mte& society.., Medford Mail Tribune TIHC WKATHKIt. UN ITKII I'KKHH ASSOCIATION Full Lctuvd Wire Itoport. Tonight and tomorrow Kntr Tho only papor In tho world published In a cliy tho iti 0 Medford having a loaned wlr. . ntiil warmer, ITIBTItYBAR. MEDVOHD, OHNKION, TJI URS1MY, .TOOT 30, 1910. No. 87. MJ$ STATE BOARD TO WAR ON HOUSE FLY Will Conduct Educational Campnlun Tlirotiijliout Stnto Rcuardlnu Com mon Pest Which Docs So Much to Spread Disease Splendid Session Is Held Hero. At tlio session of tho state hoard of lioaltli Wednesday afternoon ninny mutters of moment woro diH CUSsud. All tliu memhersof tliu liounl wore prosunl excepting Dr. Kinney of As toria, win. was unavoidably absent from tliu nioi'tinu'. It wiih resolved to inaugurate mi educational campaign against tliu housu fly, regmded by tliu physicians iih tho most coiiHtanl and pernicious disseminator of contngiotiH and in fcctioiiH diseases known. It is pro posed to conduct tliu campaign alone tliu lino of itiHtriictlou In tliu way of elimination; tliu iH'Ht. "Garbage and innniiro piles arc tliu principal brooding places of flies," said Dr. K. It. Picket, "but you would ho surprised to see what can ho donu ovun with those sources, if properly handled, and outside of -breeding places may bu practically cliininatod," Tho board is also going to use its authority to requiro tho improved sanitation of school buildings nud will insist upon a moru rigid inspco tiou of nil schools iih records sani tary observances. Slaughter-houses will come in for thoir share also, and the butcher who sells carrion-fed meat is likely to find himself up nguiust it. In stances were related at tho meeting wheru dead horses and other nuimals wuro found in tho feeding pen of hogs mid carcasses hung up to cool within a few feet of tho fostering Varrion, with nothing to prevent flics from (raveling hack and forth. This violation of tho law will ho rigidly dealt with hereafter. DECLINES ARE GIVES AUTO TO INCREASE ROAD FUND Roosevelt's First Speech After His Arrival In New York. TOWN SURROUNDED BY FIRE State Anent of Studchakcr and "E. M. F." Cars Tenders Commission 101 1 Runabout to Bo Sold by Them for Benefit of Crater Lake Hlflh way Fund. It. l Weaver, statu agent for tho Studchukor and B. M. E. autoiuo hitcs, lias advised John M. Hoot, president of tliu Crater Lnko high way commission, that his companies will jointly furnish one 'JO.horsc power runabout, model JOJ 1( to be sold by tho highway commission and tho proccedH devoted to tho Crater Lake highway fund. Mr. Hoot has accepted the offer in the iiamo of the commission, Mr. Weaver's tender onmo in tho form of a telegram from Detroit, Mich., where he in at present. The car sells at tho factory for $1300, which would make the cost here in tliu neighborhood of $1,000. Mr. Weaver also slated in his telegram that he would return in some two weeks and that hu would advise tho commission fully at that time. In all probability tho ear will bu raffled, in which case fully S'JfjOO could bu realized from tho sale of tickets. EVERY MAN FIGHTS FOR LIFE LEVALEE, Ont., June 30. Fort Francis Devlin and its Inhabitants arc reported surrounded by a great forest fire. Before wires to tho town went down frantic calls for help wcro received here, Levaleo is unable to give aid as tho town itself Is surrounded by a ring of fire. Women and children here have been sent to safety, but tho men are fighting to save Levaleo from destruction. Every man here is fighting for his life. The last word received from Fort Francis Devlin was that thousanda of acres of timber had teen destroyed and that tho flro had surround ed the twon. Threo men oro ablo to break through tho cordon of flames and reached here with news of its danger. The men at Fort Devlin are resorting to back-firing in order to savo the village from destructicn. Forest flren spread during tho night and today tho flames increased so rapidly that Levaleo practically was cut off from tho outsido world. POWDER WORK I T N. Y. MARKET Railroad Stocks Aro Heaviest Suf ferers, Attributed to Yesterday's Decision of Interstate Commcrco Commission. CAPTAIN'S WIFE SAVE MANY FROM DEATH AT SEA Plays Piano In Cabin and Gets aPs senners to Dancing, Averting. Panic, While Ship's Crew Fights Firo In Oil-Laden Hold. BLOW UP; THE MEN ARE DEAD Third Fatal Blow-Up at Factory Near Tacoma in Four Months Oc cursPart of Factory Demolished Men Blown to Atoms. NEW YOHK, Juno 110. Violout declines followed a weak opening; of tho stouk amrkut today and thuro wiih considerable HtihsuUont liquida tion. Kailrond stocks were tho, heaviest sufferers, attributed to yesterday's decision of tho intdrstulo commurco commission. Southern Pacific and Chesapeake & Ohio dropped !2 .'1-8, Northern I'acifio 12 Vt . United States Steel 1 fl-8, (lonoral Eloutrio l'4 and Union Pnoifioj Groat Northern pro i'orrod and Haltimoro & Ohio 1. Huadinu' showed stubborn rosistanco to the decline and remained at last night's closing level. Effective sup port was given when tho market was wonkost and many issucH mado up Home of tho losses. Houds wore weak. QUEEN OF ROMANIA PHILADELPHIA, l'a., Juno 30. While the crew of the liner Grecian was engaged in a racu with death by a lire in the oil-laden hold of the vessul, 80 passengers aboard the vessel danced in tho ship's saloon, oblivions of tliu danger. The nuws of tho firo had been kept from tho passengers, savu only the plucky wife of the captain, who volunteered to play diincu music for tliu passengers to prevent iv panic. The firo was discovered at mid night, tho vessel arriving at dawn. The woman played almost continu ously during that time TACOMA. Wash.. June ."10. In a terrific explosion at tho Dupont powder factory near here this morn ing threo men were blown to atoms' and part of the factory wa demol ished. The dead: JAMES SMITH. THOMAS J. HLAKE. GKOHflK STHOUSK. This is tho third fatal blow-up u( the powder works within four months, two men having been killed in each of the previous accidents. JOE WOODMAN GETS IN WRONG RENO, Nov., Juno 30. Joo Wood man, malinger of "IJono Crushor" Sam Langford, and pnrtlal owner of rights in tho motion pictures to bo takon of the Joffries-Johnson fight, was ejected from Jnck Joh Jon's CHARLTON IS TO 8E TRIED IN ITALY BUTJY PROXY Then If Found Guilty He Will Be Liable to Arrest If He Ever Leaves America He May Be Ad judged Insane. HOME. June 30. Porter Charlton, who confessed to the murder of his wife, Mary Scott Castle Charlton, will he tried at Como. whether or not he is present in the Como court. This announcement was mnde today by tho president of the Como tribunal. Unless Charlton is surrendered to the Italian authorities ho will be ad judged guilty of murder by proxy. In that case if he should leave Amer ica he would bo in danger of ronr rcst at the repicst of the Italian au thorities. It is not believed here that Charl ton will bo extradited. Even though he bo adjudged guilty at a trial at which ho is not present, he will not be punished unless ho departs from America and is within reach of Italy's courts. -- WELL! WELL! WELL! HERE IS A VOICE FROM DARK AGES Mr. Thomas Sharkey Makes Certain Remarks About His Ability to Slip One Over on Winner of Big Fght Has $25,000 to Post. JACKSONVILLE TO BE "SPOTLESS TOWN'IFOORTH For Past Two Weeks Authorities and Citizens Have Been Preparing for Celebration Town Is Putting on Its Best Bib and Tucker. camp at Hick's today. No rudo hand Tho (Iroeinn was laden with wool wnB ,n'l l-nngford's mnnngor. but DYING OF APPENDICITIS 30. Quoon s dying of nUCIIAHST, Juno Elizabeth of Koumauiu appendicitis, following a rolapso to day. Physicians in atlondanco havo littio hopo of tho quoQii's recovery. and turpentine for Hoston. Tho firo was discovered in tho after part of tho hold and gradually worked its way forward toward tho inflammable cargo. When told of tho danger the captain headed the Grecian bad; to port and ordered full speed. Mean while the crow was sunt to fight tliu flames, which, had they reached tho oil, would have resulted in a terrific explosion. Tho unusual noises aboard the vessel brought tho passengers from thoir berths. At this juncture, when pauio threatened, tliu captain's wife volunteered to (piiet tliu alarmed passengors. Shu told the inthat thuro wiih littio danger and that the ship had suffered a slight accidunt. Then, to ruassuro them, she sat at tho pi ano in the cabin and began to play. Tho spirit of the music soon pos sessed tliu passengers and tho re miruidur of tho night was spent In gaiety. Whilo tho men and womon above decks danced and laughed, the men below wore fighting for their lives and tho lives of tho passengers. Port was mado at dawn. A wire less message already had summoned tho fire doparlmuiit to tho water front. Kirobouts. mot tho linor down stream and soon wator wns hoing thrown into tho hold and tho sailors' unoquul fight was at an end, ho was polntodly requested by John son to leave. Woodman, accompanied by sovornl frioiuls, arrived at Rick's at 10 o'clock to witness tho tnking of tho moving pictures of tho big black In training. lloforo tho camora arrived Johnson returned from his road work and learned that Woodman waa at tho camp. Ho sont Harry Hnmmoll, his FOUR-YEAR-OLD BOY SHOWS GREAT REGARD FOR HIS SICK MOTHER body guard, to request Woodman to! leavo. lloforo Woodman had a chanco to depart, Johnson, attired In a largo bath robo, appoarcd on ni ndjacont porch and emphasized tho roquest. Johnson, very nlco and qulot, Bald to Woodman in a low volce: "I wish, Mr. Woodman, you would vacuto tho promlaos." Woodman domnnded to know why, and Johnson replied: ("Now, Mr. Woodman, you know vory well what It is hotwoou us." "Then you roally want mo to go?" HBkod Woodman. "If yon ploaao." Woodman loft tho placo a fow min utes Inter, Sovornl hundred ponsona witnessed tho colloquy and departure It tho atoro ads woro not worth your whilo thoy would not bo pub llshod at nil. POHTLAND, Or., Juno 30. Suffering intense agony from carbolic acid which ho had swallowed by mistake, 4-year-old Floyd lioltou risk ed his life while trying to stop the pain, bccnuo he did not want to wake his mother, who had been ill. Physicians declare that the lad will re cover. Early today the boy went to a medicine chest to gut some cough medicine. In tho dark tho boy measured out Movcrnl teaspoons of embolic acid in a glass and swallow ed it. As the acid ato into his throat the littio follow silent ly ('limbed wp to a shelf and searched for an antidote. Ho secured a bottlo and poured some into a glass. It was carbolic acid also. Tho boy only sipped at it. Thou hold- "ig his mouth so ho would not scream tho plucky lad tod dled into his father's room and awakened him. Still thinking of bis hick mother, the child sat on the bod and stifled moans until his father sooured medioal aid, -f 4 -f OMAHA. Neb., June :iO. Thomas Sharkey, heavyweight, former chal lenger for the championship, is on his way to Reno to see the big fuss July 4, and announced here today that ho will challenge the winner. He is accompanied by bis manager, Frank G. Brady, who displayed a certified check for $2o,000, which ho said would be posted to bind the match. 'Feel my nrm, kid," said Shnrkey to a reporter who met him in Omaha. "Hard as steel, ain't it Now hit mo in tho stomach; u&e nil the steam you have." Tho reporter endeavored to imi tate a Jeffries jab and landed right ovor the place where the sailor had stowed nwav his breakfast. Big Tom never winced, the only sign of pain tho jolt gnvo him being a pleas ant grin that oversprea'd his battle scarred features. Jacksonville will be the "spotless town" when dawn comes on July 4. For the past two weeks the property owners and the city authorities havo been straining every nervo to put tho old town in its best "bib and tucker." Grass and weeds alone the side walks have been removed, houses painted, fences straightened up, and a general air of rejuvenation given to the old city. Besides this the most elaborate preparations are being mado for tho reception of the big crowd3 which aro sure to throng tho streets of Jackson ville on July 4. Everything possible to ensure tho comfort and pleasure of the visitors will be done, and if you don't enjoy youself at Jacksonville on the Fourth it will bo your own fault. EASTERN MAN BUYS STORE OF PIONEER FIRM J. G. Van Dyke & Company, Who Have Long Been in Business Here, Sells Store to F. W. Gray of Ponca City, Okla. ALASKAN CONVENTION TO NAME DELEGATE CONGRESS BIG HEADS SECURED NORTH HAVE ARRIVED Two of tho Woodland caribou heads secured by tho Emorick Huuiphroy party iu British Columbia last fall, which were mounted in Ta coma, wcro received this week and aro now on exhibition in Humphrey's gun .stone of West Main street. One of tjieso heads is claimed to ho tho second largest of the specie ovor brought to tho United State.-., being onlv o.cellod by one, in the New York museum. Both aro mngnificent specimen nud worth nil the time, money and troublo required to socuro thuni. Tho animals me a species of rein deer, and the two whoso heads are shown would weigh between 800 and 1000 pounds enoh. One peculiarity of tho caribou U that the lower jaw is in two sections, on the sumo plan as that of the camol, and ono side can bo used whilo the other rests. JUNEAU, Alaska, Juno 30, Tho "progressive" or Insurgent republi cans in convention hero today will nominate a delegato to congress from Alaska. Tho regular or administra tion republicans in convention at Douglas yesterday nominated Edward S, Orrof Valdez, a former mayor of Tacoma, for congress to succeed James Wickersham. Tho nomination was mnde on the third ballon, when Loroy Tozier of Fnlrbanks, who had been running a closo secoud to Orr, withdrew In favor of tho Valdez man. The convention adopted a plank favoring homo rule when tho propor time comes. Tho convention asked for tho division of tho territory and opposes conservation as now prac ticed In Alaska, Resolutions woro adopted lauding Taft and Governor Clark. F. W. Gray of Poncn City, Okla., has purchased tho dry goads ani merchandise store and business of J. G. Van Dyke & Co. and will herc nfter conduct it. Tho btoro will be enlarged nnd remodelled, the stock greatly increased nnd overy effort mado to give Medford a first-class establishment. Mr. Gray until recently conduct ed a large merchandise business in Oklahoma. Selling out, ho came west, visited Medford, Ml in love with city and country and made n opportunity by purchasing tho old established business for tho past ten years so .successfully conducted by tho Van Dykco. Ed Van Dyke, who has managed tho store for a number of years, will enter the rcnlty business and has al ready secured an office for tho pur lMse. His wide acquaintance an? knowledge of tho country bcspoaV him a successful career. THREE BADLY INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK SLOW RETURNS FROM S BISMAKCK, NT. I) Juno HO. Definite returns of the preliminary election in North Dakota yesterday will not be availnhlo until this aft ernoon. Wires down iu tho western part of tho state as a result of the -s-tonus. Returns received before the wires went down indicato that Me I'umber, Stalwart Republican, Congressman Gronna, insurgont, were nominated for the senate and that Hannu, Stalwart, mid Ilolgeson, insurgent, received the congressional nomination. TOKYO, Juno 110. The wholo wos torn harbor of Port Arthur will bo opened to commcrco on July 1. Tho only restriction will bo that ships of tho f00-ton clnss or ovor must uso the pilot whon entering tho harbor. UPPER SANDUSKY, Ohio, June 30. Ralph ollldler is dead nnd Rov. E. E. Lashlet and N. M. Stonobur- gor are fatally Injured as a result of an automobilo accident near hero to day. Tho machine plunged ovor a 20-foot embankment. Beldlor was not Instantly killed. Ho crawled from undor tho wrock age, climbed tho ombankmo'it and then dropped dead. PACKERS FILE DEMURRER ASKING CASE BE DR0PPEO No Bibles in Schools. CHICAGO, 111., Juno HO. The de cision of tho Illinois stnto supicme court barring tho Bible from public schools will linvo no offeot on the Chicago schools, as tho lliblc is pio hibited in the local schools. Tliu su premo court hold that it is impossible to teach all creeds, and that if one is taught and the others me ignored this would be a violation of consti tutional religious liberty, JEEEERSON' CITY, Mo.. Juno ,10.. Paokors churged with combination in restraint of trado iu an ouster suit brought by Attoiuoy Geuoral Mnjoir today filed a demurrer asking that tho proceedings bo dismissed. Tho demurrer alleges that tho fauts stat ed in the petition aro not suffiuiont" to form a catiso for notion. It is contended in tho demurrer that tliu alleged relations between tho parties to tho suit, which is part of tho cause for action, is not prop erly stated iu the petition filed b tho state. Tito demurrer also contends that the Missouri supremo court has no jurisdiction iu the matter. The suit against tho packers was brought un der tho Missouri anti-trust law.. Tim bathing season is on and you will need to solect your bnthmiit, Seo our big window display, Everything for men or womon, KcutHor's, 87 fTj ' I. w f1 $5&& ' fMieafcr- '&',L '.tffc f V - or " & fr