MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MhlDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 2G, 3910. 15 DOES YOUR WIF E P AINT? IF SHE DOES AND YOU WANT TO PLEASE HER GET SOME OF OUR DECORET FOR TOUCHING UP THE FURNITURE AND MAKING THE INTERIOR OF THE OLD HOUSE LOOK LIKE NEW. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THESE PAINTS AND STAINS IN EVERY SHADE, GLOSS OR DULL FINISH, W ITH BRUSHES. EVERYTHING NEED- ; ED FOR APPLYING SAME. NO MORE COMPLETE LINES OF PAINTS AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES TO BE FOUND OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND THAN THOSE WE ARE SHOWING. NO BETTER PORTLAND CEMENT MADE THAN STANDARD, FOR WHICH WE ARE AGENTS. EVERY TON OF OUR ACME CEMENT PLASTER IS GUARANTEED. CENTRAL POINT NEWSLETTER Mist) McDowell returned from AhIi IiiiiiI an Friday, after n fow day' vUit with friends roicling in that city. IWmnnter (luy Tx in nt homo ngnin after thri'u wuuku npont in Or hiii'h uiutroH)liH. Mi. Tux and lit tlt Paul Htoppod off for a Hhort viit in Kugotio. V littlo daughter of Mm. Kugi'iin Sanborn in Hul'foriiig from tui injury to her kneu, remitting from a fall re ceived alM)iit a week iiko. Inflam mation dovolopod uml thu littlo ouu jfi now under tlio doctor'rt enro, hut tin Ht'rioim trouble is apprehended. Mrn. Austin returned on Friday morning from a visit in Phoenix. J. M. Caldwell, formerly of Cen tral Point, but moro roeontlv of Yon ciilln, Iihh returned with hi brother, mother and Hititor. and will again make thin city bin homo. Ho linn rented Mrw. HiiiuIoII'h Iiuiihu at the corner of Sixth and Oak. Mro. J. W. Myers returned from Portland on TucHday with a very ho voro cold, which threatened to term inate in pneumonia. Sho is, how over, coiiHiderahly hotter ut the prim cnt writing. Dr. AndorHon will take a littlo vk'ixauro trip north about the firnt of .Tulv. duriiiL' which time ho will vimt Portland and possibly other points. C. W. Jeffore lonvcB Centra! Point next Monday for his claim, up near Huttu FnllH. Mrs. Jeffcru will not accompany him thin time. About -5 candidates for baptism will reccivo that rito next Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. The mode of baptism will bo immersion, and home near point of tho ltogue river will be chosen as tho place. Itev. K. II. Sickafooso will bo tho officiating minister and all of tho candidates will unite with tho Christian church. It, is understood thnt all the churches will receive ciii(e a largo number of accession!! to their membership uoxt Sunday, as a result of the union ovnncolistio work recently enrried on here. Itev. M. E. Coon and family will return to Woodvillo some time next week. Charles Wood of Chico, Cn., is in the city visiting with his grnnd mothcr, Mrs. T. 3. Ivclsoe, and his aunt, Mrs. James Clino. IIo arrived last Monday and will remain somo time. A. D. Houston, recently of this city, but now in Weed, Cnl., will spend tho Fourth hero with his wife and lialiies. Pantorium to Spend $5000 or Over Plant Not very many peoplo realize that the Pantorium company has spent something Iiko $10,000 in equipment for carrying on their work of dyc intr and cleaning. Now thoy nro busy taking out tho old machinery and installing now, nnd oxpect to spond in all about $5000 moro for equipment. A new boiler, two and one-half times tho capacity of tho one used previously, has been installed. A new 8jottmg room hns been fitted up whoro every nrticlo will bo examined and processed separately for spots. xsow steam cleaning, vaporising nnd scouring rooms havo been add ed, these to contain all tho latest im proved copper divatcs, etc. Every thing is so nrranged that no nrticlo can possibly become damaged while being elenned nnd so that work may, bo done quickly and most satisfac torily. Everything from the finest silk or chiffon party gown or fino feathers, coats, gloves, etc., can ho cleaned perfectly hv tho Pantorium." TABLE ROCK ITEMS. Crops are looking well in this vi cinity. The hay crop is about all cut. K. A. Wyckoff enmo down from Portland for a short stay nt his ranch. Master Fred Collins of Jackson ville is visiting with his uaclo here. S. IC Adams was in Mcdford and Central Point with a load of berries nnd produce this wcok. Mrs. John Vincent of Jacksonville was a caller in Tabic Itock this week. There wore quite n number of vot ers present nt the school meeting Monday. J. II. Lydiard was elected clerk for one year and S. K. Adams director for three years. Ono of tho lato social events was nn ico cream social at S. D. Carpen ter's, in honor of his 36th birthday. Quite n number of lis friends wcro present. W. A. Aiken, tho Mcdford plumbor, was in Table Rock this week. Mrs. Arnold Bailoy returned on Thursdny from a visit with her sister in Ashland. A New Era in Burying -f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4- - J It is remarkable to note the radi cal changes of opinion that have oc curred among individuals, indeed, among whole communities, upon tho question of mausoleum burial. In less than five years the work of building these mausoleums under the patents nnd copyrights of the Inter national Mausoleum company has in creased by leaps nnd hounds, until nt the present timo there nro thou sands of them being constructed throughout the United States. Stop and think a moment of this "better wny," contrast the burial of your loved ones in mausoleums, with earthly burial. How often have you gono to a funeral and stood around tho gravo during a downpour of rain, saw tho form of one near and dear to you lowered into a watery grave, then listened to the dismal sound of tho earth falling upon the coffin lid? Have you not ofter thought, Is there not a "better' way"? Then rend carefully tho following letter writ ten by Mr. Blytho : "Cleveland, O., April 14, 1009. I mado my first visit to Shelby, O., to call upon tho International Mau soleum Co. and to inspect the mau soleum erected there by them. I learned there was to be a funeral held in the mausoleum during tho af ternoon. The funeral party, on its arrival, left their carriages and as sembled within tho large marble-lined corridor of the mausoleum. The light streaming through the skylights which run the entire length of the building, reflected by the marble, made it lighter than the gray day outside. Tho services were brief and dignified. All stood uncovered with out any discomfort. At the comple tion of the services the casket was quietly 'raised to tho third tier and laid into a pure white lined compart ment, and that was tho end. "No dirt, no mud, no bedraggled flowers, no rush to get out of the rain. I was greatly impressed with this simple burial in the mausoleum of an old lady, whom I knew nothing about. Tho dignity, simplicity nnd magnificent decency of it would np peal to all, and in the language of the poet, 'Like one who wraps the drap ery of his couch around him and lies down to pleasant dreams.' "Yours very truly, (Signed.) HENRY A BLYTH." There is now under construction nt Cleveland, O., one of the finest mau soleums over erected by tho Interna tional Mausoleum companv, holding upward of 2000 bodies. Tho people of Mcdford have an opportunity to purchaso apartments I in tho mausoleum to bo built hore. To Remodel Bijou Theater Mr. W. H. Fluhart arrived in MM ford yesterday and announces tkat he will take over the Bijou theater tomorrow and proceed to gradually make it into the best and most pop ular playhouse in tho city or on tha coast, outside of Portland or Friseo. Mr. Fluhart claims to have plmty of backing and inside of thirty days promises to remodel the entire noase by potting in new scats, decorating tho interior, fixing over the stage, adding more ventilators and fans and by putting on the best movine pictures nnd higher class of vaude ville. Tho name will in all nrobabilitv be changed, but will bo kept open everv night from now on. .nd it is to be hoped thoy will taks advantage of tho "better way." Any information desired will bo cheerfully given by L.ognn Blizzard, Main 1141. 4-f'4 You will miss a treat If you don't try Rardon's Lb- nanberrv Sherbet. 4- OVER 40 BUICKS SOLD IN MEDFORD SO FAR THIS SEASON r 71 Because five years use has proven the Buick the Best Car for the Rogue TT 11 y River Valley, combining Reliability, Endurance, Power, Speed, Sim plicity, Durability, with a price within the reach of all. It is the Satisfactory Car. Ask Any Owner. A STAPLE AMONG AUTOMOBILES. MEDFORD BUICK COMPANY Tou Velle, Manager Riverside Avenue, Between 7th & 8th.