Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 29, 1910, Image 1

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    ? ,.
society .
Tonight mill tomorrow Fair
Mini win iium'.
Kl tfTJl YEAR.
600 cars or
Patholonlst Says Crop Is Much
Heavier and Better Than Last
Year He Will Leave Tomorrow
for Washington and Will Return
to Mctlfortl July 20.
Quo thousand oars of fruit will bo
shipped from tho Rogue River vnlloy
thin your, nooonliiig to n lough osti
iiiiiIo made hy Professor 1 .1.
O'dlllll. Willi llllH spoilt thu past two
week in going over the urchin l dis
trict. Of this iiinoiiiit (100 earn will
he applet nml -100 curs will ho pear.
In the I'Htiiunlo of 1000 ears, ponchos
nro excluded.
At proHonl tho office force of tho
Rogue River Fruit & I'roiluoe nso
(tiiition is engaged in gutting out a
ilotailcil estiinitte, which will he
roiuly within n few ilnyn.
"Tho crop this your is larger thiiii
ever hofore on the old trees," stiitcs
Professor O'Onrii, "nml the increiibe
in output in luc ns much to thin fnct
art to the inuntnsod acreage. There
is any nmoiint of 0-ycnr-oM stuff
which in producing two nml three
hocK of fruit.
"The ipiulity of the fruit !h excep
tionally fine. Never hnve I Been a
hotter crop than the one of Hi'ih
Professor nml .Mrsi O'Garn will
lenvo Thursday for the oiihI. Mrs.
O'flarn will visit with her parentH in
South Dakota, while the professor
will go on to Washington ami return
to Medford on or uhoiit Jnlv 20.
Dr. Andrew C. Smith of Portland,
Staunch Friend of Southern Ore
(lon, In Medford Attcndlnn Mcotlnu
State Board of Hoalth.
.Meilfonl in today onlorlniuing tho
pruhiihlo future governor of Oregon
in the person of Dr, Andiew O.
Smith of Portland u candidate very
BulUfudory to Southern Oregon.
Wlwu the Crulor Luke highway
projeot was inaugurated, Or. Smith
wiih among tho first to soni in n
subscription. He in n good Youds
crank nml mi urdent advoento of u
Htute system of fine highways.
Dr. Smith, besides being u physi
eiau of unto, iH well known in finan
cial mid luminous circles, being prosi
dont of the Iliheruiu hank, lie iH u
member of tho Htato hoard of hoalth
and is here attending the regular
lit nil probability Dr. Smith will ho
tho assembly nominee, though bin in
dorsement will ho contested hy Jay
Uowerniaii, pioscut noting governor.
Dr. Smith ih in no sense u politioiuu
and is not making uny offoro for the
uomimition. If mimed, it will not ho
hoonuho ho is an assembly advocate,
hut hociuiBo ho is Iho strongest
nvailahlo omidiilate.
With Dr. Smith Ih another politi
cian of note, a niunosnko, mid also
a mondial' of the state hoard of
hoalth. Dr. C. J. Smith of Pondlolon,
who us stato senator from Umatilla
did valient work for tho Orator Lake
hiuhwny hill and Ashland normal in
tho last session of tho legislature Dr.
Smith in u Democrat und has hoon
frequently mentioned as Democratic
Grants Pass Man Elected hy Fish
Commission to Succeed Harry Mc
Allister, Who Resinned to Become
Manaucr of the Oregon Home Rule
HALKM, Ore., June 20. Edward
Clnuton of Grants Pans, for tho lnnt
two years deputy wnrilvn for Dlntrlct
No. 2, which embraces nil of the ter
ritory Houth of the Columbia River,
wiih eleceil ly thu Htnlo fluh commls
kIciii yesterday nftornoon an n suc
cessor to Muster I'IhIi Wanlon Me
AlllHter. McAllloter has res Ik nod
nml will tiBmimo the msnngomont of
the Oregon Home Ruo Afwoclntlon.
with headquarters at Portlnml.
Henry O'Malloy, Hiiporlntondont of
tho United States department of fUli-
erleH In tho Northwest, wni offorod
tho apimlatmont, hut refiiHed tho po
rtion iih It wis n political ono and
the tenure of offlco but rIx months,
while hla preuent position Ih for llfo
toiuiro under civil Horvlco rulee.
RENO, Kuvnrin, Juno 29. A lively
llttlo scrap Ih promised for thin af
ternoon when Tom Flanagan, repre
senting Johi.Hon and Sam norgor, rep
resenting Jeffries, get togothcr with
lllcknrd to settlo on an nuxlllnry rof-
Itlcknrd suggested Bovcrnl days ngo
that Jnck GlenBon would bo a good
man for thin Job. JohnBon'H fol
lowers at onco not up u howl. Flan
agan, la Iteno today, declares John
Hon will not otnnd for aloason.
"OlnoMon," ho declared, "will not
be the omorgoncy roforeo If I havo
anything to nay about It. Whom
Johnson wants I do not enro to say
nt this tlmu. Uut you can hot wo
nro going to mnko n fight against
(Sloason, no matter If ho Is Rockurd's
VICTORIA, H. C. Juno 21). Hob
Kitzsiminons, ox-heuvywoiglit ehnm
pion, nml his party, which arrived
from Australia lust night on the liner
Mnrnina, loft today on the steamship
I'uohlu for Sun Francisco. Although
the Maraina reached Victoria early in
tho evening Fitzsininunis was not al
lowed to laud until U p. m.
I'Mtzsiininous doclnred that Joffiios
will win against Jaok Johnson (
Frniik Slavin, one of Fitzsinunoiih'
first friends to Kieot him when ho
stepped down the KniiKplnnk, can't
uudorsluiid how Johnson can loso.
Therefore conversation.
"You must remember Johnson's
youth, his elasticity, his cleverness
and his stieiiKth," expostulated Shi.
vin in tho midst of u sharp exchange
of voihal fireworks.
"Hut you forgot Joffiios' enUur
mice, his persistency nnd his iik
tiUwsiveuoiH." ' Then Fitzshumoiis
told why ho llinuejit Jeffries would
win. Johnson- was a splendid de
fensive fishier, lie wns rather a
hard iniiii to net, hut he never wus
one to force hostilities. Jeffries, on
tho other hand, was one who bored
viuht into the thick of it, wjio shuts
his jaws, takes what was oomiiiK and
irnvo just a little-hit more."
eaudiilato for tho uovornorship,
though ho doelaroH he has no political
asiiirutions in that lint).
Scenes Showing
Man Charrjed With Bribery In Con
nection With Election of Senator
Lorlmcr Gains Respite Judne Dis
charges Jury.
CHICAGO, HI., June 'JO After
hit vim; been out TJ1 hours considcr
inu the evideneo in the triiil of Loo
O'Neil Hrowno, uharccil with bribery
in connection with tho election of
William Lorimer to the United States
hunnte, tho jury in tho ease reported
today that it could not nree upon n
verdict. Tho jury wib theieupoii
discharnod by Jiulue .MeSurely.
When comt convened ut 10 o clock
today tho indication were that the
jury would disagree. They plainly
appeared reseivt under the rigors ol
their Ioiik eonfiuenient, and Judne
MeSurely had unnouneod that unless
nn nnrcemont wore reached today he
would dismiss tho jurymen.
The jurors appeared little pleased
with their lout; sioj;o behind guarded
doors. Many looked ill and worn.
All wore unkempt und it was appar
ent that little uood feeling existed
nmoni; them, None appeared elated
over Iho record they had made in the
courts of Illinois of huvimr been out
tho longest of any jury in the his
tory of criminal procedure in the
New oYrk Stocks.
N10W YOHK, Juao 29. llighor
quotations sont from Loudon had a
sustaining offect on stocks at tho
opoaliiK today but a sharp decline fol
lowed with tho grain cnrrlora showing
tho Brontest woakness. Uoports of
sprltiB whotit dnnuiBO caucod dlstnrb
piico at IntorvnlB.
Hallroad stocks sufforod a drop
Bonornlly. Southorn Pacific lost
1 3-8, Union Paolflo, 1 1-8, Qront
Nortborn proforrod 1 1--I, Now York
Contral 1 and Atchison, nig Four
and Amorlcnn Agricultural Ohomlcal,
1; Donvor and Klo drando proforrod,
3-8 and Atlantic Const lino 1,
Mail Tribune
How James J. Jeffries
Is Training For Championship Battle.
fitvu x.(.n avnivaurtf
Reduction of Twenty-five Per Cent
Ordered on Complaints From Spo
kane, Portland and Nevada Larg
est Reductions Arc In the West.
WASHINGTON', D. C. Juno 29.
Tho Interstntc commerco commission
today ordered reductions averaging 25
por cent In trnns-contlnental railroad
frolght rates In nn Important session
of dcceslons based upon complaints
from Spokane, Portland, tlio Nevada
railroad commission and tho Salt Lake
City chamber of commerco.
Tho largest reductions nro made
In rates In torrltory from tho Pacific
Const to tho Missouri IUver. '
Many Peoplo Killed, While Property
Loss Is Enormous Creeks Aro
Flooded With Debris Watchinq
for Corpses.
SAYKHSVILL13, Ky., Juno 29.
Sovon bodies tJrendy havo boon re
covered and fifty porsono aro miss
ing ns a result of n cloudburst In Mn
goffln, Floyd and Knott coi.ntloa early
today. Serious dnmngo was done
to property iimV crops.
Tho groatest dninago was done In
towns along Middle- Crook, which
swollen Into r. torront, Bwopt awny
(Continued on Pace 5.)
Physicians Adopt Resolutions Boost
inn the Proposed Constitutional
Amendment to Provide Good Roads
Throughout the State.
Tho nineteenth annual pcsslon of
tho Southern Oregon Medical Associ
ation meeting wns a great success.
I Tho following addresses wero de
livered: i "Medical Le&lslatlon," by the out
going president, Dr. Conroy of Med
ford. I "Urotornl Transplantation," by
Dr. Coffey of Portland.
J "Ureteral Catheterization," by Dr.
illaar of Portland.
I "Tho Urinary Calculus," by Dr.
Swedonburg of Ashland.
I "Tho Uuslness Sldo of Practice,"
by Dr. Flnnnagnn of Grants Pass,
"Tho Doctor, tho Auto and tho
Uonds," by Dr. Houck of Rosouurg. .
1 Tho last subject awakened nn In
teresting discussion which resulted in
tho following resolution being
"Whereas, the medical profession
as well as tholr patlonts nro vitally
Interested In tho construction of good
ronds, nnd,
"Whorens, wo havo, thon, tho fu
turo generations to build, keop up
nnd pay for these pormnnont roads,
, "Whoreas, this proposed constitu
tional niuondmont gives each county
tho option to docldo this quectlon for
'itself, thoroforo ho It
"Itesolved, by tho Southorn Oregon
Modlcal Association that wo horoby
endorse this niuondmont to tho state's
constitution, providing for Iho Issu
ing of county bonds for road build
ing." Tho following offlcors woro olect
od: President, Dr. F, G. Swedon
burg of Ashland; vice-president, Dr.
Cora D. Somon of Grants Pass; sec
retary and treasurer, Dr. A. C. Sooly
1 300 ARE
French Troops Engage in Battle
With Natives in Morocco French
Losses Are Slight No Details of
Fighting Are Obtainable at Last
TANGIER, Moroccoc, Juno 29.
Couriers arriving here today report
the slaughter of 1300 natives in a
battlo with French troops in the
Tadla district on June 23. Tho
French losses are said to have been
slight. No details of tho fighting
are obtainable.
Roosevelt at Harvard.
BOSTON, Mass., June 29. Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt was me central
figure at the the commencement ex
ercises today of 800 members of the
graduating class of Harvard Univer
sity. Roosevelt was cheered where
ever he appeared.
In tho early part of the day he
greeted his old class mates and dis
tinguished guests. In the evening ho
plnnned to be the guest of President
I The presentation of degrees to tho
graduating class, tho largest In the
history of Harvard, took place this
morning at 10 o'clock In Sander's
Theater. ,
Statistician Convicted.
WASHINGTON, D. C, June 29.
Edward S. Holmes, former statisti
cian of tho department of agricul
ture, today pleaded guilty to r. charge
of allowing Information to "leak"
concerning tho cotton crop report
issued by the government. The ex
treme penalty Is a fine of $5,000.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Mycr of Cednv
Hnpids, la., nre here on a visit and
looking over the valley.
RENO. Nov., June 21). Reno';
professional jrumblers nro clennin;
up. In nntieipation of the enfoieo
ineut of the unti-Kumblini; laws be
Kinninj; October 1, tho punblors are
helping ench other out und the fight
fans aro the sufferers. Tho percent -
ago for the house has been shoved up
just ns many notches as it is pos
sible to move it, nud the play for the
houo is so regular that the dealers
are kopt busy nnd need help when it
comes to raking in the coin.
This is probably the lust big clean
up the gamblers can expect. Tho
shifting of tho fight to Nevada hud
about tho sumo effect for them that
tho discovery of gold in their own
buck yards would havo had. Aud
they nro not throwing nwny their
The big crowds nro providing
plenty of money. Mitny visitor go
to tho gninbling houses out of curi
osity, und play a few dollars just for
tho experience. As u rule it doesn't
tuke long to got experience. Thoro
nro others, however, bent on boating
the gamblers nt thoir own gumo. Men
with "systems" sit u round tho rou
lette tables nud tho gambler nro
getting rich.
of Roseburg.
Ashland was solected as tho noxt
place of meeting.
The banquet at tho Nooh Grill was
a decided success. Dr. Plckel presided.
Full Leaned Wire ftcxrt
Tho only paper In tho world
published In n cliy tho ilo of
Medford having u loaned wire.
No. 86.
hyde Must
Is Sentenced for Murder of Colonel'
Thomas H. Swope, Kansas Citv
Millionaire Judge Denies Moti
foe New Trial, Saying Consplra
Was Shown.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.f June 29.
Dr. B. C. Hyde today was sentenced
to spend the rcmnindcr of his life in
state's prison by Judge Ralph Lnt
shaw for the murder of Colonel Thos.
II. Swope, the Kansas City million
aire philanthropist.
Attorneys for Dr. Hyde used every
means available to avert the impos
ing of the sentence. Judge Lntshaw
overruled a motion for a new trial
for the defendant. In doing so he
epitomized the entire - trinl of. the
"The evidence demonstrated a
plot," said tho court. "And the dif
ferent manifestations of that' plot
were so related that they disclosed
common motives, prompted by ava
rice and cupidity, running through
nil transactions nnd indicating that
its ultimate design wns to obtain pos
session of tho deceased's vast f
tune hy eliminating every humnn
&tncle as pawns from a chess bonn
Judge Lutslmw then imposed t
lifo sentence. Dr. Ilydo will remi
in tho county jail instead of begin
ning his prison term, to be uenr Mrs.
Hyde, who soon is to become a
mother. This phase of tin. Hyde ease
was ono strongly emphasized by at
torneys for Hyde when they pleaded
with tho judge for the acquittal of
the defendant. The defense- has
filed nn appeal to tho stnte su
promo court,, nnd it is believed that
tho appeal will he granted. The
court, however, refused to relen-e
Dr. Hyde on bail, pending tho ap
John W. Davis, Leading Realty
Dealer of Seattle, Visits Crater
Lake and Says It Surpasses Any
Other Natural Wonder for Beauty
John M. Davis, the leading realty
broker of Seattle, and Isaac W. Ar
dorson, tho Tncoimi enpitulist, re
turned Tuesduy evening fiom uiuaiitu
trip from Medford in Ashland to
Klamath Falls and Crater Lake. Tin
left tho Kails ut 8 o'clock in tl
moiuiug, spent nn hour ut tho lal
and ranched Medford ut 7 o'clock '
tho evening. Hoth wero delight
with thoir trip nnd what thoy sin..
They went within u quarter of a mile
of the lako in thoir unto, when snow
stopped thom und thoy walked to the
rim, hut woie unable to dusceml to
tho water on account of snow diitte.
which still cover the trail.
Mr. Davis, who is u globotrotter,
aud recently iiiudo u tour of tho
woild, visiting nil of tho scenio spots
in Now Zealand. Australia, Switzer
land and Norway, siiy-t that no place
(hut ho has ever soon ollors o iiinuv
beauty snots nud scumc ivttr.miio-
as the Crater Lake region nnd the
Rogue River country.
"This is tho most bountiful drive in-
(Continued on Puge 5.)
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