'5WW?? ' !" vB 2 MEDFQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDiFORD, 0R13Q0N, THURSDAY, JUNE 2K, 19.10. t .v . ,i "J g BIN NAVAL EXPERT SAYS WE WILL FIGHT JAPS UXTRA A C Criticises American Officials for Hot Making Greater Preparations ftr War Says We Live in a Fools' Paradise of Security. CORBETT WINS Veteran Scores Clean Knockout In First Round Victim Was an En thusiastic Jeffries Supporter Home Coots In Domestic Science XVIII. Food For Inva lids and Children. KKNO, Nov., Juno 23. Veteran Jim Corbctt has another knockout to his record today and It did not como I In a "sparring exhibition" either. It twos a tight undisguised. UONTJON. June 23. Gerard Flen- Tho victim was an enthusiastic Jof- aes Is the latest English naval expert to predict that America and Japan are drifting toward war. Flennes de clares that the minor explosions of fries supporter, who tried to make a social call on the undeofated cham pion at his Moana Springs training quarters last night. Jeffries was not war talk may be taken as a serious n nn amiable mood and refused to Ialcatton that both countries will receive the unknown visitor. light, and he criticises American offi cials for not making greater prep arations for tho struggle ho predicts trUl soon come. There are a hundred Isdlcatlons, he says, in an article In taelxmdon Graphic which show that -collision between Japan and tho United States Is approaching. The Americans live in a fool's parndlso in this niaVcr. Manager Sam Ucrger told tho man that he could not shako hands with Jeffries and the visitor declcared that he would have his own way. Ho brushed Borger aside and started toward Jeffries. But Corbctt Interceded and reltor- By EDITH G. CHARLTON, In Clmrfie of Domestic Economy, lovra State College. CopyrUht. 1910, bjr Amirtctn Vttti AuocUtlon. np HE chief difference between cooking for the sick ami for those in good health Is that tho sick persou must have his food properly prepared and the ouo who Is perfectly well ought to have It proper ly prepared. One Is a case of neces sity in order to regain health; the oth er Is a case of prevention to ward off sickness. There Is uo medlcino more Important and powerful thnu the right ktud of food cooked mid served In the best way to make It easy of digestion nnd nutritious. Sluco this is true there Is uo part of nursing more lm The Japanese are full of contempt 'That rolled Corbctt and a fight was for American brag nnd bounce, for the 'on. lack of national spirit, or even of ated what Berger had said. "I am a i nortaut than that of preparing the In stranger, striking a fighting attitude fighter; look out," threatened tho I vnlld's meals. Selecting nnd cooking :htlnc attitude, meals for one who hns little appetite true nationality, which they discern ta tho Americans. Thoy have a pro- ex-chaiuplon and struck at him wild ly. Corbett's science camo into play Srend disbelief In the warworthlnessnmj jn a few brief moments tho stran f the American navy and an acute realization of tho fact that tho strate gical situation Is overwhelmingly In their favor. tl Is objected that the Japanese are too poor to fight. When will peo ple realize tho fact which all history teaches thnt is, tho poof nations sat those who have grown rich and 9sifortable which fight. Japan is rich enough to afofrd war because, ilrcctly or indirectly, she will make warfare pay for Itself. "It Is furthermore a profound mis- i take to suppose that the Japanese I look upon was as we do. They do Mp-eerrlce to aspirations after peace, iat In their hearts they regard war as Jeaasfng and antiseptic In a land vacrc the produest ambition of every mi Is to die for his emperor where ererr mother ardently desires that Xlerfona fato for her sons, there Is no thought of stricken homes to turn the waTerlng scale In favor of peace. "Japan will fight, in the last analy ale. very much for tee reason that Vrcsipted Bismarck to fight France Tae war will bo a war of consolidation f the yellow peoples. Tho Chinese iespjsc force but easily yield to the fear of It. Japan has beaten the most aggressive of the white powers al rsady; victorious over another, she will appear to her huge neighbor In TlacTble. Tho United States offers at ace the most practicable and the sur est prey. -In tho first place tho United States 4a aot Europe. I suppose if Japan were to order Germany out of Klao Chau tomoorrow, Germany would aave no choice but to go, but the fiery cross would fly through Europe and viia ine uerman ana rencu navies using French coaling stations and with Russian armies in Manchuria, Japan wonld be overwhelmed. "Bat Europe la not going to lift a flager, I imagine, when war breaks vat between Japan and the United States, to save tho latter the Islands ff -which they deprived Spain. Eu rope has a 'Monroe doctrine' of Its ws, and it Includes tho determina tion to let tho United States stew In tielr own. Juice." mean more than choosing certain nu tritious foods nnd cooking them well. The obstreperous visitor rushed the! "V "3,'7 . 1., XUl. , , , . , , ,, , i to the patient In such nn attractive .nhnntnlnn nml eftMlf.1.- of nITM Willi. I - . wuy that an appetite will be awaken, ed and there will be a desire to eat. It Is essential, then, that special caro be taken in arranging the patient's' tray. A sick person Is unusually sen sitive to details. Little things which possibly would pass unnoticed by tho person in normal health may cause ac tual discomfort to the one weakened by disease. Tho tray should always be covered with a clean cloth. Tho smallest stain or a rumpled appear ance may take away the patient's de sire for the food. The prettiest, thin nest china and glass, the brightest sil ver, should be sent to the slckroomT Tnese in themselves wIU appeal to tho eye and thus aid digestion. The food should be served in small quantities and by courses. It Is not unusual for the sight of a tray loaded ger was down for tho count. A left hoolv to the Jaw did the work. The man was assisted away from tho camp, shaky In the knees and bleeding from the nose. JEFF COHFIDENT OF THE OUTCOME Succeeds in Standing Higher Alti tude Easily Fishing Near His Camp Pleases Big Fellow Is Not Worrying. TrHS COUPLE WED UNDER DIFFICULTY RENO, Nov., June 23. When Governor Gillett slipped a right hook to tho jaw of tho fight gnnio in Cali fornia and the big fuss was moved up to Reno, the croakers asked: "Can Jeffries stand the high alti tude f Can the heart of a mnn of his age, worked to the fine edge, stand up under the rarified atmos phere and como out whole?" The answer is ridiculously simple. Jeffries can stand the change, and the chances are 10 to 1 that when it comes to a case of acclimation he will be far better able, to stand the change than Johnson. Jeffries is a born mountaineer. Barring the altitude, Monna Springs, where Jeffries has set up training quarters, is Rowdy Dow over again. In front of his cottage is the green sward, to the rear is a little lake, bordering tho driveways are graceiul poplars, the hills are all about, and within stepping distance are trout innumerable. The beauti ful Truckee river, flowing through the heart of the city, wends its way not far from Mbana, and to add to tho attractions, up tho road a bit toward the hills there is a private reservoir where small-mouth bass are found. Mill Hi; mm mb X HODZlOt OUTTIT roll INFANT. 1. Band. 2. Band to be worn after sec ond month. X 8tocklngi. 4. Shirt. 5. Petticoat. 6. Nightgown. 7. Cambric P.J with many dishes on which generous helpings of food are served to take away the patient's appetite before he has tasted a mouthful. A well filled tray may be gratifying to the person convalescing from a long illness when food was limited to liquids, bat as a rulo It Is unappetizing almost to every If there is one weakne&s the hit? Person. Before taking tlio trny to the fellow has, it is hooking the small mouth bass. Therefore Moana is homelike to Jeffries. farson Stood Forty Feet Away and -Shouted Ceremony at Honeymoon Is Being Spent in Iso Jatforr Hospital. Jeffries hud not been in town five minutes before he inquired about the fishing. Strolling to the ball park at Monua he met a native with all kiuds of tackle hooked to his hat. In a minute Jeffries opened np a line of Them I conversation that spelled trout. For n lull hull' hour he argued its to the merits of certain brands of leadots and Hies, how to work a .sinker and I patient make sure that his room is in order nnd that he is ready for the meal. Freshen the air In the room for a few moments, wipe the patient's hands nnd face with a dampened cloth, straighten the bedclothes nnd rear range the pillows. Then bring In tho tray with the food on It freshly pre pared. Serve hot things hot nnd cold things cold. Have everything as near ly perfect us possible. 1'lace the tray within easy reach of tho patient if he Is nblc to feed himself and then while he cats tall: to him of Interesting, pleasant things, which will cause him when to make the pull. If he thought' to forget himself and whnt he Is do of tho fight on which tho eyes of the WENATCHEE, Wash., Juno 23. sporting world are focused he was Mr. and Mrs. EIHb McKee are spend-J tho last man in the party who gavo tee the first day of tho honeymoon In j any evidence of it. tne Isolation hospital heo today, j Absolute unconcern is Jeffries wiere McKee Is confined with tho present mood. If he hns to have a wanpor, following their marriage , battle he seeiub to bo tho last muii late yesterday by a Justice of the jn th0 World concerned about it. In peace, who stood thirty feet away1 his presenco there is no talk of fight; frera the couple and shouted the j ju his demeanor no sign of fight. wards which bound tho two for lite, McKee was brought to the hospital a week ago suffering with tho small jwr. Yesterday Mrs. McKee, who is alio daughter of Hart Cornell of Mon itor, wont to visit her sweetheart. She mbraced her lovor boforo a horrified jftyitdan could stop her. Cornell waved his daughter to bo disinfected asd started to tako her "homo. Onco arare tho young woman rushed into er lovor'B nrmc. As a result tho phy afeEari In chargo refused to allow her to leave. Her father thoroupon hand i f 10 to tho hospital attendants and tU them to soouro a marriago Meefi80, With him it is all determination, mixed with a free-heartedness that shows his great confidence in the outcome. The Fourth of July is mercy u holiday with him. Ho gives no more thought to what may happen to him on that day than does the little bluok-legged sheep with which ho hub already mado friends. Ho is fit and ready and wants to fight, and lie has no more fear of what is to eomo than hus a small boy stealing apples. The "bargain huntor" w.ho studios tho ads Is also a bargain finder! lug. Do not sit down beside the bed and watch every mouthful he takes, occasionally remarking on his im proved appetite or the lack of It. Such a procedure Is very likely to rnalso the patient feel ho has eaten enough bo foro ho is fairly started on the meal. Tho patient's diet is naturally some what limited. There are a great mnuy kinds of foods that he Is not allowed to eat, and even those that are per mitted cannot be cooked in nil sorbi of ways. Tho physician In chargo of the case will give a list of foods al lowed, and lu some cases he will state forms and Havers, thou tho patient will probably weary of them, perhaps refuse to eat them. ('ordinate Is the woman who knows how to prepare simple foods attractively, unking old friends appear as now acquaintances. But there are certain "don'ts" thnt must bo observed when cooking for tho sick. Don't give nn Invalid or little child fried food of any kind, It Is hard to digest, and the digestive organs of both sick people and children are weak. Don't Include pork In the Invalid's bill of fare. A little crisp bacon or bacon grnvy may bo allowed occa sionally. Don't servo highly seasoned food. Tho sonso of taste Is generally very keen In slckac". and the natural sea soning of food is often enough, He sides, spices may weaken by overstim ulation tho digestive glands. Do not use pepper, t, jtard or vluegur mid use salt sparingly. Don't boll eggs for either Invalids or children. Always cook them lu water which has not quite reached the boll ing point. Don't cook milk directly over the tire; It Is almost sure to burn. IJveti If It docs not, milk should not be doll ed for tho same reason thnt an egg should not. Boiling temperature makes the albumen tough and Indigestible. Don't cook cream soups or boiled custards directly over the lire. Um a double holler to keep the temperature below boiling. Don't serve Insufficiently cooked ce reals. It Ice, oatmeal and cornstarch should be cooked for a long time over hot wator. Itlce requires about two hours and oatmeal at least four hours' steam cooking. Don't serve fried potatoes. When they nro allowed they aro much better baked, because they aro more quickly digested in that form. Don't servo cheese nnd don't cook butter too long. In making cream soups add the butter Just before serv ing. Nurio'i Care of Herielf. Tho woman who is acting as nurse In her homo is very apt to neglect her self. It may be hard for her to do oth erwise, especially If there aro other de mands on her time nnd strength. But if the patient needs constant care then It Is almost Imperative that the person who Is caring for him should bo re lieved of other duties nnd responsibili ties, nis recovery demands this, for the nurse's mental aud physical condi tion hns often a marked effect on the patient. If tho nurso is tired out. has been obliged to do without sufficient sleep for several nights, she is not like ly to be herself. She will be uervous. easily excited, perhaps irritable and utterly unfit to give her best efTort to her task. She should have regular hours for sleep, when her rest will be unbroken for nt leant seven hours out of each twenty-four. Then a short time should be allowed every day for outdoor exer cise. Constantly brcnthitig the air of even a well ventilated sickroom soon tells on even robust health. The nurse should have also good, nourishing, easily digested food at regular hours. When sickness comes Into the family such matters as guarding the health I of the nurso and keeping the other members of the household In good health are often overlooked, and a sin gle case of Illness very often becomes two or three just because of this ueg lect. everything should be done to hasten the recover of the patient as well as preserve the good health of the rest of the family. The nurse should wear comfortable clothing a washable drcs and broad soled slocs and If the disease Is at all Infectious hIio should be careful to wash her hands each time she touches the patient. I'rofesslonal nurses learn very early In their training the Impor tance of disinfecting and using every precaution to prevent further develop ment of the disease germs, but the In experienced sometimes Und it hard to realize hew very powerful and Insidi ous arc these minute germs. It is not at all necessary for tho i home nurse to be versed In drugs nnd medicines, nor should she be required to put on complicated bandages, pre pare dressings or administer treat ments which require professional skill aud experience. All such matters wilt bo undertaken by the physician when n trained nurso Is not employed. But the woman who knows how to put on a simple bandage, how to stop an or dinary attack of noseblecdlng, what to do when snmo one faints nnd also Is familiar with simple remedies for slmplo aliments will always find tho m Hurrah for Warm Weather! j& j& Have You Seen Our j j& Florence Automatic Oil Stoves? Wickless Valvelcss Odorlosa , You will make n mislnko If you do mil neo out lino before you buy. Wo have n largo lino of detauhahh) ovens, either sold with tlui hIou'h or independently, "Outsido tho firo limits, but insidu on prices" WE SAVE YOU MONEY West Main St. Cor. Lmirol Next Wnshington School 'Pol. Afiiiii 1451. Cu&i&i4 Furniture, Carpets, Rug's, Stoves Ranges, Etc. If You Are Looking for a Money Maker INVESTIGATE THIS 50 'Acres of tho finest hillside land in tho valloy, one mile from Jackson ville on main road and every inch can bo utilized. Sightly building spot. Price $225. Good terms. The Best Low Price Prorosition 11G0 Acres on the Antelope creek, in one body. 'Phis is a great bargain for the price asked. You'll have to hurry to got this at $35 per acre. Investigate This Before You Buy 19 Acres adjoining Burrell Orchard on the south. 5 Acres bearing poaches. 1 1-2 Acres bearing pears. 1 Acre bearing Spits. 9 J -2 Acres 1-year-old Bartlctta. 2 Acres bearing Ben Davis. 9 1-2 Acres peach fillers. House 6 rooms; barn, good condition; one span fine mares, wagon,' hack and buggy; all implements, including spraying machine This is the best buy on the market barriug none. If interested, call for price and terms, which cannot be beat. How is this for a mid-season bargain? How is This for a Mid-Season Bargain? 19 Acres, 11-4 mile from Phoenix depot; soil slightly gravel; C-ycar-old apples and peaches; 2 houses, one built of concrcto; good barn, somo alfalfa. Price, $4500; $2000 cash, balance- good terms. Walter McCallum L. HOTEL NASH LOBBY New York Fruit Market. Huo & Hatfield, niidor date of Juno 18, uny: Tho tmloH of California deuiduotlH f'riiit fnr llin lnt hull' (if tlin wiok kuowledge useful. In fact. It is a part woro ,l8 follows : California; of the all round woman's educntlon to know these things und be nblo to ap ply them In a common sense way. Tho Care of Little Children. No woman should consider her edu cation complete until hIio Iiiih nn In telligent knowledge regarding tho euro of littlo children. When wo consider that tho material out of which olther heroes or Invalids nro mado is found In tho nursery It behooves every wo man to seo to It that olther by her per sonal effort or by Iter Jnllueuco she Is doing her part to havo tho future gen eration composed of strong men nnd women, rapahlo of being heroes, and that tho number of wenkllngs Is less ened. One of tho greatest errors made In the umtmgement of children how they aro to bo prepared. Hut hi , rt.Mtes to their nutrition. "If tho child M properly fed Im will stand u great deal of abuse lu oilier directions." says one authority, but more la necessary than food If the child Is to develop proporly. lie must have fresti rtir, suitable nutrition and a chance to llvo as a young rhlld should, free from caro, with nothing to exclto nerves or prevent tho proper development of body nnd mind- nn nearly like u young unlmul us possible, directions aro often gentjral, as "glvo him soft cooked eggs" or "let him havo a bit of chicken or a nice cream soup." Any specific Instructions re garding recipes or different ways of serving the same food are not often at tempted by the doctor. If the nurse be sho wife, mother, daughter or pro fessionaldoes not know how to servo tggs In a vurlety of ways, how oven oeef tea and gruels may bo given now Wednesday, (J oars Tliiusday, 8 cars California; Friday, VI curs, 11 curw California, 1 Idaho, making a total for tho week of Kl cars. Included in tho offering yes terday wiih one car of Idaho ISiug cherries of good quality und fair condition, which averaged $118. Tho condition of tho California cherries was only fair, u number of lines showing weak. Plums and ap ricots, generally in good condition, I'enchoH, good. With tho rainy weather than has prevailed during tho week, market on all varieties was inclined to bu easier Wo oxpoet u hoavy offering for Monday's sale, but think tho market will tako tho quantity without any matorial decline. ------ DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. - 'J'ortUmI, Orrcon . .XJ ll4tdiiln.llrHchool rnrOlrUnniJiraT J run nt UUItnol Ht. John lliUHKplxpin Callngltn, Armiomio Aim r.inniiMr li'lM. MimIc Art, I. locution, (liimuluiti, lltililint I'UplU iniui n ovur II ,ixrof (nil xoll rnroniiuindt, llm numlr Ullinltt to II (tr. Airllntlnnanoulil l ln. Mrljr.) Aililriw il-S ilf Supfiof,Ollif HI. 6I.HUniHill.l'ottlan10f. K. TRIBUNE ADS BRING RESULTS Marrlauo Licenses. Arthur C, itonth and Mabel Iiiglmm, Juno 22, Walter Cronk mid Katio Weaver, Juno 21. C. K. Walker und S. Olivo Murray, Juno 18, lIuskipK for ITcr.Ith. - - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue- River bottom land, suitablo for fruit and genoral farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual wator right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy paymonts. - - --- --" - -- --- Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. i&-r- UtiHiSt f H0C111X. r WX ' Luzuzzmnzmnim'mr" u" "ww 1111, rem m,ur. i -. jjL .aiiWwt?'.-th .' ,mtr tJJL r ' "