L Learn to say El Rayo. 110 V. A. Schwarz of Eagle Point was n Medford visitor Thursday. R. S. Post of Shedd, Or., is in the valley on a tour of investigation. M. W. A., Attention! Ten candi dates, husincss, July 1; get busy. SS Chris Kcegau of Jacksonville was a Medford visitor Friday. J. F. Brown of Eagle Point was in Medford on business Fridny. Buv your Fourth of July decora tions at the Mcrrivold Shou. 88 Cuptain M. F. Eggleston of Ash land was in Medford Friday on bus iness. 0. F. Billings of Ashland spent Friday in Medford On professional business. New ideas for Fourth of July dec orations nt the Mcrrivold Shop. 88 R. 0. Smith of Grants Pass was in Medford Fridny on professional business. Don't forget n box of Whitman's nt the Mcrrivold Shop. 88 Monroe Bnldwin of Butte Falls was iu Medford Thursday on n bus iness trip. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Godfrey left Fridny morning for Snn Francisco, to bo gone several dnys. J. A. Wcstcrlund leaves Saturday for Reno, where ho will sea the big fight. Lewis Ulrich and Chris Kinney; boosting for the Jacksonville Fourth of July celebration, wore Medford visitors Friday morning. The addition of quality and homo comforts will be Queen Anne water, sewer and paved streets building re constructions. See McCalluin, Hotel Nash. tt J. Frank Brown nnd Gus Nichols of Englo Point took the Gouthbound train Friday morning for Reno, Nov., to see the big fight. Newly furnished sleeping room, cool, quiet easy walking distance 203 Olson street, cornor West Ham ilton ,just two blocks from North Onkdale paving. Phono Mnin 4474. tf J. C. Butz will leave for the east Tuesday noxt, accompanied by C. II. Tluntloy. They will go east via tho Canadian Pacific and will visit Chi cago, Now York nnd othor metropol itan cities boforo returning west. Whoro in Medford enn yon got bet ter values thnn in Queen Anno addi tion T Did you notico the cut of tho new public school to bo erected in Queen AnnoT Get busy. Tho pres ent prico won't last lone. tf Charles Champlin of Gold Hill, Art Burgees, Mr. O'Ncil, C. F. Young nnd II. II. Hicks of Medford loft Friday morning for Reno to sec the big fight. Mr. Hicks goes as tho staff representative of the Medford Mail Tribune. J. C. Aitken of Woodvillo was at Ashland Friday, returning to Med ford in tho afternoon. Wwodville, ho says, is making preparations for the biggest celebration of the glorious Fourth in its history. "It will bo me for Medford in the nftcrnoon to cot tho bullotins of tho fight." Chief of Polico Shearer mot a cousin, Levi Shearer, of Pomcroy, AVnsh., Thursday for tho first t'uno in the 40 years or moro that both liad lived on the Pacific coast. Tho cousin was traveling by team from "his Washington homo to Curry county and stopped in Medford to rest his teams nnd his family. The voyngo by team was made in the in terest of Mrs. Shearer's health, nnd tho opon nir and exorcise hns al ready helped her. Dr. Mann, chiropodist and foot spocinlist, who is in town for a fow weoks, is prepared to remove corns, bunions, perspiring and odorous feet. The doctor has a stock of testimon ials on hand testifying to his ability and recommendations from those whom ho hns treated. Ho will bo at room 14, Palaco hotel, and if your feet need repairing it would be well for you to consult him. Freo con sultation. Mrs. S. W. McClondon of Gold Hill was in Medford Friday on n shop ping expedition. D. W. Lawton 1ms roturned from Portland, whore ho hns beon aiding the Crater Lake highway commission raise money. Ho stntos that $3000 was secured from the automobile donlens of Portland. Mrs. J. C. Brown nnd Mrs. W. F. Ianc returned from a villi t north Friday. E. W. Huntley and G. A. Butz will lenve Tuesday for an extended trip east. On their tour thev will visit Chicago, New Orleans, Cincinnati and, of course, New York, and ex pert to return here in the- early fall. O. n. Brower of Jacksonville was a Medford business visitor 'Pridav. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruening of Chi- Mgn are among the roeent arrivals "i Medford. ,9 Mi-s Minnie B. Spare of New ik and Robert R. Ebel of the Rf'jno Rior Electric company. iU i, nt the Tent City, wore inarm.! '. ! .r.r.rninc in Jnrk-n die Tli "'l be nt lfiip at fill Coiilm! ,,, ' o after August 15 MEDFORD IFffDIKIS ! 'ULIMHLUIU I I- DEFICIENT IN BOXING Corbett's Advico Discarded by Ex Champion and But Little Glove Work Done Difference of Opinion in Camp of Big Fellow Cornell Thinks Fiflhter in Fine Trim. BY MAX BALTIIASAR. MOANA SPRINGS TRAINING CAMP, Reno, New, July 1. If any question has arisen in regard to Jim Jeffries' condition, it hns to do with his boxing, and while there hns been an almost constant cry on tho part of his admirers for more glove work, it has not been until tho past week or so that Unties hayc come to a crisis within his own ciimp. Jim Corbett, supposed Moses, who was chosen to lead big Jim out of tho wilderness of uppercuts and loft jabs, hns shown signs of rebellion. Taking to her.rt tho many criticisms offered because of Jeffries' failure to do moro boxing, nnd feeling thnt some odium attached to him, the ex champion beenmo quite free in his talk of Jeffries' evident indifference. Refused to Box. Jeffries, Corbett insisted, needed moro boxing. Whether ho is heeding the public cry or trying to sparo his own vanity or best of all honest ly bolioving that lie is a better boxer than Corbett. Coibett, ever since he announced himself us being rendy to box with his two-time conqueror, has shown that he has been displeased with the manner in which tho glovos were slighted. It remained, however, for a friend to point out that since ho ioincd the big fellow's cninp Corbett had tho gloves on with Jeffries for just seven rounds. "I have dono the best I can," said Corbett. "I havo pleaded with Jof- fries to do more boxing. Ho needs it. Morning after morning I hnvo oogged him to put on the gloves with mo and he has invariably promised, but when the time came ho wasn't thore. Of course, thero is littlo timo left now in which tho big follow can do glovo work and it's hardly worth while to bother about it, bit I am really sorry Jeffries has not dono moro boxing. At that, he's going to win, but failure on his part to do moro boxing will bo very evident when the bnttlo is over. Camp Divided. "Thnt there has been n difference of opinion on the boxing question in Joffries' camp has just become known. Three weeks ago Jim was in shape in which a couple of dnys for drying out could have gono into the ring with ns much snfety as to form as when he begins work noxt Mon day afternoon. Tho enmp hns not been exactly divided against itself, as tho preponderance of judgment was against any moro hard work, boxing or otherwise. Brother Jack, who has been with Joffries in nil his big fights, has insisted throughout thnt thero was no necessity for box ing, nnd in this was borne out by Farmer Burns, Roger Cornell nnd Boh Armstrong. Joo Choynski hns been noncommittal, but willing to ad mit thnt his old rival was "ready.' To Cornell the ox-ohampiou gave cnr. Rogor maintained that all Jof fries needed was a littlo road work to keep his muscles flexible. Jof fries heitutel a long while between the double clamor Corbett's insist ence on one side and Cornoll's train ing wisdom on the othor. In the oud ho heeded Cornell's advice, and tho result was that Jeffries ha almo-t entirely iicnored the glovos. Whether a mistake ha been made only Mon day's contest can toll. So Umbrella Sliudo, Although the afternoon of July 4 is expootcd to be a scorcher, there will bo no umbrella between rounds to protect Jeffries from the blister ing rays of the Nevada snn. This is not boeause he and his trainers do not think it wise to have shelter from the sun between rounds, be cause Mrs. Jeffries objects to her husband cfrrying an umbrella into the ring. "It's bad luck," she says, and in deference to her wishes and superstitious tribute to the god of luck, a special awning, instantly ad justable and collapsible, is being made. It will bo so constructed that when the bell clones the rounk it run be nifctanth r.iix-,1 owr Jiffne-' ha r. and lv the mime fnitnari.f y rln-i d whf-i the fliingiri.' ?" . . . U Ji ! t . t . . t. r . ? l , r gair MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, FINEST OF BALL PARKS 0PENF.D AT CHICAGO CHICAGO, III., July 1. Tho finest ball park in tho world. That i tho verdict expected by Chnrlio Corals key this afternoon when tho now American lenguo grounds on tho South Slilo aro thrown open. Tho White Sox will bo at homo to tho St. Louis Drowns and thousands of Chicago fans, including several regiments of militia, will witness tho gamo and Inspect tho now homo of tho White Sox. Comlskey hns arranged for a pa rade this afternoon in which 5000 state militiamen and various civic or ganizations will act as escort for Vice President Sherman, Mayor Duaso and tho players of both teams. Tho "Old Roman" hlmsolf will bo in ono of tho automobiles in line. LANE COUNTY ASSEMBLY MEETS NEXT SATURDAY EUGENE, Ore., July 1. Tho Re publicans of Lane county will hold an assembly nt Eugene next Saturday to suggest names to go on tho ticket at the primaries next Septcmbor. De legates have been elected for some of tho precincts, but many will send none, some of tho Republicans of tho county not favoring tho assemb ly Among tho avowed candidates for offices aro I. II. Bingham, and L. E. Bonn for state senator, tho former to run independently of any action of tho assembly. For county clerk there uro three unnounced candidntcs, County Judge Ilelinus W. Thompson, fill bo n candidnto for that office. BALTIMORE TO HOLD PANAMA EXPOSITION BALTIMORE, Md., July 1. Tho Merchants' & Manufacturers' asso ciation nnd several other civic orgnn izations are enthusiastically encour ngiug that stops bo taken to secure nid from congress for n fair in Bal timore in 1914 in honor of tho com pletion of tho Panama cunnl. Balti more is planning to hold its Stnr Spungled Banner in 1014. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash W. II. Lilloy, F. L. Hopkins, Seuttlo; B. E. Meredith, Portland; E. J. Jones, Hutton; Bon Franklin, Snn Francisco; J. W. Con nhun, New York; II. S. Stein, Snn Francisco; J. Morris, Spokane; D. P. Murphy, Snn Francisco; W. J. Bnr tcls, Sonttlo; E. C. Mo Keen. Wnlth nm; M. B. Scully, C. Wintonnute, A. L. Pnrkhursn, Portland; O. J. Ol son, St. Paul. Tho Moore D. A. Reed nnd fam ily, Lake Crystal, Minn.; S. E. Logs don, Alhnny; Mrs. J. Gnspard, Wollu Walla; F. J. Snydor, Boulder; T. D. Morgan,' Lincoln; J. T. Johnson, So nttlo; Mrs. E. S. Dieth, Chico; M. Ilinuings, A. M. Johnson, New York; E. W. Montgomery, W. A. Johnston, Snn Dunn, Cal.; W. II. Criswell, Portland; O. Bend, Lindsay; II. D. Mills. Klnmnth Falls; C. D. Fish and party, Riverside; F. E. Clark, city. Presbyterian Church. Patriotic service noxt Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock. Evorybouy is invited. Christianity should make the highest nnd truest patriotism. Good music and patriotic songs. Ser vice commences promptly nt 11 .i. m. Servico nt 8 p. m. Ah tho pas tor goo stn Butte Fulls to preneh in tho evening nnd to mnko tho Fourth of July oration Monday, W. II. Gore will occupy tho pulpit in tho eve ning. Ho will give a patriotic Gos pol mossage. Good music. C. E. society nt 7 p. m. J. C. E. society nt 0:45 p. in. Anothor innovation is to bo intro duced. It is n special medicine nnd instrument rack. This will bo placod on the side of the ring boneath Jef frios' cornor, safe from dnmngo be tween rounds nnd rondv to bo open ed nud available for use tho moment the tooonds hound into the ring, when tho poriods olnse. Women at Kight. While there will bo many woninu presout at tho fight, including inoxt of the prominent momhors of the di vorce colony, Mr. Joffrios nnd tho other women in .the Jeffries party will not so the" fight. Instead they will receive n special report of the buttle over- h direct ringside wire. Similar arrangement have been made for thu Johnson camp, the ne gio not earing to take tho uhanuo of starting h demonstration by hav ing his white wife within tho arena. Riokard and Oleason have an nounced that there will be no prelim inary encounter and that to big show will atari at 1 :30 p. m., Pacific time. litigkinft for Health, f- -f--f 4- 4- 4 II R Patterson, tho Qua- i k-r Kur-irv man, ha med In- .ttiff .. 110 F.u i M.u.i M. t OREGON, FRIDAY, Notices. Nothing but porishnblo froight will bo handled at tho Southern Pacific ' freight depot on July 4. 89 ' . Rock Springs Coal. Two hundred tons of Rock Springs coal has been already ordered by Medford pcoplo theso people were wise; they will have warm homos this winter. There is still timo to order the conl nt the piesont price. Sec W. J. Burbridge, the drayman, or phono him you will want some of this conl nnd to gel it you must or der now. Thero is no better coal in tho west. Get busy, prico will advance soon. 95 Christian Science. Christian Science services aro held every Sunday morning nt 128 North Grape street nt 11 o'clock. Subject for Juno 3, "God' Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Wednesday evening meeting nt 8 o'clock. All nro wel come. DIED. SHEPHERD In Ashland, Juno 22, 1910, William II. Shepherd, aged 83 years, 0 months. Tho funornl services took place nt Stock's undertaking parlors, Fridny nftcrnoon. Rev. II. J. Van Fossen of tho M. E. church conducting the ser vices. Tho intorinent took placo at Kingsbury cemetery. Deceased was n uativo of Alabama then moved to Arknnsns, whero iie was united in mnrriago with Mnry Moonoy, with whom ho crossed th" plains to Oregon in 1852, first set tling in tho Willamette valloy, then moving to Roguo river vnlle.v in 1850, locnting nt Soda Springs for ono yenr, when they moved to Hum boldt county, Cnlifornin, and again returned to this section in 1803, lo cnting nt Shopherd's Station, nnd continually residing thero until a fow months ago, when ho sold tho plnco nnd bought n home in Ashlnnd, on Pine street, whoro ho died. Thqro survives Mr. Shepherd, besides liis widow, three daughters, ns follews: Mrs. Eliznbeth Dynr, of Ashland; Mrs. R. Ella Nickorson of Klnmnth Fnlls, nnd Mrs. Mnrtha Judd of Or lnnd, Cal. Married. HHEL-SPACE At Jacksonville on July 1, 1910, by Judge J. R. Noll, R. R. Eltol nnd Miss Spaco. Mr, Ehol Is ono of tho trusted em ployes of tho Hogue River Electric compnny and Ills brlda rosscd tho continent to fulfill tho troth pllghtod In their eastern homo. Tloy will mako their homo in this city. Christian Church. Sntidny services us follews: Morn ing worship nt 11, the Lord's Supper nnd n sermon on "Tho Psychology of Religion." A pntriotic servico in tho ovoning at 8 o'clock. Special inusio by chorus nnd mi nddress on "Christian Citizenship." Riblo school nt 0:15 n. m., C. E. nt 7 p. m. Every body invited to these services. W. Theo Mntlock, pastor. Tack In Shoe Causes Death. ICAMRAR, Iown, July 1. Permit ting a protruding tnck to remain too long in hor shoo cnused tho death of Mrs. J. M. West. Dlood nolsenlni: sot In and despite tho effortB of phy sicians sho passed awny. Sho was an oldorly woman very highly osteomed.j - - DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4-4 4-4 -f J! Too Late to Classify 1 - V- -- - WANTED -lo trade, now buggy aud light delivery wagon or White or Now Home sowing rnachlno for drlv-jt tag horo. Call Saturday. It. H. j'rienaru, i.awton uidg., 32 Hartlott street. 7 fSlt SAlJB Id6iUstook faucli,"200r)r. W. n. Porrln. millionaire tlmbor Hcroa, In Jooejit.lno county, Or., 22; and land dealer, was convicted In a miles from Grants Pass; 100 acros wrongful way ;.nd that after carrying In hay And vegetable: nloaty of, watr to Irrigate; house and barns; family orchard; a ntst outalde range for stock; pr'oe $40 per rtrre, H000 down, ternw on Iwlauco at 7 per cent. Address II. L. Herxinger, Grants Pass, Or. o 90 v73TrrBD-Jeisreow, fresh, fodf gallons per day. J. M. Sebuldt, one mile west of Medford, Jacksonville roud. tf WAK'TfeB-A elrl io Jo faouSioFir , G. U. Davis. FoTTTTrWr on i C-room house OOUlfl Ivy Htreet G I. DkvIh 60' FOR 8ALK A good ifitiu iiidit-H " 2 3 4 wig'n and harn'-f one 'v, seated had- for sale rhrap at r -J Bid irr x JUKT3-31, 1910. Closed All Day the Fourth OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 4. CUS TOMERS ARE REQUESTED TO NOTE THE PACT OF THE CLOSING ON THE EOURTII AND MAKE ALL T1TEIR PURCHASES BY SATUR DAY EVENING. Extra clerks havo been added to our force and there will be no chance of your not being waited on promptly. "We expect a large crowd all day Satur day and invite you to call aud assure you that you will get waited on promptly. See Our Window Displays W JEFF SPENDS DAHISHING Probably Gong Will Sound Promptly at 1:30 o'clock Monday Drylnn. Out Process Begins Tomorrow RENO. Nov,, July 1. It Is proba bloUhat tho gong that will start tho big fight July 1 will sound at 1:30 p. m. to tho mlnuto. Joffries already has outlined his program for tho day of tho fight and ono of tho prin cipal features of It will bo his arrival at tho arona a fow minutes boforo tho timo for tho fight to start. Jot frlos does not bollov'o In tho tlmo worn trick of mnklng his opponent nervous by compelling him to wait nftor ho 1ms gono to tho rlngaido, If good advico prevails Johnson also will appenr on time, and tho big mill will bo put on without preliminaries ns noar to tho hour set ns tho promotors can bring It about. Joffries tumbled out of bod early today and started fishing. Ho left at t o'clock with a Reno frlond, an nouncing that thoy might bo back by noon. Ho seemed happy over tho prospect of landing some big bass, and tho fight was tho last thing ho though about. Ho Intoiula to onjoy hlmsolf to tho utmost today, as to morrow ho drying out procoas begins. Joffries dreads this, nnd so do his camp mntes. Life will bo ns miser able for tho trainers bb it will for tho big follow whllo this Is going on. Monday tho big follow will oleop Into. Ho wltl loungo ribout Monnn until noon. Ho will eat u light meal probably and then propnro to go to tho aronn, whoro ho will nrrlvo about 1:15 p. m. Johnson, who announced yesterday thnt his henvy work was over, took things easy today. Although ho np pearod a lltlo norvous early In tho wook, ho wns smiling nnd c6nfldont this morning. Ho says ho weighs ex actly what ho oxpoctod to wolgh and If ho took off another ounco ho would throw himself out of form Tho forco working on tho arena was increased today and ovorythlng Is oxpoctod to bo In shnpo by tomor row night. FORMER MEDFORD MAN GETS INTO TROUBLE According to tho San Francisco Examiner of tho fodornl grand Jury In that city on Tuesday aftornoon voted an Indlotment ohaglng sovornl counts of porjury ugalmt Charles P. Snell. The Examlnor's roport adda: "Son- satlonal developments followed oanh other In rapid sequence In tho grand j,y roon, T.lo iI1(iotmr,nt nf Hnn. was learnod authoritatively, placos 'the government In a strange prodlcn- meat. It amounta to an udmlstilnu on the nart nf the Kovflrntnunt thnt the cfcse to the circuit court of an- peals, the government practically ac knowledged that the conviction was improperly obtr'nod." Suell was formerly a lawyer at Medford and later figured prominent ly as a government witness In cortaln prosecutions for alleged timber land frauds. The Indlotment above la on account of alleged perjured evidence - 'given by Snell, and mixed up with """ la"-1 luestlounble methods jiuiaunu iu nvuriui sviuenee upon iwhlfh to eouvlct prominent defend jiiiIbi InVnlvMfl It fdrnicr OVs.-, QiuUn - - .....- ., . - im ( fr, x I I v T I I SJJ Xkii.i William J Uiu mr - Yini novcr ned buy anything " rannit h o- n .- cgt (1d a-g In a c ' a ad c iea BUTTE FALLS SALOON LICENSE HITS SNAG John O'Connor, from somowhorc, hns hud a petition in circulation in Hutto Fulls, which ho will prcsout to the county court nt its noxt session, asking for u license to oporuto a sa loon in Ilutte Falls. Tho petition met with poor success nt tho bunds of tho notuul residents of tho town. A reiiKftistranco followed close on thu heels of tho O'Connor petition, and wns signed by tho residents nnd tux payers, with two or thrco exceptions. Tho women took u bund in tho mutter nud put up a remonstrance, which wns signed by all tho women in town oxcept two, mid they nro tho wives of blind-piggors, mid ono of thorn gave ns a reason why sho would not sign tho remonstrance, sho thought, that "no lady would sign Mich a thing." JUSTICE M00RE COMPLETES 10 YEARS ON BENCH SALEM, Or., July 1. -Frank A. Moore, chief .justice of tho Oregon supreme court, completed his 18th year of service on tho supremo bench of this htnto yebtordity. During thut period he has written 801 opinions, sufficient to fill sevcrnl volumes of tho Oregon reports. Tho venerable chief justice is nearly 0(1 years old, but is still capable of much active work. HnflkitiB for flor.ltb. A HAPPY SMILE The man who wears MI5NZ "KASK" ulwuyn bus a smiling fuuo and n I'lmnrful woid for bveryhody till thu day lung, (lis feet are comfortable that's why. Wear 5! K.N'. "KASE" Shoes nud bo happy. The Wardrobe The Home of Good Shoes U 4-4--T, V4 -f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 28 South Central Ave UNCLE SAM HAS MONEY in banks nil ovor tho country. lie doesn't nllow his sorvnnts to keep monoy in snfos, or cash boxes. You can depond on his knowing his bus iness. Supposo you tnko tho hint nnd deposit your monoy in tho Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Bank. Open nu account now bo your money will bo safe from Fourth of July firo possibilities. FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' BANK. WALK WITH EASE Dr. Manns, tho chiropodist and foot spoclailst, has arrlvod In town and Is propr.rol to romovo corns, bun ions, Ingrowing toonalls. I havo the only bunloa euro in tho world with out a surgical operation. Littlo Essay of Human Interest About Corns. Corns woro dlscovorcd by Lord Cornwnllls nt Cornwall la 1738. Corns nro -composed ob flrolnlls, rod poppor, toothucho, rheumatism, vol canos, norvu 'snoss, hoartbvrn and In somnia all piled up and jammed to guthor with a pllo drlvor. A corn Is a second cousin to tho appendicitis. Thoro aro too many of auch things. Thoy should bo cut out, but Dr. Manns don't cut thorn out ho re moves thorn without blood or pain- no bad results. Corns aro an abomin ation and a brnJug shaiao. Thoy will drlvo n woiran to tho chiropo dist nnd a man to drlng. Thoy will drlvo a man cri'zy If ho has any other troubles; tiny will drlvi a four-horso toam It thoy nro soro and Irritated. Pico consultation. All work iuar nnteod. Room 4, Palaco Hotol. Ilosoburg, Oro Juno 3, 1910. I heartily lndorso Dr. Manns. Ho had romovod corns from my foot and theroby not oniy cured tho corns but cured my nijur.r.tlsm, from which I havo suffered for a long timo. Dr. Manns' work was hlgbry satisfac tory. JOB HUFFMAN, 00 Chief of Follco. Uaskins for Flnalth. Refrigerator Baskets Dust Proof Bug Proof Heat Proof Will koep lunch aud mineral Alitor in bottle, ice cold all day. Medford Book Store J i JB9Mk FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS.