w-rrot-t )nMH.VWKlkf- m'"H1-r T "'t n. . t Vl1-M ! r-r j i fr "" ill" :ij -n MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 2G, .19.10. 1 Rugs! Rug's! Rugs! A short time ago wo were fortimato enough to securo an immense lot of rugs at exceptionally low factory prices. Those rugs are all tho very latest patterns and the very best qualities. The'' comprise all kinds and grades and we want every grownup in this vicinity to sec the 500 NEW RUGS JUST RECEIVED "We want to dispose of them quickly and in order to do so have marked them at very REASONABLE PRICES. Medford Furniture Co. East Main Street, Near S. Bartlett St. Inside the fire limits, and our constantly increasing business is proof that we are pleasing the people as to values. - ---.,- . .,., I Kayser Gloves ZatgriCrZ- . . ....... .a..aia..A.A.AA,AA4m - w"r" "--"" ! .. . ... - " T . . -"""'I Keiser Neckwear , , - - ,, -."""" CAN'TTAKECOONS HALLEYS COMET OFF THE EARTH SAYS DIGKERSON Secretary of War Arrives in Seattle and States That 25th Infantry Mst Be Kept Somewhere, and That Seattle Will Do Nicely. SEATTLE, Wash., June 24. See rretary of War Jacob M. Dickinson mrrived in Seattle on the Northern 3Paeific this forenoon. He was met t the station by his wife, a son, Henry Dickinson, of Seattle, whose gatst he is, and a second son. The secretary will visit Fort Law tea this afternoon. Asked conccrn Sbk the removal of tho Twenty-fifth (negro) infantry from tho fort, 'Dickinson said: "Tke rejriment must be kept some where. They can't be moved off the arth, and Seattle is as good a place HITS MICNI SSHI-ITS BOY Oldest Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bedunab of Ostcgo Is Given Queer Name Halley Is Just a Monlh Old. LANSING, Mich., June 2q. Hnl- ley's comet has stmck Michigan. Thj official announcement of this fact is on file n the birth records receiv ed in the office of secretary of statj. Bailey's comet's last name is Bedu nab, and he s the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bedunab of Osteco. Halley is just a month old. FRATERNAL AND OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE IN OREGON JURY CHARGES BROWNE. ETAL WITH BRIBERY Warrants Are Issued for Threo Men i in Connection With Lorimer Brib ery Case in Illinois Three Counts Each Are Returned. .as any.' 10 REAli BSTATE. J. B. Edsnll to J. A. Bishop, Jots 3, 4, 5, block 14. Phoenix $ 3. S. Sprajjuo to J. B. Hun " ter, 60 acres in section 23, township 39, 1 east 12,500 X. Lager to E. K. Anderson, Jots 16 and 17, block S, Railroad addition to Ash land 3. M. Casebcer to L. Lager, same property ID. L. Minkler to E. A. Estcs, part block 23, Ashland.... J W. Abbott to J. C. Brown, lots 36 and 37, Montview Addition to Ashland X C. Brown to Rebecca Eg- gleston, some property.... jH. Humphrey to Ida A. Wor- rell, land in Kenwood sub- ' division to Medford IF. H. Rundell totComelia L. Kingsbury, land in Ashland ,"W. K. Lawson to C. T.' Les ter. 20 ncres in D. L. C. 07 township 38, 1 west 31. A. Washbnm to C. Lux, lots 16 and 17, block 2, Palm's Addition to Mcd 'tori Hannah M. Reeve to Saloma "C Chapman, property in Jacksonville JL Moore to L. Miksch, 5 acres in section 14, town ship 39, 1 oast O, W. Kennard to Oscar L. Laeper, 6 acres in D. L. G. 39, township 39, 1 cast.. 3,700 .W. H. Humlin to T. H. Flynn, lot 10, block 2, Ross Addi tion to Medford , 38. P. Antlo to P. Orlopp, land in sections 8 and 9, town ship 37, 2 west 17,000 SALEM, Or., Juno 25. State In- SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 25.- The Sangamon county grand jury todny indicted Lee O'Neill Browne, W. mlson. Louis D. IJirschhcim nn-1 Frank A. Trnut on charges of con spiracy to bribe. Three counts were returned against each defendant. A. B. Johnson also was indicted for alleged perjury and on twelve counts for conspiracy to bribe. Warrants have been ssued for the arrest of tho accused men. Browne and Wilson were indicted on the strength ot Assemblyman surance Commissioner Sam A. Kozer Beckmoyer's testimony that Wilson 1,000 10 100 500 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 has gathered statistics showing the life insurance business in the state. There are 30 fratemnls doing busi ness under the lo'dge plan, with a to tal membership of 59,904. The in come of these for 1909 was $918, 231.74. while death claims of .$589.- 933.15 were paid. There are 37 old line comp-nnies operating in :he state, collecting during tho same time, $2, 388,438.97 in premiums on 55,053 policies, and paid in losses and re turn premiums $831,037.49. While the cost of old-line Insurance in the state for the year was fur greater than that of the frnternuls, tho lat ter carry insurance in excess of thut of the old-liners to tho nmount o $11,879,000. An effort is boing made throughout tho United States by tho Insurance commissioners io securo legislation that will place the fraternal rates sufficiently high to make their safety boyond question, and to thin end uniform legislation js planned in all tho states. had paid him $900 from a legislative "jnckpot" at St. Louis. Herseheim and Trnut were indict ed in connection with the pnssugo of a fish bill. THE BEST PROOF WE HAVE THAT THE WOMEN APPRECIATE TO THE VERY FULLEST EX- J TENT THIS Exclusive Quality Store We are proud to amiouuco this as Hertford's quality store for women, and our reasons for doing so aro amply justified in the window displays and tho goods shown inside. If you buy a garment hero you know the quality is all that can bo expected and no hotter values, material, styles or bettor workmanship can bo found anywhere for tho prices asked. Party, Reception & Street Dresses A NEW SHOWING- EVERY FEW DAYS NOW. You are especially invited to call and examine the beautiful assortment of party, reception and street dresses. Every one is a separate and distinct style creation and sure to appeal to your fancy. All tho most leading and sought nftor styles arc here awaiting your approval. Your size and color combination may be ensilv chosen. ONYX HOSIERY Ask the woman who knows and she will tell you to buy Onyx hos iery. Not only is Onyx the best, but only the very best stores are per mitted to handle this popular brand. HAIR DRESSING Hauicuring, shampoo ing, bleaching, hair weaving, etc. Wo buy combings. We make switches to order from your combings. Come and have your hair dressed. Every thing is new, clean and attractive. WASH SUITS Don't fail to look hore for wash suits. Our as sortments aro in fine condition for choosing, the styles aro all new, the values will appeal to you at once. Hay wo show 3rou? FANCY GOODS Back Combs, Barrottes, "Fancy Hairpins, Neck wear, Belts, Bags, Para sols, Buckles, etc. Not a world or groat lot of duplicates but a beauti ful collection which comprises all tho very latest fads and fancies. O. E. TACKSTROM, PROPRIETOR OLD SOLOMON LEVY IS SPRY AT 106 YEARS 225 Arena Going Up. RENO, Nev., Juno 25. Tho Jeffries-Johnson arena today began to show some shapo after two days of -conHtruction work. A force of 30 '.Men is employed and the arena will die rushed to completion. Probate Court. Estate of Iluldnh Colvor Order "confirming ealo of real property, i, Estate of Murtha II. Coleman 5 Order for discharge of adtninis- L-trKtor. 1 Estate of G. Ooblo J. A. Perry, 93. D. Olwell, R, P. Little upprnisors. f Marriage Licenses. Jekn F. Schump and Edna Arm strong; Juno 24. J. W. Lawlor nnd Graco E. Reeves, 3ua 24. NEW YORK, Juno 25. Brooklyn Burgeons are astonished at the vital ity of Solomon Levy, 10G years of age, who was discharged from a hospital yesterday as active as a boy, after a fall down two flights of stairs on Wednesday. Ilis hip was injured. Let RARDON Provide Your Sunday Desert Order a delicious combination of Fancy ICE CREAM AND SIIER- BERT Packed in 2 or 3-pint bricks, Phono us your orders today. MAIN 371. :: - - - HnskinR for Health I H s ! i ne I u n. Mil? al!f v&i .. fs m 4 iiBiw I jy"A Jim i V 1l4K3v l I .W&timMS Yf mm I - Emporium Successor to Montgomery. Electric Flat Irons need no recommendation to progressive houtewives. Thek uio makes ironing a pleasure, relieved of all the drudgery of fires and changing of irons. The small General Electric flatiron is indispensable in the sewing room. Children Use Them not only as playthings but really in a useful way, helping with the little things and thus learning to aid in household duties. We have a very interest ing way of introducing these new irons to users of electric light ELECTRIC CO. ROGUE RIVER Have you seen the Oxfords wo arc- now selling for $2.00 and $2.50 Wo feel sure when you do you will say they are values that are not often to he had, Make it a point to see ouv show windows and see for yourself. &S FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. I tyiwmmmmmmym Medford Ircm WorRs E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. LOOK HERE NO 8710 to 20 acres two miles from town. All free soil. Pine alfalfa, fruit and grain land; all level and in cultivation; good road and only Vi50 per acre. One-half cash, Lalanco easy. No. 86 Six accres only three-quarters of a mile from town. All loose, free soil. All sot to pears; good huiildings, fences and roads; a snap at $3500. Vory small payment down and long timo on balance. NO 73. 16 acres; 10 acres in apples, pears and cher ries; 6 acres alfalfa and garden; good buildings and roads. One of our best buys, close in to town. NO. 92 Modern 5-room and bath bungalow and lot 45x140 feet, for $2000. One-half cn-jli. NO. 90 Lot 50x118 on West Main, with 7-room now ho805 city wator, cement walks and paved street at $3750. Towns. Wo have others, also vacant property t right prices. McARTHUR & ALEXANDER. Phono 3681 Postoffice Block J. E. ENYAItT, President J. A. PERRY, Vioo-ProHidont. JOHN S. ORTII, CuHhior. W. 13. JACKSON, AHH't Cushior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' TRAN8A6TED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. giV)LT.fcT-Mi1y-rtr-4j-nr'- "i --