Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 1

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4 '
Case Has Been Under Way Past
Week In Grants Pass Calkins
Rules That C. W. Anient Must An
swer Queries Plaintiffs Compris
ed of More Than 700 Stockholders.
Tho testimony brought out lu tho
hearing of tho cuko of William Zlm
mormnii ot ul vh. tho Qoldon Drift
Mining company nnd 0, W. Atnont,
Itn president, now tindar wny In
Grants I'nan, tendu to show that C.
W, A meat's handling of tho com
pnny'H biiHlncnn wnu ono of tho groat
wit deals In high finance over at
tempted In OroKon nnd without par
allel lu thlH noctlon of tho ntnto. Tho
plaintiffs, which comprlso tho stock-
holdorN of tho compnny over 700
dlfforont individuals hnvo nllogod
noma startling fnctH, nnd tho teatl
moiiy Is mild to bo adding weight to
tliolr contentious.
llcguu Juno n.
Iloforo Judge Calkins, tho nltorneya
bognn tho cnao on Juno G. It devel
oped Unit C. W. Anient hiul, through
bin rolntlvoa who cotiHtltutcd tho
board of ! I rectors of tho Golden
Drift Mining compnny, voted himself
bonds to tho amount of SI 05,000.
Whon iiRlccd to Htato where tho bonds
wore ho rofuHcd to aiiHWor on tho
Kround that It wnH hia personal af
fair. Tho plaintiffs woro unnblo to
proceed without laying thla founda
tion, nnd tho cnao camo to n suddon
stop until tho mnttor should bo
pas8Cd upon by tho court. This was
douo on Monday, Juno . Tho
court required him to annwor, not
only thla (mention but othora of alm
llar Import, and also atutod that If
tho trauHactloiiH wero honest tho ovl
donco would not hurt tho dofondnntH
nnd If It woro dlahounHt It wnH some
thing tho plaintiffs woro entitled to
Cano IteHiimcd,
On Tuesday following tho taking
of ovldonco wnu renamed. Tho ovl
donco tlinii far la said to show that
C. "W. Ainont, prior to taking up tho
Golden Drift transaction, had ronpod
about S7G0,000 from tho aulo ot
American Gold Flolda stoclc. which
corporation had n bond on what la
called tho Oranlto Hill ml no, situat
ed about nlno mlloa from Grnnta
TaBa. Tho property was novor paid
for and reverted to tho ownora and
Is now Idle, owing to tho fnct that
tho proceed h of tho atock anloa wero
not uaod to pay for tho mine end
that Ainont Hold thla stock by
paying monthly dlvldondu, which
gavo It an appoarnnco of
being a commercial InvoBtmont, Ho
carried on a llko transaction with a
corporation known as tho Modol Gold
Mining compnny. Ho also had nu
nioroua othor llko concorns for which
ho sold h tonic, promoting tho snloa
by bin pnyinoutu of dlvldendB out 9t
tho procooda of atock aaloa.
Company Orgiiiil.ed.
Tho ovldonco la aald to show that
,nftor tlicao had all played out and
Judguumta had gouo against him in
considerable buiiih, growing out of
thoso transactions, ho organized tho
'Qoldon Drift Mining company. Ho
having any particular mlno in vlow.
Ho wont to Coos county, whoro ho
hnd hoard of a proporty, nnd on Ills
roturn loarnod of tho Dry Diggings,
ultuntort about throo mlloa from
Grants Pnoa on Hoguo river, and
which nro now tho holdlngj of tho
(Continued on Page C.)
President Sends Special Message to
Congress Expressing His Disap
proval of Haphazard Scheme of
joaq s)uaumojduj dujn(!Jjsa
the Country.
4-fff t-ff-f
f 25. Congress adjourned elno
f die shortly before mldnlcbt. -f
WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 25.
President Tnft toiluy signed the riv
ern and harbors appropriation bill.
lu coiiuoutioii with tho opening of tho
"pork barrel," tho president sent a
h pet-in I mocHtigo to congress express
ing hia disapproval of the haphazard
Hclicino of distributing river and har
bor improvements nnd insisting that
he would have vetoed the bill except
for the reason that it contained cer
tain paragraphs that should be ful
filled. A resolution placing a million dol
lars ut tho disposal of the presi
dent to nilevinto flood conditions
along the Colorado river wna intro
duced by Sonator Flint of Cnlifor
uin and adopted without debate. Tho
prenideut urged immediate, notion and
stutcd in hia message that he had
been advised that the lives of thou
sands of peraons and millions of
dollars' worth of proporty woro in
lu tlio message President Tuft said
the bill was poorly constructed nnd
ut one tiui'j ho had decided to voto it
in order to secure tho enactment of
a bettor one. I!o said ho opposed tho
piecemeal policy of making npprn-
(Contiuuod on Pngo 4.)
Dr. E. B. Packet Back From Visit to
California's Great Natural Won
der A Greater Booster Than Ever
for Wonderful Crater Lake
"Yosomito is not in it with Grator
Lake in nny particular," states Dr.
I'J. H. Piokol, who baa just returned
from n visit in California's greatest
natural wonder. "Our own nttrno
tion is far more wonderful, far moro
beautiful, far more entertaining to
u lover of nature, Yosomito is won
derful, but not iih windorful as Ora
tor Lake."
Ilr. Piokol, together with Sirs.
Piokol nnd Mr. and Mrs. Vawtor, re
turned Friday evening from a mo
tor trip to San Francisco and Stock
ton. From tho hitler place tho party
wont in by train and stage.
Tho trip was made without diffi
culty and is reported very onjoyablo
nt this timo of yonr,
Mr, and Mrs. A. Cnntvoll of Jnok
sonvillo roturnod from a visit to
Grants Pass Saturday.
Citizens Glvo Chase and Succeed In
Killing One, Another Suicides,
Whllo Third Is Captured Manu
facturer and His Bodyguard Vic
timsPublic Feeling Runs High.
LYNY Mnso., Juno 25. After
having ahot nnd killed John Landrl
gnn nnd Policeman Carroll, threo
footpads woro pursued todny by a
Pohho of citizens nnd police through
tho atrcota of Lynn until ono was
ahot nnd killed by a pollcotnan, an
other committed suicide to avoid ar
rcHt and tho third wna captured.
T.ho bandits hold up Landrlgan, a
shoo manufnctuir, as ho wna return
ing from a bank with SG000 to pay
off hia men. Ho rcslBtcd tholr at
tack nnd was ahot down. Tho allots
brought Policeman Carroll to tho
accne, nnd ho, too foil undor a fuil
lndo from tho rovolvcra ot tho
Itobbcrs Flee.
Hy thla time citizens nnd police r.a
aombled nnd tho robbors, gntborlng
up tho money, flod. Thoy woro pur
aucd through tho streets to tho out
skirts of tho town. So close wcro
the pursuers that tho bandits aban
doned tholr loot at HIghrock and It
waa recovered by tho authorities.
Tho chase continued and finally
tho robbera wcro surrounded In Ro
voro'a field, near Lynn.
Ono Killed.
Whllo the posse wna closing In, ono
of tho bandits was ahot and killed by
n policeman. A second, seeing thnt
cscapo was hopeless, put his rovolvor
to hia head and blew out his brains.
The third was seized Just as ho raised
his pistol to his head.
Landrlgan was killed almost In
stantly. Policeman Carroll died on
tho way to tho hospital. Landrlgnn
was a inombor of tho firm of Landrl
gan & WnlBh. It had bo-n his cub
torn to go to tho bnnk on Saturday
morning for monoy for tho firm's
payroll. It la believed that tho thugs
wero awaro of this and laid tholr
plans accordingly. Hut for tho brav
ery of Carroll it Is belloved thoy
(Continued on Pngo 5.)
First Picture of
Taken the
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Mail Tribune
$10,000 FOR
Senator Chamberlain Persists in His
Fight for Appropration and at
Last Is Revarded. Although the
Amount Is Cut $5000 Has Passed
Congress and Is a Certainty.
-f -r 4
HT . .!.. T " T.,r.n "f
25. George Putnnm, Med-
I"" ford, Or.: An appropriation
" for tho surveys of ronds ""
"T 4!ifiii.1iinf 41, n f'VfWftt. )7n.
tionnl Park was fixed in a
second conference, on tho in- "
"" stance of tho senate confer-
ccs, nt $10,000. This was
"" finnllv nerccd to bvitho house
" nml lino nnccn.l pnnnrpQ. t
"" (Signed.)
-- -f-f -- -f--
Senator Chnmberlauis shown by
the nbovo dispatch, received Satur
day evening, hns succeeded in get
ting nn appropriation for Crater
Lake, even after the house had re
jected his amendment, nrtopted by
tho senate, to the civil appropriation
bill, providing .15,000 for tho sur
veys. When the civil appropriation bill
ws introduced in the Hcnnto a week
ngo Senntor Chamberlain offered nn
amendment providing $15,000 for
surveys in the park. The amendment
was accepted. However, in the house
committee the item was trnek out.
From his telegram it if. evident
thnt Senntor Chamberlain persisted
and nt n second conference succeed
ed in securng .fl0,000.
This appropriation paves the way
for tho opening of Crater Lake to
' tho world. Without n survey of the
I park tho department of the interior
woidd bo unnblo to ask for nppropri
1 ations to further develop tho park
mid innk'o it accessible. Tho Inck of
such u survey lias in the past been
the stumbling block. Through Sen
ator Chnmborlnin's efforts tho way
bus been paved for additional appropriations.
Colonel Roosevelt
Moment He Landed In New York.
mi iimiuii u.i.i inin tin nnLiiim mi i uhiii ui mm i uni umi
"$ caur
. .prA" wn - . oft.TK'.
- ' N . a41-v
2G, J9J0.
Although Country Was Quiet Yes
terday, Officials Prepare to Guard
Against Outbreaks Nephew of
Diaz Resigns as Chief of Police to
Placate People.
MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Juno 25.
Though tho country la qulot to
day, officials throughout Mexico aro
preparing to meet outbreaks tomor
row, when tho national elections will
bo held. That the administration re
gards tho possibility of attempted
uprisings as a grave danger la indi
cated by a sudden change ot front
today. It waa announced today that
Ramon Corral, present vice president
and candidato for re-election, against
whom tho tiro of tho liberals has
been directed, has withdrawn. Theo
dore Dchesa will become tho ad
ministration candidato for the vice
presidency and he will bo probably
declared elected after tho Balloting
tomorrow ends.
Would Placate People.
As another Indication that tho
administration dcsllres to placato
people the announcement has been
mnde thnt Felix Diaz, nephew of the
president, has resigned as chief of
police. Felix Diaz was ono of the
most unpopular officials In tho ad
ministration. It is through his offices
that the numerous arrests of liber
ate have been made, and because ho
was related to the president power
ful reactionaries have declared that
the president had a much moro direct
control over tho movement of tho
police than he could have maintained
through his office. Tho withdrawal
of Corral and tho resignation of Fe
lix Dlnz was intended as n sop to
the liberals, it is declared, although
tho newspapers make no comment. In
many quarters it Is bollovcd that
the victory of tho liberals is not n
real victory and thnt Dehesa is only
a figure-head. Corral himself, It is
declared, will havo tho powers of of
fice, no matter who may tako its
title. It is also declared that the
resignation of Felix DJaz is intended
only to decolvo tho peoplo, t.nd it is
bollovcd thr.t ho will bo re-appointed
ihwiwuhimhwmh y"'Bm''';!l''""SJ""l
ilifwk k-mnre
;;. " w (. .x . v. v" . xhiwki w.
N -" ., ; -WMW"
3150.000 HOTEL 1 WEST
Project Has Been Financed and
Contracts Are to Be Let immedi
atciy Will Represent an Invest
ment of Over $100,000 All Mod
cm Conveniences.
Contracts will be let at once and
work begin within a few weeks on
the four-story hundred-room hotel
to be erected at tho corner of Main
and Riverside avenue by Dr. F. E.
Page, the financing of tho project
having' been completed today, when
a syndicate of local business men
took $40,000 of G per cent first
mortgage bonds.
The hotel will bo 88 by 150 feet in
size, have four stories nnd basement,
with grill, billiard room, barber
shop, etc.. in the basement; office,
storerooms nnd lobby on first floor,
114 rooms for guests, with sample
rooms, etc., on top floor. Electric
elevators will bo innstalled and all
the fixtures of a first-class hostelry
The building will cost $75,000 and
will represent an investment exceed
ing $100,000. Contracts will bo let
calling for completion by December
1 next and bonus be offered for ev
ery day ahead of this time. Tho
basement excavation has already
been completed.
The bonds were taken by business
men of the community, anions the
subscribers being H. C. Kcntner,
Hubbard Bros., Warner, Wortmnn ,&
Gore, Will Goro, Dr. Goble, II.
Humphreys and Hutchison & Lums
den. Dr. Page states: "Tho now hotel
is entirely financed. Work will bo
begun as soon as possible nnd wo
hopo to bo in operation by January
1. 1911."
Crater Lake Road Commission De
cides to Build Bridge at Once In
Order to Make Lake Accessible
This Season New Hotel to Go Up
at Once.
A bridge across Union crcok is to
bo built nt ouco by tho Crater Lake
road commission. This is to bo dono
in ordor to mnko tho lako accessible
by automobile this season.
Secret nry Parkhurst of tho Crn
tor Lnko company has roturned from
his first visit to tho lnko this sea
son and states that work is to bo
started at onco on tho now hotol on
tho rim of tho lnko. Mr. Parkhurst
states further that accommodations
for tho public will bo ready July 1 at
Arant camp.
II. L. Holgato, superintendent of
water rights in Southern Oregon,
was in Medford Saturday on offi
cial business connected with tho ad
judicating of water claims in this
Full Loaned WIro Report.
Tho only papor In the world
published In a city tho alto ef
Mod ford having u lanaA vrlv
No. 83.
Local Men Form Company and Plans
Are Now Being Drawn for Modern
Hotel Building Work Is to Start
in the Immediate Future and Will
Be Rushed.
As soon as the plans can bo com
pleted and bids received, work is to
start on tho erection of a six-story
hotel building on the corner of Main
and Ivy streets, commonly known as
the Coleman proporty. The building
is ta be erected by tho Medford Ho
tel company, u syndicate of local
men, and will cost $150,000.
Tho incorporators of the new com
pany aro W. F. Rau, Bert Anderson,
A. Coleman, Emil Mohr, C. W.
Palm, J. B. Wright, L. E. Wakeman,
E. C. Ireland. J. C. Brown.
Messrs. Clark & Forrest, archi
tects, have about completed the de
tailed plans and ground will bo bro
ken within a very few days on the
lot above mentioned and which lot
has heretofore been owned by A.
Coleman, but is now taken over by.
tho company.
Tho company was organized by W.
F. Bau and Emil Mohr. Mr. Bau is
au old hotel man who has long seen
tho need of a new hotel here. Emil
Mohr became a partner of Mr. Baa
in tho Hotel Moore some months ago.
He likewise saw tho necessity of a
hotel into which tho peoplo who come
hero to seek homes or who como here
for pleasure could bo taken, without '
making them feel that thoy wished
thoy wero back homo as soon as
they entered their rooms. Therefore
thoy, with tho assistanco of local
merchants and citizens, organized
this company to build.
Tho hotel will havo a well-nrrang-
ed lobby, mezzanine floor, olovntors
for passengers and freight as wellj"
an up-to-dato grill and diuing room,
in which will bo furnished a per
fect cuisino nndor tho supervision
of nn expert chof.
A fojituro will also be tho finest
samplo rooms, tho samo boing ar
ranged in such a manner that the
light will come in from all sides. An
other feature will bo n barnquot nnd.
assembly halls, same being copied af
ter tho latcs styles of tho hotels in
Europo and tho oast, which were.
latoly visited by Mr. Mohr and to
which ho puid particular uttontion.
It will bo supplied with its own
cold-storage and electric light plant,
will havo hot wator plunt for heating
purposes and will havo about 00
rooms with baths and about 75 rooms
without baths, and ovory room will
bo nn outsido room. It will bo sup
plied with billiard hall nnd a read
ing room.
VENICE, Cal., Juno 25. Maurice
McLougliliu and Melville Long of
San Francisco easily made thoir way,
into tho finals of tho men's doubloa
at tho Vcnico Country club's seventh"
annual tenuis touriinmout today, de
feating tho Barker brothers of Los
Angoles in straight sots, 0-2, 0-4. .
Tho Bogors brothors of Los An
geles won the scnii-fiiinls in the op
posite franio by defeating Holme
and Ilorroll, 0-3, 7-5. Thoy were
scheduled to moot tho San Franoiij
cans in tho finals lato today.
John Brinor of Tulant ws in, Mel
ford Saturday, grootiug old" friends.
' m