'r" MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDTORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, .TONE 20, 1910. ' I PINCHOT. BACK INSANITY IS FROM VISITING PLEA OFCHARLTON TEDDUHEEFUL Says Roosevelt Has Shown His Ap preciation of Men Supporting Con servation Idea and That He Is Glad of It Criticizes Ballenger. Thrco Doctors Appointed to Examine Younq Man If Ho Is Found In sane He Will Be Sent to Asylum for Treatment. NEW YORK, Juno 25. Clifford Plncliot, linck from n conference with Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay Inst night, today praised the work of the- insurgents, and, by innu .endo, criticised Secretary of the In terior Ballinger and Attorney Gen eral wickersham. Ho announced that Roosevelt will address tho Col orado Livestock association in Den vor Sept. 1. "I am glad Roosevelt has shown his appreciation of tho men who sup ported tho conservation pland and tho Roosevelt policies," iPnchot said. "The colonel -pill address the indus trial aid consei ration congress at St. Paul on Sept. C." Plnchot refused to discuss his visit with former Secretary Garfield to Sagamore Hill yesterday. "The withdrawal bill," he said, "was one of nine blllls recommend ed by Ballinger and was thoroughly unfavorable to conservation as intro duced. Former Secretary Garfield and the National Conservation asso ciation opposed the bill, and it was modified and passed as a good bill. t It was a great conservation victory. The conservation association co-operated with the insurgents in their fight on the bill." "I feel cheerful over the insur gents ability to convert bad bills in to good ones," Plnchot continued. "Tako tho railroad bill. As It was prepared by Attorney General Wick ersham, it was bad. The insurgents re-wrote It and made a. valuable measure. Senators Cummins, La Foiiette. Bevoridgo and Doiiiver did Steamer Feared Lost. superbly. The insurgents' services to ' BOMBAY, Juno 25. Tho Austral the nation havo been remarkable nnd Ian Lloyd siemship Triost, with a I believe they havo been appreciated. I crew of 85 and a passenger list of 34, Conservation has been maintained. I is three days over due here. It Is JERSEY CITY, N. J., Juno 25. It the three doctors appointed to ex amine Portor Charlton unlto in call ing him incano, tho youth who con fessed that ho killed his wife, Mary Scott Castle Charlton, will go to an asylum, while it they find that ho Is sane, his extradition to Italy for trial will be demanded. Drs. A. M. Hamilton, Cnhrlcs A. Dana and Arlltz Fisher arc tho alien ists who have been commissioned to examine Charlton. Attorney Edwards, for the de fense, said teday: "We are willing to abide by tho decision of the physicians. If Charl ton be found sane, Judge Charlton will not fight to pr.-ent his1 trial. All the youth's father noka Is fair play. If tho alienists find tho boy Insane wo will abide by that decis ion." Attorneys for Captain Scott, broth er of Mrs. Charlton, plau to provo Charlton sane. They Intend to pre sent letters written by Charlton to Captain Scott nnd statements made by him to friends of Scott. Chorion spent a quiet nlsLt at tho jail reading "The Last Days of Pompeii." TAFT AND TEDDY SODN TO MEET. Colonel Roosevelt Will Be Guest of President at Beverly Next Week Colonel to Attend Commencement at Harvard. MBMBHHIMiHMiHHHHHH ' $' fi- i' i'r ,r. m OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. Juuo 25 Colonel Roosevol and President Tatt will Itneot at Bevorloy, tho summer capital, next Saturday. It is probablo that Roosevelt will remain nt Bever ley over Sunday. On Tuesday Roosovolt will partlcl-1 pate in the commencement exorcises ' at Harvard university. He will re- malu at Beverley for several dnya, staying, at the country homo of Rep resentative Nicholas Longworth, Now Is the Time Fdr you to mako u solootion from ovor 0110 hundred pattoniB in our now lino of RUGS & BRUSSELS, WILTONS, INGRAINS AND TAPESTRIES ALL PRIZEFIGHTS ARE STOPPED IN CALIFORNIA Kaiser Game, Though Sore. KEIL, June 25. Kaipr Wllhelm, who Is here today participating In tho regatta, was a loser in a 23-mile race in his schooner yacht Metear against the Westward, owned by Al exander S. Cochran of Now York. The kaiser was at the wheel of his ship, which was specially built but finished half and hour behind the Windward. Wo do not oppose development but we want tho development In the pub lic interest, not for the benefit of spe cial interests." feared that the vessels foundered in a recent typhoon. Tho Trlest has not been spoken by vessels reaching this port. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Juno 25 . , That Governor GUlott'e order pre venting tho Jeffries-Johnson and Langford-Kaufman fights In this city was far reaching enough to kill tho real right game In Sau Francisco is realized by fight fans hero today, fol lowing action of the police in stop-! plug four four-round contests bo-, tween professional pugilists last night. Among the bouts scheduled was a "boxing contest" between Al Nell and George Green, two old-tlm-' ers at the prize fight game. It wns tho opinion of Chief ot Pollco Mar tin that these men wero profession als and would fight a professional prize fight of the prohibited charac ter, so he interfered and provented tho match. Thrco similar fights wero stopped and tho management Tilled in tho bill with three or four short bouts be tween amateurs. We tiro offering Special Values in all kinds of Furniture and House Furnishings Kermit to Re-enter Harvard. BOSTON, Mass., Juno 25. Ker mit Roosevelt is arranging today to re-enter Harvard university In Sep tember as a membor of tho class ot 1913. He hopes to regain his stand ing In the 1912 class. H I ?"". BRUSSELS, WILTONS, INGRAINS AND TAPESTRIES. . I IK:! I ' "Outside tiio Tolcphono Wit Mln fit, v flro limit, but Mnlit 1-IOt Cor. of Laurel ' M Inside on prices" Next to Washington School I I Says Jack is Yellow. BOSTON. Mass., June 25. Joo Jeannctte, the colored pugilist, todny predicted that Jeffries will win in the experienco ho acquired in his six fights with Jack Johnson. "Jeffries has tho head nnd the heart to whip Johnson," said Jean nctte. "I think thnt Jack is n won- ten rounds. Jeannette speaks from dorful boxer and thnt lie will mako Jeffries look awkward for a couple of rounds. Then Jeffries will sail in nnd bent him to ii frazzle. John son cannot stand tho gaff. Givo him a couple of blows in tho fitomaoli and ho wilts. Funston Not III. LEAVKKWOKTH, Kan.. Juno 25. General Frodorick FuiiHton todny indignantly doniod the roportH that lie h seriously ill and donlnrnd that a wifo, slight ntlnck of indigestion nnd dis comfort from hont nro hiu only nil monts. Gonornl Fiinstou will lonvo Hliort ly for Oaklnud, Cal., to join IiIh Il REMOVED TO ROOM 7, POSTOFPICE BUILDING. PHONE 3132 r -. c MALTBY I HAVE A CLIENT WHO HAS ,c 15 Lots Well Locoted at a Very Low Price In order so make a Quick Sale, this block of lots is offered at a Very Low Price and will MAKE TERMS TO SUIT the Buyer. Several Acre Tracts For Sale, Near the City. These will go at a Very Low Price and Terms to Suit the purchaser. 18 acres 3 miles south of city only $3000.00 Call and See me in Room 7, Post Office Building i i ',