MEDFORD fttAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 20, .19.10. Medford Mail Tribune I Complete Herlcs: Thirty-ninth Yenr; ttnlly, Klfth Ycnr. nTBXiISKBQ DAILY SXCEFT SATUR DAY BY TXS MEDrORD riawTiNQ co. M'ALLISTER'S RESIGNATION. A consolidation of tho Mcdfont Mall, Mtabllshcd 1Ji8: tho Southern Orc ronlan, cMnlillRhed 1902: thn Dcmoorntlo Times, cstnbllshod 1S72: tho Ashland Tribune, enlnbllslied 1890, find tho Med rord Tribune, established 1908. QEOnOB PUTNAM. Editor nnd Mnnsjrer Entered ns second-class matter No vember 1, 1908. nt tho postofftco at Medford, Oregon, under tho act of March S. 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford SUDSCRIFTXOK RATES. One year by mall ?5.00 One month by mall .60 Per month, delivered by carrier. In Medford, Ashland, JacksonvNlo, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, Gold Hill and Wood vl lie SO Bunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, por year 1.50 Tall ascd "Wlr United pitches. Press Dls- The Mall Tribune is on salo at tho Parry News Stand, San Kranclsco. Portland Hotel Now Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co.. Portland. Or. JW. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokano News Stand, Spokane. Postage Hates. 8 to 12-nnco raner lc IS to 24-page paper lc 14 to 36-pago paper 3c SWORN CXROtr&ATXOir. Avernge Dally for November, 190$ 1,700 December, 1909 1.S42 January, 1910 1,925 February, 1910 2.122 March, 1910 3.S0S April. 1910 2,301 MAT CXRCTOATXOIT. 3400 17 2350 i IS 2350 19 2400 i 20 ......2400 3400 , 23 I 2400 24 2400 25 1 2425 26 II 2500 29 IS 2550 30 1J 3300 31 18 2E50 1 Total 65.100 Less deduction and special edition 1,400 2560 ........ .3550 ...... ...3550 ..... .2550 ..2550 ......... .3550 .. .2600 ...... .2600 ...... .3500 .... .3500 ......... .2550 2500 2500 63.700 Average net daily, 2450. TATE OF OREGON. County of Jack son, ss: On this 1st day of May. 1910, per sonally appeared before me. O. Put. num. manager of the Medford Mall Tri bune, who, upon oath, acknowledged that the above figures are true and correct. (Seal) 1L N. YOCKEr. Notary Public for Oregon. THE rosigmiion of IT. C. McAllister ns master fish war den is to bo regretted. Ho lias proven a capable and consicentions officer. Though ignorant of fish upon his appointment, ho has diligently studied the subject since and leaves his office .just at tho tiino he had become best equipped to administer it. During his two years of office, Mr. McAllister has made an enviable record, lie has vigorously enforced the law though handicapped by lack of funds, and to his efforts largely is due tho present interstate code of salmon laws. More convictions have been obtained, more fish ways con structed and more fish screens installed, and the salmon better protected under him than under any of his predecessors-Governor Benson and the stato fish board is said to have selected Henry O'Malley, superintendent of government hatcheries in the northwest, as Mr. McAllister's successor. Mr. O'Malley has once refused the pro for, but j.s reported to bo reconsidering it. No bettor selection could bo made, as All. O'Malley is the best posted and best educated man on the subject to be found. Should Air. O'Malley decline, Southern Oregon has a candidate in the person of Edward Clanton of Grants Pass, at present chief deputy to Mr. McAllister, who is probably the best equipped of anyone in the state, barring only Mr. O'Malley, for the position. Mr. Clanton has made a fine record while in office, is familiar with the work and viable record while in office, is familiar with the work and its needs and entirely capable of conducting the office with credit and distinction. It is to bo hoped that tlie state board will choose a quali fied man, like Mr. Clanton, in preference to office-seeking spoilsmen and politicians, and that Air. Clanton is selected. INDIAN WARS OF SOUTHERN OREGON (From J. C. Waiting's History of Southern Orcaon.) ASHLAND'S MOMENTOUS PROBLEM. scrsroRD, oseqov. E Metropolis of Southern Oregan and orthern California and fastest-grow-K city In Oregon. Population. 1910. 9.000. Bank deposits, 32,750.000. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue xlver apples won sweepstakes prise and title of "Apple Xingm of the World" t National ..pple Show. Spokane, 1909. C Rogue River pears brought highest Iocs In all markets of the world dur- the past five years. write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 nta. .,or Postage on finest community Pamphlet ever written. Ashland votes tomorrow whether to vote bonds for $25,000 more to completo its power plant. Why didn't they make tho gis company pay It for their competing franchise? Ashland now has $75,000 sunk In the enterprise. A town can progress rapidly by tugging at Its bootstraps. This hero worship of Roosevelt la disgusting and un-American. But the people tire of popular Idolls and turn on them with a swiftness that augurs well for tho contlnuonco of democracy. Roosevelt will suffer tho fate of Dewey, Bryan and others. Teddy Is Bllent, Teddy Jr. is on his honeymoon, Alice's cigarette making no longer attracts attention, bo Ethel has called a man by his first xame. SometLIng must bo done to keep tho Roosevelts in tho limelight. Tho Ainent dam, product of fren zied finance, is a frenzied structure and has never served a useful pur pose, except to stop fish for fisher men to seine illegally. Let us hopo tho floods carry it off. The Oregonian, Journal, Tolegram and Specaor have all como out edi torially for the Crater Lake highway all of which is appreciated. Tho press Is a power and iu this case, are usl&g their power woll. Tho Portlam Auto club has adopt ed the Crater Lake highway as ono of its pet measures and is assisting in 'raising tho coin. Portland Is prov ing Its friendship for Southern Ore gon in a practical fashion. Ashland is having hard sledding with its normal school pet'tlon. Does I Ashland think sho can slap the rest of tho cpunty in tho face and then get Its co-operation? When it comes to frenzied finance, Southern Oregon can hold Its own. Amont Is a close rival to tho lato Letson Ballist of Whito Swan fame. Baker City, A degenerate who insulted girls has escaped because it was impossi ble to provo identity. His arrest ought to bo warning enough for him to leave town before worse happens. Talent Is tho latest of tho onter prlslng cities of tho Roguo River val ley to feel municipal aspirations and lncorporato aa a town, Good for Talent. Next comes .Eagle Point. The Statoment Ono senators aro .making good. What did the conven tion selections over "do for Southern Oregon? HP HE peaceful city of Ashland is excited that is, as " n "l TT r . ri rm tj 1 s rt" I I ".1 I t 1 w f f I ! y injiiiiy uauicu io kjiccmv xiuuutv utiu uuuuiiit;. iuu, community is rent in twain for a momentous question is to be decided, and upon it hangs the destiny of Ashland. The dove of peace has flown, or paid is fare on the vanishing trolley. It is but a few short days since Ashland served notice to the world that outside capital was not wanted within its peaceful portals and that its restful quiet were not to be disturbed by electric railroads. Following came the prop osition to bar the swift-moving, noisy auto from the sacred solitudes of the park. Now a new problem has arizen to disturb the tranquil slumber, or an old problem in a new form the ancient question of " to drink or not to drink. ' ' Ashland long since decided that humanity, no matter how hot the day, had no right to drink. Now the baffling puzzle of the hour is, "Shall animals be allowed to assuage thirst?" In brief, the question now disrupting Ashland's beauty sleep, is whether or not an ornamental fountain shall be placed at the entrance of the park. Various civic organiza tions, aroused by this uncalled for intrustion and threat ened breach of the peace, have sounded the alarm and uttered violent protest to the city council. They recommend instead, that the fountain be placed in the cemetery, an ap propriate suggestion. The council, divided against itself, is unable to decide a question of such great import, and the matter has been re ferred to the improvement clubs and business men for dis cussion and a full expression of opinion. In all probabili ty a special election will be called to settle the vexatious problem. To an outsider, it would seem that the suggestion to place the fountain in the cemetery is an excellent one, an accom modation not only to animals, but to Ashland's human mossback population. By all means, place all Ashland's civic improvements in the cemetery it is entirely fitting. Ah soon in tho tonus of tho armi stice wore arranged, tho troops took up thoir march homeward mul sunt into etunp at llnlloy'a (Byboo's) forry, giving tho location the niuno of Ciuup Ahlon, in honor of the gal lant major. From Port Orford oniuo dipt tun A. .1. Smith, with his company of tho first dragoons, 00 men in uniform, mi imposing ami unfamiliar sight to the pcoplu of tho valloy. Those luul slowly ami laboriously tolled through devious trails, over fallen trees and through tho almost iuiponotrablo wildwood tangles along Hoguo river to where thoir assistance might bo ncodod, hut only to find thoir serv ices useless, unless it was to mvu tho haughty savage whoso heart was yot divided in its councils. Owing to Pnlmor's failure to arrive at the tituo appointed, tho ponoo talk was post poned until September 10. Meantime tho volunteers lay about headquar ters talking over occurrences of the past fortnight and speculating upon those to como. They wore '100 strong and bad little need to fear tho iv suits of future deliberations. Bo sides, Smith and Kautz wcro at hand and tho former's sabres and the hit tor's 12-pound howitzer with its sholls, spherical caso shot and oau nistcr, would soon make short work of tho comparatively dofcusolcss ab origines. Tho latter, too, talked and thought of tho now dispensation of affairs, and looked with wonder and nwo upon such preparations for their injury, nnd bogged Geneinl Lane "Tyco .Too Lane" not to havo tho hy-as (rifle) fired, which took ''a hatful of powder and would shoot :i trco down." Tho inevitable wnr correspondent was abroad, even in thnt day, and under tho titlo of "Socks" wroto to tho Statesman of his visit to head quarters: "Never having scon Gcnoral Lane, inv curiosity prompted mo to visit his cnnip day before yesterday. Hav ing Boon generals iu tho States tog god out iu opuulots, gold luoo, oook od huts and long, shining swords, I expected to Find something of the kind at homluum'tors. Hut fnuov my suppriso on being introduced to a robust good-looking uiidillu-iigod man with n arm iu u sling, tho shirt sloovo slit open and dangling bloody from his shoulder, his logs ononsod in mi old pair of groy britches, that looked like those worn by General Scott, when he was exposed to the "fire iu tho rear." Ono end of thorn was supported by a buckskin strap, in place of a suspondor, while tho other log rested upon the remains of an old hoot. His head was orna mented with an ild fonigocap, that from Its appoarannco recalled ro inoinboianco of Briuldook's defeat This composed tho uniform of the 'hero who never surrenders'. "Tho tpmrtors wore in keeping with the git tl of tho occupant'; it being a rough log cabin about six teen foot sounro, while a hide iu ono side answered for a door, and des titute of floor or chimney, iu ono corner lay a pilu of sacks filled with provisions for the troops, iu another a sack of guns of all sires, from the old French musket down to the fancy silver-mounted sporting rifle, while iu a third set a camp keltic, a fry ing pan, n coffee pot, minus the spout, a dozen tin cups, four packl caddies, a dirty shiit and i itinera sin. Tho fourth corner w;s occu-i pied by a pair of blankets t aid to be tho gouoral'H bod, and on a pro jecting puncheon lay ammunition for tho stomach in tho uhupa of a chunk of raw hoof and a wad of dough. In tho center o.f tho 'quarters' was a space about four feet square for tho accommodation of guests. Such be ing tho luxuries of a general's ipinr tors, you may judgo how privates havo fared in this war." (To Bo Continued.) TAFT ROASTS, BUT SIGNS. (Continued from Page 1.) priations. Giving small amounts to doubtful enterprises, ho said, per mitted the appropriations to bo used to force further provision for the re cipients. Tho resolution empowers tho pres ident to secure permission from the k Mexican government In alleviate tho suffering of .Mexicans who are vic tims of the floods. The oronident's message recites a number' of specific' projects, includ ed in tho bill, among them a "thirty-1 $272,000. Tho bank was immediate AGED BANKER ACCUSED OF VIOLATING INDIANA LAWS EVAN'MVIIiLK. Ind.. Juno 2:., Captain Kv P. Gillette, former presi dent of tliu Citizens'' National bank, which was suspended for two weeks iu January, 111 10 fnllowiuui; the dis covery of many inaccuro lonns, w.i ' nrrcsted today on an indictment charging violntion of the banking J laws. The indictment was returned j by the fedrral grand jury at Indian-1 apolis yesterday. Captain Gillette gavo $10,000 bond. Ho is 70 years old. The losses of his bunk were OUR DELEGATION MAKES GOOD. q ENATOES BOURE AND CHAMBERLAIN are to be congratulated upon securing a $10,000 appropriation for Crater Lake park survey from congress. This is an entering wedge. The survey is needed before the depart ment of the interior and agriculture can make estimates and ask congress for continuing appropriations for park improvement. As originally passed by the senate, the appropriation asked for was $15,000. This Avas cut entirely by the house. Uowever, the Oregon senators insisted upon it in the con ference report, and a compromise of $10,000 was agreed upon. Congressman Hawley deserves great credit for his good work in securing an appropriation of $110,000 for a federal building in Medford. In this he had the co-operation of the senators, and all have the heartiest thanks of the com munity. For the first time in history, Southern Oregon has been really represented in Washington and has actually secured something worth while by means of its delegation. Let the good work go on. foot channel to Oakland, Cnl," and declares that the bill provides for too many projects nnd docs not pro vido for the completion of any of thorn. "The chief defect," the messnge says, "is tho largo number of pro jects appropriated for and tho un economical raothods for carrying them out by appropriating sums not equal in comparison with tho amounts necessary to effect com pletion. Figures establish tho fact that tho bill makes inadequato pro vision for too many projects, while the total, $52,000,000, is unduly hut tho policy of smnll appropriations with many differont enterprises without provisions for completion is unwise. This tends to waste, be cause the projects thus attempted aro likely to cost inoro than if loft to contractors authorized to complete them. The small sum of tho individ ual appropriations lessens the senso of responsibility which conirrcss has for the matter. "Tho result is thnt congress docs not trivo to its decision tho enre it would if tho appropriation involved the full amount 'needed for the com pletion of tho project," tho message continued. "If the enterprises aro to bo ubo fut as encouraging means for trans portation thoy' ought to bo adoptod with'ln a reasonable tlmo. Delays In creaso the cost. Tho proper policy Is to determine which projocts aro of tho most Importance and then com ploto thorn, I think a gonoral sontl ment has boon, manifested that wo should havo comprohonclvo psystomu agreed on by compotont exports who docldo tho rolatlvo morlts of tho proj ects and recommend them In tho or der In which thoy should bo bogun and completed. "Old projects provided for In this bill Include some nover recommended by onglncors and somo recommonded onco but not mow. Old projocta should bo roforrcd to boards for fur thor recommendation." ly reorganized. WHITE SLAVE TRADER CONVICTED IN SEATTLE SEATTLE. Wash., Juno 23. -Lu-cIiih Katz wr.u found guilty of Im porting a woman Into tho United Stnots for Immoral purposes by a Jury in tho federal court to-lay. Dur ing tho trial ovldonco was luroducodj to show Kr.vtz Imported a woman from British Columbia, taklug her to Walla Walla, thon to North Yakima, Wash., nnd thon to Pocatullo, Idaho, whoro they woro nrrcsted by tho Im migration authorities. WILL DIRECT APPLE DISPLAY AT WATS0NVILLE Notice. All young men nnd women aro re quested to meet Tuesday ovoning at 8 o'clock in tho Baptist church to reorganize tho young pooplo's branch iu tho tcrnperanco work. 83 .Thomas Smith of Trondwoll, Alaska, is registered nt tho Nash, WATSONVILLK. Juno 'J.'.. .1. W. Kuvnunugh, dircotor-gonornl of tho Vallojo carnival of pntriotio pagc autry, hao boon chosen to act ns secretary for tho Watsonvillo apple annual, and will assiuno tho duties ol tho plaeo as soon ns ho has com pleted his work at Vallojo on July fi, Work on the pavilion will begin next week, when tho ground is cleared of the buildings occupying tho site. As contemplated by tho exhibits committee, tho display will coiihisl ol 50 cnrloads or applao. it 4 .1, to. MTNWAHT T. 10, 1IICAUMKU Medford Vacuum House Cleaning Company. 615 S. Oakdale Ave. Phono Main 2914. Cleaning Easy WE CLEAN YOUR HOME WITHOUT THE LEAST BIT OF ANNOYANCE TO YOU. Your I'i'.gs, (larpols, upholstry, etc., can bo cleaned by tho "Lilllo Giant" Vacuum .House Olonnor with out moving anything or disturbing tho lady of tho house the least bit. Call us up and wo will bo glad to call at your homo and explain more fully. A BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off West Seventh street, on Columbus avenue, !?M2o if akon soon. Terms. Address 0. D., care of Mail Tribune office. Iwish to announce that I havo purcluiHod tho Union Livery Stables and will conduct a gonoral food and boarding establishment. Horse boarded by tho day, week or mouth. I guarnntoo a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVKIlV IUHN. IlIVEKSIDE AVKNUK. .1 EYES gag Iu my l'rivato Optical Parlor I use thn host iiihtriimcats and lat est methods, with artificial light, the only correct way for scientific sight-testing. Lonsos replaced and frames adjusted. Prescriptions filled. Glasses adjusted and straightened frco. DR. RICKERT ROOM 2, OVER KENTNER'S. Do You Need Any Silverware? I Have What You need. MARTIN J. REDDY jeweler, near P. O. To Summer Capital Soon. IlBVEKJ-iHY, Mass.. Juno 25. Prcstdont Taft Is planning to return to tbo Hiimmor capital hero either Tuesday or Wednesday noxt. Ar rangements for tho president's roturn havo liecn complotod, ovoa to tho re pairing of tho flag polo which will fly a great Amorlcan flag dally dur ing Taf t's stay horo. Agencies Continued, WASHINGTON, D. C Juno 25, The liouuo today withdrew Us do mand that all pension agencies oxcopt that at Washington bo abollshod, Tho bill provides for tho maintenance of ponclon agonclos as usual. WASHINGTON, I). C Juno 25. The house adoptod tho resolution for nopresontatlvo McLaughliu demand ing that tho war department In formed cougross of Us proparodnoss to ropol Invasion and answer tho chargo that tho Japancao could cap ture tho Pacific coast, Tho roport Is to bo mado In Docombor, Dr. GOBLE'S Optical Parlor - Removed to - 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S DRUGSTORE. Tclcflraphers Elect Officers. LOS ANOKM3S, Cnl., Juno 2f. T. T. Dyer of Los Angolos, superin tendent of telegraphs of tho Salt Lake rnilrond, will servo as prosidont of the National Association of Kail way Telegraph Superintendents dur ing tho coming year. Ho was chosen by tho annual convention of tho or ganization, which adjourned today, after naming Boston ns tho placo of mooting in 1011, Othor officors woro elected as fol fel fol eows: Firso vico-prosidout, John B, Shel don, Omaha; socoud vico-presidout, William Bonnt, Chicago; soorelary and treasurer, P. W. Drew, Minneapolis, E, T. Staplos of Ashland was a Friday ovoning visitor in afedford. ' $100,000 Disappears. CIIICAOO. III., June 25. Postof fico authorities today aro investigat ing the disapponranco of a lottor which contained 100,000 in soouri tics, half of which woro found iu tho possession of S, B, Tumor,' a uogro, who is under arrest, Tumor assorts ho found tho'doeumcoto iu 'ho sticot. Tho letter was mailed in tho luatli postoffieo by Walter" Ford and nd dressod to tho Branchford Hoofing; company. Japs to Police Korea. SEOUL, Korou, Juno 25. An nouncement was mndo horo today of tho signing of a memorandum lust Friday whoreby tho Japunoso gov ernment itj ontruslod with tho cou (Inot of all affairs rotating to tho policing of Koroa.