ci MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, THURSDAY, ,TTJN.TD , 1910. HOSIERY PAIR FOR 25c Ladies' Vests 'JO doen I.ihUi'h' Jo-Hoy Mill bed Summer VohIh, tit pod unci; nnil hIodm', Kit! ttncli. IinIiiH Vent, nimi' imlily tliiiu nbovo, willt g; moii'ir lupo, nil si.iu. .";, luo for 2fio. Oiunfy Cut VufltH. wilh vuu'i como-oi'f HtuipH, 'I'm diicIi. Ladies' Huiiiiiiit Weight Un ion Kuitrt, 50c 75c $1.00 Ladies' Silk Gloves in colon, lilaclc, while mid iib Hoiled hiown, the doiddo lip kind Unit wear, nil hIzoh, fjOo imlr. HIiKilc mid White LihIu (JloVcH, little heavier tlinu hillc, l)itt wonr Itottor, nil Hizes, Ui3o mir. Ladles' Dutch Collars, Fancy Jabots ,ctc, 25c each AIhh a Hiunll lot clonine; out, l.'e i'iii'Ii, '2 for LTic. Men's, Ladies', Misses', Boys', Etc. Friday and Saturday Ladies' The ll(cst liarnaln In strictly hluliiradc (jood-wcariny Hose In colors, black or tan, and a stralnht 25c quality In a Ladles' Fancy Socks at your choice, 15c a pair, 2 pairs for 25c. Misses & Infants Ladies' Hosiery 30o Value, lilaek LIhId J Jose. Tn i i Lisle Home. Whito LIhIu IIoho. Hod Linlo IIoho. HIiio Lisle IIoho. I'inlc Linlo IIoho. In much, Misses fi to O'L', in fants, -1 to 1, 25c PAIR. 3I5 Values. IJInck Silk Finish IIoho. Tan Bilk FitiiIt IIoho. Black Lnco IIoho. Tan Luce IIoho. White Lisle IIoho, Now Hlito Lisle IIoho. Old Hohc Lisle Hose. Mlnok Split Foot Hose. Any hizo, also out sizes. 25c PAIR. ever shown In Medford. Any size Lisle Finish Drop-stitch and Men's Men's Socks Hlnck Silk Finish. Tan Silk Finish. Fancy Dropslitch. Black Silk Embroidered. Tan Silk Embroidered. ItcKiilfij' 35c und 50c values hero in any size, 25c PAIR. Turlinn Ilnir Uolls, 2Jic. Turban Crowns, '25c. Turban Hairpins, 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c. New lino of Hair Barrettes, 15c, 25c each. Back Combs, 15c, 25c, 50c. Side Combs, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c pair. Invisible Hair Nets, light and dark colors, 10c and 25c each. In fact, most all the little things the Indy needs, and populnr priced. Men's Work Gloves 50c, $1 and $1.25 pair, full vuliie guaranteed in every pair. Men's Suspenders 25 and 50c pair Men's Handkerchiefs, Arm Bands, Hose Supporters, etc. You get quality as well as price when you trade here. 75c each 2500 pieces Fancy China in Pinion, ' Bowls, Placemen, Sugars and Cromuors, etc., worth $1 to .1-1.75 oifHi choice in this sale, HUSSEY'S Near Cut Glass The swellcst line of Molded Glassware over shown in Med ford. Catchy goods at catchy prices). SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ixmni lo say HI Itayo. 110 Mrs. F. M. Wait returned from a visit to Gold Kny Thursday. The addition of tinlity and home comforts will bo Queen Anno water, newer and paved streets building re constructions. Sou MoCullum, Hotel Nntili. tt M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville was in .Medford Thursday on business uotiuuctcd with the celebration of the Fourth at the county seat. Newly furnished sleeping room, cool, ftiiot cany walking distance. 1203 OIhoii strcot, corner West Ham ilton JiihI two blocks from North Oakdale paving. Phono Mnin -M7-1. if Editor K. .1. Kaiser of tho Ashland Itoeord was in Medford on business Thursday. Where in Medford can you got hot ter values than in Queen Anno addi tion! Did you iioMcq tho out of tho new public school to bo oroctod in Quoon AnnoT Got busy. Tho pres ent prieo won't last long. tf E. L. Jones of Hut ton, Cnl., was in -Med ford Thursday, looking after liusiiioss matters. Dr. Maun, chiropodist and foot specialist, who is in town for n few weeks, is prepared to romovo corns, bunions, perspiring and odorous feat. Tho doctor has n stook of testimon ials on hand testifying to his ability and recommendations from those whom liu has treated. He will bo at room 14, Palaco hotel, mid if your foot need repairing it would ho well for you to aonsult him. Froo con sultation. Mrs. Alls KraiiBo has returned from Los Augolos, Cat., whore she has been continuing her musical edu cation for tho past several mouths, M. W. A., Attention 1 Ten onudi lutoH, business, July 1; get busy. 88 ProfoBsor nnil Mrs. P. J. O'Ourn left Thursday morning for the cast. Mrs. O'Qiirn will visit relatives mid friends in North Dakota, while Pro foHsor O'Gnra will continue his trip to Washington, 1). C. Thoy will bo gone for sovoral weeks. Yes, you'll want one of those nobby Imth suits on display at ICont nor's. 87 Mr, mid Mrs, Hubert Biooks, olCn uoth Brooks, Frank St. Oios, Geo, It. Clark mid family, Dr. mid Mrs. M V. Fonton and Mrs. J. W. Cook of Portland mid Mrs. II. M. Jonos of San Francisco foimed a party which stopped in Medford Wednesday night Avhilo on I hoir way to San Diogo and other Southern California points, The party loft Portland tho 22d and have boon looking the country over on thoir way mid expressed themselves ns being very pleased wilh Medford and the Koguo Ilivor valley. Mr. Brooks said that ho was vory much Hurprisod at the growth Medford had Hindu in the last three years, The paity will go to Crater Lake from 1 in re mid then continue their way on KOIltll, Mrs. iTosephiiie Itussell mid Miss Fauiiiu Niiiiiiii of Jacksonville wotep Moil foul visitors Tliurhday. Drs, E, A, Pierce, A. C, Smith and, C. S. While of Portland j Dr. C. J, Smith of l'ondloton and Dr, W. B. , Morso of Salem, oinbmora of llio, Htato Hoard ot lunula, returned Home Wednesday evening nfler attending n mooting of the board horo, Mrs. Shea is seriously ill at lnr homo in this city. T. E. Dniols will leavo Tuesday to attend the Flks' convention in Detroit. Itnlph Stanley of Browiibboro was a Medford visitor Thursday. Charles Young, Art Burgess and Charles Champliu leave Friday for Heno, where thoy have important business awaiting their attention. George K. Sanders of Grants Pass spent Thursday in Medford on bus iness. A. 1). Hon en of ICmisas City and Dr. J. F. Bodily visited Grants Paso on Thursday on business. F. I. Snyder of Boulder, Colo., is in Medford looking over tho country with a view to locating. D. A. Beed and family of Crystal Lake, Minn., are hero looking for a place in which to invest. H. I). Mills of Klamath Falls was a Medford visitor Thursday. GOVERNOR OF ALASKA ON HIS WAY HOME SKATTU-:, Wnsli., Juno 30. Gov ernor Walter Clnrk and wlfo of Alaska and Dolognto Jnmea Wlckor sham and wlfo of Alaska nro nil In tho city today on thoir return from Washington. Governor Clnrk snld today that At toruoy Cionoral George W. Wlckor slutm and Secretary of Commorco and Lnbor Charles Nagel would both visit Ainsxa miss unimor. Judge Wlckeruhnui has boon active In his opposition to tho Guggonholm Interesta In Washington, and who hns lined up with tho Innurgonts, Is con fident of lilo ro-oloctloti. Ho expects to ho nominated at tho convention of Insurgent republicans at Junonu to dny. Tho Wtckorshnms leavo for Alaska Sunday night. Oovornor Clark and wlfo will remain In Sent tlo for a wook boforo sailing for tho north, Senator McEncrny Burled. NKW ORLEANS, La., Juno 30. Without show or oatontntloit, tho Into Sonator Samuel D. McKnorny wns burled todny. Sorvlcos woro hold nt tho McEnorny roaldonco. Among thoBo who nttondod tho fit norf.l woro Sonntors Fontor, llnlloy, Dolllvor, Gamhlo, Clny, Ilnulloy, Johii8tou ami Chumborlnln and Con grpsamon HrousBnrd, Wutklns, Rnns dnll, Wlckllffo, Pujo, Eatoplnnl, ail mor, Tnylor, Heal, Mncon, McKtnlay, Hnrchflold and Grant, Autos on Home Strtcli. DAVENPORT, In., Juno 30. Contestants in tho Qliddeu tour left here today for Chicago on tho homo stretch of tho run. The 11)10 contest for tho Glidden trophy has been the longest nud most Revere test in the history of motoring. 4- f Notice. All persniiR knowing them selves lo bo indebted to VAN OYKK'S will plonso call mid settle, as books must be bal anced nl onco on account of store hnviug been sold to F, W. Gray. BELIEVE TRUSTIES HAVE COMMITTED CRIME SALEM, Or., Juno 30. Warden Curtiss' endeavors lo communicate with Bucnn Vista last night were un successful. Ho is making another effort this morning, und if ho suc ceeds in securing information to tho effect Hint tho two mon who bent Henry Starr into insensibility mid kidnaped his son nro the two trusty convicts who escuped Inst week from tho penitentiary, officers will be sent out in search of them. Crops in Poor Condition. EAST GRANT) FORKS. .Minn., Juno 30. Crops in tho Red River valley are in a serious condition ns tho result of continued drouth. Al ready the dnmngo is henvy. Reports from Winnipeg slnto Hint oven if rnin comes soon thcro will not bo over hnlf tho usual crop in Western Cnnnda. Real Estate Transfers. F. M. Whito to II. E. Bow innn, 0 acres in section 20, township 37, 2 west $ 1,500 Mnry J. Brown to nonry Fox. Innd in section 32. township 38, 2 onst Patterson Laud Co. to F. C. Page, land in section 10j -township 38, 1 cast W. Ulrich to C. W. Jnckbon, lots 0 and 10, Ulrich addi tion to Eagle Point J. C. Hannah to May Daily, laud in section 25, town ship 37, 2 west Susio T. Neil to F. II. Mad den, 70.55 acres in section 9, township 37, 2 west.... 100 40,000 10 10 Notice to Red Men. All members of Wentoukn Tribe, No. 30, Imp. O. R. M., nro requested to be present nt tho next regulnr meeting to bo hold Saturday night, July 2, 1010. Rnising up of chiefs for tho ensuing term and election of representatives to tho great council, which moots nt Astorin. Or., on th 20th of July, 1010, will take place. Refreshments nnd cigars. L. L. JACOBS. 88 Chief of Records . Probate Court. Estnto of Ellon Tnylor Citation to heirs. Estnto Mrs. M. E. Lewis J. E. Olson ndministrnter: J. C. Brown. Ben Gnrrett nnd O. N. Wilson, np p raisers. Estate Anna Henry Will filed and admitted to probate. Estate Sarah O. Fouchny Order discharging administrator. Estnto of Mnry A. Lindsay Wil liam Liudsny nppointed administrator. I SAYS COURT LENIENCY IS CAUSE CRIME WAVE MILWAUKEE. Wis., Juno 30. The capital punishment of habitual criminals was urged today by United States Judgo George Holt In an ad dress to tho Wisconsin Bar associa tion. Judso Holt blamed tbe leniency of tho courts and the success of tech nical defenses for what ho termed tho present wave of crime. "A convict, when ho Is discharged, s ready for new crimes," said tho Judge. "A commission should try him on the ctarge of being a habitual criminal and an incorriclble enemy to society. It it bo proved that the man Is degraded Into a beast and in capablo of substantial improvement and alteration, It is my opinion that ho should bo put to death." Hasldnn for Health Ever Get a - - - Thelma Gift F R Box Every lady who calls at the Medford Pharmacy Friday (tomorrow) will be presented with a "Thelma Gift Box" free. This little souvenir contains some thing useful and pleasing to every woman. Remember to call Friday. The box is worth the trip. Day and Night Phone Service Medford Pharmacy North Central Near Post Office tKr tm I rfr r i Pfl Et.Wf ffPPC fW M I l-ifl Specials for the Fourth McCall Pattern No. 3398 DAINTY SUMMER GOWN Only a few days remain for you to supply all your wants before the Fourth. Sharp and radical reductions in nearly all departments. Say wluit you will, but the clothes have much to do with the making ot individuals. JNot alll, but much.' What you wear and the way you wear it has something to do with your standing. ITore at your command is the best stock of dresses, fancy and imported dress fabrics, sum mer waists) hosiery, muslin wear, ribbons, corsets, ever brought to this city. Every model and style. t Women's Wash Dresses The values obtainable throughout this salo arc beyond doubt the best of the season all new materials and styles, including many models made up from our own designs assort ments so complete and oL such variety that every visitor to this section should find her wishes fulfilled. Prices are remarkably low in this wide range. One-piece wash dresses $16.00 to $20.00 for MIO.50 ailCl 1. OOO C-B French Corsets ftney Goods A fow ot tho many spo- tt T dfian Vkfrxrlc clal valuea trom our nrt 111 V LMjDKM. UIV1C3 section for homo decora- . . tlon. Curtnlu nots, spo- Ir 1 iiii av IT J Lll clal, 25c. Moro C. B. brand models have been de signed this season to provide for tho varied requirements of women, than ovor boforo. Each modol possesses its distinct merit for promoting the lines and curves necessary to the most fashionable costuming, and at onco rendering grace and ease to tho wearer. Persian Lawn One of tho lest values that our whito goods sec tion has otforod this season. This btoro will bo closed the entire day on July 4, Wo nro going to tnko a rost and a vacation on this day, and wo miRgost that you do t! o samo. Our store faculty has boon ovor worked during tho rush season, thoroforo In Juustlco to thorn and to ourselves, wo will not open on July 4. W. H. Meeker & Co. 28 SovitTh Central Aveuue McCall Pattern No. 3-405 , STYLISH COSTUME Parasols & Sunshades Special $2.50 and $3.50 A prominent maker of high-class para sols has sold to us his stock of made-up parasols at a big concession in price. The lot includes only fine parasols in tho latest approved shapes and colorings. Taffeta parasols hand-embroidered pon gee parasols silk wark print parasols. f f i Hf? AMMMl it .'