MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MJfiDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 2G, 19.10, -.-."-...-. ... f-0V44 444-44 0444' 4 If You Want to Meet the Man Who Wants to Buy Your House Want-Advertise jit . v f - 4 4 4 - 4 -4V4 GILLETT PASSES BUCK TO ATT'Y FREDERICKS Governor Says Ho Knows Nothlnn of Terms of Flnlit Between Moron and Attcll. SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Jlinii 25. It in up to Dlotrlct Attorney Fredericks of Lou Angolcti to dotormlnu whether Hid glovo content botweon Alio Attoll anil Owen Moran Ih u jirUo flRht. according to (lovornor OllloU. If FrodorlcliH tli-eldon It In a prize fight, Jin known tho govern or'n views 11111! In oxpectod to proceed to pronocute "I know nothing of tliu tonus of thin contoHt," said Govornoi (llllutt today, "nml can not iiiikii on It. It In up to District Attornoy Fredericks. 1 havo no data at hand nml cannot oxpnwi an opliilon an to wliothur It b a pilr.o fight or not. I luvvo lath ing to mid to my vlown on prlzo tlghtlng. nt tliln (lino." GAMECOCK KILLS ARMY OFFICER; BLOOD-POISONING BOSTON, Mans., Juno 25. A prick on tho liniul from tint Kpttr of a gninccook caused tho death of Colonel William Bradford Hoinur, 01, n retired United Stilton nnnv officer, whose funurnl will bo liuld nt Naticlc tomorrow. Colonel Homer wuh inspecting tho fowlK on his place 11 low days ago -when ho received a Hpur wound which nt tho titno unused him only illicit pniii. Blood-poisoning net in and tho veteran's nrm hnd to bo am putated nt tho Hhotildor, but too Into to niivo his Hfe. HEROINE OF STEAMER WRECK NOW A BRIDE SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., Juno 25. It became generally known horo to day thnt Miss Mnybollo Watson, tho lioroiuo of tho Hteuiuor Coluinhin wrook of July 22, 11)07, was quietly weddeo to Ernost M. Huniott. 11 vaudeville pianist, 011 Juno 10 by n justice of tho penco nt San Rufuol. Aitor tho mnrriugo tho onupio re turned to the Horkoloy homo of tho bride tuul risked for pnroutnl 11chs ing. Thin forthcoming, tho public wnx appriucd of tho wedding. Mrn. Huniott was among tho sur vivorw of tho Coluinhin wreck. She olung to 11 ruft nl luight and Hiived another woman from drowning. CAME NEAR GOING GASOLINE ROUTE An employe of tho Mission Grille, while filling a coffee heater with KRHolino Saturday forenoon, camo noar making an aviation exhibition, together with part of tho restaurant. Fortunately tho gasoline burned and did not explode, and tho flames were easily extinguished, although fioveral patroiiH and tho wnitors in tho dining room wore considerably perturbed. Tho damage was Hlight and, wliilo tho firo company roHponded promptly, tho blare had boon oxtiuguinhed by iho time of thoir arrival. Old Landmark Burns. PASSAIC, N. J Juno 25. Tho old Van Wagonor liomoatoad, built In 1CC0, and at ono tlmo UBod by oGorgo Wnnhlngtun ns his hoadquartors dur ing tho revolutionary war, Is alitoat In ruins today from flro of unknown origin. Although tho cstato was purchanod tiy tlio Into Henry P. Simmons bov oral years ago, It uovor lost tlio tltlo of tho Van Wngonor homostoad, In 178C tlio houHo was onlnrgod and ox oopt for a fow ropalrs from tlmo to tlmo has boon unclinngod slnco that tlmo. New York Stocks. Now York, Juno 25. Tho Btock market oponod wonk today, but attor numerous declines had booh record ed, substantial ordors flowod la and at tho closing most Ihbuos woro a fraction higher than yostordny. Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo foil 1, Wost Inghouflo Eloctrla 1, Groat North ern and Northern Pacific 1, Cana dian Pacific, Heading and Southern Pacific and Consolidated Qns largo fractions. Tho marlcot cloBod firm. Medford, Oregen: Thin corlifios that wo have Hold Hall's Texas Won der for tho euro of all kidnoy, blad dor and rhoumatio troublos for. ton years, and havo novor hnd n 00m plnint. It givos quick and ponnanont relief, Sixty days' treatment In cnoh fcottlo. Mudford Phnrmaoy. tf Haskins for Health. WALTERS WINS FROM RIBBY Local Boy Wins Bout Analnst tho Tacoma Man Will Now Wrestle O'Conncll for $500 Side Bet. Louis Walters on Friday evening won a wrestling bout from Fred liiliby of Tncoinu and incidentally a Hide hut of $750. Eddio O'Conncll of l'ortlnud, who backed Kihhy, has challenged Wallers and will, take him 011 for 11 $501) Hide hot. Tlioy will meet in the near future. Friday imuIiI'k bout wuh witnessed by only n few, iih it was not ndvor liHed. Kibby ngieod to throw Wul torH thrco times in an hour. After If) minutes of hard work Walters thiow Itibliy. W. M. Kennedy ih bucking Waltors, who promises to duvelop into a phonom. BASEBALL NOTES. f - Wouldn't this championship bust "nonn Jar youT Medford ban won no many games from theso wouhl-bo champions that thoy hnvo to boat each othor to claim anything. Oh, toll un, Ilrothors Hopor and Ulrlch, what Medford will hnvo to do to become champions. Havo you uoon 17-year-old Klld Ilador play? Just watch him on short noxt Sunday. Heche hnn loft for his homo In Kelso, Wash. Johnny Wilkinson left for San FrarcUco yostorday, and tho Medford team will .bo minus Its hont sticker. It made ub nil feel good to sco Llt tlo Itudy back In tho gnmo. A llttlo moro wolght and Rudy would ho a star. IlurgcsB will In all probability pitch tho first hrlf and Coleman tho last hnlf In today's gamo. Medford'B llnoup today will bo as follews: Third baso, Honsolman, first baBO, Strain; second baso, Mllos, Contor field, Isaacs; loft field, Music; right flold, niacklngton; shortstop, Under; cntchei, Hill; pltchor, Bur gess, and Coloman. rnnnger Hall is considering a challenge from the Hodding, Cab, tenm for a series of games. Also offers are boing made from teams of tho Willamette Valley lengue. Ono or tho othor, or perhaps both of theso series, may bo pullod off. Then tho fniiH who hnvo boon "ornbbing" may see somolhing worth while Thoso "near championRlups" help Home, but thoy don't count in tho long raeo for tho ponnnnt. Tho infield liuo-up this afternoon will ho nonrly tho samo ns it was Thursday, maybe a change or two. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merohants.) Potatoes, now, $1.75 por owt.; onions, $2 owt.; cahbngo, 22Vo. Borrios Strawborrios, local, $1.G0 niackborrioH. $1.25 to $1.60. Loganborries, $11.25 orate. Chorrios, 08o lb. Green onions, 40o dozen bunchos-; radishes, !0o doeon hunches; rhubarb 4 to Go lb.; lettuce, 40o dozou; poas, 4c lb.; turnips, lV'aO lb.; beets, 40o dozen bunches; carrots, 40o dozon bunohes. Iluttor, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morohants.) Ranch buttor, 2527V!o; fancy oroauiery, 30o. Fresh ranch eggs, 25o. Mixed poultry. 1014o; Bpring ohickons, 1518o; turkoys, 17o. (Pncoa paid produoora.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Whoat, $1.15 bushol; oats, $32 ton; barley, $30 ton. Hoof Cows. -IdviV.' 0: Htoors. 5w) 5Vio; pork, Do; mutton, 55VJ lambs, Go; voal, drossod, So. (Soiling pncoB.) Rolled barlov. $1.00 owt.. $113 ten: bran. $1.70; middlings, $1.851.00; shorts, $l.801.85. Fourth of July at Jacksonville. Watch our smoko on that auto pngonnt July 4, 1910. Ho ouro and ontor your car and win ono of thoso cash prizes offered, Mr. or Mrs. Au- toist. Got in lino, oven if you only havo a ono-lungor. Compoto for thnt $100. Romombor a fifty in gold will ho given ns 11 second prize Cotno, Mr. Auto Ownor, and outer your onr July 4. THE JACKSONVILLE FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEE. Hnokins for nonlth, Are You a Want Advertiser Do You Read and Answer ? WANT ADS? Do you lot want ad publicity run your errands and pcoplo for you? Ho you watch tho want mis for OJM'OKTUNITIKS for chances to buy and to sell, to lease, to in vest, to find work or workors? Do you ronlizc that thoso little ads nre tho BUST REAL ESTATE SALESMEN IN TOWNT Do you USE THEM in your tenant-hunting, in your quests for a partner, a backer, a buyer, an in vestor? Tho want ads ought to work for you IN THEIR WAYS every time yon hnvo work for them which ought to bo about ovory day. Want Ads One Cent a Word. FOKT HT. JAMirH, ON MICK 8TU AKT, IIKITIHII COiUMIHA. This Is destined to bo tho Portland of Hrltlsh Columbia, on a naviga ble river and doop water lake with two trains running In noxt fall. Letters pour Into our oftlco all day with applications for lot:. To thoso who cannot come In wo would do our utmost to mnko a good nolectton. Prlcos, 1100 and $200 each; caBh 25, Imlanco $10 a month. A fow 40-ncrt farms Joining tort St. James townslto and Lake Stuart, $50 cash and $10 a month. You need not bo a Canadian citi zen to hold this. You need not Im provo It, nor you noed not rosldo on It. All this land Is on or noar tho railroads, Grand Trunk Pacific, Alas ka Yukon and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 por aero, $3.00 cash, balanco $1.00 por aero per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Land Company, 304, 305 and 30G Lowls building, Portland, Orego :. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALB Or oxch. ngo for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room houso; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Rlvorsldo; Dear Creek bottom. Inqulro at 317 E. Main FOR SALE KKAIj kstate. FOR BALE Two acren near city limits, $700. Cornor lot, Oakdale and Tenth, $1150. Cornor lot on West Main streot; sidewalk laid and paid tor, $1000. Two 5-room cottages and three largo lots, ono lot containing threo quartors of an aero, 10 blocks out. $3500. Othor bargains In land and bear ing orchards. D. II. JACKSON & CO. Opposite Hotol Mooro. FOR SALE An Improved proporty; 20 ncros adjoining city on tho boule vard; flno lay of land, north slopo; soil 20 feat doop; rod loam; 900 applo trcoo in full oarIng, mostly Nowtowns and Spitz; county exports hnvo estimated this year's crop at $5000; flno largo packing houso, fully oqulppcd; about 4 ncroa of nl fnlfa, with over 400 foot fronting on tho boulevard This Is our best bargain in improved orchards. Prlco $15,000. Sco Molklo & Payno, 171 East Main st., Ashland. Orogon, 85 FOR SALE Wo can cell you 100 ncros eight mllos from Ashland for $1750 on cood terms; 20 acres in cultivation; 25 acres moro can ho cultivated without cleaving; about 70 acres altogothor can bo cultivat ed; sprlntj and running water avail able for tho plnco. Soo Molklo & Pnyno for partlcunlnts, 171 East Main st., Ashland, Oregon. 85 FOR SALE 18 ncrcs foothill land ono mllo trom Eaglo Point; prlco $750. Terms, $250 cash, long tlmo on balance Address II. C. Stoddard, Medford, Or. 102 FOR SALE 80 acres Joining Wood vlllo, only $40 por aero; 20 acros noar Eaglo Point, $750; smnll pay mont down; good lot closo In, $250, annp. P. O. Box 751. . 84 Farms and Orchards. FOR SALE 5 ncros In ponrs; trndo for city property. Apply at Louvro Cafo. 83 FOR "SALE 10ncro"tracts7"plnntod to poars nnd npplos, now In socond Biimmor; 4 miles north of Med ford, on county road, at $325.00 por ncro; $G5 ensh por ncro, bal anco $0,50 por acre por month. Medford Orchard & Trust Co., 9 N. Control. nouses. FOR SALE Now and modorn bun galow, closo In; nil plastorod, ololctrlo. lights, bath, flroplaco, closets, pantry, collar, comont wnlks, woodshod, comploto nnd good; a ronl snap; quick, $1900, Humphrey, Phono 3992. 83 FOR SALE. Houses. KOH SALB Klvo-room houso on W. 10th St.; lot 100x104 foot; fruit trees, roses nnd cardea: Imme dlto possession. Phono Ownor, Main 971. 83 KOH IIBNT Partly furnished bIx- room houso, closo In; bath and clco trie lights, lawn nnd cement walks; vacant July 1st. Inqulro at 240 S. Grapo St. FOR SALE Now modern bungalo, thrco blocks from Main street and closo to business part of town; has modern plumbing, Mission electri cal fixtures, built-in refrigerator, buffet and chiffoniers, lawn, cement walks and park strip in; street will bo paved; will bo sold for actual cost to buLd. Inquire at 240 So. Grapo street. 99 FOR SALE About 30 acres, of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. One-half Is in orchard. Telephono, Medford, 1199, or ad dress O. T. Payno, Phoenix. Ore. IJuNincsa Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop orty at a bargain, on long time; ensy terms. Address Condor Wa fr 'Power On. Lots. FOR SALE Two lots, snap; $300 each; half cash. Eastman, P. & E. Junction. 86 FOR SALE Cbolco cast front lots, ono block from Oakdale avenue, throo blocks from city park. Theso closo In lots will bo Bold at a bar gain. Wrlto or Inqulro at 240 South Grapo street. 99 Handles. FOR SALE City Jots, $20; for a small, safo Invcstmont sco tho city lots I offer nt $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment; balanco $10 por month; no Interest. II. C. Maltby, No. 7 Postofflco Bldg. Acreage FOR SALE 5, 10, 15 and 20-ncre tracts ono mllo cast of Talent, at $100 per aero; $20 cash por aero, balanco $2 por aero per month. Medford Orchard & Trust Co. Inc., 9 N. Control. KOH SALB CO acres, finest build ing site 1l tho valley, Including 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. II. C. Maltby, No. 7, Postofflco Bldg. , FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within and adjoining city( lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE Ono aero In Sunset Park, foncod chicken tight, good four-room houso, woodshed and well, sot to trees and berries; prlco $1350 with tomiB. Addross P. O. box 263, Mod foid, Or. 84 Hostile Opportunities. FOR SALE Old established busl uosb In tho farmers' fruit bolt of tho Roguo River vnlloy, at Phoenix,' Ore, on S. P. R. R. Stock at pros-! out $10,000; nil clean, woll solect-j od and f roo from encumbrances. Two lots, storo, building with all, modern conveniences, warehouses, postofflce in ctoro, and ovorythlng nocossnry for conducting tho busi ness. Last year's sales $39,000. Inqulro of Hoarn, Fisher & Co., Phoonlx, Oro., for terms. FOR SALE At a bargain, a busl noss that pays big money must' go within a fow days, as ownor must loavo town, $600 cash, balanco on tlmo, no Intorest. Address II. A. E Mall oftlco. 82 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Prnctically now 3-ln. wngon with first-class stako wood rnok. Call lat offllco of Woods Lumhor Co. 85 FOR SALE A young milch cow. Inqulro nt 128 E, Main, upstairs. FOR SALE Chorrloa Royal Anno If parties wanting largo or small quantities for cunning will drop postal stating quantity wanted will call aud dollvor samo onrly noxt wook. Prlco reasonable II. Ensign, Gold Hill, Oro. 87 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. KOH SALB Gentle driving and sad dle pony and double set light har ness. 21C Laurel St. 85 FOR SALE A full lino of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes. Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, a very comploto line; In formation cneerfuily given by an experienced painter. M. J. Metcalf, 318 E. Main st. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mail Tribune office, FOR SALB 400 angora goats, 400, as our rangcg Is overstocked we must soil came at once. Address Blass Bros., Eaglo Point, Or., or call at Roguo River ferry. FOR SALB For good wood and good measure, try the Bunkor Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phono 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. FOR SALE Two pedigreed dogs, one English setter, well field broken, ono pointer, both females. Phone 1482. 93 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished and equipped for light housekeep ing, also single furnished room, and board. Inquire 322 S. Central Ave. 83 FOR RENT Parlor and bedroom, cool and clean; use of bath; closo In; $5.00 per week. 127 S. Grape St. FOR RENT 2 largo rooms furnished for light housekeeping; modern con veniences. Inquire at Allln & Allln, 132 WcstyIaln. tf FOR RENT Modern furnished roms at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two new end nicely furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing distance; modern; bach on same floor; reasonable prices. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT FurnlBhed rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grapo streot, next to Farmers' and Fruit growers' bank. Houses. FOR RENT Or 6alo, 5-room houso, 31 South Orange street. J. A. Hon- dorson, Box 334. 84 FOR RENT Small houso, furniture for sale Inquire 412 S. Oakdale. 8 .Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Cheap, ono ringside son for tho Joffrles-Johnson fight. Apply A. C. Burgess, Louvro Cafo. FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold mine; ton-stamp mill and concen trator, all ororatod by oloctrlc pow ei. Ownor will furnish froe elec tric power for share in proceeds. See Smith, nt Condor Wntor & Power Co. MONEY TO LOAN. WE HAVE $500,000 Eastorn monoy to loan on first mortgages. Fnrm loans preferred; no loans mado less than $5000. Medford Orchard & Trust Co.. Inc. WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED Good, clean rags at the Mnll Tribune offico. WANTED To buy, a closo-ln prop orty that $S00.00 cash will han dlo, with reasonablo torms for bal anco. Addross Box 172. 86 WANTED To rent, 4 or 3 room f ur nlshod houso, modorn; adults only; bost of caro. Address G. O. C, 134 Ivy street. 85 WANTED To loaso for six; months) with prlvllogo of longer tlmo, G or 6 room houso. Must bo closo In; rea sonable ront. II, C. H., Trlbuno offico. 85 WANTED. Mlnccllnncowi, WANTED Oentlo mare, 8 or 10 years, wolght 1000 to 12000. E. S caro Medford Mall. 84 WANTED Second-hand hack, 1 or 2 horse; must bo In good order. Ap ply at 221 W. Jackson St. 83 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED MlddToa god widow for general housekeeping; no children. Box 18, Phoenix, Ore. 88 vNTEUGTrr' forgcaoTartiousc work; thrco In family. 520 S. Kolly. WANTED Thcro Is an opportunity for a fow young ladies to learn telephone operating. Inquire of chief operator, Tho Pacific Tele phono & Telegraph Co., next door to postofflce. ' Help Wanted Male. WAIVlfcJLi l-JXporiuuceU iouo cutlet and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. ' WANTED Man and wife, wife to keep 4 to C boarders, man to work In quarry. Apply 103 E. Sixth St. WANTED Salesmen In every local- lty of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wash. Positions. WANTED Window washing, carpet cleaning, whitewashing, grass burn ing and lawn cutting; our aim Is to please tho people, not ourselves. Tel ephono 2C02, 504 North Grape street. 84 WANTED Four young men to rent a large, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Call G04 W. 10th St. tf FOUND. FOUND A small book with name of H. Z. Austin, Order of Owls. Own er may have samo by proving prop er and paying for ad. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REA3IS Lawyer, over Post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing. second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorney-nt-law. Offices room. 30, Jackson County Bnnk building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phone 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joj." Over Allen & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh street. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, IS N. Front St. Phone 231. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best oquipped job offico in South ern' Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. Dentists. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Office in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gns ad ministered for extraction of teeth. Telephono Mnin 343. Night phone DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dontist Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowors' bank building, west of tho tracks. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Mosen gors furnished at all hours of day nnd till 9 p. m. to any part of city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Mnin 1812. Ilrlck Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuzin, at Smokobouso, first class brioklayor, stono worker, comont stepping, stucco and moulding, firo places and tile work a spocialty; Euro ponn plan; day or contract. Legal Blanks, LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of lo gal blanks for salo, a hundred dif foront forms. Medford Printing Co. Tin Shops. J. A. SJnTn Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron wnro on hand nnd made to order. 128 North G St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospital. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Medford, Or. EL, W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospital .. P. & E. R. R. Hill PoMcm VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Ore. Real Estate EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tracts city property. List your holding with mo. Only desirablo properly handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers" Bank bldg. SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for somo of tho choicest bargain ia real estate in this valley. Alsa British Columbia and Alberta, R C, and 'othor parts. Call on bus. at' Dinner's office Phipps building, or. at tho Medford Auto company's garage, where wo start out our' agents for the AIndden Maatla Lamp and hidden window scr h, We will treat you right. CoemU and sco. MEDFORD ORCHARD & TRUST; Co., INC. Buy nnd sell the eartk. 9 North Central nvo. Cigars aud Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars aa smokers' supplies. Exclusive agmfarv of Lewis Single Binder, El Merita and El Palencia. 212 West Haw. street. Painters and Papcrbaajrera. -f GERWOLF & WARD, contraetJac painters, paper hangers and daee rators; signs. Estimates givea k all kinds of day on)l job work- Park View Hotel. Phone 180L Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealera ia new and second-hand furaitHm and hardware. Agents for Meaai City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St-J MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Mai- ' ford. Mission Furniture mad ta order. Cabinet work of all krada. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Btoraa and ranges. New and socond-kaai furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 Wi F st. South. Phono 91, MedforsL; Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Onr stock. is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office ia Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of higk . grade nursery stock. Office 25. W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson Connty bank. Night calls; promptly answered. Office aa4. rcsidenco phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia Stewart building; Physicians ami Surgeons. Offico phone Maia. 341; privnto phone Mnin 612. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212 Offico phono 501, residence phone C12. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. -,, DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVJkT MAINS CARLOW 1 Osteopathia ' Physicians. Mission block. Phoa 292. Medford Life Scientist. W MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Life.. Scientist Privnto instruction ia "Now Psychology" and "New Thought" principles. Callers re ceived Wednesdays, 127 South. Grape street. r Medicines. nOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, soros and pri vnto disensos. Those remedies may bo procured at tho Sing Lea laundry, 123 S. Riverside nvenue, Medford, Ore, whoro thov will fee. sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treateel soveral sovero cases with his rem edies sinco coming to Medford umi. has for reference Bomo of the best known nnd most intelligent oitiseaa in Southern Oregon. Call on hheu JiJlIlarrPnrI6rs; ' S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up stake, Young & Hall building. A alee, cool plnco to spend the hot after noons. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. :Mt Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Gee. T. O'Brien Contractors and wiim fnoturors of briok; dealers C ia pressod briok and lime. Of fie.' at Postofflco block, room 6. Fae No. 3181. H vm n v f v "?TTT fcrfcjfj( ..y imihiiIi,iii mini mm imai