,W! 'fpn Tf ) I f , EAGLE POINT EAGLETS ' ''j$tw F ' f ) By AC. Howlelt '"uHB ' 'I I I ' rfla i .1 I ' 'm r ;Jffl i ; MEDFORD MAIL TKLBUNE, MEDFOKI). OREGON, MttDAYrJUfrE 31, 1910. W. 0. Welch, formerly of Wutur Joo, In., but now a citizen of Med ford, tarried with iib the niht of the 28th. Ho was out in thin part of the country looking for u furin. He suid that ho hud trumped over two places of 100 ucrcB eacli that day and felt Bomowhot fatiRtied. Ho is another of the citizens from Iowu thut is ready to proclaim tho praises of the Rokuo Hivcr valley. 0. D. Fees, superintendent for I5u kor & Vincent, came out Wednesday and called for dinner for himself and six more, tho men who were unload ing tho pipo for tho Mcdford water works, from the ears. They remain ed over nitfht and at noon announced that they wero done unloading, hav iiiK unloaded three cars in about ono day. Mr. Uoborts, tho sub-contractor, also accompanied him. .Mr. Fees reports that all of tho pipe has been unloaded except a part of a car that ought to bo hero tonight, Tliutb day, and that tho teamsters, Mossrn. Martin and Goodwin, will unload and place on their wagons. Mr. Fees' team ctuna out today anil brought sovou men and after dinner they all 13 altogether" wont up to tho end of the pipe to work on tho lino. Ocorgo Went, ono of Undo Sam's boys, who has his family boarding at the Sunnyside, came in a fow days ago. Jio jxpecls to start lor me neighborhood of 1'roHpeet soon after tho Fourth of July and tnko his fam ily with him for the summon Dr. Homier of Derby and his sis tor. Mrs. Adams, her daughter, and nephew, Al Honnor, wero hero Wed nesday for dinner on their way to Medford, and tho ladies wore on their way back to their old home in N'e vr.da, and tho doctor and Al loft ono span ot tueir Morses here, anil on their return Thursday took a four liorso load of their belongings up to their ranch, fflia doctor has high hopes of that country where he has settled. William Von dor Hellcn, our hard ware and drugstore man, has taken a partner into his business, his brother fleorge, so I suppose tho name will ho changed to Von der Hollen Ilros. William Von dor IIi-I-len has moved his family into their now house and Henry Childrcth has moved his family into tho house for merly occupied by Mr. Vor der Hol Ibn, and he is busy helping his brother, Weer, in the blacksmith shop. There was n company of survey ors, Stuart MeKissick and helpers, who are engaged laying r.ff lots on the desert north of hero, ernie in ln-t Wednendav and engaged bonrd and lodging at tho Sunnyside Sam Hariiish. the new mail con tractor, went to Hulte Falls tins' morning, Thursday, to be reudy to commence to carry tho mail over the route from that place via Urowns-' boro to Eagle I'oint. He bus ci fectod a chango in tho schedule audi now ho will have ono team leave! Butte Falls at 10 a. in. and another Euglo Point at the same tunc, using i two teams, and having oneh start at ' 10 a. m.. so as to uccommodate the traveling public, leaving here nfter tho cars arrive and arriving in tho afternoon in timo to catch the car for Mcdford. Mr. and Mrs. liishop, who are hv-1 ii.g on the old Nunan place, were do-1 lug liusuiceo in Euglo Point Wednoi-' day. i Sid Nichols and fumilv arrived; from Hood Kivor on the ear Wed-j nesduy evo and stopped over night at tho Sunnyside and the next morn-1 mi; took the Peyton and Eagle Point stngo at 5:30 it. in. Mr. Nichols has been engaged in tho mercantile bum- iiess in Hood Hivcr and U thinking, of opening up business here, as he predicts that Eaglo Point has a bright future. Mrs. Nichols is a daughter of Mr. Vaughn of Peyton, one of the prosperous farmers of that section of tho country. Mr. Nichols made ospecial inquiry with regard to securing a lot for a store, building n:id a houso in which u live. Thoy seem like the right kunl of people and wo would be gird loj have them loeato among us. Mrs. Eliza Albert, mother of George Albert of Butte Falls, al-o arrived on tho same car and stopped with us over night and took the Hutte Falls ntago Thursday. She is from Payette, Idaho. William Hughes of Hutte Full and Ira Ttincittc arrived at 9 p. in. last night and got supper. They, mado the 51th one to havo supper mid lodging that night, nud Mrs. Hnwlott had to turn away three be sides for want of room, nud still they come. Among those who came too lata for bods thoro is always some thing to cr.t was Mr. and Mrs. I.ee Edmonson of Derby, who had just been married, and wanted a room, but they were nil filled, so thoy went to her brother-in-law's, A. H. Zim merman, for tho night. The brido was fonmrlv Mrs. E. Holmes, nee Mis- E. Swiharl. Thurhilav afternoon just as 1 was well under way writing this article for tho Mail Tribune, who should drop in on us hut Nick Voting, one if the prorporous farmers of Hums, win, was wised here, and if a broth i to Peter and Clara Young, Mi's. Gforge G i ens and Mr-. Jnnu'- Ow ens, wife ol' one of our commissioner-. Dr. GOBITS Optical Parlor - Removed to - 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S DRUGSTORE. LADIES' DESKS Circassian, Walnut Birds Eye, Golden or Weathered Oak, Don't Scrub Kitchen Floors Paint that kitchen floor instead of scrub- bine it every few days or buying expensive coverings that crow dingy and show wear. You can do it yourself. It's easy and costs only a trifle. FLOOR PAINT (Granite) is the ideal finish for kitchen, pantry and laundry Moors, steps ana insulc surlaces to lie waiiceu upon, it s naru, durable, sanitary, easy to apply, easy to keen Licuu, imru to wear uui. jiruau u on tonight ana you can wall: on it tomorrow. X K'-zv ,mvi " m, ?s X w Ys'S)) Tv If It's a iurfaco to be painted, '1 V. ifil I Nk enameled, stained, var- I M W& BS. &itu i I k nlshed or finished in any 1 M V S Ci M V BrMr l . way, there's nn Acme Jf iiwH Vff.Ta.g7 i i ,72- Quality Kind to (It a Mk yak a 3 XwSJSK ik . thoiiurpose. S 7) I X. 0LMSTEAD f X(4wiiltJ &Zr&' hibbard I xl&l V rV-N'' X. H m, IN ATTRACTIVE STYIvEvS AT f Furniture, House Furnishings, Moves, Ranges, E,tc. "Outside tho flro limits, but iusldo on prices Telephone Mnln 1 151 West Main St. Cor. of Laurel Next to Wellington School AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. I MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Ghnlmors Dctroits. Phono 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Mcdford, Or. THE PROTECTION OF ORCHARD 8Y SMUDGING By P. J. 0'Gara, Scientific Assistant, Fruit-Disease Invcstinations, Bureau of Plant Industry. Tho object of thm bulletin is to uive, in considerable detail, the re built. Ot" XIICOI'Hsftll l.pcj'IUICIll tinil the iMotliods imiplovcd in preNoiitiiiu frost injury by numn.s of firo and nmuli.'i'H in tho applo, poach nnd kiu uruhurd of tho Kokuo Kioi' alley hi Southern Oregon duriuK tliu Mprinu of 1001). This work wn. lakcn up by the writer at the oamoat reiiucHt of v erl urowcrti, hoto Iikhhv co-nptr-tittoii iiihiIo it poihla to itociire iUtu of liuioh valuo. It liflied lliat whilo every locality has it uhd h (Uilinr faetorti and coiulitinnu, th rotiulta obtainud in the Hokuu Kivor valley will bo of more or long intcr- wtt Ktinerully. Thu pi-aotiunbility of proteetiiiK orohuidH from frnvt in jury him rt'itiuiiii'd more or leb un i'IK'ii ouoHtimi. The preiitable mi itual lusiiim throiiKhoiit tho eoantrv tVoiu low toiiiKniluiv duriint the hloouiioic iwriod and fr noint Hum tlierfHl'tor amount to uullionf. of dol lar. Thia h no doubt duo to the fnel that sufficietit pruetieul data And aetual orohurd uperiouca which would none as a guide for the fruit irrower art) wai!tliic. The excellent work dour bv the Riverside Hortioultural oluk of Hiv erttido, Cat . luri.-u the winter of lb07 hihI lhUS Imiimlii nut uiany facts oonuurnuiK frost prevention, but much ut the apiutratus used and iHnuy of the iuothous employed ean uot ho odopted generally. Tho imitortuut facta to be known by laVo grower are how to pnitm tr frost provoiuiou, what uiittcnuU u OMIitoy fur fuel and tho tiiaunor of lUainiiUlnut tlieia ia ll; nivliiiro-, wliat to use in tartius ihc luv .tml tile method of preiuirinu iluia. oto. i'mpjiratloii XtHVksnry fw I'lttet lrt oiitlon. It shotUu be understood (it the 'it sft that .frost iiinentioii tvnu.ic iwnsidsruble pwptntim. It U iui- wc.n.i - ' tt, m.iinria! for ftiell (I ill L'l III. (I .Ml! I I . " ill I ill i I ' v I out. -hue thuso wuruiiiKi oaiiuot ho ifiiii Mitfteiuntly in luhanoo of the Unit) iiut'onbury for firing m the oicli ardn. Whatuvur tho inutorial to he imed may ho, it Hhould bo so placed I hit t it may he leadil.v iliutributoo, and it suffiuiuiit iiuautitv of it xliould ho o pliict'd that t may bo readily distiilmtoil, nnd a nuffioiont ipinutity of it hhould be on baud m I'iinH it uiuv bet'ouio uoi'okhui'.v to t'uv lor n oouidurnble louicth of tune, or in oase seoral t'innn mo toipiir eil duriuir the uuiou, but durinir cer tain uaouus it may Iweouit iioous hary to firo four or ftu times. The lutaoriul for luuldiut theo tirrs, oMkioinlly uhore brudi ami wood a ro to ho the fuel uwl, -liuuld ) piled up aloui; the -ulo uf the fiold, u'ul, if uecesbjiv. mvoiod to knp it drv tut that it will ignite r.ndilv. TIiim vs.uk niu bo iI.mio at ii:i tiuio dtiriutf tho nuuuuoi or w tu tor, whenever there t un wtv timo. riiiallv lben aiv tiiuei. when thi work can be done ntboul uuv real Iom of time, since the uiou uiuv not he able to do anythini eUo with profit. At any' rule, oue sbuuUl hue a plentiful supplv of fuel on li.uid ana be uro '.hat it i nom I, oven 'minings fro intho orchard woro used. In thu Hartlctt pear orchard of J. G. Core the crops woro saved for two yours in succossion by the uso of old fence rails. Old rails woro also successfully used in sav ing the orop of a 7-yonr-old npplo orchard. There uro usually not enough iirunings in nny ono orchard to bo worth anything except for wo in starting the fires quickly, for which piirpo-o they tiro valuable if kept very dry. w Crude oil was used only to u vorv limited extent. The Southern Pacific company very kindly gave n considerable quantity of thoir crude locomotive fuel oil from thoir tanks at Ashland, Or., to the growers for experimental use. It wns found, however, that since this oil contains a considerable quantity of water, due to tlie tact tliat it is piipiucd troin i the oil fields through pipes having a ! A T AR fVIVT A ftl water jacket, it is vorv hard to ignite, ' JL V X.VlTJli.ll and even after igniting fails to burn I ,,. -. mnm well. This oil wns used in different ' PLUMBEtfGr & HEATINQ kind of pots nnd burnors with nbout ' CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too i m j. : $2400 Buys a WHOLE BLOCK m If You Want a Block of This Addition See Any Agent or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE, Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. equal success, in most cases mo fires wont out shortly after lighting or the coutouts exploded in the pots. Although the crude oil could not be used ns a fuel, it wns found ver valuable for saturating shavings or other fine materials which wero used in stinting the tires. This will be eoiisidoiod in detail later. (To Re Continued.) HnskitiB for Health. largo. Tventy-fivo years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. m m I OAKDALE ?M ADDITTON! j MEF0R0, OREGON f llfHH Notice. All persons knowing thetn selves to he indebted to VAN DYKE'S will please call and nettle, as books must ) rml tinctd at once on account of store huiiiii; boon sold to Y. W. Ora. a .. Rnhprr F Maduire i Late special agent U. S. uenerai Jana urrice, announces that ho has opened law offices in the Mcdford National Bank Building, for gen eral practico before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. -,, ttotiro to Red Wm. All moiuber of Weutouka Tfibo, No. 30, Imp. 0. It. M., are rwiuosted t be present at the next rogular UK-eting to be held Sntui'duv night, ... .... w -.in oo roudilv distributed nnd thai juv o, mQ. KaUing up of chiefs ll l III a dr' ruiiitiMoii .. ll.ul ;, t. . : . , ........ . i rHsmus; term unit election oi 'in be readily Ignited. The writer has kuown of liiilm whore the ruwr failed to ksH-p hi iiittrial ia hhape for iuiuiotiiate use. Material To Ito I'sod fur l'u). repreentative to the iet council, which utsota at Astorin, Or., on the 'Jtlth of July. 1010. will take place. KcfrWiwionts and uiKwrs. I. I. JACOHS. SS Chief of Records. tTOKT ST. aAMtX. ON' LAKE STU. AHT, HKIT1SH COf.WIUIA. The material wuub ms be used for fuel deiMHid luruolv uikiu local : ooiidiliou. I some tsuee ik u- Mttt o! wood may bo sntirely out of the' iueoiton. However, there i it choice1 iii the un) of coaj. ertidc oil. utruu. stable uisuure or any rubbi. h whioli ) usually ueeuuiulale around the laiiu. m tue eitpcruuciits m la HiiKiie River allot, while there wn. -'me nriotv in the mattor of fuel, wood was riiioiKilly ued. In - me canes good fir m,.l ,.,.!, ,,.,, II. It. Patterson, the Qua ker Numory man, ha moved hi, office to 110 Kt Mniu street A. F. & A. M.. Attention! Electric Flat Irons need no recommendation to progressive housewives. Their uic makes ironing a pleasure, relieved of all the drudgery of fires and changing of irons. The small General Electric flitiron is indispensable ia the jewing room. Children Use Them not arJy as p!aythtg but reaJJy ia a uwful way, hdp'm with the little thing and thus Icarnis to aid in household duties. We have a very interest ing way of introducing these new iron to users of electric light ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. ut Trill Is dratlnod to bo tSo Portland of Urltlsh Columbia, on a naviga ble river aud deop water lake with two trains running In next fall. I-ottora pour Into our offlco nil day with applications for loU. To those who cannot como In wo would do our utmost to mnko a good selection. rrlces. 100 end J200 each; cash J26, balanco 10 a month. A fow 0-ucr; farms Joining r-ort St. James towuslto and Lake Stuart, $50 cash aad MO a month. You need not bo a Canadian eltl on to hold this. You ueed not lm prove It, nor you need not reside on It. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Paolflc. Alas-' L-a ViilA. ....I "i ii m. .. i i Hleh farm lands. $S.60 per aer. $8.00 cash, ualaae ll. 00 iMr asy'..H..t I per yr until paid. ' Brlshtoii t Apply Canadian N'orthern Land hn... i'oiti.aiiv .104 SO', M,,d 3o Lewi . , ,. .- i. , . oiM-nr r. rtianJ.Or.ro tf peer-It contain, o. Base Ball MEDFORD vs. GRANTS PASS At Medford, Sunday, July 3. Game Called at 2:45 p. m. MEDFORD ViS. 1 "aw a. llKAIMT 1ACC At Jacksonville, Monday July 4. Game called at 10:30 a. in. This game is for a side bet of $-100, and the Grants lass team is allowed to play all Southern Oregon players. fa MEDFORD vs. JACKSONVILLE, at JACKSON VILLE, MONDAY, JULY 4, for a purse of $100. Game called at 3 p. m. 11 these games will be hummers. Usual price of admission. l I'll 'I . VI I, I I VWi M ll. Money Bacfc. Stop falling hair lu two weeks Cure daadrtuf lu two weeks. Stop splitting hair. Stop Itching acaip immediately Qrow mora hair. Mak harah hair aoft. silky andillux- the hair au,l Bw-1 Medford; Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. II possibly harm t;,,. i .,, f a. U h Din i.J . tl llk.II. t - M' ii ' ! iu llli it a ' ' a I un ,1 -,-. is not For worn, n anj rhl'Jr. i 3" if N used by saKelsthe inost drHgl ," . d& ' ". litaltbj ii,j. and bhi.iiJJ bo In o" t - " si.tln t'ha Sir.irn; 8ill. It f,, r eiA r n r s b v d. h. si m Si th to sli pr sti ho toi am tali rea In S stn Hkc her An dlln ins! no sgei Di hope him, ono had Jol Irali wall, ever the f. enalu He uro i thro u ho hi Da nil; ed rlc ed jin way. For pwlest thut n Tlirou, n cold rifts I trnnce- the so j nbruptJ For ne tool had en blin uni to Mr. metnbei Frisco ns n Ilk hnd bee sythe's probnbll one pen taken n would I Hut no ne had thousbt Ins onl; within, I tried ttu way in t passages step- did How p earthen I of footst the same A Klaut the crack V". mm uHa I JOB- dark floo toward it tents cu voice, uo. tb llatciu "An A w pumped i "That j-f "And th Job? t wasn't pin The oth walked nw him For ed unbroki of dice hi to sriiiire he saw bP qui k!y 1 Pttl in. As rl Inlr f;.i great har.d His shak'w over his hb u entrappe to leap bucl entrance w trader arrei tarUjr held "On. lm a large bottle Ask f r r & ''j