. v" wf 'til .'iiMfcW "W? wr ..fc-B. )gl r ' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ftCEDFORD, OKKOON, WEDNESDAY. .7 UNA 22, 1010. iijwwir a i"RW,'''fp3? "BBHBBHIB I ,1 I f. r It m ., Half A Chance IY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. X Author of "Tho Strollers." "Un- uder the Rose." "Tho Ladv oC the Mount," Eto. CoDvraht. 1909. bv tho Boobs Merrill Comoauv. Strathora House! A noble dwelling, missive and gray. And yet one that lifted Itself with charming Ugbtaesa from Its solid. uaronlaMlko foundation. It adorned tho spot, merged Into tho landscape. Behind, tho forest, a dark lino, penciled Itself ngalnst tho blue horizon. Before tho ancient stone pile lay a noblo park. long tho man looked. Through a faint Tell of mist turret and tower quivered, strong lines of masonry vi brated. Wavering aa In the spell of an optical illusion, the structure might have seemed but a figment of lmnglna tlon or ono of those fanciful castles aung by tho Elizabethan brotherhood of poets. Did the Image occur to John Steele? Did bo feel for tho time, de spite other disquieting, extraneous thougits, the subtlo enchantment of the scene? Tho minutes passed. He did not move. , MYoa And it to your liking?" A voice, fresh, gay, interrupted. With a great start, ho turned. Jocelyn Wray, for It was she. laugh ed; so absorbed had ho been, he had sot beard her light footstep on the grass behind. His face changing, "Entirely!" be managed to nay. And then, "I did not know you were near." "No? But I could see that Con fess," with accent a little derisory, "I startled you." She looked at him curiously. "Shall we walk on toward the house? I went down into the town thinking to meet my uncle," she explained, "but as I had a few errands, on account of a children's fete wo aro planning, reached the tavern after he bad'gone." She stepped into the path leading from the churchyard; it was narrow, and she walked before him. ' "The others went hunting," she said. She stepped quickly from the by tray into the main road. "There it as," she said, pointing with a small waits finger. He' moved now at her side. At the entrance, broad, imposing, she paused. X thousand perfumes seemed wafted from the garden; the rustling of myri ad wings fell on the senses like faint cadences of music. Within the stately house, near a re ceased window at the front, a man stood at that moment reading a letter: Shall b down to ses you oon. Case comln on; links nearly all complete. In volve a new and bewildering- possibility. Have discovered the purpose of S.'a visit to the continent. It was Lord Itonsdole perused tho words expectantly. "So that was it," ho said to himself slowly. "I might have known" Voices without caught his attention; be glanced quickly through the win dow. Jocelyn Wray and John Steele were walking up the marble steps. sythc, rising. "It was perhaps a intio too simple, too obvlousl" You nttcudol tho trial of this fol low?" "The last part of It; wasn't in Eng land when It first en mo on, and what 1 heard of It raised soma questions and doubts In my mind. However, I didn't think much more about tho caso until a good many months later, when chanco alone drew my attention moro closely to It. Was down in tho coun try, when ono night I happened to get on this almost forgotten cas6 of the Frisco Pet, whereupon tho land lord of tho Inn where I put up Inform ed me that one of tho villagers lu this Identical little towu had been land lady at tho place whero tho affair oc curred." "Tho woman who testified no ono had been to her plnco that night ex cept" John Steele spoko sharply. This fellow? Quito so." Cnptnln Forsytho walked up and down. "Now, I'd always had a little theory. Could never get out of my mind ono sentence, this poor, ignoraut fellow uttered at tho trial. 'Seema as if I could remem ber a man's face, a stranger's, that looked Into mine that night, your lord ship, but I ain't exactly cocksure 'Ain't exactly cocksure" repeated Captain Forsytho. "That's what caught me. Woutd a man not telling tho truth be not qulto 'cocksure,' or would bo testify to tho faco as a fact?" "H'ni! Vory Interesting, Foray the. Very lugenious. Quito plausible." "The landlady's testimony excluded tho face, mnde It a figment of an imag ination disordered by drink." Captain Forsytho wared his hand airily. "You went to seo this woman?" "Out of curiosity, and found she was. Indeed, tho same person. She seemed qulto ill and feeble. I talked with her about an hour that day. Tried in every way to get her to remember sho had possibly let in somo other person that night, but" , "But?" "Bless you, she stuck to her story," laughed Captain Forsytho. "Couldn't move her an Iota." Ono of tho listen er's arms fell to bis side, his hand closed hard. "Quito bowled over my Uttlo theory, don't you know. Of course I told myself it didn't matter. Tho man convicted was gone drown ed." A shrill whistle smoto tho air. Stcclo's glanco turned to tho window. Tho boy, having delivered his message, had left tho door. With lips puckered to tho loud and Imperfect rendition of a popular street melody be was mak ing his way through the grounds. In voluntarily tho man's took lingered on him. "A telegram from London? For vhom?" "Beg pardonl" A footman stood in the doorway. "Sir Charles' compli ments to the gentlemen, and will they be good enough to Join him in armory hall?" John Steele turned quickly to tho servant, so qulcklr a closo observer might have fancied ho welcomed tho interruption. "Captain Forsytho's and Mr. Steele's compliments to Sir Charles," he said at once, "and say it will give them pleasuro to comply." As Steele and his companion, togeth er with Jocelyn Wray, who had joined them, entered the armory hall sounds of merriment and applnuso greeted the ear. (To Be Continne&T " SHERIFF JONES WILL MAKE RACE AGAIN Wilbur A. Jones Will Bo a Candidate to Succeed Himself ns Sheriff of Jackson County. "It has been rumored Hint I would not nccopt a soiond nomination," said Mr, Jones, "but such statements nro not based upon facia. I will bo n enn dldnto for tho nomination for sheriff nt tho bauds ot tho dqmocratlo party and will fllo niy petition shortly." k Mr. Jonc3 has mado ono ot tho host administrators of tho chorltt's oftlco that Jackson county has ovor bad. Ho Is conscientious, nctlvo and courage ous In tho dlschnrgo ot his duties and durinc his torn has endeavored to fulfill his duties In nil respects. That Mr. Jones will rocolvo tho domocrntic nomination goes without saying and his olcctlon should ho equally assur ed. NORTH BEACH PUSH CLUB GREETS WILSON LONG BEACH. Wash., Juno 22. John L. Wilson, enndtdnto for Unltod States senator, was tho guest ot honor and principal spcakor at a meeting ot tho North Beach Push club Saturday evening. Mr. Wilson's talk was very Inter esting. At this meeting of tho Push qlub It was resolved to havo nnothor social ovonlng on Monday, Juno 27, when tho club will glvo a blowout at Sylvan hall to tho members and friends. Thoro will bo a' musical and literary program, refreshments and dancing for tho edification of thoso who attend. WOMEN'S WOES. MRS. JOB ELECTED ON EDUCATIONAL BOARD COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Juno 22. At tho school meeting hold 1-ero yes terday afternoon Mrs, B. It. Job was elected director to servo thrco years In tho place vr.catod by Charles Walk er, whoso torm cxplrod, and J. K. Barrett was re-olected clerk, a posi tion ho has held for a number of years. Last year a 10-mlU tax was voted by tho taxpayers, which paid off an indebtedness of ovor $1200, paid tho schools' expenses and leaves a Burplus of $85.27 In tho treasury to apply on next year. At today's school mooting a tax of 5 mills was voted for school work. I CHAPTER X. A COHTZST. A FEW days passed. The usual round of pastimes inseparable from house parties served to while away the hours. Other guests arrived, ono or two went Lord Sonsdale had greeted John Steele per functorily; the other's manner was likewise mechanically courteous. It could not very well have been other wise; a number of people were near. A rainy spell put a stop to outdoor diversions. Tho second morning of tlie dark weather discovered two of the guests in the oak paneled smoking room of Strathora House. "Believe I shall run over to Ger many very soon, Steele," said For sytes to the lawyer. "Indeed r "Yes; capital case coming on in tho criminal courts there." "And you don't want to miss it, For ayther "Not II Weakness of mine, as jot ftnow. Most people look to no.vwla or plays for entertainment; I 8aA mino in the real drama, unfok&d every day u me courts or justice, John Stocle watched a young lad ap proach outside. He waved a paper in his hand and called with easy famili; arlty to a housemaid in an open wU dow abeve: "Telegram from Londoa, miss." The silence that followed was again broken by Captain Forsythe'a veice: There are one or two features in thi&f uennan anair mat remind mo of o,f other case some years back ot. of our own that interested mo." "Ah?" The listener's tone,, wftsqnly politely Interrogatory. "A esse in London perhaps you bare heard of it? The Murder of a 'woman, onco well known beforo the footlights, by a ono time champion of ine nng-tno Frisco Pet, I think ho was called. I onco puzzled a bit ovor that one; Investigated It somewhat on say own account, don't you know." "In what way?" Stcclo's manner wa bo longer Indifferent, Then It attracted you, too, as as investigator?" murmured tho captain In a gratified tone. "For your boob, perhaps?" "Nof exactly. But you haven't yet told me," in a koen, alert tone, "why you looked into it 'on your own ac count' It seems simple, obvious." That i Just it," said Qaptaln For- Medford Women Are Finding Relief at Last. It does seem that women havo more than a fair shnro of tbo aches and pains that afflict humanity; they must "keep uo," must attend to du ties in spito of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearinc-down pains; ihey most stoop ovor, when to stoop means torture They must walk and bend and work with'xackinn pains and many aches ireun HAS NOT THROWN UP CONTRACT TO DRIVE LOGS John Pankoy was In Medford Tues day on business. "You were misinformed when you published tho statement that I had thrown up tho contract for logging on tho Roguo liver for tbo Condor Wa ter & Powor company," said Mr. Pan- key. "I havo boon unablo to attend to tho matter personally, so had tho company furnish mo a competent fore man. I still retain tho contract and am driving tho logs as rapidly as pos sible Somo delay was caused by in ability to get experienced river driv ers, but wo aro worxing ngnt niong at present." . BIG MOB OF MOTHERS NEARLY LYNCH YOUTH niunoY HIS. lUdnevn. pnnsn more sufferine than nnv nlher or- I PHILADELPHIA. Juno 22. When can of the body. Keep, tho kidneys well nnd health is, easily maintained. Read t a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures tho kidneys nnd is indorsed by people you know. Mrs. Grace Skeoters, 0 West Jack son street, iledford, Or., says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidnoy Pills bUhly for pain and stiffness in the back, and other symptoms ot kidney l. Vl rm . .. urwuuio. .ims remedy relieved me when I used it soA I have, been well ever sinco." For said- 'Ay nil dealers. Prico 50 cents. Josfctir-Milburn Art.. H.iffnln. N. TJ'.,, sola cents for tbo United Itemejnbor the namo 'Doan's and take no other. . SUFFRAGE LEAGUE ASKS NEW AMENDMENT TITLE i SALEM, Or,, Jus 22. Tho Wom- an'tt Suffrage league of Oregon Is again showing dlisatlsf action with the title given tn Infirtatlvo petition filed, and a Pertlnnd: repvesontntlvo of tho leaguo called, at tho capltol thb morn ing nnd requested that tho tltlo bo changed from Uio "Woman's Taxpay Ing Suffrage amendment" to tlio "Cit- Izons' Tnxpay'ine Suffrage Amend ment" Tho xuattor was put In tho hands of Attorney 'General Crawford for reconsti-'aetion. 19-year-old Jacob Swooleaa of Eight eenth and Mooro streets was accused by 4-year-old Fanny Kcllor of at tacking her, bo was mobbed by a crowd of women living tho neighbor hood and beaten until both oyes woro discolored and most of his outer gar ments in shreds. At tl'O hearing tho child's mother told Magistrate Carey sho wanted to kill him, and though ho restrained her, tho maglstrato told 8woolean that if tho charge against his woro truo ho should havo been strung up on a lamp pest. Haskks for Health. Medford,, Oregen: This certifies that wo 1ip4v sold Hall's Texais Won der for tlK euro of all kidno-v. blad- oor and rheumatic troubles for ten yenrs, nijil Imvo never had n com plaint. JA, civos quick nnd nocmanent relief. S ixty davs' treatment in each bottle. Wcdfbrd Pharmacy. t WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Nico 7-room houso, 50xl40-foot lot, barn, 25 fruit trees, closo to pavement, a uico home, for $3800, terms. 0-room houso nnd one-half acre fine soil, ono block from Main, only $2000, easy terms. Cozy 5-rooin cottago, furnished, barn, buggy and gentlo horse, 50x110 foot lot, with apple trees in bearing; for quick sn)o at $1050. 4-rooin house, OOxlOO-foot lot, one block from pavement; for ono week at $1100. Fine lot in Siskiyou, 00x100 foot, in choico location; $750, terms. BUY OAK lllDOE LOTS on easy terms. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. . PIIONE 2001.1 WHY WE ADVERTISE "Wo advertise for a groat many reasons, but prin cipally to invito you to trade at this store. Wo know when sonieono asks us to do something for thorn that wo aro a groat deal moro inclined to favor thorn than if they hadn't asked. Wo wish to assure every read er that thoy will reeoivo fair treatment and tho best goods will bo offered at low prices. Wo mean to merit your business in ovory way and feel that onco you got in tho habit of coming horo that you will bo thankful Allen & Reagan COB. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. Buy Where You Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grado Ico Cream or Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember tho QUALITY long after tho price is forgotten. We havo our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE A 1SI 1 RESOLVED The boat resolution for yon to mako is to coma to us for your noxt suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho best work anil oharg the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PJtOQEHSSIVB TAILOl Little Giant Vacuum Cleaner rm riio Little Giant is a vcrv noworful machino mounted bo as to bo oasily movod from place to placo cleans everything thoroughly. If you havo it do your houso cleaning onco, you will novor havo any othor. Call us up and wo will gladly call and give you prices. Medford Vacuum Hoase Cleaning Company. STEWART & BEAULIEU, Proprietors. Phone Main 2944. ."jt'i1 Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Dm finest Sample Rooms in tho eity. Hotel Moore Wirm Proof Rau-Nohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Cleanliness and Polito Treatment Our Motto. J. E. ENYAKT, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosident. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cushior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS " TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ASHLAND .vmntitiate&l rfef' Swecdenburg BlocK, Ashland, Ore. OFFERS Commercial, Shorthand and En glish Training Courses. Up-to-date method of graded dic tation to secure accuracy and speed. Special facilities for teachers and hlnh school Graduate! P. RITNER, A. M., Prosidont. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Oflice: 209 Went Main St., Medford, Oio. SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whero tho protty Wator Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstonos Cornelians and Rock Oystors can bo found. Outdoors 5port of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Rock Oystors, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Canoeing and Dancing. Puro mountain wator and tho host of food at low prlcos. Frosh Crabs, Claras, Oystors, FlsUand Vogotablos of all kinds dal ly. 1DDAK CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all poIntB In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on salo dally. Three DaySaturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Portlnnd to Cottage Grove lncluslvo, Includ ing branch linos; also from all .C. & E, stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE A Sunday Excursion Rate of .50 from Albauy, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rntos from points west, In effect all summor. Call on any S. P. or C, & H. Agont for full particulars as to rates, train Hchodulos, otc; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklot, "Outltign In Orogon," or wrlto to WM. McMUHItAY, Oenoral Pusseiiger Ai;uiit, Portland, Oregon. J8T Hr P HJ'H V ' JLMfrM 'Ml, FOR A HOT DAY Nothing oqualB an Elootrlo fan for comfort on a hot day. It oools tho atmosphoro and mako" work oaay. No homo, no offloo, no atoro or factory should bo without ono or moro of thoso aids to summor living. Why suffer with tho hoat when at small cost you can havo an ocoan broozo In your homo? An Elootrlo fan brln as vacation ploasuro to thoso who can not gc away; Thoro nro a var oty of fans for various apSofflo plaoes! g pol'Infif.fanB for publlo buildings and smal J0k8oo0prorSSl,fl!o0r?.B- tok ,nt thl88maBSr8Ra! ROaUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 51 i i' tl