-aii n nijtwwuww MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, :l 910. i n JW" J. f i , ft vV f f- I f i I' U FH ! I y fc.M M H f-"' PH ODDS ON BIG 1GREATTRACT0F FIGHT STAND j OREGON LAND TO N0WAT10T07 BE SOLD AT ONCE MAN OREGON Few Takers at This Figure, Because There Is a Fcclinn That There Should Be a Drop to at Least 2 to I Mrs. Jeffries Very Confident RENO, Nov.. Juno 30. Bettors are getting busy on tho btg fight. As a result tho odds have tlghtoncd up, regaining tho half point they lost Tuesday night, when thoy dropped from 10 .to 7 to 10 to G, nnd then Again to 10 to G&. Last night Johnson money loosened up n little, n rnlr-slzed commission coming In from San Francisco, and tho prlco bounded up to 10 to 7, where It stands today. There were few tak ers at this figure because there is a feeling that there should be .. drop to at least 2 to 1 or even as low as 10 to 4. It has been no secret that tho Johnson camp is holding out for tho latter odds, but undoubtedly) there Is a disappointment In store for the black man's Intimates. That Jeffries is a stronc favorite today as ho will bo at any tlmo before tho fighters stop into tho ring Is the dope of the wise bettors, and thotr prediction Is strengtrened by the fact that whereas on eight It was even money would not win inside of fifteen rounds, despite the fact that Jeffries himself Is said to hare declared that bo would surely not let tho negro tay longer than 17 rounds. Jeffries' work before tho moving pictures Wednesday evening may bavo had somo effect on tho betting, as the big fellow was far from being as impressivo as to wind as he has been in previous work-outs seemed to puff earlier than Old Dalles Military Grant, Consist ing of 430,000 Acres, Is About to Be Placed on the Market Means Much to Oregon. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 00. Tho old Dalles military wagon road grant is about to bo placed on tho market, and this land, together with tho Wil lamette Valley & Cascado Mountain toad grant, that is to bo sold In small tracts, will mean a great colonization movement for Oregon during tho com ing few years. Tho Dalles grant com- PRISON PREED BY ANOTHER'S STORY Man Arrested in Portland Confesses to Crimo of Which Another Was Convicted and Sent to Oregon Penitentiary. PORTLAND Or., Juno 30. It is probable that immediate stops will bo taken to secure the liberation of O. R. Ulystono from tho Oregon peni tentinry following tho startling dec laration of John Dnvies, confessed forger, that ho forgod the cheek which was responsible for Rlystone's ro to ho ignored while tho guard carry on their fight against the "posors." "I have soon somo of those tuon who put on swimming tank costumes and go out on tho boueh to show themselves," Mayor Stoy deolavos. "Thoy nro n disgrace to themselves and thoy will not ho tolerated. To day I enllcd tho attention of Honeh Director Hookwith to ono man who was positively indecently clad, and I told him that hereaftor such at tire should bo treated as a violation of tho law." prises 430,000 t.cres and Is very largo-! conviction, ly vnluablo agricultural land. Its sot- Davios, who,. since his arrest two tlement will mean a great increase in days ago, has confessed to a num tho state's population nnd wor.lth. her of forgories, Into yesterday said Tho Pacific Power & Light com? that ho passed a chock for !?35 on pany, organized by eastern capitalists, tho proprietor of tho Sargent hotel with a capitalization of $7.500,000, ) huffet. lans to develop a great electrical gen-' Detectives working on the enso eratlng and distributing system ! delved into tho records to verify Da throughout tho Yaklmn, Columbia ' vies' statement and were astounded and Walla Walla valleys. Other con- to discover that Ulystono Unci been corns havo been taken over by the convicted nnd has now served IS big corporation, which will give spe-' months in prison for tho same crime. clal attention to furnishing power for irrigation work throughout tho terri tory covered. It is promised that by Tuesday . concentrating tho water powor devel- that he opment in tho northwest, a moro sat isfactory service will bo developed than can be rendered by private com panies. Uncle Sam Is counting Ms timber Officials arc inclinod to heliev Danes and expressed themselves as anxious to assist Blystone to regain his freedom. Dnvies has made a written confes sion to a number of forgeries com mitted in Portland. When arrested detectives found a quantity of goods nnd $3000 worth of jewelry in Dn- wcalth on tho slopes of tho Cascado jvios apartments, which were Inter mountains. Expert timber cruisers (identified by persons from whom In tho employ of tho government aro . they had been stolen. The jwilico ns at work making tho estimate and It 'fort Dnvies is wanted in evory large is expected It will take all this sum- Pacific coost city. mer and next to comploto tho cruiso Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash Y. W. MoLnren. Se attle; W. H. Harry, Portland; E. P. Ferguson, Cincinnati; O. Houman, A. D. llowors, Mr. Gore, Portland; R. H. Porter, Spokauo; O. J. Olson, St. Paul; J. H. Worsing, Agnes; 0. C. Iloff, Salem; K. A. Wyckoff, Port land; V.. B, Morgan, Rosehurg; J. O. Douuell, Portland. Tho Mooro J. A. Paterson, Port land; C. A. Meyers and wife, Cedar Rapids; J. C. Roberts, Portland; Dr. P. M. White. N. W. White. Klamath Palls; C. Fitch, Utieu; II. Baxter, city; W. F. Knbeaif, Uowiston; Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Stonstnm. Seattle; Q. Jones, Tncomn; Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. Andorson. Tnconia ; B. Parrot t, B. B. Armsworth, Seattle; Thora Smith, Troadwoll; A. II. MeClolhut, Snu FrnuiMHi'o; .1. HtrcnHor and wife, Mistt Grace Stronger, Peoria; I). Kugluud, D. (K Soohoy, Portland; Mrs. F. liltii'iiotnlfiiu. Onuiliu. Hotel Contract Let. KLAMATH FALLS, Juno 30.- Heiot tho watershed of tho Willamette I csual, river and its tilbutaries in tho Cas-, a fact that was commented upon by .cade reserve. Tho land will be class- The contract has been lot and work many of the 8000 or moro spectators ifled and tho timber segregated into will commenco tho first of tho week who took a chance of another dls- logging units. This Is the first at-'on a new $50,000 hotel at tho corner appointment. Aside from this Jim i tempt, so far as known, of tbo gov-'of Main Street nnd Esplanade, In tho appeared to good advantage. He ornmeni to take an inventory of It's! Hot Springs addition. This Is tho blocked nicely, ducked under swings ; timber resources. long talked of hotel which has been with ease and speed of a light weight! Lumber manufacturers of the Ore- nnouncer from tlmo to timo would bo and pulled away from straight leads gon & Washington association aro -erected In tho Hot Springs addition, Just far enough to make them miss; perfecting plan3 for tho logging con-(and which was to cost $110,000 for bis eyo was perfect and his feet cress to be held In Portland late next tho structure and $40,000 for tho fur- worked with mechanical precision. But the bellows did not perform as well as usual. Some attributed it to the heavy wind that was blowing from tho north and others to the fact that he was not trying to reserve his lung power. It may bo that both circumstances bad more or less influence, but the rise and fall of the chest and the quivering of the stomach were very epparent. Jeffries' variable disposition has taken another turn. Two days ago be showed signs of crankiness. To day he Is as h-ppy as a boy on vaca tion. The little indisposition of Tuesday has disappeared; his right arm is not bothering him, and, best of all, Airs. Jeffries is not tbo least bit perturbed. It was feared as tho day of battle approaches Jim's better linif would show signs of apprehen sion. But instead she Is as smiling and confident as her big bo of a husband. Johnson is willing to bet $1,000 nrlth Hector McKenzIe at the pro Tailing odd3, and it Is likely that be will bo accommodated. I, month. Tho visitors will spend three nlshings. S. O. and W. P. Johnson, days in the city and local loggers and 'C. E. and Will S. Worden aro tho mon lumbermen will bo hosts. Tho saw- who aro Interested In the structure mill men and timber cutters of the northwest will become better ac quainted as a result of the gathering and the benefits following tho meet ing will be mutual. Portland' will be host to thousands of delegates to the national conven- Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and ordor a case sent to tho house. Thd purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Canton RESTAURANT SAM LOCK, Prop. The formor famous chef at the Nash Grill, Mr. Sam Look, hue opened a first-cluBS restaurant nbovo Kennedy's saloon, No. i3 South Front street. Bntrauco at both sides. Only firat-olaHH meals served, and just tho nnmo of the proprietor is tho host guarantee. OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. NOODLES CHOP SUEY. This is tho only place whore will bo sorvod chop mioy and China nood les. Como nnd see me nnd you and I aro both suro you will oomo hack. Roiucnibor, I am willing nnd I preach what I promise. Yours truly, sam lock- DECORATIONS FOR THE FOURTH AYe invito you to inspect our lino of .Tap lanterns and 3ther Fourth of July decorations. THE LATE FICTION AtAGAZINES , PICTURES C1ALOHE -fS, vm A Chocolates and Confections DeEciouily flavored, temptingly bazal roil SALE UY MERRIVOLD SHOP POSERS" BARRED IN ATLANTIC CITY Juno 30. tion of tho Ancient Order of Hiberni ans, which cornea to this city July 19 to 24 "posers" rigged out ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Athletic men in eloso-fitting jerseys aro to be driven from tho Atlantic City beach for the season, under nn edict issued WEDS SWEETHEART OF YOUTHFUL ROMANCE KLAMATH FALLS, Juno 30. A Tomanco culminated today in tho mar riage of James Xoubanks and Mrs. C. 12. Ferguson. Neubanks is a promi nent farmer and pioneer of the Klam ath country, living in the vicinity of Keno, twolvo miles wost of Klamath Falls. Twenty odd years ago ho camo bore, and later took up a tim ber claim, and has made his home thoreon over olnco. in his youthful days he loft a sweetheart In Ohio, who became the brldo of another. His hopes bllghtod, Neubanks enme West and has lived a bacholor over since.' A few years ago tho husband of his former sweetheart died, r nd follow ing his death correspondence was started. The result of this was tho arrival last flight of Mrs. Ferguson and the marriage this morning In this city. BIGGEST STEAMER SOON TO BE BUILT IN LONDON LONDON, Juno 30, Tho Jnrgest steamships in tho world aro soon to be built by tho Cuunrd Steam&hip company. Work will start on tho first one within a fow weeks. Tho now liners will have 00,000 tonnngo, or 15,000 tons moro than tho White Star Btcnraors Olympic and Titnnio, und 30,000 tons moro than tho Lu eitania and Mauretanin. It Is predicted that 15,000;, ,,r s' T,fo.miB1o ,,.. visitors wll be here at that time, del-ibecn or(ored tQ bnr lhem frflm the egates coming from every section of trand nnd to ugfl forc(J .f tho country, and many tourists will , n. Klinr..aWHo1 , .,., arrive during the same time, attract- ' ,: ed by tho special rates. Entire trains , have been arranged for from many! eastern cities. Local members of tho order aro arranging a great reception for thelT guests. j A state convention of Esperantlsts ( has been called for July 1C In tho, convention hail of the Portland Com- merclal club, when students of tho -now world language, educators,! A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Mr. Allen's Portahlo Hath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in ono Himplo, inexpensive appa ratus all the advantages known to modern bathing. Heats tiufficicut water within six minutes at tho cost of only 1 cent. A hnth can ho tnken in any room without the possibility of soiling enrpcts or rugs. Only ono can undorstnnd tho real merits of this bathing npparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II. Fox, who has tho exclusive tgoncy for Jackson county, will visit tho homos of Medford nnd vi cinity and demonstrate it. When ho comes to your home, invito him in, and ho will show you tho merits of this 20th century invention. It is ou exhibition at Strnng'B drug store. QO AND SEE IT. teachers and others Interested aro asked to meet to consider tho organ!-1 zatlon of a state Experanto associa tion. Other matters vital to tho wide spread adoption of tho new language' will como up. Among theso will bo the election of delegates to tho in-' ternational esperanto congress, to be held at Washington, D. C, Aug. 14 20, and tho proposal to Introduce Es peranto in the public schools, as It Is being done in Maryland and else where. Further Information about tho coming convention can bo had from tho Portland Commercial club. $5000 A DAY FOR SIX DAYS OF MARRIED LIFE KINGSTON, N. Y Juno 30. Five thousand dollnis a day for each duy of his married life is the umount Do Witt Beach of High Fullc, Ulster county, will rcccivo as tho result of tho Now York law by which a will made by a spinster or widow is in validated by her murringe. Mr. Beach married on May 31 last Mrs. Mury B. Krom, a Kingston widow. From hor formor husband, Cuptnin John B. Krom, she had in herited over $30,000. lie died in April, 1008, hut his estate was not finally settled until last October. Mrs. Krom then mndo a will leaving tho entire cstato to tho children of Krom by his first wifo. Mrs. Bench died on Juno 0, and u fow days lator, when hor stepchil dren filed tho will for probate, Mr. Beacli contested it. Ho -.had been married only six duys when Ju'b wifo died, $2400 Buys a WHO L E BLOCK m I DAKDALE .......... PARK ADDITION If You Want a Block of This Addition See Any Aoent or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE, . MEF0RD, OREGON. i You Are Welcome To call on us for fnvora lnrgo or small. You'll find ovory person in this sloro anxious to nilond your wants. Thoy will try in every possiblo way to please you, and you can bank on gelling good goods and gelling them quickly. If you should happon to gol something that, doesn't exactly suit, just mention tho fact and wo will gladly make it right. Romombor our two spocialtios Golden Gato Cof fee, Puro Whito Flour. Allen & Reagan COE. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. SPEND THE SUMMER AT- Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whcro tho pretty Water Agnteo, Mow Agate, Moonittonon Cornelians nnd Hock Oyator can bo found, Outdoors iSport of all Kinds Including Hunting, FIbIiIu , dl.KlK Uoclc Oyutera, Iloattnc Surf llathliHT, Hiding. Autoluj:, Canoeing nnd Dancing. Pure mountalu water and tho boot of food at low prlccH. Frooh Crabs, Clams, Oystom, Fish and Vogotnbloii of all IcIuiIh dal ly. IDEAL CAM PINO OHOUNDS, with strict snnltnry rog ulatlonu, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickots from nil points In Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho on alo dally. Throo DaySaturday to Monday Rato from S. P. polntH, Port.und to Cottngo Grove Inclunlvo, Includ ing branch llnctt; nlno from nil C. & E. ntntloua Albany and went. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for rot urn Sun day or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $1.50 from Albiiuy, CorvalllH and Philomath, with corresponding low ratos from polntu wcat, In effect nil nurumor. Call on any 8. P. or 0. & E. Agent for full particular nu to ratcH, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "OutlnBU In Orogon," or wrlto io WM. Mr.MUHKAY, General PmtNenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, We Fix It "Our maoliiiio roHponmbility (loot not end with thu machlue'u hiiIo. Anything wrong wo fix it. If anything breaks wo fix It. Anything wonrn out wo fix it. If it'fl your fault wo fix it If itH tho machine's fault wo fix it. If it'8 our fault--wo fix it. No matter what' tho rnattor wo fix it. Call Main 1711. C. S. LUPT0N, Mnr. Lnwton Bulldlmi. Medford, Or FOR SALE CHEAP SECOND HAND AUTO In Good Condition Just the machine to no anywhere In a proven car that will qo on any passable road.. A bargain If taken at once. Cash or Realty VALLEY AUTO CO. J. E. ENYART, President J. A. TERRY, VIoo-ProsMont. JOFIN S. ORTII, CuHhier. W. B. JACKSON, Ahh'I Cniikior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. RESOLVED Tho host roHolution for yon to make is to oomo to nn for your noxt unit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho host work nnd chargr the lowout pricflH. W. W. EIPERT tob FxoaxkMmi XAiLoi M Hasting for Health. HnsldnB for Health.