MEDFQRD JSLA1L TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 2!), 1910. I ' I ! i s 1 it M MAN ON TRIAL SPOINTS OF VALUE REEVES PEASANT STATUTORY CRIME! OF APPLE SHOWS NEW GAME BIRO Complaining Witness Attempts to Make a Getaway, But Uncle Catches Her and Sends Her Back to Jacksonville. nry to November; cutUn, which ml vnncoil 59.2 per cont from January to December; heavy nogs, 30.7 ior cent from January to December; j hops, aoi por cent from .January to Novemhor; Kkln creamery butter, UK. J) por entit from May to Decoin- i jber; dairy butter, G2.0 per cont from I March to December; winter wheat Spokesman-Review Publishes Editor- Four Pairs of These Beautiful Game flour, 44.2 iier cent from January to June; lard, 37.11 per cent from Tho hoariiiR of Kobcrt Green, no nsoil bv Mary Johnson, need lot la! Tellinp of Great Value of Apple Show Such as Shown in Spokane Each Year. Discussing the value to the coun- Jtry In general and the Northwest In particular of the third annual nnulc years, of u statutory crime, wns com-, how ,n s,, th0 week of Novem- uicnccd before Justice Vox at Jack- ber 14. from a national vlowpolnt. Birds Will Be Placed In Southern Orcaon Smaller Than Chinas, But Great Rustlers. Gamo Warden Gay has received 110 tlco from the state game warden that as soon as he can find suitable places for them, four pairs of Reeves pheas ants will be shipped to him to bo February to December; shoit clear bacon, 40 per cent from February to December; mill; SS.i) peer cent from Juno to December: coke, SI per cent from June to October; and rub ber, 71.1) per cent from February to Octobor. souvillc Tuesday afternoon. At the Tho Spokossinu-Roviow says among placed In the Rogue River Valley. time of adjourning court nt C o'clock other things in an edlto'-bO In it t . t 1 t.v.l cdtirt rf Ttitirt 07 so much time- had been consumed by aeh sido in elucidating their knowl edge of cross and ro-eross examin ing that it was necessary to postpone the matter until 10 o'clock Wednes day. ssuo of Juno "King Applo cot only appeals to the appetite, but to tho imagination. It is very largoly becauso of this that tho National Applo Show Is such a sttong financial asset. The girl's story of tho affair wnsJPeoI,,c from nU l)0,nts food show or even an 8 ine ueoves pueasaui is a ring necked" pheasant, somewhat simitar in habits and characteristics to tho china pheasant, although smaller. Tho coloring of the plumage Is as brilliant as that of the "Chinaman" and It is It draws laimed thnt tho Reeves is a much bol Whoro a 'tor gamo bird, exposition , . brought out in full detail. The defense nt the closing hour j-ould pass unnoticed, an apple show t Tuesday had summoned no witnesses, .uiracis. Just before tho northbound morn- "Whether or not this attraction J" ' cJp ine train arrived a flurrv was caused m bo traced .to tho earliest lncl- AmI t,lt)ce wno cruao t0 8,00 MB tram armed n imrr was causcu ,a , maJo,.lly cnmo to ionrn. Tho nt inc aouincni memo depot 111 1111s - " " "-" . . ..., .. , . , .,', nn.lnnlnl.lA .',. rnmnlno ! f).n 1U10 SllO V OS 11 great ClC.1 cuv, causcu uy a man ciinsmg a gin.- . ..."........ ........ ""ii,,. ,. i ,i i "' u -...1 J-a i.- . . m.. Idea of n million annlea cnJor onn hoU8 for tno latest nml lUILUKU uuu uiuuuu uw uu.. O.UU - -- --- ; -"-I -,, ,.. .,1 In nnn'r. miv in- tae colors of,1 "' " '" ""' iTiio appio growera lert not only witn clearing most np- . cirl proved to be Mary Johnson aud.roo,u' representing all 4t. ....... . i.A. ......1,. aii.,,... ti... Ithe rainbow, cxudlnir :ill the nor "" " "" u" uuiiw, aiuut buiiu- .... " " nv lilnos -IM. rnnmvn.l .lntnr. 'tunics or Arabia and appealing to " "- i " ...... .. !,.. i-..i, ., 1.1.1 initiations to excel." .UC IULAV.UUUA UL U.V.J U...U.L1UU3' son, of Jacksonville. For some rea son, which she refused to divulge, the $;irl concluded to make a "getaway." As she is a material witness in the case, tho authorities took charge of fcer and she was sent back to Jack sonville in charge of Sheriff Jones. NOTICE. A meeting of tho Republican County Central Committee Is called for Sat urday, July 2, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., in Commercial Club Rooms, Med ford, Oregon. N. L.. NARREGAN, Chairman nnd well-informed person, piques the national cir iosity as Joes no other collection of products known. "This Is not rhetoric, but history. At tho apple show last year planters from South rollnn, farmers from tho Middle West, capitalists from the , Now Eugland States came to see tho , exhibition. Not only tho man who had grown app'es, but tho man who 'SALEM GIRL DRESSES AS BOY RUNS AWAY h -f-r-t- -r -- ' DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER " STRANG'S DRUG STORE. - - - AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. .Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1910 Chalmers Dctroits. Phono 1S01, Valley Auto Company, Medford. Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frntik II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. A. L. VROMAN I PT.TmrTrr'xrrt r mp a m-nori PORTLAND, Ore., June 29. The ..i . .1 ,i ..... effort's of flfton-Yrnr-nll N'olHo Vnn 11-1 L.ri. .11 I'. II. Lit ir. 1. -in wi-ii .... i.if. "- ' - ----- . ... , , 11-., .... .. . ..I Allen, of Salnm. to n:n nwnv from HOWTP A flTnP curiosity, took advantage of tho spo- homo disguised as a boy, have como - , . .. , I .. tn naught. Last night sho was ar- f J0D I0 SmaU, DOUG tOO ' 1- n..n 1 . .1.- . 'lnTrrA -T-rtnrifTr--f-'i trn vonN.' iL-aicu iu iuu.uuu at mi' luqutoi. -"i "-6VI juhwuuj-u,u EAGLE POINT EAGLETS W By A- C. Hewlet: Last Saturday Messrs. Winn and Jewel of Trail, who have been living -at the United States hatchery, call ed for dinner, nnd on Monday Mr. Jewel and wife called ugaiu for diu aicr. Mr. Jowel has charge of the United States works at the mouth of Elk creek. Ho reports that they have been putting in the racks in Rogue out on tho side of the trail by having Miss Smith get out and have two men hold the hack to keep it from turning over, and then while I was sitting in the hack the two men stood at the horses' heads while the chauf feur guided the auto by, and then the ladies in it got out for fear of being dumped into the river, but we all got !..'.. -vl. Cnfn .Hi'iii. ...... ...!.!... .. . . .u.uu-U OU.U ..UUUUb UUY uil&liuua river and are getting ready for the 'And that is the kind of roads' that welworId she Punned to come as near fall work. invito strangers who come to visit ourto be,nB ono as a s,rl could. W. W. Parker of Butte Falls and country to ride over to see our beau- his daughter, Miss Dollie, called forjtiful country. I think that we bet--dinner last Monday. Miss Dollie (tcr do away with that old fossil of was just returning from a visit to(a section in our state constitution Forest Grove, where she had been to limiting the counties going iu debt to visit a sick uncle, wno is now con-, 0,000 and bond the couutv for $100,000 or $200,000 for road pur poses. But I did not intend to write nn article on political economy, but simply call attention to that horrible piece of road. J. M. Dodge, who has beeii engaged boring a well for E. S. Wolfer, has moved his well-boring machine to Mr. vpnrr 1 o J - - - her father and returned to Salem practical experience. t0When takenn in custody tho girl 0ff,ce ' ,LSUt,19Zr,0nt Streot' was found togged out completely as riiono 2751. a boy. Sho had cut hor hair short and had oven gone so far as to clip her finger nails. The girl was found at tho homo of a friend. "When detectives arrived she fought them desparately. Tho police wore finally compelled to carry her to the station. The child declared that she was tired of being a girl, and that as only boys were allowed to see tho vulcscing. Her sister, Miss Ella Par ker, started to go to Forest Grove tho same day to visit relatives in . that section. Miss Laura Smith, recently from Alaska, cume out from Medford on the P. & E. railroad Saturday eve ning and Sunday morning went with your Eagle Point correspondent as !ar as Trail, and there I hud to btop preach, and she procured a rig and vent on up to hor sister's, Grace, who s teaching school 011 Elk creek. On Tuesday she returned to tho Sunny side on the Eaglo Point cud Trail stage. She eays that sho thinks that her bister will accompany hor on her r q turn to Alaska. Mr. Russell of Medford nnd Mr. Ling, also of Medford, came out Saturday ovo to take a s,pin in their iauto, take supper, fish a little and talk to tho Eaglo Poiutera ubout his candies, etc. John Wiley and Mike Buumeister, two carpenters, who cnmo out from Medford to go to work on the new house that Mr. Brower of A&hluud i building a short dibtance above here, spent Sunday night with hh, and the .next morning went 011 up to work on . the .nuw building. Jle Ims quite a number of carpenters nt work, among whom is ono of our boarders from Dudley, Harvey Spencer, ' Lntit Sunday evening Mr. Bacon, 'the freight agent on the P. & E., brought his family from Grants Pass. They nt present uro stopping nt tho Sunnyside, but expect in 11 short time to move into the I. B. Williams. V Jhome. A0u my trip to Trail last Sunday "ivu hud quite nn experience on tho gnulo .between tho free ferry and Trail. There is a strip of road if it , Mititled to bo .called a road that 1 hi rough that it is dangerous to rive fast over, and so nurrow thai ih almost impomiiblo for two teams pasn, and on that aforesaid piece of road I mot an uuto. Well, the question cnmo up ubout bucking out, 'for it was impossible to pass there, .- mid upon examination found that it would bo easier for mo to back with my hack than to have them back ovCr tho rocks and narrow grade, no I started to back, and after backing DRYD0CK DEWEY IS AFLOAT IN GOOD SHAPE MANILA, June 29. After several weeks submersion tho dry dock Dewey is nfloat today In better shnpo , than was expected. Tho pumps have 1 beon kept In constant service the past few days. , A careful investigation was started by a special board today to ascertain ' the cause of the sinking. Several j Packers Wanted! To register with tho association for this season's pack. Packing schools for pears nnd apples iu Au gust and September. Pack changed on apples. Everybody must learn it. R. R. FRUIT & PRODUCE ASS'X. REPORT ISSUED ON WHOLESALE PRICES for something like a hundred feet, the rest of tho day with Mrs. How came to 11 plncu where I could pulllett, taking the train at 0 p. in. reasons have been advanced but not Henry's, above Brown&boro. where he untl1 tho board reports to tho navy is going to bore a well. The well he dePartment at Washington will tho bored for Mr. Wolfer wns a grand real cnUB0 fco mado PubUc- success. He went to a depth of 31 xeei unu sirucK a vein ot water so strong that it raised to within n few, feet of the surface, and came with such force that it washed the wall-., of tho well so thut the wnter was clear, nnd Mr. Wolfer and family, Mr, Dodge and helper all drank of it, and it wns fine. Mr. Dodge snys that it is very nel dom that they find such a vein ns thut, but often they have to draw tho water out with a bucket to got it clear. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfer uro de lighted over their success iu that line. Jack Glennon of Los .Angeles, a brother-in-law of G. II. Wiuiwluv, one of our curpeuters, came iu on the P. & E. Inst Monday to puy them a visit. Miss Mable Wainbley nnd hor uncle paid us 11 visit 3Iondny. Mr. Wheeler, one of the Ilutte Falls merchants, cume out to tho Sunnyside Monday night after 11 loud of goods. Jess Frcdcuburg accom panied with his tcum. He will nlno tnke a part of his load for Mr. Briggs of Butte Falls. They 1110 making big preparations for a high time tho Fourth. Mrs. Wright nnd her stepson spent tho night with us Mouduy, uud Tues day morning took tho Peyton stage for hor father's, Mr. Hawk, of Dud ley. Ono of our old-time friends, J. S. Howard, his grandson, Master Rob ert and Mr. McGownn, all of Med ford, came out Tuesduy iu Mr. How ard's now auto, for dinner and to try tho machine. He says that it is all O. K. uud that he is going to bring Mrs, Howard out to see us. Mrs. A. II. Thomson of Luke Creek, formerly of Yunkeo creek (Wellen), eumo out Tuesduy morning just too Into for tho train, so spent WASHINGTON, Juno 29 An nn nual report on wholesale prices Jtisti published Ly tho Department of Commerce and Labor shows that wholesale pi-Ices In 1909, as meas ured by tho 257 commodities, ad vanced 3 per cont over tho whole-1 sale prices In 1908, But with this advance, they wore still 2.3 per cent bolow tho r.verago of 1907, .ho year of highest p"I'ec fn tho period of 1890 to 1909, Yet tho highest record for n ..Inglo month in 20 years was m-t'o last March. Wholesalo rices In 1909 wore 14.5 , nor cent higher thnn In 1900; 41 per cent hlchor than li 1897, the. year of tho lowest prices In tho pe-. riod from 1890 to 1909; 12 per cont higher than in 1890; ami 2G.5 per cont hlghor than the avorago price for tho ten years 1890 to 1900, Tlio( higho.t point reached In 1907 was In O-jtobor, from wl Icb month there was a gonoral decllno until Aiiyust, 1908. Beginning with Sep tember, 1908, ioro was a monthly lucreaso without a break up to March, 1910, wlon prices ranged 7.5 por cent higher than in March, 1909; 10.2 por cont lughor than In August, 1908; 21.1 por cent higher than tho avorsgo yoarly price of 1900; 49.2 per cont higher than tho avorago , yearly price of 1897; nnd 33.8 por cont higher than tho nverago price for tho ton yo.-vs 1890 to 1899, Among tho products showing marked increaso In prlco In 1909 wero "cholco to extra steers," which lncrcuHoed 24 por cont from Febru- KB Electric Flat Irons need no recommendation to progressive housewives. Their use makes ironing a pleasure, relieved of all the drudgery of fires and changing of irons. The small General Electric flatiron is indispensable in the tewing room. Children Use Them not only as playthings but really in a useful way, helping with the little things and thus learning to aid in household duties. We have a very interest ing way of introducing these new irons (0 users of electric light. ELECTRIC CO. ROGUE RIVER at Come in Now and See Our JEWEL FIRELESS STOVE Roasts-BaRcs-Boils- -Fries- -Steams- -Stews Saves 75 per cent of your TIME WORK FUEL All Aluminum Construction, Inlcuding Cooking' Ukensils i llnvo your food cooked bettor than over boforo. Most sanitary, longest lastlnug, numl economical flroleun coulter intule. ff gr ) S) f "OutMdo tho flro limit., but Inslilo 011 prices" Telephone Main lira West Main St. Cor. of Laurel N't to Washington Hcliool $2400 Buys a WHO L E BLOCK m I MALE PARK ADDfflll If You Want a Block of This Addition Sec Any Ancnt or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE, MEF0RD, OREGON. FOR SALE CHEAP SECOND HAND AUTO In Good Condition Just the machine to no anywhere Ina proven car that will jjo on any passable road.. A barrjaln If taken at once. Cash or Realty VALLEY AUTO CO. FOUT ST. JA.MK.S, OX IiAICK 8TU AHT, JiHITIHil CO1.U.MIUA. Thin is doatlned to bo tho Portland it Urltlah Columbia, on a nuvlga bio river and deep water lako with wo trains running in noxt fall. Letters pour Into our offlco all day with applications for lotu. To thoao vlio cannot como in wo would do our 1 utmost to mako a good oolection. j Prices, $100 and 200 each; cash S2G, balance 10 a month. A few 10-acrc farms joining fcort St. Jnmos owiihUo and Lake Stuart, 50 cash and 10 a month. You need not bo a Canndlan citi zen to. hold this. You need not lm J prove It, nor you nood not roslde on lit, All this land Is on or noar tho . railroads, Qrand Trunk Pacific, Alas ka Yukon and Canudlan Northorn railroads. Rich farm lands, 8. CO por aero, $3.00 cash, balanco 1,00 por aero per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northorn Land Company, 30-1, 305 and 300 Lowls building, Portland, Orogo . tf Do You Need Any Silverware? I Have What You need. MARTIN J. REDDY Jeweler, near P. O. Tho storo that takes a lot of pains to mako Its advertising sorvlcoablo to you has earned your favor and Interest. EVES ggf In my Privnte Optionl Parlor I uho tho bent iiiHtrumentH and lat ost methods, with 'artificial light, tho only correct way for Hcioutifio fiiuht-teBting, Loiihob roplncou and framed ndjiiHtod. Proscriptions filled. GInBHOH adjusted nnd Htruluhtoned free, DR. RICKERT ROOM 2, OVER KENTNER'S.