IB TIiIb iloimrlmoiit Is n ronulnr wock ly fcnttiro, ilonllnu with nil phases of Hid fruit ami produce world. IN THE FRUIT GROWING WORLD Conducted by Charles W. WJfcw- roth, manajjer of the Ragtte Fruit & Produce Assoctatlen. J MISDffOttD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. II To Klouldioldoi'H uiul J'YIuiiiIm: A great iniiiiy of our HlouldioltlorH Iiiivo iwtpontlml tillo promptly to our rotpioHts for crop nnil shook oh- (imnlim, liul at llio sumo time tpillo u nimiliiir iiitvi) not limm hoard from. I inimt ugniu iihI you to vivo iih thin ittfiiniuiliuit, liouaiiHo wo want (o faavn your nuppliiiH Intro when you nticd (limit, ami (Im railroad pnoplo urn ashing iih iionily every tiny for an mttinmto of cars waiitiiil. Ho liulp Uio luototiintion iih inuuli iih you Ollll ly ruHpouding promptly. I'tickon. It IH tilt) lllloillloll Of IllO ItHHOcill- (ion to change tlio upplo boxes from tho old California Hl.vlo to t ho uorlh wotit titnuilatd box, and oven though you have pnoliotl in tho oltl-Hlylo boxen il !h (iiiilti iit!i!i!HHary that you Iiavo u little instruction in UHing thu now box. Wo nro going to arrange for paulting hcIiooIh, a lit I lu latur in Uio mmmiii, mid it U Imperative thai all pmiioiiH wanting to piu'k thl fall, cither in puat'H tr upplos, conic in mid register at llio tiHMiointiou of fice. TIioho in charge of our hhhocIii tion, iik well iih tlio members who Iiuvn taken an Interest in our af fairw, hcpiii greatly plousutl with tlio pniHjH'tlH of a fine crop of apples and penm. Quality and (piantity HCfm to Wo increasing with each re port. lvvidiMilly the rinmngo from all kouivch to the crops in tho val loy linn httn very Hlight, and tho feeling of hopeftilrioHS on ovory hand is foli'i'iilito i I'aelclng HoiiHfN. The association mitniigumi'iit will begin IIiIh wool; putting in nouoHHiiry repairs in tho packing houses at it .. i ft . 1 1 r i t . iweuioni anti i,oniriii roint, iiiki while It Ih hoped that ovory otio who poHHihly oiiii will pack their fruit at homo,, Kor thoHo who are not pro pit rod to do (IiIh, wo expect to have faoilitieH that will ho ample to han dle tho fruit that Ih brought to iih to lie packed. Loading fnoilitioH will ditto ho inuroaHcd at Mcdford, and the grounds surrounding tho puck-itiK-hoiiHo will ho put in hotter Hhape for the wagons anil teaaiH. The management at all tlmoH hi glntl to reoolvo any suggestion relat ing to arrangement of facilities mid looks to tho members and frioutlH to muko many things possible that wo could not otherwiHo bring about. C. W. WILMKHOTH, Manager. I'lHtimate of this year's crop, com pared with hint year, and tun-year average? .lllllt'1, .Itino 1. Av. 1U10. 1001). JOVrrf. Maino 01 85 02 New York .... 75 81 80 I'enilHylvania . (11 70 70 Virginia 70 17 01 V. Virginia .. ftTi 03 0(1 N. Carolina .. 70 flfl 01 Ohio ..V 08 -10 01 luiliana 43 47 0'. Michigan 07 80 81 Minnesota .... 17 02 81 Iowa 7 81 75 Missouri 2)2 01 07 J ICaiiHitR Ill III (10 f t f f f f 4 f 4 APPLE EXPORT YEAR ENDS NEW YORK, SECOND LAST YEAR, TAKES THIRD POSITION. JJOSTON, Juno 1. Tho hcmboii for tho export of apples from Atlantic ports is ended and HoHtou hIuikIh fourth in tlio matter of fdiipmeutH. Halifax, which wiih first Sri tlio previous Hcnson, auaiu led in the floasou just ended, JVrontreul, which wns third Inst year, was second this year, and New York, which wiih second last year, was third this year. liostoti, Portland, St. John and Annap olis follow in the order named. Tho shipments ilurinK tho season wero fl'10,114 barrels preator than they wore iu tho previous sennon, hut 203,238 barrels loss than in tho season ok 1007-8. Thq ship ments in detail follew: 1000-10. 1008-00. 1007-08. Boston 200,201 . 180,013 480,118 New York 380.440 300,080 481,503 Portland 240,202 80,134 420,400 Montreal 582,028 300,840 020,143 Halifax 030,744 002,330 402,825 St. John 40,118 00,730 08,201 Annapolis .'..". 30,205 10,008 Totals 2,108,078 1,502,004 2,401,310 4- 44 '-- -- 4-4 44 4 4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4- 4-4-44-4-4-4-4-4-44- Ken lucky .... 00 Teuuessco .... 00 Montana 81 Colorado 08 Washington . . 05 Oregon 03 California .... 80 Illinois 13 05 55 03 87 75 70 81 47 50 57 03 80 01 88 82 01 KMAVOOI) CITY, Pa., Juno 15. A peculiar hliRht which withers the leaves and turns them to a sickly urny color is devastating orchards in (his section. It was first noticed two wcoks nco. Cnunillun Fruit Crop. Indications point to a good yield of all kinds. Fruit trocs all over the Dominion camo through tho winter in excellent shape, and tho prospects for good crops, notably apples, arc, on tho whole, favorable, according to a re port issued by the Canadian depart ment of agriculture. In the counties north of Lake Erie prospects favor a good yield, of both early and late varieties of upples. Greenings are especially promising. In tho coun ties on Lake Huron and inland to York county tho prospect is for n moderates to n good crop of apples. The oarlv and fall varieties blos somed heavily. Of nil tho winter vnrioties. Greenings wore for tho (most part well loaded with bloom. Baldwins and Spies also showed a good bloom. There has been a very heavy set in tho largo winter applo section along tho north shore of Lake On tario. Tho present indications aro for a full crop of nearly all the lead ing commercial varieties. In the counties of Northumberland, Dur ham and Prince Edward the outlook at tho time of blossoming is the most promising for several years. Apple Men to Hare Expert. HOOD RIVER, Or., Juno 15. If tlio movement inaugurated the other day nt a meeting of apple growers (hi tho Pine Grove Grange hall and now in tho hando of a committee of Hood River orchnrdista is carried out, there soon will bo an expert or chardist in the Hood Rivor valley to study orchard problems peculiar to this section and in conjunction with tho Oregon Agricultural college and the government experimental station at Corvallis, to have chargo of ex perimental work which has an es pecial bearing on Hood Rivor. There will bo a full crop of Mrfy chorrios. Ho predicts that the win l)o a largo applo crop. Mr. MeCot lurn says that boiuo varieties of peare will bear well. Around the lake (kit Bartlett pear crop may bo unaffect ed, but within a radius of five bb'iUm of Lockport there has not baft a near a comploto failuro in 29 jmurtu Grand Valley Fruit. PALISADES, Colo., Juno 10. Tho probabilities aro now that tho Palisades district will ship more than 1000 cars of fruit, the largest on record. Tho heaviest shipments will be made in August, when tho El bcrtas aro in their prime. Rifle will ship 350 cars of- fruit; Clifton will ship about GOO. Tho estimates have not been made as yet for Frnita and Grand Junction. Tho chances are, however, thnt tho early estimates of 2000 cars from the valley will be ex ceeded somewhat. IJartlett Pears a Failure. LOCKPORT, N. Y., June 2. S. Wright McColIum, the horticulturist who is looked upon ns authority in this section, says that the Bartlett pear crop around Lockport is a complete failure. He said that some varieties will bear well. The curloy leaf is found in somo orchards of peaches, but as a rule tho crop will be good. Prunes aro hurt and there nre no plums to speak of. Those who did not have crops last vear will probnblv have something this year. Mt appears now. Jteport on Fruit Crop. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juns 1. As told in last week's Fruit Trade Journal, tho prospects for a bossii ful crop of peaches this year arw very promising, according to a report mado public by tho department C agriculture on general crop condi tions. Splendid prospects for fruit in Now England and tho Pad Re coast states almost offset the poor showing of tho central otatos, where, frost did serious damage. Tho condition of tho apple erap ht. reported to bo 8 points below Uafc year's crop, or 53.0 as compared with a normal condition. The ten year averago for apples is 09.8. T Now England and on tho Pacific coast tho crop promises to be im mense, but in such big applo states ns Ohio and Missouri there will be only about one-third of a crop. On tho othor hand, tho peach crop, duo to tho excellent prospects ia Georgia and Delaware, promises lo bo larger than that of last year, At condition on June 1 being 62.0, as compared with 54.1 last year, and a. ten-year avorage of 05.0. The eea tral states will produce a poor crap, MADRIZ DEFIES AUTHORTY OF UlTOINTEFEII Declares United Slates Had No Rlnhl to Land Marines at Blueflelds IRcplles to Note Recently Dis patched by Secretary Knox. SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua, Jum. 25. President Jose Mudrix of Nir.ifngua declared today that tho Unitrd S(n(ns bad no right to inter fere in Nicnrngtian affair and that if marines had not ntorfored at Ultfo ficldn the oily would havo been -takiiit and thu revolution ended. II 'm Htntcmcut was contained in a Toply to n nolo from Secretary of Stalo Knox demanding tho protection of Amerifaiis in Nicaragua and in cidentally criticis'inr. tho Nienraguan Kovornmonl. Madrir.' answer was communicated through the Ainorienn consul at Managua. "Aeoorditig to international law,'' tlio Nienraguan president declared. 4'no neutral powor may impede or diHturb iu time of war any legitimate operation of tho heliggerents. 1 -cannot consider tho action of Amur ican murines iu stopping tho opera tions of our army at Mluefit'ltlH as legal. I will omit for tho present nny reference to tho othor points in tho siolo of tho seorotary of stnto, but I desire lo assert Hint except for tho intervention of tho American naval authorities Bluofiolds would havo been taken, tho revolution defeated and Nicaragua pacified." flOSEBURG PAVING MAY BE STOPPED Cleaning and Dyeing Is Our Exclusive Business e can AVe OIEAX, DYE HEPAIft EVERYTHING in the wearable line. NothhiK too tailored, nothing is too delicate, nothing so good but -vhat v fix it to look ns good as new. 'I'm im ' imp New Auto Delivery- to Jacksonville and Central Point H WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Modern home of 7 rooms, finish and fixtures nil A No. 1, well kept lawn, on paved street; a fine home for less than you can build; reason able terms. Modern 5-room bungalow, in good locality, close to Oakdale, under construction, will finish to suit the buyer; ask for price, if interested; it's right. Neat 5-room cottage, cement walk, nice yard of flowers, well located; a cozy home for $1800; terms. Have you seen those ROSE PARKT Guess not, or you'd own 'cm now. Prices and terms right. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2G91. - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and. perpetual water right. Has cqal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. 1'IIOXi: MAIN 'Jill OUlt WAGON IS AT YOUK SKUVICB 5 Fin ST. SOUTH UOBKHUHa, Or,, Juno 'J5. Thoro 'Aro rumors of nil injunction suit to restrain tho city from fulfilling its paving contract with tho Clark-Hen-ry company of Sacramento, Cnl. Tho Itoaviir Construction company of Salem submitted a bid of .$1.07 per uqiiuro yard for laying asphalt pave ment, us agaiiiKt a bid of ijil.(H per Htpiaro yard submitted by tlio Clark llenery company. The council unanimously awarded tho contract to iho latter company liocauso of tho Bouvor noinpniiy'H inexperience, tlteir rnnriirtoiitiitivo having admitted that tho company had not laid any pave ment anywhere. V., W. Waters, former mayor of 1 Uio oily of Salem, representing tho Beaver company, yesterday pro- Bonled to Mayor Ilaynes of this city a petition asking him to call a spo oial session of thu city council and reconsider the decision to award tho contract to tho Clark-lleuery com pany. Tho potition was ignored, for a few hours aftor tho dootunent was presented to him Mayor Ilaynos and Itooordor Oroutt siguod tho paving contract with tho Clark-IIonory com pany. Mr. Waters would neithor affirm nor dony tho rumors of tho injunc tion suit. Ho has rotainod throo lo- cal lawyers. THREE DIE: 15 OVER COME BV 6ASJN MINE fraflcdy Occurs Near Eureka Blast In Apex Silver Mlno Causes Gas and Three Men Are Asphyxi ated Others Found In Time. HUKKKA. Utah, June 25. Three men wero killed and 15 overcome by gas iu tho Apex silver inino near horo today. A blast in tho mino caused the gas. Tito throo men who wore killed wero asphyxiated. Tito others wero taken out of tho mino and resuscitated. Land, for Sale I havo a few choioo tracts of good orchard land for sale. Tracts from twouty (20) to ono hundrod and sixty (ICO) acres. Tho hind is situated iu tho famous npplo bolt, uoar tho world-famed Tronson & Quthrio orchard, near Eaglo Point. Or. Somo of the land 13 improved aud somo unimproved. I also havo proporty in tho town of Eagle Point for Bnlo. Thoso intending to purchnso please give me a call in porson or call Btiglo Point control by phono. A. B. Zimmerman 6 Notice to the Public. imimmmmmmmmmammmmmmmtsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m t Ilaskliis for Iloalth. Aftor July 1 I will bo prepared to carry passengers hotweou Kaglo Point and Hutto Falls, making con nections with tho Kuglo Point train. Loavos Kaglo Point at 10 a. in. and urrivo at Hutto Falls at 3 p. m. Louvos Hutto Falls at 0 a. in., ar riving iu Kuglo Point nt 2 p. in. S. IT. IIAUN1SH & SON. 87 rinBkius for UoftUh. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN a PRICE 11 North D St., Medford, Ore. Phone 303 Water is King HERE AS ELSEWHERE Did You Read This in Thursday's Mail Tribune June 16? WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S RAIN VERY BENEFICIAL Shower Wll Help All Crops Hay, Grain and Fruit All Benefited by Downpour. The rain of Wednesday night was most beneficial to all, especially to thoso farmers and horticulturists who havo not tho benefit of irriga tion. To iiso tho terms of a promi nent farmer, "It suro raiued $20 piocos Inst night." Whilo tho down pour was not so heavy, it was con tinuous all through the night, and was ono of thoso rains which soak into tho ground aud come up again in tho form of fivo-ton alfulfa, 40 hushel wheat nud apples and pears that bring tho market limit. Buy Irrigated Lands. Crops sure. Failures impossible Why not avail yourself of tho grand opportunity to he had at Los Molinos, California? Horo you can open the headgate and got your $20.00 pieces at any old time and not have to pray for rain, either. These lands are deep, rich, hlackloam, sedimentary lands, 15 to 30 feot in depth, ready for the plow no clearing studded with gigantic ottks parklike, in appearance Can he prepared for alfalfa irrigation at very slight expense Perpetual water right deeded with the land Gravity system from perpetually snow-clad Mt. Lasson 6 cuttiugs of alfalfa per year 10 to 12 tons per acre . all kinds of fruits grow to perfection oranges, lemons, figs, peaches, pears, etc. Ask for our booklets. Los Molinos Land Co. Los MoFinos California FRANK G. ANDREWS, f&gmt, 8 South TPiv St., Mcdford, Oregon. t - m.ititBitvwtmmtiiimru Hirif jnrtr , f tf-p'ji ttrtjftftyaidjjii