MEDFORD ltAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OltBCION. FRIDAY, .1UNW 21, 19.10. h a i i 1 r,f t't f IV- ' r Half A Chance Z 1Y FREDERICK S. ISHAM. X Author of "Tho Strollors," "Uu- ndor tl-e Rose." "Tho Lndv of tho Mount." Etc. Couvricht. 1900. bv tho Boobs Morrill ComDiin. Nl CHAPTER XI. BEYELATIOXS. IGIIT nt Strnthora House. John Steele walked slowly on the broad stono balcony to wnrO the ballroom. There he lutd stopped; then', stepping to tho bal--cstrade. ho stood looking off. The ailght was warm. In tho sky Btars seemed trying to maintain their places "between dark, floating clouds. The sound of music was wafted from with in. John Steele listened. They were "beginning once more to dance. Ho stepped toward the window and paus ed. Bis eyes seemed searching the throng. They found what they sought slender, erect form, tho gown soft, .white, like foam; a face animated, joy ens. For an Instant only, however, ho aw tho beautiful features; then as 3occlyn turned In the danco around Iter waist glimpsed a black band tip .ped by slender masculine fingers; above, a cynical countenance. Or was at all cynical now? A brief glance showed more than the habitual ex 3resslon, a sedulousness, somo passion mtc feeling. Lord Ronsdalo's look seemed onco more to say he held and claimed her that she was his or soon rwould be. side, at that moment touched bis arm. "I should like to speak with you, slrl" said n voice, and, turning with a quick Jerk, Steelo saw tlio familiar features of Glllutt. tho former polico agent, behind hhu other men. "What do you want?" Tho Scotland Yard man coughed sig nificantly. "Out here Is a ulco, quiet place for n word or so," ho said In his blandest manner. "And if you will bo so good" John Steele's reply was as emphatic as It was sudden. A laugh hurst from his throat. With tho qulckuess of thought he launched himself forward. In a corridor on the second fioor of &rniuorn nouse inu voice oi ixiru ltousdale was heard. It was followed by that of Jocclyn Wray. "Never .fear! They'll get tho fellow yet," my lord had said. Jocelyn answered mechanically. "Althouch it was most buucllnir on their part to have permitted him to I get away," Itonsdalo went on, "I , hope, however, this little unexpected episode won't disturb your rest." An Instant the steely eyes seemed to con template her closer. "Many going away tomorrow?" ho asked, as if to divert her thoughts from the exciting experlenco of the evening before leav ing her. "Only Captain Forsytho and Mr. Steele." r DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. ---------- -- QOODFRIEND HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO I. COODFRIEND. Minipr Formerly ItotrH Stanford nml SI. Itojl, lmrll Street, near lienry, mliettilnj: lintel Manx. Thko Hotel Mu U'n, or Market Street Oil, tmtwfer to lMwcll. Menl htm) nml locntkm for bulloa isl ting tho city alone. BATES, $1.00 PEE DAY AND UP EMWllEla ineunly nrnnuv uiiircc nn ina fur Younjr umrn LorateJ among tlif Ivautiful lull near OAUnd. Clifornu. Manas cloe to &in Frnctwo and th , great UnivrIl!e of the Writ. Full collegiate courie icaJitift io itfttt. Entrance and (TraJuation requirement rquivaltnt to thoM of Stanford and Univenity of California. Training fit ituJenti lor teachmit regular line of acaJetnie worl. and oflcra ipecial advantage for tnuiie, art, library ituJy onj Lome economics. Well rquippeJ laboratories for icience. Special attention to health of atuJenta. MoJem jtymnaiiura thoroughly equipped. Out door lifranJaniuietDenta intheiJeal California cli mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific CoaiU Fan cataioouk AODoaas President Luclla Clay Carbon. Ll D. MILLS COLLEOS P. O.. CALIFORNIA exjffi TiririT Vr'-Cr' I riLu KfKVsKxn touts pyH Did ho notico tho slightest hesitation on her part before speaking tho last namo? My lord's ejes fell: an odd expression appeared on his face. As tho door closed behind her young mistress a maid came quickly forward. "Did you learn anything more. Miss Jocelyn. If I may be so bold as to ask, from the police agent? Who the crim inal was or" "Tho polico agent only said ho was an escaped convict, no ordinary one. who had escaped from London and I was making for the sea. They got word he was at tho village and fol- I lowed him there, but ho managed to I elude them, and they traced blm to Strathorn House nark, whero be had Tho moments passed. A distant buzz taken refuse. Tho nollce did not ac- leplaoed melody tho human murmur, . qUaijit sir Charles, Lord Itonsdalo or . v.i'".b " . nny ono Wua ujeir purpose, imniung Ibrest came a faraway cry, tho mel- not t0 aiarni us needlessly beforehand, ancboly sound of some wood creature ( And I believe that Is all." J3e continued motionless, then sudden- moment the woman waited. "I 3y wheeled swiftly. shaij i 1Ml JQU' ur- oiee.ef a to Ce, , The glr, jookc, bcfon ucf T,ny roung, gay, sounded near. Jocelyn fl from tho t uelubtened the tWray came toward him. From ber heolders floated a white scarf. "You tare come out for tho freshness of Ikt garden? Although," she added, tr9 shouldn't altogether seclude your aelf from the madding crowd.' or Did she note the strangeness of the laok she seemed to havo surprised on Ids face? Her own glance grew on Die testant slightly puzzled and show d a passing constraint. Then her manner became light again. "No. Es specially as You are leaving tomor row, I believe?" "Yes." He tried to speak in conven tional tones, but bis gaze swerved from. the graceful figure with its dim, white ' Uncs that changed and fluttered In the -faint breath of air. stealing so gently ' Sqt them and away. "My time Is al most up the allotted period of my brief Elysium!" he half laughed. "I have enjoyed myself Immensely much aaore than I deserve." "Have you?" She glanced at him. JL flicker of light touched tho strong ac. It seemed difficult for nlm to speak. .Finally be said: "I have neglected or forgotten tho pleasure," with a slight laugh, -of con gratulating you. Is that the word? .Or Lord Konsdale he, 1 believe, ia the owe to be congratulated." "Congratulated?" Her face had changed, grown colder. His hand grasped the stone balustrade, but bo forced a smile to his lips. "I cannot tetagine who has started why you peak thus. Lord Itonsdalo is an old .friend of my uncle and mine, too, but that Is all. You are mistaken." "Mistaken?" The word broke from Mm quickly, The strained expression t klfiifaco gave way to another he ctmld'llI-conceaU Gobdbyr he said slowly. "I am SewaBg- rather eurly'Jn the morning. 1 ball not seo you again." "Qoodby at least until we meet in Xondon," she ended lightly. , "That may not be." '"Why, you are not thinking of de serting your dingy metropolis?" Ho did not answer. Did she realize be was saying good ny to her for all tlmo? Bbo bcld her liead higher, pressed her lips slightly closer; then sue sought to withdraw ner band, but he. as hardly knowing -what bo did or yielding to sudden, ir resistible temptation, clasped for an in stant the slim lingers closer. They seemed to quiver lu his. John Steele breathed deeply. He continued to regard her, so fair, so ueautlful. An lustant and bo bent A breath or his lips swept tho delicate white fingers; then he dropped them. Her hand swung back against tho cold stone. On ber breast sb'inethlng bright, an ornament, fluttered, becamo still. Behind a bird chirped, ner glance turned toward tho ballroom. win Other voices, lond, merry, coming from one of tho open French windows Interrupted. "Jocelyn 1" they called to her. Faces looked out, "Jocelyn 1" "Year Sho was walking rapidly from blm now, a laugh, a llttlo forced, en her lips. John Steelo moved slowly down tho tone steps leading to tho garden bo low. He could go, and sbti would never know she had honored by her friendship, had sheltered beneath ber Toof, one who As ho walked down tout dimly lighted path somebody, a 9BtjLta.ndIng; under the JrejsUt. oaq flames from tho grate heightened the sheen on her gown. They threw pass ing lights on the somewhat tired, proud face. "I shall not need you. Dobson," sho said. "You may go. A moment." The woman, who bad half turned, waited. Jocelyn's glance had lowered to the fire. In Its reflection her slim, delicate fingers wero rosy. She un clasped them and smoothed tho bro cade absently with one hand. "One or two are, leaving early tomorrow. You will see you will give Instructions that everything Is provided for their comfort." ORSET Faultless in every detail. - - For Sale i -- 428 ACRES Rogue "Rivei bottom land, suitnblo for fruit and general fanning purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long (hue, easy payments. ------ --- - Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. KM WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Nice 7-room house. 50xl40-foot lot, barn, 25 fruit trees, closo to pavement, a nico home, for $3800, terms. G-room house and one-half aero fine soil, one block from Main, only .2C00, easy terms. The maid responded and left tho Cozy 5-room cottage, furnished, lom. A faint shout from somewhero barn, buggy and gentlo horse, 50x110 room. in the gardens, far off, aroused Joce lyn. The girl looked around, but Im mediately silence again reigned. Sho got up. Again tho sound. This tlmo Bbo aj $noo piaccu ii mo creasing oi mo giani branch of Ivy that ran up and around her own balcony. The girl paused Ir resolutely, her hand on tho heavy, an cient banging. Leaning forward, sho waited, but tho noise stopped. She heard nothing more, told herself It was nothing and was about to move out again wben her gaze was suddenly bcld by something that passed like a shadow a man's arm on tbo other Bide of the nearest window, between tho modern French curtains, not quite drawn together. Tho window opened wider, noiselessly, but quickly. Then a hand, strong, shapely, pushed tho curtains aside. The intruder acted as one certain of his ground, now draw bag tho window draperies quickly to gether behind him as if seeking to escape observation from any one be low. He stepped out Into tho room. Did tbo Intruder bear a sound, a quick breath? Ills gaze swerved to tbo opposite end of tho room, whero it i saw a living presence. For u moment tbey looked at each other. Tho man's face turned very, pale; his band touch, ed the back of a chair; be steadied blm. self. (To Be Continued. NOTICE TO CAItPE.NTEHS. foot lot, with npplo trees in bearing; for quick salo at $1050. 4-rooin bouse, OOxlOO-foot lot, one block from pavement; for one week Fine lot in Siskiyou, 00x100 feet, in choice location; $750, terms. BUY OAK RIDGE LOTS on easy terms. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2091. Invalid Utilities SUPPORTERS TRUSSES CRUTCHES CUSHIONS ' and everything elso needed in the sick room. The advantages of buying here come from the high quality and an assortment large enough to admit of suitable selection for any demand. Prices right, too. All Night Phone Service. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath The finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Cleanliness and Polite Treatment Our Motto. h TRIBUNE ADS. BRING RESULTS Members of local union 1840 are requested to bo present at tho hall at 10 a. m. Sunday, June 25, for tho purpose of attending memorial serv ices at tho M. B. church South, Rev. Mr. Gouldor officiating. -82 C. B. LBATHBRMAN. SPECIAL NOTICE Of Importance to tho Medford. People r,f Charles Strang desires to an nounce to the readers of tho Mail Tribuno that ho has been ablo to secure tho agency for Parisian Sage, tho marvelous dandruff euro and de lightful hair dressing. Charles Strang is glad to atato that Parisian' Sago is a rigidly guar anteed hair invigorator. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing tho dandruff microbes; it stops falling hair, itching scalp and splitting huir or monoy back. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, ospooially for ladies, as it causes tho hair to grow in thickly and makes U luxuriant nnd lustrous. Tho price is only 50 cents a largo bottlo at Chas, Strang's. Haskins for Health. $2400 Buys a WHOLE BLOCK in- noHniiniMMiitmttttmttHtt ... -- IIAKDALE PM (MM I If You Want a Block of This Addition See Any Aocnt or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL M00RE, MEF0RD, OREGON. FOR SALE CHEAP SECOND HAND AUTO In Good Condition Just the machine to go anywhere In a proven car that will no on any passable road,. A bargain If taken at once. Cash or Realty VALLEY AUTO CO. WHY WE ADVERTISE Wo advertise Tor a great many reasons, but prin cipally to invito yon to trade at this Htore. Wo know when someone asks us to do something Tor them that, wo are a great deal more inclined to favor (hem than if they hadn't asked. Wo wish to assure overy read er that (hoy will receive fair treatment and tho best goods will bo offered at low prices. Wo mean to merit your business in every way and fool that onco you got in tho habit of coming hero (hat you will bo thankful Allen & Reagan COR. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. Buy Where Yon Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY in our watchword. You remember the QUALITY long after tho price is forgotten. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE RESOLVED Tho boHt resolution for you Io nmko in to oomo In ub for your nost Htiit, if you want Hoiuuthiiig out of thn ordinary. Wo do tho bout work nnd charge thn lowcHt priccn. W. W. EIFERT THE rEOORJKHSrVTB TA1XO J. E. ENYAKT, Prcaidont J. A. PEIIRY, Yica-1' JOHN S. OKTII, CtiBhier. W. II. JACKSON, Asu't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whoro tho protty Wntor AfjiitoH, Moon Aj;aton, Moonatonou Cornolkinu and Hock OyatotH can bo found. Outdoors vSport of all Kinds Inoluillni; Hunting, Flahln , dlsclnc Hock Oytitorn, HoatliiB. Surf Huthlng, Hiding, Autolug, Canooln:; and Dancing. 1'uro mountain wntor nn tho boot of food nt low prlcoH, Frofih Crabs, OIhmb, OyntorH, FIhIi and VogotnbloH of all klndu dal ly. IDEAL OAMPINO OHOUNDS, with strict Himltnry rog ulatlmiEJ, at nominal coat. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Orogon, Washington and Idaho on aalo daily. Three Day Saturday to Monday Rato from S. 1 points, l'ort.und to Cottago Qrovo luclualvo, Includ ing branch llnoii; nlao from nil 0, & 13, utatlons Albany and went. Oood going on Saturday or Sunday, and for roturn Sun day or Monday, A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 1 mQQ from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rntos from points west, In offoct all Hitmiiior. Call on any S. P, or O. & H. Agent for full jmrllcularn as to rates, train tichodulos, otc.j also for copy or our beautiful Jllustratod booklot, "Outings In Oregon," or wrlto to WM. McMUHHAY, fJouorul I'liHHongor Agent, l'orlliuid, Oregon, J