iEdftj!r:,t:itr:rtrr -r-tflrt zc A.4Mlkt "I mi . wnmM )miami "M'--"- THIC WIOATIIICIl. Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PR6SS ASSOCIATION Pull Leaod Wire Report. Tonight mill tomorrow- Fair mid wurmur. Tho only paper lu tho world published In a cltr tho slse ef Medford having' u lqaitod wlr. iotjaii year. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 19J0. No. 82. 7 " ' -'W'"'"1" VyW'WU'raWy ' "" - " i 'mi - pwwiiiimiii i nwfMiM?uviMwiww fee WHERE? OH! WHERE? IS WILE GIVE QUESTION If Undo Sam Doesn't Trot Alonn Pretty Soon With a Part of That $110,000 nnd Buy Slto for Federal Biillilinn New Word Will Go Re yulrcd in Dictionary. SPOKANERS AUTO RID Andrew Carnegie's Favorite Photograph of Himself, Taken In His New York Home. ME Whore? Tlmt innocent littlu word in hav ing tint time of IIh life in .NUdford at tlio primtmt time. Not a luiniuu tiiiiii ia town hat in using it constant ly. Aim! if Undo Sam doesn't harry along with a part of that $110,(100 nail liny :. silo for tho new fedora! building nail head off tho constant hod of Ihii won! "Whom 7" it will ho worn oat am! tlion it will ho up to an ICiiKlish-iponking nation to invont a now oao to take iln plaeo. Since it became out tain (hat Undo Saia iri to spend $110,000 of hi perfectly good money in Mini ford for tho iiciiuisition of a silo anil tho erection of a federal building, tho town Iiiih been ne.og with unt'iins as to ilH looation. Tho dim subject dour to tho heart of tho west Hitler, and oast aider, and goiith wider and north eudor can ho Hummed up in five lot torn : Whore? Already thoro is a tiuhtouiiig of lieltn on lioth tho oust and wont sides preparatory to tho tug of war which Ih to como. Already tho won! sidorH nro cnllitttr attoation to tho "why" of their Hido, and tho oust Hitlers nro cipially htisy. Oh! Yos, Araholla, it will ho tho sporting ovont of tho year. Ami in tho meantime it is tlio prop' r thing to hhIc your neighber: Where? Koho answer, "Where 7" Former Spokane Men Wire Boosters of Inland Empire Invitation to Bccomo Guests on Short Ride Throufih Valley When They Arrive, Hero on Way to Fight. Harry .1. Noelv, Dr. J. V. Iteddv and If. II. Hnniior arc urriuigitiK to givo a crowd of 200 of Spokane'-, loading men an automobile ndc through tho orohnrd diMtrict wh'i thov arrive in the valley about Jul 1 on (heir way to Itono. Tho looal mon havo httou advi- d that tho Spokane booster, J00 strong,, have chartered a train in which to uo to tho fiu'ht, n well as do a little boosting en route. In or dor to show tltoiu tJie vallov of the Itoguo. an auto trip similar to the ono git on the California hiiMiiOH iilon hh been arranged. Autos are uskod am! already a largo number have tendered their laaehiueri. Any one, who wishes to tender an auto should notify any of the three men. RELIGION IS TO BE PEDDLED FROM AUTO KNOCKERS ARE BUSYWfTHTALES BLIGHTED TREES Seize Upon Fact That Trees Are Cut Down for Spreading Tales of Bllfiht to Straniicrs Were Really Cut for Bulldlnn Lot Purposes KANSAS CITY, Mo., Juno 24 Itolllgnu peddled from an automobile li Hclieduled to reach tho Pacific cohi some tinio In September, when n big tuiiriut; cir benrlni: Nov. T. H. Dnliuoy and wlfo and boh will reach (ho touring point In a 2500-mllo uvaiiKollHtla trip that started from Llborty, Mo. Tho ovicwollHtH expect to rench OroKOit la September. They will then motor Mouth along tho coast through Oregon and California. flK1- ri J & I w mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwfiBlmmm WM$M I IS ; 1 ' 9mmW'mmHmmmstmSmmm ffiffin I fBggnt. iWmW'mmmwmWmW ftJKtidlffin ft .3 1-' f It -k. flr Gff)nimK fii'i KwBmWmWl mmr v " a l m iwjBmr. mum. i b mmwt IRIi'jOlr I ' "I limn ii'WHPii 1 1 MMVi oil r-vl1 -srm fMmmmmSmi iHHlii liirnf iM tnwBI rTuXSRTTKu & JLwit 'is'vif !WBBmWtr&. t t9mmw?i -. , I iuMV HaRMLtT ZMmn&JTBntl Tfn InlHiHf ifirrra The Wmm. 1 2mmmm wffiMmpmmmmmm Vjik wBHBTiriTi il tIIWw ft BTInn iwMWr ' KILLED WRECK AIL BUT BLUE SOCKS AT ADE'S PICNIC TABOO Every Person Who Goes to Author's Picnic Must Wear Bluo Hosiery Applies to Male and Female Guests Alike. BITTER LEGAL NEW RAILROAD TAFT SAYS THAT WAR ON TO SAVE !' BILL WILL HELP i HE IS SATISFIED YOUNG CHARLTON Father Comes to Aid of Younrj Man. While Brother of Murdered Wo man Lends His Aid to Italian Gov ernment to Gain Extradition. Kiaco tho ownorn of what w known an Whitman Pari;, on tho Honth Hido of tho city, a nhort time ui;o out down the fruit trooH thoro in order to improve building IoIh and place them on the market, wild taloa have heeu oiroulntod in Auhlaml nnd olso whoro that blight in destroying or ohardH by tho wholoflalo. And crod ouco hail heeu uiveu (Iioho talort by HlriiiiKorH who have viewed tlio Iroon from paHtiiuK 'traiiiH. So tar (lie treen Imvo not been burned, and na turally Home roiiRou intiHt ho iik Nlciied for (lie cuttiiiK of the treen, ami from thin tho ory of "blight!" hoard in the land. The owners of the property state that thov nro hooii to burn the trees and continue to improve tlio prop erty, which bus been platted as building lots. Tho trees should lie burned, for as long as they remain on the ground conditions will be misrepresented. FOUR BOATS ORDERED FOR UNITED STATES NAVY WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 24. Secretary of the Navy Moyor today awarded contracts for tho construc tion of four submarine boats of l.r)() tons each. The Kloetrio Ihmt com pany was given (ho contraet for three of tlio boats and tho Lake Tor pedo Boat company was awarded tho contraet for tho fourth. It is probable that three of tlio boats will ho constructed on tho Pa cific coast. HKOOK. hiil., June '21. Kvory poYMin who attends fleorge Ado's picnic on his Hazel Den farm next Tuesday must wear blue stockings, according to an order accompany ing the invitations issued by the Uoosior fabler. Tho ultimatum applies to male and female guests alike, and will ho enforced, doMpite a sluick of pro test from certain ladies well known to tho literary woild who wore ex pected to attond. It was announced that gatekeep ers would bo expected to enforce the order rigidly, although no particu lar shade of blue has boon demanded, indigo, sky blue, Alice blue, navy bluo in fact, any blue is good and will pass muster. Hut the blue niii.-.t ho there. Ado, it in said, has denied respon sibility, for (ho edict, hut lias admit ted that ho thinks the plan an ex cellent one. It was suggested that the bluo sleeking order was the re sult of jealousy of recent Indiana litorary products on tho part of the loug-ost.ihlished litoralours of tho I lousier school, POUT WILLIAM, Out., Juno 24 lCntulIliiK a loss of sovcral million dollars, forest fires today burnoil ovor forty-ono suuaro mllos of tim hor lnnd owned by tho Woyorhniwor company. Tho camps of tho North orn Construction company and tho Hat Portniio Lumbor company, In tlio hurnod district, woro doatroyod. IIOnOKUN, X. J., Juno 21. A lo cal fight, paralolllng in dramatic in tensity tho murder of Mrs. Mary Scott Castle Charlton at Moltrasto, Italy, will be fought in the Amorl can courts to jirovont tho return to Italy for trial of Porter Charlton, tho confessed murdoior. Powerful Influences aro holm; brought into play to tight against tlo efforts of tho Italian govcVnmeut to oxtrai'lto youns Charlton. Tho legal mnchlaory of tho United States and Italy Is being Invoked by rela tives of tho murdered woman to se cure extiadltlou and tho same power ful agoaeles aro tho means by which tho relatives of Charlton aro ondoav orlag to provoat tho youth's return to the scouo of tho murder. Father to Defense. .ludgo Paul Charlton, tho elderly and dignified fathor of the accused man. has ongaged omlnont lawyers to defond his son. Already thoy havo instructed h.lm to repudiate his confession nuulo to tho HohoUon po lice yesterday when ho was nrrostod, and havo told him to plead not guilty. WitB Porter Charlton a victim of montal prostration whon ho wloldod tho mallet that crushed IiIb wlfo's skull? That ia tho prlaclplo that must ho decided hoforo tho Kalian govornmont will bo nblo (o bring about his return for trial, Says Ho Loves Her- Yet. Charlton profossos (hat ho still lovoa hla dead wlfo. Ho chorishoa a fow rlngB and Jowola that eho woro COASTSHIPPERS They Will Be Allowed to Designate Direction Which Cars Shall Be Routed Commerce Commission Will Have More Power. WASHINGTON, Juno 21. (Spe cial.) Tho now railroad law will un doubtedly help somowhat In tho han dling of railroad probloms on tho lines. Tho demo crats and Insurgents of tho sonato and houso fo:ced Into tho measure some good provisions. Othe-s that woro put into tho hill originally, pre.ium ohly for the. purposo of helping nlong (Continued on Page 5.) (Continued on Pne 5.) MM I IN I JIM WITH CONGRESS In Signed Statement in Brother Charlie's Paper He States He Is Elated at New Legislation Enacted This Session. PAltIS, .luiio 21. Heavy loss of life and great damage to buildings resulted from an eartlupiako at Al giers at t:IO p. in,, according to n report received hero. Tito quake lasted JO seconds, WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 21. The houso today adopted tho joint coiiferonco report on the public building appropriations bill. Tho bill as passed increases tho original houso appropriations by $5,205,000. CINCINNATI. Ohio, Juuo 24. President Taft, in a signed statement received by tho Times-Star, his broth er's newspaper hero, expects groat satisfaction with tho ncomplishments of tho present session of congress and declares that r.ll the party pledges havo been fulfilled. "I am elated at tho legislation vhlch has been onacted by this con gress." tho president says. " It has fulfilled tho pledges of tho party and P is a great satisfaction to mo that wo havo ucocmpllshed so much, tl has been tho custom in tho past to try to fulfill tho party pledges during tho term of tho president elected; wo havo secured what wo set out to get during tlio first regular session of fongress, "I think the paity In power has enacted legislation which will re wound greatly to its loneflt. It has kept Its contract. Tho ropublllcan party has a good record to take ho foro tho peoplo in tho coming election." COMMERCE COMMISSION HAS NO POWER IN ALASKA WASHINGTON, D, C, Juno 24. Tho interstate commorco commission today decldod tlmt it haB no author ity over railroads and sfoamuhlp lines In Alaska. Tho commission holds that Alaska la not a territory of tho United States in tho sonso In which tho pharso Is used In tho acts reg ulating Interstate commorco. MKA'ICO CITY, Mcexlcn, Juno 21. Thlrty-sovcn persons wcro killed nnd fifty sovcrcrly injured today when a troop train was wrecked on tho Xntlonnl railway In tlio state of Collnin. Four cars broke nwny from tho train nnd wcro derailed as the train wn rounding u curve while tmvel ing at a high rata of speed on it down grade. Tlio cars pitched over an o nilmiiknicnt nnd tho soldiers woro crushed to death. MADRIZ ARMY AWFUL HEAT IS ROUTED BY ROBS FOUR OF GENERA MENA ii REASON City of Acoyapa Is Occupied and Terrific Heat In Illinois Drives Two Will Be Used as Strategical Posi tion in Case of an Attack on Managua Tide Turns in Favor of the Insurgents. Men and Two Women Insane One Death Today in St. Louis Many Prostrated In Chicago. BLUEPIELDS, Nicaragua, Juno 24. oGneral Mcna, commanding the main body of tho Estrada forces. routed the Madriz troops and occu pied, which is In a strate gical position in case of an attack on aMnagun. Acoyapa will be used as a basis for a campaign against the Nicaraguan capital. Reports indicate that the tide of battle has turned In fevor of tho in surgeata and that the administra tion's forces nro on tho defensive after a long campaign In which Ma drlz reached nearly to tho environs of Blueflelds, tho revolutionary VapltnU' . ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 24. Two men nnd two women wcro driven in sane by tho intense heat at Sterling, 111., today. One death from heat prostration occurred in St. Louis. j CHICAGO, June 24. Thore is but I little relief today from tho hot wave j which has been sweeping over tho j middle west. Many additional pros- trations nro reported. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Juno 24. Former Mayor Rose, who was suc ceeded In office by Emll Seidel, a so cialist, has doe'ded to leave Milwau kee. He will settle somew'iere in the west. GODDESS OF LIBERTY CONTEST CLOSES SOON Only fonr moro dnys remain for the casting of votes for the Goddess of Liberty at Jacksonville at Jack sonville on July 4. Following i standing of the different contest centest ants: Nina1 Wall 130 Delia Reeves 112 Frances Konney !)1 Minn Wolters 81 SEATTLE MAN MAY PROSECOTE PRODUCE ASS'N United States District Attorney Promises That He Will Bring Suit If Steward Association Will Furn ish Proof. SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 24. Unit ed States District Attornoy Todd has promised the Seattle Stewards' asso ciation that if it can produce ovl denco to substantiate Us chargeo against tho Seattle Produce asso ciation tho lattor will bo prosecuted by tho federal government. A committee of four conferred v 1th tho district attorney and was essurcd of his cordial co-operation. At a mooting of tho Stewards' as sociation $500 was pledged for tho fight, and It Is probable tho greater part of this sum will bo exponded In gathering ovldonco. An nttompt will bo made to provo that local produce men aro in co operation with shippers of Sr.n Francisco in such manner as to con trol tho sale In Seattle of California produce. It is probnblo a man will bo sent to San Francisco to Investi gate. SAN ERANCISCO WHITE SLAVES MOST ACTIVE Special Committee of Grand Jury Is Preparing Report Showing That Traffic In Women Is Appalling in the Bay City. New York Stock Markot. NKW YORK. Juuo 24. Several occurrences combined today to force down prices in tho stook market. Ro ports of damngo to crops, nnti-turiff agitation and Attorney-General Wiokorsham's spooeh at Chiougo rel ative to continued' federal prosoou tions, caused an netivo slump. Hrooklyn Gas lost 2Y, Amorioau Sugar and St. Paul 2; Roek Island preferred, 1, and Gront Northern proforred, l1". Many of tho load ers lost fraotions, Tlio markot elosod woqk. Bonds woro irregular. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Juno 21. A special committeo of the grand jury today is preparing n report to the main body showing that whito ' slave conditions in Snn Francisco nro appalling. Tho members of tho committeo re fused to discuss spocifio cases, but declare that not alono nro womon of Chinatown enslaved, hut that tlio custom has extended throughout tho city and that many women and girls have fallen victims to nu organized baud of men and women. A member of tho grand jury an nounced that that body would soon bogiu an investigation and would ask police co-operation in breaking up tho traffic. It is believed that this announcement is mndo to mask grand jury oporatons already under way and about to oulmluuto in indictments. JOHNSON'S TRAIN FOR RENO IS DELAYED RENO, Nov., Juno 21. Tho recep tion Rono planned to givo Jack John son has hooti doluyod for two hours, Tho train on which tho dusky cham pion is coming has been laid out by a freight wreck and will bo nt least two hours Into, Rono is anxious to see Johnson. With his arrival tlio citv will feel that tho big show has already bo gun. Ho will bo given a welcome al most as hoarty as that Jeffries re coived, judging by the crowds that gathered at tho station to meet him. I "J