MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 19.10. When Rightable Things Go Wrong In Office or Home, Want-Advertise Them Right Again - -- - -. - CHARLIE WHITE TO BE EMERGENCY MAN AT FIGHT Tex Rlckartl Seems to Have Pre monition That Ho Will Not Be Alilo to Referee Entire Battle If It Goes Any Distance MOANA SPRINGS TRAINING CAMP. Reno, Nov., .liiiui .'(). Tux Itiukttri seems to lmvu u premonition (lint ho will nut lo tihto to rcforeo (Ik outiru liattlu if It gous any distance, biting purtieulatly f oar fill of thu hoal, llo liuliuvuH tliat liu may hu jiIho called on to break tlio l'ighleix. in which event ho stands u vory good olianuo of having hit own roof torn off, an both Jeffries mid Jack aru exceedingly fast In snapping in " thu liroak. Ail things considered, it IiuIioovuh Hiokard to have u man ready to atop into hit? shoos. Tlio selection of Clntrliu White, tho Now Vork lofereo, has settled thu IU0Htion of tho emergency man, and seems to havo removed tho liiHt cloud from tho fight Thu official timekeeper Iiiih not yet been decided on. hut George Hurting, thu Snn Francisco veteran, in most likely to lie selected for thin impor tant jiosilioii. Ho Iiiik officiated for both muii and in known to ho per fectly HatiHfactory to them. Hnrl ing'w hont'Hty and accuracy have never lieen questioned and if there is any ri'iisou why he Hhould not of ficiate it Iiiih never hecn made pub lic. GRAIN CROP STARTS SPOKANE, Wash., Juno 30. llnrvesting Iiiih begun in thu vnlloyH in thu southern part of tho Inlnud Empire, and ranchers predict that work will hu well under uav in from tun dayH to two weeks in harvesting tho $100,000,000 crop of grains, wrasses, vogotublos and fruits, which hunkers in Spokauo and throughout thu northwest Hay can ho financed without culling upon custom insti tutioiiH for fluids. Thu first comhinud machines utnrtcd heading this season out thu ridges near Eureka, Wash., and at Culdosuc, Idaho. Others will fol low hetweon now and July IS and t!ioiisuudn of men and homos and hundreds of linieliineo will bo drawn into sorvioo in various parts of Or egon, Washington, Idaho and .Mon tana, and when (ho products of the fields are housed many of thu men will go into orchards to harvest what now gives promise of being the host crop of apples and other fruits in thu history of thu country. Tho wheat crop in parts of Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, -comprising tho Inlnud Empire, is es timated nt from 35,000,000 to (10, (100,000 biifihols, of which holwoun 31,000,000 and 31,500,000 will he harvested in 34 counties in Enstom Washington. Reports roooivod by 1ho Spoknno chamber of commerce indicate Hint Whitman, Lincoln, Wnllu Wnlln, Adams and Douglns Orant eounlios will load in tho order named. Those fivo counties produo oil 127,250,000 bushols of whoiit in 1000, Whitman county reporting 8, 500,000 busliols. Reports from many districts in Oregon, Idaho ami Montana also nhow (hat prospects iiro bright for largo yiolda of grain and hay," and it in. predicted that tho grain and hay crops of thu four stales will ho greater than ovor before. Much old grain is held in Eastern Washing ton, but growers boliovo prices will stiffen before thu 1010 crop is ready for shipment and that tho season will bo active. Bin Prices for Mules. KLAMATH FALLS, Juno 30. O. luy Merrill has roturncd from n trip through tho north end of Klamath nml a part of Lnko County, whoro ho was sooklng liomoa and imilos. llo sayH saloahlo nnlmals aro vory ncarco, In this part of tho country at present, although ho suecoodod In picking up forty head of mulos nnd a fow liorsos. Good prlcos aro pre vailing for mules, Mr, Merrill paying from $R0 for coltn to $200 for woll hroko work mulos, Ho Jh buying for tho Hantoru Orogon and California vnarkots, PATTON RETIRES FROM BUSINESS FIELD TODAY CHICAGO, III., Jiiiiu 30. - Jiiiiioh A. Patten, "king of thu wheal pit," will rotlro from activity at 4 o'clock this afternoon, if ho 1'oIIowh out Inn aiinonnceil flliuiH. A firm of operator that will it cludo II. J. Pulton, youngest brother of the famotiH manipulator, will huc eeed Jiiiiich A. I'atluu. Jt if) Hald by old membei-H of the board of trade that Pultun feelH that liu Iiiih been misjudged and tnis iulcrprnted. JEFF TO WEAR SPRINGS IN HIS FIGHT SHOES RENO, Nuv., Juno 30 -Jim Jef fries will wear syrings in tho heels of bis fighting shoes when ho en ters tho ring Monday. Afler trying thu invention, which wns recom mended by Hewitt Van Court, Jef fries expressed great satisfaction with (hu effect to use the shoes on Monday, Thu purpoRo of the springs is to mnko footwork eaKiur. Jeffries says hu is much lighter on his foot in the now shoes. Kouts to Have Trial. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno 30. 7-J, O. Kleningor pleaded guilty in tho circuit court today to tho lar ceny of u suit of clothes and will re ceive his sentence tomorrow. Klen- inger wan one of thu men against whom the grand jury returned an in dictment. Timothy Kouts, indicted on two charges of attempting life, and Hub ert Hums, charged with nssault with deadly weapon, each pleaded not guilty and, while tho dates for their trial have not been set, it is known (liny will comu up for hearing some time in July. Kouts is thu young man who attempted tho life of C. Swanskin, (ho Sacramento cattle buyer, and 1). W. Hitchcock, stago driver, on the stage coming from Merrill to Klamath Fulls last Janu ary w'hilo in a drunken frenzy. Hums slnshed the neck of Otto Oossi with a kuifo in a wood camp near Merrill a short timo ago. Tho latter will attempt to prove self-de fense What Kouts' defense will bo has not been outlined, as tho nssault on ttio two men in tuu stago was without apparent provocation. TEDDY TO CALL ON TAFT THIS EVENING NAHANT, Mass., Juno 30. Soim (or Lodgo announced today that ho with Colouol Roosevelt, would leave hero at 2 o'clock this afternoon to confer with President Tuft at Hov orly. After tho mooting Roosevelt will spend tho night hero. Roosovolt plnns to visit S. Coiey Hill hospital tomorrow to sou Justice Moody, wlio is ill thoro. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prioos paid by Medford morohnnts.) Potatoes, now, $1.40 per owt,; cnbbago, 2(i)2VliO. BlnckborrioB, J?l(Jt1.25. Logunborrios, $11.25 oruto. Cherries, 08u lb. Grcou onions, 40o dozen bunches-; radishes, 40o dozon bunchos; rhubaih 1 to Co lb.; lettuce, 40o dozon; pons, 4o lb.; turnips, l'o lb.; beots, 40o dozen bunches; carrots, 40o dozen IninolioH. Ilutter, KggH and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morohnnts.) Ranch butter, 2527yao;' fnnoy croamory, 30o. Fresh rnnoh eggs, 25o, Mixed poultry, 10(u).4o; spring chickens, 18()20ir, turkeys, 17o. (Prioos paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $1(1; alfalfa, $16; grass, $14 ; grain hay, $10. Grain Whoat, $1.15 bushel ; oats, 33 ton; harloy, $!10 ton. Hoof Cows, 4((j)41a o; stoors, fi 8Vil Pork, Do; mutton, 6GM! lambs, do; veal, drossed, 8o. (Selling prices.) Rolled harloy, $1.00 owl., $32 Ion; bran, $1.70; middlings, $1.851.00; shorts, $1.80)1.85. Looal poaches., $1, Storo news Ib your nowal IlnsVma fo- noalth. Modern Life Would Be Too Hard Op tKe Nerves it It Were Net for Want Advertising! Tho pneo of llfo linn become tonso. Worried, disappointments upsotn at homo and offlco, losses, discouragements seem to multiply as dally Ufa becomes more complex. Tho proporty ownor, who MUST havo a steady Income from rontsor loso his proporty. Is "racked" by tho untimely defection of a tenant, Somo clneslflcd advertising qulcklly retrieves his loss and quiets hlu norvco. Tho calary carnor unexpectedly loses his position and his pcaco of mind. The train would shortly "bruak" something In his norvous system If, ouco more, want advertising did not find tho bcitor ib anil restore to him his mental equilibrium. In every phnso of tho city's llfo, ovory day, tho want ads. play tlio part of tho peacemaker. They ccrvo you and mo nt somo crisis In our lives and kcop tho modorn pace and tension frcm proving too fast ami light for us. Truly, tin want nds, tiro for sorvlco. Fourth of July at Jacksonville. Watch our smoke on that auto pageant July 4, 1D10. Ho sure and enter your cur and win one of those ensh prizes offered, Mr. or Mrs. Au tofot. Get in line, oven if you only havo u ono-luugor. Compete for Hint $100. Remember a fifty in gold will bo given ns n second prize. Come, Mr. Au.o Ownc" und enter your car July 4. TUB JACKSONVILLE FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTER. LOST. LOST Dlack heifer, 3 yonrs old; marks, 2 splits each ear und J. S. loft hip. Reward. Wrlto to Scuuotto Bros., 12 2 S. Kir St., Medford, Ore 88 FOUND. FOUND Ladles' pockctbook. Ownor may havo samo by proving proporty and paying for ad. Address P. O. Itox 701. 88 FOR SALE. HBAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Two acres near city limits, $700. Corner lot, Oakdale and Tenth, J 11 00. Corner lot on West Main Btrcot; sldowalk laid and paid lor, $1000. Two 5-roora cottages and throe largo lots, ono lot containing three- quarters of an aero, 10 blocks out. $3500. Othor bargains In lnnd and bear lng orchards. D. H. JACKSON & CO. Opposlto Hotol Mooro. FOR SALE 18 acres foothill land ono mllo from Eaglo Point; prlco $750. Terms, $250 cash, long timo on balance Addross II. C. Stoddard, Mcdford, Or. 102 FOR SALE 10 aero tracts, planted to pears and npplc3, now In second summer; 4 miles north of Mod ford, on county road, at $325.00 por aero; $C5 cash por aero, bal nnco $G,50 per aero por month. Medford Orchard & Trust Co., 9 N. Control. Iloascs. FOR SALE Five-room modorn cot tage, closo in, paved Btrcot, with or without furniture. Prlco right If tnken at ouco. Terms. Address L. J. C this offlco. 92 FOR RENT Partly furniohod bIx room Iioiiho, closo In; bath and elec tric lights, lawn and comont walks; vacant July 1st. Inqulro at 240 S. Grnpo St. FOR SALE Now modorn bungalo, throe blocks from Main streot and closo to business part of town; has modorn plumbing, Mission olectrl cnl fixtures, built-in rutrlgorator, buffot and chlffonlors, lawn, comont walks and park strip lu; street will bo paved; will bo sold for actual cost to bulul. Inqulro nt 240 So. Grayo sti'OO".. 99 Hunches. FOR SALE OR TRADE For South ern Orogon proporty, $G000 equity In first-class dairy farm, 3S miles from Seattle For particulars ad dress W, S. Mattocks, R. D, No. 4, Box 14, Snohomish, Wash. 98 FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a small, safe lnvootmout soo tho city lots I offor at $300 nnd $250 por lot; $20 cash payment; balanco $10 per month; no interest. II. C. Mnltby, No. 7 Postofflco Bldg. Farms or Orcuards FOR SALE 20 acros within 20 minutes' walk of Medford P. O.; 4 acres In old orchard that will oaslly not $1000 this fall; 7-room houso, good barn, nil In Al slmpo; 22 acros uudor cullvatlon; will soil for $9,000; $3,000 cash, balanco to suit rurclmsor; Improvements und crop worth moro than cbbIi pny mont. Medford Orchard & Trust Co., 0 N. Contrnl. tf FOR SALE By ownor, 9 aero homo, all sot to fruit, closo to Mud ford; no ngonts, Address lock box 451. FOR SALE.- Business Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy tormB. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. " hot. FOR SALE Cholco cast front lots, ono block from Oakdale avenue, three blocks from city park. These closo In lots will be sold at a bar gain. Write or Inquire at 240 South Grnpo street. 99 Acreage. 1 40 acres Of! FOR 8 ALE No. 1C2. land, 27 acres of which is In four-year-old Spltzenberg and Baldwin apples, and 10 acres of alfalfa, and clover; 3 acres of pasture, two largo barns, five-room house, smokehouse, gasoline spray, pump and othor tools, go with tho piaco. Has elec tric lights in bouse and barn, city water. We can soil this orchard for $20,000 and It is tho best buy In tho Wlllamcetto Valley; reasonable terms will bo made to party or par ties understanding the orchard busi ness; the land Is of tho best quality and has to be seen to bo appreciated; tho trees aro in excellent condition. By writing tho undersigned you can FOR SALE A full lino of Old Hamp get full particulars. I will take , shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth pleasure In showing tho land. C. W. Tobault, Albany, Oregon. 91 FOR TRADE Quarter section of land to trado for Mcdford property. Address Box 472, Medford, Ore; 90 FOR SALE 1 to 5 acres, 1 miles out, under ditch; good location for chicken r.inch, fino for berries and garden. $350.00 por acre. Terms. Soo owner, 20 S. Peacl' St. 87 FOR SALE In northern California yei: will find tho best fruit and al falfa land rnder irrigation ditch at $25 to $100 por ac-o; beautiful scenery r.l climate. Yrlte for booklet. John BHchfoMt, Ander son, Shasta Co., Cat. 87 FOR SALE 5, 10, lb and 20-acre trncts ono mllo cast of Talent, at $100 por aero; $20 cash por acre, balanco $2 por acre per month. Mcdford Orchard & Trust Co. Inc., 9 N. Central. FOR SALE 60 acres, finest build ing sito hi tho valley, ln:luding 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and torms right. II. C. Maltby, No. 7, Postofflco Bldg. , FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim-1 us, ui n ourgnui, on a uuniiiii pay- i monts. Addross Power Co. Condor Water Business Opportunities. FOR SALE Old established busi ness In tho farmers' fruit belt of the Roguo River valley, at Phoenix, Oro., on S. P. R. R. Stock nt pres ont $10,000; nil clean, woll select ed and free from oncumbrances. FOR RENT Modern nowly fur Two lots, storo, bulldiug with all , nlshed rooni3; gontlomoat proforred. modorn convonlonces, warehouses, I 20S N. Central avonuo. 88 postofflco In ctoro, and everything. necessary for conducting tho busl-, H033. Last year's salus $39,000. Inqulro of Ilenm, Flshor & Co., Phoenix, Oro., for torms. Miscellaneous. TWO "SECOND-HAND SAFESFOR snlo; ono largo and ono small. In qulro at box 97, this offico. SS FOH SALE 300 head of Angora goats, Apyiy J. A. wccstorlnnil, ; Medford Nat. Bauk Bldg. i FOR "SALE A young milch cow. ' Inqulro at 128 E. Main, upstairs. i FOR SALE 400 Angora goats, dress Blnss Bros., Trail, Oro. Ad- ! FOR SALE On ncount of sickness in- my family I wish to soil my ( Btand rights nt JnckBonvlllo court) yard for ccolbrntlon. Must soil at; ouco at cost. Soo Joo Ebo, popcorn man. 87 FOR SALE Shed 8x12, ulso a fow, housohold goods; vory nheup If tnkon nt ouco. 20 Roso Court, near Main, 87 FOR SALE I want to soil my now four-cyllndor Overland nutomobRo, comploto, with tonnonu. W, A. Sum ner, Nush Hotol. 88 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A windmill; air motor, 40-foot steel tower, 10 foot fan. In quire L. B. Warner, Jr., at Warner, Wortman & Gore's store, FOR SALE First-class camping out- ilt consisting of tnrec-seated Stude baker mountain stage; team of young horses, utensils, etc. Parties owning outfit aro terminating trip here and will sell cheap. See out fit at tho end of North Central Avenue. 88 FOR SALE Cherries Royal Anno If nartfct wnntlnir lnr!o nr small - mr -- -- 0 -t - .- quantities for canning will drop postal stating quantity wanted will call and deliver samo early next week. Prlco reasonable. H. Ensign, Gold Hill, Ore. 87 FOR SALE Eight-year-old sorrel gelding; 1200 lbs.; perfectly sound. At ranch. E. L. Lane, Central Point. 90 FOR SALE Two boilers, ono 12- h. p. upright, oce 40 h. p. horizontal; both In first-tlnss condition. I buy and sell new and second-hrnd boil ers. J. T. Norman, Ashland, Ore., P. O. Box 511. 89 j Hnlsn; letter Heads and envelopes. Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. " FOTt SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE 400 angora goats, 400, as our rangcg Is overstocked we must sell same at once. Address Class Bro3., Eagle Point, Or., or call at Rogue R'.ver ferry. FOIt SALE For good wood and good moasuro, try the Bunkor Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phone 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. FOR SALE Two pedigreed dogs, one English setter, woll field broken, one pointer, both females. Phone 1482. 93 FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT Five-room house. In qulro 365 South Central Avo. 88 FOR RENT Seven-room modern 322 So. S7 houso, furnished, closo li Contraj Ave. ;FOR "ENT 5-rooni house. $12; with bam, $15. 1111 North Rlver- side. 88 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Parlor and bedroom, cool and clean; use of bnth; closo In; $5.00 per week. 127 S. Grapo St. F01l IlENT Modern furnished roms nt 604 West 10th or 124 King stroot. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmors nnd Fruit growers' bank. Miscellaneous, POR LEASE Fully equipped gold mine; ten-stamp mill nnd concen trator, ajl ororatod by oloctrlc pow oi. Ownor will furnish froo elec tric power for shnro in proceeds. See Smith, nt Condor Wator & Power Co. MONEY TO LOAN. WE HAVE $500,000 Eastern nionov to jonn 0l first mortgages. Farm ioims prorormi; M0 i0rtns uuulo less tiliu, 5000. Mcdford' Orchard & 'int rn nn WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED Window washing, enrpot cleaning, whitewashing, grass burn ing anil lawn cutting; our aim is to ploaso tho people, not ourselves. Tol ophouo 2002, 504 North Grapo St. 90 WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED A first-class sash and door makot. Good wages. Tho J. G. Flook Co., Roseburg, Ore. 90 WANTED Thrco gentlemen to board and room. Also board without room. 137 South Ivy St. 91 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted FcmMc. WANTED Chambermaids Nash Hotol. at the WANTED Middle-aged widow for general housekeeping; no children. Box 18, Phoenix, Ore. 88 WA"NTEECTh"bre Is an opportunity for a few young ladies to loarn telephono operating. Inquire of chlof oporator, The Pacific Tele phono & Telegraph Co., next door to postofflce. Help Wanted Male. WANTED An agent to handlo the best selling bath specialty on tho market. Address F. J. Wilson, Sales Mgr., Mcdford, Ore. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarty man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co'a. office. WANTED Man and wife, wife to keep 4 to 6 boarders, man to work In quarry. Apply 103 E. Sixth St. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top- penish, Wash. l'ositloas. WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper, offlco or storo work; Al reference?; will tako position outside of Medford. Address T., care of Mall Tribune. Phone Main 1C12. 90 WANTED Washing and Ironing; fine laundry a specialty; also Irish point lace and .Battenburg, French and eyelet embroidery done. Call on or address 137 South Ivy St. 91 WANTED Four young men to rent a large, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Call 604 W. 10th St. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post offlco. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Renmcs. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing. second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson Connty Bank building, Mcdford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Mnckoy nnd die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh streot. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Pnlm Block. Steuogrnphio work done quickly nnd woll. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 18 N. Front St. Phono 231. Printers ami Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the host equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Contrnl avcniio. Dentists. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Office in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad ministered for extraction of teeth Telephono Main 343. Night phone DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Offico in rooms 203-204, Fanners' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Mcseu gors furnished at nil hours of day and till 9 p. in. to nny part of city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Mnin 3812. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuzin, nt Smokohouso, first olass bricklayer, stono workor, comont stopping, stucco and moulding, firo places nnd tile work n specialty; Euro ponn plan; dav or contract. Legal Blanks, LEGAL BLANKS All stvlos of le gal blanks for ealo, n hundred dif ffiront forms. Medford Printing Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tin Shop. J. A. SMITH Tin Bhop. Tiu and shoot iron ware on hand and mada to ordor. 128 North O Bt. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 34-1 South C St., Medford, Ore. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. R. R. Hill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly, filled. Room 20, Jackson County. Bank building, Medford, Ore. Real Estate. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tract, city property. List your holdinfot with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers' Bank bid?. SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for somo of tho choicest bargains Ih real estate in this vailoy. Also British Columbia and Alborta, B. O, and other parts. Call on him at Bittner's office Phipps building, or at tho Medford Auto company's garago, where we start out our agents for tho Aladden Mantle Lamp and hidden window screen. We will treat you righL Come and seo. MEDFORD ORCHARD & TRUST; Co., INC. Buy and sell tho earth. 9 North Central avo. Cigars and Tobacco. HiELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smokers' supplies. Exclusive agenta of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Falencin. 212 West Maia street. Painters and Paperhaager. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paper hangers and deco rators; signs. Estimates given on all kinds of day auji job work. Park View Hotel. Phone Maia 1801. PanaJtare. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand furnitura and hardware. Agents for Mound Citv kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Htovea and rangos. New and second-hand furniture. Euds' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01, Medford, Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, office re moved to 11G East Main st. ROGUE RP7ER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and residonco phono Main 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Office phone 501, residence phone 012. Office hours 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phone 202. Medford. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER1, Lif Scientist Private instruction in "Now Psychology" nnd "New Thought" principles. Callers re ceived Wednesdays, 127 South Grnpo street. Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatiura, nstlima, paralysis, sores nnd pri vato disensos. These remedial may bo procured nt tho Sing Lea laundry, 123 S. Rivorsldo avenue, Mcdford, Oro., whore thov will lit sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young bus treated sevoral sovoro cases with his rw edics sinco coming to Medford aad has for reference somo of the hwt known und most intullhxsHt eitlrena in Southern Oregon. Call on kirn. '""T"ltirlo7iir' "" " 8. T. UROWN & CO.Ililllnnl.7W gars mid Soft Drinks. Up Maim, Young fi Hall building, A dut, cnol place to upend tht) kot afttr noons. Ilrhk CoHtjtHHl, MEDFORD HJMCK CO.Oeo, W, Priddy, 0. D. Nngl, (ho, T, O'Hrlen Contractor and Mum fnoturors of brick tomktif ia pressed brick ami lliuo, Orm la Postofflco blook, room 6, MA No. aiSL