' l! MISPFOIID MAIL TRIBUNE, MKDITORD, 071130 ON, THURSDAY, .TUNE 30, 1910. -. -- - Half A Chance DY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. XAulliiir of "Tho HlrollorH." "Un-X t udor tlo Koho." "Tim Lndv of thn Mount." Ktc. Convrlirht. 10011. by tho Hoobti Morrill Comtmn . ""II'h fTo unc, guv'nor," cmno buck tho reply. "Tlilw NmN 'iih Ihiuii out loud er tlinu 'Is." "Then turn tho llrat dnrk corner mid Blow ii ii (ill. for only n hucoihI. Aft or until k on your very bfiit n lone hh you vim." Anojtlicr mivorclun cliniii;eil hnmlii, nnd Hhurtly iificrwnril tho vehicle (ItiHlied Into u hIiIo Mtrcet. It iippeitroit nu likely n plnco iih nny for IiIm pur post). John Steele, luirdly wnltlng for tho mail to draw rein. Imped out nu fnr na bo intent, llo landed without inlNluip, lioiird u whip miup furlotmly and durtiil buck Into n doonvny, He bud Jimi roitvlii'tl It when tbo other cub drow neitr. For mi limitim bo foil ccrtnlii tlmt bo bud been ween, but tint punuiorw' eye ncro lictit ciiKcrly abend. "Tbli'll iiii'iin a fiver for you. my man," ho beard one of them Hbout to tbo driver. "We've ot him, by" A bundi, Jubilant cry cut tbo nlr; then they were, roup. John Steele did not wait. ItcplucliiK tbo wcupun In lit pocket, bo wtnrtcd jti!cUly iirouud tbo corner. Ilia cab man could Dot lend them far; they would noon return. Which wuy whoultl ho move? I Hit fuco burned with fever; be did not lived It. A Ioiik, broad tliorotijjlifiiro na bo walkiil 011 bad Maidenly unfold ed ItHcIf to IiIm kuzo. Uiio fildo of thin highway wliono replendent with the flnrliiK IIkIiIm of iiuuutouh ntaudti mid ktallx illHphiylui; vi-Kctublei and iiiIh ccIImicoun article. About to turn buck from thin miluinl. c KCeuv, John Kleelo lieHltnted. The road run wtrnlshl mid wuro toward the destination bo wished to reach, while on either baud lay n network of devl ouu way. llo decided, crowned tbo Htrcct. Lteht Klenmetl In bin face. IIo puwh cd bU way through the people unuio letel aud Htrodo on, followed only by the nolxo of iiasriliiK veblcleti uud cards. On, on John titeelo moved; on, ou. Tluio piiNMnl, It would bo a bard bat tle, but ouco In that part of the city be wiin Htrlvlut; to reach bo uiteht find tliOHo willing to offer him Hhelter low born, tnlwcniblo nrutchcu be bad help ed. In their midst waa tbo one man hi (be world who could throw u true lit lit on tho oventn-of tbo past, enable him to Ilehlnd him womo ono followed, bo mo one who drow over nearer, with soft, skulking HtepM which now bo beard "Mr. Kteelel" Kveu as bo wheeled bU tiiituo watt cnlletl out. llcforo tho midden fierce pawwlon glcnmlug on John HteoIo'B face, the bright llame of bin look, tbo porwon who bud accosted him wlirnuk back. IIU pinched and pnlo face whoweil Mir prlxc, fear. Almo.it Incoherently be began to Htiuuiuer. Bteole looked about. They two, iih far iih he could nee, were alone. "I imk your pardon." Tbo follow found his voice. "I'll not bo troubling you further, Mr. Steele." "Vou were about to beg of mo?" John Steele smiled. Dandy Joo begun to nbullle off In a splrltleiw way when "Vou are hungry?" Bald John Steele. "A little. Mr" "A modest answer In vlow of the actual truth, I BUHjiect," observed the other, Hut, although bis words were briiHiiue, he foil In bis pockot. A bov crclgu-lt was all bo had left about blm. When bo bad departed post IniHte for Stratborii House bo bad neglected to furnish himself with fuuds for nn Indellulto period. A con. tlngoney be should have foreseen bnd risen. For tho present bo could not appear at the bank to draw against the balauco he nlwayii maintained there. John Steele lingered Hint last ioverelgu. sttirfwd u turn, when bo caught :h loo!t i i'w other's eycB. Did It recall to him bis own plight but n abort twenty-four hours be fore? "Very welll" ho Bald, and wnB nbout to give tbo coin to tbo man nnd walk away when another thought held blm. This fellow bud been u link In u certain chain of events. Tho tempta tion grew to linger with blm, tbo Blnglo. tangible, thou pnltry nnd uboIobh llguro In tbo drama bo could lay bands on, John Strrlu looked around. In 11 byway ho saw ifio light ed window of a cheap oyutor buffet. Motioning to the num. bo wheeled abruptly and Blurted for It. A few minutes Inter found tbom Boated In the shabby buck room. A number of failed sporting pictures adorned the wall. One how John Steele stiirtedi-Hhowed tho Frisco l'ot lu u favorite attitude. Steele Hpolce now. Ilia dnrl: eyoa sl.ono Htrnugoly. A sardonic expres Eton lurked there. The proprietor could bring his compnnlon a Btenk If bo litiil one. Largo or Hinnll? Large, with nu enlgiimtleal Hinllo. Tho proprietor hustled out. A voice, hoarse, that of u limn, wiih heard: "Tbo blarsted fog lu coming down fast." The smaller, uian drew back. A hlvcr Beamed to run over him. "They aro n long whllo nbout tbo steak," ho murmured. Tour lesllmmiy helped to Hend him ' over the water, I belleveV" Niild Kleelo, polnilng mil (he picture of the Frisco I'd to Dundy Joe i "How do you- I iilu'l on i he Ntnnd I now, Mr, Htnelol" A Hpr.rk of defiance ! momentarily rnmo Into Dnndy Joe's tyvH. "No, noj" John Steele leaned back. "Tim bnnu'ii been done no far as you nro eouierniil. Vou iih a factor have disappeared from the case." "(Had to bear you May so, Mr. Steele, I menu," the oIIiit'h voice was uncer tain, eautloiiH. "Unit's u matter long since dead and done with. Hut an for my testimony helping to send blm over the water"- "Or under!" witto voce. Joe HWallowed. "It wiih Hue, every word of It." "Oood!" John Steele spoke almost listlessly. "Always stick by uny one who sticks to you. whether a frlond or u pal or a patron." "A patron!" From the other's lips fell an oath. "Hut even If there hud been some thing not tjtilto t rlctly In uccord whleh there wasn't" quickly "a man couldn't gainsay what had boon said," Dandy Joe began, "He could," Indifferently. "Hut that would bo" "Confessing to perjury? Yes," "Hold on. Mr. Steele!" The mnn's eyes began to shine with nlarm. "I'm not on the" "I know. Aud it wouldn't do nny good If you wero." "You mean" lu spite of himself tbo fellow's tones wavered "because bo's under the vwiter?" "No; I had In mind that oven If ho hadn't been drowned, your" "Wot! Hadn't?" "That." said John Steele, "doesn't matter. Tbo principal subject of nny consequence relating to you Is tho steak, which Is now coming." As bo sMko ho rose, leaving Dandy Joe nloue at the table. For n time ho did not speak, sitting before n cheerless lire that feebly at tempted to ussert Itself. Onoo when the proprietor stepped in bo asked, without looking around, for n certain number of grains of qui iilnu with a glass of water they prob ably kept It nt the bar. Yes; the man always had It on hand and brought It lu. Hy this time Dandy Joo bad pushed back his chair. His dull eyes gleamed with satisfaction, also perhaps n lit tle calculation. He wns thinking. A certain mutter lu which self interest played no smnll part had come to mind. Joe regarded htm covertly. "Asking your pardon for referring to It but you've helped so many n poor chap there's mi old pal of mine what is down on bis luck, nnd be was ask ing of me for a good lawyer who could give him a slrnlght talk." "I mu not nt present" Steele experi enced a sense of grim humor "looking for now clients." "Well, I thought I'd bo mentioning the matter, sir. You sec, bo's been out of old England for a long time nnd wns going nwny again, when wot should ho suddenly hear but that his old woman that wns died mid left a few hundred pounds or bo enough to start n nice little pub for him and mo to mu only It's In the bands of a trus tee, who Is watting for him to appear mid claim It" "You sny bo tins been out of Eng In ml?" John Steele stopped. "How long?" "A good mnny years. Tbero wns ono or two little mutters ng'ln blm when he Wf l home, so he wanted to nee n lawyer and find out, In nny case, how ho could get hU money with-out"- "The law getting hold of him. What Is his uuine?" "Tom Itogers." Tho blood surged to Steclo's temples. "You can give mo this Tom Itogers' address." Ho could barely control bis voice In bis agitation. "1, sir you see, I can't quite do that, for Tom's Inylng low, you under FARLY HORNING COURT PROVES MONEY SAVER Prisoners Aro Jutlnctl Early and This Saves Fccdlnii Prisoners the Mornfnii Meal Durlnii Juno $213 In Fines Were Collected. Single rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Plio finest Kninplc Rooms in tho city. Hotel Moore Flro Proof Rou-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan We will serve Christmas Dinner at "The JJotel Medford," to ho constructed at once at the north west corner of Main and Ivy streets. During Juno $21. 'J in fines wero colluded in tbo police court in iiutiml cnnli, IiuhiiIch iimountH remitted on promise of good Imlmvior und bul itnccH duo. During tbo piiHt five miiutliK over .f850 in fincti linve been collected, The tiinotmt colluded is practically without extra cost to tbo city. Tbo ninyoiJH hnbit of Jiolding curly morning court oiibIiIch him to grind out tho nighl'H gathering be fore it is iiocesflnry for tho city to feed Iho prisonere, which in quite nn item when thoro nro ten or twelve in jail. Tho way of tho hobo to n rocky one in Medford just now. No moro can tlio wenry one ropopo in pence in empty boxcars without four of interruption. Kvery other night the police iimko u roundup of the wny farers and invito them to depart from the oily lituitH and iunist upon tho mundnto being obeyed. Weil nesdny night ton of tho wnnderern , were gathered up nnd herded to the city limits with tho injunction to return no moro. Only ono prisoner appeared before Mnvor Cnnon Thursday morning, the neciiKutiou being that of plain drunk. The culprit gnvo his nnmc nu John Dee nnd in considorntiou of tho e.x tenunting circumstances tho mayor let it go nt that and fined John $5, which he paid. Socialists Want Debate. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., June 30. Cliuinnnu C. T. Oliver of tho Ite publieuu county central committee is in receipt of u challenge from Ed ward Adams Cnntrell to dchnto him on tho political issues of tho day. Mr. Cnntrell is ono of tho most prominent spcakors here to tuko part in tho Oregon-Cnliforniii Sociulist encampment, which opens next Sun day. IIo offers Chairman Oliver $100 to meet him on the platform to put any mmi he chooses against him in n debate. Mr. Oliver has, however, turned tho challenge over to tbo Itcptiblicnu slate central committeeman to act upon it us ho sees fit. If held, the debute, will take place in the big tent used horo for tho Socialist encamp ment mill during (ho timo tho en campment is in session. - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACEESAlfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. Buy Where Yon Get Your Moneys Worth "When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember the QUALITY long after the price iB forgotten. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE SCHOOL DISTltlCT IlOXI) TION NOTICE, ELKC- Nqtlco Ih boroby glvon tbnt a school mooting of School District No. 19 of Jackson County, Oregon, to bo bold nt tbo hlh -cbool building, in Haiti district, ou tbo lGtb dny of July, A. D,' 1910, tbero will bo submitted to tbo Iosl ''of era of Bald district tbo question of contrnctlng n bondod dobt of fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars, thirty tboi sand ($30,000.00) dollnrs thereof to to used for tho purpose of oroctlng nnd equipping nn Ktand. Hut If you would let blm call around quIcMIko on you" "On mo?" Steele spoko slowly, "1 Imrdly think tho case will prove sufll clontly attractive." Tbo proprietor stepped In. Steele took the change tbnt wns laid on tbo tnblo, leaving a half crown, which be Indicated that Dandy Joe could appropriate. "Hotter not think of going now, sir," the proprietor said to John Steele. "Nover saw anything like It tbo way the fog bus thickened." Dnndy Joo stepped townrd tbo door. Tin going to have a try." John Steele waited a moment, then with a perfunctory nod walked qulotly to tbo front door. IIo looked In the direction Ids late companion hud turn ed. Ills figure was Just discernible. In u moment It would have been swal lowed by the fog, when quickly John Steelo walked nfter him. (To Ho Continued.) cast nldo school building, mil twonty thousand ($20,000,000) dollnrs tboreof for tho purposo of repairing nnd constructing nn nnnox to tho Washington eehool nnd Installing a iiovr heating p',mt. thoroln, tho vc'o to bo by bnllot, upon whlrh shall bo tbo words, "nonds Yos," and tho words, "Hondi No." Polls to bo open nt 1 o'clock p. m. and romnln open until 4 o'clock p. ni. By order of tbo Board of Directors of School District No. 49 of Jackson County, Orogon. Dated thl-i 25th dny of Juno, A. D. 1910. ORIS CRAWFORD, Clorlc. Betrayed By His Poetry. COLUMIIUS, O., Juno 30.Ho euuso lie could not rofrnin from writing poetry, William .1. MoDon uld is in jail lioro for larceny. Arrostod for Htouling u ring n year ago, he induced Jtiiigo n. m, h. Murnhurt to defend him nnd also to sign u bond for his rolouso pending trial; thou ho ran nwny. Hut Jiulgo Unruhiut had become iittquniutoil with his poetieal stylo, uud when ho saw a poem ou Anae- reon ho identified it us McDonald's. Now McDonald in serving !10 days, uud ho will also have to servo out u film of $2 Ad-nnsworlng trips nro monoy onrnlng trips. Hnsklna for Health. WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Modern homo of 7 rooms, finish and fixtures all A No. 1, well kopt lawn, on paved stroot; u fine liomu for loss than you can build ; ronson nhlo terms. Modern G-room bungalow, in good locality, close to Onkdulo, under construction, will finish to suit the buyer ; ask for prieo, if intorosto.l; it's right. Nont G-room cottage, oemont wnlk, nico ynrd of flowers, well locntod; n cozy homo for $1800; torms. 'lliwo you soon those KOSE PARK? Guoss not, or you'd own 'em now. Prioos nnd tonus right. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WE8T MAIN. PHONE 2001. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 Omaha $60.00 , Kansas City $60.00 St. Joseph $60.00 St. Paul $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 ' Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Dulnth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The abovo rates apply from Portland only. Prom points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ton days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in oither direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Oifice: 209 Wt-Bt Main St., Wtdfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUjSHED GRANITE CHAFING DISHES Hcooiifflwwuuus? AMf With an ALCOHOL Lamp With ELECTRICITY you must fill the lamp, adjust the you insert the plug nnd turn the wick, strike a match, nnd be very switch. careful not to spill alcohol on the When this is done you can devote table top. all your attention to the recipe. We have the ELECTRIC kind, made by Ihc General Electric Co. Ask us about them today ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY -L BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off "West Seventh street, on Columbus avenue, $325 if aken soon. Terms. Address C. D., care of Mail Tribune office. P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo make any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. $12,500 Thirty-two acres, two miles from Talent, Ander son creek bottom land; five-room box house, good barn and other outbuildinRs; thoie are on this placo 12 acres in Newtown and Spitzcnberp apples, G and 7 years old, which havo a fair crop this year; between the apples are peach fillers, which are heavily loaded. In addition there are thrco acres of pears 2 years old and three acres planted to pears last winter; nlso four acres of alfalfa and nbout fivo acres of fine timbor; thoro are two good wo'lls and a complete pumping plant for irrigation; $C.'300 will handle this plnco and tho balance can be paid at the rate of $1000 a year. $15,000 Sovcnty-fivo acres, snmo neighborhood; good now five-room bouse, lnrgo barn aud other outbuildings; spring water piped to tho buildings. Thoro aro on this plnco 11 acres of 3-year-old Newtowus and Spitzonbergs with pench fillers, about an noro of bearing family orch ard, 10 acres of alfalfa, about an aero of bearing grapes about 45 acres all told under cultivation, balnnco in timber which could bo chenply cleared. At 200 an acre this placo is a snap. It would tako half cash to handle, balance ensy. $300 an aero Fines fruit and garden land in tho vnlloy, half way hotween Phoenix and Talon t; lovel, black frco soil; divided into 10-acro tracts; ono-fourth cash, bnlnnco in four annual payments with 0 per cont interest. $12,000 Sixtcon nnd a half acres, midway between Jack sonville nnd Central Point, faoing tho hill road; finest building cite in tho valley. Thoro nro eight acres of pears in hearing, trees from 5 to 8 years old, and about an hero and a half of grnpos in bcuing, balance in timbor, which is all good fruit land. Half cash will 'handle, $20,000 Loss than $125 an noro for 47Ji acres, ono milo from Central Point, nil good laud, good buildings, about 40 acres planted to standard variotios of apples nnd pears from 1 to 4 yonrs of ngo, balauco in alfalfa. This place will subdivide nicely. It is oasily worth $100 an noro moro than is asked. W. T. YORK & CO. If you aro interested in Medford properly, talk with our city man, Mr W. V. Mooro. TRIBUNE ADS. BEING RESULTS ' -A t i n ,i i n iji 'J n ".1 M -.tfi i "fl ?. ?M HI m M , Mi -x.