It I MEDFORD MALL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1910. M arc EC rc .11 K vN -ft t P.I B-! 1 f 1 1 fen u f t M 'i ;mi 'tH i i m li' m m ! ,5 I M . f : -IV v . I . HAKE TRIP FROM TACOMA BY AUTO Party Arrives on Their Way to San Francisco Left This Morning and Will Go South liy Way of Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Anderson, Mr. TJavis and Chauffeur T. W. Jones, .all of Tncomn, Wash., passed itironch Medford yesterday in a Chalmers 30, having traveled all tho way without a moment's delay or a break o any nnture. Morgan & Wright Nobby Trend tires were used and certainly stood tho scrvico exceptionally well. Jones .says that be drove tho Chalmers through places where $3000 cars had stuck but a few moments before, and ihat as far as ho was concerned the 'Chalmers 30 was tho car for all iard, long runs. Advertised Letter List Tho following list of letters remain uncalled for at tho postoffico at Medford, Or., Wednesday, Juno 22: C. R Armstrong, Mrs. Wni. Bain, Willi Barton, P. II. Baylin, E. B. Berry, Mrs. Clara Boughton, Annie Uroad, Giovanni Charici, Mrs. E. M. Clark, Clarence H. Dodd, Miss M. A. Duncan, W. C. Flick (2), George IFunchcon (2), William Gipsou, Jack Gibson, Tonej Gramley, Jack Helper, Callio Hearing, K. L. Howard, Mrs. Jihoda L Hull, J. P. Jacobscn, Edwin I Johnson, B. F. Johnson, David Kct He, Arthur W. Iurri, Sadio Kounce, GL A. Laney, A. J. Mehnk, Mrs. Chns. JCeaacs (2), Vivian E. Mitchell, J. 2f. McLean, James A. McKay, Model jPkannacy, Inc., E. J. Musson, J. W. 'Osgood, Geo. E. Russell, Firman Skcppard, Mrs. F. Shaftnire, E. J. Bchalcr, J. W. T. Swinnov, Perry Terwilligcr, Mrs. Will Thorson, Ella Trace, Mrs. Geo. Trace, J. F. Trusty, Clarida Walch, Mrs. Johana 'Whar ton, John Wilborn, Captain J. D. FUson, Ransler Wilson, W. N. Parties calling for tho above let "iere will please say "Advertised." A charge of one cent will be made upon I delivery. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. Hotel Arrivals. The Nash J. C. Biggar, Portland; C G. Bailoy, San Francisco; W. N. Xehman, Chicago; F. O. -Kchmer and tEamily; A. W. Isaacs, M. Altmark, D. C. Clark. A. T. Clark. G. P. Story, San Francisco; F. B. Clark, Seattle; S. M. Whitman, Talent; F. S. Clancy, San Francisco; H. M. Fox, New York; H. Bicksler, Portland; H. C. Mils. Sewell, N. J.; W. C. Farr, Lin coln, ni. The Moore C. G. Bailey, San Francisco; L. N. Travor, Albany; C. M. Coalman, Seattle; F. G. Dcske back, Salem; H. D. Mills, IQamath Tails; F. L. Fay, Portland; K W. Goodalo, Seattle; W. S. Doylo, San JFrnncisco; K. G. Wilby, F. S. John son, Portland; F. C. Norris, Gold Bill; F. F. Fredcnburg, F. C. Clark, cky; A. E. Walters, Horault; P. J. Cooper and wife, F. H. Harris, R. A. 3!dridgc, O. Motchtnnn, Portland; C. iiawkms, ban Francisco; A. M. Shannon, Portland; J. W. Fosle and family, Mablo Biglmm, Gazelle; Dan TWcbstcr, L. W. Kinney, Portland. SELLS RESIDENCE FOR GOODLY SUM 'Fred Luy has sold his residence property at tho corner of South Cen tral and Thirteenth to K Wall, a -recent arrival in this city, for tho sum of $5500. Tho property comprises one of the most desirable residence sites in that part of tho city, and is fitted up for n ideal homo. If tho store ads woro not worth your while they would not bo pub lished at all. CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION ORDERING IM PROVI3MENT. Ho It resolved by tho city council of tho city of Modferd: . AVhoreas the council has duly de clared its intention by resolution to linprovo tho following stroof, to-wlt: "Wast .Fourth street from Oakdale avonuo to west city llirits, by plac ing concroto curbs and gatters on both Bidoa tJjo-cof and paving tho sarao with asphalt pavemont, consist ing of a 5-inch concrcto baso, a 1 1nch asphal'Jo blndor and a 2-inclt wearing Burfaco. And whoreas notlco Unroof was duly given i.a required by tho phartor of said city; And, whoreas no protests woro re solved against tho samo, tho council orders tho improvomont to bo, and tho amount of tho cost thereof asscssod upon tho proporty especially benefitted thereby, Tho foregoing resolution was jwHsed by tho city council of tho City of Medford this 21st day ot Juno, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch ayo, Merrick absent, Em rlck ayo, Wortman ayo, Elfert ab- CITY NOTICES. Bent, and Dcmmor nye. Approved Juuo 22, 1910. W. II. QANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. TELFER, City Recorder. UKSOIATIOX ORDERING IM PROVKMKXT. Bo It resolved by tho city council of the city ot Medferd: Whereas tho council has luly de clared Its Intention by resolution to improve tho following street, to-wlt: Jacksou street from Itlversldo ave nue to Columbus avenue, by placing concrete cubs and gutters oa both sides thereof and paving tho same with asphalt pavement, consisting ot a 5-inch concroto base, a 1-Inch ns phnltlc binder aui a 2-lnch wearing surface. And whereas notlco thereof was duly given as required by the char ter ot said city; And whereas no protests woro re ceived against tho sau.c, tho council ordos tho Improvement to bo made, and tho amount of tho cost theroif assessed upon tho property especially benefitted thereby. Tho foregoing resolution was passed by tho clt, council of the City ot Medford this 2 1st day of June, 1910, by tho following vete: Welch aye, Merrick nbsci.t, Emer Icic aye, Wortiran aye, Elfert absent, and Demmer aye. Approved Juno 22, 1910. RESOLUTION ORDERING IM- PROVES IEXT. Bo it resolved ty tho lty council of tho City of Medferd: Whoreas tho council has duly de clared its intention by resolution to Improve tho followlns street, to-wit: South Fir street from We3t Main street to south city limits, by plac ing concroteo curbs : d gutters on both sides thereof r.nd paving tho same with nsjhalt pavement, con sisting of a 5-lnch concrete base, a 1-inch aspbaltic binder and a 2- lnch wearing surface. And, whereas notice tboieof was duly clvea as required by tho char tor ot said -city; And, wboros no protects were re ceived against tho siae, tho coun cil oiders ivo Improvement to bo made, and the amount of the cost thereof asso;sed upon the property especially benefitted thereby. Tho foregoing resolution was passed by tho city council ot tho City of Medford thl3 21st day ot June, 1910, bj io folio vlig vote: "Welch ayo, Merrick rbsont, Em erlck nye, Wortman, EJfert ab sont, and Damruer ave. Approved Juno 22. 1910. W. H. CANON, v Mayor. Attest: - " ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION ORDERING IM PROVEMENT. Be It resolved by tho city council of tho City of Medferd: Whereas tho counct has de clared its Intention by resolution to Improve tho following street, to-wlt: Laurel street from West Main street to West Eleventh street, by placing concrete euro r.:l gutters on both sides thereof and paving the samo with Aspnalt pavement, con sisting of a 5-inch concreio base, a 1-Inch asphaltlc bidder, ar; a 2-inch wearing surfaco. And, whereas notico thereof was dulr given as required by tho char ter of said city; And, whereas no protests were re ceived agalnct '"io samo, tho council orders to tho improvement to bo maiJe, and the amouit of tbo cost thereof assessed :po'i tho property especially benefit,, d thereby. Tho foresolng resnlvtion was passed by tho city council of tho City of Medford thia 21st day of June, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch ayo, Merrick absent, Erc erlck ayo, Wortman aye, E'ert ab ent, and Domrac aye. Approved Juno 22. 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest ROBT.' W. TELFER, City Recorder. ItKSOIAJTIOX OrWRRIXG I.M PROVESIENT. Be It resolvod 'oy tho city council j or tne uuy ot A.curerci: Whereas, tho council J le-cla-ed Its Intontlon by resolution to lmprovo the tollowlng stroot, to-wlt: South Orango ot'eet from West Mala street to West TeLth street, by placing concieto curbs nnd gutters on both Bides thereof and pu7(ng tho samo with asphalt laveniont, con Hinting of a G-lnch coacoto base, a l-.'nth asvbaltlo binder, and r. 2-lnch weiring surface. Anl, whereas notlco V ore-of was duly given !b required by tl.o charter of said city; And, whereas no protects were re ceived against tho sajno, tho council ordeis tho Improvomont to bo mndo, and tho amount of tho cost thoreof nssoased upon tho proyo'-'y especial ly bonofltted thoroby. Tho foregoing ro"ol':tlon was pasBod by the city council of tho City or Aieulord this 2 1st day of June, 1910, by tho following vete: Welch ayo, Merrick absont, Em orlclc ayo, Wortman tiyo, Elfert ab sont, and Domrcor ayo. Approved Juno 22, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder, RESOLUTION ORDERING IM PROVKMENT. Bo It resolved by tho city council of tho City of Medferd: Whoroas, tho council hns duly de clared Its Intention by resolution to Imprivo tho following street, to-wlt: East Eighth street from D'AnJou street to Rlvereldo nvonuo, by plac ing concroto curba and gutters on both sides thereof flpd pvlng tho with asphalt! pavomont, con sisting of. a G-lnch wriolo baso, a 1-Inch asphtltlo blndor, and a 2-Jnch weiring surface. And, whoreas notlco thorcof was duly given na roqulred by tho char tor of said city; CITY NOTICES. And, whoreas no protostB woio r colvcd ngnlcst tho muo, tho council orders tho hnnrovo-acut to ho made, and tho amount of tho cost thereof asscssod upon tho property especially benefitted thereby. Tl.o foregoing resolution w-s pissed by tho city council of tl:o City of Medford this 2 1st day ot June, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch nyo, Merrick i.fcsont, Km orlck ayo, Wortman ayo, Eirort ab sent and Doinmer ayo. Auprovod Juno 22, 1910. W. 11. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Roeordor. RESOLUTION ORDERING 1SI PROVESIKNT. Be it resclved by tl.o city council ot tho City ot Medferd: Whereas, tho council ' ns duly de clared its intention by resolution to Improve tho following stroot, to-wlt: South Holly street from West Malu street to West Thirteenth street, by placing couc 'to curbsnnd gultors on both sides thereof aid paving tho samo with asphalt pavement, con sisting of a 5-Inch coucruto baso, a 1-lnch asphaltlc binder, nud a 2-Inch woa.lng surface And, whoreaa notlco thereof w .s dul. given as required by tho char ter of said city; And, whereas not protests woro rc-celve-l against tho same, tho .oncIl orders tho Improvemort to bo mndo, and tho amount o' tho cost thereof assessed upon tho proporty especially benefitted thoroby. Approved Juno 22. 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION ORDERING ISI PROVESIENT. Bo It resolved by tho city council of tho City of Medferd: Whereas, tho council hns duly do clared Its intention by resolution to lmprovo tho following street, to-wlt: North Holly street from West Main street to West Secoud street, by placing concieto curbs and gutters on both sides thereof ind paving tho samo with asphalt pavomont, consist ing ot a 5-Inch concroto baso, a 1-lnch aspMltlc binder, and -t 2-lnch wear ing surfaco. And, whoreas notico thorcof was duly given as required by tho char ter of said city; And, whereas no protests woro re ceived against tho samo, tho council orders the Improvomont to bo mndo, and tho amount of tho cost thorcof assessed upon the proporty especial!..' benefitted thoroby. me iorcgoing resolution was" panned by tho city couucll ot tho City of Medford this 21st day ot Juno, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch ayo. Merrick absont, Em erlck ayo, Wortmai ayo, Eifort ab sent, and Dommor ayo. Buy Where You Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Cream of Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember the QUALITY long after the price is forgotten. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ak your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 iSPEND THE SUMMER -AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whero tho protty Wator Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors vSport of all Hinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Roclc Oystors, noatlng, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Canoolns nnd Dancing. Puro mountain wator and tho best of food at low prices, Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oystors, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary rog- , ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on oalo dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 1 .50 from Albauy, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low ratos from points west, In offoct all summer. Call on nny S. P. or O. & E. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, otc; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklot, "Outings In Oregon," or wrlto lo W3I. McMURRAY, General PuBscugor Agent, i'ortlund, Oregon. CITY NOTICES. Approved Juno 22, 1910. W. 11. CANON, mayor. Attest: ROUT, W. TELFER, City Recorder, RESOLUTION ORDERING IM PltOVESIENT. Uo It resolvod by tho city council of tho City of Molferd: Whoreas, tho council hnR duly de clared its Intention by resolution to Improve tho following strict, to-wlt: Clrapo street from t'io north lino ot Sixth Rtreot to south lino ot Eighth, by placing concroto curbs and gut tora on both sides thereof and pav ing tho samri with nsp' alt pi'.vomon?, consisting of a G-lnch roj.croto I rise, a 1-Inch asphalt Ic binder, and a 2-lnch wearing surface And, whereas notlco thereof was dul.- glvon ai required by tho ehnrtir of said city; And, whoreas no protettta woro re ceived against tho same, tho council orders tho Improvement to bo mndo, nud tho amount ot tho costt hereof nssessed upon tho proporty especially lenofltted thereby Tho foregoing resolutlqn was passed by tho city council of tho City ot Medford this 21st day of June. 1910, by tho following vote: Welch ayo, Merrick nbront, Emor lck nyo. Wortman nyo, Elfert absent, una uomuricK ayo. Approved Jj no 22, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION ORDERING ISI PROVESIENT. Bo It resolved by too city council of tl.o City of Medferd: Wboreas, tho council hns duly de clared Its Intention by resolutlcu to lmprovo tho following street, to-wlt: No.-th Oranjro street from West Main street to West Fourth Btrcet, by placing concrcto curbs and gutters ot botn sides thereof nnd n.ivlnc tho samo with aohnlt pavomont, consist ing or a o-incn concrete onse, a 1-Inch asphaltlc binder, nnd a 2-inch wear ing surface. And. wher is notico thoicof was duly glvon :a required by tho charter of said city; And, whereas no pretests wcro ro celvod against tho same, tho council Tdcrs tho Improvomont to bo mado, and tho amount of tho cost thoreof assessed upon tlio propoity especially benefitted thoroby. Tlo foregoing resolution was passed by tTio city coujcII of t'.o City of Medford this 21st day of Juno, 1910. by tho following vote: Wolch nyo, Merrick absent, Emor Ick nye, Wortman ave, Elfert nbscnt, nd Doramo' nyo. Approved Juno 22, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE Three Day Saturday to Monday Rrite from S. P. poluts, Portland to Cottago Grove lncluslvo, Includ ing branch lines; also from all C. & E, stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday, TlicOnlr Vmn' Cull run on lh lclflc Col KtcliiMTfly for Yuunv Wwintn LocalrJ anionit tlif lful!uil hill nr 0llnJ, Culifor ni. clou In Sn Prauc!iicii ml (Ik great Unlvtiiilin of tin Vit. Full coltritiala cunt ImJini' Axiui must lo Jrrt. Hntranr inJj(rJiitiot rnitnrrottnti ruuivntrnt In llioM ol SunlorJ ml Un!vrtity of Calilorni. Trin!n C tuJfiit (or lcliinj trtfuUr tin ot cJfm!a wotV, iiiJ oiftr ipccul Jvont (or muiic, ait, library aluJy anJ ham economic. Well equipped Uboralorwa for iclmn. Sprciat attention to licaltK of atuJenta. Modern nyranaiium ihornufhly rau!ppJ. ut door lift and amuMinent in the ideal Caldorni cli date. Alumnaa in every city on the. Pacific CoaiU run CATALoeue AooNaaa 41 PnRRIOKNT LUKLLA CLAY CARBON. ' L. D. MILLS COLLIQI P. O., CALIFORNIA AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. Murphy. MURPHY BHOS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Clmlntora Dotroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Sorvico. Easy Hiding. Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONK MAIN 31-11. Agonoy for tho Parry Cars. Roguo Rivor Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Moaford, Or. AL. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twonty-fivo yeans' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Canton RESTAURANT SAM LOCK, Prop. Tho formor famous chef at tho Nash Grill, Mr. Bam Look, has opened a first-class restaurant ahovo Kennedy's snloon, No. 33 South Front stroot. Entranco at both sidos. Only first-clans moats served, and just the nnmo of tho proprietor is tho best cunrnntoo. OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. NOODLES CHOP SUEV. This ia tho only plnco whoro will bo sorved ohop suoy and China nood lofl. Corao nnd sco mo and you nud I nro both suro yu will como baok. uemembor, I an willing nnd I preach what I promiso. Yours truly, 8AM LOCK. $2400 Buys a WHO HOTEL M00RE, - I MULE mam FOR SALE CHEAP SECOND HAND AUTO In Good Condition Just tho machine to fjo anywhere In a proven car that will jo on any passable road., A bargain If taken at once. A Gash or Realty VALLEY AUTO They are Here JUST WHAT YOU'VE WAITED FOR At last wo nm supply thoso who havo been waiting with those ".JOHN KI3LLY," one strap, patent pumps willi the leather bow and buckle. These are tho swellest things in footwear shown in the city this season. .11' you want to see tho swellest styles and got your money's worth, wo invito you to call hero for any thing in tho footwoar lino. Dufiield Bros. East Main At Your Service All the Time Day and Night We appreciate your business enough to do every thing to merit it. Not only do wo carry full and complete assortments of the best drugs known to medical science, very fine assortments of druggists' sundries, toilet articles, etc., but wo stand ready to serve you DAY OR NIGHT. During the day you will find two graduate phar macists at the store and at night all you havo to do is to PHONE and we will bo ready to servo you. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office i L E BLOCK nr If You Want a Block of This Addition See tyiy Aucnt or W. H. EVERHARD Medford RESOLVED Tho bent resolution for yon to make in to come to ua for your noxt suit, if you want Bouioth'mg out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho bost work and chargr the lovrcHt prices. W. W. EIFERT Tin rmoaEKurva tatlob MEF0RD, OREGON. co. I ijT!."r7T". "' I r i7w! , W'ittJl ittl. -it