m wr v i ! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITOKD. OREaONJlIURBDAY, JUNK 30, .1910. -4 r j EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS ff.lM II ! ll !- " III HI I I .1 , , . ,,. i. , , , f -f -f-t--- -f----f-f DR. GOULE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 tr. and Mtb. Emll Houston of Colo- .Phoonhe woro doing trading In Ash- iau creek went uown on iioguo " ' """"" Mrs. P. B. Surrey of IMioonlx re turned from a visit to relatives In Portland last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peckham of Medford river last Sunday to visit Mr. llous ton'n paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Stephens. Miss Mary Ashworui or Asuinna cnni0 un Monday. Mr. Peckham was visiting Miss Clnra Allen ono day if rained a portion of the big barn to iast weok. bo built for Joo Rador on his newly B. P. French of North Talent re- 'purchased place In North Talent, turned Monday from a visit to rola-j Mr. nnd Mrs. Cuslck of the real CAN A COURT ORDER "IWAinT MADDV UEP9"! e- main street, over UU HU mAntll ntKf f Strang's drug store. Miss Edna Dover nnd Dr. Bullitt Are Deeply Interested In This Question. AUTOMOBILES PHILADELPHIA, Juno 30. -"Can a court restrain a man from marry ing the woman of hla cho'co ou the, ground that ho Is of unsound mind?"1 Such, In effect, Is the Important tlvcs In California. jestato firm of Cuslck & Myers, of Ed Hamlin of Eden Valley was lnlMedford, camo tip In his auto Sunday Phoenix last Sunday. (to attend tho camp mooting. Mr. and Mrs. Ebln Lovelaco of. Joshua Patterson took It upon him- t'noenix woro visiting romiives in sen 10 ciear mu rouu 01 tucks ono uay i , , , orth Talent last Sunday. ilast week and ..utomobillsts are smll- ,iUl8UU" . wlu lum uulul J""K, Quick Service, Mrs. Den French was in Phoenix ing once more as they travel between Joimson, nt .Media, near here, in tno .last Monday morning. Phenlx and Talent. 'caso ot Dr- Jo" Christian Bullitt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Loulo Colvcr will soon 1 Mrs. Lllllam Glbbs returned toi,n whlch nd In whom Miss Edna Do- -... n.nvl.w Intn flinlr now linnmilow. hop homo In Ashland Tuosdavaftor a Ivor IS Vitally IntorestCU. Dr. UUllItt, 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. .Murphy. MURPHY MtOS. AUTO LtVEUY. 1010 Clmlniora Dotroita. Phono 18G1, Valley Auto Company, Madfonl, Or. Tho many friends of Joo Rador. week's camping at tho camp grounds N" ' the lnte John C. Uullltt. a ills ire sorry to hear of his illness and of tho Free Methodists camp mect-t,nsulshed lawyer, member ot a well .hope ho will soon bo about again, ing which closed Sunday. jknown and wealthy family, lives In Mrs. J. O. Henry ot North Talontj William Cox has sold his place on (Norwood, Pa. Ho Is engaged to -sras in Medford Monday. Colemau Creek and will soon loavo "" .miss iwver, wuusu lauier, uonn C. Carey had thirty crates of bcr-'for tho Willamette valley where uo!B "over, formerly a pollco llouten Ties picked at Star Garden last Mon-hns purchased a big farm and will, ' tu,s city. ho employs. Miss tfay. All wore sold beroro picked. engage In otock raising and farming j "ever and her father live on Dr. Bui Mr. and Mrs. John Qraffcs of North on a largo scalo. Htt's property. Logan M. Bullitt and Mrs. juila Easy Hiding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONK MAJl 3141, AfMticy for the Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank IT. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. IITS MAN WITH STONE BY MARRIAGE WOMAN AND SAVES HIS LIFE SPOKANE, Wash., Juao 30. C. J. Xiynch, a flagman stationed at the Oregon Railroad & Navigat on com ..p&ay's crossinc at Hamilton street in this city, saved tho lite of Louis Gam boat, a Greok fruit vendor, by hurl Tlng a stone, which struck the man .between tho eyes and stopped htm from driving ii. front of a passenger train, and was arrested on complaint at the latter, charged with disorderly sonduct. When tho case was called Jieforo Justice Mann in tho city pollco jourt, Prosecuting Atto-ney Crow, who had previously made an investi gation, told tho court that Lynch was enable to raako Gambost understand that a fast train was approaching, so he picked up a pebblo and cast it at the peddler with such good aim as to causo him to stop, while tho train - speeded by, saving the man s life. In a. mixture of Greek and English and with many gestures, Gambost in formed tho court that tlo pebble weighed eight ounces and that Lynch Lad hurled it fully ono and a half Mocks. Other witnesses bore out JLynch's statement that the throwing of the pebblo saved tho lives of Gam bost and his horse, and tho caso was dismissed. Afterward Gambost fell upon Lynch's nock and thanked htm. Bullitt Green, tho doctor's brother nnd sister, ask Judge Johnson to np-i point a propor person to tako caro 10 Illinnilin'ft A HUT ot Ilc doctor'9 person and estate IN HIHSKANII N flIINI -Th0J' nsk furtlier that his guardian IU HUUUnilU U null I bo empowered to prevent his marrlago io .uiss jjever. The principal point which Is being SPOKANE. Wash.. June 30. ...,, at ,enctl, nml whIch tho When W. H. Van Slyke, cao-iicr of tho JudBe and counsel on both 8,de8 r0 Merchants & Miners' bank at Chelan. gard both as nove, ttnd a8 tUo crucIai Wash., married Miss Mary B. Baker. contentlou In the case, Is whether a also ot that city, a few days ago. a pe- Lourt ha8 a r,ght to reotruIn a man cullar marital relation was formed. from caterlng into tho mnrriaBo Con The bride is a sister of Mrs. J. B. Van l,rn, ,vui,,.t ,nr,i tn whnr i, ,....Vk ........v .v0...u .- .,..,. w. Mw Is capable of understanding tho na ture of the contract ho is making. Judge Johnson in court has oxpressed himself as extremely doubtful on this point. Dr. J. Madison Taylor of this city has testified that he has known Dr. Bullitt intimately and has attended him In outbreaks ot mental trouble. Dr. Taylor expressed the opinion that . if tho ceremony be performed Dr. Bullitt will know he Is being married. But he will not comprehend that ho is entering into a life contract nor that ho will ba obliged to support his wlfo and their children, If they have any. Slyke, second wife of the father ot tho bridegroom, and therefore is an aunt to her own husband. Mrs. W. H. Van Slyke's sister is now her mother-in-law, and her father-in-law is also her brother-in-law. Mrs. J. B. Van Slyke Is stepmother to W. H. Van Slyke, also his sister-in-law and his aunt-ln-law. J. B. Van Slyke is a brother-in-law to his son and Is also bis father-la-law. Some ouo '.as fig ured out that If any chlld-on are born to the couplo their grandfather will also bo their uncle and their aunt would become their step-grandmoth er, their father would bo their stcp cousln and their mother would be como their great aunt-ln-law. CURTIS TO DETERMINE JAR VALUE OF BIPLANE A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years ' practical experience. Offlc 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. JUNE. Hero's June, and the wonder ot tho first rosles. Hero's June and the warm, sweet rain; Hero's June and the'plnks In snowy posies 'Neath fresh green leaves again; T7nwAa T.ann f.f .1a mI. n . MMMiflAA iiciu o j uuc, vvuu iuc uuniuub uuuico t flaring; Hero's June with thrilling tune, When tho World her flower'd gown is wearing For Loveliness and for June. Here's June, with tho larkspurs sweet and slender, Like broken bits ot sky; NOTICE. A meeting of the Republican County Central Committee Is called for Sat .rday, July 2, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., In Commercial Club Rooms, Medford, Oregon. N. L. NARREGAN, Chairman. 88 m" " HAMMONDSPORT, N. Y., Juno "30. A test to determine the value of airshiDs in war is beinir conducted by Qlenn H. Curtiss, tho aviator, Hero'B Jun. W"Q "s birdcall soft and -over Lake Keuka today. Curtiss will ' ienaer. -experiment until tho end of this Tho wavInB woodlands by; WPaif iHero's June, with its dawn of pearl ik target was placed on the lake corresponding in size to the deck plan of a modern Dreadnought. Cur- .'tiss' object S to drop weights tho - size of bombs from various heights - and at various speeds to ascertain whether ho can hit the tariret. V INVESTIGATION INTO ' ' .VIOLATIONS LOCAL OPTION KLAJIATII PALES, Or., June 30. There will bo some interesting sessions of the Klamath county grand jury, which is now temporar ily idle, but which will he again call ed togothor next month. Judge No land stuted that ho desired to con clude tho petty civil cases that were . pressing this week so lie could get over to Lakeview to hold tho trial of Ike llarrold, tho murderer of the , Newell boys. Some of the attor- neys who had cuses ponding object . ed to the court being susDcnded for a time and asked that their cases ho set for hearing at once. The judge told them ho would rush mutton in rtho Lakeview case, os ho wished him- solf to got back lioro nnd reconvene tho grand jury, which would have oma very important criminal coses "to consider. It is expected (hat tho fire which Jostroyed tho Davo Shook propoity m April will ho investigated. The of wcors believe tho Scaton girl told n 'Irniglit story about sotting tho firo and that tho Deal woman had some thing to do with it, but tlioy also be lieve tlioro woro othor agencies bo- ,ftid tho fire. TIu'b caso was ex- pooled to como up during tho three - Hays' session of tho which hns closed, hut less importnnt (natters occupied tho time. It is hinted that something inter esting will develop regarding tho violation of tho local option law. sheen bringing Soft haze of gold at noon; Hero's June, with dusk when night ingales are singing Thank God! for lovely Juno. Inland Herald. FORT ST. JA3IES, ON LAKE 8TU ART, BRITISH COLUMIHA. POSTAL DEFICIT WILL BE LESS $10, WASHINGTON, D. C, June 30.-Postmaster-General Hitchcock is confident that the postal deficit will be reduced $10,000,000 this fiscal year. Already lie has returned $35, 000,000 of the sum set npnrt from the public funds to dofrny postal ex penses this year. The total deficit nt the beginning of the present fiscal year was $17,- 500,000. ThlB Is destined to be the Portland ot British Columbia, on a naviga ble river and deep water lako with two trains running in next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lot;. To those who cannot como In we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Prices, $100 and $200 each; cash i H $25, balance $10 a month. A few ' 40-acrc farms joining ort St. James townslto and Lake Stuart, $50 cash and $10 a month. You need not be a Canadian citi zen to hold this. You need not Im prove it, nor you need not resldo on It. All this land Is on or near the railroads, Grand Trunk Pacific, Alas ka Yukon and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 per acre, $3,00 cash, balanco $1.00 per aero per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Land Company, 304, 305 and 300 Lewis building, Portland, Orego . tt CHICAGO BETTING ON "FIGHT OF A CENTURY" CHICAGO, 111., Juno 30. Hotting ou the Jeffries-Johnson fight livened up today with Jeffries an 8 to 5 favorite. Most of tho bets placed ran into tho thousands, with $18, 000 the Inchest. Bookmakers nrc- dfet that before Saturday night the wealthy sports will "loosen up" nnd bet healthy "wads." Undoubtedly Jeffries will remuin on the long end of tho wnircrinir. Electric Flat Irons need no recommendation to progressive houcwivej. Their use makes ironing a pleasure, relieved of all the drudgery of fires and changing of irons. The small General Electric flahron is indispensable in the sewing room. Children Ue Them not only as playthings but really in a useful way, helping with the little things and thus learning to aid in household duties. We have a very mterest ing way of introducing these new irons to users of electric light ELECTRIC CO. ROGUE RIVER at jMedford Iron WorRs B. G. Ti'owbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. OFFICEDE5RS Wo luivo hoiiiu otflco doHkrt at Hpoclnl pilrt'H. Hull Tops iiml Flat Topn, Biuiltnry uiul Kull IIiiho, Wonthoroil or (Johluii KliilHh, It you need a ilosk boo iiu, It will pay you, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY On All Ltiioii of ffi Furniture, House Furnishings, Stoves, Ranges, Ftc. "OittMldo tho tiro limit, but Inside ou prior" Telephone Main 1151 Wot Main Ht. Cor. of Inurol Nixt io Washington HclNMil TO OUR READERS! By special arrangement we offer you a - great opportunity to read "Chantecler" E DMOND ROSTAND'S wonderful "Chantcclcr" is the dramatic sensation of the world. In it Rostand proves himself to be one of the greatest dram atists of all times. "Chaniecler" is not only the greatest play of the cen tury, it is the one great play of the last hundred years. It is an exqui site story, palpitating with human sympathy and interest. It warms the blood stirs the emotions arouses every commendable senti ment. "Chantcclcr" sparkles with wit counsels with wise philoso phy cntertaiiis with fascinating idiom while the tones of the hour t bell of today, and today's problems, are heard through the medium of Chanteclcr's " dcliciously up-to-date slang. No language contains sufficient superlatives to describe it. Only reading and study will enable you to appreciate it. It has aroused all France London has gone mad over it. The Only English Translation Rostand has chosen Hampton's Magazine as the medium through which to present "Chantcclcr" to the Enulish-readincr world ments, one act to each instalment, beginning in the June number. The translator is the same who helped to make "Cyrano de Bergcrac ' so fascinating to American booklovcrs. We have made special arrangements with the publishers of HAMPTON'S by which our readers'may get "Chantcclcr" and the many other fine features published in HAMPTON'S in connection with our own paper, practically without cost. Read our offer below. The publication will be in four mstnl- OTHER EXPENSIVE FEATURES the werld: Arthur Stringer has a new series called "The Adventures of an Insomniac;" Hampton's Magazine every month con tains the most costly, most important, and most interesting contents ever put between the covers of a general magazine. "Peary's Own Story" of the discovery of the North Pole, a 5U,000 feature, is now in its most in teresting stage, giving the positive "proofs" that Commander Peary and no other man dis covered the North Pole. "The True History of the Southern Pacific Railroad " by Charles Edward Russell is one of the greatest mag azine serials ever published. Mrs. Rhcta Childc Dorr's articles on the "Power of the Women's Clubs" arc without an equal in their appeal to women everywhere, l'ictlon con tributors include the foremost story-tellers of James 13. Connolly describes in several stories his Trip Around tne World with the American Fleet; Frederick Palmer is contributing a series of airship stories of which Danbury Rodd is the central character. The only new idea in detective fiction since Sherlock Holmes is provided in the second scries of stories about Luther Trant, the psychological detective, written by Edwin liafmcr and William G. MacIIarg. Other Short Stories are by such favorites as O. Henry, Gouvcrncur Morris, Charles Belmont Davis, Rupert Hughes, loscpiitnc uaskam liacon, Harris Morton X yon and many others. Special Offer to Readers of This Paper By special arrangement with Hampton's Magazine, wcarc able to make the following remarkable offer to our readers. The publishers of Hampton's advise us that the demand for "Chantcclcr" is tremendous. We therefore advise you to order on the attached coupon now. The only sure way of getting all of "Chantcclcr' is to send today. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Delivered to your home for six months $3.00 HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE, With Chantecler, Etc $1.50 Regular price $4.50 BOTH FOR ONLY $3.00. CLIP THIS COUPON NOW Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.: Enclosed $.'100 for which sond tho Mail Tribuno for six months and I ramp ton's Magazino for twolvo months, in accordance with your special offer. Name Street A. F. & A. M., Attention! Tlnro will bo work in tho second derco Friday ovenintr. WM. M". MULLKR. rWrotnrv. 4- -M - 4 DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL i PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 . E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. Dr. GOBITS Optical Parlor - Removed to - 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S noilR?Tnnr Packers Wanted! ccrrM UHUHillMbk To rouistor with tho iiHsuciullon ,'or this boiisoii'h puck, I'uuIuiik hIiooIh for pears and npplon in A.i luit and SopUiinhur. 1'uulc cliiiiiuud a npploH. Hvoryhody intuit luarn it. (. It. FHU1T & PitODUCK a oc. kt 'r PLUMBING STHAM AND HOI WAUK IIEA1ING All Work Guaranteed VricoH RuiiHomiblo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North 1) St., Mod ford Oro. Phone 308 mmmmmmmmmmmmm """"'"" . Tn.1TtnTfn MM