, ' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL i. II, lliuiluy wiih In Mod foul Hul unlay on IminIiiuhn. Hook BpringH oo ii I. Try 11 Ion or two mill yon will want iiioio. Cliuup r and bolter than wood. C. W. I'otlor was u ImihIiiuhh vis itor In Medford Batunlay. Tho ndiHtion of duality and homo coinfoiitN will lm Qnuon Annu wntor, sower and puvotl Htreots building ro 43oiiHtruutloiiH. Kuu MoCiilliim, llotol Hiuh. tt Wulhorn Dcchoii of Talunl spent Saturday In Med ford looking ul'lor ImiiiIiiohh mutters. Tho Hook HpringH, Wyo., lump coal la rolling HiIh way. Wo van fill your orders now. Yon hIioiiM got ntadv for fall anil wintur now. 8eo Hurhriilgo, (liu drayman. Mm. Horace I'ollon of Sum's Vul loy visited friends In Mud ford Hnl urdav and Btiuduy. Nuwly furnished sleeping room, cool, (pilot easy walking dlHtiincu. 1I0II OIhoii nticutt corner Wont Ham ilton ,itiHl two ItloalcH from North Oakdali) paving. I'liono Main -I-IT-1. if ThomiiH R ilamlluy of (IrantH I'iihh waa in Medford on a short visit Saturday. Mr. Hundley IioIiIh down ono of thu rulay wires of thu United Press at thu 1'asH, and is an old pal of .Indgo Kelly. They bundled press wiroM aide ly side many yoara ago. This full and winter yon will wiah yon had ordered some of that fine Hock Springs coal. Yon won't ho able to got it then, ho order it now. See W. J. ltnrhrltlgo, drayman, at Jo pot. I.adicH' and gcnls' manicuring at tho Home 1'arlorH. 11 'J Laurel st. till Tint vote for goddess of liberty at Jacksonville on Jnlv -I is now open. Tickets on Halo at UuhhuII'h Confoo tionerv ato'o and NiihIi hotel and IHnskin'H druir storo. Contest cIohch .Jtimi 28. (1 p. in. tf II. II. TroiiBon of Knglo Point, "tho .Apple Kintr," wiih in Med ford Snt uirdny afternoon on fmsinoHB. Whoro in Medford, can you got bet tor valuoH than in Qiieon Anno addi tion? Did you notice the cut of tho now puhllo Hchool to bo erected in Queen Anno? Get busy. Tho pros cnt prico won't Inat loin;. tf Mm. JoHephine HtiSholI and sister, Miss Fannie Niintiu, of Jacksonville, were Medford visitors Saturday. Will noil a 3',4-inch practically now wagon mid first-class stake wood rack. Call at Wood Lumber Co. 85 A. K. Hcnmos loliirned from n professional trio north Saturday. Will sell ii Il'i-iiieh nriictit'iilly now wngon and first-cliiss alnke wood rack. Call nt Woods Lumber Co. 85 Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. C. Dehloy entertained a number of Hiltlo ladioa nt her home, 508 South King street, in honor of her daugh ter, Iciln's, Hoventh birthdny. Dames and refreshments filled tho bourn from 2 until fi. TIiobo present were: Misses Mary Drown, Dorothy Now man, Fqrn Cortim, Kvn JonkiiiH, Zeta Singlor and Leila Dobloy. Henry Kay of Gold Hill wan in Medford on business Friday. I). T Lawton has loft for Portland to ussisl in llio enmpnign for tho Crater Lake highwny. Judge W. XL Colvig loaves tonight o Jissist tho Crater Lake highway commission's campaign for funds. Rt, Agnes Guild of tho Episcopal church will givo a supper cafctoria from 0 to 7:110 p. in., Wednosday, Juno 20, r,t the Ancle Opera houso, followed by n dance. Everybody come. 8(1 W. F. MeKcrohor of Ashland spout Friday afternoon in Medford on business. John H. Itohertsou lias just re turned from a business trip to Salem and Portlnnd. W. W. Eifort and Mrs. Eforl havo returned from nttouding tho stato t Pythian mooting nt Portland, whoro "Mr. Eifort was honored by olection . nsvgrand prolate. 13. F. Mulkoy and Ed Trowbridge Iiavo returnod from tho Pythian - grand lodgo mooting at Portlnnd. Isnao Anderson, owner of gas and , electric plants in many of tho north west cities, passed through Medford ' Friday. eu routo to Klamath Falls, whoro '.ho will hunt and fish. In lflOT 'MY. .Anderson took nit option . on tho-Fish Lake company property ! but his pluiiK to purohnso it wore iu- torruptod by n panic . ' Walter Mooro has returned from Snlom, Corvallis and othor Willam . otto citios, whoro ho Bocurod ovov a thousand signatures for tho initia tive bill closing tho Hogo rivor to .seining. , Bnrbors of Medford will enjoy nil outing today along tho banks of Lit tle Hutto nbovo Ilrownsboro. Mrs. floorgo Lanco and Mrs. Lttko Jonnings of Gold Hill woro Medford visitors Saturday. C. L. Honinon wns nt Ashlniul on professional business Snturdny. Frod Ilonold wna in Medford from Contral Point Snturdny. Willio Norljng, tho populnr bollboy nt tho Nish, . visited Jnoksonvillo Saturday. MImh Josephine Doiiognn of Jack sonville wan in Medford for u short time Saturday. Mr, mid Mrs, C. II. Hanson Ml Saturday morning for Woodbuiu mid other Willamette valley points. O. A. Htibbaid was in Medford Saturday from IiIh Unite cieok ranch. Mrs. Hugh Stewart of Grand Folks, N. D is it guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Drown. Shoriff W. A. Jouos was in Med ford Saturday on professional bus iness. Tyson JJenll of Central Point was a Medford business visitor Saturday. I'M Wilkinson and son, John, left Saturday morning for, Oakland, Cal. "I don't know whether I will go to Home or not," said Ed. "You watch hint stay away from that fight," re marked Ills son. Judge W. E. Crowes returned Fri day evening from n business trip to Portland and Seattle. Judge Crowes, who came to Jur!ou county on legal business connected with the Card well estate, remained to invest and finally to become one of the most cnthiiHiastii) boosters the ltogue Kivor alley has. "You don't know how 1 longed for the Hoguo Hiver valley sunshine," ho said. V. C. Hrown of Eugonc, Or., is visiting friends in Medford. Mr. E. M. Jaiiuoy left last week for Minneapolis, where he will spend the summer. Mr. and .Mrs. J. I). Olwoll enter tained at dinner Tuesday night in honor of Mr. Hcekwith. Mrs. E. 11. Trowbridgo loft Tuos day for a ohort visit nt Colestin. Sho will return the first of the week. Mrs. -Merrick was hostoss Wed nesday afternoon nt bridgo in honor of Mrs. Mouldcn. F. E. Tombloy of Pnsndonn, Cal., is in Medford looking over tho coun try. C. V. Itowman of Portland is reg istered tit tho Nitsh. M. J. Newman of Uorkoley, Cal., is looking after business inlorosts in Southorn Oregon. Mayor Canon wishes to call at tention to tho fact that there is n city ordinance against setting off firecrackers before the Fourth of July mid states that offenders, will ho dealt with accordingly. F. N. McWilliams, the Ashland realty broken, spent Saturday in Medford. C. E. Malboouf left Saturday ovo uing to aid tho Crator Lake commis sion in raising money iu Portland. Do you wnnt n good homo, a chicken much, n truck garden with ninplo wntcr, a place to subdivide, G acres, 3 blocks from West Main street, pavement, 21 lots, worth $'200 mid up nil for $37fQ? Geo. Claus ing, West Fourth street, two blocks west of limits. 83 ARRAIGNMENT OF WEBB POSTPONED UNTIL MONDAY POHTLAND, Or., Juno 25. In dicted by tho grand jury for. the murder of William Johnson, Jchso Webb, the self-confessed slayer of Johnson, and Mrs. Carrie ICorsh, who is charged jointly with him, appeared in tho superior court for nrraigu nicnt tod'iy. As the woman had not secured an attorney as yet, tho arraignment was postponed until Monday. Tho indictment, which wns return ed lust uigjit by tho grand jury, ro cites that Webb and Mrs. Korsh "do liborntoly nml with premeditnted malico, killed Johnson." According to Webb's confession, howovor, tho woman had nothing to do with tho murder, but Wobb said sho assisted him in planning for the disposal of tho body, nml suggested stuffing it iu tho trunk in which it wns found lntor. SENATE TO INVESTIGATE AFFAIRS OF INDIANA WASHINGTON, D. O., Juno 25. Tho senate today decided to Invostt gnto tho affala of tho Ccoctnw nnd Chlcknshiv Indians following tho clmrRoa of attomptod lirlbory mado yestordny by Sonntor Goro. Goro rocontly latroducoil n resolu tion providing tbnt tho coinmlttoo on Indian affairs Investigate nnd nscor tnlu nt tho noxt sosslon ot congross wliotljor tho Indians ncodod lognl aorvtcos iu connection 'with tho snlo of their lamia and to lnqulro whoth or 10 por cont commlsalon provldod lu tho anlo contracts wns reasonable Ohnlrman Kenn ot tho coinmlttoo on contingent oxponsos pronontod tho coinmlttoo'a favorablo report on tho resolution and It wnB ndoptod with out dlcciiBslon. MEDFORD VS. GRANTS PASS THIS AFTERNOON Medford and Grants Pr.ss will cross bats this nttornoon nt 3:45 on tho Medford giounds, Tho gnmn should bo n good ono, as thoao two tonino have plnyod two ox tm Inning gnmos this season, and Medford has loEt hor only gnmo (this yonr) to tho Grants Pnss tonm, MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, -- - i Too Late to Classify Ffilt HALli--Jy ""owner, 0 aero home, all set to fruit, close to Med ford; no ngwilH, AddroBi lock box 451. M LOH'l' -Hlnclc holfor, 3 years old; marks, 2 iipllts each ear and J. tt. loft hip. Howard, Wrlto to Bchuotto DroH,, 12 2 8. Kir Bt., .Medford. Oro. 88 lWtTi7H'AiV'iJri 2 (fa"" 1 2 5plnno choclc, good on purchaso price of any now piano sold by Hovordon- AddroHS 2(!0 North Central Azo. 33 FOR 8ALK Beconil-liand illihoo, largo stoves, lco boves. Coll nt Will's Employment Office. 31 Front St. 83 VOll HALE 20 acres wltlitn 20 minute' walk of Medford I'. O.; . I- ..I. 1...-1 .!. ...Ill i nuron in uio uiviiuio iiiui " easily not $1000 this full; 7-room house, good bnrn, nil In Al slinpo; 22 acres under cullvntlon; will Bell for 19,000; 13,000 ensh, bnlnnco to suit purchaser; Improvements nnd crop worth more than cash pay ment. Medford Orchard & Truet Co., U N. Central. tf WANTED An" aKCiifto hnTidkTtlio boHt Belling bnth specialty" on tho mnrkct. Address V. J. Wilson, Sales Mgr., Medford, Oro. SAN FRANCISCO HAS RIGHT TO OWN ROAD SAN FItAKCISCO, Cal., Juno 23. Tho supremo court of Cnliforniu today decided that Sail Francisco has tho right to enter into municipal ownorship of public utilities when it handed down an unanimous, decis ion upholding tho city's contentions iu the suit brought to restrain Snu Francisco from issuing bonds to ac quire nnd opornto n rnilrond on Geary streot. Tho suit was brought by Horace O. Plntt, president of tho Gcnry Street Hnilway compnny, u locnl cor poration. Bonds recently wero vot ed nt n spocinl election nnd the plaintiff sought to prevent their is suanco by hnving tho olection do clnred invnlid. The opinion wns written by Jus tico Angcllotti. it declared Hint tho wisdom of tho city in entering into tho business of streot railroading was for tho city and not for the court to decide. Greater Medford Club Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of tho Greater Medford club will bo held next Wednesdny nftcrnoon nt Smith's linll, north Ornpo street, nt 3 o'clock p. in. XATIO.VAIj league. At Now York K. II. E. Philndclph-n 1 5 2 New York '1 0 Foxen nnd Jnckslitch; Mathowson nnd Myers. At Pittsburg Chicago 2 8 1 Pittsburg 8 12 2 Koulbae!., Hichic nnd Kling; Loo ver nnd Gibson. At St. Louis Cincinnati 1 5 3 St. Louis 9 10 2 Ileebo, Doyle, Clnrko nnd MoLonn; Harmon nnd Hrcsnahnn. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington R. II. E. Now York 7 10 0 Wnshington 4 8 3 Wnrhop nnd Swconoy; Johnson nud Street. At Philadelphia lloston 1 8 2 Philadelphia 2 8 0 Collins nnd Klcinow; Plnnk nnd Donohuo. At Chicngo Clovclnnd 0 G 1 Chicngo 4 8 1 Young nnd Enstorly, Scott nnd Pnvno. At Detroit St. Lou'u 2 7 0 Detroit ..: 1 9 0 Hoy nud Stephens; Summers nud Stauiiage. COAST I4EAGUE. At Los Augolcs It. IT. E. Oakland 2 4 4 Los Angeles 0 G 0 Nolsou and Penrco; Tozor nnd At San Franoiseo Vernon '2 5 1 San Franoiseo ...'.... 3 7 2 POUailKEEPSIB, N. Y., Juno 25. Cornoll won tho four-onrod 'vnr slty rnco, Syracuso socond, Columbia third, Pennsylvania fourth. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Soalod btda will bo rocotvod nt tho district clork'a ottlco In district No; 12, Jackson county, Oregon, for tho oroctton ot n school building accord ing to plans nnd Bporlltcntlons now on tilo In his offlco, boforo July 2, 1010. Each bid must bo accompanied by Biifflciont bond to soeuro tho en ttranco ot n contract. OEO. S. STEVENS, District Clork. Drownaboro, Or. 84 Presbyterian Church. Preaching nt 11 a. hi., Sunday school at JO ii. in. ', preaching at p. m. and C. E. society nt 7 p. in.; J. C. E. socioly at (l:ir p, m. All are welcome to these services. Notice, Rcrimcn. Mr, and Mrs. Miles herewith most heartfiilly thank all Kcdrncn who so nobly stood by Mrs, Miles in tho limo of need. Your kindness will never bo forgotten. Mil. AND MItB. MILES. STARTLING FACTS REVEALED. (Continuod from Page 1.) oqidon Drift Mining company. Ho took n bond on this property for $15, 000, paynblp in ono and two years, $5,000 within ono year and $10,000 In two years. Ho Immediately went to San Hornardlno, California, whoro bin brolhor, A. I). Amonl, nnd bis brother's wife, nnd sister, Mrs. Dia mond, resided. These woro a major ity of tho board ot directors, which ho had dcnlgnatcd in his nrllcles of incorporation of tho Golden Drift Mining company, aB a first board. While in this "fnmily session" ho pro poHcd, according to tho record, to sell his mlno in Joscphlno county, called tho "Dry Diggins," for practically ono million nnd a half dollnm, payablo In stock, which was all of tho stock of tho corporation cccepting seven shares set asldo for th'o directors. Mado Severn! Sales. Tinforo lm bad organized tho cor poration ho had made several sales of Ktonk liv written contract, in the nnmo of the corporation, nnd which are in tho evidence. After Hint ho sold stock by written contract in the nnmn of tho corneration: to those contracts ho signed his brother's name ns president nnd recepted for the money himself ns the ngent of tho corporation. Tho company at this timo had no stock to sell, ns nil of its stock hnd gone out in this first meeting. Nevertheless, ho con ducted tho office of tho company in its nnme, receipted for the money ns its agent nnd probably put tho money in his pocket, nt least so the evi dence indicntcs. Over $100,000 Profit. At tho end of tho first yenr of these trnnsnetions Anient, nccording to evidence, is said to have renped more llinn $100,000. Ho did this on the dividend scheme. In February', following tho December in which the corporation wns organized, ho paid tho first monthly dividend of 1 per nonl nn ilin nnnitnl stock. If it hnd been nn honest dividend it would linvo been 1 per cent on ?l,500,uuu, which would hnvo been $15,000. In cinn.l nf (tint. Mm hook cntrv shows thnt tho totnl dividend paid was, for that month, $1G7, which wns a divi dend only on thnt portion of bis stock which people had purchased from him. Tho noxt month he paid n dividend ot $.UU, which was paiu on tho same nlnn. The last dividend paid wns nearly $2500, showing thnt ho hnd thus disposed of nbout $250, 000 worth of stock by tho payment of u "fnko" dividend. Somo stock purchasers woro pnid dividents on tho sumo day on which thoy bought their stock. This mothod wns uninuo in thnt tho dividend checks woro not checks on any bnnk, but woro pnynblo only at tho offico of tho company, nnd this mothod brought tho parlies into the office whoro they could bo shown snmples of gold from various mines nnd sold moro stock. Gets Frightened. Aftor ho had sold nbout $100,000 worth of stock in tho nnmo of tho company Anient evidently became frightoned and caused tho board to pass n resolution to this effect: Thnt, whereas, ho ownod nil of tho stock but fioven r.hnres, which woro owned by others, tho company would nllow him to sell his stock ns its own, pro viding ho would give it, from the proceeds of tho sales, a sum entinl to $50,000. from which tho company should pav tho oxponsos of conducting- tho offico nnd making tho sales. Theso oxponsos amounted to nbout $17,000, inoludiug commissions. From timo to time, ns tho compnny nooded monoy to construct tho dnm, ho sont it out, from tho procoods of tho snlos, nnd credited himself on tho books of tho corporation for "monoy advanced." Wlion those ad vances had nmountod to $105,500 ho caused his rolntivos, who composed tho board, to oxoouto n trust mort gngo, providing for n bond issuo of $105,000. Tho board thou voted him $105,500 worth of bonds to pay for his so-callod ndvnncos. It wns thoso bonds whioh ho hold, nnd tho where abouts of which ho rofusod to dis close which caused tho stop in tho proceedings on Juno 5. Arranged With Hoard, Anient now olnims when tho cor poration was organized ho mado nr rnngoments with tho board, though thoro is no record of it, whoreby ho wub to soil n cortaiu nunibor of shares and givo tho company tho proceeds of tho salos. Ho caused .TUNE 26, 1910. two sets of books to be kept, ono showing snlos which ho said woro his, nnd other sales which ho said woro tho company's. Tho company's woro nil thoso snlos where tho first pay ments wero $2 to $4 nnd where tho monthly paymonts woro very very small, and his nro now shown to bo thoso which hnd Inrge first payments and wero for largo nmounts, nnd whoro tho payments wero regular nnd the purchasers responsible. Ho took every cash sale that was made, totaling more than $100,000, except ing two small sales which he allowed the company to take. Could Not Find CaHli. Amcnt hud first testifed ho kept the record of theso cash sales in a privnto account book, but thnt ha could not find tho book. He stated in his testimony Friday thnt he hnd never kept any such book nnd thnt there is no possible way to tell the cxnet nmount of money thnt ho re ceived from cash sales, and this seems to bo correct. In other words, it seems whatever record ho hnd ho hns destroyed, nt least tho evidence gives thnt impression. He wns asked then to produce his bnnk book, showing tho deposits from theso sales. Ho testified thnt he did not enrry n bank account, but kept tho monoy in a safety deposit vault. Ho snid ono reason for this was ho had judgments against him. Would Sell Property. Just before tho receiver was ap pointed bo mado a contract to sell tho property to the Josephine County Irrigation & Power company for $290,000. This contract provided that tho bonds should first bo paid nnd next tho book indebtedness of tho company. The book indebtedness of tho company, standing in the nnmes of C. W. Amcnt and his fam ily, represented about $05,000. This, with tho bonds he held, would have absorbed most of tho $290,000. Tho rest of it would havo been declared as a dividend on tho stock, of which ho held 1,000,000 shares out of 1. 500,000. In other words, nil of tho money which had come into the company had been put in by nbout 700 stockholders, who owned about 400,000 shares of stock, nnd tho Aments owned tho rest, so thnt if tho snlo had cone through these peo ple would hnvo received nbout 3 cents on the dollar for their investments. It wns this thnt precipitated the suit. TWO KILLED BY BANDITS. (Continued from Page 1.) would havo escaped. Had Body Guard. Carroll had been detailed as a body guard for Landrlgan and was near tho manufacturer when tho attack began. When Landrlgcn resisted three bullets wero fired at him point blank. Carroll was then shot. Tho bandits kept firing as thoy fled. This resulted in tho capture of tho third man as ho was found hiding with an empty revolver in his hnnd. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy nt it.mjjrj fatr ftr imliKiil ilaliJirry dj ihiKiHiiiiE mm because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old lUursmxK Bend U a clean, ctbp paper, nude lor clean, crup kutineu lolkt, li is sold on the assumption thnt there's economy In quality. A handsome specimen book given upon request, show. in letterheads and other business forms, printed, lithographed and engraved on the whits and louMee't colors. Made by IiAursiiiRs ArK Company, the inly paper makers in he world making bond super exclusively. Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE Afor abandoning tholr loot tho men enmo upon MIbb Booslo B-kor, who wns on horsobnek. Thoy compollcd hor to dismount, seized tho horse, nnd ns thoy departod fired upon tho young woman. Auto In Gnmo. An automobilo containing four clti zons camo up with tho robbora, ono of whom was on tho horso, whllo the others wero running and holding tho stirrups. Tho posse opened flro nnd tho man on tho horso was killed. Tho others left tho road for tho tlmbor near by, and Inter a shot was hoard. Tho posse camo upon tho body of tho second bandit soon afterward. The bnml't on horseback hns been Identified as "Abo Abcoon," a Now York crook. Tho third man, who Is in custody, was wounded In both wrists. It Is believed that ho is a noted thief. The men nro believed to have formed part of a gang thnt has been operat ing in New England for many months. Lynrhlnv: Feared. Tho captured bandit sa'.t that his namo wna Bill KovlnHky and that his homo was in Boston. Tho polico do claro that ho is Bacchinin Wlsdop ski of Now York. Ho is being guardod carefully to prevent tho possibility of a successful attempt to lynch. Robert F. Maguire Late special agent TJ. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before X state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. !. For Sale 20 acres, 12v acres in trees, close in, $200 per acre. Somo fine alfalfa tracts very cheap. 40 acre3, out, $700. Homesteads, call room 207. Close-in property, income $68 per month; $4500 if taken at once. Lots on West Main, a bargain. Lotn We3t Walnut Park addition. Oak tier wood, well seasoned. Restaurant for quick sale, $275. Hotel with 16 rooms, a fine buy. Two acres, close in, $650. 34 acres under ditch, close in; $6,800 160 acres, close in, fine dairy and stock ranch, $20 per acre. 1200 acres, heavy timber, on P. & E. railroad. Fine truck Innd, close in, $20 acre Bootblack stand, cheap. 2-room house and lot for price of lot. Bearing orchard, fine location, no disease, heavy commercial crop, $500 per acre. 160 acres, 1,000,000 pine timber, im provements, $7 per acre. Good income propcity, trade for acreage. WANTED. Girls for general housework. Lojr drivers. Girls for Keneral bousowork, $5 to $7 por week. Railroad mou, $2.25. Woman to cook on ranch. Men to cut wood, tJ2 cord, $1.15 tier. E. F. A. BITTNER MedYord Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of holp furnished. Room 207 Taylor & Phlpps Bldtf. Phonn 4141 Main MR. ARCHITECT MR. CONTRACTOR MR. BUILDER Belays Cost You Money Yon save dolays when you buy from us. Because Wo carry a complete stook of what you need on tho job. Wo nro Southern Oregon agents for Dnplox Post Caps and Joist Hangers, Cleveland Metal Lath, Cabot's Creosoto Stains, Cabot's Quilt, Chicago Varnish Co.'s goods, Pattou's Sun-Proof Paint, etc. BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. TELEPHONE MAIN 4531. Whon Kovlnsky reached the stntlon In n patrol wagon, empto? ot tho Landrlgan factory chwrgodl upon tho polico nud attetnpt4 l solzo tho prisoner, The pollen wr compollod to uno tholr clubs ta Atlrn bnck tho Infuriated factory taatlM OFFICE SUPPLIES You'll find nil tho little need ed supplios horo mid the r sonnblonoss of tho prices wW surprise you. Sco our lino of TYPEWRITERS. Chocolafef; and Confections Dctidouily flavored, templing! baaed 1 FOR SALE BY THE MERRIV0LD SHOP, 134 West Main. I 111 , MIJW itWIf M Wo have not Bald mock about Office Supplies But If you wish a complete equipment, including Under wood Typewriora (new, not re built, writer press, mimeo graph, tubes, baskes, filiaff cabinets, etc., seo us. Complete Offlco Outfitters. Medford Book Store BijouTheatre Med ford's Leadinn AmMaMMBt Resort. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. CHANGE OP POLICY. W. H. FLUHART Mnnagor. HIGH-CLASS MOTION PICTURES, ILLUSTRATED SONGS AND POPULAR MUSIC. IOc-ANY SEAT-IOc 33 NORTn BARLETT ST. ! i -,