlly accepted by tho council It will begin llfo with about 200 pay fail-, cets. I M. O. Wotnack is preparing to move ' bis ramlly to Woodvlllo, whero ho goes to nccopt tho managership of tho enterprise Development company, n recently organized mining concorn, NEW ERA IN CENTRAL POINT New Water System Inaugurated ami All Progressives Refalcc, While the Mosslmcks Are Mournful. (Central Point Herald.) AltliQiigh there was no red fire burned nor other ilemouttmtlon to Indicate that nnybody was particular ly plontod, last Saturday wae a rnl letter dny In the history of Central Point, marking ns It did the greatest event no far recorded In the town's history. On thnt day the pumps were started at the city well and water -was turned Into the mains of the mu nicipal wntor system for the first time. Thus were real I led the hope and droame of evory booster and ev iry true frleud of Central Point w made glad. It h us a Ion, weary truggt the friends of progress eticuuniwrvd (rota tho time they stared In a little iuor thnu four years ago to arouse public Interest In the need for water -toiu until tho present time, but each yiwr uiarkea some progress toward tho goal, and when It U vonsldered thnt the work bad to rouuueure with tho abrogation of the old village qliHrter which had been framed with tho oue view of economy lu public tvxpeudlturos, and the adoption ot a now charter, giving the people pow er to speud their uu wonty In pub lic Improvements. It Is not to be woa durod at that progress was miner Blow. I u M first Issue, which appeared April J. 10, the Herald called nttoiitluii to the need of a water ys tum and ever since that time until the nystoiii was assued and the contract for construction let, the paper con Blstontly advocated the Improvement both In lis editorial and news col umns and refereuce to the files of tho paper gives a very good history of the progress of the work of secur ing a modern water supply. DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET. OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. if t tHtttHttH a sngui iii which will devoto Its uitorTlo'? to tho development of fine properties nonr Woodvlllo. TLu now company, of which Mr. Vai: Duzen of Seattle, Wash , Is prooldont, J. O. Craig vice president nnd Ed Welsh sccrotary trcniurer, recontly purchased this I property, Including the Evergreen MlHUtc, tho North Polo and Lucky Roy clnlms, Tho vol naveragos four foot In width, occurs In u slato nnd porphyry contact and tho gonoral run of oro assays $70 per ton, whllo eolect plecos run as high as $1G00. Tho vein has beon oponod for a dlstanco of 1500 feet by tunnels nnd cross cuts and tho lowost tunn 1 lovol will tap tho lode at a dopth of 1G00 foot. Tho company will put In a stamp mill at onco nnd all concerned think an other bonanza hns beon struck. Tho find la at tho top of tho mountain ono mllo from Wjodvlllo. Rev. Cocn of tho Prcsbytorlnn church has returned with 5:1s fam ily to Woodvlllo, but will hold serv ices horo each month at different dalos, William A. Cowloy has decided to put up a second business building on his proporty. It will bo 10x85, of brick or concreto, making n solid block of business proporty on his Pine streot lots. Whllo Lynn Purdln, editor of tho Central Point Globe, Is kcoplng it very quiet, It hns lcakod out that ho Is to bo married In about twr. weeks nnd 1b beautifying a flno sulto of rooms In tho rear of his offlco, Is splendid ovldonco of tho nnlbontlclty of tho rumor. Tho electric pumps at tho water towor aro working to perfection nnd tho woll la surprising nil hnnds with Its wonderful supply. Dry weathor docs not nffect tho flow In tho least. Tho woods wcro full of ox-cdltors this week all looking for a location, nnd falling to bo suited at this point, headed for Medford. Clydo Applegnto recontly purchnsod somo flno lots belonging to tho Grif fin estnto nnd will build cottages on them in tho near futuro. Thoro aro n fow of our good citi zens who refuso to put In city water becnuso of tho fact that n recontly pnsscd ordlnnnco docs not allow them to Irrlgato 21 hours per day. John P. Ronrdon of ICalama, Wash., will locato horo In tho shoo nnd har ness repair business. Honry Illloy, recontly of Concord, X. II., hns located hero In tho plumb ing and heating business. CALL ELECTION E Ashland Citizens File Petitions to Submit Proposition to Grant Allen Modified Franchise for Intertirhan Electric Line Majority Sign. ASHLAND. Or., July 1. Inltlntlvo petitions have been filed with Ro corder Kggleaton calling for n apodal city election on a franchise to bo granted to Johu R. Allen for an elec tric street railway. The petitions have sufficient signatures to Insure the election and the Impression Is that the franchise will carry by n good majority this time. The franchise ordinance bas been modified slightly so as to meet tho particular object loss of some who op poeed it at the election held on June U lt. These modifications have bu ac cede J to by Mr. Alleu and the ordi nance U known to be n:tletnctory to him. Under th lw It Ih mandatory upon the city council to roll the election not earlier th.vi the 16th and not later (ban the 30th day after the filing of the petition. Recorder Ki:kWvmu verified the lalgnatures Friday at J.irksouvllle. The proposition was orlfilnatnd by Ashland cltlsens and comes from Ah- ' land. ! ALICE S00C? TO TARE j TRIP THR0UGIJ CLOUDS 1MTT8FIKLD. Mass . July 1 Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longwort'a soon will I have gratified her wish to Journey thuitigh tfeo clouds, according to a well-based report today. The former president's daughter will ascend with Clifford Uarou. New York's nillllonulre aviator, la hie rac ing balloon Other members of the party probably will be Mrs. William 1C. Vamlerblii Jr.. Mrs. W. M. Ilourke Cochran and Miss Cornelia Hryee It In expected that the asceut will ! made before davbreak to permit the pnssengers t witiua a sunrise from above tho cloud Ueordlng to the report, Mrs. Longworth and her companions will como to Plttsflold early next week for tho flight i i on i" 11..U.11 uuuu.v excri'iiet 0 AN JOHNSON POSES OR PICTURE MEM Goes Throuiih His Training Stunls Before Camera and Is Llght Heartcil Measures Taken for Johnson's Protection. (Hy TJp Wright.) RICK'S TRAINING- CAMP, RENO, Nov., July 1. Champion Jnck John son broko his rosorvo and emerged from the seclusion of his quarters in to tho llmollght Thursday to perform sundry and cortaln stunts be fore the lens of a motion plcturo camera. Jack chased Imaginary Jeffries around tho ring, landed famous up per cuts nnd conducted feinting ex hibitions for tho edification of count less thousands yet to view tho films nnd the remuneration of tho captains of industry who plnco tho reels on ex hibition. Jack chased an lmaglnory Jeffries Novnda Jackrabblt doing a bit of road work, shadow boxed r.nd sparred with his partners. Throughout it all tho champion's golden smllo threat ened tho films with a carao of "daz zles" nnd tho promoters of tho mo tion plcturo corporation will bo fortu nato If tho reels do not turn out to be "light struck." Jack's gladness was In ovldcnco throughout tho stunt and ho wns par ticularly cheerful whllo landing Imag inary knockouts on Jlmma do Joff. Precautions to snvo Johnson from posslblo harm at tho hnm.a of crnnks wore redoubled nt his training camp today. A gunman Is constantly pa trolling tho grounds, nnd two guards aro stationed at tho door lending to tho negro's apartments. Only persons who nro know aro permitted to ou ter. Tills precaution will bo afforded Johnson until tho hour of the fight. LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 1. Gonoral Foltx Diaz, ncphow of Presi dent DInz of Moxlco, arrived in Los Angeles today, nccompanlod by two mombors of his staff. Ho stated that ho camo to California to spend tho summer nt the various resorts near horo. Diaz formorly wns chief of pollco of Moxlco City and chief of tVo Moxlcnn secret service Ho resigned from of flco a fow days prior to tho recent na tional elections In Mexico. Ho hns boon montloncd ns a prob- ablo candldato for tho Mexican vlco prosldoncy In 19 1C. LIVED AND DIED LIKE DOG; ONLY DOG MOURNS The following is from tho Baker t'ltv Democrat. "He lived liko u tlo, he died like iv dojr, mill only his lo; was his mourner." Thin is tho story of O. S Cloud, whoso fniiornl occurred Tues day at his homo near Nelson Siding Cloud wns lined "." yen re, and tin ownor of u two-ncro orelinid. which inni(lc(l his livini;. lie made hi lioino in a sort of (tiiKout in tile idu of a hill, u uois some place, dirty nnd full of vermin, lie died and it wax almost a week nl'ler hi death when the limo burn ers at Nelson missed his usual Wh its, went in u body to his homo, -They found it burred, nnd upon eiiteriiik: an iiulionnilile wtench greet ed them. The man had been dead al most u week. The decomposition us frightful. At his side, careless of the pmuk- 12 Burn to Death. NIAGARA FALLS. Out . .lulv 1. Tulo Australian vote burned to death in their hhneks near Full View today. One mini and a -woman nnd child received prolialih tutal in tu nes. When firoiiieu tnuu the eit reaehod tho settlement ot toieicm i.- employed in the power and develop niMit waike, tlioy found- four xhucks reduced to ember. I he Australian hud evidently been oervoiue oy uuoke us tlie.N slept and roasted o to death PARLIAME5&TARIAS6 FOR HOUSE REB052IMATED PORTLAND. Me . July 1 - sUr 0 Hindi', luirlliMeutarlan ot the house of representatives, who i mangles knotty probloma In procedure for 1'iule Joe Ci nuoii wss uomlnated for cougress from the Plrst Maine dis trict, defeating Colouel Prod Hale, son of Senator Kugene Halo. Hinds Is a well-kuowu figure lu congress. He stauds back ot tie speaker's chslr and keeps tiack of 'the "previous iiuestlou" and other I elusive parliamentary points. He J was mentioned as a possible on mil- I date for speaker at the tlmo tho in 'surgeuu made their successful fight uii the rule uud threatened to de- pm. r.iiuion Many congressmen held that tl.e speaker did not need to be a member of the house and that Hinds could bo rello on for his fairness Sacramento Valley Lands M0 ncrcs, in Glenn county; live btrcnm runs through the prop erty; 100 ucres of crock bottom, 75 ncrcs now in nlfnli'n, 225 neres 'ine grain Innd, balance pasture land; thcro goes with tho place l2 dairy cows, nnd complete dniry equipment; 4 horsos and lmnicbs for same nnd 2 colts; wagon, racks, mowers, rakes, buggies and n world of small tools; 40 hogs nnd pigs, 150 tons of alfalfa hay, 25 tons of oat hay; all the furniture in the house; the home is a two story house, in good shape: there arc 4 good barns, largo outbuild ings; everything in first-clnss shape; good fences. Price is only .$20,000, worth double. 800 acres 35 acres in alfalfa, 35 acres in orchard, 200 acres moro enn be put in alfalfa; good buildings nnd barns; live stream through tho property; this is nn ideal stock and dairy ranch. Prico is only $15,000; terms. 1000 ncrcs Fine, lqvel wheat land nt $25 per aero; this is a bargain, as the adjoining lands aro selling at double; every aero has been and can be farmed. 000 acres Good improvements, ICO acres of fine creek bottom land that could bo put in alfalfa; 200 acres of summer fallow. Prico is only $25,000; will sell for doublo within 12 months; two live streams through this property nil year. 14,000 ncros In Glenn county; this is tho best big buy in the state and better thnn an oil well; 40,000 bags of wheat was raised on this tract every year for years; plenty of living wntor all year on tho property; for a stock and grain ranch thoro is no investment in California that will pay as largo a rato of interest. My price is $14 per acre; half cash. 00,000-acrc stock ranch Best proporty of its kind in tho state of California Prico is $4 per ncre, good terms. This plnco will carry 7500 bond of cattle tho year round. 3500 acres of fino fruit land 40 acres now in trcllised hops thnt will pay a profit of $1000 per aero this year. This place is one of the best land iiivobtmonts over offered. The prico is only .$17.50 per acre,. with easy terms. SACRAMENTO VALLEY LANDS ARE GOOD TIIEY HAVE THE VALUE THEY ARE INCREASING VERY RAPIDLY. THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW, IN ORDER TO GET GOOD PROPERTIES AT REASONABLE PRICES. Address GEORGE X. FLEMING 505 "J" STREET, SACRAMENTO, CAL. THE BEST POSTED MAN IN CALIFORNIA ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY LANDS. EYES ggjffr In my Private Optical Parlor I uso tho best instruments and lat est methods, with artificial light, the only correct way for scientific sight-testing. Lenses roplnccd and frames adjusted. Prescriptions filled. Glnssos adjusted and straightened free. DR. RICRERT ROOM 2, OVER KENTNER'S. Do You Need Any Silverware? I Have What You need. MARTIN J. REDDY Jeweler, near P. O. I wish to announce that I have purchased the Union Livery Stables uml will conduct a general food and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by tho dny, week or month. I guarantee a square doal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. Carktori RESTAURANT SAM LOCK. Prop. Th former tmoiu t'Uf ut tbc Nsh Orill, Mr. Su UcV, hh ntvnd fir8t-ela restaurant itlxjvr Kennedy's aloou, No. -M Souti iVont str(. Eatrue at hotk sids. Only firht-oluhs me N srved, and just tlte nam of tiie proprietor is the host guarnatto. &PEN &YERY BAY AfcD HfGHT. OODLES CHOf SUEY. This is the only place where wdi bo Korved chop suey and China dood les. Come and kqo mo aud you aud I are both sure yu will come bacic. Remember, 1 am willing and I prcav wlMt 1 promise. Yours truly, SAM LOCK. XOTIOK. A tuMling ot the Upubllcn County Central CouiuiltUti Is oalltnl for St rdy, July z, 1910. at i o'olock p. m.. In Commorcial Club Iloomi, Mdford, Oregon. N. I. NARRRGAN, Chairman. SS MUronreseutatlon in a etoro's ad vertising U 03 raro ns murder. And no more nixfttablo aa a bu. lness policy I RIVERSIDE AVENUE Tlir Only Vomn1 Collrire on tho l'ccflc Coait Kicluti?tjr for Youivf Women LocatrJ inaiif the tvautiful Iti'U near OaVlanJ, Calilornta, cIom to San Franciaco acltie great Univrit of the U"et Full colWaiate coutM leaJ r to Jftea, Ectraaoe aaJ frtiaHian reauirrmrntt tijuivaUiit to thore o( S(norJ anj Univertitv ol Califoraia. 1 raining kit atuarnta tor teaih.i I fu!r line o( acaeWme wrV. and oieit apr.iul Jvanlit (or tnuiic, art, library tujy anj baoM economic. Veil eu;ppeJ lakoratonra fi.. eiienca. Special attentio. to httlth o( tujtcu. Moelara fyranaaiuai horoulily equipped. Out- , door hie and aiauaeroeata la the ideal Calilorma cli ale. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific Coau. i earn Catalosuc ADData Pltt.lOENT LUCLLA CLAY CARSON LU B. 1 MILLS COLLCOK P. O . CALIFORNIA Packers Wanted! To register with the association for Lnui ueanou's puck. Paelune ellooU for pears and apple in Aj irusi and Septomber. Pack obaoited on apitlea. Rvorybody must learn it. R. R. KRriT & PROIU'CK ASS'N. Ad-answerlng trips ar money earnlug trip. Raskins for Hoalth. kVt ' T& Vim aft You Are Welcome To call on us for favors large or small. You'll find every persou in this store .inxious to attend your wants. They will try in every possible way to please you, and you can bank on getting good goods and getting them quickly. If you should happen to get something that doesn't exactly suit, just mention the fact and we will gladly make it right. Remember our two specialties Golden Gate Cof fee, Pure "White Flour. Allen & Reagan COR. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whero tho pretty Water Agates, Mobs Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors Sport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Iiock Oysters, Doatlng, Surf Dathlng, Riding, Autolng, Canoeing and Dancing. Pure mountain water and tho best of food nt low prices. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on ealo dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 1.50 from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C, it E. j Agent for full particulars ns to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklot, "Outings In Oregon," or write .0 VM. McMUIUtAY, General Piibsenger Audit, Portland, Oregon. V lii-iii J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. 1 The Medford Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. t it " , t t i t If CV-JlcNy AT Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Portland to Cottngo Grove lncluslvo, Includ ing branch lines; also from all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday. We Fix It "Our machine responsibility docs not cud with the machine's sale. Anything wrong wo fi.x it. If anything breaks wo fix it. Anything wears out wo i it. If it's your fault wo fix it. If it's tho maehino's fault wo fix it. If it's our fault we fix it. No matter what's tho mattor wo fix it. Call Main 171 1. C. S. LUPT0N, Mgr. Lawton Building. Medford, Or. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. National Bank smmmmmmmmmm BESOLVED Th best resolution for jou to make is to come to us for your Uext suh, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and ehr the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT tub FxoaKksjsnn tuloi Si- f" .31. 4' qfl dW