w ,ir, ,i-5'v H nJ MI.0DI7ORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECION, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 3910. r i ft S0C1ALANPPERS0NAL Tito luldiltoii of (imillly mid liumu coinfootH will liu Qtiuon Anno wulur, nowor Anil puvoil Hlrootrt IniiUlliiu ro ooiiHlniotioiiH. Boo MuO'ulliitn, Ilotol Niuli. tt Vlnlt TIio OiikH .Inly I. Opci-nlnr fumloil In OuliH ill (Hind coiiinimiicn ' Utin with HiikhIiIo nt Wouo. JolTrlun JoIiiihoii I'luhl, (linict wire, HH Nowly t'urnlHlioil iilmtpiiiK room. cool, iiiilot tinny walking iIIhIuikjo. ( Mil UIhoii Htroot, eornur WcihI lluiii lit on tiiiHt two lilodkti from North Oukiliilu tiuvlnj,'. Phono Main ! 171. U' Two hull irntiioH mo hIiikuiI for the Font Ih nt .luulcnoiivillo. In the mom inu Muilfonl ami (IriintH 1'iihh mil ho tho conlcHtiiiK toniiiH inn in tlu iil'toiiioon liiokmiiivillo will try to lowor Aloilford'H colorn. Tho voto for L'oilih'KN of lihortv nt Jat'ksniivillo on Julv -I in now owon. Tiokutx on xnlo lit UiihhoII'h CoiiIVc tioimrv hIi-ii and N'iinIi hotel and IlitMkiu'H ilnnr Htoro, CoiiIohI clowm Juno 2K. II p. in tf A. M. Holm wim in Med to nl lrom lit Vmikoo orook ranoh .Monday on IjiimIiiomh, Who to in Mudford unit von not hot tor vahioK than in Qnoon Anno addi tion? Did you notion tho out of tho now ptihlio Nuhool to ho orootoil in Qnoon AunoT (lot huay. Tho proa-i out prico won't IiihI lout;, tf J. Court Hull. hiiKohall imprrn fliirio, wont to Axhlnml Momlav iift i'ilooii to moot Wnllor McCrodio and IiIk toiun. who a 10 on thoir way north ' Will hcII a .'Pi-iuoh praclically now wimftn anil firnl-cliiHH Htuko wood rack, Call at Woods Lnmhor Co. bT JiiiIko J. It. Noil wiih in Medford Hoiiilav aflornoon on Ihihuiohk. A. I'. ItoaiaoH roturnod from a lirofoiiKlotial trin north Saturday. II. I). Kiihlt of 'Applei;nto nml hod wo i) in Mudford on a htininoHa tnp Jilonility aflornoon. Will mill a .'Prhicli oraotically now wacon and first-chiHH Htako wood ruok. Call al , Woodn Lnnilior Co. 8f Mm. I, U Hamilton returned Mon day niclit from l'orllaud, where hIio linn lioen viHilinir. St. Akiioh (luild of tho KpiHCopal litircli will civo a Hiippor oafotoria j'rom (J to 7:110 p. in., Wodnonilay, Juno lit', i-t tho Aukio Opera house, followed hy a danoo. Kvoryhody -como. 8(1 Tho lawn mii-inl i.f tho W. C. T. U. will he hold 'I'liurnday at l p. m. jit tho nwidfiiioo of Mw, W. S. Joiioh on ICant Main wtreet. Anions tho in tonmtiui; fontiircH of tho pniKram will ho an adilroHH hy Mrn. A. II. V, Church of (IrantH 1'iish, who in an oiitoriaiiiini; mid forcoful speaker. Member arc urgently requested to iio proHent and all ladicH are cordi tilly invited to attend. Viml Tho OakH .Inly -I. Oporntor Mntod in Onlw in direct communica tion with riimnide at ltouo. .loffriort Johnson fiulit, diroat wiro. 88 liVmaii Orion loft thin iimniiiiK for San KrmiciHi'o. Iio will vinit Itono on his raturii. Wit Tho OakH duly -I. Oporntor Hoatoil in OakH in direct commuuica tiou with riiiKHido at ltcno. Jcffrien .lohtiHou fiuht. direot wiro. 88 Dr. .Mann, chiropodist and foot (ipooialiHtt who is in town for a fow weeks, Ih prepared to remove corns, bunions, perHpiriug and odorotiH feet. Tho doctor Iiiik a stuck of toHtiuiou jals on haiid'toritifyiug to his ahility and rocommoiidatloii.s from tlione whom ho Iiiik troated. Ho will ho at room M, I'nlaoo hotel, mid if your foot need repairing it would ho well for you to consult him. Free con tinuation. Leon I). IlaHkiiiH loft thin morning for Herkoloy, whoro ho will moot Mrn, IlaHkiiiH mid accompany her homo. Died Juno 'JO, AIihh Itoso Myron, youugoHl daughlor of Mr. mid Mrn. G. W. MyroB of Klaiimth Falls, and a native daughter of Autioch district, aged about 'JO yearn. Kloronco Walker and wife of Moiinlaiu diKtrii't caiiio over Monday, Hiiiuiuonod to tho death hednido of Mra. Walker's KiHtor, Hone. Mvr. Q. W. Myrofi of Khimuth Kails reached the city Sunday hy tho Had KiimiuoiiH of her daughter, Itose, death. The young lady will ho laid to ri'Ht in Central Point comotory on 'Tuesday at 2 p. in. Mr. Pryor and family, formerly of Medford hut of Into of WiiHhiugloii, returned to tho city Saturday and will in all probability locate poriiui neiitly, HiitiHfied to roam no more. Mrs. Ira Kaufman mid bubo, of .Applegiite, came over Sunday, doing Home shopping and enjoying the oily amuHomontB. ' Carl F. Marliii is hodfast with a Bovoro attaok of fevor. 0. P. anion of Klamath FhIIh mid L. A. Nowtou of the Paclfio States Tolophono company wore in Medford Tuesday, coming over from Yroka, Cal., via the nutomohilo route. Messrs, Qntos And Nowtou had first completod a trip to Lnkoviuw and otfier Klamath and Lake county points in a Huielc car, mid fltartod on a return trip to Klamath Falls Tuos dny afternoon, Joseph Pulitzer, Noted Newspaper Owner, Seriously 111. m? j$t WW Ami wfflTl U5MmF2&jKliij 4 ,..'3 .jjf' .' Li ujl rMJUMJMJL.TTriMnM Wif; , "BHmfitiiiB -1 'ii ufmimmBM'rm J. I). Heard and .1. K. Harkdull left Tuohdny morning for Reno to soo the big fight. Both are euthiirii-j astio Jeffries men and will either come back broke or opulent. Ocorgo P. Mcrriinnn returned Suu- dav evening from a trip to Portland i mid Seattle. "1 saw a couple of ball games that would have done your heart g 1," ho said, "mid I broke oven on tho gamos. One of them went to .Spokane, 1 to 0, and 1 lost. 1 1 .'1 .!.... I .-. 1 l! 1 t? ! Hwiieneii my uci iiu.m iiiiiu imu iv-1 attlo won, 2 to 0. Both games wore of the kind that makes a fan get up and holler." Dr. It. C. Coffey of Portland, a member of tho nlate board of health, was in Medford Tuesday. Dr. P. W. Van Dyke of Grants Pons was in Medford Tuesday at tending tho Medical agiot-iation meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Oeorgo K. Houck of Roseburg wore in Medford Tuesday attending the mooting of the South ern Oregon Medical association. Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Hamilton of Klamath Palls nro among thoso who are attending the meeting of (ho Southern Oregon Medical associa tion. C. II. Miller and h. M. Brown of Klmualh Palls wore Medford visitors Tuesday, Mr. mid Mrs. 0. II. Durham of Grants Pass were Med ford visitors on Monday. Miss Tyler of Yrokn, Cal., chief oporalor for tho Pacific Stales Tolo phono company at that place, was in Medford on a visit Tuesday. Prod T. Osborn of Holland, Jose phine county, was in Medford oirl business Monday. Dr. J. C. Smith of Grants Pnss was in Medford Tuesday attending (ho annual meeting of the medicos. Dr. W. II. Planagan of Grants Pass was in, Medford Tuesday as an attendant upon the annual meeting of the medicos of Southern Oregon. IF IT IS FAKE. THEN DICKERS0N WILL ACT HKNO, Nov., Juno 28.- "At tho first sign of fako 1 havo instructed Captain Cox of tho stato police to stop the fight," said Governor Dick erson of Nevada today. "Captain Cox will net ns my porsonal repre sentative and will obey these in structions." "Tho promoters thus far have complied with all tho provisions of tho law regarding prizefights and I havo every reason to holiovo every thing is on the square." Police Court. John Murphy and Shormna Ollvor each contributed $8 to tho city treas ury Tuesday inornlna for fighting on tho stroots, Will Dee and D. Slattbry had no vlslblo monna of support nml woro Invited to leuvo town or work on tho streets. Their proud Bpliits could not brook labor on tho munici pal highway, so thoy donartod. Godfrey Armond, who was drunk, admitted It, mid looked tt, paid $10 for tho iHvorslon. Harry Brown fought bocauso ho was acciiBod of bogging. Ho didn't bog not ho. Ho had bon work ing at Money's camp, hurt hlmsolf and camo to town, Ho was flnod $10 or ton dayo and told to got back to his Job, and to havo tho $10 with him whou ho camo back. POSSES SURROUNDING BANDITS IN MOUNTAINS SALT LAKH, Utah, Juno 28. I'ohkch are surrounding Little Moun tain, near the slioro of Salt Lnko, today, as It Is bolioved tho thrco bandits who hold up an Oregon Short Lino fain In tho outskirts of this city Sir d: y night aro hiding In enves In tho mountain. A fight la expected If tho bandits hro located. Tracks of tho buggy In which, thoy escaped havo been traced to tho marshes surrounding LUtlo Mountain. A search of the marshes Is believed to have driven tho bandits to caves In the mountain. In this event thoro Is no chance of their escaping. Tho lako Is on one side of tho mountain and tho pocses nro closing K on tho other sides. Fourteen suspects aro hold In Jail nt Ogden. RAILROADS ACT ALREADY UNDER THE NEW LAW WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 28. Under tho now railroad law tho Cen tral Proight association, including railroads of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan mid Illinois, today fled new' tariff schedule, with tho interstate com merce commission. Tho roads desiro tho rates- to be come effective August 1. Tho rales filed represent a gen eral increase of from 10 to 15 per cent over present rates. It is ex pected that eastern roads will file their now schedules before Friday. POLICEMEN GUARDING CARS IN TAC0MA TACOMA, Wash., Juno 28. Po licemen aro riding on every ear from the 10-ccut faro .one of the street car company today to see that con ductors mid citizens do not fight over tho fi-cent faro war now on. Tho action of Mayor Pawcott in pulling men hack on the ears after they had been ejoctod by tho com pany for not paying two fares into the city yesterday precipitated a crisis. PULLMAN COMPANY GETS I BRIEF RESPITE ON RATES I CHICAGO, III., Juno 28. Accord In to advices reaching horo today from Washington, tho tlmo whou tho order of tlo Intorstnto commorco connnlBslon, roluclng tho prlco of up per berths goes Into offect, has boon extended from July 1 to the 12th. Circuit Court. Assignment T, J, Konnoy, claim of D. W. Jackson, trustoo In bank ruptcyfor Ooo. E. Noubor for $1,000; ordorod paid. Lottlo Volton vs. Medford National Bank j to recovor porsonal property; domurror overruled. M. WntkliiB ot al, vs. J. P. Harr et al,, Injunction; domurror over ruled . Lovl Stownrt vs. O villa Stowart; dlvorco docroo grnntod. V. S. Clny vs. Alzlra Clay; dlvorco, Plaintiff ordorod to pay $50 por month temporary alimony, P. & E. It. It. vb. I. J, Phlpps; d. inurror ovorruold and enso Bet for July 25. Marrlarjo License. ' Charlos W, Dorman, 38, imd Mis souri K, Flohr, 38. -H- 4- 4 Notice. Owing to llm niljiiHlmoiit of walor rates, this office will not ho ready to receive water rents hoforo tho flh of July, at which time rents will he due for tho mouth of June, July and August. HOBT. W. TJHjFtilt, City Ilecordcr. 4-4- -f------ DECORATIONS FOB THE FOURTH "Wo invito you to inspect ,0111 linn of Jap lantorns and )thci' .Fourth of July deco rations. Mt TJ1E LATI3 JTCTION iArAOAZrXES PICTURES GALORE Deliciotuly flavored, temptingly boxsd FOII GALC OY MERRIVOLD SHOP eAULBQAJDjTlHEKMiai I Or AMERICA. tANCAtT,PA. DIAMONDS J. W. DIAMOND 115 E. Main St. Electric Flat Irons need no recommendation to progressive housewives. Their use makes ironing a pleasure, relieved of all the drudgery of fires and changing of irons. The small General Electric flatiron b indispensable in the sewing room. Children Use Them not only as playthings but really in a useful way, helping with the little things and thus learning to aid in household dunes. We have a very interest ing way of introducing these new irons to users of electric light ELECTRIC CO. ROGUE RIVER I y Chocolates I and Confections neMHMinBBBMBunnaiaanMa -T K I Jlg - T -! ' i ! J. -4. Crews in Good Shape. NKW LONDON, Conn., Juno 28. Tho condition of tho Yale varsity nml freshman crews was improved following nrdtinl trial spins in prep aration for the Hnrvnrd-Ynlo re gatta tomorrow. Tho encouraging reports from the Ynlo contenders cut down tho odds, though Harvard is favorite today at 3 to 2. Tho Harvard supporters will ho satisfied if tho crimson eights win their respective races hy a few feet. They admit that Yale is dangerous and that the condition of the blue undoubtedly has improved. Both crews devoted the day to pn""tico ""'"' ,JUt ,lid Jmrd ! work. HOSIERY FLYER "We will put on sale here tomorrow 25 dozen men's fancy socks; every pair guaranteed to be our regular 25c a pair quality, and an equal to most any regular 35c a pair hose in the city, just as a flyer. Closing Out Price 15c a pair 2 pair for 25c Also remember our regular line of men's, ladies' and misses' 15c a pair, two for 25c hosiery in the best wearing line in the city. Any size in color, black and brown. HUSSEY'S A Wonderful Discovery for Medf ord. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Mr. Allen's Portable Bath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in one simplo, inexpensive appa ratus all' tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient water within six minutes at the cost of only 1 cent. A bath can be takon in any room without the possibility of soiling carpets or rugs. Onlyono can understand the real merits of this bathing apparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. H. Fox, who has tho exclusive igonoy for Jnekson county, will visit tho homos of Medford and vi cinity and demonstrate it. When he comes to your home, invite him in, and ho will show you the merits of this 20th century invention. It Is on exhibition at Strang's drug storo. GO AND SEE IT. BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off iWest Sovontu street, on Columbus avenue, $325 if aken soon. Terms. Address 0. D., care of Mail Tribune office. Dr. COBLE'S Optical Parlor - Removed to - 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S DRUGSTORE. Preacher has Nine Wives. RICHMOND, Vn Juno 28. Rov. S. W. Tuckor, pnstor of a flock of negro Christians mt Scufflotown, near Richmond, has .jumped his hail and disappeared and his $500 has been forfeited. Sovcn women have como forward claiming Tuokor as their Iiushnnd. Two more havo writ ten to the snmo effect frdm North Carolina. When Tucker wao arrest ed for prowling around tho honso of still another colored woman n rab hit's foot a bottle of gin and a bottle of cologno wcro found in his pock cto. Some animals multiply rapidly and nome snakes are adders. "' f DR. QOBLE'S OPTICAL "" PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. Robert F. Maguire Lute special agont TJ. S. General Land Office, announces that ho has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice beforo state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. For Sale Fine business, sales $70 daily, Bicyclo, will trade. 3 lots and bungalow, mako an offer. Some fino alfalfa tracts very cheap. 40 acres, out, $700. Homesteads, call room 207. Lots Went Walnut Park addition. Oak tier wood, well seasoned. Restaurant for quick salo, $275. Two acres, close in, $050. 34 acres under ditch, close in; $6,800 160 acres, close in, fine dairy and s'ock ranch, $20 por acre. 1200 acres, heavy timhor. on P. & E. railroad. Fine truck land, close in, $20 acre. Bootblack stand, cheap. 2-room house and lot for price of lot. Bearing orchard, fino location, no disease, heavy commercial crop, $500 per acre. 160 acres, 1,000,000 pine timber, im provements, $7 per acre. Good income property, trade for acreage. WANTED. Girls for general housework. Log drivers. Girls for general housework, $5 to $7 per week. Railroad men, $2.25. Woman to cook on ranch. Men to cut wood, $2 cord, $1.15 tier. E. F. A. BITTNER MedTord Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of help furnished. Room 207 Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. ! Phone 4141 Main. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent 'if" you wish tho re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tit ttaxdarj Mr er tmintit iljlhrnny ! OLD KAHF5HIRE BOBD. "Isoitr tit rxattr-marV -because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old ItAMrsiiiRg Bend U clean, crfap fiaper, raide for dean, cri.p buine oik li li sold on tli assumption Ibat there's economy in quality. A handsome specimen book given upon request, show, inj? letterheads and other business form,, printed, lithographed and engraved 04 the white and loutteci colon, Made by KAMrsttlKi Paur CoiirANV, the inly paper makers in iio world making bond aper exclusively. Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVI ttv wr iv "r- -- -i-' iti