Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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' BUFFALO, Juno 2G. "Wo nro go
ing to liavo a sano Fourth of July
thla year," Pollco Commissioner Zol
lar sayB. "Tho ordlnanco prohibiting
dangerous explosives will bo enforced
to tho letter." Thla ordlnanco pro
vides a Bcvero penalty for using flre
worka containing dynamite, giant
powdor, nitroglycerine, dunlin or
other high explosives, and prohibits
tho sale of fireworks llablo to malm.
suit was In favor of fireworks by a
narrow margin, but tho authorities
will permit only tho tatnor varieties
of fireworks. Mwiltowoc will not
allow even flrccrackors. Tho MU
waukeco regulations forbid tho uso
of blank cartridges In pistols and
any firecrackers containing moro
powerful cxploolvo than ordinary
gunpowder of over six Inches long.
Has "Safe nntl Sane" Habit.
ROCHESTER. Juno 25. Roches
ter will have a lot of "cafo and sane"
colorations thl3 year. Tho sale of
dangerous explosives Is prohibited.
Thk has been tho rule hero for six
3raara and accidents nro rnro. Nearly
30,000 people attended tho fireworks
display of Jio Mount Hor neighbor
hood celebration en Pinnaclo Hill last
Philadelphia's Way.
adelphia will observe tho Fourth with
the usual ceremonies at Independence
liall, the orator being John Bnrrett,
'director of tho Bureau of American
Republics. The crusade for a "sane"
Tonrth has made little headway, and
the residence sections will witness the
usual displays of fireworks.
A "Sane Fourth" Committee.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Juno 25. A
commltteo appointed by tho St. Paul
Commercial club at Harriet Island,
a city park and playground. Tho
"sano Fourth" program wns a great
success last year.
A "Half-Sano" Poarth.
INDIANAPOLIS, Juno 25. Indian
apolis will have a "half-sane" Fourth.
"While there will bo no firing of can
non crackers, toy pistols, anvils or re--olvers,
small firecrackers will "go"
vfrom 4 a. m. to midnight The coun
cil of women wanted tho mayor to
prohibit even firecrackers. Govern
or Marshall turned down tho request
xf -woman suffrage societies In varl
GBS cities that ho compel local au
thorities to prohibit firecrackers.
Fireworks By Experts.
eclobratton hero will bo in chargo of
a "Sano Fourth Committoo." Firo
wotks aro to bo tabooed as much as
possible, and to "Ainko It up" to tho
childron there will bo a grand frco
picric to which every child in tho
citv will be invited. There will bo
fireworks for thru at night under 'the evening,
that end. Council will pass an or
dlnanco regulating explosives.
No Fatalities In Two Wars.
TOLEDO, Juno 25. Toledo prob
ably will liavo a "sano" Fourth, as
last year and tho year before Thoro
Imvo been no fatalities during that
time and few lojurics.
Boston Joins the "Quiets."
BOSTON, Juno 25. This Fourth
of July in Boston will probably bo
ho qulotost In tho city's history ow
ing to a state law limiting or prohibit
ing tho uso of explosives and fire
works. Cannon crackers and pistols
are absolutely barred. Flroworks may
bo displayed on private grounds with
cortaln limitations. Tho city will pro
vide for Its usual display of fire
works. Many other cltloa and towns
In tho stato will have quiet celebra
tions this year.
lawn or street fireworks In I ho even
ing. Thla Is tho result of tho work
of tho D. A. H. and other pntrlotlo
societies, with tho co-operation of tho
women's clubs and umuy ministers,
Thoro will bo an old-fashioned mass
meeting at tho Auditorium, with road
lug of tho Declaration, address and
music, a parade and a display of flro
works at tho city park In tho ovonlng.
Xolseleis In Washlngon.
WASHINGTON, .Tun.) 2o. Tho nn-
t mi II I fMlttttnl will hnvn tt twtt)j1tii9
f " ' " " ,,v"""vro
I Fourth, In the forenoon the district
I commissioners nnd patriotic bodies
1 wllll hold nxnrptaoa nn Pnnnnvvntiln.
aveuuo, In front of tho Municipal
building, nnd In tho evening thoro
will bo flroworks on tho Whlto House
lot. Combustibles will bo prohibited.
Bars High Explosives.
SPRINGFIELD, Mas., Juno 25.
Tho notoworthy tcaturo of tho Fourth
hero will bo tho prcsonco of A. F. Hill
Camp of Confedornto votorans of Pe
tersburg, Va., as guest of E. K. Wll-
cok post, G. A. It., of this city. Tho
bluo and thogray will march sldo by
sldo In tho parado. High explosives
aro barred, and tho uso of tho milder
sort Is restricted to tho hours botweon
4 and 9 a. m. nud from C to 7:30 In
tho supervision of experts.
"Old-Fashioned Fonrth.
KANSAS CITY, Juno 25. For tho
first time In many years Kansas City
is to have an old-fashioned Fourth
with a great parado of militia, labor
and fraternal organizations, school
children and soldiers from Fort Leav
enworth and speeches. But giant
firecrackers and firearms will be
Firecracker Referendum.
MILWAUKEE, June 25. Milwau
kee will not attempt to suppress flre--woi-ks
altogether this year, but the
cstriagent regulations which last year
Teat down tho varied list of casual
ties nearly one-half -will ho promul
gated again. Other cities In tho
tate will not bo so liberal. At Su
perior tho question of permitting
Jflreworks was submitted to a refer
endum of school childron. Tho re-
"Snno and Safe" Agnln.
CLEVELAND, Juno 25. Cleve
land will have a "sano and safe
Fourth" again this year, despite agi
tation to repeal the ordlnanco forbid
ding tho sale or uso of explosives,
fireworks and pistols. In 10 OS there
were a dozen fatallitles from explo
sives. Individual councilmen have
Joined with citizens in arranging for
fireworks displays under responsible
Quietest Fourth Ever.
CINCINNATI, Juno 25. Tho cele
bration hero thl3 year Is expected to
break tho local record for quietness
and freedom from mishaps. Several
women's clubs have been active to
Check on Fireworks Dealers.
PITTSBURG, Juno 25. Pittsburg
is arranging for n "safo and sano"
Fourth. Thoro will bo flroworks,
and salo of tho largo crackers and
torpedo canes Is prohibited.
Chicago Plans a Pageant.
CHICAGO, Juno 16. Independ
ence day in Chicago will bo eclobrated
In a sane but Interesting manner.
There will bo a street pageant rep
resenting episodes of the revolution
ary war. Tho Irish, Poles and
French, who fought In It will bo rep
resented by several floats each. Thoro
will also bo a military tournament
on tho lako front, In which rcgulnr
troops from Fort Sheridan and local
stato troops will -tako part. Two
hundred autoombllcs will be used by
a regiment in making an attack upon
an Imaginary foo In Jackson park.
AtlautaiiH Not Fervid.
ATLANTA, Juno 25. Atlanta will
cotobrato chiefly In nttoudtng tho
bnsoball gamo In the afternoon and
various other sports or picnics at tho
parks and tho resorts around tho city.
Business goes on during tho morning,
but nbout half tho business houses
close for tho afternoon. Thoro is
not much crackor-flrlng. Thoro will
ho patriotic exorcises undor tho nu-
splccs of tho D. A. R.
Out of Seventeen Games Played in
Season, Locnl Boys Loso Only
One Record Is Marvelous.
cltllininnd Is Never Noisy.
RICHMOND, Juno 25. Tho colo
brntlon hero this year promises to bo
of tho qutot nort usual In most of tho
Southern cities. Most of tho peoplo
spend tho day at scasldo resorts.
They aro so used to tho safo and sano
Fourth hero that laws governing flro
works demonstrations nro not necessary.
Denver to Try Quiet Fourth.
DENVER, June 25. For tho first
time in Denver only tho smallest of
firecrackers and torpedoes will bo
heard within tho city limits this year.
Tho toy cannon, tho cannon crackers
and tho dynamito cannon all will he
barred, and probably there will ho no
Quiet Lovers' Pnrndlfe.
NEW ORLEANS. La., Juno '25.
Noisy nnd violent demonstrations on
tho Fourth are unknown hero. No
fireworks fatality has over occurred.
Tho occasion s observed ns a gcitorul
holiday in this city and throughout
Louisiana with picnics nnd other
open-air festivals. The Republican
club of Louisinna always has n ban
quet at West End, where dogday
politics is dscusscd. Baseball is tho
strong enrd in tho interior. Firo-
wnrks donlnrs ilriwnil nn Mm utnnk
left over from Christmas and Now
Year's to supply the small demand.
Seventeen games against opposi
tion teams nud only one defeat la
the record of the Mod ford tunui this
season. Some of those Imvo been
hard-fought contests, especially
tltoHu with tliu Grants Pass club on
two different occasions, and tho lat
ter team is tho only one which has
succeeded in lowering Medford's
Sunday thu muguntos will get to
gether and frame up u schedule for
tho season after the Fourth of July.
Owing to tho runaway race Mod
ford has made, probably tho attend
ance is not what it should have
boon, hut it would Imvo boon tho same
way had thu home team boon at thu
bottom of tho heap instead of on
Medford has won four from
Grants Pass and lost ouo; fivo from
Jacksonville, lost none; three from
Central Point.
Theso were tho regular scheduled
games. In addition, the homo tvum
has bonton Central Point twice in
exhibition games nnd thu Columbia
Park Hoys on two suceessivu days!
Coleman lins pitched a majority of
tho games and has always been thoro
with tho goods when good work was
Official of U. S. Surveyor's Offlca
In Phoenix Blows Out His Drains
Tliounlit Ho Blamed It To Liquor.
Safe Program in St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Juno 23. Through
tho combined efforts of tho Inde
pendence Day association and the
manufacturers of fireworks, St
Louis will have a "safo and sano"
Fourth. A $10,000 fund is heinc
raised for a systcmutio celebration.
I ho city has been divided into 12
districts, in oach of which thoro will
ho athlotio sports, baseball games
and other contests in tho afternoon
nnd pyrotcchncal displays at night.
a military parade, in winoli school
childron will tako part, is being ar
ranged. Tho snlo or firing of enuiion
crackers mora than three and a half
inches in length nro prohibited.
Charge Is Dismissed.
Tho chargo mudo nguinst II. A.
Murdock for indecent exposure was
dismissed by Justice Canon Saturday
While tho girls nt tho laundry have
been annoyed, thoy wore uuablo to
make any complete identification of
tho person who had committed thu
net. As a conscouciicc, tho enso was
dismissed bv Judun Canon.
1M10KN1X, Aiin., Juno 2B. WIN
Ham II. Andrews, 117, mi offiuiul In
tho ntod StutoB survoyor-guiuirul'rt
offieo hero, eoiumittud suiuidu short
ly before noon today by shooting
himself in the head with u ilS-culibur
Hu was a veteran of thu Spanish
American war. Several notes, evi
dently written last night, woru found
in his apartments. One of thu hit
ters, addressed to tho "pii'ilio," do
elared that whisky unused his not.
Another note wns nddrosscd to ,
wull-kuown sooioty girl with whom it
is supposed ho was in love.
His friends declare Andrews never
used liquor nnd profess to hullovu ho
luft that explanation to keep thu
young woman's name out of tho af
July ! thu people of Evans orook
will muko thu American bird seieam
at Woodvillu until thu echoes will
ruvoiboratu from Woodvillo to Wi
nter, back to tho banks of tho Roguo
nud oven be thrown back from thu
sides of historic Echo mountain.
Woodvillo, tho hnby municipality
of Jackson county, purposes to eol
uhratu for tho first time thu natal
day of thu republic. Klaboratu
preparations are being madu for thu
entertainment of tho visitors, nnd
a genuine, old-fashioned celebration
is assured to all.
Attention, Water-Users!
Tho pressure from water mains
runs too low from tl to 0 o'clock in
the evening on account of many us
ing water during those hours. Those
who can should uso water during
somo other hours, and always use
sprinkler attached to thu hose, as
tho draft is too heavy when used
without. Groat earu should bo ex
ercised to turn off water whuu file
hell rings. This is published lit re
quest of wntcr committee.
8.1 Water Superintendent.
San Bernardino Girl Weds Lover Af
ter Excltlnii Trip in Automolillo
Off to Moxico City to Live.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Juno 25..
In nplto of determined oppoultloa
by tho jiaruutii of 17-y oar-old Hon
Slogado, and tholr traiitlu appeals to
tho authorities to littorvono, th
young lady today In tho bride of 111
vurlauo Riven1, a wealthy initio op
orator or Moxico, after nit elopement)
that tipnot tho town of Ontario and
routed out of bed ovary comitnbl
between Ontario and Sun Ilurunrdlno.
Although a family guard wn
placed around tho girl's room lnwfc
night she clipped Into tho hnKoiuuub
of her homo nt Ontario and shortly;
after midnight oncapod through a col
lar door, Joining hor lover, who
awaited her with a high power auto
mobile. Tho flight was dlxcovorod and tel
ephone moHurgcs soon had tho county
roiiHtabulary butwuun tho two citle
on guard. Ily a round-about rout
the coiijdo ruaehod thla city, whor
they secured a license nud woro mar
ried shortly after nuiirlso today. Thoy;
bonrded a train for Mexico City nt
Tho girl's fathor In a wealthy or
ange grower of Ontario.
SALEM, Or., Juno 25. Governor
lay Houorman returned to this city
today after spoitdiug tho night in
Portland, nud togothor with Superin
tendent of tho Stato Iusuito Asylum
Dr. R. E. L. Steinur, visited tho dif
ferent institutions for thu insnno.
.Many needed improvements will ho
looked after by Governor Howor
iiian. Announcement.
Mrs. G. W. Irvino wishes to n,n
iioiiuce to thu ladies of Medford alio
is prepared to give facial massagor
shampooing and manicuring nt the
Homo Parlors, 112 South Lnurol
street, Mudford. 83
llntikinn for Tlnnllh
Real Estate Company Incorporates
Articles Filed
Articles of Incorporation of Med-
ford Orchard & True. Co.
Know all men by t'eso presents,
that we, John R. Robertson, M. E.
Robertson and K. E. Lanferman, of
tho county of Jackson, of tho state
of Oregon, do hereby associate our
selves a corporation, and
do hereby adopt tho following arti
cles of corperation:
Articlo I.
Tho name assumed by this corpo
ration and by which It shall bo
known, is, Medford Orchard & Trust
Company, and tho duration of tho
corporation shall bo perpetual and
Article II.
Tho enterprise, business, pursuit
or occupation In which this corpora
tion proposes to engage Is as fol fel fol
eows: .
1. To engage- In a general reaL
estate business within tho stato of
Oregon, and to that end and for that
purpose to acqulro, own, purchase,
sell, mortgage, hypothecate, cx
cbango and barter real property,
lands and tenements, In cny amount
nnd quantity; to lay out and plat
subdivisions and additions to towns
and cities; to plant, cuUKito and
caro for orchards; to harvest nnd
soil and dispose of tho fruits grown
thereon and to carry on a general
real estate business In such manner
ns may ho deemed for tho bee. Inter
ests of this corporation.
2. To ongago In a general Insur
ance business and to that end and
for that purposo to act as insuranco
agents for flro Insuranco, llfo insur
ance, accident insuranco and surety
companies, ind to do anything and
ovoryhing In connection therewith
that shall bo for tho best interest of
said corporation In carrying on Its
3. To do a. gonornl trust and
banking buclness and in such capac
ity to establish and maintain banks
to bo carried on In tho usual method
of banking In tho Btato of Oregon;
to act as trustoo and depository for
trust funds, escrows, bondo stock
fand other debentures; to act a3
agents for other banks and othor
trust companies and any and all per
sons In tho management of any busi
ness that may bo submitted to this
corporation for tbat purpose; to act
as executor or administration or
guardian of tbo estates of any do
ceased or incompetent personor per
sons. ,
4. Finally, to do and to perform
any act or thing that mcy bo found
necessary or requlslto for carrying
on tho business for which this cor
poration Is orgaalzcd, that shall not
be in violation of tho laws of tbo
stato of Oregon or of tho United
Articlo III.
Tho placo whero this corporation
proposes to fcavo its principal offieo
or placo of business Is in tbo city of
Medford, county of Jackson, stato of
In witness whereof, we, tho above
named incorporators, have horeunto
subscribed our names and affixed
our seals in triplicate, this, tho 22d
day of Juno, A. D. 1910.
Witnesses: . '
Helen Ragsdalo.
M. Purdln.
This is to certify that on thls22d
day of Juno, A. D. 1910, before mo,
ho undorslgned, a notary public In
fand for salu stato and county, per
sonally appeared John R. Robertson,
M. E. Robertson and K. E. Lanfer
man, who aro personally known to
mo to bo tho Identical persons named
in and who executed tho foregoing
articles of incorporation in my pres
ence, and then and thoro acknowl
edged to mo that thoy oxeccuted tho
same freely and voluntarily and for
tho uses and purposes therein ex
pressed, In witness whoreof I havo hereunto
subscribed my namo and affixed my
notarial seal this, tho day and year
last abovo mentioned,
Notary Public for Oregon.
New Life and Young Blood
With Brnnchos in
Now Selling
A part of Piorco's subdivision located In Township 37 S R. 1 W OHt. This property Is a mllo arid a
quartor northeast of tho Medford postofflco. Wo call spoclal alt ontlon to Lot 11, which comprises
thirty acres, all plantod In pears and apples, and aro now In their th Ird sumntor. It has a corn crop on It
which will oaslly not JGoo.00, a sightly building Bpot and o no of tho best springs in tho vnlloy.
Price por aero, 300.00; $30.00 cash por aero, and $0.00 por aero por month.
To the Public , ,
Wo earnestly urgo upon all visitors to Medford tho wisdom of a visit of Inspection to this boautlful
ORCHARD tract Tho trip will bo worth your whilo In that you will view ono of tho most Idonlly lo
cated ORCHARDS in tho ontlro ROQUE RIVER VALLEY. Call at our offJco, or mako ap
polntmont by phono, and wo will bo glad to bnvo ono of our representatives show UiIb proporty In our
Only 15 minutes' walk from Med ford Postofficc.
Deal through our authorized agents)
1 JOHN II. ItOIIKRTSON, President.
i AVENUE. .,
Pormnnont addrosu tftor August 1, St. Mark's Bldg.
. . ' vj
y -vrTvr-tT" Notico Is horoby glvon that on tho 21st day of Juno, 1910, all business rolntlans botwoon L. W. Uur-
J J I j Hy llngamo and John It. Robertson undor tho title of tho Medford Orchard & Trust Co., woro dlnmlsEOd. Any
furthor business transnetod or any Indobtodnoaj incttrrod undor tho tltlo of tho abovo montlonod company
without the sanction of tho undersigned in wrltl:ig will not bo rocognlzod,
JOHN it. ROBERTSON, Prosldont
(Incorporated No, 14910 Orogon,)
1 1 imikmimiatmmmmvmMiimth rp -- temnAi