Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 24, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Honk HprliiKH ooiil. Try a Ion or
two and you will wmil moro. Cliuup
or mill Imllur tliiui wood,
Jiiiihm jMonin ul' (Inld lllll wiih in
ilmU'oiil I'Viiluy on n ImihIiuwh trip.
"MitiU'oiil Ik iiIiiiomI iih llvoly iih (lolit
W. i, KodiiiiliDiKor, ubovo l'lioo
nix, will dulivnr lionioM ol' all IcIikIh.
riioiin onlui-H l'liouiiix 7 KM. Atl
drcMrt, l'liouiiix. 82
JiiV Duvldmm wiih in Moili'oi'il
from (lolil Hill Friday.
Mm. Hoy K. WIIhoii and dmiKhtor,
Mnlilo, ul' Hoxy Ann, woro vIhII int
mid Nlioipiii(; in tliu idly Wmlnuwlny.
Tim HwtdlnHt lot oi! uoolcwour thai
linn dvoi- limm liiniiulit to tint city
omiio lo llio ToKnory jiwl ronuntly
nuoli liitanty of NtylUi ipiality and
Tliu addition of tiality and homo
oomfoutH will liu Quuun Anno watur,
howui and puvcd Htruutri InilldiiiK ro
coiiHtniotiniiH. Hod MoCullum, Ilotol
Kauh. tt
Frank K. Ilyliuo ol' .luukituiivillu
ysiiH in Mudt'ord on Iiumuiuhh Friday.
You'll rind nil (Iioho littlu office
Hiipplii-H at tint .Morrivolil Shop, 82
Mr. and Mm. C. U. Hwkuiiiii ic-
tiinind lroin I'ortliuid Friday 1111111
inir, at'tor liuviiic vihUuiI tho roHo
fair, the .MaHouio uriind lodo and
tlio l'inncor niiiuiou. Mr. Ituukiimn
wiih llio fiiMt WollH-Faruo inuHHuiiKr
liiitwimii Yroka, Cnl., and JaukKon
villo, in lln' dayH whon ho had to
dodun i;ir.r.UuH, liidiatiH and road
agent on nearly uvury trip.
Tlio Kouk SpriiiKri, W'yo,, lump
coal Ih rolliiiu; thiri way-. Wu uau
fill your ordom now. You hIioiiIiI
Kut rvadv for fall and wiutur now.
Sou llnrliridKo, tho drayman.
Mr. mid Mr. N (I. Hri'Xi who
liiivn Imuii mitiiii; Mr. and Mm. V.
T. MuCrny, left Friday morning for
thoir homo in HolliMtor, Cal. Mr.
and Mr. MHkkk havu boon alinoHt
lifelong mddoutH of California, hut
tJioy aro moro than unthuKinHtio ovijr
tho Hoguo Hivor vnlloy. WI1011 you
can coiiviiiuo a Califoruiaii that
thorn irt any othor placo on uarth out
nido of tlio Golden Slate, you miiHt
hIiow tho k'oodb, and tho goods have
1)0011 HllOWII ill tll'lH OllhO.
Newly i'tiniihliud Hleciping room,
cool, ipiiet oiih.v walking dintaucu.
20!l OIhoii Htreet, ooruor Wont Ham
ilton ,jtiNt two Idoakti from North
Oakdale paving. 1'hoiiu Main 1I7-I. if
Ihkiii Aiidomou of SiHikauo and
John Davis nf Konltlo piiHMid
through Mi'dford Friday on thoir
way to San FrauiMHco, via automo
bile. Hoth am old friondn of Dr.
J. V. Hoddy and xpuut a fmv hours
viHititttr him hero. They loft Friday
nftoruoou for Klamath FhIIh.
TIiIh fall and winter you will witdi
you had ordorud koiiiu of that lino
Hock SpringH t'oal. You won't ho
ablu to got it then, ho ordor it now.
Son W. .1. Ilurhridgo, drayman, .it
T. O. K'ohliorg of Shedd, Or., whh
iu Med I'o rd Friday, looking after
IniHiiiDrtH uiattorH,
You aro ulu'iiyw waited on prompt
ly mid courteously at tho Morrivnld
Shop it'n really a ploariiiro to nliop
there. 82'
L. Lawreiiee and M. linkor of
Denver, Colo,, are iu Medforil look
ing over tho valley.
Tho vote for iroddoHH of lihortv at
Jacksonville on Jul v -I is now opon.
Tickets on Halo at HuhhuII'h Confoo
tionorv hIo-o and NhhIi hotel and
IlnHkin'H druir Htorc. ContcHt oIohuh
Juno 28. (I n. m tf
DiHtriot Attornoy Mulkoy wiih iu
Medforil Friday, having heen called
Jioro lv neveral cukoh requiring Ii!h
Whoro in Mod ford can you got bet
tor valuoH than iu Qiiuou Anno addi
tion f Did you notice tho out of tho
now puhlio hoIiooI to ho orocted in
Quouii AnnoT Got huay. Tho pros
ont prioo won't last long. tf
V. 0. Diuilap of Talent wiih in
Mod ford Friday.
Don't fnil to Hen tho NoIhoii-WoI-giiHt
fight pioturoH at tho Hijou Fri
day and Saturday. 811
W. II. Fluhurt of a Seattlo Iiiih
taken idiargo of tho Hijou theater on
tho went Hide and will conduct a
i'irtU-cliiHH moviug-pioturo show
Don't fail to boo tho Nolaon-Wol-gaHt
fight pioturoH at tho Hijou Fri
day and Saturday. 8!)
Mr. and Mrn, V. 0, MoCounell of
PittHliurg aro reentered at tho Nash.
Don't fail to hoo tho Nolson-Wol-giiHl
fight pioturos at tho Hijou Fri
day and Saturday. 83
Call Saturday for a box of Whit
niau'ri at tho Morrivold Shop. 83
C. W. Jordan and mou of UiiHtiugH,
Mieh., aro among tho recent iirrivaN
in Mod ford.
Y. W. C. A. to Fljiltt Slavors.
LOS ANOKIiKR, Cal., Juno 21. A
tiuiHH nieetiug of tho women of Lou
AugoloH will ho held at tho head
quartern of Young Women's ChriH
(inn iiHHooiatiou uoxt Monday to din
:uhh nieaiiH of combatting tho white
slave traffic iu thin city. A call for
tho meeting, Higued by a doon prom
inent womon, wiih isHiiod today.
CIIICACO, III., June 21. Attorney
(leueral Wiclu'i hIiiiiii today declared
that the government proMcoution of
Hoverul iiuliclcd iiaekiug eompaiiioH
will continue, ihmpito the ruling of
Federal Judge IC. M, Iuih1Ih that the
iiiilicliiieulH were faulty and did not
Hluto proper grounilH for proceed
ingH. Wiokondiniu declined to dinuuHH
the report that tho laxity with
which the indietuiontH woio drawn by
one of bin nHHiHtanlH wiih tho out
growth of ilifforonooH between liim
Helf mid Judge LauiliH when tho iu
voHtigntinn wiih firnt begun. Wiek
orrthnm intimated that the paekent
were primeouled an individuitlH in
Htead of under general indietmeiitM
following a HOKHinn of the Hpoo'ml
grand jurv heie.
-f-- --- -f-f 'f"f
The "kill battery," HurgOhK and
Hill, with Hudie Shultz playing huo
oinl and young Hnder, another 10-year-old
yoiingHler, rthowed Home of
tho obi playeirt how the gamo hIioiiIiI
ho played.
Tho team wan Hwitched nround
Houiowhat lloiirfolninn at third,
Ihiiiich iu center (Iio'h a fixture
there) and Hlaokiugtoii iu right, be
ing tho only oiioh to retain their for
mer poKitioiiH. Strain played find
and played it well, but hud few hard
Miles took left field and made one
star running catch, although Home
crab did remark that "a good loft
fielder would have caught that one
back by tho fenco."
Four hitH were made off HurgeHH,
hut ho walked tun of tho vihitorn. Ho
had gilt-edged nupport, however, and
no errors were made behind him.
Four double plavs enlivened the
game. Iu the tirst for Columbia
Hark, Fraser walked, but was dou
bled at second 011 Cavanoy'H bunt to
Coleman, who throw him out to
Schullx, and Hudie whipping t lie ball
to Strain iu time to catch the bat
ter. In the second Wayinire walked
and Whir sent a high fly to Hlaek
ington, and before Wayinire could
get back Illackie had .-hot the ball
to first, Iu fact, Wayinire thought
the hit was a safe oiie and waR on
third before he discovered that ho
wiih out.
Iu Medrord's half of the fourth,
Hlaekiugtoii was on third when the
squeeze play was tried, but didn't.
Hill laid it down all right, but Hlaekie
wiih emmht at home and Hill nipped
at the first bag.
Iu the fifth Shalt hit. but was
doubled at second on HurgeKs' in
field bounder, second to short, and
Hurgess was thrown out at first.
The final score wiih HI to .'t.
Grants l'ass and Mcdford will play
at Medford, June 2(1, for the time
under the present schedule. Tho
game will be a warm one from start
to finish, believe me, as tho "ox
chump" are after Medford's scalp
The present "champions," Jack
sonville, will play Central I'oiut,
which is the only team iu tho league
which hasn't won a "championship"
this season on the Central Point
Say, did you see that picture of
the Jacksonville champions of Hoguo
Hivor volley in the Oregonianf Guess
Manager Ulrich is thero as a press
agent, '
Tho way these Hoguo Hivor valley
championships are tangled up,
there's going to he some trouble un
raveling them.
CHICAGO, III., Juno 2t. Fodoral
regulation am' control of railroad
stock and bond Irhucb was advocat
ed by Attornoy General Wlckoraham
in nn addroRs before tlio Illinois Dar
association, lie argued that con
gress Is constitutionally ompoworod
to oxorclso Buch control.
Notlco to tho Public.
After July 1 I will bo propared to
carry passengers between Kaglo
Point and Hutto Falls, making con
nections with tho Kaglo Point train.
Loaves Kaglo Point at 10 a. m. and
arrive at Hutto Palls at !t p, in.
Leavos Hutto Falls at 0 a. 111., ar
riving iu Faglo Point at 2 p, in,
S. II. IIAHN1S11 & SON. 87
"Hell Bill" Tomorrow.
The Athou Stock company pre
sents "Hollo, Hill," tho sereaining
fareo comedy, for tho last time at
tho Medford theater Saturday night.
For next woek Sir A, Conan Doyle's
great deloetivo piny, "Shorloolc
Holmes ; or, Tlio Sign of tho Fojir,"
is announood, SoatH for each por
formauoo uoxt week on sale Satur
day morning.
Man Who Slowly Forucd Himself to
Top Closes His Career Was Sec
ond Governor of Washlnnton.
HKA'J'TLK, Wash., June 21. The
funeral of John II. McGrnw, second
governor of tho slate of Washing
ton, will bo held from the McGrnw
homo at 2 o'clock Ibis afternoon. At
the rciiucHt of the dead man, the fu
neral will be limited to members of
the family and intimate friends. The
body will bo cremated.
Governor MoOraw died at 7 o'clock
lust night after a long, hard fight
against death,
McGraw loft homo when 11 years
of age, after a quarrel with bin
stepfather. IIo became a
a country store, (hen its proprietor.
Jn tho panic of 187.'! he failed and
came west, ilrivitiir a horse car iu
San Francisco for some time. He
drifted to Seattle and in turn became
a hotel clerk, hotel proprietor, po
liceman, city marshal, chief of po
lice, ward boss, sheriff, bank piesi
dent, governor and finally a promi
nent retired business man.
IIo was born in Penobscot county,
Maine, iu 1850.
HOOTH-HIOHAM In Mcdford, at
tho M. F. parsonage, June 23, 1010,
Arthur C. Hooth and Mabel C. Hig
(Continued from Page 1.)
oh mementos of his first fow wcoks
of happiness with nor bcsldo tho
Itellan lake. Yot ho calmly dl
ctiHKod tho Jotalln of his attack on
his wHo, or her death and of his at
tempts to hide etho body.
Tho now found attorneys for tho
dofeiiHo havo Intimated that thoy
havo sot up nn Innanlty plea to clear
Charlton of responsibility.
In tho meantime alienists for tho will examine Charlton to tost
tlio young man's B.inlty.
Hun TtittcrculoslH.
Attorneys familiar with Italian assort Hint Charlton, If extra
dited, cannot bo convicted of any
crime but that of mnnslaiiRhtor. Tho
penalty for that crlmo In Italy Is six
years' Imprlsomnont. This, In tho
case of Charlton, would bo tanta
mount to death sontonco as tho youth
Ir a victim of tuberculosis In qn ad
vanced stage.
Those who nro closely watching
developments boo In thlo activity a
lilt tor Btrlfo between Captain Scott
and Judge Charlton, who is In tho
bureau of liunilar affairs at tho wnr
department, tho former fighting to
placo Charlton boforo , tho Italian
courts; tho latter to savo his son.
Doth nro Invoking tho functions of
tho Italian and Amorlcan govern
monts. Charlton slopt soundly last night
and appeared to tnko llttlo Intorost In
tho trend of his caso.
(Continued from Page 1.)
and carrying through provisions
which tho railroads wanted, havo boon
retained. Intorstato Connnorco
Commissioner as Kranklln K, Lauo
of Callfornb, for InBtoncoo, who hnn
been very antlvo In hta scrutiny of
tho transcontinental llnea and of
their rato-mnklng motbods, will now
find it easier than horotoforo In pros
ecuting Mint work.
It will not bo noceB"?nry horeaftor
for shippers on tho Pacific Coast
to originate complaints against ratDG
boforo tlio latorBtato commorco com
mission can begin an' Investigation
thoroof. Howovor, It may bo as noe
osuary horeaftor for .ho shljiporH to
do bo. For it Is to bo borno In mind
that tho now law Imposes numorous
addttlouall tasks upon tho 'intorstato
rommorco commission and it will bo
physically ImpoBulblo for tho com
n tHBlonoiH to got around to an In
vestigation of all unjust and un rea
sonable railroad ratoa boforo sh'p
poi'H havo filed complrlnt.
There Is nn opinion that tho ad
ministration of tho law will not ho
satisfactory to' tho country until tho
Intorstato connnorco eojumlcslon hns
boon onlargod and Iiiih booa given ad
ditional facllltleii for attending to
tho oxtotiBlvo and vry rosponslblo
dutlos placod upon its iaombors, That
In supposed to bo a vonkneus of tho
law upon which tho railroads aro ro
lylng ' for no Binall amount of Im
munity during tho noxt fow yonrs.
Commissioner Lnno does not placo
gioat Htrsan upon tho provision al
lowing tho commission to orlglnato
complnlnta, IIo hna nWnys hold that
tho commlDBlon could find way
to luvostlgnto a rato, If It was dotor
mlnod to do so, Much has beon
Too Late to Classify
KO'H AIiT5""cioap, one ringside
scat for tho Joffrloc-Johnoori fight.
Apply A. C, Iurg'Hj, Louvro Cnfo.
- - -- -
Hahl about tho Important of put
ting tho bunion of proof upon tho
rnllroiulH rather tbnn upon tho ship
per. Mr, I mho Ih Incline? to tlio bo
iler that that Is moro of a theoreti
cal than a prnctlcnl advantage.
Tho I'aclflo 'Coat chipper will
havo tho privilege heroaftor of dotcr
mlnlng tho route whlrh tiolr goods
shall take. Much Ih claimed ror
tbnt, but whothor it wll) work out
to ho an advantage remains to bo
Tho Intorinountaln and I'aclflc
Const Htntos havo not boon affected
particularly by tho purloys of rail
road orriclnln hero in recent d-tys
with President Tnft over Increases
In freight rates. That Is chiefly
because fow notices of schedules to
Incrooso freight rates west of MIs
uourl river points l-vo been filed
v.lth tho commission. But tho Inves
tigations which tho commerce com
mission v. 1 1 1 enter upon shortly In
determining whether Increased
f 1 eight rales In tho east and tho ml 1
dlo west aro just and ro.nsonablo will
In the end havo great bearing upon
tho transcontinental situation and
may determine whether there will bo
an attomptjo rnlso rates to Califor
nia and IMcirio coaBt points.
An Impression prevails at the com
mission that railroad rates la tho far
west aro comparatively higher for
the service rendered than this side
or the Mississippi rlvor. It may bo
that an. acknowledgment of this situ
ation by tho transcontinental roads
has provontod them from hurrying to
file new and hlghor schedules.
The sale on Rardon's Peer-
less Bread is Increasing daily.
Provide Your
Sunday Desert
Order a delicious combination of
HEKT Packed iu 2 or 3-pint bricks.
Phone ns your order today.
MAIN 371.
Tou cannot know what a good tire is until you
Do You Need Any
I Have What You need.
Jeweler, near P. O.
Irrigated land is to make
a living out of, but it is also
an . investment. Look also
at situation.
Nearness to market, the
gain of short haul by team,
railroad, river and electric
transportation, climate, rich
soil, water for irrigatioin,
good drainagce, both air and
surface. These and many
others are the advantages at
Los jMolinos, Cal. See ourr
Sixth and Fir Streets
Los Molinos, Cal.
A Great Shoe
Buying a "Mens Ease" is
better than putting your
money in a savings bank.
A shoe that wears one and
two years pays compound
interest on the money in
vested. The lable is the sign
of shoe service and shoe
The Home of Good Shoes.
Robert F. Maguire
Late special "agent TJ. S.
General Land Office,
announces that he has
opened' law offices in
the Medford National
Bank Building, for gen
eral practice before
state and federal courts J
and the Department of
the Interior.
tttt -t- f -t-t
4- 4- 4
try a Mtcbehn properly inflated.
Stock by
Over 200 pieces of Fancy Decorated China. Hand
painted Plates, Salad Bowls, etc. Regular $1.00, $155
and $1.50 values. Just as a flier, hero tomorrow 76c
Water Jug
Best quality plain crys
tal glass moulded water
jugs; full half gallon size.
Sale price
50c each
Six lead blown gold edge
glasses to match above,
50c set.
Tomorrow is the day Pa,
need new Hose for Sunday.
if you want the best. That's
Medford Vacuum House Gleaning Company.
615 S. Oakdale Ave. Phone Main 2944.
Cleaning Easy
Your rugs, carpets, upholstry, etc., can be cleaned
bv the "Little Giant" Vacuum House Cleaner with
out moving anything or disturbing the lady of the
house the least bit.
Call us up and we will be glad to call at your home
and explain more fully.
Don't Scrub
Kitchen Floors
a x "ffim
Paint that kitchen floor
bing it every few days
that grow dingy and
yourself. It s
3k. FLOOR PAINT (Granite)
jmt Is tlie ideal finish for kitchen, pantry and
Chi ?k laundry floors, ttens and iiuMc surfaces to
K?B W be walked upon. It's hard, durable,
Wof - ik sanitary, easy to apply, easy to keep
,fjT y -f clean, hard to near out. Brush it
B -w on tonight and you can walk on
m ' T-2)Jl . M It's a surfaco to be painted,
tlv SWill i I cumclod, atalned, var
t. Ill II III llWUIfclll II I In I I llll I
Our Near
Have you seen the new
line of near cut glass wc
are showing? Swellcst
line in Southern Oregon.
Looks just like the real
thing and costs only 25c,
50c, $1.00 each. Handsome
punch bowl, 15 inch, $6.00
Ma and all the kids will
Just one place to buy them
HHT. V V. r. m j
instead of scrub
or buying expensive coverings
show wear. You can do it E
c:sy and costs only a trifle.