MEDjrOttT) MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1910. 3 1 "a. JOHNSON LEAVES CITY N0TICE8. TONIGHT FOR RENO Tnkcs Last Hlko Over Roads at Ocoan Beach Today Is MovIiih Day, But Bin Black Docs Not Lay Off. HHAh UOCIC TIIAININU (UMI, HAN KItANCIHCO, Clll., .Imio 23. Up brlKlit mill oiuly, .tuck .IoIiiihoii Iiokiiii lilii luut lilko today ovor tlio Ocean clinch ioiiiIh from tlio Heal Koclt camp before tho Imttlu on In ilopomlonco Day. It Ih moving day tit tho mm) but tliu eliiiiiip'ou vih do toriultioil to do u Koori day'n work ho Hint ho would Ioiiii (ih llttlo tliim mi poHMllilo liy rotiHou of tlio ulilft to Houo. A li lieu ovor tlio road, iih much Kyiiinaidiiiiiiii work mi can bo dono buforo tliu pnckoni tuko away all tlio iiiiicltliiory and hoiiio fitHl wpnrrliu; Ih tho tiroKnun Jack mapped for liltimcilf today, mill ho lii'itan It curly and with coiuildoralilo vim, ToiiIkIU tho .loliiyioii camp will Icavo for Houo, A npoolul rar Iiiih boon chartered ami will bo nttiichoil to tho train IouvIiik Oaklaml at d p. in. 81k Hurt, Kruiik Button, Doc Furry, uOnrKo Cotton, Onvo MIUh ami Al ICnufinan will bo In tho parly. Tho train will arrlvo In Itono tomorrow inornlun and Jack will IiukIii road work an noon iih ho uotn to Noviulu. I'anldni; at tho camji Ih almont com lilotod and only oiioiikIi parapliorna Ha romiitm iiiipackod to allow tho camp to k'ip up Kh routine for tho lint. Vol, Tid. imuo -'.'III, eoiiiilv tur'otilitt'H iuookIm of .liti'ltion count v. Oii'L'on, 1(10 routs rulo nor loot. bf eoul"! ifHfi, AHRoiminuiit No. 'J !;. 1$ J'ioliol ot ul. Hotilli -Hi fool of lol 17. block 2(1. oriirinal tmvmdtu of tho citv of Medford. Or. FioiiluifO. 25 foot on Hid north Hide of KMiih nttcut mill lloHI'HIlOll ill Vol. 70. IIIIL'O '10. I'lMIII- tv leeonlcrH iccomIh nl .IiicIchoii coiintv. Orouoii. 25 feul: into pur foot. 85 ueiiIh: amount. -121.25, AhhchhiiioiiI No. 3 K. H. l'iolicl ot ul. South -III foot of lot JH. block 20. oriirinnl tovnnito of Ih.i citv of Medford. Or. KioiitiiL'c. 25 foot on tlio not th rido of Kitrhth xlroot. iiud doHoribod in Vol. 70. imiro -10. conn tv loconlor'H record of JiicIcmoii count v. Oiwon. 25 feul: into mi foot. 85 oeiiIh: amount . $21.25, AHHOHBinout No. ! K. H. I'ickcl ot nl. South ! fool of lol 10. Work 20. oriirliirl towiiHito of tlio eilV of Modfoid. Or. Fronluiro 25 foot on tliu north Hido of Kiirhlh hlieot. mid iloNriiboil in Vol. 70. imuo -1(1. eonii- tv lorordorM rooonm of Jiiokmiii eoiiiilv. Orcirou. 25 fert: rato nor foot. 85 reutN: amount. .$21.25. Ahbi'hhiiii'IiI No. f B. H. I'irkol rl ul. Koulli -Kl foot of lot 20. Work 20. oriirimil tovnwilo of tlio ritv of Modfoid. Or. l'Voiitairo. 25 foot on tliu not Hi kblo of Kiirhth Htrout. nud dimoribud in Vol. 70. poire. 10. ooim lv rcooidor'8 ioooiiIh of .JiiHjhoii rouutv. Orot'on. 25 foel: ralo nor foot. 85 ceiiIm: amount. $21.25. AHHOMunriit No. II Hitler & Ihui lim. South liulf lot 10. block M. or iirinal towimito of tlio oHv of Mod ford. Or. rYontiiL'o. 25 foot on tlio north Mido of BiuliH' Htroot. and do horibud in Vol. . initio . oounlv rorordur'H rot'ord of Jackroii rouu tv. Oioiron. 25 foet: rate nor foot. 85 ectit: iimouut. $21.25. AiHor.Hiuont No. 7 Hitter vV Oun- Kotith bull' of lot 11. block 1 I CITY N0TICE8. CITY NOTICES. Iv Orouoii. 25 feci: rulo nor fool. 85 oeiiIh: iiiiioiiiiI. $21.25. AHOHiiiont. No. JO Hitler & Ha kor Houlb luilf of tlio went 11 fool of lot 12. block 2. oriiriiial lomiHitn of tlio rilv of Medford. Or. I-Yont-niro. II fool on tliu north Hido of Biirhlli Hired, and described in Vol, . imiro . oounlv rooordor'H rcc oidH of .IiickHon oounlv. Orcirou. 11 foel: ruto nor foot, 85 ooiiIh : amount. AhhchhiiioiiI No. 20 Gconro V. Domic Koulli half of tlio ouhI 1 i foci of lot 12. block 2. oriiriiial towii Hito of tho ritv of Medford. Or I I'VoiiIiil'o. M foot on tlio noitli nidi1' of J -' i lt ) 1 1 1 1 Htroot. and dcRoribod m ' Vol. . iinira . oounlv rooordor'H ( jocordH of .JurlcHon count v, Orocon. . 1 I foet: nil 0 nor foot. 85c: amount, $11.00, AshOHBiuoiit No. 21 OoorL'o Ooane - South liulf of lot 1U. block 2. oriifimi towiinilu of tlio rilv of! Medford. Or. Fronlueo. .'II foot on tlio north Hido of Kiolith filroot. iindj doHcribod in Vol. . imiro . countv , rooordor'H rorordH of Jackson coun-i tv. OroL'on. Ill foci : rulo nor fool. 85 oeiiIh: uiuoiiuf. $20..'I5. I AhschhiiioiiI No. 22 LoiiIhu l( I'arkio). 'Lot (1, Work 1. oriirinnl, townwito of tho citv of Medford. Or. I I'roiitair. 1 10 foot on tliu Booth nido ; of Biulith Htroot. nud dcBoribod in t Vol. 02. imiro 115. oounlv rooordor'H i rroordH of .Jarkson oounlv. Orcirou. 110 foel: rnte nor foot. 85 couth :j iimouut. $120.05. j AHHOHHiiiont No. 2.'J J. C. Bmoriek ' Lot 0. block 15. oriirinnl (owufeilo of, tlio rilv of Medford. Or. Krontatro. ' 100 foot on tint Miiitli Hido of JSitrhtli I troct. and dom'ribod in Vol. 57. noire 507. oounlv rooordor'H records of Jnrknoii rountv. Orotron. 100 feri: rate nor foot. 85 reuts: amount. $85. AHM'HKiiiont No. 21 Carnaliai) A. Buvurt. Lot 7. block 15. original lion lliorofor onlorod in I he citv lion docket, mid that I lie hiiiiic ih due. and vim nro hereby roouirod fo nuv tlio wimo to the citv recorder within ton duVH from the Hcrvicc of thin no lice, which pcrvicc i minlo bv pub lication of tho forcifointr ordinnnro nnil thin nolico Unco limcx n llm Medford Mail Tribune. niirHtiaut to mi order of tho citv council of Hiiid citv. HOHT. W. TJ:i(FEI(. Citv Koeorder. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murjihy. MUIIPHY UKOS. AUTO LIVPJItY. 1010 Chnlincrs Dctroits. I'hono 1801, Vnllcy Auto Company, Medford, Or. t-f -f4- -f'f-f f4-f t DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET. OVER t STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f-f - t day. Uvoryhody nt tho camp woro In Moiironl. Or. l-rontatro. 1D loot on Koo.l humor. Kwryono Im nnxloim to tlio north hido of LnrhSli Htroot. mill got to llotio and got Mottled at tho now quartern there, ho that tho Innt oriuinnl (ownsito of tho citv of I tounnilo of tho ritv of .Medford. Or. fow ilnyn of hard work can bo under-taken. At tho outHldo woek'H work (or ilonoriboil in ol. . niiiru . conn tv rorordor'n rorordH of Jaokfioii rouutv. Orotron 25 foot; ralo nor foot. 85 ivutn: amount. $21.25. AHSOKmnont No. 8 Hittur & Diin- thoro U only onoai. South half of lot 12. block II the rlinmplon nl oritriiial towusilo ol the ritv ol .Mod nml tho triiliinm wnnt him to . ford. Or. I'Vontiicr. 25 foot on tlio kot thoro nml bo HOttlod In tlmo to orll do of Biirhth Htroot. and do- iHonhou in oi. . nnco . ooiiiuv r,ot tho inoflt kooiI from tho tralnliiK. Nnno of tho trnlnorK liollovo tho I rooordor'H rorordH of Jackson coun ty. Orouoii. 25 foet: ruto nor foot. cliatiKO mnko tiny dlfforriico to Johii.8i7 ,,,,,. Ilinomit, $-V2o. hoiihoii. Tlioy iiocinro Hint no in in flpleiidlil condition and that n clianco to Itono nml tho hlcher altitude will not affect him In tho leant. Medford, Oregon : Thin ccrtifien that wo luivo Hold IIuII'h Toxna Won der for tho euro of all kidney, blad der mid rliotimnlio trouWoB for ten yoiirn, nml linvo novor had u com plaint. It k!vch quick nd permiincut relief. Sixty iIuvh' tronlinont in each liottlo. M.dford J'liiinnnev. tf HnnkiiiR for Ilonlth CITY NOTICES. okihxanei: no. :n-. An ordinuneo iikhpshiul' tho nron erlv iidiaeoiit to mid boucfitted hv tho uiulit-iiii'li liilorul hcwor ron Htruotnd nloiiL' Bant Biu'htlt Mrcul. for the ('oft of count met hit; tliu hiuiio and nrovidinu' the iiitwinor if riurv itiL' Hiiid ii8NOiHulout into full rffoot. Tho Citv of Modfoid do'.li ordain iih folio wh: Soot ion 1. WliorrijH. I lie roiiueil did heiuiofore provide bv ordinance for the HorviiiL' of tho ownern of nronortv adiarotil to mid houofiltod bv tliu eotiHtruutioii of tliu liiterul iiowor hortiiiufter doionbod to ap noar boforo ni-id rouueil and show cause, if anv, wliv hiiid nronortv Hhoiild not bo uhhohmhI for the ron Hlrueliou of tho aid soweiv. and did fix n time for lonrinir anv Mieh nro tenln. which notiro was triven in ao eordanoo with Hiiid ordinance uioro than ton dttyn beforu the boKiunine; of tho ooiiutruolion of said Htwor. but no pro I oh 'h r.L'iiinHt Hind eoiihl notion or "gBQBbiiimit of tliu eoHlti tlioroiif wiib iiiado bv iinvono mid naid Bower wiih. bv Haid council onlorod rou Htruutod. And wlioronH. tlio cost of tho oon fiti notion of Hiiid Hcwor Iiiih boon and horobv !h dulorminod to bo tlio hum of $050.25. Now lliorofjiv. hiiid ritv doth or dain and dcoLro that o.ioh imrrel of nronertv d'lHcrlbml below in adiaeout lo mid bohcfited hv thai ooilaiu lut cral Howjr uiirlit inehes in size, eon Hlvuetoil oi Mr.Ht Kiuhth Htroot from IlivoiHido iivinuo to Ho Anion btiool. and Unit the nvoiiorlion of the eonth of ti.iiil newer, which ouch of uniil nuroolH of lin.d iiliould bra'', bo Iiiih ed on tlio bjimfitH d.'fivod voHiuiet ivej" bv H.iid hovphiI U'iii'Ik of land, in Iliu anumul not ounonilo tho dp horintion i.f ourh Mioh parrel below; lliat oarli of Hiiid naruelii is aoluiillv bcuufilod in tho Hit onnoHilo ilH dohiuintii)!' below bv llm run Htriiolion of Hiiid sewer, end that hiiid Kovoral muoiiiitH reni'oseut the nron.irlio.ial beuofitH of said hovoiuI niiroclH from said Hoivor. And ourh of kh'iiI nareelH Ih hero' iihohhoiI Hid uiiioiiul hcI onnoKiilo i h ileserii) iiou below, for tho rousti'iiotiou ol Hiiid Biiwor. AhhOHKinont for an eiu'lit-inrb lal oral howoi' on Bawt lOitrhth si root J'loiu Hivuruidu r-vonuu to Do Anion ulrocl. AhhuhhiiioiiI No. I David ('. Wil hou. . Lot 1(1, hlook 20, oiiL'iiml townuito of tlio oilv of Modfgrd, Or. Vrontuiro 100 fool on the north side of KMiMi Htroot and ilosoribod in AhhohhiiioiiI No. 0 Hitter & Diiii- lan. South half of lot Kl. Work 11. original toHHiti) of the ritv of Med ford. Or. r'rontniro. 25 foot on the north side of Bitrlith btroot. and do Heribod in Vol. imiro . rountv recorder' rorordH of Jaoknoti coun tv. Orotron. 25 foet: rate nor foot. 85 reuts: nmounl. $21.25. AsscsHinont No. 10 II. B. Ilovdeii. Lot M. block, II. oriirinnl townsito of the ritv of Medford. Or. Kront airo. 20 feet on the north side of i Biirhth Htroot. and docrrihod in Vol. --. imiro . rountv rooordor'.s rer ordn of Jackson rouutv. Orcirou. - foet: rate nor foot, 85 reuts: amount. $17. Ahsi'ssiiioiiI No. 11 II. B. lloxdoii. Lot 15. block 1 1. oriirinnl townsito of the citv of Medford. Or. I'Yoiituue. 25 foot on the north side of Biirhth vtroot ami described in Vol. . nmrr --. countv rooordor'H records of Jackson rountv. Orcirou. 25 frrt; rate nor foot. 85 reuts: amount. $21.25. AhsosbiuoiiI No. 12 I, A. Webb. Lot 10. block 1-1. oriirinnl townsito of the ritv of Medford. Or. rYont uiro. 25 foot on the north side of Biirhth Htroot. and described in Vol. . ninro . rountv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Orotron. 25 foel: ralo nor foot. 85 rent-: amount $21.25. AssosHiuont No. 1!1 Martha V:1 hoii. Lot 17. block 1 1, oriuinnl lownsitu of tlio citv of Medford. Or. I'Yoiitniro. 25 foot on tho north side of Biirhth Htroot. mid do&crihod in Vol. . nniro . rountv roeordor's reeords of Jackson countv. Orotron. 25 foet: ralo nor foot. 85 eents: amount. $21,25. Assessment No. II -Martha Wil son. Lot 18. block 11. oriuinnl towiiHito of tho ritv of Medford, Or. rVoiituiro, 25 feet on the noith side of Biirhth slrool, mid described in Vol, . nutro . countv recorder's rec ords of Jnokson rountv. Orotron. 25 foel: rale per foot. K5 cent : amount $21.25. Assessment No. 15 Witter V lin ker. South liulf lot 8. block 2. or iirinnl townsito of tho citv of Med ford. Or. rYontinro. 25 foot on the north side of Biirhth street and de scribed in Vol. . ninro . oounlv roeordor's reeords of Jackson cmi'i tv. Orcirou. 25 fool; rata per fool. 85 cents: amount. $21.25. Assessment No. 10 Hitter lbt-i kor. South half lot 0. block 2. oris.'- Inul townsito of the citv of Medlord, Or. Brontauo. 25 fool on (he north siili of Biirhth street and described in Vol. . pniro , rountv recorder's reeords of Jarkson rouutv, Orouoii, 25 feet: rate nor foot, 85 cents; amount. $21.25. Assessment No. 17 Kit tor & lin ker. South half of lot 10. block 2 oriuiual townuito of tho citv of Med ford. Or. r'rontuuo. 25 feet on the north side of Biulitb slrool, mid de scribed in Vol. . imuo . rountv rorordor'n reeords of Jarkson rouu tv. Orouoii. 25 fret; ralo p.ur fool. 85 cents: amount. $21.25. Assessment No, 18 Hit tor & lin ker, South ball' of lot 11, block :' oritriiial towusiio of tlio ritv of Mod fold. Or. Frontuuo, 25 foot on the north Hide of Biuhth stroul, nud de scribed in Vol. , nuuo , rountv rorordor'n rorordH of Jnokson ooun- I'Voiitiiue. 100 foot on the south side of Biuhth Htroot. and described in Vol. (17. nauo 505. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreuon. 100 foet: rate nor foot. 85 cents: amount. $85. Assessment No. 20 John It. Al len. Lot 0. block 10. oriirinnl town site of the citv of Medford. Or. Front litre. 100 feet on the bouth side of Biuhth stioot. and described in Vol. 70. nauo 00. countv recorder's rorordH of Jnokson countv. Oreuon. 100 foet: rate ner foot. 85 cents: amount. $85. Assessment No. 27 J. F. Keddv et al. Lot 7. block 10. oriuinnl townsito ot the ritv of Medford. Or. Front ier. 100 fret on the south side of Biuhth street, nnd described in Vol. 77. nnue 252, countv recorder's rec ords of JuckHou countv. Oreuon, 100 foel: rato nor foot. 85 cents: amount $85. Section 2. And it is herebv or dered and ordaiuod Hint said several nsse'ssmoiits and the lions thereof be entered in the lion docket of snid citv. and that thereupon notice be uiven the owners or rrnuted owners of said nronortv. mid Hint the same be enforced mid collected in tho manner nroided bv the charter of said citv for tho collections of as sessments for the iiunrovouients of streets therein. Suction .'I. It is further ordered that the notice above provided for bo nublishod throe times in the Dailv Mail Tribune, a newsnanor published nud of uouerul circulation in said citv. in the inniiiier provided bv or dinuneo No. 250 of snid citv. Tho forouoinu ordinance was nnss- O"' bv tho ritv rounril of the ritv of, Medford. Or., on tho 21st dav ofl Juno. 1010. bv the follow inr vote: ' Bmoriek Hive. Welch ave. Bifeih absent. Merrick nliRcnt. Dommer ave Wortuiuii avo Aunroved June 22. 1010. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attct: ItOHT. W. TBLFBK. Citv Recorder. NOTICB. To the ownor or reputed ownor of oaeh parcel of nronortv described in tho foreuoinu ordinance, as nninod therein, and in tho lion declared bv said ordinance as recorded in the docket of citv liens: You arc horobv notified that tho assessment declared bv the forouo inu ordi.inuco has boon nindo and the Pure f Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Cull up and order u case sent to tho house. The purest, rnoBt healthful drink known is SLSKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. WANTED! Thinners to thin fruit Talent Orchard Co. Talent Oregon. Quick Sorvicc. Easy Riding, Prices Itieht. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cnra. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. We Want to Talk to Men Who WorK For Themselves Come and see us and get our figures you will be in terested at once. Go with us to Los Mplinos, where small acreage pro duces big crops and where you have a long growing sea son where your partner NATURE wrorks every month in the 3'ear. Ask about our irrigated lands at $150.00 per acre, where 6 crops of al falfa yield 10 to 12 tons an nually. LOS MOLINOS LAND CO. FRANK G. ANDREWS, Agent, 6 FIR ST., atEDFORD. A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Mr. Allen's Portable Bath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in ono simple, inexpensive appa ratus all tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient wnter within six minutes at the cost of only 1 cent. A bath can be taken in nny room without tho possibility of soiling carpets or rug?. Only one enn understand tho real merits of this bathing apparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II. Fox, who has the exclusive igcnoy for Jnokson county, will visit tho homes of Medford nnd vi cinity and demonstrate it. When ho comes to your home, invite him in, nnd ho will show you tho merits of this 20th century invention. It Is on exhibition at Strang's drug store. GO AND SEE IT. I' When You Need Eye Glasses You may tnke a bowl of drugs and not be cured of nervousness, headache nnd depression. I soil you glasses that give Jio cloarest vision, making it a pleasuro to see; relieving oyo strain, tax on tho brain and allowing tho nervous systun to re cover its normal condition. Lot mo demonstrata it to your satisfaction. DR. RICK1LRT Room 2, 308 East Main Street. Over KontnorV M.iltonl. Or DR. GOBLE'S -4- OPTICAL t f f ff - l PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 J E. MAIN STREET, OVER 4 QTRAMR'5 nRIIR RTfiriF 4 vi i i irtn mw baiv4 w Cantor RESTAURANT SAM IvOCK, Prop. Tho former famous chef at the Nash Grill, Mr. Sain Look, has opened a first-olass restaurant abovo Konnedy'rt saloon, No. W South Front streot. Kntrauco at both sides. Only first-class moals served, and just tho nnnio of the proprietor is tho host guarantee. OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT NOODLES CHOP SUEY. This is the only place where will bo served chop suoy and China uood Ioh. Como and soo mo and you nnd 1 nro both sure you will como back. Remember, I am willing and I preach what I promise Yours truly, SAM LOCK, Medford Iron WorKs E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 85. !.t S3' i WsWi M FOR A HOT DAY Nothing oquais an Electric fan for comfort on a hot clay. It 900I3 tho atmosphoro and makos work oasy. No homo, no office, no storo or factory should bo without ono or moro of theso aids to summer living. Why suffer with tho hoat whon at small cost you can have an ocoan breozo In your home? An Eloctric fan brings vacation pleasure to those who can not go away. Thoro arc a var ety of fans for various specific places. Largo colling fans for public buildings and small sty os for residences. Look Into this matter now and keep cool lator. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY caMaEfK u KtSESS? GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray; Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL, AND CRUSHED GRANITE Land for Sale I have a few choice tracts of &ood orchard land for sale. Tracts from-twenty (20) to ono hundred and sixty (160) acres. Th land is situated in tho famous apple belt, near the world-famed Tronson & Guthrie orchard, near Eaglo Point, Or. Some of the land 13 improved and some unimproved. I also have property in tho town of Eafile Point for sale. Those intending to purchase please give me a call in person or call Eatrle Point central by phono. A. B. Zimmerman A BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off West Seventh street, on Columbus avenue, $325 if aken soon. Terms. Address O. D., care of Mail Tribune office. fcijl Dr. GOBLE'S Optical Parlor - Removed to - t 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S DRUGSTORE. jljpiMsf Ss1.1. . . rSrt PLUMBIN G STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN ca PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 t IN O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo make any kind and stylo of Windows. I Wo cany Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregoi. -- V. y. 4bJlL 1 .. aJttetMl isti,.